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Posted by author on May 31, 2020 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. It comes from the word Yuj which means union, in the ancient Sanskrit language originating in India. It stimulates the development of awareness of thoughts, words, and actions. Through the practice of asanas, meditation, and the study of Vedic texts such as The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which represent the aphorisms of yoga, stimulating the personal and spiritual development of each person and contributing to the liberation of the fluctuations of mind occurs. Yoga is considered as a philosophy of life. The sensibility of the body is experienced, the flexibility of the thoughts, in turn, brings the receptivity to life, and the better coexistence with the environment.

The Yamas and Niyamas are the moral principles and rules of self-regulation that yoga practitioners must follow to live with the world and with oneself. They are within the eight foundations of yoga, which show the methods to live life with responsibility, commitment, and purpose. It is what was proposed by Patanjali, Yoga teacherof high potential and recognition in the history of India.

1. Yamas: Being With The World:

Ahimsa: Do not hurt or harm. Deal kindly with others and respect for life.Satya: The truth. The sincerity of thought, word, and action.Asteya: Do not steal energy or material goods. Do not envy the riches of others.Brahmacharya: Celibacy or fidelity towards the couple. Do not waste your energy on casual sex.Aparigraha: Do not accumulate -Codicia-. Release of attachment.

2. Niyamas: Being With Ourselves

Saucha: Internal and external purification. Good nutrition and lifestyle.Santosha: Contentment. The satisfaction of living happily with what you have.Cover: Discipline. Training of the senses.Swadhyaya: Introspection defines who we are. Study of ourselves and life purpose.Ishwara Pranidhana: Devotion. Connection with divinity.

The practice of yoga is a complementary activity of life, which has proven to be beneficial in the prevention of diseases, the development of thought, and rehabilitation of physical health.

Among the benefits of yoga stresses the strengthening of the spirit, developing harmony with each person. and the universe. That is why the attitudes you have about life are so crucial to the attitudes you have with yourself. How do you treat your body? How do you nourish your soul?

Benefits Of The Yamas And Niyamas:

Awakening consciousnessFeelings of fear, hostility, selfishness diminishSelf-respect is accentuatedRelease of toxic emotionsThe treasures of life are manifested naturallyThe cleanliness and purity of the mind and body is experiencedDevelopment of kindness, focus, good sense, happinessHolistic wellness and satisfaction are enjoyed.

Once you begin to experience the many benefits of yoga, naturally, you acquire good habits, body awareness, responsibility in thoughts, compassionate love, and much more. The practice of yoga is an opportunity to become sensitive to the teachings of life and to develop good coexistence with ourselves and the environment.

read more Cobra Pose

Posted by author on Mar 23, 2020 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

The cobra pose is also known as Bhujangasana. It is a posture that promoted flexibility and opens up the heart. It also strengthens your arms and wrist.

How To Perform The Pose

Step 1 – To start, lie down, face down on the yoga mat. Stretch the back of your legs while the top of your feet remain flat to the ground. Spread your arms out on the ground under the shoulders. Hug your elbows toward the back of your body.Step 2 – Firmly press your pubis, the thighs of both your legs and the top of your feet into the ground.Step 3 – While gradually inhaling, start to straighten your arms in order to lift your chest off the ground. Lift only to a certain height where you can maintain a firm connection between the pubis and the legs. Gradually press your tailbone toward your pubis, followed by lifting your pubis to your navel. Now, narrow your hip points. Make sure to firm your buttocks but do not harden them at all.Step 4 – Keep your shoulder blades firmly against your back by puffing the sides of your ribs toward the front. Try lifting through the top of your sternum, but make sure to avoid pushing the front of your rib forward, which would lead to hardening the lower part of your back. While bending your back, make sure to distribute the bed evenly throughout your spine. Don’t concentrate on any specific point.Step 5 – Hold on to the posture for fifteen to thirty seconds while breathing gradually and easily. Upon exhalation, release your pose and return to the ground. You can perform this pose more than once. Gradually increase your pose holding duration.


Strengthens your spineStretches your chest as well as lungsFirms and strengthens the buttocksHelps to relieve stress as well as fatigueStretches your abdomen as well as shouldersStimulates the organs of your abdomenOpens your lungs as well as heartWorks as a therapy for asthmaHelps to soothe sciaticaIt is traditionally stated that it increases the heat of the body, destroys various diseases as well as works in awakening Kundalini

Mistakes And Contradictions

If you have any kind of back injury, then avoid practicing this pose. Patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome are also recommended not to exercise this pose. While suffering from a headache, you must not indulge in practicing this pose. It is also advised that you should not practice the pose during pregnancy.

How To Perform The Pose Perfectly

To perform the pose to perfection, do not overstretch your back. Perform it as per your capacity and do not strain your body. Try to find the apt height at which you must perform the pose. To do the same, take away your hands and without any support, find a height via an extension.

read more Picking out the right Yoga Clothes for women

Posted by author on Dec 8, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Yoga like any other form of exercise requires you to have clothes that will make you more comfortable as you practice. Even though there are no strict requirements for yoga, you need to pick clothes that are the most suitable for a yoga session. These clothes will make you move easily and stretch without restrictions. Typical yoga outfits include a good top and a good pair of pants. The following guidelines will help you choose the best yoga clothes for your practice.

Get a good fabric

As you will be doing yoga, you are going to sweat. Therefore you need to get a fabric that is able to absorb the sweat and give you room to breathe, preferably cotton. The color of your fabric depends on your taste.

Get a top that completely covers your upper body

During yoga class, you need to be fully concentrated on your instructor without the distraction of constantly pulling your top to cover you well. Therefore as you look for a top, get one that is fitting enough so that it does not move as you change positions and poses. Preferably, the top should be stretchy to accommodate the specific bends and stretches of the body.

You can get yourself a hoodie

Sometimes the weather may not be very favorable and you may require something that keeps you warm or covered as you practice yoga. You can get yourself a hoodie to protect you from cold especially when performing the poses, which require you to lie down.

Ensure you have a bra

For most women, breasts can be one of the best ways to describe their feminism. However, for your yoga practice, you need a sports bra, which will ensure that your breasts do not hang as you practice yoga. The bra should also be comfortable and allow good air circulation. Sometimes a good bra can act as an alternative for tops. Some designers have even made it easier for women by creating a top, which has a brassiere in it, it is very effective for yoga.

Choosing a pant

There are tons of options to choose from if you want a good yoga pant. You can choose a pant that is not loose so that it does not fall off during yoga sessions. The pant can either be as tight as the leggings or loose like the sweatpants, depending on your preference. However, you should get yourself lightweight pants so that you get to move and change positions without struggling too much. Some pants have a gusset that is designed to reduce pressure in that delicate area; you should definitely check them out.

For those who love shorts, there are shorts that are form-fitting and will make you comfortable as you practice yoga. In addition, you can also get Capri tights but they should not be too tight so that you find it hard to hold various body poses.

The waistband of your pants should be in line with your waistline so that it gives you an easy time while bending.

Avoid jeans

Jeans are too rigid for a yoga session. They do not give you much room to move as expected in yoga classes. Hence, you should avoid them. Get materials that stretch and adjust well depending on your position. You should also avoid materials such as leather and corduroy.

In conclusion, you can use various clothes for your yoga practice, however, you should try to use the guidelines above so that you stay fit and comfortable.


read more The Calm Heart Meditation For Relieving Stress

Posted by author on Aug 21, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the challenges of modern life? Pressing deadlines, heavy traffic, demanding clients and employers, the hustle-bustle of a metropolis can create stress which might have a negative impact on our lives.

How Does Stress Affect Us?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health in the U.S., long-term stress can harm an individual’s health in different ways; developing issues such as digestive symptoms, insomnia, headaches, anger, etc. The same Institute ascertains that continued stress could lead to more severe health issues like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, as well as anxiety or depression.

So, what is there to do in order to defend ourselves from the negative effects of stress?

The Mayo Clinic declares that meditation is a powerful tool to relieve stress. Because during such practice, the attention is focused, and the stream of stressful thoughts is eliminated. The physical and emotional well-being is enhanced. Meditation allows us to reach a sense of calmness, balance, and inner peace and can help go throughout the entire day more calmly. Also, it can help alleviate symptoms of some medical conditions.

The Solution

The Calm Heart Meditation is extremely helpful in relieving stress, allowing you to come into a neutral, non-reactive place and making you feel graceful and steady in the middle of today’s challenging environment.

Here is how to practice Calm Heart Meditation:

Sit in a comfortable pose;Close your eyes or glance straight in front of you with the eyes 1/10 open;Put the left hand in the middle of the chest, with fingers parallel to the ground and directed to the right;Hold the right hand in Gyan Mudra (touch the tip of the index finger with the tip of the thumb);Elevate the right hand upwards on the right side. The elbow is relaxed near the body with the forearm perpendicular with the floor;Breathe: Focus on the breath flow. Consciously regulate every breath, by inhaling slowly and deeply through the nose. Then, suspend the breath in and elevate the chest. Hold this space between the inhalation and exhalation for as long as possible.Next, exhale slowly, progressively and thoroughly. When the exhalation is entirely out, hold the breath out for as long as possible;Continue this type of long, deep breathing for 3 to 31 minutes;In the end, inhale and exhale three times powerfully and relax.


Benefits Of The Calm Heart Meditation

This meditation is beneficial, especially if you are new to yoga because it grows the awareness and control of the breath.The Calm Heart Meditation enables you to gain more clarity to the relationship you have with yourself, others.If you find yourself in a place where you are angry or frustrated with someone, practice this meditation for three to five minutes before answering.If we talk about the physical benefits of Calm Heart Meditation, it is important to know that it strengthens the heart and lungs. read more Eight-Angle Pose

Posted by author on Jun 14, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Given the anatomical structure of the human hands, which unlike feet are made for mobility rather than for bearing weight, arm support poses are generally demanding. Consequently, novice students are recommended to practice these kinds of positions only after having gotten used to standing poses. When undertaking your yoga practice, remember to wear comfortable apparel that will allow your body to move without hindrances, such as leggings, capris or workout pants and clothing.

Astavakrasana (ah-shta-vak-rahs-anna) is regularly categorized as an intermediate level twisting arm balance yoga position. All arms, legs, and spine are activated and lengthened while executing this pose. Especially when it comes to the adductors, triceps, and pectoralis major or chest muscle.

A perfect eight-angle position ought to look similar to an asymmetrical “v” while being looked from above. To carry out this pose adequately one’s weight should be slightly shifted either onto the left or right arm, one’s ankles should be locked together, while the fingers remain widely spread and the upper lying leg rests lightly on your shoulder. One’s shoulders should be positioned in a pleasant (non-hurtful) way, as the arms are actively pressing against the ground and the elbows are kept near the torso.

Some useful tips to take into account are the following:

To position your hands shoulder-width apartTo look forward while maintaining the positionTo keep your shoulders as steady and still as you can once you have found your balanceTo strengthen your legs by pushing your heels forward and squeeze your locked arm with both thighs at the same timeIt is important to keep these cues in mind when going into an eight-angle pose, as they make up the basis of this position and will help avoid any unwanted injuries.

In order to gain the flexibility and stability needed to carry out this pose, you can first practice the high lunge pose or Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana, four-limbed stick pose or Chaturanga Dandasana, and baby cradle pose or Hindolasana. These positions will open your hips, hamstrings, and chest. They will strengthen your back, arms, and core, and work on your abdominal muscles.

Once you have trained in strengthening your body as well as gaining more flexibility you can go ahead into a full eight-angle pose after doing preceding poses like standing forward bend or Uttanasana, bound angle pose or Baddha Konasana, and extended side angle pose or Utthita Parsvakonasana. Follow-up poses can either include the two-handed arm balance position or Dwi Pada Bhujasana, and shoulder-pressing pose or Bhujapidasana.

Benefits linked to the practice of this position are related to the realignment of the third, Manipura, chakra. This is the energy center that harbors our personal and transformational powers, self-esteem, confidence, and warrior energy. Some of the benefits include the strengthening of the arms, wrists and abdominal muscles, the nurturing of one’s self-confidence, sense of purpose, and motivation.

read more 5 Best Yoga Classes on YouTube

Posted by author on Apr 21, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Thank goodness for the internet. The amount of resources available at our fingertips is astonishing! You can look up smoothie recipes, find out why your car is making a funny clanking noise, and shop for new yoga leggings all from the comfort of the couch. One of the greatest benefits, especially for the budget conscious, is the abundance of free courses and instructional videos.

For those days when your yoga studio seems too far away, or that $15 drop-in fee isn’t making your wallet look good, try one of these 5 classes that you can do from anywhere:

1. Beginner’s Morning Yoga Sequence

Some of us have so many day to day commitments, the only time we have for ourselves and our yoga practice in the morning. Make the most of “me” time with this great morning sequence that will ease you into your day with poses like Downward Dog, Low Lunge, and Wide Leg Forward Fold. As the world wakes up, wake your body up too!

2. Flexibility and Range of Motion with Tara Stiles

Tara Stiles is a popular yoga instructor and the creator of Strala Yoga. She has several videos on YouTube, but one of the best ones for improving your skillset is this, the Flexibility and Range of Motion training. This will open up your body and help you be able to deepen poses while also reducing stiffness in the body that comes from hours hunched over at a desk. The pace may be a bit fast for some beginners; yogis with knowledge of basic poses should be able to keep up.

3. Yoga for Strength, Beginner Arm Balances with Kino

Have you been too intimidated to try arm balances? Not anymore! Kino makes it look easy, but her brilliant instruction will have you holding Crow in no time. This video is also great for building arm strength, which will aid you in every aspect of your yoga practice, no just arm balances. Kino’s encouragement and detailed instruction make even the toughest poses accessible.

4. Vinyasa Yoga Class by Faith Hunter

Sometimes it’s easier to try something new when no one is watching or judging us (even though they probably aren’t anyway!). Many yoga newbies are too nervous to give Vinyasa a try, mostly because it moves more quickly than a Hatha class and requires a combination of concentration and strength. The goal of Vinyasa is to synchronize breath and movement, which can be a challenge when we are not used to doing that in everyday life. Faith provides an excellent 30-minute introduction to the Vinyasa style that is free-flowing, simple but still engaging enough for those who want to be challenged.

5. 60-minute Slow Flow Power Yoga

Have you gotten your fill of short introductory videos and are ready to tackle something a bit longer? This hour-long class will provide you with an amazing and challenging workout that will give you the confidence to deepen your practice and explore poses that, while difficult, are never impossible. Don’t let the “slow flow” part fool you; this class is not for beginners. If you’ve taken a few classes, have a basic knowledge of poses, and are in relatively good shape, you should be able to handle it. There are plenty of modifications; never feel like you have to prove anything to yourself by forcing your body to do something it isn’t ready for.

read more Grounding Yoga Poses to Transition into Fall

Posted by author on Mar 12, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Changing seasons are a transitional phase in life which can leave us feeling unsure and uncomfortable. Whether you feel excited or stressed by the new beginnings that come with changing seasons, you can seek comfort in grounding yoga poses to help steady you and prepare yourself for a new phase of the year.

To help you feel grounded during the transition into fall, it’s even better if you practice these yoga poses outdoors if the weather permits. It will help you to feel the ground beneath you and enjoy the last days of weather warm enough to do yoga outside before winter sets in. The summer season allows us to slow down and soak up the warm sunshine, but in fall we usually transition back into full schedules which can leave us feeling tired and under the weather. These seven yoga poses will leave you feeling grounded as you ease into the fall season.

Mountain Pose

Start with your feet planted hip-width apart.Then root your tailbone down, rocking side to side gently while you feel the earth beneath your toes.Then, reach up and extend the fingertips for an energizing power pose.

Warrior I

As you move out of mountain pose, take a deep breath and sweep your arms overhead, stepping your left foot behind you.Next, straighten your arms and touch your fingertips together, distributing your weight evenly and rooting both feet down.Repeat on the right side before moving into Warrior II.This is a great pose for energizing and keeping your body moving in a forward direction.

Warrior II

Try to find some stillness in this pose, rooting down both feet and radiating your energy outward through the fingertips, crown, and tail.Raise your arms to shoulder height away from your sides and bend your front knee to move into this pose.


Triangle pose provides another easy transition from the Warrior poses and helps the body achieve balance while stretching the hips.

To do this pose, begin in a standing position and press the left hip out while you slide both arms to the right.Exhale and rotate your arms, raising your left arm and rest your right hand on your right leg.Reach your fingertips away from each other as your arms move into a straight line with shoulders stacked.Press the left hip forward and right hip back then hold the pose for a few breaths and repeat on the other side.

Goddess Pose

Goddess pose is another strong power pose.

Start by bringing the hands together, straightening the legs, and turning the heels inward.Next, come into a high squat by bending the knees and visualizing the pelvis as your anchor to create balance.

This is a great pose for stabilizing the core to help your body feel grounded.

Head to Knee

This pose calms the mind and stimulates the nervous system.

As you prepare to end this yoga sequence, sit down on the ground with legs stretched out in front of you.Take a deep breath and bend the upper body down over your legs to touch your head to your knees.Move into this pose slowly using deep breaths to help you stretch.

Child’s Pose

Let your inner child out during this pose to release stress.

Start by putting your forehead down to help calm the mind and give support to the rest of the body.Then stretch your hips back and arms out in front of you.

This is a great stretching pose to end with and it leaves the body feeling calm and nurtured.

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