Hi, Friends!

Welcome. Erica McGillivray is an author, speaker, community builder, and marketing focusing on diversity and inclusion.

Theyre currently working as a Communications Director at Nonlinear Materials Corporation, bringing photonics to computing and networking. Erica writes her novels whenever she can. They also hosts and produces a film podcast!

(If any agents seek to publish very queer novels about the dimensions of grief and love, please reach out!)

Erica previously served as Co-Founder and VP at Permanence Labs, soon launching their first software product for brand marketing. They were the Director of Product Strategy and Community Experience at CMX, the educational space for professional community builders. Before that, they wrangled an online marketing and SEO-focused community of 600,000 at Moz. Shes also a founder of GeekGirlCon, a nonprofit celebrating geeky women and other underrepresented groups. Communication and writing are Ericas lifelong passions. She has a comic book collection thats an earthquake hazard and a garden bursting with veggies for the neighborhood.