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Scientists take step toward usable fusion energy Sci­en­tists are clos­er than ever to us­ing the pro­cess that pow­ers the Sun to pro­duce en­er­gy, says a re­port to ap­pear in the re­search jour­nal Na­ture. An evolutionary role for “Jackass”-like stunts? Risk-prone people are per­ceived as larg­er and strong­er, new re­search finds. DNA “markings” may transmit learned experiences So-called epige­net­ic changes have gar­nered in­creas­ing at­tent­ion as a route by which na­ture trans­mits traits across gen­er­a­tions. Love your enemy? Hormone spray may help with that, too Inhaling the hor­mone oxy­to­cin may make peo­ple em­pa­thize more with out­siders, a stu­dy sug­gests. Scientists probe how Inca kids were drugged for sacrifice Chil­dren of the an­cient In­ca Em­pire may have con­sumed in­ten­si­fying doses of al­co­hol and co­ca leaf for as long as a year be­fore a ri­tual slaugh­ter. A reputation sealed? Finding suggests T. rex hunted for real A toothy dis­cov­ery sug­gests the icon­ic di­no­saur Ty­ran­no­saur­us rex was a real hunt­er af­ter all—not a mere scav­en­ger. Study explores how power gets to the brain Pow­er may or may not cor­rupt, but it does change you. New re­search ex­plores what hap­pens in the brain as that takes place. Studies may have overestimated our generosity Scientists recre­ated a game of­ten used to as­sess peo­ple’s al­tru­ism—but this time there was a twist, and a darker re­sult. Already-approved drug tied to longer, healthy lives in mice The first drug to suc­cess­fully ex­tend the life­span of nor­mal lab mice al­so does so in a way that pro­longs their healthy ex­ist­ence, a stu­dy sug­gests. Men want status from romantic relationships, research finds A set of surveys suggests men and women get self-es­teem from rela­t­ion­ships in dif­fer­ent ways. Killed twice in 1600s, hoax “dragon” slain again—in creationism dispute Scient­ists say they’ve proven what some suspected three centuries ago: the swamp dra­gon from Rome was a hoax. And maybe now it mat­ters more. Yes, gentlemen, size matters—but something else matters more, study finds Scientists as­sessed how pe­nis size, body height and body shape inter­act to in­flu­ence fe­male rank­ings of male al­lure. Babies may be drawn to those who mistreat the “different” Re­searchers report new evi­dence that hard-to-eradi­cate bia­ses based on race, sex and other diff­er­ences take root early in life. Your brain cells may be capable of outliving you—by a lot New findings make scient­ists hope­ful that if hu­man life­span is increased, brain cells will coop­erate by liv­ing long­er accord­ing­ly. Chimps found to play fairness game like people In some im­por­tant ways, chimps may have more hu­man-like con­cepts of fair­ness than pre­vi­ously rec­og­nized, bi­ol­o­gists say. For signs of life, some strange planetary systems may be most promising Atmos­pheric chem­icals be­tray­ing the pre­sence of alien life might be de­tect­able around white dwarf stars, a study says. Did some Neanderthals learn advanced skills from “moderns”? Sur­pris­ing­ly, some Ne­an­der­thal peo­ple seem to have made body or­na­ments and soph­is­t­icated tools, a study re­ports. Theory that cooking gave us big brains gains support New research backs up a the­o­ry that the ad­vent of cook­ing al­most two mill­ion years ago en­abled hu­mans to get smart­er. Friendliness to minorities may often be a performance—a fragile one Many whites be­have ex­tra nicely to mi­nor­i­ties, but it’s often an act that ar­ises from a sense of obli­ga­t­ion, new re­search sug­gests. Gospel of Matthew linked to trail of bizarre self-mutilations A particu­lar set of verses from a book in the Bi­ble has crea­ted con­stern­ation among some med­i­cal pro­fes­sionals. “Racial purity” DNA testing slammed as perversion, but halting practice might not be easy A pol­i­ti­cian has sparked out­rage af­ter re­port­ed­ly tak­ing a DNA test for a shock­ing pur­pose. But just where the red line lies is not wide­ly agreed up­on. Moral “taint” still seeps along familial lines We are still blamed to some de­gree for the mis­deeds of our rel­a­tives, ac­cord­ing to a set of newly re­ported sur­veys. American heads have been changing shape, but why? White people’s heads in the Unit­ed States have got­ten taller and nar­row­er since the days the steam­ship was king, re­search indi­cates. Cold case solved? Study probes riddle of sinking beer bubbles Bub­bles in dark beer are seen to slide down­ward, iron­ic­ally, be­cause they’re trying to head up­ward, a study re­ports. Move elephants into Australia, scientist proposes Does the Land Down Under need an in­fu­sion of large mam­mals to solve its ec­o­log­i­cal and wild­fire prob­lems? Was blackmail essential for marriage to evolve? A study takes a cold new look at a cus­tom as ancient and firmly estab­lished as it is sa­cred to mil­lions. A human bias against creativity is hindering science, research claims Most of us love crea­ti­vi­ty—until it ac­tually comes knock­ing, some psy­cho­lo­gists say. Pluto has even colder “twin” of similar size, studies find A “d­warf plan­et” or­bit­ing our sun three times fur­ther away than Plu­to is about the size of that better-known, frig­id world, as­tro­no­mers say. Could simple anger have taught people to cooperate? A new study chal­lenges one of the lead­ing the­o­ries as a sol­u­tion for an evo­lu­tion­ary puz­zle. Up to half of “straight” men may carry “gay” genes Genes pro­posed to exist would pre­dis­pose men to same-sex at­traction with­out necessarily making them gay. Scientists use poop to retrace famed invasion against Rome His­to­ri­ans con­sid­er Han­ni­bal’s cam­paign one of the most bril­liant mil­i­tary feats of an­ti­qu­ity. Competition may have killed off largest shark ever The ancient shark C. mega­lodon was in some cases over twice as long as the fict­ion­al “Jaws.” Distant planet said to be half-melted As­tro­no­mers have ob­tained what they call the most de­tailed “fin­ger­print” of a rocky plan­et out­side our so­lar sys­tem to date. Not “freaks”: doc charges colleagues with mistreating sex-change patients A prom­i­nent U.K. doc­tor launched the broad­side in an edit­orial in a ma­jor med­i­cal jour­nal. Blind people found to gesture like sighted ones when speaking Find­ings sug­gest ges­tur­al varia­t­ions don’t emerge from watch­ing oth­ers speak, but from learn­ing a lan­guage it­self. The Moon’s spin axis shifted, scientists say The Man in the Moon might not have looked quite the same from Earth be­fore three bil­lion years ago. Science-religion conflict may lie in our brains The con­flict be­tween sci­ence and re­li­gion may orig­i­nate in our brain struc­ture, re­search­ers have found. Study questions much-hyped benefits of moderate drinking Count­less news sto­ries have re­ported on re­search ty­ing mod­er­ate drink­ing to a range of health ben­e­fits. Photo said to show possible embryonic planet New images from a radio ob­ser­vatory ap­pear to show a clump of ma­te­ri­al cir­cling a young star. Bizarre findings on Americans: Less religion but more afterlife belief Some re­search­ers are citing a some­thing-for-noth­ing ment­ality to ex­plain the head-scratch­ing re­sults. Hyenas said to join wolf packs in unusual alliance An­i­mals of dif­fer­ent spe­cies some­times lean on each oth­er in times of ad­vers­ity—just as hu­mans do, ac­cord­ing to a new stu­dy. Old stars might form second crop of planets, imaging study suggests As­tro­no­mers have snapped the sharpest pic­ture yet of a dusty disc around a close pair of old stars. Study suggests why fasting diet may not work in humans Strict low-food diets may hurt the im­mune sys­tem, count­er­act­ing the life­span-boost­ing ef­fects they show in lab ani­mals, re­search sug­gests. Being short or overweight linked to reduced life chances Be­ing a short man or an over­weight woman may lead to low­er chances in ar­eas such as educa­t­ion and in­come, a study finds. New evidence of language-like abilities in birds Sci­en­tists are re­port­ing new ev­i­dence that birds can com­mu­ni­cate by re-ar­rang­ing the same sounds in dif­fer­ent ways. New signs that Zika virus may cause microcephaly Re­search­ers sus­pect they’ve found out how Zika probably causes mi­cro­ceph­a­ly, or ab­nor­mally small heads, in fe­tus­es. Huge volcanoes may have twisted whole Martian surface Mars long ago swiveled around its own core by 20 to 25 de­grees, ac­cord­ing to a study. Scientists propose: let’s search part of sky where aliens could have seen us A nar­row strip of the sky might be more prom­is­ing for E.T. searches, two re­search­ers say. “Loneliest places” in cosmos may be less empty than thought New re­search looks at cos­mic voids, vast tracts of the uni­verse thought to be al­most empty. Pluto moon may have an ancient, frozen ocean, scientists say New im­ages are said to sug­gest that the moon Char­on once had a sub­sur­face ocean that has long since fro­zen and ex­pand­ed. Strange galaxy found to have huge tail of gas A spectacular feature found with a bright spi­ral ga­laxy might turn out to cha­rac­ter­ize others as well, some predict. New cancer predictor: aging too fast, scientists claim A new study al­so at­tempts to point the way to med­i­cal tests and lifestyle im­prove­ments that could mit­i­gate the prob­lem. Ancient flowering plant was beautiful—and likely poisonous, scientists say A newly id­en­tified spe­cies is at­tri­buted to a type that ul­ti­mately gave rise to some of the most fa­mous poi­sons. Atmosphere of a “super-Earth” analyzed; possible poisons turn up Scientists are try­ing to learn some gen­er­al char­ac­ter­is­tics of the big, rocky plan­ets thought to be com­mon through­out our ga­laxy. Promising safety results for “lifespan-boosting” drug A drug used to treat organ trans­plant re­jec­tion has also drawn grow­ing int­er­est for its ef­fects on life­span in ani­mals. Ripples in spacetime detected after long search Sci­en­tists say they have de­tected rip­ples in the fab­ric of space­time called gravita­t­ional waves, gen­er­at­ed by a col­li­sion of black holes. That slime can see you—somewhat Some mi­crobes bas­ic­ally use their whole ti­ny, glob­u­lar bod­ies as eye­balls, ac­cord­ing to re­search. Motorboat noise may literally scare fish to their deaths Noise can dou­ble the rate at which some fish be­come some­one else’s lunch under­wat­er, a study finds. Photos of black boys young as 5 make whites think of guns: study A study sug­gests peo­ple are more likely to mistake a toy for a gun af­ter see­ing a black face than a white face—even when that face be­longs to a five-year-old. Head-on crash produced our moon, study says A coll­ision between Earth and a plan­etary em­bryo called Theia was head-on, not glanc­ing, re­search con­cludes. Study: protective gear may make people more reckless Par­ti­ci­pants in a stu­dy, unaware it was meas­ur­ing risk-tak­ing, played a com­put­er game more reck­lessly when hel­met­ed, re­search­ers said. Astronomers report finding widest known solar system by far One planet is so far from its host star that it will take almost a mil­lion Earth years to go all around the star, scient­ists say. The aliens are silent because they died out, study says Life on oth­er plan­ets would likely be brief and go ex­tinct quick­ly, some sci­en­tists argue. “Solid evidence” of ninth planet claimed Re­search­ers say there’s an un­seen, gi­ant plan­et trac­ing a bi­zarre or­bit in the out­er so­lar sys­tem. Review finds little evidence behind speed reading claims A new re­port says the claims put forth by many speed read­ing pro­grams and tools are probably too good to be true. Dinos may have made “love nests” to show off Di­no­saurs en­gaged in mat­ing be­hav­ior si­m­i­lar to mod­ern birds, ac­cord­ing to new re­search. Super-ape may have been doomed by changing landscape—and own size Gi­gan­to­pi­the­cus, up to three times heav­ier than a large go­rilla, died out about 100,000 years ago. Could star clusters nurture interstellar civilizations? Globular clusters—tightly packed bunches of very old stars—may be ide­al place to look for space­far­ing civ­il­iz­a­tions. “Promising” findings for treatment of age-related muscle decline A “proof-of-concept” tri­al ex­am­ined a type of drug called a myo­statin an­ti­body. Chatting may serve evolutionary need to bond For some an­cestors of hu­mans, ex­change of vo­cal calls is pro­posed to have served as “groom­ing at a dis­tance.” Doomed-to-fail products may appeal to one type of buyer Some peo­ple are so drawn to doomed prod­ucts that their buy­ing ac­ti­vity may be a bad sign, re­search­ers say. “Networks” of intelligence-linked genes reported found Scientists want to learn whether the net­works have mas­ter switches that could be mani­pul­ated to boost brain­power. Study: investors often deal with portfolio slumps by just looking away An “os­trich ef­fect” ap­plies even in an era of 24/7 ac­cess to fi­nan­cial da­ta, re­search­ers say. Parrots seen using pebble-tools in new way Cap­tive par­rots were filmed us­ing peb­bles or date pits to grind cal­ci­um pow­der from sea­shells. Whether genes affect intelligence may depend on class, country Past re­search sug­gests that both genes and en­vi­ron­ment shape in­tel­li­gence. Dinos arose quickly from predecessors, study finds Di­no­saurs may have evolved from their small­er pre­de­ces­sors much faster than was pre­vi­ously thought. LSD found to act by reorganizing brain networks It hasn’t been clear what causes the drug’s pro­found ef­fects on con­scious­ness. Strange, early ecosystems found more complex than once thought Sci­en­tists have used sim­ula­t­ions to work out how a 555-mil­lion-year-old crea­ture, with no known mod­ern rel­a­tives, ate. No definite structural difference between male, female brains, study saysMost brains are “mo­saics” of fea­tures, some of which are more common in one sex or the other, re­search­ers say.  Disintegrating Martian moon could become a ring The de­mise of Pho­bos is ex­pected to oc­cur in 20 mil­lion to 40 mil­lion years. Asteroid mining could begin within a few decades, scientists claim Researchers have developed a sen­sor to sniff out val­u­a­ble ma­te­ri­als from aster­oids and other space ob­jects. Fossil forest may shed light on the first big trees A pecu­liar, thick­ly packed for­est adds to evi­dence that even the earl­iest trees were re­mark­ably diverse. Children from different cultures may react differently to unfairness Only in a few count­ries do young child­ren reject deals for being un­fair to oth­ers, a stu­dy found. Radiation is slamming the “most Earth-like planet,” scientists say Radia­t­ion may be pre­vent­ing life on a plan­et con­sid­ered the most Earth-like known out­side our so­lar sys­tem. Which country’s people are most honest? It may depend on the test A study yielded two rank­ings, both quite differ­ent, but both with the U.K. near the top and Chi­na near the bot­tom. “Pandemonium” seen in Pluto’s moon systemOne moon is spin­ning so fast that things are close to fly­ing off its sur­face, sci­ent­ists say.  Scientists could aid in new discovery by betting, study suggests Large num­bers of scient­ists could en­gage in “pred­ic­tion mar­kets” to help iden­tify er­rors in new re­search. Sleepwalkers feel no pain even when badly injured, study findsOne pa­tient slept through jump­ing out of a third-floor win­dow and tak­ing se­vere frac­tures, scien­tists said.  T. rex may have been a cannibal A ty­ran­no­saur bone has re­vealed a nas­ty lit­tle 66-million-year-old family se­cret, sci­en­tists claim. Blue sunflower? This is really a mi cro scope im age of liq uid drop let res i due from water-based chem i cals, one-half mil li me ter wide. The drop lets on the out er edges are 50 times less wide, and sev en times less wide than a hu man hair. This im age, ti tled "Blue Sun Flow er," was cre at ed by Devin Brown, sen ior re search en gi neer at the In sti tute for Elec tron ics and Nan otech nol ogy at the Geor gia In sti tute of Tech nol o gy. The im age won grand prize in the 2013 EIPBN (Elec tron, Ion and Pho ton Beam Tech nol o gy and Nanofab ri ca tion) mi cro graph con test. (Cred it: Devin K. Brown, In sti tute for Elec tron ics and Nan otech nol ogy, Geor gia Tech) Wondering how to support World Science for free? Just put a link to our home page, on your site! Any article on this site may be reproduced on another website, on condition that that page provides a link to this homepage, Linking to the page of the original article is optional. Site best viewed in Internet Explorer. Returnto top of page

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