The Canadian Nature Photographer

Web Name: The Canadian Nature Photographer






To search for specific topics or photos type key words into the google search box above or visit the site map for a complete list of articles. Latest Articles - Click on the thumbs or links - see site map for more articles Rotifers Revisited - Including Sessile and Colony Forming Rotifers by Dr. Robert Berdan Rotifers are small metazoans (multicellular organisms having about a 1000 cells) found in pond water, streams, lakes, soil, more. Cell Phone Cameras, Dedicated Digital Cameras and Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras for Photomicrography by Dr. Robert Berdan and Brandon Berdan. The main question we wanted to determine is how do DSLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras compare to dedicated scientific cameras .... read more. Polarization Microscopy The Motic BA310 Polarizing Microscope a Review by Dr. Robert Berdan A polarizing microscope can be used to identify a wide variety of substances. They are often used in forensic science ... read more. Photography of Chaoborus the phantom midge fly larva - Zooplankton's Nightmare by Dr. Robert Berdan. There are aliens on earth, not the ones you hear about on the History channel .. you can find them in nearby lakes and ponds with a microscope - read more. Epi-Fluorescence Microscopy of Protists and other pond organisms using Acridine Orange - Photoshop Deconvoluton by Dr. Robert Berdan A normal wide field fluorescent microscope can see and detect objects down to 0.0001 mm (100 nm) - read more. Photomicrography of Rotifers II Brachionus manjavacas and Philodina roseola by Dr. Robert Berdan. Most folks are not aware of rotifers, yet probably walk by them daily. These tiny creatures live in a film of water within moss embedded on the sidewalk, lichen growing on a tree - read more The Microscopic Beauty of Plants and Trees by Dr. Robert Berdan I am attracted to living things especially those coloured green like lichens, moss, bryophytes and trees - read more. Alberta Landscapes Part I by Dr. Robert Berdan I have been photographing Alberta landscapes and wildlife for over 30 years and I thought I would share some of my favourite places and photos of Alberta. Like most photographers I tend to get my best photos near where I live - read more. Alberta Wildlife Photography by Dr. Robert Berdan I have photographed Wildlife in Alberta for many years and Alberta is one of the best provinces to see and photograph wildlife. I share some of my favourite photos of birds and mammals from Alberta - read more. The Micro-Universe - Microscopic Life by Dr. Robert Berdan I define the Micro-Universe to include organisms from about 2 mm to 0.0002 mm. Anyone can begin to explore the Micro-universe starting with a simple magnifying lens though a microscope is better - read more. Tips for Buying a Light Microscope by Dr. Robert Berdan. There is a microscopic universe all around us filled with alien creatures and crystals with colours like no where else on the planet. Many microscopic sized items even include the food we eat - read more. Crystals Photographed with Polarization Microscopy: Water, Beer, Caffeine, Vitamins, Amino Acids and Human Tears by Dr. Robert Berdan Crystals viewed and photographed through a polarized light microscope are the most beautiful colours I have ever seen in nature - read more. The Art of Seeing and the Visual Elements of Design A Guide to Composition in Photography by Dr. Robert Berdan For most of us, knowledge of our world comes largely through sight, yet we look about with such unseeing eyes - read more. Photomicrography of Hydra - a model for studying regeneration and aging by Dr. Robert Berdan. The name Hydra was derived from a serpentine water monster in Greek and Roman mythology - this article shows Hydra that lives in fresh water. It is used in research to study regeneration and aging - read more. Photographing Rotifers by Dr. Robert Berdan An interest in Rotifers started after microscopist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) described them in a letter from 1687. These microscopic organisms live in water including ponds - read more Photographing Ciliates by Dr. Robert Berdan You may have been introduced to Paramecium in biology class, a single celled (unicellular) simple ciliate found in pond water. Only ciliates are not simple but some of the most complex cells on the planet - read more. How to Collect and Photograph Water Bears (Tardigrades) by Dr. Robert Berdan As a biologist and photographer I am drawn to the beauty that is all around us; sometimes it's big and sometimes it's small - learn about water bears here. Sign up for Free NewsletterSubscribe tomy free newsletter for updates, discounts, special offers.

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The Canadian Nature photographer features articles, galleries, workshops, and courses about nature and wildlife photography, microscopy and photomicrography - Robert C. Berdan, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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