Messianic Evangelicals - New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY) and Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT)

Web Name: Messianic Evangelicals - New Covenant Assemblies of Yahweh (NCAY) and Mishpachah Lev-Tsiyon (MLT)






all honest seekers after all-truth who know and love Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) or who genuinely want to know Him and be totally free of the lies and deceptions in the world-system, including the counterfeit church-system, and know real inner peace This website is not for the faint-hearted or for those who are not willing to implement any truth they may learn here. The reaction many have in having their illusions shattered by the truth is not unlike that of a child who has been told that Santa is a myth. They will hate you for telling them before they accept that it is true. That is the risk you take in reading the material here. We, for our part, accept the risk of being hated for telling you the truth because we love the truth above all else. We know from personal experience that "the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Discovering the truth of the very real 'Matrix' that is the world-system is very disturbing and will leave you profoundly unsettled without the remedy. If you're not willing to accept the only remedy that works - the offer of salvation in Yah'shua the Messiah - then it is better that you move on and continue as you are. Yah'shua (Jesus) admonishes us to "count the cost" (Luke 14:28) before we commit. If you do decide to make a choice for Yah'shua, it will cost you everything you've got.You must accept full personal responsibility for your choices if you decide to read on. So take your time, consider and weigh your options. Whether you decide to commit or not, please read the disclaimer below: You will find this one of the most challenging websites on the Internet. Whatever you seriously read here, whether a lot or just little, you will never forget and you will never be left the same again. The truth - whether you accept it or not - always sticks once you've heard it - it doesn't go away. But be forewarned: whilst the spirit of man rejoices in the truth, the fallen fleshy-nature of man is often equally enraged by it. You should expect both reactions because the truth brings out the best and the worst in you. As part of our responsibility in providing this information to you, we are also willing to assist you in your personal spiritual journey. We do, however, expect everyone to accept full responsibility for the choices they make. Unless you're being real, please move on. We pray Yahweh's blessings on you whether you stay or move on. May you be filled with His Love and may His Shalom (Peace) be upon you! If you are a first-time visitor here, we recommend that you start with the Essential Introduction and then read Symphony of Truth, What We Believe in a Nutshell, The Way of Yahweh and The Gift of Friendship before plunging into the rest of the materials. If you've never met Christ and would like to hear someone's testimony, please see the movie, A Glimpse of Eternity. To keep your finger on the pulse of what we are doing, you are also invited to join our Discussion Group: WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT OUR MATERIALS "I just wanted to say what an amazing [discussion] site this is! There is so much to learn! I wish I had more time! After reading some of the discussions, I did want to say how I appreciate the gentleness and respect with which you treat everyone. I see Yah'shua in this and that is how we are supposed to be - a reflection of Him. Even when someone is rude you treat them kindly and I see little of that in some other sites I have visited. There are some things I read here that I am a little unsure of, but because of the way you conduct yourselves, I feel that I can ask questions when I am ready and not feel that I will be attacked. So thank you and I look forward to continuing to learn!" (TR, USA, 3 April 2009)"This is one of the coolest sites. Very comprehensive!" (CS, USA - 15 March 2009)"I just stopped by to tell you that I visited your website (NCCG.ORG) and found it to be INCREDIBLE! I love it! There is so much wonderful and helpful material for YHWH's children there. Thank you so much for your service to the Kingdom of YHWH" (NA, USA, 2 December 2008)"Some people are content to stay on the surface and lap up whatever is thrown out to them. I think this is what has attracted me to come to this site (NCCG.ORG), and I find myself coming here more and more, as I can see nuggets of treasures in here. This leads me to go back to the Scriptures and re-read, search, and find these truths that are hidden in there" (YL, USA, 16 February 2009)"I haven't read a lot yet, but what I have read is so right. These truths have been inside of me for a very long time. This site puts flesh on the bones of knowledge. Thank you very much. I know that this is a garden for me to grow in" (MS, USA, 1 March 2010) "O my word...just discovered your website - awesome...thank you and thank you again. God bless you abundantly and far above that what you can even imagine" (EJR, South Africa, 8 April 2011)"You are such a blessing to many Christians. You speak truth without condemnation. You truly have wisdom and tact. Yahweh/God our Heavenly Father bless you and your family for that. I learn so much from you. Thank you very much " (HB, Holland, 17 July 2011) "I appreciate and enjoy all the work you do on a day to day basis. Keep on spreading the knowledge and wisdom that you have been blessed with and keep pointing people to the truth in Jesus Christ. You are very much appreciate my brother. God richly bless you today! And every day!" (LSB, Canada, 28 June 2016) "I came across the website about two weeks ago and I'm so grateful to the Almighty for the great teachings. There are many mind-blowing, paradigm-shifting, soul-changing articles I am looking at. Very many and interesting. I do not know where to begin actually! Thank you so much and may Our Eternal Creator Abba Father bless you for the good work you have done for His kingdom." (WK, Kenya, 28 September 2018) Before you read anything on this website you first need to know how to distinguish between genuine believers and false ones. Important though doctrine and Torah are - and you'll find plenty of that here - what separates the two is whether you've had a genuine encounter with the resurrected Messiah or whether you're just play-acting the rôle or part of a Christian or Messianic the way you think one should be.A counterfeit believer - one who has never been born again - is like a creature imprisoned but always keeping an eye out for a hole in the fence. In time such people treat the truth - the things that are right - as though they are stopping them from going where they want to go. They view the fence (Torah) as an obstacle rather than as a protective hedge, and secretly (or openly) come to hate it. When push comes to shove, the counterfeits find the hole (usually a twisted scripture with which to justify themselves) and make a run for it. "Unless you are converted [in your heart] and become as little children (having an innocent, humble and accepting attitude), you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3, NKJV) A true believer is someone who actually understands the awfulness of sin and its horrible consequences, sees the price that Yah'shua (Jesus) had to pay on the Cross to put it away, and gains a real heart-love for the Saviour. When push comes to shove, such a person can never turn around and cast it all off as though it was nothing to him. He would rather be persecuted to death.Many believers are like seeds who up and endure for a while but do not endure in the long run because they were missing a proper rooting - thus their fruit whithers and does not endure to eternal life. But to gain a proper rooting, planting must take place on good, fertile ground.This ministry aims to produce the best soil that there is. The soil is the truth and the price you must pay to get it is your pride. But our first goal is to point you to Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Only then do we want to teach you the Torah because until you have met Him you will see the commandments as a restrictive, imprisoning fence rather than as a divinely-given protective hedge. And if you try to obey it without knowing Him, you will become a counterfeit believer, trying to earn your salvation through works (legalism), which is impossible.Our goal is to bring unbelievers to Yah'shua (Jesus) and His salvation and thereafter believers to Torah. If that interests you, then we welcome you to this website and what we hope will be an immensely rewarding and satisfying experience for you. 2. The Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; 3. Satan is a real being and force, not merely symbolic; 4. A person cannot earn his/her way into heaven by trying to be good or do good works; 5. Yah'shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is our Redeemer-Elohim (God) and lived a sinless life on earth; and 6. Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator-Elohim of the world who still rules the universe and judges mankind today according to His law-book, the Torah.MLT ASSEMBLIESPriesthood Dedication of Messianic Israel: Sunrise Wed 25 - 31 March 2020 Aviv 1 - Tabernacle Raising of Messianic Israel: Sunrise Wed 25 March 2020Aviv 1 - Nativity Celebration: Sunset Wed 25 March 2020Appearing of Messiah in the Tabernacle: Sunrise Wed 1 April 2020Jericho 2020 March: Sunrise Fri 24 April - Sunrise 1 May 2020GENERAL NCAY ASSEMBLIESSPRING MOEDIMPesach/Passover: Sunrise Tues 7 April 2020 Chag haMatzah/Unleavened Bread: Sunrise Wed 8 - Tues 14 April 2020 Yom haBikkurim/Firstfruits: Sunrise Thur 9 April 2020 Late Pesach/Passover: Sunrise Thur 7 May 2020 SUMMER MOEDShavu'ot/Weeks: Sunrise Sun 19 July 2020 AUTUMN/FALL MOEDIMYom Teruah/Trumpets: Sunrise Fri 18 September 2020 Yom kaKippurim/Atonements: Sunset Sat 26 - Sunset Sun 27 Sept 2020 Sukkot/Tabernacles: Sunrise Fri 2 - Thur 8 October 2020 Shemini Atseret/Last Great Day: Sunrise Fri 9 October 2020 All dates are for Arvika, Sweden - check the NCAY Dynamic Calendar for your locationFor a complete overview for the year's gatherings please check out the Moedim of Yahweh pageBaruch haShem YHWH kol beit Yisra'el! We worship our Heavenly Father Yahweh through His Son Yah'shua (Yeshua/Jesus) "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John 14:27, NKJV) "Yahweh, in infinite mercy, has instituted a way of salvation by which wicked men may be redeemed from sin, but never in sin" (J.A. Wood) Discover real peace, love, security, certainty, family integrity, answers to difficult questions and real hope in a world of rapidly accelerating moral, spiritual, social and economic chaos on this unique divinely commissioned, comprehensive and cutting-edge website where everything is harmoniously brought together! "We should not assume that our ways are normal and that God's ways are an abnormality which needs vindication" (Greg Bahnsen) Three cultural paradigms* showing how the One World Religion is Evolving Religion is a crutch, an illusion, the opium of the people (atheism/fascism/ communism/liberalism) An impersonal universal god (pantheism = occultism) makes all things one (monism = satanism) Teach personal responsibility (accountability to Truth who is Yah'shua the Messiah/ Jesus Christ and Torah) Teach human rights (you are your own truth = self-worship and self-accountability) Teach collective duties, responsibilities or obligations (the state is Truth = Totalitarianism = no accountability = dictatorship) Don't tolerate dissenters (zero tolerance = persecution = prison, torture and murder) * A cultural paradigm is a social awareness, a worldview, a pattern or framework for understanding reality, a point of view that determines how the general public evaluates good and evil, right and wrong. A paradigm shift means a cultural transformation, a total change in thinking, seeing, and evaluating social issues. "Your enemies will perish and those who love you will be like the sun when it rises in its strength" Facing a task unfinished, that drives us to our knees, A task that, undiminished, rebukes our slothful ease. We, who rejoice to know Thee, renew before Thy throne, The solemn pledge we owe Thee, to go and make Thee known.Where other lords beside Thee, hold their unhindered sway Where forces that defy Thee, defy Thee still today With none to heed their crying, for life, and love, and light Unnumbered souls are dying, and pass into the night.We bear the torch that flaming, fell from the hands of those, Who gave their lives proclaiming, that Yah'shua died and rose. Ours is the same commission, the same glad mission ours, Fired by the same ambition, to Thee we yield our powers.O Father who sustained them, O Ruach who inspired, Saviour, whose love constrained them, to toil with zeal untired, From cowardice defend us, from lethargy awake! Forth on Thine errands send us, to labour for Thy sake.Frank Houghton (China Inland Mission) The NCCG.ORG website has been under reconstruction for some years now with the current one due for a complete redesign. For further orientation, please read the new Introduction section to find out where we've been and what we're up to today.We are mostly on-line now with all but one sub-site. Please return here for bulletins on progress. The following category is still under reconstruction: 1. NCCG Cyber Community Archive (CCA) Each category will be removed from this list as it goes online. Some of the individual pages also require updating. These include: A. The Topical Guide (many new sections missing) B. The NCCG.ORG Archive (many dead links still)New catergories will be added to aid navigation in due course. There are also some entirely new sub-sites which are continually being created!Finally, please be aware that only a portion of the materials here have been cosmetically updated to reflect current Messianic terminology. These will probably be left unchanged until time permits their eventual overhaul. So if you find the old Anglo-Greek terms (like Lord instead of Yahweh, God instead of Elohim, and Jesus instead of Yah'shua), we trust that, for the time being, you will show grace and make your own mental substitutes as you read the materials. If you want to draw our attention to any major errors, please email us."Beware all thieves and imitators of other peoples' labour and talents, laying your audacious hands upon our work" (Albrecht Dürer, 1511)This website currently receives an average of 1 visitor every 5 seconds. Between June 2007 and June 2009, for example, in a period of two years, NCCG.ORG had 6.47 million hits across the whole website

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