Let’s hit it again….

Newborn. Cygnet 1 (#2 out of sight. And 2 eggs pending.) 5:17 am. 58° F. May 31 2024. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT More pictures of the newborn here. Moon and moonlight shots here. And Daybreak/Sunrise shots here.

And it’s a ….!

Newborns. Cygnet 1 & 2. (#3 out of sight.) Noon. 66° F. May 30 2024. Cove Island Park, Stamford, CT (Thank you Susan & Wally for spotting.) More pictures of the newborns and their Mom and Dad here.

Lightly Child, Lightly. (The Darkness Around Us is Deep)

Now I carry those days in a tiny box
wherever I go. I open the lid like this
and let the light glimpse and then glance away.
There is a sigh like my breath when I do this.
Some days I do this again and again.

— William Stafford, from “Remembering” in The Darkness Around Us Is Deep: Selected Poems.


  • Poem Source: Thank you Beth via Alive on All Channels
  • Photo: DK 4:45am this morning at Cove Island Park. For more photos from this morning, click here.
  • Thursday Posts inspired by Aldous Huxley: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.



  • Thank you Louise for sharing.
  • Post Title: Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again.

Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

MN: Not a day goes by when I don’t feel grateful that my formative years were all lived without the internet. […]

MD: Maybe part of the fatigue (and potential bulimia) of the internet comes from knowing that ‘everything’ is available to us at the touch of a finger. It’s all there to read instantaneously, or it can be on your doorstep in two days.

Maggie Nelson & Moyra Davey, in Maggie Nelson’s from “A LIFE, A FACE, A GAZE. Conversation with Moyra Davey” in Like Love: Essays and Conversations. (Graywolf Press, April 2, 2024)

Notes: Book Review from The Guardian: “Like Love by Maggie Nelson review – music, passion and friendship