The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course to Remove Energy Blockages by Video or Live at Iguazu Falls

Web Name: The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course to Remove Energy Blockages by Video or Live at Iguazu Falls






Open Your Third Eye!! Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - the Logos and higher! Power UP!! Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Open Your Third Eye, Gain Luminosity - Your Brain, Just Brighter. Gain Psychic Powers, Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality - The Kundalini Kriyas, Meditation, Samadhi, Samyama A POINT OF LIGHT EXPLODES, it opens and golden light surges in to my brain from the center of my head. Like liquid light it fills me up and at the same time the universe is born, the light expands forming energies that divide and merge forming particles eventually forming atoms, molecules which form stardust stars solar systems galaxies, planets and the they form life, living cells that connect to form a physical brain, manifestation of the cosmic mind and consciousness, eventually reaching my cortex and I open my eyes and remember my self.My center is the center of the universe, the circle is complete! I am absolutely everything. All time is curved around me, all galactic systems are me, all life is me and I am through this small body I am complete. My personal mind goes in to absolute shock, into hysterical laughter that I cannot stop. I am overflowing billion times billion. Infinite amount of information fills me in a timeless time, my consciousness is flowing from the beginningless beginning of all reaching the final destination of all. The grand cycle is complete and I encounter all the infinite forms of existence as well as the formless forms of enlightenment beings, the future. I am, one with my self from the future! From the times of conscious creation. There is only space, all of my meridians are ONE! Stretching through all the creation. Then I leave my body and I am guided through many things that I cannot explain or remember in my current state. After he has removed many energy blockages over the last four weeks. Blockages above the crown chakra in the Antahkarana which were preventing him from re-connecting with the Source of all Life. He described one of the blockages between one million and Infinity of chakras above the head as a dense translucent crystal which was incredibly difficult to remove, different from the other blockages which he had found below it which were dense and covered with a black tarry substance or blood and which were more easy to transmute and dissolve.We eventually get into a state of energy transfer. We both feel it as white light flowing from one to the other in an incredibly intense way which lasts for two hours. At the end of that time I perceive an initiation which is taking place on the astral plane. Surrounded by a group of ascended masters I introduce him to the chief initiator who uses the rod of initiation to touch his third eye with the intense energies of initiation so that his energies can never again drop into that state we call normal waking consciousness.Also I noticed as soon as Satchidanand emailed me, I got a down-pouring of light from above the crown which kept charging me up the rest of the day and my cravings died out! Then I realized the cravings were ego-blockages and that I did not want them.This meditation 3 - The Energy Enhancement Course Level One, Initiation Three Streaming Video... is great! I've done it some more and it's incredibly powerful. I don't know why it isn't more well known or taught? It's really bringing up little blockages which are complaining while being pushed down into the earth's core to get purified. The hot fire energy has gotten much stronger in my body while doing the practice, mostly the base of the spine heats up, but also the middle of the spine. There are lots of little blockages being noticed. But I'm pushing them out.I think this is my new favorite meditation practice! It's far more powerful than the normal orbit practice.Have practiced it some more my body gets very hot during the practice just like the video says.My mother came into the room and told me she 'couldn't be near me' because I was giving off too much heat like a radiator! After this I noticed that by thinking about certain areas of my body I could send the intense heat to that area! So now this meditation is definitely the most powerful one I have got. Very impressive. I do an in breath/out breath orbit and then hold for a moment at the earth-core. Then I bring up the energy again.I've had another experience today, which is light surrounding a part of my selfish ego, and my ego submitted. The light has won for this issue. It is no longer possible to tolerate some of my selfish behaviours.Now I feel very peaceful.Thanks! I want to update you. I underwent a profound change in my energy last night after my main ego blockage submitted.However today I noticed with more light in my system, that there are more, smaller ego blockages which are there and which talk to me. I look forward to resolving them. I'll now paste what I wrote last night.Now I write here what I experienced between my last comment and reading her reply, written just below:I had to lay down to do some meditation just now, and I felt like there were two me s, the first me was this little black smudge of an ego, the I , the selfish ego, or the part which basically functions for it s own agenda. This guy basically pleasure-seeks and avoids pain/responsibility and is good at justifying it s reasons and making excuses.The second me , was this overwhelmingly peaceful, white light. It was so powerful it was literally drowning my little dark ego. So my ego had this light just drowning it from all directions. Imagine a war scene where the dark side is just a little blob of dark and there is hundreds or thousands of times as much light surrounding it from all angles.Then also during this process, I had to see through the light s eyes to take a look at me and I saw all these faults. I saw this creeping little dark ego who was so unaware of everything, it just kept making excuses for it s actions but this, and but that. It just kept wanting pleasurable things and to run away from responsibility. I had to take a long good look at this guy, this type of me.So my little dark ego, the I , just well, just gave up. He just said Okay!! Okay I give up! I give up! Surrender! So then I started to feel like I was going to cry. All this light just smothered me, my ego and gave it a lot of love and peace. Then I felt this vortex of white light form in my heart it felt quite small, maybe an inch or so big. Then I felt all this peaceful energy throughout my whole body it felt like cosmic/space/universe energy. Something like a peaceful energy from space (as if I had a whole entire universe inside my chest and body with the heart at the center). After that happened, I was getting light flood my body and I just felt like crying and surrendering. I suddenly felt this rush of what felt like crystalline white light flood into my body and fill my arms and legs and whole body. So I had a new layer of energy body or something like this.I think it s a point of no-return now! I can only surrender now. What seems to be filling my body is this type of energy which is peace and light, it only seems to want what s right for everyone. I hope it remains. I don t know how much of my ego I let go off I wish all of it will go now.I honestly don t believe I will go back to being how I used to, because too much of my consciousness or awareness feels grounded into light , so if I can keep seeing from the light s viewpoint, I can quickly pick out faults which I might otherwise do.Phew, what an intense evening. But I feel so peaceful! I seem quite satisfied to just drown myself in this light. I want to give an update on this today. I m pleased to say that the energy of soft love and peace which flooded my body last night, has remained with me today. I feel like a completely different person. There has been a loss of desire, an increase in peace.I threw out some supplements and felt like that type of thing has now become redundant.Today I noticed that small ego blockages were in my aura. They are much weaker than the one which submitted to the light last night, they are more deeply buried.I hope to continue to resolve and integrate these fragments of ego energy blockages in future.Peace,StarlightI'm a strong believer that personal development is the best investment you could ever make. The reason is really simple. Improving yourself proactively, working on your awareness, improving your skills and knowledge about how you can get to the edge of your potential, all of that is an investment into the greatest asset you'll always have: Yourself. I know from my own experience that this is true. And I know it from the fact that almost every Spiritually successful person started out low and became high!! Although I have made good progress with these techniques I now consider these to have been preliminary techniques to prepare me for Energy Enhancement. These methods that I have tried before simply don t provide for the systematic identification of Energy Blockages or contain the Advanced Techniques for the removal of the energy blockages to enlightenment that Energy Enhancement does. If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement course is for you. ENHANCEMENT, AMY ZANTRAS, IS LIVING AS A MASTER IN AN ASHRAM IN INDIA AND SPEAKING IN SATSANG IN INDIA, CANADA AND SWEDEN He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible....FASTER!!! If you are tired of all the many systems of meditation which leave questions unanswered and where the path to enlightenment is ill defined and uncertain then don t delay end the suffering as soon as possible learn Energy Enhancement. Jean, NUCLEAR ENGINEER, FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2005 ENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT IS THE NEWEST AND MOST HIGH SPIRITUAL IMPULSE ON THIS PLANET increase thespeed of the normal mind and Exponentially increase the speed of the Meditative Process towards Enlightenment. Gautama Buddhasaid, Meditation is for thosewho Understand the Urgency of the Situation and the Reality of Enlightenment The Dragon Serpent always symbolises Kundalini Energy. Dragons Circulatingaround the Stone, The Shiva Lingam, The Philosophers Stone of Chinese Alchemical Taoism,the uncarved block of the Tao.see it in visual terms. The same guided meditation is given actuality in TheCirculation of the Energies of Energy Enhancement (See MEDITATION EE Level One). person in the world uses thesepowers to some extent whether they are conscious of it or not.Geniuses likeEinstein used to get all his best ideas in a state of complete relaxation,meditation, in the bath!! He used to stay there in a state ofprofound relaxation, coming out with the formula E=MC squared. He wasn't just playing withhis rubber duck! Some businessmen, scientists, artists and geniuses have a complete and natural access to these higherpowers. Through theirpowers of intuition and concentration they lead the evolutionary processes of theworld. This whole world is run through the powers of the mind, concentration andMeditation. To access these powers over theself for yourself, and for the benefit of everyone around you. Learn how to become sensitive to the toxins in food and prevent thedegenerative diseases of old age. Learn hownot to become drained of energy by others at a lower energy level. Learn how not to pick up fear, sadness and anger in thepresence of others. how not to pick up colds or flu, or to higher energy conditionswhich create a heightened sensitivity almost of psychic pain. for those peoplewho want to empower themselves to enter into their own essence.increase their energetic rate. TheirEnergy, Power, Memory, Clarity, Luck, Financial Stability, Management Ability andFreedom. Who want to Master the potential pain involvedin all our relationships.MASTERY OF DISAPPOINTMENT!!! NEVER TOGET THIS AGAIN!!! The techniques teach a tremendous releaseof Energy, training you in its use and teaching how to access more Energy Strength, Power,Freedom. and Intelligence.Far Faster thanmeditation, the Initiations allow you to choose how Quickly you progress. Anyone interestedin Energy!! Anyone interested in his or her own self and psychic development. Anyoneinterested in developing clarity of mind and the education of their own emotions should read the comments and the personal testimonials of our students to theENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSE with SATCHIDANAND AND DEVI DHYANIEnergy Enhancement Level I, II, III or IV or Energy Enhancement Teacher Training Levels I, II, III or IV if you want to know more about Meditation Energy Enhancement then you need to click on certain sections of the website like...TO ENQUIRE ABOUT ENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSES PLEASE SIGN ON TO OUR MAILING LIST AND THEN EMAIL US DIRECT FROM THE EMAIL ADDRESS WE SEND YOU FROM OUR MAILING LIST AUTORESPONDERWhether you are a Management Corporate Executive, any sort of Alternative Practitioner, Meditator, Yogi or anyone who wants to Evolve, - Have Massive Energy Gains, become Better, Smarter, more Evolved, more Empathic, more Soul Infused - are the quickest and easiest methods ofevolution available, leading to Ultimate Happiness.Taught since 1991, Energy Enhancement Incorporates The Original Techniques from Every Major World Religion - Read About it in our Books - Thus Speeding Up the Meditative Process Ending in Illumination and EnlightenmentTEACHES MEDITATION, SHAKTIPAT, ENERGY CIRCULATION, THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS, ADVANCED TAOIST ORBITS - THE FIVE ELEMENTAL PATHS OF THE CHI OF CHINESE ALCHEMICAL TAOISM, THE GROUNDING OF NEGATIVE ENERGIES, ALCHEMICAL V.I.T.R.I.O.L, THE ART CARD OF THE THOTH TAROT, ACCESS TO KUNDALINI ENERGY, STRONG PSYCHIC PROTECTION, LEARN THE MERKABA, PYRAMID PROTECTION, POWER TOWER PROTECTION, ACCESS THE INTENSE ENERGY OF THE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD!!! THE HERMETIC GROUNDING AND BURNING UP OF NEGATIVE ENERGIES, THE BODY OF PAIN.. USING V.I.T.R.I.O.L... FAST!! THE REMOVAL OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES FROM THE ANTAHKARANA, SOUL CLEARING, REMOVE THOUGHTFORMS, IMPLANTS, ENTITIES, AURIC EGG BLOCKAGES, DISAPPOINTMENT, BEREAVEMENT, NEGATIVE EMOTIONS - ANGER, FEAR, WANTING SYMPATHY, MANIC, SADNESS, DEPRESSION, CHRONIC DEPRESSION, ENVY, JEALOUSY, THE DESIRE TO DO HARM, INCREASE EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL IQ, CLEAR THE MIND, CLEAR CANCER FROM THE DNA, CHAKRAS, PARTS OF THE BODY, THE KARMA CLEANING PROCESS, THE WOMB. CLEAN THE KARMA FROM ALL THE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE, CREATE GOOD LUCK, AND GOOD HEALTH. Come for a Two Week or One Month Live course to Learn Two levels of Energy Enhancement in India, Spain or Iguazu Falls - The Seventh Wonder of the Natural World!! I am experiencing Energy, the fruits of meditation which normally arrive, if they do, after twenty years of meditation and it has only taken me two weeks. Leonardo Da Vinci on Soul Chakra, one of the chakras above the head - Do not look upon my finger. Instead look towards the Soul to which it points -Energy Enhancement, - THE Coursewhich gives the MOST and FASTEST benefits of MeditationalSelf-Development available anywhere in the World today.If you want to Master MEDITATION Energy Faster, to get more Energy and to handle it better, this course is for You!If you want to Speed Up the Meditative Process, rather than sitting with no result. Energy Enhancement AdvancedMeditative Techniques including the Kundalini Kriyas and the Five Taoist Elemental Pathways ofthe Chi, is for You!!!!CLEAN THE KARMA FROM PAST LIVES, FUTURE LIFE, FUTURE LIFETIMES, SOUL FRAGMENTATION AND RETRIEVAL, INNER CHILDREN, INNER SABOTEURS, LIFE DESTROYING STRATEGIES, THE SELF DESTRUCTOR, ALL THE DESTRUCTIVE VOWS FROM THIS AND PAST LIFETIMES, THE CREATION OF SELF LOVE, LOVE AND SERVICE. THE PAINLESS REMOVAL OF STRESS, TRAUMA AND NEGATIVE EMOTION ENERGY ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 4 - CLICK HERE TO MASTER PSYCHIC ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND MASTER RELATIONSHIPS- THE ABILITY TO CUT BAD ENERGY CONNECTIONS TO, TO SEAL THE DOOR WHERE EVIL DWELLS - THE ATTAINMENT OF NON-ATTACHMENTWE ARE AFFECTED BY ENERGY BLOCKAGES IN THE PEOPLE WHO CONNECT TO US - LEARN HOW TO REMOVE ENERGY BLOCKAGES AT THE OTHER END OF YOUR ENERGY CONNECTIONS IN OTHER PEOPLE WHICH AFFECT YOU DEEPLYWhether you are a Management Corporate Executive, any sort of Alternative Practitioner, Meditator, Yogi or anyone who wants to Evolve, - Have Massive Energy Gains, become Better, Smarter, more Evolved, more Empathic, more Soul Infused - Techniques are the quickest and easiest methods ofevolution available, leading to Ultimate Happiness.Enhancement Enables FOUR Levels which must be taken in 28 Initiations in the order of One, Two, Three.. towards your Ultimate Freedom - Illumination, Nirvana, Emptiness,- Enlightenment.system to exponentiallyincrease your energy by mastering the Mind, Grounding Negative Energies, Eliminating Energy Blockages, Removing Karma and Bad Luck, accessing inner peace, improvinghealth, Mastering Relationships I FEEL THAT IHAVE BEEN GIVEN SOME SECRET KNOWLEDGE, WHICH WAS ONLY GIVEN TO THE INITIATED, ORHIDDEN AMONG A LOT OF UNNECESSARY SUB TECHNIQUES IN OTHER DISCIPLINES. Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies. SATCHIDANAND ARTICLES - READ ALL SATCHIDANAND ARTICLES IN THE ORDER WRITTEN FROM 1993 SATCHIDANAND ARTICLES - READ ALL SATCHIDANAND ARTICLES IN THE ORDER WRITTEN FROM 19935 LEVELS, GAIN MASSIVE FREE ENERGY, REMOVE ENERGY BLOCKAGES, CLEAN KARMA, MANAGE ENERGY CONNECTIONSENHANCEMENT WILL ENABLE YOU TO BECOME MORE ENERGETIC, MORE PEACEFUL, MORE POSITIVE, MORE PURE, MORE SOUL INFUSED IN YOUR ALL YOUR LIFE AND FUTURE LIFETIMES - THE REAL SECRETS OF SUCCESSENERGY ENHANCEMENT IS THE ONLY COURSE WHICH GIVES YOU THE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE FALSE TRAUMA - FORMED NEGATIVE KARMIC MASS PAIN BODY, AND ENERGY BLOCKAGES - FAST!!LEVEL ONE - POWER UP!! GET ALL YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS WORKING, GAIN SPIRITUAL KUNDALINI ENERGY!1. Meditation plus Alignment with Universal Energy and Shaktipat2. The start of the Kundalini Kriyas and Energy Circulation!!3. The Grounding of Negative Energies and Alchemical VITRIOL!!4. The Culmination of the Kundalini Kriyas in the Supra-Galactic Orbit. The Projection into the Antahkarana and Access to the Soul!!5. The Projection of Energy into External Antahkaranas - Maximum Power Up!! and the Start of Blockage Busting!!6. Supercharge your Energy with the Power Towers!!7. Psychic Protection with the pyramids!!8. Charge the Light Body with Merkaba Psychic Protection!! I was talking to the famous Ecumenical Benedictine Monk, Father Bede Griffiths, Head of the Ashram of Shantivanam on the Banks of the River Cauvery in Tamil Nadu, Southern India, he said that each Saint who has come to Earth to create a Religion has brought a Revelation, A Special Meditation Teaching, a Precious Jewel unto the Earth for the benefit of Humanity. Such is the competition between Religions is that some of these precious jewels have been destroyed or lost.Any person who has arrived. Any person who has cleaned the Insane Mind. Any person who has become Enlightened has entered into the Presence, that moment of NOW! Thus he has gained Fire, that Buddhafield, The Presence which can dissolve the Body of Pain In You. That Body of Pain which has created the Mad Mind to Drain you of Life Energy just as it is Poisoning and Destroying the Earth. That Body of Pain which is Torturing and Killing all the people on the Earth - 200 Millions in the last Century alone, without Conscience without Empathy, without Heart... Psycho!! Not only does Energy Enhancement utilise the Buddhafield, the Presence, but also it Utilises all these Precious Jewels, these Advanced Meditations, from 5000 Years of Spiritual Technology to Intensely Speed Up! the Processes of Evolution and Enlightenment within YOU, as quickly as possible. Energy Enhancement will create a profound transformation in Your Consciousness and in the Consciousness of all Humanity, Now!! As you Ground all your Body of Pain, Burn up the Body of Pain, Energy Blockages, Inherited and Collective Mind Patterns, in Kundalini Chakra and dissolve them in the Soul Chakra of your Higher Self, so you will enter into the Presence Yourself - FAST - EASY - SPEED UP!! You will awaken out of the Dream of Time into the Presence of the Present. NOW!! - SatchidanandHere you have the full list of Energy Enhancement products from our incredible books to Streaming Video and DVD Video and LIVE COURSES!! ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ONE - LINK IN TO INFINITE CHAKRA ENERGY AND ELIMINATE ENERGY BLOCKAGES ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TWO - REMOVAL OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES, MANAGING ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPSEnergy Enhancement is the Synthesis of all Religion. It will help you attain the Essence of Your Spirituality and Speed Up the Process of Illumination - A Big Shift!! Sit back and think calmly about your TWO LEVEL Energy Enhancement Course with Satchidanand - Gain Energy to Power Up! Remove Energy Blockages...The Energy Enhancement Course in 4 Levels is the direct Video Copy of the Course and consists of 75 Hours of Video. We sell it in two parts which require a lot of time to absorb and practise because we are giving so many Ancient and Effective techniques, much more than any other course, in order to give you direct spiritual experience which every student experiences on the Energy Enhancement Course!!STREAMING VIDEOS ARE THE BEST PRICE BECAUSE WE SEND NOTHING BUT THE INFORMATION DIRECT FROM THE WEBSITE.DVDs are more cost and in higher quality because of bandwidth on the web.Energy Enhancement,The Most Advanced Techniques of Meditation Available, NOW!! If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement Course is for you. JEAN, EE STUDENTOh and using your technique I've very recently just shifted a massive block from the sacral which has aided my grounding and all other chakras. From this my solar plexus will be working much more effectively and so will attract more abundance so paying you should be less difficult. Love and Light,Ryan - Energy Enhancement Streaming Video CourseDear Satchi and Devi, We were happy to hear from you! We are still in the process of moving to a new place and we maybe making a much larger move than we once thought. We are very excited! The new levels sound great! I turned 24 on the 9th of January and leading up to that day I was going through a lot of karmic mass related stuff. I worked everyday to ground some negative energy and I now feel better and lighter than ever! I understand more of myself now too and feel more able to show love to myself and all those around me. And also I feel this experience has made my meditation experience even stronger! You are both an inspiration of love and light and we are blessed to have you in our lives! Much Love and Light! Madalyn -- Meditation by Streaming Video plus Sacred Dance DVDs and Satchidanand Yoga DVD Download.FIFTEEN INITIATIONS - LEVELS 1 AND 2, GAIN ENERGY TO POWER UP!! AND REMOVE ENERGY BLOCKAGES - AND LEVELS 3 AND 4!! TWO LEVELS. IGUAZU FALLS IS A WORLD ENERGY CENTER SACRED TO THE INCA AND THE GUARANI FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS INITIATIONS ON THE PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT TO BECOME A MERLIN, A JEDI, AN AVATAR AND RELATIONSHIPS PREPARATION FOR THE INITIATION OF THE OPENING OF THE HEART AND THE THE INITIATION OF THE MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS AND THEN THE INITIATION OF SOUL FUSION - BECOME A JEDI, A MERLIN, AN AVATAR You are that Seed!!You who have been born with the possibility of a soul need the the Energy Enhancement Techniques bringing water-wine, the light of Heaven and time in order to grow so that you too can grow sufficiently high to channel the Holy Spirit, the Energy of God.Aham Bramasmi - I Am ThatTat Tvam Asi - You are that alsoIf a map is true then the results will be profound, the path will work. All Students of Energy Enhancement Speed Up their process, develop Psychic Vision, Remove their Blockages by themselves.For thousands of years Enlightened Masters have existed. They exist in every age. And they all say, if you are really serious about Illumination, then you need to learn from one who has walked the path. One who knows by his experience the TRUE and not the false path.Come and learn from Energy Enhancement.. I feel that I have been given somesecret knowledge, which was only given to the initiated, or hidden among a lotof unnecessary sub techniques in other disciplines. One effect of Energy Enhancement is that I can no longer look atother disciplines like Ashtanga Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, NLP, Aikido andKi Aikido and Mantak Chia and his Chi Gung, in the same light, because they do not contain this learning CLEARING PROCESS TO REMOVE EVEN DEEPER BLOCKAGES. KARMA CLEANING PROCESS, CLEAN THE KARMA FROM PAST LIVES, FUTURE LIFE, FUTURE LIFETIMES, SOUL FRAGMENTATION AND RETRIEVAL, INNER CHILDREN, LIFE DESTROYING STRATEGIES, EVEN DEEPER ENERGY BLOCKAGES, ALL THE DESTRUCTIVE VOWS FROM THIS AND PAST LIFETIMES, THE CREATION OF SELF LOVE, LOVE AND SERVICE. Spiritual Experience is a million times better than listening about it or reading the books And he got this experience and many more like it because he has been on the Energy Enhancement Course!!And everyone who comes on the Energy Enhancement Course or tries the DVD Course gets many spiritual experiences.. just READ the Jnana is given neither from outside nor from another person. It can be realised by each and everyone in his own Heart. The jnana Guru of everyone is only the Supreme Self that is always revealing its own truth in every Heart through the being-conciousness 'I am, I am.' The granting of true knowledge by him is initiation into jnana. The grace of the Guru is only that Self-awareness that is one's own true nature. It is the inner conciousness by which he is unceasingly revealing his existence. This divine upadesa is always going on naturally in everyone. - Sri Ramana Maharshi Knowledge of the Supreme Self is Simple. We attain it in Level 1 of Energy Enhancement. What must follow is the removal of all energy blockages Higher Initiations caused by the purification which must follow Illumination. Devi Dhyani and Satchidanand have visited the Ashram of Ramana Maharshi on their India Tours many times alone and with students. Ramana Maharshi still exists at the Ashram as an Ascended Master. The white light of his Presence still radiates in the old meditation room at 4am. One of Satchidanand's students, Susan, had the experience of seeing and speaking to Ramana Maharshi in his Cave on Arunachala in a vision. Sri Ramana maintained that the purest form of his teachings was the powerful silence - the Presence which radiated from him and quieted the minds of those attuned to it. He gave verbal teachings only for the benefit of those who could not understand his silence Energy Enhancement is at a much higher energy level than any other ashram on this planet. From the Ascended masters from the highest chakras above the Head. Using the most advanced techniques from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Thus the methodology of Energy Blockage removal is much quicker than Samadhi 24 Hrs per day as enjoined by Milarepa and Ramana Maharshi. the History of Milarepa so that you might read the 24Hrs per Day Samadhi necessary in the past to achieve Illumination.negative energies and energy blockages from everyone he met, but the Energy Blockages he had taken from his mother when she died in order to make her enlightened he had not been able to remove, thus the cancer.. Energy Enhancement Samyama is much faster. Energy Enhancement is the practise designed for the Illuminated who seek more Illumination. Energy Enhancement needs to be learned Now by each Guru in order to improve their ability to remove energy blockages. Speed up your path to the Bliss of Enlightenment NOW!! by Video Course or Live with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani.Meditation Course Testimonial by Susan Wade - Nurse - Ramana Maharshi Experiences on the 1997 Southern India Tour From Devi and Sat I have gained Support, friendship, healing and guidance in contacting our source of inner wisdom through the release of old patterns of behaviour - daily practice of meditation and Energy Work. From the Energy Enhancement Work I got the importance of daily routine of meditation - time to be alone and get in contact with my higher self, also tune into my thought system and experience how I really feel about issues affecting my life eg. Trust - I find it hard to form close friendships through lack of trust, opening myself up may result in pain. Learning to take risks, trust in guidance from my higher self. If I do experience pain in any relationship - what lessons can I learn from this pain - see it as a teaching/growth experience rather than negative experience which reconfirms to my darker side Just can't trust anybody - told you so!Hatha yoga - gentle form of yoga which allows you to proceed at your own pace - awareness of stiffness/pain of body joints. Correct breathing into the pain allows the body to relax and the pain to leave - allowing you to master the pain with awareness rather than give up. The chanting was good. I have felt a fire in the heart and heat in the spine after chanting with Devi and Sat in Sai Babas Ashram.The Ashram of Sri Ramana Maharshi embraced me with love, gentleness and feeling of inner peace. On walking up the steps into the cave of Ramana Maharshi I was embraced by strong energy - a welcome energy. During meditating in his room (in the cave) I had a strong vision of him entering my forehead. He (Ramana Maharshi) told me it was time to go home. The vision has reappeared to bring me support during periods of deep inner pain experienced throughout the tour.Griffiths I felt strong presence of spiritual energy. The lectures from brother Martin about looking at life and teachings of Christs message through love and not fear, as man likes to believe, has allowed me, as a Catholic, to respect Christs teaching and see him as a teacher of love and wisdom. Happiness is here to obtain in this life, not the next.Ashram of Sai Baba - Opening of my heart Chakra.During a healing session with Devi and Satchidanand, a person who wronged me, raped me, 22 years ago, leaving me with pain and guilt, came through Satchidanand in a healing session to say he was sorry for the grief he had caused. This has helped me to release a lot of pent up tension, anger guilt, pain. To be asked for forgiveness awakens the part of you that would like to be forgiven for the times I have wronged people - to look at the areas in my life I need to resolve before I get a true picture of my inner qualities, strengths, accepting guidance within.The power of forgiveness and to forgive is a very strong quality to possess, a wonderful friend to have.(Since the course Susan has left UK where she has been working as a nurse for many years having been almost exiled there by the parochial consciousness of New Zealand after her rape 22 years ago. She is dealing with the Mastery of Relationships Initiation. She has now returned home to New Zealand after her spiritual vision in the cave at Arunachala - Ramana Maharshi "It is time to go Home" Love and Light, Satchidanand) Oh and using your technique I've very recently just shifted a massive block from the sacral which has aided my grounding and all other chakras. From this my solar plexus will be working much more effectively and so will attract more abundance... RYAN UK 2011 Hello Satchi and Devi!I had some meditation experiences I'd like to share. I woke up in the middle of the night last week and could not sleep so I decided to meditate. I connected to the center of the earth and it was unlike anything I've ever felt. And there has not been a day since that I don't think of that feeling. . I felt pulsing, gentle waves of energy, like the oceans waves and just as much power as the ocean but there was a mother like quality about it. It felt very sacred.Since that day I keep getting information about being grounded to this force. And to think that it all started because I pushed a stream of love out from my heart. Isn't it funny how something so simple can change a life forever. I am taking my time with the course. It is my main goal in life to integrate Energy Enhancement into my being. I am ecstatic to think of what more sacred feelings I have in store on my journey toward illumination!And that is the first share that I wrote and now the second. It is Oct. 22 and my paternal Grandfather died. I am remembering a dream I had of him coming to me and sobbing and telling me he has led a mutated life. It was not two weeks before that I was in meditation when I felt I had entered Samadhi. Directly after I was done meditating my brother came to me and told me my Grandfather was very sick and at the hospital. In the course of the two weeks before his death I had been waking up at night and seeing a Gremlin like creature on or by my bed. In a past article I got from Satchi he says his own father came to him four days before he died and Satchi cleared him and sent him to heaven. He said that usually family members who die go to the most evolved person and can cause them cancer. I know my Grandfather has come to me for help. I want to make my family happy! I know that if I don't bring him to heaven he will give me cancer. I SEE it. All this is what will push me more and more and more to Energy Enhancement. I have to do it!!!! And that is all I have to share. Love and Light, M, DVD Student, 23rd Jan 2011 Dear Satchi and Devi, We were happy to hear from you! We are still in the process of moving to a new place and we maybe making a much larger move than we once thought. We are very excited! The new levels sound great! I turned 24 on the 9th of January and leading up to that day I was going through a lot of karmic mass related stuff. I worked everyday to ground some negative energy and I now feel better and lighter than ever! I understand more of myself now too and feel more able to show love to myself and all those around me. And also I feel this experience has made my meditation experience even stronger! You are both an inspiration of love and light and we are blessed to have you in our lives! Much Love and Light! USA DVD STUDENTS JAN 2011 I had to burst out in laughter as I listened to Track 9.. It is perhaps the most powerful, insightful, cosmic, depth-charging piece I ve ever experienced in all my lifetimes I literally felt the gears locking into place as I watched and listened. How are you? I am so glad to hear about the Iguazu ashram project and wanted to wish you luck with the venture. I hope all is going well. I have just launched my new website - ( and will shortly be launching The Honey Kalaria Foundation to help various causes. I am also raising funds for an International Meditation Centre here in the UK. Wishing you love and light Honey Kalaria How am I? Very well and working hard to make Our Energy Enhancement Foundation the Center of Excellence it already is. A Five Star Retreat at the World Heritage Site of Iguazu Falls with High Flux Densities of Spiritual Energy in the Buddhafield, Air Conditioning, Upgraded Fixtures, Swimming Pool, Sauna, Incredible Vegetarian Food, As you know, Energy Enhancement really works - and much better than most of the expensive courses taught by the so called, famous teachers. I told you I had taken away your Energy Blockage in the Second, abdominal chakra, during your course with us and you said your menstrual problem had improved. I often think that the seven step process could have helped Ramana Maharshi from succumbing to the Energy Blockage which gave him Cancer!! Yes, Energy Enhancement is a much higher Revelation, meant to help the Enlightened take more, higher, Initiations!! In your Course Report you said you wanted to know about your relationships and you had lifetime after lifetime of feedback about this, explaining how you came to be as you are now. The problem started with the loss of Your husband in a Turkish past life and you even met up with this guy, Ramiya, YOUR HUSBAND FROM TURKEY REBORN! on the Course!! The problem is one of loss, if you like, bereavement and fear of bereavement. To lose the person we are attached to. And the problem of attachment to the Prince and the problems this brought in its wake. And the solution - a movement to being successful at other things which do not give that same problem. As when you were looking after the business matters of the Princess, with great success. Yet every success is always followed by failure. In the end it is all taken away as we die, and all of our success, all of our empire cannot follow us into the grave. Our only legacy is that which we pass on to the people of the future. Our only legacy is our own evolution, which can only come from the very highest teachings and the highest aspiration. It is the reduction of attachment which is the key... Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Enlightenment comes through practise and non attachment It is the attachment of the Energy Blockages of the ego which needs to be dissolved. And it is here that Energy Enhancement holds the key!!. My aim in this lifetime, which cannot fail!! as it is the will of the Higher Masters that this be so, that Energy Enhancement become the new Meditation Technique, which influences all the World Meditations, improving them and thus improving the evolution of all Humanity. This must be so because there is no course in the world which teaches more than Energy Enhancement. It is the Source of all meditational excellence. Personally, I do not care about name or fame. It is sufficient that Energy Enhancement fulfils its purpose. Thus I offer Energy Enhancement.. 1 Further Levels to remove even more blockages. 2. Energy Enhancement Teacher Training and Certification. All at the best lowest prices in order to support the movement of Energy Enhancement into World Centers like London. This must be my aim, my purpose, my life!! Yours in Love and Light, Satchidanand I FELT HOT IN MY SPINE, SOME OF MY BLOCKAGES WEREBURNED AND REMOVED, AND AGAIN AT THE END OF THE MEDITATION I FELT A HIGHER LEVELOF ENERGY. expand the energy orbit to the centre of the earth, and to ground and burn up blockages. Blockages can be grounded and burned, and you do not have to relive traumas or even remember the source of traumas. I felt hot in my spine, some of my blockages were burned and removed, and again at the end of the meditation I felt a higher level of energy. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSE STUDENT REPORT - JAN 22ND TO FEBRUARY 25TH 2011 - EXCERPTPSYCHIC POWERS, PSYCHIC VISION, SIDDHIS, AND INCREDIBLE SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES WITH THE TRIANGLE OF CHAKRAS IN THE HEADShe had to leave the presence.The growing pains produced by the spiritual radiation were intense.She saw Devi cleaning the floor, and Devi was not happy with the result. Some floorboards were white but some were dark.Eventually Devi gave up and left a crystal on a bed of salt with a cloth over the top.Anna examined the crystal from the second level.And then a cat came in with three kittens.Apparently Satchidanand was there because he said, She is feeding, shoo her out!! so she did. And we think this refers to the three energy blockage snakes in the cave of snakes Anna found in the sacrum during the first week with us. Blockages out!!And then onto the fourth level of dream, a pink room where Satchidanand was cleaning a mirror of its greasy marks because the mind needs to reflect that which is to be truly true. Greasy spots reflect a lie, an untruth, the symptoms of energy blockages There she removed five inner children and a mazy unclarity in the limpid clarity required of a clean mental aura. As she cleared it she was allowed to ascend to Sirius and in the temple there entered into the sacred flame. She found herself entering naked into a golden room with golden filigrees on the door. Eight naked men followed her in. With her in the center they lay on the floor feet towards her, heads pointing away in a circle around her. There they turned into golden skeletons and Anna ascended up the Antahkarana spinning clockwise. There was an Angel who noted her name in the book and allowed her to continue her ascent in to the Avatar of Synthesis - SYMBOLISING THAT NOW, AFTER PURIFICATION, SHE CAN BE A PART OF THAT HIGH COMMUNITY. There she noticed many clones of Master Satchidanand with his glasses who is the hands of the Avatar of Synthesis on this planet There she also received the vision of herself on a Long Superhighway. There are many souls in the cars speeding along there. She knows it is a long road. But she also knows that Energy Enhancement is the Fastest Path!! After her meditation on the superhighway Anna continued her Energy Enhancement Initiations with The Spiritual Aura of Energy Enhancement Level 2 Initiation 5. As she went out into the infinite spiritual Aura she was taken upwards exactly as in the previous Initiation in the mental Aura. She was taken Higher. As she ascended again the Angel checked her name off in the book allowing her to enter into the great community of Souls at the Avatar of Synthesis. She found herself in front of Satchidanand who was sitting on a throne, radiating white light. She felt herself like a three years old child taken by Satchidanand and standing at his side, enfolded in his arms and in his love. She felt him touching her back and head and tears came down from her eyes.From the crowd of great souls around her came the cry, Give her the present! And Satchidanand gave her a triangular mechanism - A Plugin - created out of pure mental matter looking like light or ether. She was told it was to integrate the triangle of Chakras in the head, forming an integrated Unit out of the three chakras of the head.functioning triangle of Sahasrara Ray One of Purpose and Will connected with the light of the Central Spiritual Sun above the head of Intuition, Alta Major Center at the occipital base of the Skull Ray Two of Love connected with the energies beaming out of the left eye, and Ajna Brow Chakra Ray Three of the Intellect connected with the energies beaming out of the right eye and the connections between them - ALL POWERED BY THE VAST ENERGIES OF THE BASE CHAKRA CONNECTED WITH THE INFINITE ENERGIES OF KUNDALINI CHAKRA.Putting in the integrative triangle was a blast. Satchidanand said, You need to get used to The purpose of this triangle is to Radiate the Light of the higher chakras and so influence and evolve her own students.. I suppose they will have to get sunglasses also!! LOL!! does not allow entry of the subtle energies of God. Indeed, it cuts people off from God.The perverted Energy called Trauma - Formed Negative Karmic Mass is Pure Concentrated Evil and is the cause of all Evil in the World. ALL EVIL, ALL WAR.Therefore by not creating this Evil Trauma Formed Negative karmic Mass through Ahimsa - Give no pain, by word, thought or deed - we do not create the Evil of the World. Energy Enhancement - the Ability to Ground Negative Energies and Eliminate Energy Blockages,we can learn how to Dissolve all our Pain and Further!! to Remove all the Evil on this Planet!!Negative Karmic Mass becomes locked into the body as Energy Blockages which create Pain in the Body as one of its Symptoms which eventually cause cancer and heart disease. GROUND ALL PAIN WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENTNegative Karmic Mass becomes locked into the body as Energy Blockages which create cancer and heart disease. GROUND ALL DISEASE WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENTOther symptoms of Negative Karmic Mass are Negative Emotions, - Fear, Anger, Manicism, Wanting Sympathy, Jealousy, Corruption, Thievery, Revenge, Hate, Sadness, Depression. GROUND ALL NEGATIVE EMOTIONS WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENTOther symptoms of Negative Karmic Mass is Unclear Thinking, - Distraction, Haziness, Lack of Concentration. GROUND ALL DISTRACTION WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENTBLOCKAGESEnergy Blockages cut us off from the joy of the Light of the Soul where the world becomes seen as a Wasteland filled with misery; the Anomie of Existentialism. ACCESS THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL - GROUND ALL DEPRESSION WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENTHigher symptoms of Energy Blockages are a lack of Empathy - blockages of the Heart, the inability to put yourself in the shoes of another - the External Consideration of Gurdjieff which all create a lack of Pity and further, a lack of Conscience caused by blockages above the Crown Chakra, a Moral infirmity written about by Nobel Prize winner for poetry, T. S. Elliot in The Wasteland . GAIN A HEART WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENTNegative Karmic Mass in its gaseous, liquid or solid forms is what is used to create Energy Blockages as it coats Energy Blockages and cuts off the core of the blockage from the energy connections of higher chakras which are aligned and ordered function angel matrices, like a crystal. Negative Karmic Mass stops Energy Blockages from integrating with the higher chakras. TRANSMUTE AND DISSOLVE ALL ENERGY BLOCKAGES WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENTThe removal of Negative Energy, Pain, Disease, Negative Emotions, Depression, Energy Blockages and the Gaining of Your Own Heart and the Light of the Soul will lead you to your own true health and Illumination, Enlightenment where Infinite Peace and Happiness are your lot!!All of the negative energies which caused me to have all these ego difficulties, taking my life in wrong directions, have been grounded into the center of the earth using the advanced Energy Enhancement Techniques. AMY IS NOW LIVING IN AUROVILLE, INDIA, AND HAS BECOME A SPIRITUAL TEACHER IN HER OWN RIGHTEnergy Enhancement - The Greatest Spiritual Techniques to Remove Negative Karmic Mass and Energy BlockagesAMAZING THING IS, OUR EXPERIENCE SAYS THAT NEGATIVE ENERGY, PAIN, CAN BE GROUNDED!!COMES FROM PAIN: DISEASE, ANGER AND FEAR - FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER - ALL THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS COME FROM CONGEALED PAIN OR TRAUMA-FORMED NEGATIVE KARMIC MASS - A NASTY PERVERTED FORM OF ENERGY WHICH NEEDS TO BE GROUNDEDONLY THE SPINE IN MEDITATION IS SQUARE TO THE CIRCLE OF THE EARTH - CONNECTING YOU WITH THE NUCLEAR FIRES IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH - BURN ALL NEGATIVE ENERGY WITH KUNDALINI SHAKTI FROM THE EARTH CHAKRA - THE SOURCE PICTURE OF THE CROSS, THE EGYPTIAN ANKH, THE SUFI KUNDALINI KEY - AND MUCH MORE!!SQUARING THE CIRCLE - CONNECTING TO THE UNIVERSAL ENERGIES - KUNDALINI CHAKRA AND SOUL CHAKRA - ALL OUR STUDENTS ATTEST TO CONTACTING THESE ENERGIESvery emotional and started to shake and cry as the waves of negative energyreleased through my body down to my feet and then to 'ground'Thisreaction completely surprised me as I thought Yoga was all about stretching themuscles, developing agility and finally achieving calm If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement Course is for you!! - JEAN, EE STUDENTSPEED UP YOUR PROCESS WITH THE MOST POWERFUL AND EFFICIENT THOUSAND YEARS OLD TECHNIQUES RESEARCHED FROM ALL THE WORLDS MAJOR PATHS - TO SPEED UP YOUR EVOLUTION!!ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION TO CREATE A PROFOUND TRANSFORMATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS ON THIS PLANET My gut instinct told me that you were both good people and that you would help me with my goals. Here is my advice to anyone who is unsure if it is wise to fly half way around the world to join you:You are two of the most compassionate and supportive people I know Arwen Evenstar - Energy Enhancement Student 2002 COME ON THE IGUASSU ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION COURSE - JANUARY 2011 STUDENT REPORTSSatchi and Devi, thank you for your unfailing good humour, hospitality and generous sharing of your own giftedness during my stay in beautiful L'Escala.MS, Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational Company TOTAL RESPECT TO SATCHIDANAND AND DEVI DHYANI Satchi, please accept my total respect and gratitude for everything you have imparted to me over the short four weeks I have been here. You are a huge light in this world and long may you shine. For everyone reading this, get your asses over to see these people, your lives will be changed forever and we don t get many chances in this world to be able to achieve that and there are defiantly not many people in this world like Satchi and Devi who can do the business like this MORE DON MINIHANEAfter two years the swaying finally stopped in ONE session with Energy Enhancement! I later found out that Satchi had been working on this blockage at the same time using Energy Enhancement Level 2 Techniques. - VANESSA Osho was an Enlightened Master - The Synthesis of Religion is Enlightenment - Osho commented on the works of all the Ascended masters and Saints who Founded all the Great Religions and those whose influence on humanity is incontrovertible from Zen Master Dogen to Patanjali to Buddha to Kabir to Pythagoras to Heraclitus to Junaid, Mansoor, and Rumi and then to Jesus - In reality he is not writing about any particular religion or teacher, He is writing about the Enlightenment - the Soul Infusion and the Opening of the heart - common to all great masters. He is writing about those things which constitute Enlightenment. He is writing about those human frailties which are just not Enlightened and making jokes about them!!MATAJI DEVI DHYANI - VISIT TO IGUAZU AFTER THE JULY 2008 COURSESatchi and Devi are intuitive teachers who know what is best for you and can point you in the right direction. It has been noted by the other group members that my appearance has improved in just one week and I can feel the inner changes that have taken place. My energy levels are high, I have a lightness about my body and a tranquil calmness surrounding me, what more could I want. .... When I was getting the better of the energy blockage I felt the spaces in which I meditated expand. I got an explosion of energy down the right hand side of my body. The energy was bumping around in my base chakra; in fact my whole body was pulsating with the energies. It felt as though there was static electricity all along my arms making the hairs stand up on end. As the energies grew stronger I felt lighter, happier and freer. My heart opened out to send blasts of energy out which returned back to me. Vanessa Graham (UK)Meditation Teacher/WriterINDIA TOUR,ARGENTINA AND IGUAZU FALLS, MEXICO,PERU,SATCHIDANAND'S ARTICLES ON ENERGY ENHANCEMENT INDEX1 INDEX2INDEX3 GROUNDING IS THE START OF THE KARMA CLEARING PROCESS. The reason why most people fail in life is due to bad habits, energy blockages, engrained in the psyche. In order to succeed, you need to Change Your Mind!!Energy Enhancement allows you to Change Your Mind by Removing All the Bad Habit Energy Blockages caused by Lifetimes of Trauma and Karmic mistakes.Bad Luck and Trouble are my only friends.I've been down ever since I was ten.Born under a bad sign..If I didn't have bad luck.I wouldn't have no Luck at all...The Frozen Ego Paradigm makes you tiptoe through life hoping to make it safely to Death!! Can you imagine people who do that? Who play it safe. Never take any risks until their last heartbeat stops and they have made it safely to death. Phew!! Are they really living?Only Energy Enhancement teaches these Ancient Processes.. of ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION COURSE LEVEL 1 INITIATION 3 Alchemical Vitriol.. of the LEVEL 2 Seven Step Process to Remove Energy BlockagesTO CHANGE YOUR MIND..TO CHANGE YOUR LUCK..ANCIENT EFFECTIVE TECHNIQUESGUARANTEED TO WORKFROM THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY Traumatic memories block evolutionary progress. Traumatic pain creates a negative energy called Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass which attaches to all the good things within you; stopping your progress, distorting your perception, moving you from your soul path.Spiritual Progress necessitates the ability to transmute Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass (NKM), smoothing out its pain, its distortion, negative emotions and thoughts: Creating an unblocked psychic body free to transport the God connected energy of love, knowledge/wisdom and soul purpose or will. Not my will but thy will be done - Jesus Christ A primary Constituent of all Energy Blockages, cutting them off from the Will of God, is Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass.Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass is dissolved without the necessity for hypnotic intervention by removing it quite naturally during the process of Energy Enhancement Meditation.Energy Blockages are dissolved without the necessity for hypnotic intervention by removing them quite naturally during the process of Energy Enhancement Meditation.Meditation has been recommended by all Spiritual Masters for 5000 years as the preeminent path to overcoming all worldly problems; of overcoming all obstacles of the path of evolution, illumination, Enlightenment, Moksha, Kaivalya.However the higher techniques of meditation have been consciously removed... Traditional Meditations have been designed to fail Energy Enhancement is the only Meditation Course which can consciously remove Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic MassYou can understand why all mention of these techniques - The Kundalini Key, the Grounding of Negative Energies, Samadhi from the infinity of Chakras above the head, and - as part of the Meditational training, have been consciously removed from the books and from all Traditional Meditations because all the best techniques have been removed by an Elite who hold Meditational Techniques as one of their main planks to Rule the World!!We have become so dependent upon this Implant Energy Blockage filled Mind that we only listen to the blockages and the blockages alone!! You can understand why all mention of these techniques - The Kundalini Key, the Grounding of Negative Energies, Samadhi from the infinity of Chakras above the head, and The Level 2 Seven Step Process to completely remove Energy Blockages - as part of the Meditational training, have been consciously removed from the books and from all Traditional Meditations because all the best techniques have been removed by an Elite who hold Meditational Techniques as one of their main planks to Rule the World!!CLICK THE LINK FOR SATCHCHIDANAND'S INCREDIBLE YOUTUBE TALK ON ALCHEMICAL VITRIOL FROM THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT VIDEO COURSE IF YOUR TRADITIONAL MEDITATION DOES NOT TEACH YOU ABOUT THE KUNDALINI KEY AND ALCHEMICAL VITRIOL, THEN IT HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO FAIL THE REAL SECRET - MAKE THE SUBCONSCIOUS AND UNCONSCIOUS, CONSCIOUS!!ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION COURSE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD LAW OF ATTRACTIONTHE REAL SECRETYOU CAN CREATE ANYTHING IN YOUR IMAGINATION THAT YOU WANT AND YOU CAN HAVE IT. WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT FROM YOUR LIFE?AS WE INSERT IMAGES OF WHAT WE WANT INTO THE CONSCIOUS MINDIT GRAVITATES INTO THE SUBCONSCIOUS AND INTO THE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEADCONNECTED WITH GODWE USE THE SEVEN STEP PROCESS THE REMOVE ALL OBSTACLES TO OUR VISIONTHE SEVEN STEP PROCESS TO REMOVE THE SABOTAGING ENERGY BLOCKAGES.THE CHANGE IN THE ATTITUDE AND THE BELIEF SYSTEMS TAUGHT BY SATCHIDANAND GOD THEN GIVES US WHAT WE ASK FORTHE REAL SECRETThe reason why most people fail in life is due to bad habits, energy blockages, engrained in the psyche. In order to succeed, you need to Change Your Mind!!Energy Enhancement allows you to Change Your Mind by Removing All the Bad Habit Energy Blockages caused by Lifetimes of Trauma and Karmic mistakes.IT TEACHES HOW TO GAIN YOUR HEARTS DESIREYOUR SOUL PATHA PATH WITH HEART KARMA CLEANING PROCESS, CLEAN THE KARMA FROM PAST LIVES, FUTURE LIFE, FUTURE LIFETIMES, SOUL FRAGMENTATION AND RETRIEVAL, INNER CHILDREN, SELFISH EGO SUB PERSONALITES, LIFE DESTROYING STRATEGIES, THE ALOOF, THE INTERROGATOR, THE VIOLATOR, THE SELFISH COMPETITIVE STAR, THE VAMP OR DON JUAN, THE PLEASER, THE BLAMER, THE CRITIC, THE KING, THE SELF DESTRUCTOR, ALL THE DESTRUCTIVE VOWS FROM THIS AND PAST LIFETIMES, THE CREATION OF SELF LOVE, LOVE AND SERVICE - ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION!!OPEN YOUR HEART BY SENDING GRATITUDE TO EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFESEND METTA BHAVANA - AN ANCIENT BUDDHIST TECHNIQUE - SEND THE LOVE FROM YOUR HEART TO ALL FRIENDS, FAMILY, ALL ENEMIESSEND LOVE TO EVERYTHING!!OPEN YOUR HEART!!ENERGY ENHANCEMENT STREAMING VIDEO COURSEENERGY ENHANCEMENT LIVE SQUARING THE CIRCLE - CONNECTING TO THE UNIVERSAL ENERGIES - ALL OUR STUDENTS ATTEST TO THESE ENERGIESONLY THE SPINE IN MEDITATION IS SQUARE TO THE CIRCLE OF THE EARTH - CONNECTING YOU WITH KUNDALINI SHAKTI FROM THE EARTH CHAKRAThe Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key contains within it the Origin of all Sacred Symbols - Ancient Egyptian Ankh, Hindu Shivalingam and Yoni, The Sufi Alhambra Fountain, The Christian Cross and many more - SEE BELOW...THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT KUNDALINI KEY CONNECTS FROM KUNDALINI CHAKRA IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTHTHROUGH THE SEVEN CHAKRAS IN YOUR BODY - OUT INTO THE SOUL CHAKRA, ALL THE WAY TO THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, THE SOUL CHAKRA, AND THE ONE GOD WITH 10,000 NAMES.- THE FOUNTAINS AT THE ALHAMBRA, THE MOORISH ARCH, THE KEYHOLE, THE CATHARTIC CATHARS - - THE LUTE (TROUBADOUR - ABJAD ROOT TRB - MEANS LUTE IN ARABIC) AND THE SUFI NAQSBANDHI KUNDALINI KEY -ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUES -FROM 5000 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL SPIRITUAL TECHNOLOGY - SIMULTANEOUSLY THE SOURCE OF EGYPTIAN, MASONIC, TAOISM, SUFI, HINDUISM AND CHRISTIANITY ANCIENT SUCCESSFUL MEDITATIONS AT THE BASE OF ALL THE MAJOR RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD - FIVE BOOKS ... AND THE MEDITATIONAL UNITY OF ALL THE WORLDS MAJOR RELIGIONS FROM THEIR SACRED SYMBOLS THE SECRETSOF SACRED SYMBOLS SHOWING THE UNITY OF ALL THE MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS - ANCIENT EGYPTIAN, MASONIC, ANCIENT GREEK, ALCHEMICAL TAOISM, HINDU, SUFI, ZEN BUDDHISM, CHRISTIAN ARE GURDJIEFFIAN LEGOMINISMS - ANCIENT SECRETS OF ONE MEDITATION TO CREATE ILLUMINATION - PASSED DOWN FROM ALL THE ANCIENT SPIRITUAL MASTERS - WHICH ARE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT INITIATIONSONE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT GUIDED MEDITATION WHICH HAS ITS BASIS IN SACRED SYMBOLS FROM ALL THE WORLDS MAJOR RELIGIONS FIND ALL THE INCREDIBLE TECHNIQUES REMOVED FROM TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS - DESIGNED TO FAIL - AND TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ONE - LINK IN TO INFINITE CHAKRA ENERGY AND ELIMINATE ENERGY BLOCKAGES - REMOVAL OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES, MANAGING ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPSENERGY ENHANCEMENT IS THE ONLY COURSE WHICH GIVES YOU THE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE FALSE TRAUMA - FORMED NEGATIVE KARMIC MASS PAIN BODY, FAST!!TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO FAIL - ALL THESE TECHNIQUES HAVE BEEN BROUGHT BACK BY ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TO SPEED UP YOUR PROCESS .. SATCHIDANAND ARTICLES - READ ALL SATCHIDANAND ARTICLES IN THE ORDER WRITTEN FROM 1993 THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT KARMA CLEARING PROCESS APPRENTICE LEVEL3Tommy and I have been doing well. We have started level two and are very excited about it!The STREAMING videos are great and I feel it is a super way to learn. Otherwise I have removed two big blockages along my Earth connection and WOW does that feel great!Love and Light, Madalyn email for detailsFIND ALL THE INCREDIBLE TECHNIQUES REMOVED FROM TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS - DESIGNED TO FAIL - AND TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENTTHE FREE WILL ONLY TO DO THE RIGHT THINGHuman beings have been given the free will to do what they want so that experience can show them that if they go against the will of God, the result is always Karma or more pain. THUS THE REVENGE OF THE COWS.. andI was writing this to say that all this Pain Filled, Concentrated pain, is being created and passed around. This pain we create is the cause of all Wars on this planet for example as all the karma comes back to us!! Ordinary People need to learn that they have been given the free will only to do the right thing, - that is they can do those good things which are only in alignment with the Will of God. ENLIGHTENED BEINGS This world is a factory for the production of enlightened beings Swami SatchidanandaEnergy Enhancement Techniques to dissolve pain and Energy BlockagesAnd Harmlessness to prevent the giving of more Pain, is the key because harm which creates pain can only come about by that which is against the Will of God.So, all the problems of our lives, of the lives of our family and Friends, of our Cities and Countries and all the Countries in the World. All of the problems of this world are caused by Pain which creates Negative Karmic Mass which creates revenge Psychopathy which creates all the Evil on this planet.The Solution to all of our problems and to the problems in this World is to dissolve all Negative Karmic Mass, to resolve to follow the Path of Harmlessness align with the Will of God - and then the Energy Enhancement techniques - the Grounding of Negative Energies and the removal of Energy Blockages as a means to Personal Enlightenment Inner Peace and to then to World Peace itself.Further, it is the means whereby this Planet and all the people on it can take higher Initiations, and this Planet become a Sacred Planet at a higher level of Energy, Radiating strongly the Energy of Love.This can be acheived bythe Grounding of Negative Energies through the Guided Meditation encoded in the Latin Word, VITRIOL in Initiation Three of Level One of Energy Enhancement -Also through the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Remove Energy Blockages of Level 2 of Energy Enhancement.The picturesare of a visit of Satchidanand, Devi Dhyani and Dr Thomas Fluellen to the Sacred Energy Site of the Alhambra in Andalucia, Southern Spain, during his Energy Enhancement CourseDetails of the Alhambra'sMeditational Symbolism are available in the Energy Enhancement Book Available online- CLICK HERE ALL THE INCREDIBLE TECHNIQUES REMOVED FROM TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS - DESIGNED TO FAIL - AND TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENTAlso, here is a FREE article about the Sufi Meditation Symbolism built into the Alhambra, Granada, Southern Spain CLICK HEREThomas was originally an American football player at collage where he received his Doctorate. After he broke his knees he became a Singer like Luther Vandross. After that career he worked in Atomic Energy.They teach you how to ridyour mind, body, and spirit of toxins and negative energy. They are experts in theprocedures that they use. I thank God that they cameinto my life. They have truly helped meto heal myself in all the areas of my persona.If you want to live yourlife connected to the universal life source and expand your soul consciousness, you musttake their Energy Enhancement Training. It will truly change your life. You will be trulyfilled with the power of God. These two very specialpeople are truly guardian angels. They have helped me to knowhow to see what is true and to be able to protect myself from negative energy and negativeentities. During the course Thomas said that he was in so much pain for so many years with the knees that he broke whilst playing Football as a student that after he retired he decided to have them replaced medically with stainless steel joints.After the operation he was in the same amount of pain, no change.During the course after working with Energy Enhancement for a while and removing many blockages, Thomas asked Devi for so healing and also Colour Lightpuncture in which Devi is an Expert.After five minutes of chasing the negative energy blockages out of the knees Thomas felt no pain for the first time in thirty years.Where did the pain go?Well, where did it come from?Our answer is that Energy Blockages underlie the physical and create all pain which eventually damages the body.Just by removing one energy blockage, you can remove all pain!!! Once on the course, my exciting adventurous journey began! In my life I have done hundreds of courses but the Energy Enhancement Course I found to be completely different. Firstly, the contents and the teachings seem to be inspired byhigher forces and had a deep base in spirituality... I was not sure if this was wise, as I knew nothing other than what I had read on the web site and the testimonials, which I was a bit skeptical about! However, I am now adding my own because if you read this you might be a bit like me... MS (Ireland)Human Resources Director, Europe/Asia, of a Fortune 500 US Multinational CompanyANCIENT PROVEN TECHNIQUES WHICH WORK TO CREATE A PROFOUND TRANSFORMATION OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, FAST!! THE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD - THE SAHASRARA CHAKRA CONNECTION - KUNDALINI CHAKRA IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH - SQUARING THE CIRCLE - THE GUIDED MEDITATION OF VITRIOL - VISITA INTERIORE TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTEM LAPIDEM THE TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES IN KUNDALINI CHAKRA - PATANJALI MEDITATION SAMYAMA, SOUL CHAKRA FUSION, MONADIC INFUSION THE LOGOSPHERE INFUSION - AND MORE PSYCHIC INITIATIONS AS YOU... ENERGY ENHANCEMENT GOES ONE STEP FURTHERENERGY ENHANCEMENT TAKES A SWORD TO THE WOLF!!MASTERY OF ENERGY CONNECTIONS BETWEEN PEOPLE AND MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS THE CREATION OF INNER PEACE AND WORLD PEACE THROUGH ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION SAMYAMA I have experience of many forms of meditation and practices for self improvement including: Transcendental meditation (TM) 12 years, Kriya Yoga 9 years, Sushila Buddhi Dharma (SUBUD) 7 years, and more recently the Sedona Method and the Course in Miracles. The Energy Enhancement programme encapsulates and expands all of these systems, it is complete and no questions are left unanswered. If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement Course is for you!! THE ANCIENT SECRETS WHICH WILL ENABLE YOU TO BECOME MORE ENERGETIC, MORE POSITIVE, MORE PURE, MORE SOUL INFUSED IN YOUR ALL YOUR LIFE AND FUTURE LIFETIMES - IT ALLOWS YOU TO RAISE YOURENERGY LEVELS, AND AS IMPORTANTLY, SHOWS YOU HOW TO KEEP IT AND TO PROTECT ITFROM BEING SIPHONED OFF BY OTHERS. (Peoplewith low energy normally siphon off or vampirise high energy from people like myself. This is called healing).Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies. the psychic powers of perception. Leap into eternity with a quantum shift of energy from the Sky. Fuse with the higher chakras above the head which work at a higher and faster frequency.decreases the resistance to the flow of Energy. It helps to build the psychic body, as Gurdjieff called it, The Body Kesdjian .God, Allah, Nirvana - any of the 10,000 names of the one Highest Energy. Even Buddha when asked about God said Nirvana - Nothing - Emptiness. When you achieve an empty mind then automatically you get in touch with Energy, Intelligence, Genius, Purpose, Peace, Happiness - the Mind of God!!For Thousands of Years Meditation has been the practice of choice of all successful seekers of Truth. All those who seek an Accelerated EvolutionEnergy Enhancement easily transmutes all negative energy. The Advanced techniques of Energy Enhancement show you how to QUICKLY AND EASILY TRANSMUTE YOUR STRESS because it works at the level of Energy which underlies AND IS THE BASIS of all Life. Ancient and Successful Energy Enhancement Techniques like the Taoist Alchemy, the Supra Galactic Orbit, VITRIOL and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus and Patanjali Raja Yoga Samyama can Speed up the Process of Enlightenment.Meditation is a fast for the mind. It dissolves trauma caused Energy Blockages which produce negative energy, emotion and useless thoughts which are merely the symptoms of Energy Blockages. An empty, purified mind is one filled with Super Energy; a perceptive instrument for Intuition and Wisdom.Your teacher is Swami Satchidananda serious student of Zen Master Hogen and Swami Satchidananda - Disciple of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh. I am experiencing Energy, the fruits of meditation which normally arrive, if they do, after twenty years of meditation and it has only taken me two weeks. - Thomas Blair September 2005 Course in Spain Since that time I am always connected to and able to source the white light from above my head. Many times during this process I just forget to breathe as though my breathing is just naturally suspended. I am now living in the Light!! My energies are naturally far higher than when I arrived on the Energy Enhancement course just two weeks ago. I am experiencing Energy, the fruits of meditation which normally arrive, if they do, after twenty years of meditation and it has only taken me two weeks. Energy Enhancement is the process of clearing all the bad things which have ever happened to you from your psychic body, freeing up the internal essence to attain clarity and enlightenment on your true life path. Where do I begin? Firstly, I felt it would be great to share my experiences of the Energy Enhancement course with other like-minded people. The following information is for those interested in growing spiritually, and wanting this world to become a better place - starting from improving themselves! Once on the course, my exciting adventurous journey began! In my life I have done hundreds of courses but the Energy Enhancement Course I found to be completely different. Firstly, the contents and the teachings seem to be inspired byhigher forces and had a deep base in spirituality... During past meditation sessions for over two years, I have twirled like a top (Kundalini Symptoms) when my bottom came into contact with the floor. After two years the swaying finally stopped in ONE session with Energy Enhancement! I later found out that Satchi had been working on this blockage at the same time using Energy Enhancement Level 2 Techniques.... ENERGY ENHANCEMENT - THE MOST ACCELERATED WAY IN THE WORLD TO ELIMINATE BLOCKAGES AND BECOME ILLUMINATED!! CARAVAGGIO - THE GOD BACCHUS OFFERS YOU THE WINE OF ENLIGHTENMENT - THE ENERGY FLOWING IN THROUGH THE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD SYMBOLISED BY THE CROWN OF VINE LEAVES SURROUNDING THE HEAD ABOVE - ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SAYS, TAKE WHAT IS IN MINE HAND THE START OF THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ENERGIES REMOVES THE ENERGY BLOCKAGES INSIDE WHICH CAUSE LACK OF MEMORY AND INTELLIGENCE, ANGER AND DEPRESSION, ACHES, PAINS AND ALL DISEASE EVEN INCLUDING CANCER.Buddhafield of energy, in which evolutionary progress can quickly be made, and Kundalini Energy are absolutely necessary to any course of Meditation. The energy techniques given in Energy Enhancement have never beenexplained to me in Aikido (even Ki Aikido), Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga or on anymeditationcourse that I have been on like Transcendental Meditation, and have only beenpartly taught to me previously by Taoist master Mantak Chia and on TantraCourses. Mantak ChiaI found particularly confusing; Chi Gung I found awkward. ENHANCEMENT GOES MUCH FURTHER THAN ALL THE ABOVE, IN A MORE EFFECTIVE WAY THATANY OF THE OTHERS I HAVE EXPERIENCED... Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies. Advanced Techniques Professional Certificated Teacher Training allow FASTER progress above and beyond any other courses.TRANSMUTE AND DISSOLVE ALL TRAUMA AND NEGATIVE ENERGY KARMIC MASS- FAST!!THE IMMEDIATE ELIMINATION OF STRESS, TRAUMA AND NEGATIVE EMOTION The Buddhafield of energy, in which evolutionary progress can quickly be made, and Kundalini Energy are absolutely necessary to any course of Meditation.Energy Enhancement Advanced Techniques allow FASTER progress above and beyond any other course.Energy Enhancement Advanced Techniques only use ENERGY which underlies all other human functions. SALVADORE DALI - CONSTRUCTING THE EGO - SHELL, TURNING YOUR BACK ON THE LIGHT - ONCE WE REMOVE THE ALCHEMICAL EGG (EGO) SHELL WHICH ALL HUMAN SOCIETY SUPPORTS, THE SOUL SHINES FORTH SATCHI PROVED THIS TO ME IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTESOF OUR FIRST MEDITATION, BY PUTTING MY BACK AND TOP OF THE HEAD IN THE RIGHTPOSTURE. I IMMEDIATELY FELT A FLOW OF ENERGY GOING UP MY SPINE. WITH EACHBLOCKAGE REMOVED I FELT MORE ENERGY FLOWING AND MORE ENERGETIC Phillip Chester Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies. The inflow of Spiritual Energy or Kundalini Energy is well known in all Spiritual Circles as being expected in all genuine Courses with teachers who have advanced experience with Enlightened Masters.Yet some people just cannot get their heads around Kundalini Energy which is talked about even in the Vedas which are a sacred spiritual resource thousands of years old. Even though Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh said that all meditation and Yoga was based upon Kundalini Energy. If you are not experiencing spiritual energy in your Yoga or Meditation practise then What is UP?!! EASY AND SMOOTH ENERGY ENHANCEMENT PUTS YOU IN CONTACT WITH KUNDALINI ENERGY WHICH SPEEDS UP THE PROCESS OF ENLIGHTENMENT AND INTELLIGENCE .... When I was getting the better of the energy blockage I felt the spaces in which I meditated expand. I got an explosion of energy down the right hand side of my body. The energy was bumping around in my base chakra; in fact my whole body was pulsating with the energies. It felt as though there was static electricity all along my arms making the hairs stand up on end. As the energies grew stronger I felt lighter, happier and freer. My heart opened out to send blasts of energy out which returned back to me. Vanessa Graham (UK)Meditation Teacher/WriterTHE SHAPE OF THE BUDDHIST TEMPLE - STUPA REPRESENTS THE Naqsbandhi Kundalini Key, the design, ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ANTAHKARANA AND THE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEADTHROUGHOUT HISTORY HUMAN BEINGS HAVE STRIVEN TO INCREASE THEIR COMMUNICATION, THEIR CREATIVITY, THEIR INTELLIGENCE, THEIR ABILITY TO HANDLE STRESS, THEIR HAPPINESS.ENERGY ENHANCEMENT NOW HAS THE KEY TO ALL THIS PROGRESS USING ANCIENT, EFFECTIVE TECHNIQUES OF MEDITATION SAMYAMATO PURIFY THE HUMAN MIND OF ALL ENERGY BLOCKAGES AND TO INCREASE ITS POWER THROUGH ACCESS TO HIGHER LEVELS OF ENERGY AND INTUITION.NOT ONLY CAN YOU GET THE FIRST COURSE LIVE OR BY DVD, BUT NOW HAVE ALL FOUR LEVELS BY VIDEO STREAMING AND PERSONAL TUITION AND BLOCKAGE REMOVAL, ON THE INTERNET AND IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME!!! THE GROUNDING OF THE EMOTIONSWITHOUT HYPNOSIS, WITHOUT NLP, IN FULL CONSCIOUSNESSACHES AND IRRITATION - CREATING A SENSE OF EASE AND COMFORT. 2. ALL YOUR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.3. ALL YOUR BLOCKS ON CREATIVITY, COMMUNICATION AND INTELLIGENCE.ACCESS YOUR PSYCHIC FOUNDATIONS TO KUNDALINI ENERGY.2. LEARN HOW TO ACCESS ENERGIES HIGHER THAN THE MIND.3. BE TAUGHT HOW TO CROSS THE BRIDGE TO THE OTHER SHORE AND IN THE PROCESS ACCESS PSYCHIC POWERS, IMMORTALITY, FORGIVENESS, THE KARMA CLEARING PROCESS, FANTASTIC RELATIONSHIPS AND TRUE HAPPINESS. I FEEL THAT IHAVE BEEN GIVEN SOME SECRET KNOWLEDGE, WHICH WAS ONLY GIVEN TO THE INITIATED, ORHIDDEN AMONG A LOT OF UNNECESSARY SUB TECHNIQUES IN OTHER DISCIPLINES. Phillip Chester Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ANCIENT TECHNIQUES ELIMINATE ENERGY BLOCKAGES - INHERITED COLLECTIVE MIND PATTERNS - FAST!! SATCHI PROVED THIS TO ME IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTESOF OUR FIRST MEDITATION, BY PUTTING MY BACK AND TOP OF THE HEAD IN THE RIGHTPOSTURE. I IMMEDIATELY FELT A FLOW OF ENERGY GOING UP MY SPINE. Once this stage was reached I had tremendous energy! Philip Chester, Change Manager reporting to the Managing Directors of several Fortune 500 Companies. LINDA, THE RESIDENTIALTRAINEE HERE IN SPAIN, FOUND TREMENDOUS BLOCKAGES, ALL THE WAY DOWN HER SPINE,WHICH SHE REMOVED USING THIS INITIATION SIX TECHNIQUE. Phillip Chester Change manager working directly to the Managing Directors of several fortune 500 companies. REMOVE PSYCHOPATHY - THE CURSE OF THE WORLD - CREATE EMPATHY - THE OPENING OF THE HEART - AND CONSCIENCE - FUSION WITH THE SOUL - WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION SAMYAMA I have experience of many forms of meditation and practices for self improvement including: Transcendental meditation (TM) 12 years, Kriya Yoga 9 years, Sushila Buddhi Dharma (SUBUD) 7 years, and more recently the Sedona Method and the Course in Miracles. The Energy Enhancement programme encapsulates and expands all of these systems, it is complete and no questions are left unanswered. SACRED PINK FLOYD MOVIE - 2.5 HOURS DVD IN STEREO AND 5.1 SURROUND SOUND - ENTERED INTO FILM FESTIVALS WORLDWIDE!! MORE? CLICK HERE SATCHI PROVED THIS TO ME IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTESOF OUR FIRST MEDITATION, BY PUTTING MY BACK AND TOP OF THE HEAD IN THE RIGHTPOSTURE. I IMMEDIATELY FELT A FLOW OF ENERGY GOING UP MY SPINE. Philip Chester, Change Manager reporting to the Managing Directors of several Fortune 500 Companies. You will probably find this interesting. Jenny who came on the Energy Enhancement course with me this year went to see her accupuncturist which she does routinely. This guy (Ross) seems very talented, by reading her pulse he can tell her what she has been eating - certain energy patterns apparently. Anyway when he checked her pulses this time he found something interesting. Apparently there is a pulse which gives an indication of the level of spiritual energy. Jennies' spiritual energy was reading off the scale, something Ross said he has never seen before with Jenny or anyone else. He says people just don't have this pulse and as far as he knows the only way to get it is to connect to external sources of Energy which as you know we did on the Course - wow!in the Aura and in the Chakras, Remove Encapsulated Trauma, Remove Implants, Past Life Trauma and Implants, Inner Children, Ego Talents, Dark Energies, Entities, and Obsessions in your Clients and Yourself with Energy Enhancement Reiki and Massage.ENERGY ENHANCEMENTTHE MOST ADVANCED ENERGY COURSE OF MEDITATION ON THIS PLANETINCREASE INTELLIGENCEDISSOLVE ENCAPSULATED TRAUMA SPEED UP THE PROCESS OF ENLIGHTENMENT FREE!! - NINE FREE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION GIFTS Weekly Email Service of Right On Spiritual Texts and Pointed, Pungent and Humorous Stories.YOGA, Energy Enhancement and Meditation. SIGN UP NOWFOR THE ENERGIES NEWSLETTER BELOWGET NINE FREE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION GIFTS - FREE DOWNLOADS AND SPECIAL OFFERS!!FREE Weekly Email Service of Right On Spiritual Texts and Pointed, Pungent and Humorous Stories.FREE Weekly Email Service of Right On Spiritual Texts and Pointed, Pungent and Humorous Stories.The Energy Enhancement Symbol of the Twelve Petalled Lotus of the Heart Center with One of the Symbols of the Worlds Major Religions in Each One of the Petals. Inside the symbol is the Hexagram - The Seal of Solomon with the Seven Chakras describing the Three Initiations on the Path of Enlightenment - Initiation 1. The Opening of the Heart. Solar Plexus to Heart Chakra. Initiation 2. The Mastery of Relationships, Abdomen to Throat Chakra. Initiation 3. Enlightenment, Base to all the Head Chakras, to the Soul and on seven higher paths of Enlightenment and above which are taught on the Energy Enhancement Course. At the Very Center is the Heart Chakra radiating Peace and Light outwards.. like the Sun...Your first duty is to find the peace in you. If you root yourself in your peace and then lend your hand, you will certainly bring peace. If not, you will only add more and more to the peaceless condition.Violence cannot stop violence. A war can never really be won by violence alone. The mind must be changed. A violent victory only means that you have handicapped your enemy. He is still your enemy and the peace is only temporary. You have covered the fire so it doesn't show now, but it is still inside and one day it will flare up again.When you win a war with your power, your enemy simply retreats and waits for an opportunity to strike back at you. You have won the war but not the heart. Real victory is to win the heart, not just the land or the political power.Yoga tells you that your own peaceful thoughts will bring results. In the name of Yoga, we try to collect the mind and send out peaceful vibrations. A sincere thought will travel all over the world. It is more than an atomic bomb, it's more than a missile.Even if you don't believe in God or prayer, sit and say, Let there be peace. Let the minds of the people who want war be changed. We believe in thought force. Because it is the very same thought force that creates war. Remember that. It is the human mind that creates all these bombs, all these wars.If you still want a war, fight it against undesirable thinking, not against a nation of people. And to fight such a war, you have to send out beautiful thoughts. Make every thought a powerful anti missile. Sit quietly and send out powerful peaceful thoughts. I'm not joking - it is possible. Even one minute spent in peace is valuable. Don't think, When our brothers are dying, how can we sit quietly and think of peace? This crazy world is, in a way, stabilized because of people sitting for a few minutes in meditation every day. Know that.Don't ever think that by raising your hand or throwing a bomb or shouting something you can help the situation. Do it in a nonviolent way. Don't hurt anybody, don't hate anybody. As long as you have hatred in your mind, you are unfit to talk ofpeace. By performing Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditational Techniques to dissolve all psychopathic, empathyless, conscienceless energy blockages, we can stop all wars and bring true peace into the heart and mind of every person in this world CHAKRAS OUTSIDE THE BODY, THEIR ENERGY BLOCKAGES AND THEIR SYMPTOMS - CLICK HERE! If the world's religions cannot come together as One, what chance have the politicians. Swami SatchidanandaAnd this is the key to Energy Enhancement which aims to create honourable people of the heart who are conscious of working for the benefit of all beings, for the benefit of this planet. If you are happy to become a part of this program to help yourself and humanity then sign up for the Newsletter and get back to us by email DEVI DANCING THE WHIRLING DERVISHES TO THE CHANTING OF HARE KRISHNA MONKS IN VRINDABAN, INDIA - ARATI PLEASE CHECK OUT THE DEMONSTRATIONS AND SEE IF THEY WORK FOR YOU. A BROADBAND CONNECTION IS NECESSARY TO RECEIVE THE STREAMING VIDEO COURSES OVER THE INTERNET.To receive streaming videos, you must have a broadband connection which stays faster than 250K all the time.A lot of ADSL providers do not guarantee the lower rate, only the 1M or 8Megabyte per second higher rate.So you must be one of those people whose service provider is giving a good connection, otherwise you need to get the DVDs. Do not expect perfection, Expect EXPERIENCE!! Come on an Energy Enhancement Course and gain real meditational experience. As well as learning how to meditate as deeply as any Monk, the Buddhafield, the Kundalini Energy of Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani, and the Advanced Techniques of Energy Enhancement make certain that you too will receive REAL MEDITATIONAL EXPERIENCE. Sick of just sitting? People meditate for years without any signs of deep meditational experience. Yet with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani, students of Zen Master Hogen, and Swami Satchidananda, author of The Living Gita with whom they received many experiences of Initiation, the Buddhafield produces IMMEDIATE meditational experience in just about everyone who comes. Just read any of our testimonials and you will see that every one of our clients has been given the meditational experience that they need. From Shaktipat to the experience of Energy in all its forms and on into the Karma Clearing Process and the Grounding of Negative energies and emotions, Energy Enhancement WILL EXPERIENCE YOU! If you were to come on an Energy Enhancement Course, now with the ability to get the scholarship you need to come, You too can receive this EXPERIENCE of deep EVOLUTIONARY energy on the path of Enlightenment!!Testimonial From Gary Spaid a Wealth Counselor in Vail Valley, Colorado, USA.So, whatdid we get? I can say that practicing the technique of the Supra galactic Orbit ofEnergy Enhancement with Devi and Satchy gave more power to the top down approachof Meditation. I had an experience of the MAGIC!! that I so longed for in mymeditation.Sittingin the flame of Kundalini and seeing my karma burn up was a POWERFULexperience. During past meditation sessions for over two years, I have twirled like a top when my bottom came into contact with the floor. After two years the swaying finally stopped in ONE session with Energy Enhancement! I later found out thatSatchi had been working on this blockage at the same time using Energy Enhancement SEVEN STEP PROCESS Techniques.... Tommy and I have been doing well. We have started level two and are very excited asize="6"bout it!The STREAMING videos are great and I feel it is a super way to learn. Otherwise I have removed two big blockages along my Earth connection and WOW does that feel great!Love and Light, MadalynFIND ALL THE INCREDIBLE TECHNIQUES REMOVED FROM TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS - DESIGNED TO FAIL - AND TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT If you are tired of all the many systems of meditation which leave questions unanswered and where the path to enlightenment is ill defined and uncertain then don t delay end the suffering as soon as possible learn Energy Enhancement. Jean, FROM THE SEPTEMBER 2005 ENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSEENERGY ENHANCEMENT SACRED DANCE PERFORMANCES ON DVD - FREE!! - SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER!!Above - Devi Dhyani dances Marooned, Alone, All One in the Soul, to the dance of the Whirling Dervishes from PAL DVD and Movie entered into Film Festivals Worldwide - Sacred Pink Floyd - 2.5 hours of Sacred Dance in Stereo and 5.1 Surround Sound Also Available in HD - SET THE CONTROLS FOR THE HEART OF THE SUN!SIGN UP TO THE NEWSLETTER FOR NEWS OF LATEST RELEASES AND FREE DOWNLOADS!! FREE Sacred Pink Floyd 2.5 Hour Performance from the Lavarden Theater on two DVDsWeekly Email Service of Right On Spiritual Texts and Pointed, Pungent and Humorous Stories.Weekly Email Service of Right On Spiritual Texts and Pointed, Pungent and Humorous Stories.Satanism, Luciferianism, Paganism, The Old Religion from Nimrod and Babylon and the Generational Family Gangs who created the Slave trading, Drug Smuggling Roman Empire, Venetian Empire, Dutch Empire, British Empire, Anglo-American Establishment, Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, New World Order... The Principle of Poverty The survival of the species demands a revival of the secret knowledge of the Neoplatonic elite. That knowledge must not only be revived, but as we do here, must be situated within and updated by appropriate terms of modern scientific and Energy Enhancement Spiritual knowledge.Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Mastery of Energy Connections and Mastery of Relationships ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TEACHES THE ADVANCED TECHNIQUES OF PATANJALI RAJA YOGA OF HATHA YOGA, PRANAYAMA, MEDITATION, SAMADHI AND SAMYAMA LEADING TO PSYCHIC POWERS, IMMORTALITY, KAIVALYA OR LIBERATION, ILLUMINATION, ENLIGHTENMENT - READ THE SUTRAS AND THE SATCHIDANAND COMMENTARY - FIND OUT ABOUT TAMIL SIDDAR PATANJALICHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD, CHAKRAS IN THE BODY AND CHAKRAS BELOW THE BASE CHAKRA - THE ANTAHKARANA BLOCKAGES ARE CREATED FROM TRAUMA FORMED NEGATIVE KARMIC MASS - ENERGY BLOCKAGES ARE PURE CONCENTRATED EVIL WHICH BLOCK US OFF FROM THE SPIRITKRIYA YOGA TAUGHT BY ASCENDED MASTER BABAJI OF THE HIMALAYAS - STUDENT OF TAMIL SIDDAR BOGAR WHO TRANSMIGRATED INTO THE BODY OF LAO TSU FOUNDER OF TAOISM AND THE 5000 YEARS OLD TAOIST ORBITS WHICH ARE REALLY THE SAME TECHNIQUES COME FROM CIRCULAR ENERGY FLOWS IN THE GOVERNING AND CENTRAL MERIDIANS EXTENDING OUT INTO THE EXTERNAL CHAKRAS IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH AND THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE WHICH WHEN USED CAN HELP REMOVE BLOCKAGES IN ALL THOSE MERIDIANS AND ALL CHAKRAS THE ANTAHKARANA IS THE REAL GOLDEN ROD AND CENTRAL PILLAR OF THE ALCHEMISTS - IT IS THE PSYCHIC CONSTRUCTION WHICH SHOWS HOW HUMANITY CONNECTS WITH THE ASTRAL PLANE, THE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD AND WITH GOD - IT IS THAT WHICH MUST BE BLOCKED IN ORDER TO CONTROL HUMANITY - SAMADHI AND SAMYAMA ARE THE EIGHTH AND NINTH LIMBS OF YOGA OF RAJA YOGA AS SPECIFIED IN THE SOURCE BOOK, THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI - PATANJALI WAS A TAMIL SIDDAR AND MASTER OF DANCE - WHO GIVES THE METHODOLOGY - THE TECHNIQUES - FOR THE REMOVAL OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES AS A PRELUDE TO KAIVALYA ILLUMINATION -COMMENTARY ON THE YOGA SUTRAS BY SATCHIDANAND HERE!! THE SHAPE OF THE KUNDALINI KEY COMPRISES THE CIRCLE OF THE EARTH WITH THE ANTAHKARANA COLUMN OF ENERGY ARISING OUT OF THE EARTH'S CENTER, STRETCHING OUT INTO THE CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN IN THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. ALIGNING WITH THIS ENERGY IS THE CAUSE OF IMMORTALITY AND ILLUMINATION. EXAMPLES OF THE KUNDALINI KEY SYMBOL ARE THE BUDDHIST STUPA, THE HINDU SHIVALINGAM, THE CHRISTIAN ORB AND THE EGYPTIAN ANKH STRETCHING BACK OVER THOUSANDS OF YEARS - THE MEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THESE SYMBOLS HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM ALL TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS.. YET THIS KNOWLEDGE IS ESSENTIAL TO SPEED UP THE PATH OF ILLUMINATION - ONLY IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!! MEANS VISIT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH IN MEDITATION. THERE CAN BE GROUNDED AND BURNT UP ALL NEGATIVE ENERGY AND EMOTION IN THE FISSION NUCLEAR FIRES AT THE BLACK SUN EARTHS CENTER. RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTEM LAPIDEM - RIOL OF VITRIOL POINTS TO THE RECIPROCAL MAINTENANCE OF GURDJIEFF - THE RECTIFICANDO - AND THE SECRET OF THE OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS STONE - TRANSMUTE LEAD ENERGY BLOCKAGES INTO SPIRITUAL GOLD - GAIN IMMORTALITY IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!!KARMA IS THE BUILDUP OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES IN THE BODY. NORMALLY WE CLEAR THESE BLOCKAGES SLOWLY THROUGH PAINFUL KARMIC ACTION. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION SHOWS YOU HOW TO CLEAR THESE DEEP EGO BLOCKAGES USING THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SEVEN STEP PROCESS - QUICKLY - WITHOUT ANY NEED FOR LIFETIMES OF PAIN. THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS DIRECTORY AFTER THE OPENING OF THE HEART THE SECOND INITIATION OF THE MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS USUALLY TAKES TEN LIFETIMES OF PAINFUL DUMPING AND DEATH. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO CLEAR AND PURIFY - MASTER, ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND VAMPIRISM BETWEEN YOU AND ALL THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU - FAMILY, FRIENDS AND CO-WORKERS.GURDJIEFF WAS THE FIRST SPIRITUAL MASTER WHO TALKED OF THE REMOVAL OF THE ENERGY BLOCKAGE KUNDABUFFER, OF THE RECIPROCAL MAINTENANCE OF ENERGY WHICH IS THE SAME TECHNIQUE AS THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS OF ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND ITS REMOVAL OF WAR AND THE INCREASE OF IMMORTALITY, OF CONSCIOUS SUFFERING WHICH IS THE TAPAS OF THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI, AND OF THE REMOVAL OF THE ENERGY BLOCKAGES LIKE VANITY AND SELF IMPORTANCE.ASCENDED MASTER BABAJI OF THE HIMALAYAS, CREATOR OF THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS WAS A STUDENT OF TAMIL SIDDAR BOGAR OF PALANI HILL IN SOUTHERN INDIA WHO TRANSMIGRATED INTO THE BODY OF LAO TSU FOUNDER OF TAOISM AND CREATOR OF TAOIST ALCHEMY AND THE MEDITATIONAL ORBITS AND ENERGY CIRCULATION. SATCHIDANAND VISITED PALANI HILL IN 1994 WITH HIS MASTER TAMIL SIDDAR SATCHIDANANDA. BHOGAR CREATED BOTH THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS AND TAOIST MEDITATIONAL ORBITS TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ALSO THE PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY OF KAYA KALPA AND ALCHEMICAL TAOISM. THE TRAUMA MODEL OF THE ROSS INSTITUTE STATES THAT TRAUMA, ABUSE AND PAIN CREATES UNSTOPPABLE EMOTIONS OF PTSD.The Energy Enhancement Level One Kundalini Kriyas and their ability to Ground Trauma and Traumatic Memories removes all Trauma and its symptoms - Unstoppable Fear, Anger, Depression, Manicism and Bi-Polar Disorder.. SPIRITUAL MOVIES LIKE ALL SPIRITUAL ART IS WORK TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED OR IMPRINTED SPIRITUAL KUNDALINI ENERGY. TO THE PEOPLE WHO CAN FEEL THIS ENERGY IT IS A SIGNAL OF SIGNIFICANCE AND MEANING - GURDJIEFFS OBJECTIVE ART - SIGNAL OF A TEACHING WHICH CAN THEN BE LOOKED FOR. ALL THE MOST PROFITABLE MOVIES - STAR WARS, LORD OF THE RINGS - HAVE THIS ENERGY.. BUT THERE ARE MORE..PSYCHOLOGY DIRECTORY The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process of Level Two removal of Energy Blockages removes Psychopathy, removing Blockages in the Heart Center which cause a lack of Empathy and then removes The Blockages above the Head creating a lack of Conscience as the Head Centers are cut off from God. Energy Enhancement removes the blockages of the heart and above the head as we create Illumination - One Soul Infused Personality!! FIND ALL THE INCREDIBLE TECHNIQUES REMOVED FROM TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS - DESIGNED TO FAIL - AND TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT This Book is Amazing. It is a new Vision of One Meditation available from Every religious tradition which works to raise Kundalini Energy and Enlightenment. This Energy Enhancement Book gives the Secrets of Illumination and the meditational unity of all the world's major religions from their sacred symbols and shows how all these Ancient Sacred Symbols indicate one Guided Meditation showing how to get into Alignment with a Stream of Energy from Kundalini Chakra in the Earth's Center To the Central Spiritual Sun Brighter than 10,000 Suns in the Center of the Universe. To Square the Circle - The Energy Enhancement Kundalini Key Synthesis of Religion. Learn Secrets of the Kundalini Kriyas... The secrets at the heart of these sacred symbols shows the meditational unity of all the world's major religions - Ancient Egyptian, Masonic, Ancient Greek, Alchemical Taoism, Hindu, Sufi, Zen Buddhism, Christian, Gurdjieffian. That these all these symbols are Legominisms - Ancient Secrets from all the World's Spiritual Masters and Saints who founded these Religions - which are the Initiations of Energy Enhancement. Some of the symbols explained are, The Yin Yang, the Cross and the Iona Cross, Om or Amen, Antahkarana, Squaring the Circle, The Holy Grail, The DNA Spiral, Caduceus, The Pyramid, The Ankh, Sufi Whirling Dervishes, The Fountain at the Sufi Alhambra, The Light of the Soul, Sphinx or Centaur, The 12 Labours of Hercules, Zen Circle, Alchemy, VITRIOL and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, Omphallus, The Antahkarana Axis Mundi, The Myth of King Arthur and The Sword and the Stone, Launcelot and Guinevere, The Yoni and Shivalingam, The Chakras, Kundalini Energy, Tantra and Sex, Philosophers Stone and VITRIOL, Squaring the Circle, The completion of the Octave. The sacred Symbols explain Human Evolution and the Chakras, Sexual Abuse and Rape, Energy Connections between chakras, The Heart Chakra and Society, Crown Chakra Connections to Chakras above the head, Then There is Anger, Jealous People are called Monkeys, What are the Strategies of the Energy Vampire? Swami Satchidanand has created something new here which actually works. Testimonials from the site [...] shows that the map provided by these ancient symbols works in practise to Speed Up the Meditational Process, gain energy and remove Energy Blockages. TELL THEM, TELL THEM - FATHER BEDE GRIFFITHS TO SWAMI SATCHIDANAND FROM HIS DEATH BED Swami Satchidanand has taught many Students Ancient yet Powerful methods to Access More Wisdom, More Kundalini, More Clarity, More Intelligence, More Energy using Energy Enhancement Techniques available Live or On Video together with many Talks, Books, Videos. More Energy Enhancement Meditation at... [...] FIND ALL THE INCREDIBLE TECHNIQUES REMOVED FROM TRADITIONAL MEDITATIONS - DESIGNED TO FAIL - AND TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENTENERGY ENHANCEMENT IS THE ONLY COURSE WHICH GIVES YOU THE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE FALSE NKM PAIN BODY EGO, FAST!!ENHANCEMENT APPRENTICE LEVEL 1 WILL DRAMATICALLY DECREASE YOUR NEGATIVE AND INCREASE YOUR POSITIVE ENERGIESTHE MEDITATION ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SEVEN STEP PROCESS OF LEVEL TWO IS THE ONLY PROCESS ON ANY PATH WHICH TEACHES HOW TO TOTALLY REMOVE NEGATIVE ENERGY BLOCKAGES!! All of our students report on their personal success in eliminating their own Energy Blockages by themselves The Technique of the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process is the only Enlightenment process outside of expensive Scientology which can dissolve Energy Blockages. Without it Buddhism, Hinduism, Ramana Maharshism, Ekhard Tollism, Sri Niscardattaism, any other Enlightenment process depends on the Master to remove the energy blockages. In Energy Enhancement, we help but we give full instructions to our students on how to Eliminate Energy Blockages and all of our students report on their personal success in eliminating their own Energy Blockages by themselves. rate of evolution of humanity needs to increase. The old ways of the Master doing all the work of removing the energy blockages of the ego are now too slow. The new technique of The Energy Enhancement Seven Step process can now augment the processes of every Enlightened Master and thus Speed Up!! the Process of Enlightenment Worldwide - Satchidanand Bio I am experiencing Energy, the fruits of meditation which normally arrive, if they do, after twenty years of meditation and it has only taken me two weeks. - Thomas Blair September 2005 Course in SpainENERGY ENHANCEMENT LEVEL 5 - IMMORTALITY WITH ENERGY ENHANCEMENT - CREATINGTHE IMMORTAL VAJRA DIAMOND BODY STUDENTS EXPERIENCES CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD, CHAKRAS IN THE BODY AND CHAKRAS BELOW THE BASE CHAKRA - THE ANTAHKARANA IS A COLUMN OF ENERGY STRETCH FROM THE CENTER OF THE EARTH TO THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. CHAKRAS EXTERNAL TO THE BODY, Vedic-Agamic Cosmology - CHAKRAS ABOVE SAHASRARA - MAIN PAGE. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ENERGY BLOCKAGE DIRECTORY ENERGY BLOCKAGES ARE CREATED FROM TRAUMA FORMED NEGATIVE KARMIC MASS - ENERGY BLOCKAGES ARE PURE CONCENTRATED EVIL WHICH BLOCK ALL GOOD ENERGIES FROM FLOWING IN THE BODY AND BLOCK US OFF FROM EMPATHY, CONSCIENCE AND THE SPIRIT KARMA IS THE BUILDUP OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES IN THE BODY. NORMALLY WE CLEAR THESE BLOCKAGES SLOWLY THROUGH PAINFUL KARMIC ACTION. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION SHOWS YOU HOW TO CLEAR THESE DEEP EGO BLOCKAGES USING THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SEVEN STEP PROCESS - QUICKLY - WITHOUT ANY NEED FOR LIFETIMES OF PAIN. THE SATCHIDANAND KUNDALINI KEY DIRECTORY - THE SHAPE OF THE KUNDALINI KEY COMPRISES THE CIRCLE OF THE EARTH WITH THE ANTAHKARANA COLUMN OF ENERGY ARISING OUT OF THE EARTH'S CENTER, STRETCHING OUT INTO THE CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN IN THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE. ALIGNING WITH THIS ENERGY IS THE CAUSE OF IMMORTALITY AND ILLUMINATION. EXAMPLES OF THE KUNDALINI KEY SYMBOL ARE THE BUDDHIST STUPA, THE HINDU SHIVALINGAM, THE CHRISTIAN ORB AND THE EGYPTIAN ANKH STRETCHING BACK OVER THOUSANDS OF YEARS. THE KUNDALINI KEY - MAIN PAGETHE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ALCHEMICAL VITRIOL DIRECTORY VISITA INTERIORA TERRA THE VITRIOL MEANS VISIT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH IN MEDITATION. THERE CAN BE GROUNDED AND BURNT UP ALL NEGATIVE ENERGY AND EMOTION IN THE FISSION NUCLEAR FIRES AT THE BLACK SUN EARTHS CENTER. RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTEM LAPIDEM - RIOL OF VITRIOL POINTS TO THE RECIPROCAL MAINTENANCE OF GURDJIEFF - THE RECTIFICANDO - AND THE SECRET OF THE OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS STONE - TRANSMUTE LEAD ENERGY BLOCKAGES INTO SPIRITUAL GOLD - GAIN IMMORTALITY IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!!KRIYA YOGA TAUGHT BY ASCENDED MASTER BABAJI OF THE HIMALAYAS - STUDENT OF TAMIL SIDDAR BOGAR WHO TRANSMIGRATED INTO THE BODY OF LAO TSU FOUNDER OF TAOISM AND THE 5000 YEARS OLD TAOIST ORBITS WHICH ARE REALLY THE SAME TECHNIQUES COME FROM CIRCULAR ENERGY FLOWS IN THE GOVERNING AND CENTRAL MERIDIANS EXTENDING OUT INTO THE EXTERNAL CHAKRAS IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH AND THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE WHICH WHEN USED CAN HELP REMOVE BLOCKAGES IN ALL THOSE MERIDIANS AND ALL CHAKRAS ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ANTAHKARANA DIRECTORY THE ANTAHKARANA IS THE REAL GOLDEN ROD AND CENTRAL PILLAR OF THE ALCHEMISTS - IT IS THE PSYCHIC CONSTRUCTION WHICH SHOWS HOW HUMANITY CONNECTS WITH THE CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD, THE ASTRAL PLANE AND WITH GOD - IT IS THAT WHICH MUST BE BLOCKED IN ORDER TO CONTROL HUMANITY ANTAHKARANA - MAIN PAGE THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SAMADHI SAMYAMA DIRECTORY - SAMADHI AND SAMYAMA ARE THE EIGHTH AND NINTH LIMBS OF YOGA OF TAMIL SIDDAR PATANJALIS RAJA YOGA AS SPECIFIED IN THE SOURCE BOOK, THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI WHICH GIVES THE METHODOLOGY - THE TECHNIQUES - FOR THE REMOVAL OF ENERGY BLOCKAGES AS A PRELUDE TO KAIVALYA ILLUMINATION -SATCHIDANAND'S ENERGY ENHANCEMENT COMMENTARY ON THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TEACHES THE ADVANCED TECHNIQUES OF PATANJALI RAJA YOGA OF HATHA YOGA, PRANAYAMA, MEDITATION, SAMADHI AND SAMYAMA LEADING TO PSYCHIC POWERS, IMMORTALITY, KAIVALYA OR LIBERATION, ILLUMINATION, ENLIGHTENMENT - READ THE SUTRAS AND THE SATCHIDANAND COMMENTARY - FIND OUT ABOUT TAMIL SIDDAR PATANJALI THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS DIRECTORY AFTER THE OPENING OF THE HEART THE SECOND INITIATION OF THE MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS USUALLY TAKES TEN LIFETIMES OF PAINFUL DUMPING AND DEATH. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO CLEAR AND PURIFY - MASTER, ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND VAMPIRISM BETWEEN YOU AND ALL THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU - FAMILY, FRIENDS AND CO-WORKERS MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE STRONG TESTS ON THE PATH OF THE MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS - THE NECESSITY FOR THE REMOVAL OF BLOCKAGES AND UNWANTED CONNECTIONS IN THE RELATIONSHIP ABDOMINAL CHAKRA AND THE CREATIVE VISHUDDHI CHAKRA SO AS TO ALLOW THE LOWER CHAKRA TO POWER THE HIGHER. MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE STRONG TESTS ON THE PATH OF THE MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS - SEXUAL BLOCKAGE IMPLANTS FROM VAMPIRES CAN CONNECT FROM ANY PERSON, ANY DISTANCE - ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TEACHES HOW TO STOP ENERGY VAMPIRES VAMPIRISING YOUR ENERGY. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ENERGY VAMPIRES DIRECTORY MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE STRONG TESTS ON THE PATH OF THE MASTERY OF RELATIONSHIPS - ABOVE THE CROWN CHAKRA CUT ONE OFF FROM CONSCIENCE AS IN PSYCHOPATHY, BUT BECAUSE THESE BLOCKED PEOPLE CANNOT ABSORB ENERGY FROM CHAKRAS ABOVE THE HEAD, ALSO MAKE IT NECESSARY TO VAMPIRISE ENERGY FROM ALL HUMANITY - ENERGY ENHANCEMENT TEACHES HOW TO STOP ENERGY VAMPIRES VAMPIRISING YOUR ENERGY Energy Vampires - MAIN PAGE...GURDJIEFF WAS THE FIRST SPIRITUAL MASTER WHO TALKED OF THE REMOVAL OF THE ENERGY BLOCKAGE KUNDABUFFER, OF THE RECIPROCAL MAINTENANCE OF ENERGY WHICH IS THE SAME TECHNIQUE AS THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS OF ENERGY ENHANCEMENT AND ITS REMOVAL OF WAR AND THE INCREASE OF IMMORTALITY, OF CONSCIOUS SUFFERING WHICH IS THE TAPAS OF THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI, AND OF THE REMOVAL OF THE ENERGY BLOCKAGES OF THE EGO LIKE VANITY AND SELF IMPORTANCE AND THE SUB-PERSONALITIES WHICH USE THEM.ASCENDED MASTER BABAJI OF THE HIMALAYAS, CREATOR OF THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS WAS A STUDENT OF TAMIL SIDDAR BOGAR OF PALANI HILL IN SOUTHERN INDIA WHO TRANSMIGRATED INTO THE BODY OF LAO TSU FOUNDER OF TAOISM AND CREATOR OF TAOIST ALCHEMY AND THE MEDITATIONAL ORBITS AND ENERGY CIRCULATION. SATCHIDANAND VISITED PALANI HILL IN 1994 WITH HIS MASTER TAMIL SIDDAR SATCHIDANANDA. BHOGAR CREATED BOTH THE KUNDALINI KRIYAS AND TAOIST MEDITATIONAL ORBITS TAUGHT IN ENERGY ENHANCEMENT ALSO THE PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY OF KAYA KALPA AND ALCHEMICAL TAOISM. PSYCHOLOGY TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS - SUB PERSONALITY BLOCKAGE, STUPID LIFE GAMES, DEAD LIFE SCRIPTS, DIRECTORY Energy Enhancement Level Three removes the Energy Blockage Sub-Personalities which create the Transactional Analysis Stupid Life Scripts written about by Dr Eric Berne SATCHIDANAND SPIRITUAL MOVIE LIST REVIEWS DIRECTORY SPIRITUAL MOVIES LIKE ALL SPIRITUAL ART IS WORK TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED OR IMPRINTED SPIRITUAL KUNDALINI ENERGY. TO THE PEOPLE WHO CAN FEEL THIS ENERGY IT IS A SIGNAL OF SIGNIFICANCE AND MEANING - GURDJIEFFS OBJECTIVE ART - SIGNAL OF A TEACHING WHICH CAN THEN BE LOOKED FOR. ALL THE MOST PROFITABLE MOVIES - STAR WARS, LORD OF THE RINGS - HAVE THIS ENERGY.. BUT THERE ARE MORE.. If you are tired of all the many systems of meditation which leave questions unanswered and where the path to enlightenment is ill defined and uncertain then don t delay end the suffering as soon as possible learn Energy Enhancement. EE COURSE OVERVIEW THE KARMA CLEANING PROCESS SPEED UP THE PROCESS OF ENLIGHTENMENT, WISDOM AND LEADERSHIP WITH THE APPRENTICE LEVELS OF THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT COURSE..... SIGN UP TO THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT NEWSLETTER ENERGY ENHANCEMENT IS THE NEW, SAFE, SMOOTH AND FAST WAY OF LOSING ALL INTERNAL NEGATIVE ENERGY AND PAIN BECAUSE IT WORKS ONLY AT THE ENERGY LEVEL, THEREFORE SPEEDING UP THE PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT HAS HELPED MANY PEOPLE ON THIS PATH FROM THOSE WITH THE BIGGEST ENERGY BLOCKAGES TO THOSE WHOSE ASPIRATION IS TO HELP THE WORLD AND ALL THE PEOPLE IN IT. ENERGY ENHANCEMENT CAN HELP YOU!! Part of Satchidanand's Web Blog - I was meeting a nice girl of 28 this morning here at our center in Rosario. She is a Psychologist but has fallen out of love with Psychology because although it explains things intellectually it gives no TECHNIQUES apart from talking to change anything internally, particularly in herself. You can see how effective Psychology is by looking at Woody Allen. I connected with her base chakra and her inner child showed me all her chakras and blockages one by one. A very interesting experience. First the Base chakra, one fear and security blockage which I removed very quickly. Then the second, a pain filled relationship blockage which I also removed. Then all the chakras solar plexus, heart etc, feeling the general dirtyness of the psychic body usually cleaned with The Grounding of Negative Energies but no major blockages. Then the head, two blockages, one a person who had just died, very deep and negative. I removed the first blockage but the other one was more difficult and stayed with me, absorbed by my psychic body, for a day before I sent it on. She felt the movement of energy blockages in the head and in the body as my mind and energy was working on her and told me that she normally got a lot of headaches. She was interested in my exposition of Energy Enhancement as all the while I was working on these blockages I was also talking to her. Such openings show an educated psychic body, one with talent. Not everyone who comes to the Guru has similar experiences. Some also get more. She and I felt that with training she also might be able to help her clients in a similar way. So, she is coming back tomorrow to try out the process, to get her first Initiation in Energy Enhancement. ARTICLE ON ENERGY ENHANCEMENT FROM THE YOGA MAGAZINE OF GREAT BRITAIN - FIND OUT WHAT THEY SAY!! Energy Enhancement does exactly what it says on the Tin! James Ellerbeck, Yoga Magazine of Great Britain. Here I am today, sitting down, putting pen down on paper whilst gathering my thoughts on the amazing Energy Enhancement Course that I am currently on. Where do I begin? Firstly, I felt it would be great to share my experiences of the Energy Enhancement course with other like-minded people. The following information is for those interested in growing spiritually, and wanting this world to become a better place - starting from improving themselves! Honey Kalaria, Bollywood Star and Owner of Diva Entertainments Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. by Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles (Note: This is often found on the Internet incorrectly stated as a quote by Nelson Mandela from the Inauguration Speech, 1994.) said something that Gautam Buddha remembered when he became a buddha. The first thing that he remembered then was the statement of Deepankar Buddha of many lives before: Don't be worried. Yesterday I was also ignorant, today I am enlightened; today you are ignorant, tomorrow you will be enlightened. There is not much difference -- it is only a question of time. When you become enlightened, remember. RAMANA MAHARSHI, Meditation and Psychic Powers: Shaktipat, Supermind, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, and Enlightenment I moved near Bhagavan, sitting at his feet and facing him. Not long after this Bhagavan opened his eyes. He moved his head and looked directly down at me, his eyes looking into mine. It would be impossible to describe this moment and I am not going to attempt it. I can only say that at this second I felt my inner being raised to a new level - as if, suddenly, my state of consciousness was lifted to a much higher degree. Perhaps in this split second I was no longer my human self but the Soul. Ramakrishna Meditation and Psychic Powers: Shaktipat, Supermind, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, and Enlightenment. Sri Ramakrishna's life is a wonderful record of realization and the powers that follow upon it, powers which in themselves did not particularly interest him, drowned as they were in the knowledge of the higher vision. Indeed, he said that psychic powers could take one away from the path of self realization because of the selfish ego of having psychic powers. Just because a person has psychic powers, does not mean that the person is good, or that the psychic powers are used with good intent. I am a brother of yours, who has traveled a little longer upon the Path than has the normal student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this webpage, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost. I am not an old man, as age counts among the teachers, yet I am not young or inexperienced. My work is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response, and I have been doing this for many years. I seek also to help the ascended Masters whenever opportunity offers, for I have been long connected with Them and with Their work. In all the above, I have told you much; yet at the same time I have told you nothing which would lead you to offer me that blind obedience and the foolish devotion which the emotional aspirant offers to the Guru and Master Whom he is as yet unable to contact. Nor will he make that desired contact until he has transmuted emotional devotion into unselfish service to humanity - not to the Master.The words that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may, or may not, be correct, true and useful. It is for you to ascertain their truth by right practice and by the exercise of the intuition. I am not interested in having them acclaimed as inspired writings, or in having anyone speak of them (with bated breath) as being the work of one of the Masters. If they present truth in such a way that it follows sequentially upon that already offered in the world teachings, if the information given raises the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the student worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences, then that is well and good. But should this not be so, let not the student accept what is said.

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Get the Streaming Video Meditation Course - or Come to the Buddhafield/Gurufield Ashram at Iguazu Falls and Learn Direct - Come to India and Learn Direct - Ground Negative Energies with Alchemical VITRIOL, Access Infinite Spiritual Energies from the Chakras Above the Head, Open your Third Eye, Power Up!! Your Psychic Powers, Eliminate Energy Blockages with The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process, Eliminate your Shadow, Integrate your Mind, Become Soul Infused, Clear all your Karma in this Lifetime and All your Previous Lifetimes, Renounce Ancient Vows, Remove All Addiction Implant Energy Blockages, Remove All Negative Habits - Paradigm Energy Blockages - which Oppose your Passionate Goals, Cord Control - Heal your Energy Cords and Master Relationships on the Path of Enlightenment.. India Taj Mahal and Iguazu Holiday Tour Meditation Course and Retreat - Video Course Energy Enhancement Reiki Remove Energy Blockages, Ground Negative Energies Alchemical VITRIOL, Access Infinite Energy Chakras above the Head advanced meditation course and retreat includes tips, videos will guide you for energy enhancement and illumination over traditional courses to remove energy blockages.

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