Evangelical Outreach Christian Salvation Apologetics and Gospel

Web Name: Evangelical Outreach Christian Salvation Apologetics and Gospel

WebSite: http://www.evangelicaloutreach.org





The parable of the ten virgins shows 50% of the ones with a burning lamp from the last generation will no longer be known by Jesus when he returns (Mt. 25:1-13)! We must endure to the end to be saved (Mt. 10:22; Heb. 3:14; Rev. 2:10,11). We are battling for eternity and nothing less. Multitudes will go to eternal punishment beyond the grave (Mt. 25:46; Rev. 21:8; etc.). Eternal salvation is not the same as eternal security, but in reality, is associated with obeying the Lord Jesus Christ (Heb. 5:9). Evangelical Outreach will help you distinguish the vital differences between God's truth and the devil's lies and will cover Christian doctrinal interests such as the antichrist conspiracy, characteristics of the Antichrist and much more. It is imperative that we view the Bible as final authority and as the word of God. Those two truths are both basic to Christian beliefs. Scripture alone is needed to test everything (1 Thess. 5:21) and the spirits (1 John 4:1), as we are commanded. The Bible alone can accurately answer who is Jesus Christ, what is saving grace, what does it mean to crucify the flesh, how to identify a social gospel, etc. IF you are a real Christian NOW, you have found rest for your soul by going to Jesus Christ (Mt. 11:28,29), have had a radical change in your life as a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), been set free from your sin addictions and are still free NOW, and are a slave of God and righteousness (Rom. 6:16,18,22). IF that is not you now, you are NOT a real Christian, according to the Bible, though you might have been one in the past! Deception in the church of our day is overflowing and gushing forth, even to the point of embracing heretical teachers who oppose God's truth as fellow Christians under the umbrella of Christian unity! Tolerating Jezebel has led to suicides, adultery and broken homes through divorce and remarriage as well as criminal activity! Many of the local congregations and homes are led by the spiritually misinformed and unqualified, placed there because they are wealthy, businessmen, political figures or natural family. Multitudes continue to perish into eternal fire because of such scripture distortions and horrible examples. Satan's great scheme has affected the seminaries, and book publishers are also spreading spiritual lethal poison as Christian beliefs. The saints must be alert and self controlled (1 Pet. 5:8), as well as keep ourselves from idols (1 John 5:21). No Eternal Security | WARNING! | I'm Not Giving Up | Why Is There No Revival? Antichrist Mark of the Beast | Jehovah's Witnesses Answered | Holiness Preaching | The Dramatized Gospel Flash What's Wrong With Today's Gospel | 40 Brave Soldiers For Jesus | Jehovah's Witnesses | Roman Catholicism The Christian life, therefore, is spiritual warfare, consisting of prayer, faith in God, holy living and walking with the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18; 1 Thess. 5:8). Such are all essential. We must endure to the end to be saved (Mt. 10:22; Heb. 3:14; Rev. 2:10,11), but different things will occur (Luke 8:6-15) which have led too many to become fruitless and/or to fall away. If we disown Jesus, he will disown us (Mt. 10:33). Backsliding does occur, proving that God alone is not responsible to keep and hold the saints, for if that was true no one would have ever apostatize -- turn to sin unto death -- like King David and Solomon did. Spiritual death remains an ever present danger for the righteous (Ezek. 33:18; James 1:14-16; Rom. 8:13; etc.) though denied by the most popular radio teachers of our day. The repentant will become a new creation in Christ and have a very important purpose to live, that is, to represent God's truth. Because of the spiritual dynamite power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, precious souls will be saved if they humbly receive the word of God and sincerely turn from their sins to faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Jesus' family puts God's word into practice (Lk. 8:21). In short, one must believe on Jesus Christ for salvation. Eternal life is not just an instant gift and a present tense possession (Jn 6:47; 1 Jn 5:11-13). Eternal life is also a hope (Titus 3:7) yet to be reaped (Gal. 6:8,9), in the age to come (Mk. 10:30) for only the ones who persist in doing good (Rom. 2:7) and don't grow weary and give up sowing to please the Spirit (Gal. 6:9)! Eternal life is also a promise for the Christians who hold on to the gospel truth they heard from the beginning to remain in Christ and the Father (1 Jn. 2:24-26). The 100+ names of Jesus Christ reveal his importance in salvation and more. The stakes couldn't be higher as we will consciously exist throughout all eternity in either a holy Paradise environment or a horrible place initially prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41). There is no annihilation of the wicked dead. Find out what is heaven like and the disturbing truth that most will perish (Mt. 7:13,14). The overcomers in Christ are righteously different now and separated from the world (2 Cor. 6:17,18). Therefore, loneliness at times is a common trait among the God fearing. The Christian life, especially spiritual leadership, is NOT a popularity contest. God's servants have always been the minority with a lesser heard voice and influence while being greatly outnumbered by the blind guides who are well received and exalted. Ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing are not Christians. Wolves are not sheep, but prey off of the sheep, though they claim to be God's servants. Such remain influential in our dark present-day Christianity -- the popes, John Calvin, Augustine of Hippo, and for some the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society just to mention a few. Many dangerous teachers are on religious TV and radio beside Rick Warren and smiley Joel Osteen, who continue to cause spiritual harm to the unwary. To learn the Bible, especially the New Testament, is vital for our spiritual survival. You can't just trust a friendly scripture-quoting teacher. You must read the bible for yourself. The multifaceted goal of Evangelical Outreach includes the aim of feeding the sheep in various ways as well as warning of spiritual dangers. Why? Because our environment is filled with many dangers. There are many death blows to the doctrine of eternal security or once saved always saved found in Scripture. It is another gospel and has been the indirect cause of multitudes to end up in hell. At the very core of this non-Christian, bogus so-called evangelical concept is that a person once saved (a righteous person) will not experience spiritual death over ANY sin. The clarity of the Scriptures to the contrary (conditional security) is overwhelming from Genesis through Revelation starting with the first time God ever spoke to Adam.... (ETERNAL SECURITY) Evangelical Outreach offers a free, verse by verse commentary on Prodigal Son in the bible (Luke 15:11-32). Be assured it is nothing like Charles Stanley eternal security distortions. Please read it carefully, verify it with your own Bible and pass it on to your family and friends. It could make an eternal difference in the lives of some. Many false concepts about the backslider, once saved always saved and others are cleared up in Jesus' teaching on the Prodigal Son.... (PRODIGAL SON) The coming of the Antichrist will be with miracles produced by the devil! The Biblical characteristics of the Antichrist reveal that he is not in worldwide power yet, but certainly will be in the future. Make no mistake about it: Do NOT take the mark of the beast under any circumstances. That single act will cause all who do, even the saints, to be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 14:9-12). John MacArthur is a popular, smooth-talking Calvinist, who embraces all five points of the Reformed Theology, including eternal security (the perseverance of the saints), to his own shame. He has been a prolific author and has taken his so-called doctrines of grace globally. Sadly, too many look to him as the epitome of a Bible teacher, but have apparently never noticed the MANY Scriptures he has misused and the inconsistencies John MacArthur submits to his audience! Keep away from John MacArthur for your own spiritual good. What is true Biblical holiness? Our day is filled with religious deception, even from those who are allegedly teaching holiness. The truth is: the semantic trickery that many pastors-teachers-etc. have been using for years enables them, with ease, to ambiguously state something and thereby mislead others regarding their true doctrine on salvation, grace, sin, holiness, etc. The most effective way, therefore, to smoke out such a deceiver is to bring up the time king David sinned and the Acid Test question. (HOLINESS PREACHING) Among a few others, near death experiences (NDE) are a popular and effective way the devil has been deceiving people about the afterlife. Even many of the professing evangelicals have been deceived by such. (NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES) Drunkenness (and/or alcoholism) is a very serious problem in our society. The statistics associated with drinking alcohol are both alarming and disturbing, especially since a drunkard will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-11). There is definite freedom from sin addictions in the Lord Jesus Christ.... (DRUNKENNESS)The Mother Of Jesus Do you really really know about Mary, the mother of Jesus? Catholics think blessed Mary is the sinless, ever virgin, mother of God and Queen of Heaven, who is co-reigning with Jesus there! They also declare Mary as our life, sweetness and hope through the rosary and believe she is the mediatrix and dispenser of all grace! On the other hand, an evangelical tends to ignore what a wonderful servant of God the real mother of Jesus was. Learn more about the Biblical mother of Jesus, but be assured that Mary is NO real rival of Jesus. Don't be confused by the many titles of Mary in Catholicism!The Palisade Microneedle Vaccine Mark of the BeastThe details from the Greek term for Mark (stamp or scratch), as in the Mark of the Beast, when considered with today's technology, reveal both the shocking accuracy of scripture as well as the way this coming, infamous soul-damning Mark of the Beast (which will be needed to "buy or sell") will be administered (Rev. 13:16,17).CHARAGMA is the Greek term for mark, scratch, or stamp (as a badge of servitude) which comes from CHARAX; that term can mean: TO SHARPEN TO A POINT, A STAKE, A PALISADE OR A RAMPART. The projected way to administer the mark (scratch or stamp), i.e. the Quantum Dot Tattoo (QDT) to the physical body, will be at the same time as the Covid vaccine in the form of a microneedle patch, using Luciferase, a bio-luminescent enzyme that will make the QDT glow under a smartphone app. Those tiny microneedles are shaped like PALISADES or sharp sticks and will "mark" or scratch or stamp the vaccine recipients as qualifying to "buy or sell". Based on scripture, those are the two signs of the Mark of the Beast. Furthermore, such the microneedle vaccine can appear like velcro on a BAND-AID and therefore look harmless, while it is spiritually disastrous for those who take it (Rev. 14:9-12) meaning that such people will irreversibly go to FIERY TORMENT IN BURNING SULFUR. Because of those facts alone, the hidden events around the third temple, or any other end time event, do not need to be known. Divorce and remarriage equals adultery if the spouse is still alive. This form of adultery (remarriage adultery) is rampant in our day, including in the so-called "church." Without question, this is a wicked and adulterous generation, as Jesus himself said (Mt. 12:39; 16:4). The Rosary Regarding the Rosary, since ALL local Catholic churches are involved in the rosary prayer, several important points can be made regarding those who claim to be born again Catholics and desire to remain in such a religious atmosphere. These insights are from a former Catholic.... (THE ROSARY) The Jehovah's Witnesses have a strange 1914 good news of the kingdom, unreliable Bible (which they call the New World Translation), unfounded hope and an unscriptural God. They come to our doors to convert us to their dangerous beliefs. The average evangelical can't answer the Jehovah's Witnesses. For Bible-based assistance, click here, Jehovah's Witnesses Answered. Brown Scapular Wearing the brown scapular, around your neck to be saved from eternal fire, began in the 13th century (1251 AD). If that promise of Mary was legitimate then even an evangelical needs to immediately start wearing a brown scapular for salvation sake. If the promise is false, then Catholics need to know. What exactly is God's truth about the brown scapular? Once Saved Always Saved Many who profess to be an evangelical embrace the doctrine of once saved always saved. Some who do, say it is different from eternal security and some don't. The real issue is does the Bible teach once saved always saved? Without question, it is not a true evangelical teaching. It is another gospel and a license for immorality first taught by the devil himself. Once saved always saved is wrong! KJV Only KJV onlyism is highly divisive and misleading! To some, KJV Only has become a cult. Church people have been divided over this issue, as a mere English translation of the Bible is exalted as the epitome of importance and accuracy, instead of HOLY LIVING and preaching the true gospel! Shocking and sad, but true! Do NOT allow yourself to be swayed by the common KJV propaganda! Spiritual Death Spiritual death is an ever-present danger for the righteous in our hour just it was for Adam and Eve. Don't be deceived by anyone who teaches the righteous can't experience spiritual death such as Charles Stanley, Ray Comfort or any of the other popular once saved always saved teachers. The Crown Of Life If you are given the crown of life by the Lord Jesus, you will have to be a true professing Christian who overcomes to the very end for the salvation of the soul. The crown of life is only one of the crowns. Learn more about the crown of life. The Backslider The backslider is a person who has departed from the Christian faith to his own harm and spiritual death. Backsliders often wrongly think God won't take them back, even if repentant! Consequently, they are filled with terror and dread needlessly! The backslider needs hope and truth. Both are found here. Book of Life The book of life is a real book in heaven which contains the names of righteous people. It is one and the same as the Lamb's book of life mentioned in Rev. 21:27. Your name is needed to be found there to enter New Jerusalem. To not have your name written in the book of life is to be thrown into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15). Names can be blotted from the book of life, thereby, disproving eternal security. Eternal Salvation You can have eternal salvation and live forever, but the choice is yours - not God's, as the Calvinists have been deceived into believing. Furthermore, you can live holy and must obey to have eternal salvation (Heb. 5:9). There is no Biblical connection between eternal salvation and the popular heresy of eternal security (or once saved always saved) as is wrongly taught as an evangelical doctrine. The term doctrines of grace is really a misnomer when associated with Calvinism because Calvinism is NOT true Biblical evangelical grace. The misled Calvinists have been indoctrinated to believe that their five points are the Biblical doctrines of grace, when they are not true grace at all. Such misled teachers range from John MacArthur to Matt Slick of CARM. Christians BEWARE! Yeshua Controversy Christians are being attacked by people who insist the name of the savior is Yeshua to the place of making it a salvation issue! To them Jesus real name is only his Hebrew name, even if we are English speaking! The Yeshua meaning has, needlessly, disturbed and confused a lot of Christians! The Law of Marriage The law of marriage (Rom. 7:2,3) is basically unheard of in our day, though it is so vital to know. Currently, there are many who are in adultery because of a divorce and remarriage, while the spouse is still alive. They need to repent for salvation's sake. Also, Christian singles need to be warned that many who claim to be single are really still married though our society and the apostate church of our day would say they are free to remarry. VERY FEW are saying anything about this form of rampant adultery to the harm of souls. New World Translation The New World Translation is the Jehovah Witness bible. The New World Translation (NWT) is filled with inconsistencies in translations as well as distortions, especially when it comes to the deity of Christ. The New World Translation is a translation to avoid if you are a Christian! Take WARNING! Mother of God The mother of God title of Mary is very misleading and has promoted Mariolatry among sincere Catholics. The way the fantasyland mythical sinless Catholic Mary is exalted and presented to the unwary is most disturbing to all Christians, but especially to soul winners, who have a God-given holy desire to see Catholics find salvation. The Catholic life is a complete religious fantasy, based on source material that is not inspired by God as scripture is, but placed on the same level or even above God's word! The Alien Gospel The spiritual message associated with aliens is deadly. Consequently, curious people need to be informed about aliens, if real, and how they can be wrong. This will give important insights. What Does It Mean To Believe In Jesus Christ It is vital to know what it means to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation as stated in John 3:16. The true believe meaning is to obey and follow Jesus, to submit to him. To be believing in Jesus Christ is NOT merely mental assent to the historical facts of the gospel. Again, the saving faith connected with believe means to OBEY. Do This Salvation Quiz From The Scriptures Start Your Own Personal Gospel Tract Ministry To say handing out gospel tracts is an easy and effective way to be a witness for Jesus should be enough to get any righteous person actively involved in Christian evangelism, but there are other major advantages too! To acknowledge Jesus before others, will cause him to acknowledge you before the Father (Mt. 10:32). Imagine that. The magnitude of that is more than we now know, but surely it is important and special. Also, to help others is great, but the greatest way is to help them find the hidden treasure and pearl of great price (Mt. 13:44-46). To have JESUS is to have eternal life (1 John 1:2; 5:12) and to be saved from eternal fire (Mt. 25:41,46; etc.). Evangelical Outreach Bible tracts will simplify that too. Furthermore, if you are too poor to pay for gospel tracts, we'll send you 50 free heaven and hell tracts. You can also print out free sound gospel tracts from your own printer at PRINTABLE FREE GOSPEL TRACTS AND CARTOONS. To purchase our powerful and effective Gospel tracts will surely enhance your ability to be a fruitful soul winner. The Saturday Sabbath Attack Sunday, instead of Saturday, has been the day Christians typically set aside as special unto the Lord (Rom. 14:5,6 cf. Acts 20:7). That, however, has been severely challenged and wrongly fought against by the Sabbatarians, who have made Saturday their special day (Sabbath) as it was given to the Jews and condemn all others. If you are a Christian don't allow any Sabbatarian -- Seventh Day Adventist, Messianic Jew, etc. -- to judge you with regard to a Sabbath day (Col. 2:16). Be assured they are not keeping the strict Jewish Sabbath command, just a modified version, which would be disobedience if Christians were under it. BTW, it is shocking but true that Ellen G. White of the SDA church taught the mark of the beast is Sunday worship! Test Your Bible Knowledge With The Bible Study Quiz Jesus said, "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched" (Mk. 9:43-48). JESUS said, "Be endeavoring with a strenuous zeal to enter through the narrow door, because many, I am saying to you, will seek to enter and will not be able ..." (Luke 13:24, Wuest). AGONIZOMAI: to strive as in a contest for a prize, straining every nerve to attain to the object (Luke 13:24) [W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1966), p. 94]. Are YOU making this type of effort to enter the kingdom doors, as the Lord Jesus advised? Believe the Lord Jesus, the founder of Christianity! See also 2 Pet. 1:5-10. The true plan of salvation is repentance towards God and faith in Christ Jesus (Acts 20:21). It is the same as to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We prove our repentance by our deeds (Acts 26:20). The Lord Jesus taught the road to life is hard and only a few will find it (Mt. 7:13,14, NKJV). Many get saved, but afterwards fall away (Lk. 8:13; Jn. 6:66; 1 Tim. 1:19; etc.). In other words, after initial salvation we must endure to the end to enter the kingdom of God and escape the lake of fire (Mt. 10:22; Heb. 3:14; Rev. 2:10,11). Eternal life comes to the repentant the moment such believe on Jesus for salvation (Jn. 3:16; 6:47; 1 Jn. 5:12,13), but there is another important aspect of eternal life that many are totally unaware of in our day because of the false teachings of modern Christian evangelism and once saved always saved (OSAS). According to true grace teaching, eternal life is also a HOPE (Titus 3:7), yet to be REAPED (Gal. 6:8,9) in the AGE TO COME (Mk. 10:30) for only the ones who PERSIST IN DOING GOOD (Rom. 2:7) and DO NOT GROW WEARY AND GIVE UP (Gal. 6:9). If a saved person sows to please his sinful nature he'll die spiritually (Rom. 8:13; Gal. 6:8,9). The prodigal is a clear example of this (Lk. 15:24,32). Loss of salvation is also possible from just one sin. Sin results in spiritual death, so DO NOT BE DECEIVED (James 1:14-16). For much more information regarding the believer's security, see our 801 page book, The Believer's Conditional Security: Eternal Security Refuted, which is the most exhaustive and comprehensive refutation to once saved always saved (or eternal security) ever written. It will not be refuted! Because of the teaching of once saved always saved, grace has been taught as a license for immorality for so long, and without challenge, that when Scripture is quoted, such as 1 Cor. 6:9,10 or Rev. 21:8, it is disregarded, and the giver of God's Word is falsely accused of teaching legalism, bondage, works, etc. This reflects how truly dark the days are in which we live! Another glaring piece of evidence about the darkness of the hour is that religious people generally think an evangelical believes in eternal security when various Scriptures, including 1 Cor. 15:2 state otherwise. These are true Christian beliefs!

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Evangelical Christian apologist and former Catholic provides biblical facts and answers about salvation, the gospel, NO eternal security etc.

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