CBOE deposita per elencare lETF di Bitcoin proposto da Van Eck

CBOE sta cercando di rientrare nel settore delle criptovalute, depositando per elencare un ETF Bitcoin proposto dallasset manager Van Eck.

Ha depositato per elencare il Bitcoin

La Chicago Board Options Exchange, o CBOE, società di holding di scambio leader a livello mondiale, ha depositato per elencare il Bitcoin Loophole exchange-traded fund proposto dallasset manager Van Eck.

CBOE ha presentato un modulo 19b-4 chiedendo il permesso di elencare lETF dalla U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission il 3 gennaio. Nel modulo, CBOE sottolinea i vantaggi che un ETF offrirebbe agli investitori al dettaglio rispetto ai mercati spot di Bitcoin, compresa la custodia:

Lesposizione al bitcoin attraverso un ETP presenta anche alcuni vantaggi per gli investitori al dettaglio rispetto allacquisto diretto di bitcoin spot. Il vantaggio più notevole è luso del depositario per la custodia dei beni bitcoin del Trust.

Mentre CBOE non ha rivelato chi è il suo custode, il documento nota che il suo custode è una società fiduciaria costituita e regolata da [il Dipartimento dei servizi finanziari di New York].

Una volta che la SEC ha riconosciuto formalmente che sta esaminando la domanda, il regolatore ha 45 giorni per consegnare il suo verdetto o estendere il termine di valutazione. La SEC può estendere il suo periodo di deliberazione fino a 240 giorni prima di finalizzare la sua decisione.

Se approvato, lETF sarebbe il primo prodotto crypto offerto da CBOE dal febbraio 2019, con CBOE che ha poi cessato di offrire contratti futures Bitcoin. Nel dicembre 2017, CBOE è diventata la prima istituzione finanziaria regolamentata negli Stati Uniti ad offrire contratti futures su Bitcoin, battendo il Chicago Mercantile Exchange di appena un paio di settimane.

Precedentemente presentato un ETF Bitcoin nel 2017

A gennaio, Van Eck ha chiesto lapprovazione della SEC per un ETF di Bitcoin. Mentre Van Eck aveva precedentemente presentato un ETF Bitcoin nel 2017, lazienda ha anche collaborato con SolidX una società di blockchain che aveva tentato di portare un ETF Bitcoin sul mercato dal 2015 per presentare un ETF congiunto nel 2018. Lapplicazione congiunta è stata ritirata nel settembre 2019, con le due aziende che si sono separate poco dopo.

Tuttavia, lultimo deposito di Van Eck è diventato oggetto di una causa da parte di SolidX, che afferma che Van Eck ha plagiato il loro prodotto.

Van Eck ha anche depositato un ETF che traccia le prestazioni di importanti aziende di criptovalute il 21 gennaio. Il prodotto cercherebbe il prezzo e le prestazioni del Global Digital Asset Equity Index che è gestito dalla sua controllata MV Index Solutions.

Al momento della scrittura, la SEC deve ancora approvare qualsiasi prodotto crypto ETF.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin
Sie denken, Sie haben den Bitcoin-Boom verpasst?
Sie denken, Sie haben den Bitcoin-Boom verpasst?

Da Bitcoin jetzt weit über $40.000 wert ist, fragen sich Investoren, ob sie ihre Chance verpasst haben, Teil der Aktion zu sein. Wird die Bitcoin-Rallye bald enden, wenn BTC im Jahr 2021 auf niedrigere Unterstützungsniveaus zurückkehrt? Oder wird sich der Anstieg fortsetzen, da mehr Investoren die Preisvolatilität, die durch hohes Risiko und hohe Gewinne gekennzeichnet ist, annehmen?

Was sind die Hauptrisiken einer Investition in Bitcoin?

Die Hauptgefahr des Kryptomarktes ist seine extreme Volatilität. Die unglaublichen Hochs und Tiefs ermöglichen außergewöhnlich lukrative Gelegenheiten, aber dies kann genauso leicht zu schnellen und dramatischen Verlusten führen wie zu riesigen Gewinnen.

Trotz der wachsenden Akzeptanz von Kryptowährungen haben die Börsen noch nicht die hohe Liquidität und das hohe Crypto Profit Handelsvolumen der traditionellen etablierten Finanzmärkte erreicht. Bitcoin ist noch keine Mainstream-Währung, weil es weniger Marktteilnehmer gibt, es viel weniger Transparenz gibt, es Schwächen in der Sicherheit der dezentralen, auf Smart Contracts basierenden Technologie gibt, was Angriffsvektoren für Hacker darstellt, und das gesamte Ökosystem schlecht reguliert ist, was zu einem Mangel an Schutz für Investoren führt und Möglichkeiten für Kriminelle bietet.

Wie Sie die Gefahren vermeiden und Ihre BTC-Bestände verdoppeln

Es gibt eine Möglichkeit, die Risiken der schnellen Schwankungen auf dem Krypto-Markt zu vermeiden und trotzdem einen großzügigen Gewinn beim Bitcoin-Handel zu erzielen, und das ist mit Krypto-Arbitrage. Sie ist weltweit als eine der risikoärmsten Anlageformen anerkannt und beinhaltet die Ausnutzung von Preisineffizienzen an Kryptobörsen, ohne den Anleger den Gefahren der Marktvolatilität auszusetzen. Um zu sehen, wie es funktioniert, nehmen wir einen der bekanntesten regulierten Akteure im Bereich Krypto-Arbitrage, ArbiSmart, als Beispiel.

Die vollautomatische Krypto-Arbitrage-Plattform von ArbiSmart ist mit 35 Börsen verbunden, die rund um die Uhr analysiert werden, um Fälle zu finden, in denen eine Kryptowährung kurzzeitig zu verschiedenen Preisen gleichzeitig verfügbar ist, bis der Markt sich natürlich korrigiert. Der KI-basierte Algorithmus von ArbiSmart findet die Börse, an der die Währung zum niedrigsten Preis angeboten wird und kauft sie. Er findet dann sofort die Börse, an der er zum höchsten Preis angeboten wird, und verkauft ihn, um einen Gewinn zu erzielen, bevor sich die Preisineffizienz auflöst und sich das temporäre Zeitfenster schließt. ArbiSmart bietet automatisierte Krypto-Arbitrage-Handel Renditen von 10,8% bis 45% pro Jahr, je nach dem Betrag investiert.

Wie wir in den letzten Jahren gesehen haben, besteht aufgrund der Anonymität und Unterregulierung des Krypto-Raums ein erhöhtes Risiko von Betrug und Hacking. Um den Verlust Ihres digitalen Vermögens zu vermeiden, müssen Sie also sicherstellen, dass Ihre Bitcoins in einer regulierten und transparenten Umgebung Rendite erwirtschaften.

Da die ArbiSmart-Plattform zum Beispiel eine FIU-Lizenz hat, wird sie vollständig von der EU reguliert. Daher sind die Kunden durch strenge Datensicherheitsprotokolle geschützt, um Hackerangriffe zu verhindern, sowie durch die notwendigen Identitätsüberprüfungsverfahren, um Geldwäsche und Betrug zu verhindern. Darüber hinaus stellen eine externe Prüfung und die Trennung von Kunden- und Firmengeldern die Integrität der Buchführung sicher, und eine Pflichtversicherung bietet Schutz für den Fall, dass ein Cyberangriff tatsächlich erfolgreich ist.

ArbiSmart bietet auch die Gewissheit, eine starke Online-Reputation innerhalb der Krypto-Community zu haben, über alle sozialen Kanäle hinweg. Es hat eine starke und positive Präsenz in der Branchenpresse und eine ausgezeichnete Bewertung auf der Verbraucherbewertungsseite Trustpilot.

Dies ist jedoch nicht genug, um die Gefahren zu vermeiden, die mit dem Handel auf Bitcoin-Volatilität verbunden sind. Sie brauchen auch einen Ertragskanal, der den Gewinn, den Sie durch das stationäre Halten Ihrer Bitcoins in einer Wallet oder durch den etwas vorsichtigen Handel an Krypto-Börsen erzielen könnten, erreicht oder übertrifft.

Wenn Sie z.B. bei ArbiSmart zum aktuellen Preis heute 7 BTC investieren, werden Sie innerhalb von höchstens 24 Monaten Ihre Investition verdoppelt haben, ohne einen Finger zu rühren. Sie werden nicht nur großzügige Gewinne aus dem in Ihrem Namen durchgeführten Krypto-Arbitrage-Handel erzielen, sondern auch in den Genuss von Zinseszinsen sowie Gewinnen aus dem steigenden Wert des plattformeigenen Tokens, RBIS, kommen. Bisher ist der RBIS-Token seit seiner Einführung um mehr als 120% gestiegen, und basierend auf seiner aktuellen stetigen Entwicklung aufgrund des stetigen Wachstums des Unternehmens wird erwartet, dass er in den nächsten 12 Monaten um fast 3.000% an Wert gewinnen wird.

Um mehr über Krypto-Arbitrage oder ArbiSmart im Speziellen zu erfahren, können Sie das ArbiSmart-Support-Team über eine Vielzahl von Kanälen kontaktieren, darunter Twitter, Telegram, Messenger, E-Mail, Telefon, Viber, Whatsapp und mehr. Um nichts zu verpassen, können Sie sich auch gleich anmelden und Ihre Bitcoins investieren, um sicher zu gehen, dass Sie vom Boom profitieren.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Kryptowährung
Crypto market cap breekt 1 biljoen dollar na een kaakslag.

De gecombineerde waarde van alle cryptocurrencys is slechts 1 biljoen dollar waard als Bitcoin en Ether blijven stijgen.

De totale cryptocurrency marktkapitalisatie een belangrijke bellwether voor de algemene gezondheid van de digitale activaklasse brak $1 triljoen voor het eerst ooit om 19:00 ET op dinsdag 6 januari. De Bitcoin haalde rond dezelfde tijd kortstondig $37.000 boven, waarmee een nieuw record werd bereikt.

Gemeten naar marktkapitalisatie is de crypto-activaklasse in de afgelopen maand vrijwel verdubbeld toen Bitcoin (BTC) uitbrak en Ether (ETH) voor het eerst in drie jaar $1.100 vrijmaakte. Gecombineerd zijn beide activa goed voor ongeveer tweederde van de totale markt.

BTC en Ethers gravitationele aantrekkingskracht op de markt heeft tientallen, zo niet honderden, van cryptocurrencies, rapport dubbel-cijferige percentage rendementen gezien deze afgelopen week.

De triljoen-dollar-kapitalisatie werd slechts enkele dagen nadat de markt de hoogtepunten van de 2017-18 stierenmarkt had overtroffen, bereikt. Tijdens de laatste cyclus top in het begin van 2018, de gecombineerde markt GLB raakte ruwweg $830 miljard, volgens CoinMarketCap.

Op dat moment bereikten de altcoins een piek van bijna 547 miljard dollar nadat Bitcoin zich terugtrok van zijn hoogtepunt in december 2017. De altcoin-markt is momenteel minder dan de helft van dat totaal waard, wat de pure dominantie van Bitcoin tot nu toe in de huidige cyclus onderstreept.

Typisch voor Bitcoin is dat de stiercycli de weg vrijmaken voor een volgende altcoin rally, die vaak groter is dan de oorspronkelijke BTC-marge. De parabolische stijging van de altcoins kan snel gebeuren, waardoor investeerders weinig tijd hebben om zich voor te bereiden.

Veel crypto-waarnemers voorspellen een bullish 2021 voor Bitcoin en altcoins. Ze noemen de groeiende institutionele vraag naar BTC, de alomtegenwoordigheid van crypto-onramps en de natuurlijke eb en vloed van vierjarige marktcycli voor hun optimisme.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin
Buy bitcoins? Analysts suspect the main phase will start

Bitcoin has experienced a strong rally in the past few weeks and today, in line with the bullish outlook for 2021, the Bitcoin price has exploded by almost 12% to currently $ 32,687.

Analysts believe Bitcoins main bull phase has now come. This comes despite some concerns shared months ago that the cryptocurrency market was due for excessive consolidation due to the pandemic and its impact on global markets.

Bitcoin is now in its main bull phase, according to crypto analyst Willy Woo:

If you are looking for a way to start hoarding Bitcoin for the long term, you shouldnt get into the hell out of it. You wont sweat a few thousand dollars on an imperfect entry if its $ 100k, $ 200k, $ 300k in a year the main bull phase is here. The capital inflows are insane.

Above all, he cites the incredible amount of capital inflows towards Bitcoin that are currently being recorded. Technology analyst Kevin Rooke observed in December that the Grayscale Investments BTC Trust (GBTC) bought nearly 13,000 BTC from the market in a single day. He wrote:

“Bad news for BTC bears. Grayscales Bitcoin Trust just raised 12,319 BTC into $ GBTC in a single day. Thats more than the 11,512 BTC they added during all of last week when BTC broke its ATH.

Will there be setbacks in Bitcoin? Indeed! Will Bitcoin Reach $ 100,000 Or More? That is difficult to answer, but one should be aware that the price has risen extremely in the past and that large players such as Microstrategy, PayPal, Fidelity and more are now in the market and are buying up Bitcoin as a hedge against fiat currencies. To put it simply, there wont be more than 21 million bitcoins.

Strong interest in Bitcoin

To confirm the feeling that Bitcoin is in a bull market, data shows that there is strong interest in the leading cryptocurrency.

Pantera Capital, a leading crypto asset fund, found that there is a huge amount of retail demand for Bitcoin, as evidenced by PayPals crypto volumes. On this subject the company wrote:

In the USA it is already possible to invest in Bitcoin directly via PayPal. In Europe this will probably also be available towards the end of 2021. If you still want to invest securely in Bitcoin with PayPal , we recommend these instructions: Buy Bitcoins with PayPal

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin
End of paperwork: Jair Bolsonaro signs decree and regulates use of blockchain in foreign trade

Bolsonaro signs decree regulating the use of Bitcoin technology in foreign trade

The famous paperwork required to import or export products from Brazil may be numbered.

This is because the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, signed Decree No. 10,550, published this Wednesday, 25, in the Official Gazette of the Union and which regulates the use of blockchain in foreign trade.

With the Presidents signature, the country becomes a pioneer in the use of blockchain technology for the validation of documentation in foreign trade processes.

The document signed by Bolsonaro amends Decree No. 6759 of February 5, 2009, which regulates the administration of customs activities, supervision, control and taxation of foreign trade operations.

Thus, in the Decree published by the President, the documents no longer need to be signed manually or even with the exclusive use of a digital certificate.

They can now be processed digitally when signed through the blockchain.

Art. 562. The Special Secretary of the Federal Revenue of Brazil of the Ministry of Economy may dispose, in relation to the commercial invoice: () IV forms of mechanical or electronic signature, allowing the confirmation of authorship and authenticity of the document, including in the case of blockchain use, highlights the document.


The decree signed by Bolsonaro is aimed, among others, at bConnect, a blockchain network developed by Serpro for the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service. It began to be used in October to connect the customs offices of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The platform guarantees the authenticity and security of customs data shared among Mercosur countries.

The bConnect network begins by allowing the sharing of information from Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) and there are already plans to increase the network to meet the sharing of information from Customs Declarations. More than a product, we are implementing a concept that will allow the exchange of any information between countries in a secure and agile way, preserving the sovereignty of each country, highlights the manager of Foreign Trade Solutions at Serpro, Paulo Ramos.

For Bárbara Harckbart de Oliveira, of the General Coordination of Customs Administration (Coana) of the Federal Revenue Service, Bitcoin Legacy was created to supply an international need for automated exchange of customs data between countries, which, before, was done mostly through spreadsheets elaborated or extracted from the system that each country had and sent by electronic mail.

Paulo Ramos adds that companies certified as OAS are listed on the Internet, but it was necessary to have a system where it was possible to send the data of Brazilian companies and, at the same time, consult the certification of foreign companies.

bConnect opens a new scenario for automating the sharing of customs information and will be evolved to allow the integration of Mercosur with other economic blocks regardless of the technology used by them, he reveals.


According to Fernando Lustosa, Serpros Foreign Trade Solutions Business Consultant, bConnect was developed using Hyperledger Fabric 1.4, an open source application maintained by The Linux Foundation.

This solution, which is vendor-independent, enables the access and visibility rules of the bilateral agreements signed to be replicated in the authorized blockchain network formed by the nodes of the Mercosur countries, said Lustosa.

Fernando Lustosa also explains that Hyperledger Fabric is an authorised blockchain network defined by the organisations wishing to set up a consortium.

In other words, you have to be invited to participate in a Hyperledger blockchain, unlike open public networks like Ethereum. The organisations participating in the construction of the Hyperledger Fabric network are called members, Membership Service Provider MSP, which in the case of bConnect are the Mercosur countries.

As it is authorised, Fabric has features with advantages, according to Serpro, over other open blockchains: data protection and consistency.

It uses permissions to guarantee control of members and access rights; confidential transactions visibility control of transactions by groups based on cryptographic keys (digital certificates); no cryptomaps no need for mining or costly computing to publish transactions; programmable logic implemented in contracts (chaincode) for automation of business processes, Serpro highlights.

International reference

Each country in the network includes information on its OAS companies in the blockchain and this information will be immediately viewed by those countries whose Smart Contract is established. In the innovative architecture proposed by Brazil, the foreign trade systems will be linked to this network and will be sensitized with the inclusion of new blocks, said the manager of Serpro Paulo Ramos.

The bConnect platform was presented in September to the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, an American security program, as an example to ensure authenticity of the customs information shared between Brazil and partner countries.

The presentation made by Serpro specialists marked a new moment in international data exchange, in which Brazil is a reference.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin
BTC Bulls mikken op $ 18K: kan de huidige neerwaartse trend binnenkort omkeren?

Gisteravond onderging de BTC-prijs een substantiële duik naar $ 17.700 toen de bulls schijnbaar de controle over de prijsactie van de munt verloren.

Het BTCUSD- paar stuiterde echter terug naar $ 18.400 nadat het tot die dieptepunten was gedaald

De opleving kwam na bullish nieuws dat de Amerikaanse levensverzekeringsmaatschappij MassMutual Life Insurance voor $ 100 miljoen aan fysieke BTC had gekocht.

De verzekeringsmaatschappij kocht de munten naar verluidt via NYDIG, een in New York gevestigd bewarings- en handelsuitvoeringsbedrijf. Volgens de oprichter van NYDIG, Ross Stevens, hebben veel meer verzekeringsmaatschappijen Crypto Trader gekocht om hun portefeuilles in te dekken tegen inflatie en om rendement te genereren om claims uit te betalen.

Dat gezegd hebbende, is de strijd tussen de bulls en bears om controle over de cryptovooruitzichten op middellange termijn van de benchmark nog lang niet voorbij.

Bitcoin worstelt momenteel om een momentum te krijgen nadat de verkoopdruk weer is toegenomen, waardoor de cryptocurrency-handel onder de $ 18.000 komt.

Een analist houdt deze belangrijke niveaus nauwlettend in de gaten

Op het moment van schrijven van dit artikel is BTC iets minder dan 1% gedaald tegen de huidige prijs van $ 17.950. Er lijkt enige weerstand te zijn om te voorkomen dat het digitale activum $ 18K kraken, hoewel de markt ook geen intense uitverkoop heeft gezien.

Het tij zou echter snel kunnen veranderen in het voordeel van de bulls, aangezien kopers proberen de leidende cryptocurrency terug te duwen tot boven $ 18K. Dit kritieke niveau fungeerde als een sterke ondersteuningsbasis voor BTC tijdens de handel op donderdag.

Een analist ondersteunt de theorie dat de huidige neerwaartse trend van BTC snel zou kunnen omkeren , en merkt op dat $ 18.500 zijn opwaartse doelwit is.

Prominente analist CryptoMichNL deelde zijn mening over de weinige belangrijke niveaus die een belangrijke rol zouden kunnen spelen in de prijsactie op korte termijn van BTC.

“De trend is nog steeds laag, maar we kunnen een potentiële bullish trigger zien als $ BTC terugvalt boven $ 17.800 voor ondersteuning. Dan is de volgende trigger $ 18.500. Maar als je dat niet doet - $ 17.000 en daarna $ 16.300, ” tweette de analist .

Ondanks deze bullish voorspelling wijst on-chain-analist Ki-Young Ju op een verontrustend teken voor Bitcoin. Hij merkte op dat een bekend mijnwerkersadres op 10 december 800 BTC naar Binance-uitwisseling verhuisde, volgens gegevens van CryptoQuant.

Deze trend suggereert dat sommige mijnwerkers verwachten dat de BTC-prijs de komende weken zal dalen en dus hun bezit afdekken.

ETH handelt onder $ 550, duidt op verdere achteruitgang

De ETH-prijs bereikte bijna $ 577 voordat het een scherpe daling onderging na een afwijzing van de belangrijkste $ 580-weerstand tegen de Amerikaanse dollar.

Het ETHUSD- paar dook zelfs onder de $ 560 en $ 550 zones. Het wordt momenteel verhandeld tegen $ 548, aangezien het steeds meer bearish tekenen vertoont.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin
Ripple manager sees beside Bitcoin still place for many other crypto currencies
Asheesh Birla praises Bitcoin, but sees the market-leading crypto currency in the future no longer as an autocrat.

In an interview with the Lend Academy podcast on 5 November, RippleNet general manager Asheesh Birla Bitcoin (BTC) described Bitcoin as a very innovative alternative to gold, but said that the year 2020 had proven that there was still enough room for many other crypto currencies.

In this context, Birla explains that Bitcoin did not try to take over the payment sector and that different crypto currencies have different applications, which gives them the opportunity to cut off pieces of the crypto market. The sole dominance of Bitcoin would therefore no longer be a safe bet:

I think that the days when everyone thought that only Bitcoin would prevail are numbered. I think it is pretty clear that there will be many digital currencies and that many traditional financial products will be tokenized as digital currencies.

The General Manager had already made these confident statements at a time when XRP, the crypto-currency belonging to his company, was quoted at $0.25. His optimism seems to have been confirmed in the meantime, as the price has tripled since then and last week climbed to a high of USD 0.92. Recently, however, it went down again by 30%.

Although XRP was not particularly strong at the time of the interview, Birla stated in the podcast that the crypto market had now overheated again after the crash of 2018.

I think that the traditional venture capitalists are not as interested as in 2017, the expert said. He then adds: But nevertheless, I find the industrys innovative strength is currently stronger than ever.

Ripple co-founder Chris Larsen and CEO Brad Garlinghouse have recently expressed their displeasure about the lack of clarity in the regulation of crypto-currencies in the US. Yoshitaka Kitao, CEO of the major Ripple investor SBI Holdings and also a member of Ripples board of directors, leaked the news that the block-chain payment service provider was considering moving to Japan.

Larsen describes the U.S. regulators approach as regulation by punishment, which he says is due to the fact that they are lagging far behind in the transition to a new global financial system.

At the time of going to press, XRP is quoted at $0.61, a loss of 3% in the last 24 hours.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin
EXCLUSIVE: HEX Token, reliable offer or scam?

Hex is one of the most controversial projects.

Richard Heart, the founder of the project, has a shady past that has drawn criticism.

While the function of HEX is not entirely clear or straightforward, it is difficult to conclude how dishonest an ad can be.

The HEX altcoin presented itself as a wise investment. “Hex is designed to increase in value faster than anything else in history,” the companys website explains. The brand also launched an advertising campaign, claiming: “The price of HEX increased by 11,500% in 129 days”, in nothing less than the business magazine “The Economist”. In this BeInCrypto survey, we took a closer look at the controversial HEX crypto token scheme.

Both the history and the tokenom of Hex are complicated, which makes it one of the most controversial crypto projects .

HEX advertisement in “The Economist” in the UK

While claims that HEX is skyrocketing are not entirely false, many believe they are misleading. A slew of posts and forum posts have decried HEX as a useless altcoin that brazenly declares returns too good to be true.

Notably, the project has no white paper, no AML or KYC, and the token issuance is misleading at best.

As part of a BeInCrypto investigation, analyst Valdrin Tahiri looked at the HEX chart. On November 13, just a week before the first day on-sale rewards unlocked, he found that Fibonacci levels, changes in volume, support, and resistance all looked like a market free from manipulation. This is different from Ponzi schemes like Bitconnect or OneCoin, whose charts looked random.

So what is HEX?

So what is HEX, and what should you be looking for? Well, the We b site presents the token as a high interest certificate of deposit for crypto. In other words, you lock in your money and earn interest on it.

Originally, bitcoin (BTC) holders were rewarded with HEX, and users could trade ether (ETH) for HEX. These HEX tokens must then be sold or reprocessed for more HEX. Ending the vesting period or not immediately re-staking the tokens results in the loss of some of these tokens.

This penalty would be an incentive to stop short sellers , a sentiment that did not materialize. On November 20, the first day, the in-game rewards were unlocked for sale, HEXs price dropped 20 percent (well get to that later).

On November 17th, HEX started to shrink with a large volume and after three days it lost 73% of its value. Currently, price is near August to September support levels near $ 0.003, below which it has not traded since the start of the year.

Losing the current support zone could trigger another similar drop, as the next support zone is 93 percent below the current price.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin
Attendez-vous à un rebond sur les bitcoins mais Voici ce que disent les analystes sur la CTB, les perspectives de prix de lETH après le récent crash

La CTB a chuté à 16 200 dollars avant de se redresser légèrement

La première et la plus importante cryptocarte par capitalisation boursière, le bitcoin (BTC), sest effondré après avoir atteint un sommet de 19 500 dollars le 26 novembre. Dans un mouvement baissier prolongé, le BTC a plongé jusquà un plancher de 16 200 dollars avant de se redresser légèrement. La chute soudaine des prix est survenue après que les baleines aient déposé BTC sur des bourses, probablement dans le cadre dun programme de prise de bénéfices, près des 20 000 dollars de Bitcoin, son plus haut niveau de tous les temps.

La veille du crash de BTC, les analystes de Glassnode ont indiqué que le nombre de baleines Bitcoin avait atteint un nouveau record. Cest ce quils ont déclaré :

Le nombre de baleines Bitcoin (entités détenant au moins 1 000 BTC) a atteint un nouveau TAT après plus de 4 ans

De ce fait, Bitcoin pourrait connaître à court terme dautres reculs en raison de la prise de bénéfices par les baleines. Historiquement, une correction nest peut-être pas hors de propos, car lors des cycles haussiers précédents, la CTB a chuté de 30 à 40 % avant de poursuivre son redressement.

Graphique quotidien de la CTB/USD
Bitcoin se négocie actuellement à 17 064 dollars.

Le deuxième plus grand actif de crypto, Ethereum (ETH), na pas été épargné par le bain de sang, puisquil a plongé de son plus haut niveau depuis plusieurs années (623 $) à son plus bas niveau (moins de 500 $), avant une légère reprise. Au moment de la rédaction du présent rapport, lETH se négocie à 503 dollars.

Attendez-vous à un rebondissement sur Bitcoin mais voici ce que disent les analystes sur la CTB, lETH

Les analystes postulent trois scénarios probables pour le prix de Bitcoin à court terme. Premièrement, il pourrait se redresser relativement rapidement pour atteindre 18 000 dollars. Deuxièmement, il pourrait continuer sa chute vers la prochaine grande zone de soutien à 13 700 $. Troisièmement, il pourrait séchelonner, permettant au marché des dérivés de se stabiliser.

Concernant la possibilité dun rebond, les traders affirment quun rebond au-delà de la fourchette de résistance de 17 500 à 17 700 dollars pourrait aider à la reprise de la CTB. Un trader pseudonyme, Salsa Tekila, a déclaré : Jai le feu vert pour acheter des baisses de $BTC si nous repassons au-dessus de 17,5k.

La moyenne des flux entrants de tous les échanges atteint la zone de danger. Courtoisie : CryptoQuant
Un autre analyste a déclaré que la CTB peut rebondir comme elle le fait lors de la plupart des retracements, mais quil peut sagir dun rebond de chat mort. Un dead cat bounce se caractérise par un rebond des prix de courte durée après une baisse prolongée ou un marché baissier, inévitablement suivi dune autre baisse. Il est tout à fait naturel que les tendances baissières soient interrompues par de brefs rallyes, mais le plus délicat est que le rebond peut ressembler à un renversement à première vue.

Sur la possibilité dune consolidation ou dune nouvelle baisse, un crypto-analyste Willy Woo a noté quune consolidation pourrait se produire.

Un trader pseudonyme, CryptoHustle, a déclaré que la consolidation de la CTB serait bénéfique à la fois pour Bitcoin et Altcoins. Il a déclaré :

Cette correction sur la CTB à la résistance à lATH est la meilleure chose qui puisse arriver à la tendance 1. Plus nous consolidons, plus lélan de la percée de 20 000 $ sera important. 2. La consolidation du $BTC signifie probablement que les Alts rebondiront fortement et continueront à se redresser.

Un autre trader sous le nom de Beatlorion a déclaré quune baisse en dessous de 15 000 $ était devenue une possibilité. Cela pourrait impliquer que la CTB pourrait tester la zone des 14 000 dollars qui devrait servir de support crucial, puisquelle a marqué le sommet du cycle des taureaux en juin 2019.

Un trader a également déclaré que le Bitcoin allait probablement baisser ou se consolider pendant une semaine avant dentamer un mouvement à la hausse, ce qui a également été corroboré par un autre groupe danalystes de marché qui pensent que la baisse prolongée de la BTC pourrait atteindre 13 000 dollars avant que la dynamique baissière ne sessouffle et ne cède la place à une autre vague haussière massive.

En résumé, quelles que soient les baisses, les perspectives à long terme du prix des bitcoins restent haussières dans un contexte dimpression de la monnaie, dinflation et de présidence de lAméricain Joe Biden.

Pour le plus grand Altcoin, le lancement prochain dEthereum 2.0, le 1er décembre, est une tendance haussière pour lETH. Les analystes pensent que lETH pourrait être en route pour 800 dollars après cet événement largement proclamé.

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The crypto security big hit or overregulation?

Specialist lawyer Lutz Auffenberg and his law firm Fin Law have specialized in the field of fintech and innovative technologies. In particular, blockchain technology and its regulation are the focus of his activities. In his guest post he takes a critical look at the draft law on the introduction of electronic securities.

This article is first on the FIN LAW blog published

With the bill on the introduction of electronic securities, the ministries of justice and finance also proposed the creation of a new regulatory regime for crypto securities in the summer of this year. This is supposed to be a special form of electronic securities which, according to the definition in the current draft law, only differs from other electronic securities in that it is entered in a crypto securities register.

Crypto securities registers are to be kept by companies that are appropriately supervised by the financial supervisory authorities. According to the current idea of the draft bill, they must be kept on a decentralized, forgery-proof recording system in which the data is logged in the chronological order and saved against unauthorized deletion and subsequent changes. According to the justification for the draft, the term crypto securities register is chosen to be open to technology. Since, according to the definition, only decentralized storage methods may be used, according to the current state of the art, ultimately only recording systems based on distributed ledger technologies can be considered. However, the use of public blockchains should not be considered for crypto securities registrars, because, for example, the risk of a hard fork event could not be controlled. Only private blockchains should therefore be of practical use.

What information should be stored in the cryptocurrency registry?

Comprehensive information about registered securities should be stored in crypto securities registers. According to the draft, crypto security registrars must in particular clearly identify the security (e.g. ISIN), information about the issuer, the owner, obstacles to disposal, rights of third parties and information about whether the crypto security is in the name of a securities trading bank or the custodian (collective custody) or registered to the names of the individual owners.

The new regulation is intended to ensure that the holder identified in the crypto securities register is also legally considered the holder. Disposals about crypto securities should only take effect when they are entered in the underlying crypto securities register.

Do tokenized securities have to be entered in a crypto securities register?

The new rules for crypto-securities would not be mandatory when issuing tokenized securities. As things stand at present, it would still be possible to issue “classic” security tokens on a public blockchain, which would be linked to certain investor rights via the underlying token terms. However, the great advantage of crypto securities over unregistered security tokens would be their ability to be acquired in good faith and unencumbered. This property, which according to current securities law is not possible without the physical embodiment of a security, could make crypto securities marketable.

Veröffentlicht am Kategorien Bitcoin