Our Active Tea Party

In the past few months, The Highlands Tea Party has been moving forward with great vigor. In addition to the weekly guests – both in person and via Zoom presentations, the Tea Party has engaged in a number of different events. We have had opportunities to dine together. That began with a great get-acquainted []

Letters to the Editor

Over the course of the past few months, some of our members have written letters and guest columns to the Highlands News-Sun. Here are some of the ones we have been able to retrieve from their archives. How soon we forget Freedom of choice. Is it no longer a liberty all Americans are born with? []

Upcoming Guests at The Highlands Tea Party to Give Information, Education and a Chance for Action

Our Events Chairman John Larsen continues to bring world class guests to the Highlands Tea Party. The ensuing weeks also will bring a great array of speakers – both in person and via Zoom; Nov. 16, 2021– Karen Healy– Highlands County Supervisor of Elections Nov. 23, 2021– Off for Thanksgiving Nov. 30, 2021–  Dave Gaubatz []