DIDIK Design. Recent designs, proposals and projects by Frank Didik including thoughts on science

Web Name: DIDIK Design. Recent designs, proposals and projects by Frank Didik including thoughts on science

WebSite: http://www.didik.com





Isolation Chamber to transport a sick person and to prevent pathogenic microorganisms from spreading to other people. Unique and advanced. Patent pending Read more... Nine day sailing adventure on the Hudson River. Experiments in exceding hull speed and enhanced hull strength with existing fiberglass boats. NYCinPictures.com photograph of every building in Manhattan. Photographed by Frank Didik. Part of his virtual reality world project. Trial and error and developing new materials. Can you charge a cell phone with an orange?!! Virtual reality New York City. Expanded GPSThese photographs are interconnected to create a virtual New York City. This was done a numnber of years before Google street view and has a different commercial purpose. Internal component of the Didik gyroscopic image stabilizer designed to rotate in partially evacuated hydrogen atmosphere Micro housing designed to be built upon a rock outcrop. Please contact Frank Didik for affordable micro housing designed using new, low cost, modern materials. Solar array designed by Frank Didik for custom built, solar heated workshop. Didik Sun Shark in classroom for seminar on solar vehicles at the National Design Museum of the Smithsonian Institute. Random thoughts on science, business and society today. Index For the early automobile enthusiast The Horseless Age first car magazine printed from 1895 to 1918. Information on every car built and every automotive development during this period. Trans-Global Highway. Frank Didik proposal for the Trans-Global Highway BubbleBunker.com Portable, hermetically sealed , inflatable personal shelter. Personal Home Shelters. World Trade Center Horror A first hand, eye witness report of the World Trade Center Horror, as seen by Frank Didik on September 11, 2001 Design and build a simple car top,row boat or motor boat in three days. Eastern European Business Directory by Frank X. Didik This business directory can be found in most libraries world wide and required over one year of work, including numerous trips to Eastern Europe. It was the key business book covering Eastern Europe in 1990 till 1992. Besides English, special regional editions of Didik's Directory of American Businesses were published in German, Czech and Polish. The primary purpose of all of these directories was to assist the businessman to determine who produces what . Eastern Europe Business Database CD-ROM by Frank Didik Covers every factory in Eastern Europe and former USSR Easter and Central European Business Directory Eastern Europe Business Information This section is primarily for larger companies, banks and government agencies seeking information or technical assistance on various industries and industrial sectors in Eastern Europe. Special Industrial Reports Over 400 industrial sectors covered Trade Directories and Books Covering Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Registration Page Frank X. Didik aboard The Futurist in New York Harbor. Thoughts by Frank Didik Random thoughts on science, business and society today. What if and what can or might be. What if the decay rate of elements varies rather than being a constant? Imagine, if this is the case, it would mean that all archeological dating is in question. How old are artifacts? When in fact did the dinosaurs really die out? Further, consider that ... read more ... What is the speed of gravity? If it is instantaneous, then what if gravity can be modulated? Today most scientists, assume that the speed of gravity is the same as the speed of light, but what if the speed of gravity is instantaneous? Further, if gravity can be modulated, it might allow for instantaneous universal communication. Thus it might be possible to communicate with space craft instantly, rather than waiting for minutes for transmissions to reach the craft or earth. Perhaps computer chips can be made to operate vastly faster. And this is just the beginning since ...read more ... Reason, Logic and intellect is not reliable. The late Christopher Hitchens often stated that we should rely on our logic, reason and intellect to determine the truth. Many people who pride themselves as educated, intelligent and progressive believe the same. As reasonable as this seems, Galileo proved over 400 years ago that our logic, reason and intellect is unreliable and that only direct experimental data, should be relied upon. Galileo had dropped two balls of the same material, but different masses, from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that they would hit the ground at the same time, rather than the heavier ball hitting the ground first, as almost everyone, including Aristotle, 2000 years ago, had assumed. Our logic, reason and intellect is not reliable and should only be viewed as speculation. Only direct experimentation and obtaining the same results, over and over again should be relied upon. What if time varies along with all things, rather than being a constant? Consider that...read more ... the speed of light vary, even if traveling under the same conditions, or in other words, is the speed of light really a constant? According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is a constant but ...read more ... 1956 Firebird was to be self driving. Self Driving Cars? If you have an accident with a self driving car, who is at fault? The car manufacturer, the owner of the car or the occupant driver of the car? I have enjoyed owning and driving some of the most interesting cars made and have always enjoyed the freedom of driving without impediments or restrictions. Nevertheless, if self driving ...read more ... Bicycles? What ever happened to jet packs, flying cars and advanced technology that in the past, was predicted that we would be using by today? Why are bicycles being pushed by cities world wide?...read more ... Question: Do bicycles and skate boards represent a more environmentally friendly world or does it indicate a decline in the standard of living? I ride my bicycle about 10 miles every day, but only a small percentage of the population benefit from bike lanes, mostly men under the age of 50. Further, most people ride bikes in warm, favorable weather and rarely in the rain, snow or cold weather. Computer Formats and the longevity of our digitally stored knowledge. Are we entering into a pre-history era? How can we preserve our computer written records, books, photographs, video and knowledge? If you wanted to, would you be able to read a: 1/2 or 5 1/4 or 8 floppy? cd-rom or a dvd? optical disk? track tape? punch card? Paper punch tape? you can not read these one or two generation old formats today, how will society be able to read these documents in 200 years from now? I doubt that the current line up of formats, such as SD cards, USB drives or others, will be easy to read in 15 years. The longevity of computer/digital storage before major failure is also an issue ...read more ... Euthanasia to be encouraged? I was just reading that insurance companies encourage suicide, in states that permit assisted suicide. Greater profits by less medical bills and life insurance policies invalidated? I suspect that with a rapidly aging population, the elderly will be encouraged to end their lives. Perhaps it will be presented as the patriotic or honorable thing to do. We are truly entering into an age of barbarism and abandoning civilization. - June 2018 There is an alternative to population control. Restricting and discouraging the formation of families in order to stabilize or reduce population infringes on the freedom and rights of every human. There is another much better approach...read more ... Questioning the results of modern science. For the last 100 years, we have been experiencing the collapse of real science. Theories, speculation and fantasy is the norm today. By definition, the scientific method is the ability to test and re-test and always get the same results, over and over. If an idea or a theory can not be tested, the idea must be viewed as speculation and not considered true, till that idea is proven without a doubt. Scientific theory has moved to areas that are beyond our present capability of testing and gradually a number of unproven theories have become accepted as fact without any real proof. Further, new theories have been developed based on old theories. Thus we have a situation where science today is largely based on theory upon theory. If something can not be proven, it falls into the realm of philosophy rather than science. This has led to...read more ... Science and media hype: Any sudden revolutionary scientific discovery, even if such discovery is written about in every newspaper and scientific journal, should be greeted with skepticism. Such a discovery should only be accepted after the bulk of scientists have have had a chance to review the discovery and confirm that it is in fact correct. Such things that come to mind include cold fusion, the so called God Particle and even the recent stated discovery of a gravitational wave . All too often such media hype has come and gone without any real discovery or fundamental change. ..read more ... What percentage of information, contained in science books is accurate and true? Are we in a post science period? Many science books today present ...read more ... is time to retest scientific properties. Verify results. I suggest that the properties of all materials be re-tested using modern technology and certify the results. Melting and boiling points, conductivity, hardness, and all physical properties of materials should be re-tested ...read more ... Honesty and integrity in scientific research is essential in order to advance our knowledge base. When a scientist has worked for years to prove a particular theory and finds out that their work has been in vain, it is difficult to admit that their original assumptions were wrong. Still it is vitally important ..read more ... This website displays designs, projects, proposals and innovations by Frank Didik, but this site has also served to inspire people to bring their ideas to fruition. All too often, people have great dreams in high school and college but within a few years after graduation, these ideas gradually become a distant memory. I encourage everyone to do what ever you are good at and try to make your dreams a reality. What people do today represents the future of our great planet. Go out and do whatever you can do, to the best of your ability. Free diverse, intelligent opinions? it possible to have truly diverse opinions if everything a person thinks and understands is told to them in school, tv, movies and the rest of the media? On-line chat rooms and news aggregators tend to repeat one another, without any truly new information. In many ways, this is causing a dumbing down of society. Perhaps it has always been this way. ---Feb 11, 2019 Automation and robotics will help return businesses to the United States. With new automation and robotics, which requires less employees, it is now possible for most American Based companies to return manufacturing to the United States, with the benefit of lower production costs, lower shipping costs and a safer business climate, when compared with outsourced manufacturing. -February 14, 2018 Downside of Robotics Robotics will bring about a fundamental change in society. Millions of jobs will be lost, but only a few, high end jobs will be created. Most former employees will not be employable in this new environment. The same occurred in England in the early 1800's with the industrial revolution. High end weaving jobs were lost after the introduction of high speed looms. Another example is the computer revolution from the late 1960's till the mid 1980's and on till today eliminated the need for thousands of office clerks. - May 5, 2019 Frank Didik's Thoughts on how the world will change in the future No one really knows what the future will be like and rarely have predictions made in the past, become a reality in the same way that it was predicted. Nevertheless, certain generalities of what might happen, can be foreseen based on what is happening today read more 1. In the future, robotics will change society and millions will lose their jobs ...read more 2. In the future, robotic friends, including intimate friends will prevail ...read more 3. In the future, dating and marriage may greatly decline read more 4. In the future, populations may drastically decline ...read more 5. In the future, pet ownership will decline read more 6. In the future, natural child birth may decline read more 7. In the future, Licenses may be required to have children ...read more 8. In the future, virtual living will take precedence to real life read more 9. In the future, aroma, heat, wind, moisture and taste will all be recorded read more 10. In the future, wealth will be concentrated among a tiny group of people read more 11. In the future, technological advancement may slow down ...read more 12. In the future, planets will not be colonized read more 13. In the future, people will travel less in the future ...read more 14. In the future, transportation networks will gradually be reduced ..read more 15. In the future, there will be a Loss of optimism for their future ...read more 16. In the future, people will rarely interact, face to face ...read more 17. In the future, microscopic robotic bacteria will be injected into the body to cure diseases and repair or remove internal body issues ..read more 18. In the future, robots will perform medical procedures including surgery more 19. In the future, doctors will be able to operate from anywhere on the planet ...read more 20. Radically changed moral values and decline in human dignity awaits us in the future ...read more 21. In the future, society may gradually fall into a stagnant, non advancing epic ...read more 22. Future crises in Human Dignity ...read more 23. In the future, medicines will be specifically designed for the individual ...read more 24. In the future, robots will do most factory work and manual labor, including farming and cooking, as well as the jobs of professionals such as doctors and accounting, just to mention a few chores and will cause the loss of millions of jobs and make large populations unnecessary .. read more ---Predictions for the future by Frank X. Didik, December 2, 2016 ------------------------------------------ Op-Ed Cell Phone Etiquette Advice for the modern person - December 9, 2016 read more Time to rethink bike lanes Advice for bicyle based cities - August 2016 read more Frank Didik with NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio and first lady Chirlane McCray, at Gracy Mansion. Massive inflation coming? Frank X. Didik, January 2, 2020. At the start of 2020, it is estimated that the United States national debt was 21 Trillion dollars. As of January 2, 2021, as a result of the vast printing of additional money for Covid Relief and other expenses, this debt is estimated at just under 30 trillion dollars. Surely, one would think that a 30% increase in money supply would lead to significant inflation, but this has not happened. I believe that this is primarily because of vast production surpluses, on every level including manufacturing, services and farming. Robotics, efficient computerized allocation of resources and transportation has produced enough for everyone, without pressure on the market. Remote working, office space, the diminished need for employees Frank X. Didik, January 1, 2020 is fascinating to note that as a result of the government imposed Covid-19 restrictions, that for a period of time, an estimated 30% of the population was out of work, and yet the country did not experience any long term shortages, in any area. One might say that this is a wake-up call for companies to show them that they have too many redundant employees. read more Does constant mask wearing reduce cognitive ability? Studies have shown that people inhale between 7% and 12% of their exhaled breath, with an accumulation of carbon dioxide. Does this cause minor cognitive loss for the wearer over time? Further, over time, the masks quickly become both moist as well as becomes a breading ground for bacteria. Also, does the additional stress on the lungs to breath through a filter effects the lungs? More studies must be performed to determine if mask wearing causes biological issues as well as phychological issues over time. Lockdowns benefit large companies at the expense of small stores and businesses Frank X. Didik December 16, 2020 It has become obvious that the lockdowns, imposed by most of the states to control the spread of Covid-19, has clearly benefited large companies, particularly on-line mega-companies, at the expense of small, local businesses, that were forced to either close their doors or greatly curtail their operations. It was estimated that these small companies and stores represented about 60% of the economy. As a result of the government imposed lockdowns, much of this bushiness activity and wealth has been transferred, perhaps permanently, to the on-line stores. This is rapidly creating a vastly different business environment and potentially will reduce the ability of an individual to start their own business in the future. Johns Hopkins University declared on September 28, 2020, that 1 million people have died of the said Covid-19 virus worldwide. This means that of the estimated 7.5 billion people on the planet, the chance of dying from the virus is about 1 in 7500, or .00013 percent. Temporary seems to have become the new permanent under the virus hysteria lockdown. Corona Virus: What I have observed regarding the Corona Virus can be read here. Further, my photographs of empty New York City, can be viewed here. Unbiased News? The news is not a public information service, but rather it is an entertainment service. Most news outlets tend to say the same thing so that their audiences come to the same conclusion. All the news outlets strive to present themselves as an unbiased authority, complete with their noted experts , analysis , etc. Ultimately their articles are designed to formulate the readers opinion. It has always been this way. Over 2,000 years ago, Socrates allegory The Cave essentially sums up how a person is led to believe a particular point of view. In 1825, U.S. President John Quincy Adams was asked what he thought of the free press. He replied It never was, isn't now, but I sure hope it happens in the future . Massive surpluses in society Industry has produced massive surpluses Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, 230 years ago, society has gradually managed to ever increase productivity and surpluses. Today, these surpluses are so great that I estimate that only 20% of the population can support themselves and the rest of the population. This assumption was proven essentially correct with the Covid/Corona lockdowns when it was estimated that over 50% of the population was not working and yet society did not experience any shortages in any area. Further, with the robotic and artificial intelligence revolution just around the corner, even greater surpluses will be achieved and even less workers/employees will be needed. This leads to the question of how to deal with the vast number of people who's work will no longer be needed? If the present monetary system continues, perhaps a basic, livable income will necessary, though in general, I am not in favor of the idea, since I have always felt that everyone should be required to carry their own weight in society and further, give back to society. There are some who feel that the population should be reduced by discouraging the formation of families, encouraging single life, birth control, abortion, same sex unions encouraging latter age marriage and other methods. Most non-retail businesses can easily survive with less than 50% of their work force. Dumbing down of Society With the knowledge of all humankind at ones fingertips, as a result of the internet and Google and other search engines, one would expect that far greater numbers of people would be able to drive society to new heights. Surprisingly, this has not happened to the degree that one might expect. Essentially societal progress is still made by less than 2% of the population, with the balance of the population, simply working in the industries created by those 2%. The bulk of the people amuse themselves though social media, games and different distractions. This brings up the issue of if everyone should attend university since most will not do much with their degree and such education will not necessarily enhance society or for that matter, themselves. Some say that the distractions are organized for a purpose, but I don't believe it. People tend to be perfectly satisfied with their existing station in life. Pent up Demand caused by Covid-19 lockdown? Unlikely. People are used to staying home, have developed new habits, and after being out of work, will probably want to save money. Forced vaccinations? But Why? read more more people die because of the Corona Virus or because of the lockdown? read more Hysterical Fears pushed in the media and other sources: What ever happened to Y2K, the Ozone hole, nuclear winter, missile gap, read more Covid-19 as widespread as suggested? read more Restaurants and Bars will spring back? Very unlikely. People go to these places not only to eat and drink but primarily to socialize. If people are social distanced, why go out? Corona Virus Experts ? Who is to say who is an expert when the entire virus is a new event and nobody has any real understanding what is going on. This is like the transition period of Eastern Europe from 1989 to 1992, when so many leading experts came from nowhere and gave the public their speculation with truly disastrous results, causing massive inflation and economic failure in countries who followed their advice . Remote workers and salary protection read more Internet free speech and censorship read more People should be responsible for themselves and carry their own weight in society read more Liberal Governments verses Conservative Governments read more Career first and family later? read more Question If you can live for a thousand years, but have to live in a 12x12 foot (3x3 meter) room without ever leaving, would you do it? I prefer to live life to its fullest and accept the risks. Everything in life entails a certain risk. Subway Safety-Subway Gate Every year hundreds of people are killed or severely injured when they fall onto the tracks of trains and subways. The prevention is cost efficient and greatly reduces liability ... read more ... Greatly reduce train noise A significant amount of train noise is caused by the train wheels rolling over the expansion joint of the tracks. This vibration creates noise, vibrations, an less pleasant ride and also reduces the life cycle of the train. The solution is relatively simple and cost effective ... read more ... ---- Oposition vs False Oposition read more Best Governments offer a balance between private ownership and public ownership read more Should all citizens be allowed to vote? read more Gradual Control read more Equal does not mean identical but are all people are equal? read more Cashless Society; good or bad? read more ---- thoughts are not our own. We are influence constantly by TV, the internet, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, television shows, advertisements, in school and other places. Almost everything we think, do and say, what we eat, wear, how we act and even our goals and moral perspective, is hammered into us so is our thoughts, really our own? We certainly have the capability to think on our own and in fact, we do have a free will to ultimately choose our direction, but nevertheless, our outside influence is massive. When I interact with people, I often hear the same argument parreted over and over again, and often times the people do not realize that they are simply repeating what they had recently heard or read. Often times outside discussions have little new information to offer since it is so repetative or in on such a basic level. Perhaps the person who can think the most for themselves are people who live in isolated areas, with little interaction with others. Centuries ago, hermits and monks withdrew from the world to be surrounded by their thougths. I do not advocate this, but their action is for sure one way of limiting outside influence. Knowledge obtained from human interaction, reading and learning is essential to move forward, but how does one use this knowledge while at the same time not being overly influenced by others? Human existence and progress is rapid, but still there are obsticles that slow us down. Is it possible to have truly diverse opinions if everything a person thinks and understands is told to them in school, tv, movies and the rest of the media? On-line chat rooms and news aggregators tend to repeat one another, without any truly new information. In many ways, this is causing a dumbing down of society. Perhaps it has always been this way. ---Feb 11, 2019 Where have all the insects and birds gone? Just a few years ago, when I would drive in the country, my windshield would be covered with insects that had hit the car. This simply does not happen anymore. Has the insect population somehow died out? No one seems to talk about this. Has insecticides or plastics or radio transmissions somehow effected them? Further, I have noticed a large drop in the number of birds that we have in the cities as well as in the countryside. It seems that we are headed towards, a silent spring. Frank Didik's opinion Education Rethinking school and our education system Should everyone attend college or university? ... read more ... Wisdom: I believe that wisdom can not be taught, but rather wisdom is a unique gift of understanding that a person is born with. college or a university really teach a person to be a businessman or an artist or good in any particular field? ... read more ... come all college undergraduate degree's require four years? Should some degrees require only one year while others perhaps six years? ... read more ... Weak Students: I have long believed that in a classroom environment, the weak student holds the better students back. The idea of putting a weak student with better students is a disservice to both the weak as well as the better students. It should also be recognized that not all people have the same ability and potential in every field. Two individuals completing the same university program and having the same grades and degree, does not make them equal in ability and potential. Students should not be told that they can succeed at anything that they try to do. What courses should and should not be taught at college or university? Can college or a university teach a person how to be a good business person, or how to be creative? ... read more ... ------------------------------- Teaching: I feel that it is not possible to teach a person to be creative or a good businessman and the same applies to many other fields. You can only expose that person to what has already been done and the current understanding of the tools and materials of the trade and perhaps with this understanding, the student can expand upon this knowledge. ------------------------------- Learning: My view is that almost all learning is through observation and questioning. This underscores the importance of parents to teach their children and expose their children to the parents daily lives. In today's society, most parents are forced to work and thus the child has only limited exposure to the richness of the parents understanding of things. I would also argue that when a parent is walking with a child, that the parent should not be using their cell phone or texting and instead be devoting their full attention to the child. Schools, as they exist today, have a limited ability to truly train/educate a student and most of what is taught to the student is repeated over and over with little practical use for the student after graduation. So many students today study for years and yet after graduation, never use what they have learned or what they have learned is of little relevance to their lives. playgrounds are empty but the dog runs are full. No children, only dogs. I have noticed that in New York City, the playgrounds are empty but the dog runs are full. People are no longer getting married, and having families. Where will this all lead to? When I was a child growing up in NYC, there were children everywhere and the stores catered to families, rather than individual single people. The best boutiques along Madison Avenue on Manhattan's upper east side, always had play areas for the children, so that the children could play, while the mothers shopped. We children knew which stores had the best toys and demanded to go to those stores, which in most cases, were the most expensive stores! Where have all the twenty something year olds gone? Strolling down fashionable Fifth Avenue recently, it struck me how the average age of the crowded streets seems older than in the past. I would guess that the average age of the people I saw was around 35 years old. Twenty years ago, the average age would have been probably around 25 years old. Why? I will further guess that the answer is that many people are postponing marriage and having far fewer children. Perhaps the high student debt or perhaps women seeking careers over family or perhaps the hook-up culture is the culprit. Regardless, this does not bode well for the future and increasing family commitments is a must for a healthy society. --- Feb 11, 2019 aging population is a sad, worldwide industrial nation phenomenon. I am in Tokyo for a few days and have been here many times before. In 2002, I would guess that the average age on the street was about 24 years old. Today, I would guess the average age is about 35 years old. --- Feb 26, 2019 Immigration: Almost all countries consider what perspective immigrants can do for their country and if those immigrants will contribute or be a burden on their society and also evaluate if the potential immigrant will blend in with their existing culture. Perhaps the United States should take the same approach. ---Feb 11, 2019 Life forever? It is interesting that life never really dies in that life continues, uninterrupted with the offspring. Science has never observed life emerging from minerals or non living elements. ---Feb 11, 2019 Investing in Startups. Good idea or bad? Is investing in a Startup, that has never proven itself in the market place, a good idea or a waste of money (and talent)? Historically, investors invested in companies that were swamped with orders and making money, but needed additional money to ... read more ... Most efficient brain-storming method and how to make morning office meetings more productive and interesting ... read more ... BITCOIN: Bitcoins are backed by nothing more than the gullibility and wishful thinking of the Bitcoin holder. I believe that the Bitcoin rise in value is akin to the Dutch Tulip craze in the early 1600's and that a massive decline in value is imminent. Foreign manufactured products versus American manufactured products: American's will never buy an American made product if the same or similar foreign products is sold at a lower price. This means that manufacturing jobs will never return to the United States, unless there is an import tax, however import taxes will violate most of America's NAFTA and GAT treaties. Any talk of manufacturing jobs returning to America without import taxes is simply idle banter. Safety of Plastics. Over the past 30 years, there has been a massive increase in the number of human ailments such as Alzheimer's, breast cancer, prostate cancer, autism, declining fertility, and other ailments. Some people say that the cause is actually better diagnosis, while others blame processed foods, GMO foods, pesticides, wifi, cell phones, vaccinations and other outside influences. During this period, there has been a rapid increase of various plastic packaging for food, water and even clothing made out of polyester and other plastics, with a decline in 100% natural fibers such as cotton and wool. Studies should be conducted regarding the safety of these new materials, as well as the fabric dyes and determine if such chemicals can be absorbed by the skin and if they have any type of long range human effect. -February 14, 2018 Good Citizenship and respect for our fellow human beings. Important quotes from my friends from around the world, that I completely agree with and I am sure that most people would as well: not generalize, but rather individualize. --Daniela D. in Germany, who works for the German diplomatic Chancellery. Never get angry with anyone. Who knows, perhaps one day that person will save the world! --Yuka S., who works for Aoyama University in Tokyo (and Kanagawa). is important to always remember that every person you encounter has their own goals and aspirations, trails and tribulations and deserves equal respect. --Sue Ann M. in Durham, North Carolina. ------------------------------------ It's all good ... is wrong. All is not good. There is an absolute right and an absolute wrong and this is not culturally or time dependent. If you see someone going down the wrong path in life, it is essential that you vocalize your concerns and offer to help that individual. I am a moral absolutist and not a moral relativist. Producing the very best and most effective TV commercials The single purpose of a television commercial is to sell the product or service. The fact that an advertisement might be interesting, funny, informative or well produced is secondary to the main purpose, which is to sell the product or service. One should never leave the creation of the television commercial to the television producer or the video editor. ... read more ... Building the most effective business websites Never let a web designer develop the website for you. A web designer should be produce the website under the supervision of an on line marketing master, usually working with ... read more ... Twitter Frank Didik Twitter feed (www.Twitter.com/FrankDidik). I am not a particular fan of Twitter, though I can see that Twitter has had more impact than I first imagined, particularly in areas of politics, fashion and press releases. Frank Didik's archived twitter blog can be found at www.didik.com/FrankDidikBlog.htm Sports. Entertainment. US. World. Trump. Paris. Business. Idol. Trump. England. Politics. Protest. Voting. China. War. Russia. Breaking News. Rap. Music. Awards. Treaty. Army. Navy. Air force. USMC. Breaking News. Economy. Interest. Travel. Airlines. Fashion. Great. Amazing. Shoes. Coats. Clothing. Department Store. Dumbo. Brooklyn. Pop. Hip. Transcripts. Law.. Leaks. TV. Uncovered. Live. Germany. France. UK. Show. Radio. Consultant. Jobs. Engineering. Infrastructure. Energy. Oil. Gas prices. Gasoline. Commodities. Stock market. School, College, University. King. President. Prince. Princess. Queen. Prime Minister. CEO. CFO. COO. Game. Gamer. Love. Broken Heart. How to get her back. How to get him back. City. Government. State. Country. Contry. China. Japan. Asia. Europe. Australia. Africa. Train. Railroad. Books. Text books. How to get into college. How to make a difference in the world. http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_decayrate.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_gravity.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_philosophy_logic.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_jetpacks.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_liabilityofselfdrivingcars.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_digitallongevity.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_college_everyone.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_college_creative.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_college_why4years.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_college_whatcourses.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_business_startups.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_business_brainstorming.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_business_tvcommercials.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_business_websites.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_population_control.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_accuracy.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_lightspeed.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_time.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_mediahype.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_percentage.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_retest.htm http://www.didik.com/thoughts_science_integrity.htm Which Language? (Note: Please use English for the latest information.) English French German SpanishVISUAL OVERLOAD?... CLICK HERE for a simple menu a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z magazine articles, press conferences, trade shows and exhibitions covering Didik Vehicles, Lenticular technology, and real estate products. New York Real Estate CD-Roms (Also, scroll down the page) Click here for the main Real Estate Menu New York City CD-ROM Nassau County cd-rom Suffolk County cd-rom Westchester County cd-rom Rockland County cd-rom Orange County cd-rom Putnam County cd-rom Sullivan County cd-rom Ulster County cd-rom Dutchess County cd-rom Hawaii Real Estate CD-Roms Real estate cd-rom's covering every property are available for the following areas:. New York City Nassau County Suffolk County Westchester County Rockland County Orange County Putnam County Sullivan County Ulster County Dutchess County Hawaii Real Estate Old Photographs from 1936-1941 of most buildings in the five boroughs Real Estate resource links NYC in Pictures A photograph of every building in NYC Personal Shelters Two and three person bio-shelters for use at home or work NYC Real Estate Registration Page Center for Eastern Europe Economic Research Inflatable Bio Shelters Hawaii Real Estate Information (Please see below for information on the ELECTRIC CAR OWNERS CLUB and for SOLAR and RENEWABLE ENERGY) ELECTRIC CAR OWNERS CLUB and for SOLAR and RENEWABLE ENERGY) Solar, Electric, Hybrid, Alternate Energy Vehicles SOLAR, ELECTRIC, HYBRID and HUMAN powered vehicles including all types of electric powered cars, specialty vehicle and various types of hovercraft and aircraft. How vehicles are designed How to Build an Electric Car (Smithsonian Institute Talk) Directory and History of Electric Vehicles from 1834 to 2000 A directory of all electric cars ever built. DIDIK Muscle Car Foldable Muscle Car Didik Shooting Star Didik Sun Shark Didik Arctic Explorer Didik Long Ranger Didik Simplicity Didik Duplexity Didik Turtle Worlds lightest bike Hovercraft Human Powered Bus Licensing Information for Manufacturers and Resellers PRESS KITS Electric Vehicle CD-ROM The Horseless Age First Car Magazine in the USA, starting in 1895. Contains details on every early car. Fascinating. Solar Energy Research Design for Industry. It is not creative if it does not sell Electric Vehicle Registration Page Electric Car Owners Club pages: Click here for the Electric Car Owners Club* Main Menu History of the CitiCar and CommutaCar Driving an Electric Vehicle CitiCar and CommutaCar Parts List Electric Vehicle CD-ROM How to Build an Electric Car (Smithsonian Institute Talk) Directory and History of Electric Vehicles from 1834 to 2000 Citicar Catalog from 1975 CitiCar Wiring Diagrams ComutaCar Catalog and specifications from 1980 HERE for a schedule of television shows, interviews, Easter and Central European Business Directory Who Produces What Center for Eastern Europe Economic Research EASTERN EUROPE BUSINESS INFORMATION. This section is primarily for larger companies, banks and government agencies seeking information or technical assistance on various industries and industrial sectors in Eastern Europe.Click here for the main Center for Eastern Europe Economic Research Menu Eastern Europe Business Database CD-ROM by Frank Didik Covers every factory in Eastern Europe and former USSR Special Industrial Reports Over 400 industrial sectors covered Trade Directories and Books Covering Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Registration Page Press CTRL D now, to bookmark this site CLICK HERE for a schedule of television shows, interviews,magazine aNEWS News stories and photo archive covering NYC buildings, electric vehicles and the 1960's-70's. news1.net DIDIK.com company.ticles, press conferences, trade shows and exhibitions covering Didik Vehicles, Lenticular technology, and real estate products. DESIGN1.org www.design1.org Designs by Frank Didik Design for Industry. is not creative if it does not sell Art | Films | Resume | Designer Statement | Architecture | Virtual New York City and Tokyo | Current Book Projects | Expanded GPS Proposal: Trans-Global Highway lenticular software Lenticular Stereo (3-D) Technology STEREO and THREE DIMENSIONAL (3-D) imaging including Lenticular printing and Vari-Vue. This section covers stereo photography, stereographic cinematography and stereo (3-D) television. Click here for the Main Stereo 3-D menu 2003 Edition NEWS AGENCY Stock Photo Archive Publication Rights Photograph of every building in NYC The World Trade Center. Before - During - After Wide variety of alternate energy related photographs Japan covering all major cities, events and buildings. Many other photographic areas. History and Guide Book to Lenticular Technology and Images on CD-ROM. This is an ABSOLUTE MUST for any one interested in 3-D or who collects lenticulars. It covers and illustrates thousands of lenticulars and gives insight into the technology. CLICK HERE for more information. CLICK HERE NEWS News stories and photo archive covering NYC buildings, electric vehicles and the 1960's-70's. news1.net DIDIK.com company. History and Guide Book to Lenticular Technology cd-rom by Frank Didik Mass Production of Lenticular images for advertisers Production Price list for Lenticular Mass Production Lenticular Photography Lenticular Supplies including lenses for printers and photographers Early 3-D Television Systems from the 70's Lenticular Technology A brief history of VariVue Since 1936 Directory of 3D (Stereo) films since 1922 Lenticular Technology Book How to view stereo pairs (non-Lenticular) Lenticular Licensing Information for Manufacturers and Resellers Press Kits DIDIK Stereo Registration Page The History and Guide Book to Lenticular Technology and Images on CD-ROM. This is an ABSOLUTE MUST for any one interested in 3-D or who collects lenticulars. It covers and illustrates thousands of lenticulars and gives insight into the technology. CLICK HERE for more information.DESIGN www.Design1.org Photographs by Frank Didik: New York Photo Archive | Asia | Historic Asia (1850's-1920's) | Stock Film Footage Database | Celebrities | Celebrities in 3D Stereo | Protest marches | Tropics | Electric cars | Japan | Croatia | World Trade Center Archives | Alternative Energy | Frank Didik Commercial and Editorial Photography Didik photographs can be found in numerous magazines and publications NYCinPictures.com photograph of every building in Manhattan. Photographed by Frank Didik. Part of his virtual reality world project. NYC in Pictures Photo of every building in NYC NEWS1 www.News1.net Stock photo and video archive plus editorial and media content. Tokyo1.org Historic Asia 1853-1923 Hawaii Stock Photo Archive Stock Photo Archive Publication Rights Photograph of every building in NYC 2. The World Trade Center. Before - During - After 3. Wide variety of alternate energy related photographs 4. Japan covering all major cities, events and buildings. Many other photographic areas. CLICK HEREProposal: Trans-Global Highway SOLAR and POWER PLANT TECHNOLOGY. This section provides an overview of solar energy research. Solar and Alternate Energy Click here for the Main Power Technology Menu Direct Solar-Electric Generation Improved Efficiency for Existing Power Plants DIDIK Power Technology Systems Solar Electric Vehicle Technology New York City CD-ROM Nassau County cd-rom Suffolk County cd-rom Westchester County cd-rom Rockland County cd-rom Orange County cd-rom Putnam County cd-rom Sullivan County cd-rom Ulster County cd-rom Dutchess County cd-rom Hawaii Real Estate CD-Roms Center for Eastern Europe Economic Research NEW! For the early automobile enthusiast The Horseless Age The first car magazine printed from 1895 to 1918. Information on every car built and every automotive development during this period. Proposal for a Trans-Global Highway. Personal Home Shelters. BubbleBunker.com Portable, hermetically sealed , inflatable personal shelter. WORLD TRADE CENTER EXTRA: First hand report : World Trade Center Horror Architecture Inflatable structures and emergency isolation tents. Positive pressure, germ free emergency temporary medical bed. Positive pressure filtration tents. Documentaries: Chinatown in the Shadow Solar and Renewable Energy Research section Secret History of Japan Virtual New York City and Tokyo This art project includes a picture of every building in New York City, photographed by Frank Didik To see thumbnails of many of the photographs, also go to NYCinPictures.com Real Estate Clicke here for Real Estate information products for brokers and investors. Hawaii Real Estate Information Hawaii Real Estate CD-Roms Personal Home Shelters. m New York Real Estate CD-Roms Click here for the main Real Estate Menu Real estate cd-rom's covering every property are available for the following areas:. New York City Nassau County Suffolk County Westchester County Rockland County Orange County Putnam County Sullivan County Ulster County Dutchess County Hawaii Real Estate Old Photographs from 1936-1941 of most buildings in the five boroughs Real Estate resource links NYC in Pictures A photograph of every building in NYC Personal Shelters Two and three person bio-shelters for use at home or work NYC Real Estate Registration Page Inflatable Bio Shelters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Which Language? (Note: Please use English for the latest information.) English French German SpanishVISUAL OVERLOAD?... CLICK HERE for a simple menu a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z| Electric Vehicles | Solar Energy | Electric Car Owners Society | Stereo 3D Lenticular | E.Europe | NYC in Pictures | Japan Stock Photo Archive | Real Estate | Art | Films | Stock Photo's| | Hawaii Real Estate CD-Rom | Personal Home Shelters | Sponsorship Opportunities | Trans-Global Highway | Trade Shows and Press | Journalist Resources | Legal | Contact Us | To bookmark, press CTRL D now

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