Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church - WEEKLY SCHEDULE

Web Name: Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church - WEEKLY SCHEDULE






description:Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church, as a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, is a congregation of men, women, and children united in faith and worship by the word of the Triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and exists to make disciples for Christ of lost souls, as well as to nurture believers in their life of Christian service, all through the use of the Gospel and for the glory of the Triune God.

Good Shepherd Ev Lutheran Church
3040 N 7th Ave
Phoenix, Arizona85013

Phone: 602-265-7130
Fax: 602-265-7130
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Click event for Details

Tues. 11/9 6:00 PM
Choir Practice

Tues. 11/9 6:45 PM
Hand Bell Practice

Thurs. 11/11 10:30 AM
Women's Bible Study

Sun. 11/14 8:15 AM
Church Service

Sun. 11/14 9:30 AM
Bible Class

Tues. 11/16 6:00 PM
Choir Practice

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"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." ~ John 10:27
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