59731 résultat(s)

L’Ifremer coordonne, sur l’ensemble du littoral métropolitain, la mise en œuvre des réseaux d’observation et de surveillance de la mer côtière. Ce bulletin contient une synthèse et une analyse des données collectées par l’ensemble des réseaux pour les départements du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme. Des représentations graphiques homogènes (comparables à ceux des bulletins précédents comme à ceux des bulletins des autres départements frança [...]

Cresson Pierre, Cordier Remy, Delegrange Alice

La consommation d’œufs joue un rôle clé dans le fonctionnement trophique de nombreux écosystèmes marins. Cependant, démontrer cette consommation par une analyse des contenus stomacaux est complexe, entre autres du fait de la digestion rapide des œufs. Le hareng (Clupea harengus) du sous stock des Downs migre en hiver depuis la mer du Nord pour venir pondre en Manche orientale. La capture de 5 rougets (Mullus surmuletus) dans lesquels des œufs de [...]

Rangel-Buitrago Nelson, Galgani Francois, Neal William j.

he significant impact of plastics on Earth's environments has transformed from being a symbol of modern innovation to a major ecological concern. This perspective paper explores the integration of plastics into geological contexts, emphasizing their role in contemporary sedimentary processes. It examines the lifecycle of plastics, from production to disposal, and their subsequent interaction with natural sedimentary cycles. The production and usa [...]

Vilcot Maurine, Faure Nadia, Andrews Kimberly r., Bowen Brian w., Leprieur Fabienexpand

If similar evolutionary forces maintain intra‐ and interspecific diversity, patterns of diversity at both levels of biological organization can be expected to covary across space. Although this prediction of a positive species‐genetic diversity correlation (SGDC) has been tested for several taxa in natural landscapes, no study has yet evaluated the influence of the community delineation on these SGDCs. In this study, we focused on tropical fishes [...]

Rouyer Tristan, Landreau Antoine, Derridj Olivier, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Frejafond R.expand

The ocean sunfish is a large fish for which many aspects of its ecology and biology are still poorly known. Electronic tagging was used to provide the first information on the movements of an ocean sunfish from the northwestern Mediterranean. The sunfish moved towards the Gibraltar strait over the year and displayed substantial movements in the water column. The potential of the tagging technique employed for studying its behavior and long‐term m [...]

Malauene Bernardino s., Lett Christophe, Marsac Francis, Penven Pierrick, Abdula Silviaexpand

The shallow-water shrimp fishery is an important social and economic sector in Mozambique. However, catches of shrimps have been declining over the last decades, presumably due to poor recruitment. Climate change has been proposed as a potential cause of increased mesoscale eddy activity over the Mozambique Channel, which may have played a role in poor shrimp recruitment. Indeed, stronger eddies could transport matter, including increased numbers [...]

Gouygou Jean-Paul, Le Guedes Roland

Les microalgues sont un maillon indispensable de la chaîne alimentaire marine notamment par leur richesse en acides gras polyinsaturés. Elles sont traditionnellement utilisées comme fourrage aquacole pour la nutrition des mollusques. Dans le cadre du développement de la filière biotechnologique des microalgues, nous avons étudié les potentialités de ces biomasses microalgales en partenariat avec des entreprises régionales intéressées à leur valor [...]

Sarre Abdoulaye, Demarcq Herve, Keenlyside Noel, Krakstad Jens-Otto, El Ayoubi Salaheddineexpand

Climate change is recognised to lead to spatial shifts in the distribution of small pelagic fish, likely by altering their environmental optima. Fish supply along the Northwest African coast is significant at both socio-economic and cultural levels. Evaluating the impacts of climatic change on small pelagic fish is a challenge and of serious concern in the context of shared stock management. Evaluating the impact of climate change on the distribu [...]

Poulain Manuel, Viallon Jérôme

Les travaux de sélection génétique menés au Centre Océanologique du Pacifique (AQUACOP/IFREMER, Tahiti) conduisent à la création de lots familiaux (correspondant à des :fratries). Chaque famille est ensuite étudiée sous deux aspects : sa résistance aux stress (stress hypoxique - infections expérimentales à Vibrio peneicidae) ; sa croissance. Pour ce faire, les animaux sont conduit jusqu'à un poids d'environs 20 g. Les comparaisons de croissance i [...]


The objective of this benchmark process was to propose and evaluate assessment methods and the data upon which they depend for the four stocks: Anglerfish (anf.27.3a46), and sole in Subarea 4 (sol.27.4), Division 7.a (sol.27.7.a) and Divisions 8.a-b (sol.27.8ab). Anglerfish was previously assessed using data limited methods (category 3), sole in subarea 4 using a statistical catch at age model (AAP) and sole in 7a and 8.a-b both assessed using ex [...]


The Working Group on Economics (WGECON) was established to address the challenge of bringing fisheries economics into ICES science and advice, with the growing recognition that this can facilitate the understanding of marine ecosystem uses, their drivers and responses to changes, and assessment and communication of trade-offs that include economic, social, and ecological dimensions. The first cycle of the group highlighted the importance of integ [...]


Whilst ICES recognises three herring stocks in adjacent waters: North Sea autumn-spawners (her.27.3a47d), Celtic Sea (her.27.irls), and Irish Sea (her.27.nirs), there is no assessment and lim-ited biological understanding of herring in the western Channel (Division 7.e) and Bristol Chan-nel (Division 7.f). WKRRBWCH was convened to identify available data sources for assessment and management advice, review stock identity information and produce a [...]


Following the special request from The Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV), the Workshop on appropriate sampling schemes for protected endangered and threatened species bycatch 2 (WKPETSAMP2) was established by ICES. WKPETSAMP2 was tasked to provide in-put and results to inform ICES advice to DG ENV on ‘appropriate bycatch monitoring systems at Member State level and on regional coordination’. Thereby ICES WKPETSAMP2 was re-quested to pr [...]


WKMIXFISH are a series of workshops bringing together scientists, advice recipients, and stake-holders to identify future research and advisory priorities for mixed fisheries science. The third scoping workshop on the next generation of mixed fisheries advice (WKMIXFISH3) met to re-view changes to mixed fisheries considerations and progress on method development since the last workshop in March 2023. The workshop focused on three areas of develop [...]


The Working Group on Social Indicators seeks to improve the integration of social sciences in ICES Ecosystem Overviews and Integrated Ecosystem Assessments through the development of culturally relevant social indicators. To advance progress on this, WGSOCIAL has broadly discussed the context of the social di-mension of fishing. This has led to coordination with other working groups within ICES and outside ICES with the Scientific, Technical and [...]


The ICES Workshop on Mixed Fisheries Fleets (WKMIXFLEET) brought together the expertise of mixed fisheries scientists and economists to address concerns raised by stakeholders, and is-sues identified by the ICES Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice, on the fleet definitions used to produce mixed fisheries advice. The work undertaken by WKMIXFLEET included defining a new framework for fleet segmen-tation, applying this to new sources of mixed f [...]