




After two decades, Walt Disney company is shutting down Radio Disney. Radio Disney and Radio Disney Country will close in the first quarter of 2021.Streaming music is playing a big role in closing down the radio stations.And much of this stems from Covid-19. The health crisis has hurt Disney. Last month alone, they posted a net loss of $2.8 billion. This has caused them to lay off tens of thousands of workers.Disney's executive leaders are saying, The difficult decision to close these two radio networks coincided with Disney s recently announced structural changes that call for Disney Branded Television to sharpen its focus on increasing production of kids and family content for Disney+ and Disney Channels, the company said in a statement. Division leaders also took into account the fast evolving media environment that provides more personalized music choices than ever to a generation of young consumers, and the ongoing public health crisis that continues to affect in-person music events.One thing that stands out to me is the fact they are willing to change what is dated and pursue fresh, new messaging and content. Rather than holding on to something that is no longer valid, they are embracing the new methods and approaches of entertainment.As children's ministry leaders, we must constantly be monitoring our programs, events, classes and more.And we must ask what is working?What is not working?Are we stuck in a rut?What do we need to stop doing?What is outdated?What should we focus on?It's never easy to change something that worked in the past. But the key word is "past." What got you where you are today, probably won't take you where you need to go for the future.The reason Disney stays on the cutting-edge is because they are willing to let go of things that are no longer effective and venture into hew waters. As children's ministry leaders, we must be in the same posture.And during the current crisis is a good time to initiate changes. With all of damage the pandemic has caused, people are open and willing to try new avenues of ministry.Your turn. How is the pandemic affecting your ministry? Are you closing some parts of your ministry? How are you being strategic with your allotted budget during this time? How are you focusing on the mission of the church? Share your thoughts and input in the comment section below.p.s. Do you have a copy of the book "If Disney Ran Your Children's Ministry." Lots of great insight and ideas from how Disney operates. You can get it at this link today. Have you ever faced something in children's ministry that you weren't prepared for?I have. In over 30 years of full-time children's ministry, there have been so many things I've learned by either making mistakes or asking other people what they would do.It is so valuable to have a coach who can not only help you prepare for key aspects of children's ministry, but can also encourage you and push you out of your comfort zone.Over 50 children's ministry leaders have been through my Advance Coaching program. And now I'd like to personally invite you to be part of the next coaching group.Here are 6 key areas you will learn about through this experience:Self LeadershipLeading Staff and Volunteers Leading Through Change and Challenges Keys to Growing a Ministry Creating a Dynamic Children's Ministry Culture in Your Church Staying Relevant in Children's MinistryOur next group begins in January. The deadline to apply is December 15.Click here for more detailed information and to register.Come join me. Together we can help you become a better, more effective children's ministry leader.I believe leading a children's ministry in a local church is one of the most challenging jobs in the entire church.Besides the Pastor, no one in the church interacts with and impacts more people than the children's ministry leader.Think about it. You interact with babies, pre-schoolers, and elementary kids. You impact the middle schoolers and high schoolers who serve in the ministry. You interface with parents and grandparents. You lead the senior adults who serve in your ministry. You lead adult volunteers.It takes some key skills to be able to lead a children's ministry effectively. Let's talk about some of the most important ones.DISCIPLINE It takes discipline to lead a children's ministry. First and foremost, you must able to discipline yourself. Paul said it like this in I Corinthians 9:2..."I DISCIPLINE my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified."The demands are simply too much for a person who can't or won't discipline themselves first. Look what Paul told Timothy as he prepared him for ministry."Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you."Before you can lead others, you must first lead yourself well. You must discipline yourself to walk with God. You must discipline yourself to walk your talk. You must discipline yourself to avoid temptation. You must discipline yourself to be a solid leader. If you do not learn to discipline yourself first, you will stumble and fall trying to help other people. It's vital that you have accountability and people who speak into your life.There have been several prominent pastors this year who've had to step down from their ministry due to immorality or other shortcomings. Don't be that person. Discipline yourself and put walls of protection around you.If you don't discipline yourself in these matters, it's just a matter of time until you fold as a leader. First and foremost you must have discipline to lead a children's ministry.DEVELOPMENTStaff and volunteers are people who have different abilities, passions and skills. Your role is to help them discover their spiritual gifts and thrive as they operate in those roles.Your success as a leader will rise and fall on the strength of the volunteer team you develop. As you develop people, you will become someone that people want to work and volunteer with. It's important to have a developmental plan for each team member. Work with your team members to identify and develop a personal growth plan. And provide them with feedback. Giving feedback is one of the most effective ways to develop your team members.If you want to get better at providing feedback, here are some tips at this link and at this link.DELEGATIONNo matter how good you are in children's ministry, there's only so much that you can achieve working by yourself. You must learn to build teams and then do the work of the ministry as a team.To delegate effectively, you must get the right people in the right roles. Once you have your people in roles they enjoy and thrive in, you can begin delegating corresponding responsibilities to them.Your role is not to do the ministry, but rather to equip and delegate it to leaders who will run with it. You must be an equipper rather than a doer. You must decide what the vital responsibilities are that only you can do and then delegate the rest to your leaders. Then and only then will you see the ministry grow and thrive. DREAMAs the leader of the ministry, you must cast vision and direction for the ministry. This is something you can't delegate away. Get alone with God and let Him put deposit a dream in your spirit. Seek His face and listen to what He says in the quietness of the Holy Spirit's influence.Point people to the vision. Share the vision with people. Bring other people on board with the vision.I have often mentioned the story of Walt Disney and the beginning of Disneyland. Years ago, Walt stood on a plot of land. On the land was nothing but some trees and dirt. But as Walt looked at that land, he saw more than just a dusty plot of nothing. He saw a castle rising in the middle of the land. He saw lots of rides that kids could enjoy with their parents. He saw families having fun together. You see, vision is dreaming about what could be. What are you dreaming about? What vision has God placed in your spirit? Look beyond what is and see what could be. Leaders dream about what can be and then they see it come to fruition. Discipline yourself.Develop people. Delegate to those you've empowered.Dream what could be.Those are the key skills you need to lead a children's ministry. If you are looking for ways to increase your skills as a children's ministry leader, below are some ways I can help you.Lead Well in Children's Ministry book at this link.Job Descriptions for Volunteers at this link. Advance Coaching ProgramThis past weekend I was at Long Hollow Church near Nashville. They brought me in for a consultation and staff training. Long Hollow is a great church that reaches thousands of people each weekend.Children's Ministry is a major part of Long Hollow. They highly value children's ministry and it's obvious when you see their buildings and staff. Below are some pictures I took of the children's area and a few of student ministry as well. For consultations, I offer staff and volunteer training and a thorough report of ideas, insight and ways you can take your children's ministry to the next level. Basically, think of it like having a secret shopper at your church. I observe during your services and then prepare a report for you with observations, insight and ideas. Often it takes someone from the outside to see things that are blind spots.If I can be of help to your church, I am scheduling for the weekends of 2021. You can contact me at Enjoy the pictures below:It's so important to have regular times of training and encouragement with leaks. Passion leaks. Motivation leaks. Encouragement leaks.We know this, but it's been difficult to do this during Covid-19.Here's where I can partner with you and provide you with a great volunteer training online.There are two options:#1 - Bring your volunteer team together and bring the live training to them as a group.#2 - Volunteers can watch the live training at home. You also handout with notes 40 min. of training and 20 minutes of Q A access to a recording of the training so afterwards you can provide it for your team on demandI make my trainings interactive with built in times of discussions, activities and Q A. I will also work with you to determine which topic is most needed for your team.I also include creative elements that will motivate, encourage and inspire your team. Sometimes they simply need to hear this from someone outside your organization.Here are a few examples of available topics:Gen Alpha...How to Reach and Disciple Today's KidsHow to Partner with the Parents in Your MinistryConnection...It's All About RelationshipsTeach Like JesusHow to Leave a Legacy10 Keys to Being an Amazing VolunteerThe Formula for Building Great Volunteer TeamsMillennial Parents...What You Need to Know About This New Generation of ParentsWhy Your Ministry Matters or...another topic of your choice.I normally charge $99 for these trainings, but through December 15th you can purchase a live training for only $50. Once you purchase the training, we will connect and decide what date works best for you. You can book the training for anytime during 2021. Your whole team will have access to the training. There is no limit on how many of your people can watch it live or later on demand. I normally do the training using Zoom or Skype.Let's partner together to encourage and motivate and bless your team.Have more questions? You can email me at to book an online conference? You can book it at this link.I look forward to partnering with you in 2021.


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