Fruitipedia | An encyclopedia of fruits of all over the words

Web Name: Fruitipedia | An encyclopedia of fruits of all over the words






KODALI_Aporosa cardiosperma By parmarch09/06/20200 KODALI (Aporosa cardiosperma)   A tree of kodali Family: Euphorbiaceae Synonyms: Aporosa affinis, Croton cardiospermus English name: Lindley’s aporosa Other names: Eachil, ponvetti Kodiali is a fruit from tropical region, mostly occurring in semi-evergreen and ever green forests. It is endemic to South West Sri Lanka. In India, it is mostly found in Kerala, Tamil Nadu... Continue to read PEPINO_Solanum muricatum By parmarch07/06/20200 PEPINO (Solanum muricatum)    Family: Solanaceae Other Names: Dulce Pepino, Melon Pear, Sweet Cucumber, Pepino Melon, Tree Melon, Melon Shrub Pepino is basically a native to temperate Andean region of South America. It is now commercially cultivated nearly all over the world. Pepino fruits are eaten fresh and also put to a few other uses. Description:... Continue to read KAUKI_Manilkara kauki By parmarch07/06/20200 KAUKI (Manilkara kauki) Family: Sapotaceae Synonyms: Mimusops kauki Other names: Cauqui, sawo chak, wongi. Kauki is a fruit from Tropical Asia. It occurs in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Papua and New Guinea and even in Northern Queensland of Australia. The tree is mostly found in regions with relatively dry climate, often at banks of small... Continue to read BER (Indian)_Zizyphus spp. By parmarch28/12/20180 BER (Indian)(Zizyphus spp.) A tree of Indian ber Family:Rhamnaceae Other names:Jujube, Chinese date, Chinese fig, Beris an important minor fruit of India. It is the most hardy fruit-tree cultivated all over India and is often called the poor man’s fruit. Most trees in India growing isolated are of seedling origin and therefore bear poor... Continue to read WAG-‘n-BIETJIE TREE_Zizyphus mucronata By parmarch28/12/20180 WAG-‘n-BIETJIE TREE(Zizyphus mucronata) Wag n bietjie tree Family:Rhamnaceae English name: Buffalo thorn. Common names:umPhafa, umLahlankosi, isiLahla), umPhafa, umLahlabantu, mokgalo, mutshetshete, mphasamhala, mokgalô, moonaona. Wag- n-bietjietreerepresents life as we know it. The young twigs are zigzag, indicating that life is not always straightforward. Two thorns at the nodes are also significant; one facing backward represents where we... Continue to read Boroi_Ziziphus mauritiana By parmarch28/12/20180 Boroi(Ziziphus mauritiana) A tree of boroi Family:Rhamnaceae English Name:Indian plum Boroiis atropicalfruit tree species, belonging to the familyRhamnaceae.It is most commonly found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Originally native toIndiait is now widely naturalized in tropical region fromAfricatoAfghanistanandChina, and also throughMalaysiaand intoAustraliaand in somePacificregions. It can form dense stands and become invasive in some... Continue to read WILD BER – HIMALAYAN_Zizyphus jujuba By parmarch28/12/20180 WILD BER – HIMALAYAN(Zizyphus jujuba) Fruits of wild Himalayan ber Synonyms:Zizyphus sativa, Zizyphus vulgaris Family:Rhamnaceae Indian names:ber(Himachal Pradesh);pitni, ber, kandika, kandiari, singli, ban ber(Hindi);bari, konkamber, phitni(Kashmir);ranbor, uneb(Maharashtra);amlai, singli, simli, barari(Punjab). Wild beris a plant of very common occurrence. It grows wild in forests and also on wastelands throughout the mid-hills up to elevations of 1,400... Continue to read LARGE SOURPLUM_Ximenia caffra By parmarch28/12/20180 LARGE SOURPLUM(Ximenia caffra) A wild growing tree of large sourplum Family: Olacaceae Other names: grootsuurpruim, umThunduluka-obmvu, morokologa. The large sourplumis a small tree or shrub from Africa bearing edible fruits having many traditional uses. This tree is found in woodlands and grasslands and on rocky outcrops and sometimes on termites mounds. It occurs from Tanzania... Continue to read AKAR KUBAL SUSU_Willughbeia sarawakensis By parmarch28/12/20180 AKAR KUBAL SUSU(Willughbeia sarawakensis) Akar kubal susu fruits Family: Apocynaceae Akar kubal susuis believed to be a native of Borneo.It has very tasty fruits which are also offered foor sale in local markets.But akar_kubal_susu is knownvery little outside Indonesia. Its fruits are very tasty and are very fondly eaten by local people.These are also offered... Continue to read WILLUGHBEIA_Willughbeia elmerii By parmarch28/12/20180 WILLUGHBEIA(Willughbeia elmerii) A willubheia fruit on tree Family: Apocynaceae Willughbeiagrows in the rainforests of Borneo. Though it is not known much outside its native region, yet it has quite unique features. It bears tasty edible fruits which can at times be as large as 1 kg. Description: A giant climber climbing trees in the forests.... Continue to read GEDRAPHOL_Willughbeia edulis By parmarch28/12/20180 GEDRAPHOL(Willughbeia edulis) A plant of gedraphol Family: Apocynaceae Other names: Chittagong rubber, luti aam. Gedrapholis found in the north eastern part of India, the region which is adjacent to Myyanmar. Description: A woody climber, with long hooked tendrils. Flowers fragrant. A gedraphol fruit on tree Fruits yellow or red, 5.0 – 7.5 cm long and... Continue to read BORNEO RUBBER_Willughbeia coriacea By parmarch28/12/20180 BORNEORUBBER(Willughbeia coriacea) Borneo rubber Family:Apocynaceae Synonyms: Willughbeia firma Borneo rubbergrows wild in South Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Java andSumatra, Borneo etc.It bears very good quality fruits which are popularly eaten by local people. Description: A woody climber. Fruits light orange. Fruits of Borneo rubber Utilization: The fruits are edible and eaten fresh.These are very pleasant to... Continue to read GRAPE_Vitis vinifera By parmarch28/12/20180 GRAPE(Vitis vinifera) A grape vineyard Grapeis one of the oldest fruits being grown by man. However, it was introduced into north India from Iran and Afghanistan in 1300 AD by the Muslim invaders; and into south India in 1832 by the Christian missionaries from France. Grape was well known to people even in ancient India... Continue to read WILD GRAPE BHAMBAY_Vitis lanata By parmarch28/12/20180 WILD GRAPE BHAMBAY(Vitis lanata) A bhambay vine in the forest Synonyms:Vitis cordifolia, Vitis henneana, Vitis rugosa, Cissus vitiginea. Indian names:bhambay, Mehdu (Himachal Pradesh); asajiya, asoja, paharphuta, purain (Kumaon); kolo, kolo nari (Santal). Bhambayis found throughout the sub-Himalayan tract, ascending up to 1,500 metres from Hazara eastwards up to Burma. In Himachal Pradesh it is found... Continue to read GIDAR KWAR_Vitis jacquemontii By parmarch28/12/20180 GIDAR KWAR(Vitis jacquemontii) A sketch showing various parts of gidar kwar vine Family: Vitaceae Other names: Jackal grape, kali dakh. Gidar kwar is a wild growing grape that grows from 600 to 2400 m on mountain slopes in the sub Himalayan region of India and Pakistan. In Pakistan, it occurs in Swat, Hazara and the... Continue to read WILD GRAPE BHAMBTI_Vitis himalayana By parmarch28/12/20180 WILD GRAPE BHAMBTI(Vitis himalayana) A bunch of wild grape bhambti fruits Indian names:phlankur (Himachal Pradesh); chappar tang, bara churcheri (Kumaon). Bhambtiis a commonly found climbing shrub in the forests ranging in altitude between 500 and 1,500 metres. One of the important characteristics of these grapes is that they ripen very late, i.e. in October. The... Continue to read HIMALAYAN WILD GRAPE_Vitis parviflora By parmarch28/12/20180 HIMALAYAN WILD GRAPE(Vitis parviflora) A portion of wild Himalayan grape vine Family: Vitaceae Synonyms: Vitis flexuosa Himalayan wild grape(numerous common names) grows in Himalayan region from Pakistan, India, Nepal and then also in Western and Central China. This is a deciduous climber that may ascend to a height of about 5 metres. It is fond... Continue to read PLEM_Vitex doniana By parmarch28/12/20180 PLEM(Vitex doniana) A tree of plem Family: Verbenaceae Synonym: Vitex cuneate,Vitex milnei. Other names: Black plum, West African plum. Plemis an African fruit. This is widespread in tropical West Africa and then extending eastwards to Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. This species if found growing in coastal woodlands and savannah, at low altitudes in wetter areas... Continue to read HIGHBUSH CRANBERRY_Vibrunum trilobum By parmarch28/12/20180 HIGHBUSH CRANBERRY(Vibrunum trilobum) Plants of high bush cranberry Family: Caprifoliaceae Highbush cranberryis native to Canada and the Northern United States. It mostly grows in nature in moist to wet soils of lake margins, slopes, or open woods. During the last few decades, it is also being brought under cultivation for its fruits as well as... Continue to read MOOSE BERRY_Vibrunum edule By parmarch28/12/20180 MOOSE BERRY(Vibrunum edule) Plant of mooseberry Family: Adoxaceae Synonym: Vibrunum pauciflorum Other names: Squashberry Moose berryis believed to a native of boreal North America. It is found in Pacific North West from Alaska to northern Oregon. The plants grow wild in swamps, edges of wet meadows, flood plain forests and other very wet forests. Description:... Continue to read OAK LEAVED PAPAYA_Carica quercifolia By parmarch28/12/20180 OAK LEAVED PAPAYA(Carica quercifolia) A young potted plant of oak leaved papaya Synonyms: Vasconcellea quercifolia Other names: Fig tree of the Mount, Mamón of the Mount, Higuera del Monte, Mamón del Monte Oak leaved papayais a fruit of South America. It grows in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. It is not cultivated commercially.... Continue to read PAPAYA DE MONTANA_Vasconcellea cauliflora By parmarch28/12/20180 PAPAYA DE MONTANA(Vasconcellea cauliflora) A tree of papaya de montana Synonyms:Carica bourgeaei, Carica cauliflora, Carica pennata, Carica quinqueloba, Vasconcella boissieri, Vasconcella cauliflora Other names: bonete, mountain papaya, papaita, tapaculo, zonzapote, papaye de montagne. Papaya de montanais a fruit from the Central American Region including Caribbean. It grows semi-wild in Belize, Colombia, Costa... Continue to read WILD MEDLER_Vangueria infausta By parmarch28/12/20180 WILD MEDLER(Vangueria infausta) A tree of wild medler Family: Rubiaceae Common names: wilde mispel, Mpfilwa, Mmilo, muzwilu, mavelo, umViyo, umTulwa, umVilo, umbizo, umViyo, Mmilo, mothwanyê umVile, amantulwane. Wild medleris one of South Africa s most popular wild fruits, and can be enjoyed while walking. This lovely little tree is considered to possess evil powers... Continue to read WHORTELBERRY_Vaccinium uliginosum By parmarch28/12/20180 WHORTELBERRY(Vaccinium uliginosum) A plant of whortelberry Family: Ericaceae Other names: Bog billberry, Bog Whortelberry Whortelberryis a plant from very cold areas in the temperate or even low altitude arctic regions of the Norhern Hemisphere. It is found in such geographical areas of Europe, North America and Asia. Description: A small deciduous shrub, upto 10-75cm tall,... Continue to readIt is being endeavored through this website to make available the basic or introductory information about All the edible fruits of the world.  This is a gigantic task impossible for a single person to accomplish.  It is not humanly possible for anyone to know. All edible fruits.  Even there is no information anywhere  about the total number of edible fruits in the world.So the editor requests all  fruit lovers to send articles containing basic information about the fruits of their respective regions.  If the fruit has any special useful characteristic, that may be highlighted..  May be the unexploited little known fruit publicized by you through this website, turns out to be a new successful commercial fruit crop during the coming years.Articles for publication at this website may be sent by e-mail to the Editor at .  Sender s name shall be published  alongwith the article.Chiranjit Parmar Dr. Parmar was born at Mandi, Himachal Pradesh in 1939. He did his Ph.D. in horticulture from the University of Udaipur in 1972.Dr. Parmar has worked in many universities and private companies in India and abroad. He is the most widely travelled fruit scientist in India having experience of working in all the climatic regions of the world. He has been to 34 countries in all the continents of the world.Most research of Dr. Parmar has been on wild growing and lesser known fruits.He is now known internationally for his work on Himalayan wild fruits.Dr. Parmar is a prolific writer. Besides a book and a CD ROM, he has written hundreds of articles on fruits in Indian and foreign magazines as well as newspapers. His cartoon strip, “FRUIT FACTS’ containing little known interesting facts about various fruits was published by a prominent English daily in its weekly supplement for three years.Besides writing on his subject of fruits, Dr. Parmar has also started documenting interesting anecdotes from his lifelong experiences, especially during his overseas travels, in his blog, “AROUND THE WORLD IN SEARCH OF FRUITS, FRIENDS AND NEW EXPERIENCES”, which can bee seen at the link, At the moment, there are 72 posts in this blog which have been viewed by over 1,34,000 persons.Fruitipedia was hosted by Dr. Parmar in 2008 with articles on 200 fruits. Articles have been continuously added to it. Fruitipedia has been viewed by over 3.2 million people since then. It gets between 1000 to 1500 hits every day. Dr. Parmar’s dream was that Fruitipedia should contain introductory information about ALL fruits of the world and he has been continuously working on that.Fruitipedia was originally prepared in HTML which is now getting outdated and not conveniently accessible in modern devices like smartphones and tabs. So, it was decided to revamp the whole web site in Word Press. The result is before you.2 October, 2018DR. PARMAR S CD ON WILD FRUITS OF THE SUB-HIMALAYAN REGIONThis CD, which is PDF format,  has basic information about 30 wild growing fruits, 11 wild growing nuts and 10 wild growing edible plants.  The information has been presented as 203 Power Point slides.  The CD also has 153 pictures (89 of fruits, 22 of nuts and 36 of wild edible plants).My book, WILD FRUITS OF THE SUB-HIMALAYAN REGION, that was published in 1982, contained information about 26 wild fruits only.  It had only 25 black and white plates of just ordinary quality. I continued working on these plants after 1982 too and the CD is the outcome of that work.The CD has recently been reviewed in Summer 2007 issue of Pomona.  A copy of this review is also being given below.Price: US$15 payable in advance into PayPal account or through Western Union Money Transfer.CD CONTENTSWild fruitsWild Pear Shiara – Pyrus serotinaKaphal – Myrica nagiLassora – Cordia obliquaDheu – Artocarpus lakoochaWild Date – Phoenix sylvestrisTaryambal – Ficus roxburghiiBael – Aegle marmelosWild sour pomegranateKashmal – Berberis aristataGhain – Eleagnus umbellataAakhe – Rubus ellipticusWild Apricot – ZardaluWild pear –Kainth – Pyrus pashiaHimalayan wild amlaFegra – Ficus palmataWild Apricot ChulliAmlook – Diospyros tomentosaNalakhe – Rubus niveusWild Peach – KateruKarondu – Carissa spinarumWild Grape – BhambtiWild Peach – AranWild Grape – BhambayCurry leaf plant – Himalayan strainPrickly pear – Opuntia dilleniiWild strawberryWild cape gooseberryHill bananaKangu – Flacourtia sapidaWild Apricot – SarhaWild NutsPine nut – Pinus gerardianaThangi – Corylus jaquemontiHorse chestnut – Aesculus indicusWild WalnutBahera – TerminaliaBitter almondBehmi – Prunus miraWild Growing Edible Plants

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