Preserving ancient skills and wisdom for future generations

Earthwalk Northwest offers programs focusing on earth awareness, wilderness survival and ancestral living skills, including primitive bow making, fire by friction, wild edibles, and much more. Our unique courses provide in-depth, hands-on experience, allowing participants to deepen their understanding of traditional skills while learning how to wisely use and honor the many gifts the earth has to offer.

Ancestral skills apprenticeship

Take your skills to the next level in the Primitive Skills Apprenticeship Program, offering a year of in-depth primitive living skills study…

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Ethnobotany apprenticeship

Prepare to see the world around you through new eyes. Come explore and deepen your relationship with the world of plants in our Plant Apprenticeship Ethnobotanical Studies Program…

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path of the hunter mentor program

Explore the traditional skills of the hunter, both past and present, with honor, respect, and ethics in the newly expanded Path of The Hunter Mentoring Program…

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