Advanced Dermatology and Parsley Waldman Hair Care

Web Name: Advanced Dermatology and Parsley Waldman Hair Care






If yourskin isn'tbecomingto you, youshould becoming tous. Start managing skin care Here Contact us immediately if you are experiencing any of the following: bleeding moles, painful lesions, rapidly changing lesions, or a bad rash.If you have a previously scheduled treatment or an existing prescription requiring refill within 30 days, please call our office. We’re also now using a Tele-Derm option for non-emergency situations. Call 502-585-5249 for details.Your health is our primary concern, so we are taking every precaution recommended by the CDC, including following sanitizing measures before and after each appointment, and limiting the number of patients we see. For more information, visit these websites dedicated to state and federal resources.Kentucky COVID-19CDC COVID-19

TAGS:and Dermatology Advanced 

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If you are ready to tackle your hair loss, we would love to talk to you at Parsley Waldman. Take the first step, and come see us.

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