Selvedge magazine - The Fabric of your Life Selvedge Magazine

Web Name: Selvedge magazine - The Fabric of your Life Selvedge Magazine






Contact Us Selvedge Magazine, 14 Milton Park Highgate, London N6 5QA United Kingdom +44 7723 Newsletter Subscribe below for the latest news offers from SELVEDGE I just wanted to say how much I admire your informative and inspirational newsletters - I always look forward to them! Tricia, San Rafael, USA £{{amount}} GBP" jsondata = "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" >

TAGS:The Fabric Selvedge 

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Selvedge is a magazine that promotes textiles and textile makers from around the world. We also sell textile products, run workshops, host fairs and events.

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