Southern California Contest Club

Web Name: Southern California Contest Club






description:Articles and other information of interest to amateur radio contest operators.
Southern California Contest Club
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership: Bruce Horn, WA7BNM bhorn[at]hornucopia[dot]com
Webmaster: Dennis Younker, NE6I ne6i[at]cox[dot]net
Members E-Mail ReflectorInformation on how to subscribe to the reflector is available at
To post a message to the reflector, send an e-mail to:
An archive of reflector messages is available at: Reflector Archive
Reflector Administrator: Doug Brandon, N6RT n6rt[at]arrl[dot]netMembership Badges
                Purchase Membership Badge:       The Sign Man         See sample here.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)November 2021Welcome aboard to new SCCC member Robert, WY6R from Apple Valley. Robert became a ham in December of 2019 and is just getting into contesting. He says that after his initial introduction to amateur radio, he was bitten by the radio bug. "It wasn't painful but the treatment is very expensive." Robert is an ARRL member as well as a member of the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club. He is also a Voluntary Exmainer with count 'em, four different organizations!

The 2021 CQWW DX SSB contest is now in the books! Despite a solar flare that the sun released the Thursday before, conditions started out good and the SFI was at 108, near it's high for the month, with low A and K indices. By Saturday night, the A index had risen to 25. By late Sunday morning, it had dropped to 10 and the SFI was still 108. We'll gather some comments from SCCCers for publication in next month's SCCCORE. The CQWW CW contest is the last weekend of this month, Nov 27 and 28 UTC. What will conditions be like for that one? We shall see!

As a reminder, Jim, N6TJ will be opeating as KH7M at KH6ZM for the CQWW DX CW contest. This according to the NG3K expedition site. Jim historically does awfully well from there so be sure to watch for him.

On October 5, Microsoft released Windows 11. The free rollout will be a slow one and offered to newer PCs first. Rollout to all eligible PCs should be complete by mid-2022. Win11 has higher technical requirements than Win10 and some older PCs may be unable to run the newer operating system. Tom Wagner, N1MM reports that no issues with the N1MM+ contesting logging software under Win11 have been reported thus far. An ARRL article on the subject can be found here.

more Solar predictions for last month's California QSO Party had the SFI at 95. We got 87 instead. Disappointing but hey, at this point in the sunspot cycle, I guess we can't complain too much. Here are come comments from fellow SCCCers:
Ray, N6HE said that the Wednesday CW OPs events have paid off for him. His CW speed is up and he had fun calling CQ in this contest. Ryan, AI6DO put in his most significant CQP effort ever. He played musical antennas during the contest though and his old Dell laptop struggled under the logging load. Dave, W6ZL scored 57 mults, missing only NT. Paul, WN6K missed only NT and PEI, and fell short of his goal of 200K points. Frank, WA6KHK had a nice flurry on SSB at the end of the contest. Steve, AC6T opened up the UCSB club station and found the new Skyhawk antenna to be working well. Dennis, NE6I had his main multi-band antenna out of action and threw up a 20 meter dipole. During the contest, he found his WARC antenna tuned up on 15 and 10. 15 was nice and quiet, and was productive. 10 was noisy and he never found any signals there.

Larry, K6RO planned a full time effort but plans changed. He wound up operating Sunday only and for just a couple of hours. Dave, K6FA did QRP and was surprised to work a few on 160 despite the SWR being extremely high. Roger, W6LAX operated around family activities. Saturday was good but he found Sunday conditions to be poor. Dick, W6TK picked up a clean sweep with Idaho being last in the log. He considered the bands to be poor over the weekend. Kurt, W6PH was amazed at the number of stations that answered his CQs. On 20 and 15 meters SSB, he found the majority of callers had QSO numbers under 10. He scored a clean sweep and found the multipliers piled up pretty quickly. Now, if he had just submitted his score to SCCC instead of the Bishop Club... Axel, KI6RRN went low power this time (after setting a new HP record last year). He had some local power line noise this time. Tim, N6GP thought he would miss the contest but his plane arrived back from Mexico in time to work the last 72 minutes. He had fun being fresh meat! Bill, N6RV started four hours late but had fun being the "DX." Dana, K6NR used the K6VO family club call. He was happy to see 15m open but disappointed that 10m was a flop. Using his new Elecraft K4 in a contest for the second time, he commented that it worked pretty well. He missed NT for the sweep. Ken, K6LA said he couldn't get much going on phone. So he recorded 1,400 Q's on CW against his 672 on Phone. Don, NK6A and Alan, AA6DW operated as W6COW M/M LP at Alan's house. Three hours in, they lost power to the house. Their solar backup didn't save the day as it kpet faulting. After disconnecting other heavy loads, they were finally back on the air. Everything else seemed to work fine though.

Marko, N5ZO turned in one of the top scores this year operating as NT6Q. He watched closely on the online scoreboard as Bill, W9KKN at NW6P chased him. He focused on CW (74% this year versus 70% last year). CW contacts are 3 points versus 2 points for SSB in this contest. He worked VY1 shortly after 00Z and three KL7s which were the rarest mults for him this year. Last year VE6 was rare, he said, but this year there were plenty of them. This year's score was his best ever in CQP. As I type this in late October, he stands 1st in SOHP this year, at least according to 3830Scores. David, N6AN operated as W6AQ from the W4EF station in Littlerock. As usual, David was QRP (5 watts). He had trouble getting much going on SSB but piled up 700+ Q's on CW. He missed NT and MR for the sweep. Bruce, WA7BNM ran a KX3 in a contest for the first time. He remembered last year that S">lessSCCC Monthly PollNovember 2021
Click here for the this month's SCCC monthly poll.

Click here for results of past polls
Our October, 2021 poll was "Have you ever owned a Collins Radio transmitter, receiver or transceiver?"11% said, yes, in the past. 17% said they own one now and 72% have never owned one. Our September, 2021 poll was "I plan on purchasing at least one new station accessory in the coming year."80% said yes and 20% said no. Are you listening, vendors?Our August, 2021 poll was "I plan on installing at least one new antenna in the coming year."64% said yes and 36% said no.Our July, 2021 poll was "The last time I visited a brick and mortar ham radio store was"47% said in the past two to four years. 37% said in the past year. 16% said five or more years ago.Our June, 2021 poll was "My career (or former career if retired) is/was in the electronics or telecommunications industry."53% said yes and 47% said no. Our May, 2021 poll was "I have a family member who is also a licensed amateur radio operator."44% said yes and 56% said no. Our April, 2021 poll was "My significant other_____in contests."60% said tolerates me participating. 15% said encourages me to participate. 10% said doesn't care if I participate and another 10% said sometimes participates with me. 5% said they don't have a significant other.Our March, 2021 poll was "Keeping with the theme of last month's poll, my favorite type of contest is:"47% said DX. 33% said stateside. And 20% said both.Our February, 2021 poll was "My favorite contests are (those in duration):"28% said 48 hour contests, 11% said 30 hour contests, 5% said 24 hour contests, 17% said 10 hour contests, 5% said 4 hour contests and 5% said 1 hour contests. 22% said all ofthe above! One respondent said all of the above with the exception of Field Day and those with other complicated exchanges. Our January, 2021 poll was "Do you prefer hard copy QSLs or electronic ones?"19% said they prefer hard copy (paper) QSLs, 50% said they prefer electronic QSLs (IE, LOTW, eQSL, QRZ, etc.), 25% said they had no preference, and 6% said they do not QSL at all. Our December, 2020 poll was "I sometimes have conflicts between contest events and family events on holiday weekends preventing me from as much participation in one or both of them as I'd like.17% said often, 56% said occasionally, 22% said contesting always wins out, and 5% said family events always win out. Our November, 2020 poll asked "Is your antenna system mostly:"42% answered less than 5 years old. 16% each answered 5-10 years old, 11-15 years old  or 16-20 years old. 10% answered more than 20 years old.Our October, 2020 poll asked "Is your current primary transciever:"43% answered 5-10 years old. 30% said less than 5 years old. 17% said 11-15 years old and 10% said more than 20 years old.Our September, 2020 poll was two parts. "Are you an ARRL member?"87% said yes and 13% said no.Are you a paid member of any other club other than ARRL?73% said yes and 27% said no.Our July, 2020 poll was "Where do you typically operate Field Day from?23% said from home, 6% said portable by themselves, 59% said with a club and 12% said they don't typically operate Field Day.Our June, 2020 poll was "Did you discover amateur radio on your own?35% said yes, 35% said that they discovered it via a family member and 30% said that they discovered it via a friend.Our May, 2020 poll was "Have you ever built and/or used Heathkit amateur radio equipment?"65% said they have both built and used Heathkits. 20% said they have used but not built them and 15% have neither built nor used a Heathkit.Our April, 2020 poll was "Did you participate in the National Traffic System (NTS)?"25% said yes and 75% said no.Our February, 2020 poll was "What is your thought on the new digital modes as it pertains to contesting?"27% said great! And another 27% said "not for me." 21% said "they are poisoning amateur radio contesting." Wow, brutal. 14% said they haven't tried them. 8% said "not bad" and 3% said "unsure / too early to day."Our January, 2020 poll was "Have you ever operated in a RTTY contest?"86% said yes and 14% said no. Our December, 2019 poll was "Have you ever operated in a VHF contest?"86% said yes and 14% said no. Our November, 2019 poll was "Do you operate in very many contests just to have some fun / hand out some contacts?"86% said yes and 14% said a few.Our October, 2019 poll was "LOTW has revolutionized QSLing. How do you respond to hard copy QSLs that you receive after a contest?87% said they send a return QSL the same way the incoming card was received (direct or via the Bureau). 13% said they send electronic QSLs only (IE, LOTW, eQSL, QRZ and/or other).Our September, 2019 poll was "If you could go or are going on a Contest Dxpedition next year, where would you go?"75% said to the Caribbean! 25% said somewhere in the Pacific.Our August, 2019 poll was a two parter. "Do you miss (or wish we had) SCCC pizza meetings?"20% said Yes, I really miss them. Another 20% said Yes, I hear they were a good time. 10% said I could take them or leave them. Another 10% said No, I'm not that interested in attending meetings at this time. 60% said I probably wouldn't be able to attend many of them due to distance or other reason.The second question was "If we had SCCC meetings, I would..."10% said Attend as many as possible. 20% said Attend them if they were less than an hour's drive. 40% said Attend now and then. 20% said Might attend some of them, and 10% said Probably wouldn't attend any of them.Our July, 2019 poll was "When was your first contest?"16% said 2010 or later. 5% said 2000-2009 and another 5% said 1990-1999. 32% said 1970-1979. 26% said 160-1969 and 16% said 1950-1959.Our June, 2019 poll was "Have you ever operated a Dxpedition in a contest?"25% said yes, as part of a multi-op DXpedition. 25% said no. 20% said yes, as a single op. Another 20% said no, but I would like to! And 10% said yes, both as a multi-op and as a single-op.Our May, 2019 poll was "Have you ever operated mobile or portable in a contest (not a DXpedition)?35% said both, 35% said no, 20% said portable and 10% said mobile.Our April, 2019 poll was "For manual CW sending, what do you use?"65% of our respondents said a keyer. 35% said contest software. 12% said a straight key and 5% said a bug. 8% said other.Our March, 2019 poll was "What logging software do you use in contests?"75% of our respondents said N1MM+. 10% said Writelog and another 10% said N3FJP. 5% each said TRLog/TR4W, Win-test or other.Our February, 2019 poll was "Do you use high, low or QRP power in contests?"56% of our respondents said high power. 21% said low power and 13% said QRP.Our January, 2019 poll was "What brand of radio to you use primarily in contests?"25% of our respondents said Yaesu. 18.75% said Kenwood. 12.5% said Icom. 6.25% said Flex, and 43.75% said Other. We should have included Elecraft! Our December, 2018 poll was "Have you ever hosted a guest operator at your station?"11% of our respondents said yes. 89% said no.Our November, 2018 poll was "Have you ever operated multi-op in a contest (home or away)?"80% of our respondents said yes. 20% said no.Our October, 2018 poll was "What is your favorite contest mode?"76% of our respondents favored CW. 12% favored SSB and 6% favored RTTY. 6% had no favorite mode.Our September, 2018 poll was "What is your favorite contest?"CQP took the top spot. CQWW DX, WPX, NA Sprint and Sweepstakes all tied for second.

lessFor Sale or WantedUpdated 20 October 2021
Contact webmaster if you have something to list.

View listings

Elecraft K3/100 Transceiver
100 watts, 2.7 kHz SSB filter
KXV3 I/O transverter
KIO3 RS232
Great entry level radio
Power cord and manual

Same as above with a built in tuner $1495.
If you want custom options, please email.
I have many options available that are not being made by Elecraft.
KSYN3A upgraded SYN board.
Sub Receivers

P3 Panadapter $795.00Add VGA $1050

Contact Larry, K6RO Lashap at

Posted 20 Oct 2021
Corsair VX550W computer power supply from the estate of WA6STJ. New in the box.

Asking $100. Click thumbnail and link for more information.


Contact Don, N6IC dbostrom at pacbell dot net

Posted 25 July 2021
Johnson Invader 2000 Power Supply. I recently acquired an Invader 2000 but without the power supply and missing all the cabinet-mounting hardware, including the two long bolts from the back to the front panel common to most Johnson rigs.

Kaar KE-23A or KE-23AT communications receiver.

Contact Steve, K0XP k0xp (at) k0xp dot com

Posted 19 June 2020, renewed 6 July 2021

I have a two year-old SteppIR DB36 with 80 M dipole option for sale. Thestepper motors, controller, etc all work perfectly, and the boom andtrombones/straight fiberglass poles are in good shape. You will likely needto replace some of the small parts (some bolts and Nylock nuts), but canhave a working DB-36 for less than half of what it cost new.

I'm selling the antenna because the trees near the antenna became so largethat tilting it over was becoming impossible, and I purchased a DB-18E toreplace it. I have some extra fiberglass poles that I will include, and Iguarantee that the antenna will work (motors, etc.).

Due to the weight and size, I'm thinking it's going to have to be a pickupin the San Diego area. I might be willing to remove the heat shrinkcouplings and try to box it if the buyer covers the shipping charges (FedExground).

Asking $3500 for everything.

Seller: Eric, NC6K egruff [at] cox[dot]net

Posted 9 Oct 2018, renewed 6 July 2021

State QSO PartiesPerpetual
Click here for list,

courtesy of the WA7BNM Contest Calendar.
ARRL SS CW Claimed ScoresNovember 2021
         ND7K (N6MJ)     SOHP         235,704            W6KC            SOUHP         58,800         N5ZO            SOUHP        225,792            N6RV            SOLP          57,120         W6PH            SOHP         192,062            W6LAX           SOLP          45,000         KI6RRN          SOLP         182,600            N6AA            SOHP          44,160         W6AYC           SOLP         177,940            WI6X            SOHP          40,200         NC6K            SOUHP        126,990            WA6URY          SOHP          34,160         K6NR            SOUHP        115,920            NK6A            SOUHP         30,810         WN6K            SOLP         109,716            KF6I            SOUHP         29,670         W6TK            SOULP        100,968            AI6DO           SOUQRP        27,144         WA6KHK          SOUHP         95,948            N6AN            SOQRP         19,344         N6WT            SOUHP         74,424            N7DA            SOLP          18,792         W6ZL            SOLP          72,228            K2RP            SOUQRP        15,840         NI6W (W4EF)     SOHP          60,496            K6FA            SOHP           9,256         W6RFU (K6AW, AC6T) @ W6RFU                                      MOHP         168,672                 
CQWW SSB Claimed ScoresOctober 2021
         VY6TT (K6LA)    SOABHP     6,089,720            W6QU (W8QZA)    SOABQRP      113,373         TM2Y (N5ZO)     SOABHP     3,395,490            N6WS            SO(A)ABHP     97,000         KH6H (N6TJ)     SOABHP     4,393,389            W6JBR           SOABCLHP      65,268         KK6P (W7IV)     SOAB?      3,547,775            WA7BNM          SOSB20LP      60,770         W6YI            SO(A)ABHP  2,384,896            WA6URY          SOABCLHP      54,672         N6RV            SO(A)ABHP  2,146,220            NK6A            SO(A)SB15HP   41,070         KI6RRN(@WA6TQT) SO(A)ABHP  1,456,320            W6ZL            SO(A)SB10LP   35,712         N6AA            SOABHP       655,520            N6LL            SOABCLLP      28,832         W6TK            SOABCLHP     492,912            N6IC            SOSB15HP      23,040         AA6AA           SOSB15HP     291,850            K6RO            SOABCLHP      22,971         W6PH            SO(A)SB15    229,475            W6KC            SO(A)ABHP     18,626         WA6KHK          SO(A)ABHP    191,444            W6JK            SOABLP        14,145         WN6K            SOABCLLP     189,906            NE6I            SO(A)SB10LP    1,121                                                         
Stew Perry Top Band Claimed ScoresOctober 2021
         W6AYC           SOHP           1,074            NC6K            SOHP             480         AA6AA           SOHP           1,024            WN6K            SOLP             188
JARTS Claimed ScoresOctober 2021
         WN6K            SOLP          80,845            KF6A            SOLP          29,884         KF6RY (W6ZL)    SOLP          80,724            WA6URY          SOHP           7,656         NK6A            SOHP          38,232            
Arizona QSO Party Claimed ScoresOctober 2021
         K6NR            SOCWHP        16,854            WA6URY          SOMHP            803         KI6RRN (@WA6TQT)SOMHP         14,650            WN6K            SOMLP            378         N6MU            SOCWLP         3,000            N6GP            SOMLP            374
South Dakota QSO Party Claimed ScoresOctober 2021
         KI6RRN (@WA6TQT)SOFMHP         3,340            N6GP            SOFMLP           231         W6ML (W6KC)     SOFMHP           316            WI6X            SOFCWHP            2
Pennsylvania QSO Party Claimed ScoresOctober 2021
         KI6RRN (@WA6TQT)SOMHP         18,102            N6GP            SOCWLP         1,408         W6ML (W6KC)     SOMHP          5,168            WI6X            SOCWHP         1,240
California QSO Party Claimed ScoresOctober 2021
         NT6Q (N5ZO@N5ZO)SOHP         360,006            W6LAX           SOLP          87,552         W6PH            SOHP         335,008            WA7BNM/6        SOQRP         69,472         K6LA            SOHP         321,552            K6FA            SOQRP         64,314         KI6RRN          SOLP         289,218            N6HE            SO(A)LP       62,208         N6ED            SOHP         259,728            WA6URY          SOHP          40,416         W6AYC           SOLP         249,342            NC6Q            SOLP          35,772         W6TK            SOHP         247,892            N6LL            SOLP          35,460         K6VO (K6NR@K6NR)SOHP         229,026            N6MU            SOLP          35,350         N6WT            SO(A)HP      195,510            NE6I            SOLP          23,940         WN6K            SOLP         158,848            AI6DO           SO(A)QRP      23,127         WA6KHK          SO(A)LP      151,848            K6RO            SOLP          13,840         W6ZL            SOLP         143,469            N6GP            SOLP          13,338         W6AQ (N6AN@W4EF)SOQRP        129,360            WI6X            SO(A)HP       12,792         N6RV            SOLP         116,200                   W6RFU (AC6T and one other)                                      MSHP         230,793         W6E (W6PNG, N6MI)                                               MSHP         183,255         W6COW @AA6DW (W6COW, NK6A and one other)                        MMLP         154,128 
Advertise your business here
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For attractive rate!
SCCC established 17 July 1976
Copyright 2013-2021 Southern California Contest Club - All Rights Reserved

TAGS:California Southern Club Contest 

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