
Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2012, Part Two


That’s right: more posts about video games.  Today, we have games: IN SPACE.

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Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2012, Part One


Welcome to 2013!  This is the year that I remember that I have a WordPress blog I used to write to!  Newly energized through the new year and a new job, I hope to (yet again) write a bunch more.  I’m going to start off light by slowly trickling out what I think is my favorite games out of the ones I’ve played last year.  Like last time, this isn’t a comprehensive list of the best of all games of 2012.  I didn’t get to play all the games I wanted to play, but out of the ones I did, these are the ones I liked the most.  So, be light on me, and let’s get this show on the road.

Continue reading ‘Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2012, Part One’


Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2010, Part Five


It’s almost 2012, which means it’s almost time to talk about video games from 2011!

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Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2010, Part Four

In harmony.

And now, without any further delay, the continuation of a series of blog posts I had intended to finish months ago.  Shameful.

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Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2010, Part Three

On the snare.

Sorry for the gap.  There are actually more than four games that exist on my list of my ten favorite games of 2010.  Some of it had been written for a little while now during the middle of my semester, so they might be crap.  Ah well!

Continue reading ‘Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2010, Part Three’


Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2010, Part Two

Rock history.

Welcome back!  Let’s talk some more video games, because I know all ya’ll like that.

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Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2010, Part One

A Hero is born.

Welcome to 2011!  I’m looking forward to another year of working myself to within an inch of my life and playing a lot of video games to compensate!  I wish you all sorts of goofy fun for your new year.

I have two New Year’s resolutions this year: 1. play more Dance Central, and 2. write more!  I started this blog so I can keep my mind juices flowing on what I see and ponder on about video games more often, but it only works when I actually write!  With a reduced credit hour load this semester, hopefully I can start fitting that in more often.  The spring semester has also started this week, so I decided to fit this in with my first burst of productivity for 2011.

To start off, I want to do a wide sweep of ten of my favorite things of 2010.  This is my personal list and it doesn’t approach close to exhaustive; I’m not a professional game reviewer nor do I have the time and money to play all the games I want.  I’m going to try to do two a post to get my wheels really spinning.  Here we go!…

Continue reading ‘Inflection Pixel’s Ten Titles I Loved In 2010, Part One’


A Halo: Reach Mind-dump: It’s All I’ve Played For A Month

Halo: Reach

Turns out that if you work full time and go to school full time at the same time you get less time to type stuff.  Well, here’s to another effort of that not happening again!

Let’s kick this revival out in style with yet another post about Halo: Reach because this blog doesn’t have enough posts about it.  It’s been out for about a little over a month, now, so it seems like a good time to dump some words on the screen about what I think about this most Halo-ist of Halos.  Excuse the writing quality; this is literally a dump of words without much review, and my brain’s been melting from too much work in yacc.

Continue reading ‘A Halo: Reach Mind-dump: It’s All I’ve Played For A Month’


Deadly Premonition: Ignoring the Standards

Deadly Premonition

In Deadly Premonition, an open-world survival horror game for the 360 released a few months ago at the budget tier of $19.99 MSRP, players take the role of FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan, or York, an expert criminal profiler who visits a small western seaboard-inspired town to investigate a young woman’s odd murder.  He is supported by an alternate psyche in his mind named Zach that he is willing to talk to in front of anybody.  He collects important leads from visions in his coffee.  He seems to pull out a new cigarette once every 15 minutes.  There is a name for each main character for every letter of the alphabet.  Oh, and he also fights backwards walking black and white zombies that stick their hands down his throat.

If that’s all developers can come up with these days, they need to try harder.

Continue reading ‘Deadly Premonition: Ignoring the Standards’


Stress Free for You and Me

Halo: Reach

If you know me at all, you know I can be a pretty busy guy, even to the point where I seem to “fall off the grid” here and there.  I juggle a full time job, full time loads of upper-tier classes (even summer semester this year!), and a whole awesome menagerie of friends.  I also pass out a lot!  The number of hours I get to put into video games is reduced compared what I used to be able to pull off maybe a year or two ago, but even then, I think I might still play too much.

At any rate, here’s the story: it’s Wednesday, May 19th, 2010.  I worked a hard 9 hour shift that morning, and after a short nap I’ve batted down the hatches for several hours straight on homework and studying for upcoming exams in multiple courses.  On a whim, I decide to shut it all down and end the night with a few hours of games.  I turn on the TV and my 360 and I sit down, ready to roll.  I’ve been juggling several games at once lately, so I have a good selection to choose from for the night.  The top three: own the countryside in Red Dead Redemption, find some more clues for the case in Deadly Premonition, or jump into the very last opportunity to take up arms in the Halo: Reach beta, as the 19th would be the last day the beta would be active.  The deciding factors I use to choose what game I want to play vary here and there, but there’s an overriding, persistent factor that seems to take over lately: stress relief.

Continue reading ‘Stress Free for You and Me’


My name is Anthony Munar, a computer programmer in Utah. I also play a bunch of video games every now and then. I talk and think a lot about them, but I never really solidify those thoughts anywhere, and writing is something I like doing, so I thought I'd do it right here. I don't intend to be high-and-mighty authoritative about what I say and I don't really have any sort of standing in the games industry. This is just for me to muse about games when I want to.

Naming a blog these days was harder than I thought. In calculus, the inflection point on a curve is where its concavity changes between upwards and down. So, maybe, the inflection pixel is the pixel which represents something that turns my opinion around on a game, like the pixels representing a beam cannon firing in FreeSpace 2, the pixels representing a flying car wreck in Burnout, or the pixels representing my own sentry gun holding off an army in Team Fortress 2.

Using the word 'pixel' in naming something game-related seems clichéd, so sorry about that.


June 2024