

Put on the whole Armor of God

The Church of God International (CGI) traces its origins to the Church that Jesus founded in the early first century. Membership in the CGI consists of "called out ones" from around the world practicing Christianity as initiated by Jesus and furthered by the early apostles. The church begun by Jesus, the very one He promised would survive through the centuries, is alive and well. Today, disciples live the faith "once delivered to the saints" in this twenty-first century (Jude 3). They obey the same message taught by Jesus Christ, and they proclaim the same gospel taken to the world by the disciples. Members value the witness and teachings of Jesus Christ as the church's work.

The CGI home office is in Tyler, Texas. Incorporated in 1978, CGI has ministers and congregations scattered throughout the United States and Canada . We also have churches in Kenya, Jamaica, the Philippines, Australia, the United Kingdom and a growing number of countries around the world.

True liberty comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. Many believe that this liberty removes the obligation for Christians to observe the Law of God. Is this true? Learn more on this week’s Armor of God presented by Tony Buchert.

The official newspaper of The Church Of God International is published quarterly. This publication covers a wide variety of topics. Read The International News and see how The Church Of God International is impacting the globe for Christ.

Does proof exist that Jesus was God in the Old Testament? In this episode guest Brian Smith examines the etymological evidence found in the Hebrew words Elohim, YHWH, and the Angel of YHWH.

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Since about 2015, those that share in the ideology of the New World Order have been advancing an initiative they call, Agenda 2030––The Great Reset. And for many, the objectives and goals, appear to be altruistic and admirable for the leaders of the global population to consider. However, with regard to the potential benefits this Agenda 2030 may seem to have, there are legitimate reasons for caution and suspicion.

As with many developments and new technologies, unfortunately, there is oftentimes a dark side––possible abuses embedded in the shadows of these accelerating technological progressions that portend to potentially threaten the liberties and freedoms of all human beings on earth.

This edition of Biblical News Updates & Commentary will explore some of these concerns that "lurk in the shadows,"under the guise of simplicity, convenience, and prosperity; but comparing it, with what the Bible says in light of Biblical Prophecy.

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Information and opinions expressed in this blog do not necessarily reflect the collective beliefs and doctrines of the Church of God International, its members, ministry, or leadership.

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