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America's source for etiquette

Based on Consideration, Respect & Honesty

Our Most Read Etiquette Articles

We love etiquette and write about everything from the traditions of formal address to the mask wearing manners of today. Take a look at some highlights our audience thinks are worth a read.


Join hosts Lizzie Post & Daniel Post Senning as they answer audience questions and discuss modern day etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect, and honesty.

Episode 501 - Total Eclipse

Apr 15

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Episode 500 - Yes, 500

Apr 8

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Episode 499 - Etiquette vs. Protocol

Apr 1

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Episode 498 - New Gift Etiquette

Mar 25

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ETIQUETTE CHALLENGE, Week of 5/27/2024

This week, we’re going to kick off a series of weekly challenges on the magic words. The goal is to see how much you can increase your use of these words. The first word is a favorite: Please.

Please changes a demand into a request or creates a sense of welcome as in 'Please, come in.' Whether with strangers, your family, or even your AI device, how much can you increase your use of the magic word, please?