Web Name: NMI-EDIT

WebSite: http://www.nmi-edit.org





NMI-EDIT has concluded, as it was tied to a specific NSF program that is no longer active. For updates and current information about identity and access management tools and practices developed by the Internet2 Middleware Initiative (I2MI), InCommon, and the EDUCAUSE Identity and Access Management Working Group. This website is maintained for archival purposes only... The primary goal of the NMI-EDIT Consortium, part of the NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI), is to improve the productivity of the research and education community through development, testing, and dissemination of architectures, software, and practices in the areas of identity and access management. Our development efforts comprise a coordinated set of core middleware tools in the areas of identity and access management architectures, standards for deployments, related directory schemas, and tools. Current major projects include the COmanage collaboration management platform, Grouper groups management toolkit, and the Shibboleth single sign-on and federating software. Grouper Groups Management Toolkit v1.5.0 released. (16-December-2009) From a state higher-education system or state network provider and investigating federations? Join the US Trust Federations Collaboration Group. Want to know where your identity management infrastructure stands? Try the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (PDF) developed by Lynn McRae (Signet Project Lead) for the November CAMP. This material is based in whole or in part on work supported by the National Science Foundation under the NSF Middleware Initiative - Grant No. ANI-0123937, OCI-0330626. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).


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