




description:MPE es la solucion!
Economía Matemáticamente Perfeccionada Destacado

Posted by spain4emp in Publicaciones y Noticias

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No es fácil resumir Economía Matemáticamente  Perfeccionada, porque tiene muchas ramificaciones.  Por lo tanto, le pido  previamente que  no se moleste por la amplitud de este mensaje.

MPE es básicamente un conjunto de principios matemáticos probados que identifican y aclaran la verdadera naturaleza de la moneda, y es el ciclo de la vida. Es una prueba larga (un teorema matemático probado, en lugar de simplemente una teoría) de solución singular a las grietas de cualquier economía prospectiva. Al final es una plataforma para la restauración de los derechos y la rectificación de los sistemas monetarios en todo el mundo. Una receta completa para la transformación de los sistemas actuales de explotación en un sistema justo.

Refutan categóricamente también propuestas de toda  reforma monetaria, mostrando cómo y por qué sólo pueden resultar  irregularidades económicas y eventualmente  terminar en fracaso económico. MPE fue introducido por primera vez en 1968, por Mike Montagne, pero fue en los años 70 cuando trataron de llegar a los políticos, con la esperanza de advertirles sobre los problemas más perjudiciales que  nos encontramos debido a la forma absurda en que se configura el sistema monetario. Desde Gerald Ford  y a todos los presidentes estadounidenses y fueron enviadas muchas cartas con estas pruebas de Mike.

La campaña de Reagan fue la primera que le respondió. En 1983/84, el autor de MPE creó un modelo informático y se lo proporcionó a la administración  Reagan . Este modelo podía avisar de cuando  llegaría el fracaso terminal del sistema monetario actual . Como entendieron que Mike tenía razón sobre sus premisas, sólo quisieron saber cuando la economía entraría en su etapa terminal, en lugar de ocuparse de la injusticia inherente de este sistema, que sólo sabe explotar a sus súbditos. El programa informático de ordenador, debido a los datos que proporcionó, calculó que el fracaso  global llegaría en 2010 aproximadamente.

MPE demuestra cómo los bancos cometen los crímenes más graves contra el pueblo,  en su posesión injustificada y multiplicada de  esas sumas iniciales de deuda falsificada – a través de la imposición injustificada del de interés/usura en  sumas de deudas falsas e invisibles.

Ahora en 2013, los sistemas actuales sólo pueden continuar debido a lo que llamamos sustentación artificial, que es la introducción artificial de grandes cantidades de moneda en circulación, tratando de evitar un colapso general de todas las industrias. El nuevo dinero introducido por los bancos centrales en maniobras criminales como alivio cuantitativo no respeta ningún verdadero principio.

Los bancos son meros editores de la evidencia de las pueblos que se crean obligaciones entre sí. Para entender lo que esto significa, creo que es necesario entender primero los orígenes del dinero:

Desde la concepción del dinero, hace casi 5 mil años, en la región de Sumeria, el sistema de crédito fue introducido para facilitar los intercambios entre personas, y el vehículo que ha permitido que ocurra, era lo que ahora llamamos obligaciones de promesa.

Desde entonces, el dinero existía mediante la anotación de la promesa u obligación. Sin embargo, este hecho ha sido manipulado y distorsionado a través de los siglos. En la antigüedad, el dinero utilizado, en acuerdos comerciales, era tablillas de arcilla,  un intento de registrar las obligaciones entre los productores. Esto significa en opinión de supuestos economistas e historiadores, que el oro y las piedras preciosas fueron el primer tipo de dinero que los hombres usaron para  sustituir el trueque.

Una obligación de promesa representa el compromiso de un emisor de dinero, para redimir esa nota con su propia producción. Así, a una persona solvente, cuando le faltan notas para adquirir la producción de otra persona productiva, emite una obligación de promesa para pagar con su propia mano de obra/producción, en medidas iguales a lo que ha adquirido.

Se trata de cómo el dinero fue utilizado en la antigüedad, pongamos un ejemplo: si un productor de pollos quería aumentar su producción necesitaba alimentos para alcanzar esa meta, tenía que ir en busca de un productor de granos y emitir  un pagaré, prometiendo redimirlo con tantos pollos, como kilos de granos necesitase. El productor de grano le daba crédito y aceptaba las notas de ese deudor. Eso significaba que él, el productor de grano,era el acreedor, y ese pedazo de papel o arcilla tableta era dinero; o la evidencia de su derecho; un símbolo de valor; moneda.

Esa nota entonces podía circular, porque el acreedor podría utilizarlo para adquirir la producción de otros, que también aceptaban ese tipo de nota, creyendo como lo hicieron, que se se pueden canjear por los pollos del emisor original. Una vez redimido, naturalmente fue retirado el pagaré, porque y esto es crucial, había cumplida esa promesa.

A pesar de las mentiras que tenemos hoy, las promesas cumplidas pasan a ser propiedad de nadie. Es decir se anulan una vez cumplidas, si no estamos ante un fraude.

El dinero que tenemos hoy en día todavía nace de la obligación de cumplir las promesas de las personas. Cuando vamos a un banco a pedir un préstamo para comprar una casa, por ejemplo, la suma que  nos prestan, se crea sólo después de firmar los pagarés y el sistema bancario después nos cobra intereses, cuando ni siquiera tenían ese dinero en primer lugar. Simplemente publican representaciones secundarias de obligaciones de promesa del emisor real,  reclamando la propiedad previa de las fichas de valor, que recibe el verdadero acreedor (el constructor en este caso). Y luego, cobra el  emisor del interés del dinero – correctamente llamada usura –

Pero el hecho es, que en los préstamos o hipotecas al banco No se presta nada.  Los bancos simplemente no poseen, por lo tanto, no se presta. Ningún banco  firma estos documentos, confirmando además que la producción de dinero es un compromiso unilateral a pagar, no un contrato bilateral a devolver. El  trabajo llamado Mecánica del Dinero Moderno, producido por la Reserva Federal de Chicago, es un reconocimiento de esta realidad.

Es fundamental entender, que los bancos no crean  dinero de la nada como afirman muchos reformistas monetarios, porque es la gente la que crea dinero, ningún banco  nace de la habilidad y capacidad para producir y redimir esa obligación , aunque la posterior imposición de interés agota esta facultad y genera valores predeterminados de la gente.

El Banco no es el verdadero acreedor , porque es el dueño o el constructor del hogar hipotecado. Este es el crimen más monumental perpetrado contra la humanidad, es aberrante,  una subversión de la realidad, un delito contra  las personas honestas del mundo que tienen que sufrirlo.

En realidad, la banca no toma ningún riesgo en absoluto.  Nunca, presta su dinero,  ni el de sus propios fondos, sino  el de sus depositantes. Todo el dinero, aparte de quizás el aproximadamente un 3% que es acuñado e impreso en existencia por el gobierno, se crea únicamente por las firmas de los prestamistas.

Incluso la expansión de la base monetaria, reclamada por los llamados economistas, es totalmente absurda. Es un intento de crear dinero, para supuestamente pagar proyectos del gobierno a través de bonos, pedazos de papel, que generalmente son comprados por los mismos bancos que roban a la gente en intereses.  Otra enorme injusticia que se lleva a cabo: el pueblo está obligado a trabajar y tributar como siervos para  pagar las sumas cada vez más crecientes de deudas artificiales. Pero incluso estos bonos son sólo obligaciones de promesa, firmadas  por aquellos que sólo pretenden representar la voluntad del pueblo.

Yo tampoco  había escuchado  nada de MPE antes de 2012. A pesar de tanto personal  de investigación en reforma monetaria y en calidad de informantes del sistema monetario y bancario central etc.. Pero, una vez que conocí los conceptos básicos y  la lógica matemática de MPE y después de estudiarlo diligentemente, llegué a la conclusión inevitable de que es, sin duda, la única solución en que todos debemos unirnos, si estamos juntos y unidos prevalecerá contra la injusticia, y  se restaurará la rectitud monetaria.

Hay algunos principios básicos e inequívocos necesarios para una correcta reforma monetaria que tenemos que identificar y tratar:

1. Nosotros, como individuos, creamos dinero, porque el dinero es una representación de nuestro trabajo y producción; y nosotros somos los verdaderos acreedores,  sólo  podemos producir e intercambiar nuestra producción para obligaciones de promesas, también conocidas como dinero.

El dinero, en su forma más pura, es simplemente una representación de derecho. Permite a un partido solvente, o individuo emitir una promesa de pagar para la producción que abandona un verdadero acreedor (no Banco).

Se trata de la verdadera naturaleza del dinero: una obligación de pagar el pool de la riqueza (bienes y servicios), en igual medida, a la que el emisor ha tomado de ella. En otras palabras, es una obligación para redimir los pagarés, con una producción equivalente a la que fue adquirida del acreedor real.

Sé que en un primer momento, estos principios fundamentales puedan parecer un poco complejos pero es por el hecho de que las personas se han entregado y  han derogado su responsabilidad para entender el dinero, lo que ha conducido al ardid de la banca.

En este punto, creo que sería provechoso mencionar una discusión que  se llevó a cabo cuando Mike Montagne tenía 16 años y él asistía a una conferencia de economía.

Antes de llegar allí, él  ya era considerado por los avanzados conocimientos de matemáticas para su edad.

Su maestro fue explicando la teoría generalizada de la inflación monetaria y sus efectos.

El profesor utilizó la explicación aceptada e impartida por casi todo el mundo, que habla de la expansión de los resultados de la oferta monetaria en el aumento de los precios de los productos.

Pero en primer lugar, el maestro dijo que todo el dinero fue creado a través de una deuda, objeto de interés. Después de eso, Mike tenía todos los datos necesarios para identificar la inviabilidad de estos conceptos erróneos.

Porque si todo el dinero se crea como una deuda, objeto de interés – y dado que la inflación y la deflación son comúnmente definidos, respectivamente, como aumentos o disminuciones de dinero en circulación por bienes y servicios (riqueza representada) – es imposible aun habiendo dinero en circulación, que sea real.

La primera pregunta a su maestro, en 1968, fue: si todo el dinero que está en circulación es prestado (como la deuda) y las deudas sufren el interés y nosotros no podemos pedir más que el valor de lo que pedimos  prestado, es confuso saber  cómo es posible superar lainflación”.

En otras palabras, si nosotros no podemos pedir prestado $50.000 para comprar una casa de $35.000 o $50 para comprar una llanta de $20, entonces ¿cómo  es posible  que nunca suframos inflación?

Y entonces él,  desentrañó los mecanismos subyacentes del sistema monetario actual:

Tenemos una multiplicación de la deuda [de interés], que en última instancia genera colapso, y que, a lo largo de la ruta irreversible a ese colapso, impone cada vez mayores costes de deuda.  Estos costes se manifiestan en precios cada vez más elevados y la industria tiene que explicar su erosión de los márgenes de beneficio.  La circulación de capital no  puede dedicarse al comercio, como antaño sino  a la deuda”.

Los primeros pasos de MPE,  en 1968, ya desmantelaron las mentiras comunes de economía que todavía llevan a cabo en 2013.

En los años siguientes, Mike desarrolló la teoría en su conjunto, el Teorema, las respuestas y  la solución a los problemas inherentes de este modelo de economía que tenemos todos.

Como explicaré, la solución es muy sencilla, y no es necesario demasiado esfuerzo para comprenderla.

Siempre hay una solución para cualquier acertijo matemático y  para los errores de cualquier economía prospectiva:

Inflación y deflación; sistémica manipulación del costo o valor del dinero o propiedad; intrínsecamente irreversible multiplicación de deuda falsificada por interés.

1)  La inflación y la deflación se definen como el aumento o disminución del dinero en circulación en relación con la riqueza representada,  sólo una circulación real puede erradicar ambos problemas.

2) Manipulación sistémica, que es una combinación de  los errores 1 y 3, culmina en el deshaucio de la propiedad y el pago o deuda de enormes cantidades de dinero .

3) La solución para la inevitable subida de deudas falsas e interés, es la erradicación completa del interés/usura.


EL –MPE de la ecuación será erradicar las errores potenciales y que la industria pueda prosperar  mediante el establecimiento de un perpetuo 1:1:1 relación (ratio) entre:

Restante de dinero en circulación;

restante el valor de todos los bienes representados;

restante obligación de pagar a tanto el valor de la propiedad.

El dinero se crea y entra en circulación para representar el valor de la propiedad; el valor de la propiedad irá en función de la demanda de la propiedad  según las tasas de consumo, por tanto las propiedades se depreciarán al mismo ritmo.


– Con MPE, sólo pagamos por lo que consumimos.

Solamente bajo MPE la gente tendrá inmutables fichas de valor. En otras palabras, el dinero ganado tendrá el mismo poder adquisitivo a través del tiempo. La unidad de valor no sufrirá las consecuencias injustificadas de la inflación o  la deflación. Por lo tanto, la gente no verá sus derechos minados  en manos de criminales.

Es fácil de entender,  bajo el actual sistema de usura, estamos explotados en nuestro trabajo bajo mecanismos hábilmente ocultos. El dinero que ganamos hoy no puede comprar las mismas cosas a través del tiempo. Es un equivalente moderno de servidumbre o esclavitud, perpetrado contra el pueblo.

MPE logrará sus objetivos para restaurar el derecho universal de los individuos a emitir sus propias promesas de deuda sin explotar a los acreedores reales, libres de manipulación extrínseca o adulteración. Y adoptando el programa obligatorio de pago para extinguir los pagarés de la circulación en la tasa de consumo o en la depreciación de las propiedades relacionadas.

Utilizamos el ejemplo de las viviendas para explicar mejor cómo funcionará el MPE. Bajo una economía rectificada,  una vivienda por $100.000  con una tasa de consumo o depreciación de 100 años, le costará al emisor/deudor sólo $1.000 por año, o $83.33 por mes (teniendo en cuenta una tasa lineal).

En ese ejemplo, una persona que quiere comprar esa casa, monetizará la propiedad a través de lo que se llamará la infraestructura monetaria común (CMI), que será un cuerpo transparente del gobierno, totalmente controlado por y para el pueblo.

Entonces, el anterior propietario/acreedor del hogar, se acreditará en su cuenta a pagar desde el principio ($ 100 K). Y, el emisor/deudor, se comprometerá a pagar por la vivienda  su tasa de depreciación.


Bajo MPE, en lugar de pagar como si  compraras 2, 3 ó 4 casas pagas realmente por 1, la que compras, certificado por simples matemáticas, se pagará sólo por el precio real de 1 casa.

Al final, el error máximo permitido es el equivalente a un monetario sistema de trueque, con las mejoras de un sistema de crédito justo y responsable añadido; uno que, por su propio diseño, simplemente no puede infligir cualquier injusticia a la sociedad, esa es la única razón de la existencia del dinero.

Con  MPE se tendrán en cuenta  todos pagos previos. Por ejemplo, si alguien  ha pagado por su vivienda de $100 K, $50 K de entrada y $50 K en intereses,  se considerará que esa persona habrá pagado en su totalidad la propiedad, sin ser necesarios por tanto mas pagos.

Representación consensuada absoluta (ACR) es  otra crucial segunda parte del trabajo que hacemos en apoyo de la labor de Mike Montagne.  ACR es una reforma política del sistema electoral, que permite que la transformación de MPE se realice. Es un conjunto de principios  que evita la corrupción y establece la soberanía del pueblo.

Las enmiendas pueden encontrarse en:, no dudes en preguntarme cualquier duda.  Es una cuestión absolutamente vital,  será para el beneficio de las futuras generaciones. El poder de poner fin a este crimen milenario perpetrado contra la humanidad está en nuestras manos.


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Recientemente, hay un Skype Grupo de Estudio para preguntas y MPE estudio adicional. También es un gran medio para ponerse en contacto con este rápido crecimiento (responsable) grupo de personas repartidas por todo el mundo.

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Archivos de audio

Posted by spain4emp in Archivos de audio

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mike montagne on TNS radio, ♪♫ Listen ♪♫ or DOWNLOAD ( Right click save )

20101023 mike montagne introductory program 001 nature of currency the promissory obligation. DOWNLOAD

20101030 mike montagne introductory program 002 how we are killing ourselves. DOWNLOAD 

20101113 mike montagne introductory program 004 plagiarists.

20101120 mike montagne introductory program 005 fact of singular solution.

20101127 mike montagne introductory program 006 implementation 1 of 3.

20101204 mike montagne introductory program 007 implementation 2 of 3.

20101211 mike montagne introductory program 008 implementation 3 of 3.

20101218 mike montagne 009 icelandic financial reform initiative.

20101225 mike montagne 010 with karl jones.

20110101 mike montagne 011 undressing bernanke.paul and kucinich.

20110108 mike montagne 012 Icelandic FR Reform Initative, bernanke, DOWNLOAD

20110115 mike montagne 013 nwo resistance 1 of 2.

20110122 mike montagne 014 nwo resistance 2 of 2.

20110305 mike montagne 016 schooling simon dixon on debt free currency.

20110319 mike montagne 017 japan, egypt, libya, max keiser dodges mpe.

20110326 mike montagne 018 inside job review 1 of 2.

20110409 mike montagne 019 inside job review 2 of 2.

20110423 mike montagne 021 jason draper.

20110430 mike montagne 022 about our global mandate.

20110507 mike montagne 023 money as debt undressed.

20110514 mike montagne 024 irrational-dissonance.

20110528 mike montagne 025 live on american underground network radio.

20110604 mike montagne 026 purported austrian economics.

20110604 mike montagne 027 griffin gop and paul all misleading us.

20110625 mike montagne 028 john miracle king of the paupers.

20110702 mike montagne 029 freedom of information against the bank of england.

























MPE Terminología explicó

Posted by spain4emp in MPE Terminología explicó

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Generic terms are indicated in blue. Terms introduced by the present discipline are indicated in red.


artificial sustention  :  artificially [and temporarily] sustaining an interest-bearing monetary system beyond its legitimate capacity to sustain itself only to a maximum practical lifespan.Inherently, artificial sustention requires replenishing a circulation to maintain vital circulatory volume, by means which the subject system cannot afford to service.The potential method of artificial sustention is untended/unserviced accumulation of insoluble debt, beyond the capacity to service already terminal sums of debt. In a monetary system subject to interest, and in the final stages of inherent multiplication of debt which necessitate artificial sustention for instance, public debt is accumulated potentially far beyond the means of subject commerce to service the whole of public and private debt.The temporary remedial effect purposely evades addressing the cause of inherent multiplication of debt by interest, assumably for the purpose of further unearned gain at the cost of the subject system (as there is no other benefit of evading solution).

The effect of artificial sustention is to replenish the circulation to extents which are impossible to a system already so marginalized that it can no longer afford both to service its private debt and maintain a circulation by re-borrowing interest and principal to the full extent necessary to maintain the vital circulation.

Artificial sustention can only work so long as escalation of redundant programs and funding by expansion of already terminal sums of debt can match and reach the subjects of private multiplication of debt in time to sustend servicing private debt. Substantial bankruptcy, failure, and/or further escalation of private debt indicate that the practical limits of artificial sustention are exceeded, upon which the ultimate, terminal failure manifests upon the self destructive system.

Only eradication of interest can solve inevitable collapse as a consequence of inherent multiplication of debt by interest. Particularly as this requires de-privatization of imposed systems of usury existing under the guise of “banking,” artificial sustention and evasion of solution together certify pervasive corruption and/or usurpation of purportedly representative government.balanced circulatory flux  :  circulatory flux which is neither inflationary or deflationary; i.e. circulatory flux equal to the increasing or decreasing sum of wealth, comprehensive of consumption and depreciation, and resulting always in a circulation which is equal to the wealth the whole of the circulation is intended to represent.Perpetually balanced circulatory flux is the unique and singular consequence of mathematically perfected economy™, because in mathematically perfected economy™, circulation is introduced as interest-free debt equivalent to the original value of the wealth the circulation is intended to represent, and because the resultant interest-free debt is paid off at the rate of depreciation or consumption of the related wealth.Balanced circulatory flux is critical to the rectitude and sustainability which are unique to mathematically perfected economy™, because balanced circulatory flux is produced only by mathematically perfected economy™, and because balanced circulatory flux:automatically regulates the circulation by the process of paying against the interest-free debts of mathematically perfected economy™;results in a circulation which is always equivalent to the wealth it is intended to represent;results in a circulation which is always redeemable in the very wealth it is intended to represent;and therefore manifests in the only cycle of circulation which ensures the value of money throughout the lifespan of every unit of the circulation.

In mathematically perfected economy™, balanced circulatory flux in conjunction with eradication of interest, makes it possible at all times for the subjects of the system to pay for each others’ production with whatever they deem to be an equal measure of their own production.circulation  :  volume or sum of money possessed by the general populace.circulatory commitment  :  dedication of any portion of the circulation to anything beyond possession of the general populace. Under a currency subject to interest, an ever greater eventually terminal circulatory commitment exists to service an ever greater sum of artificial debt, with the primary condition of this commitment resulting in diminished capacities to sustain industry and former standards of existence.circulatory deflation  :  a decrease in the circulation relative to the wealth the circulation is intended to represent.circulatory flux  :  potentially increasing, decreasing, or static circulatory volume relative to any comparative reference, resulting altogether from inflow (positive flux), outflow (negative flux) or neutral overall flux of money into and/or out of the circulation.circulatory influx  :  new borrowing above circulatory reflux, which increases the circulation.circulatory outflux  :  interest and principal paid out of the general circulation in servicing debt subject to interest.circulatory reflux  :  the volume of interest and principal necessarily or actually re-borrowed back into the general circulation in order to maintain a circulation against circulatory outflux.circulatory inflation  :  an increase in the circulation relative to the wealth the circulation is intended to represent.circulatory introduction [or introduction]  :  introduction of money to the circulation as potentially opposed to whatever processes of circulatory retirement. Circulatory introduction and balanced circulatory flux are vital to sustaining new industry or production and maintaining the value of money.circulatory retirement [or retirement]  :  retirement of money from the circulation.In interest-bearing monetary systems, circulatory retirement transpires in a process of paying principal and interest out of the general circulation, which results in inherent multiplication of debt by interest, to whatever degree the subjects of the system are forced to maintain the circulation by re-borrowing interest and principal as subsequent sums of debt, increased so much as periodic interest.In mathematically perfected economy™, circulatory retirement transpires by a schedule of paymentof interest-free debts at the rate of consumption or depreciation of the related asset. Thus in mathematically perfected economy™:there is no inherent multiplication of debt by interest;thus there is no systemic cause of price inflation;there is no circulatory inflation or deflation;the schedule of payment or rate of circulatory retirement automatically maintains a circulation which is always equivalent to and redeemable in the very wealth the circulation is intended to represent; and the unique rate of circulatory retirement thus maintains a consistent value of money.currency  :  money, usually intended to be tokens of wealth. In a monetary system subject to interest/usury, it is impossible for currency to represent wealth, because it is necessary perpetually to maintain a circulation in order to service obligations or principal and interest exceeding the circulation (at most, principal), and because as a circulation is maintained necessarily by re-borrowing payments against principal and interest obligations, the sum of debt perpetually increases so much as periodic interest on the increasing sum of debt; and thus ever more of the circulation is inherently dedicated to servicing debt, versus representing the wealth or sustaining the commerce which is compelled to service the multiplying sum of depreciation, de-escalated rates of depreciation  :  diminishing rates of depreciation which are higher than the linear rate of depreciationin the initial phases of an asset’s lifespan, and lower in the later phases. By intention, de-escalated calculations match perceived consumption and remaining value across the lifespan, whereas linear depreciation only expresses the overall cost and rate of payment, the implementation of which would make it unrealistically undesirable to purchase depreciated property at periodic costs which would be indifferent from new property. De-escalated rates of depreciation therefore are intended to reflect perceived rates of consumption and remaining value which are generally consistent with the intentions of purchasing an asset of any serviceable age. Thus approved de-escalated rates of depreciation for various classes of property prescribe governing rates of payment under mathematically perfected economy™, with the remaining balances and patterns of payment comprising appropriate influences toward buying new or aged property; for preserving existent property to the full extent of potential service; and for consuming the full worth of property, as opposed to wasting wealth.The following tables are examples of de-escalated depreciation requiring an initial payment of 3% of a $100,000 home with a 100-year lifespan, and expressing periodic rates of payment as a multiple (Lin X) of the linear rate of depreciation:Column heading key:Q : “quarter” of the lifespan (0…4);TO YR (END) : year (of the 100-year lifespan) in which the specified period/rate of payment ends;Lin X : specifies the rate of payment as a multiple of the linear rate (“Lin”) times “x”, with the linear rate for this example being our familiar $1,000 per year or $83.33 per month;ANNUAL : expresses the resultant annual rate of payment for the period;MONTHLY : expresses the resultant monthly rate of payment for the period;ACTUAL RED FROM PREV : expresses how many dollars per month the rate is reduced from the previous rate per month;PERCENT REDUCTION : expresses what percentage the previous rate was reduced for the subsequent period;BAL, END : is the balance at the end of the period (graphed);PCT PAID : expresses the percentage of the balance paid at the end of the period.

The following chart graphs the remaining balances or values of these schemes together:

Being that original credit-worthiness certifies abilities to save as needed, further merits of de-escalated depreciation therefore are that it substantially insulates the general society from both the causes and effects of potential downstream defaults, and that it extends the potential ability to save and sanctity of savings by reducing the weight of obligations in later years of consumption.

Reductions of initial and downstream costs achieved by mathematically perfected economy™ are simply consequences of eliminating exploitation imposed by the present obfuscated currency.

Also see linear depreciation.deficient circulation  :  a circulation which is insufficient to represent the whole of related wealth, repay respective monetary obligations, and/or to sustain all practical cases of the industry necessary to do so. A deficient circulation for instance is insufficient to trade or to represent all monetized wealth at once, either by the fault of insufficient volume, or by dedication of the volume to extrinsic purposes such as servicing artificial multiplication of debt.deflation  :  a decrease in circulation per goods and services, or a re-dedication of circulation or failure to introduce sufficient circulation, resulting in a deficient circulation. Also see inflation.excessive circulation  :  a circulation exceeding the remaining value of the wealth it is intended to represent. An excessive circulation can only occur where members of the system receive monetary reward for nothing; and an excessive circulation is only demonstrated to exist where the circulation can be counted to exceed the sum of wealth it ostensibly represents. In fact while traditional “inflation” is regularly claimed to be a cause of price inflation, practically all monetary systems subject to interest exist in a perpetual deflated state, owing to perpetual payment of interest and principal out of the general circulation, the subtraction of which comprises more than the original circulation (principal), or the value of the wealth the circulation would otherwise be intended to represent.inflation :the tradition/original definition is an increase in circulation per goods and services.The primary fault of this definition is that the purpose of the term is to give understanding to a monetary system or purported economy, and there is no explicit linkage given by the definition to “goods and services.” In other words, in the monetary system of study, there may be no intention to maintain a circulation (sum of money) relative to some existent wealth. If we are to understand such monetary practice relative to the sense the term inflation is intended, then the term introduces ambiguity and erroneous deductions unless it explicitly refers to the wealth the circulation is intended to represent. In other words, without this explicit linkage, in some cases “inflation” would refer to an increases in circulation per all wealth, where there is not even an intention that the circulation represent all wealth (which may introduce faults which therefore are not attributable to “inflation”); and in other cases “inflation” would refer solely to increases in circulation per the whole of wealth, which is the wealth the circulation is intended to represent.As the latter case is the only intended connotation, PFMPE™ refines the original definition to an unequivocal term, “circulatory inflation,” so that other relevant terms can distinguish explicit attributes.Webster’s 1975 Collegiate Dictionary gives a further, more recent re-definition ad “an increase in the volume of money and credit relative to available goods resulting in a substantial and continuing rise in the general price level.A further fault of this contemporary definition is that the connection between increases in the volume of money (all of which is usually credit) and prices is only supposed. Not only is there no proven theorem that increases in the volume of money relative to available goods/whatever incontrovertibly engenders increasing prices, On the contrary, in the usual system of reference, as the money is subject to interest, the only systemic cause of rising prices is multiplication of debt by interest, which is an inherent, irreversible, and perpetual consequence of being forced to maintain a circulation by re-borrowing payments against principal and interest obligations as subsequent sums of debt, increased so much as periodic interest.To distinguish the faults of this consequence, PFMPE™ introduces the term, “price inflation.”inherent multiplication of debt by interest  :  in an interest-bearing monetary system, inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt is engendered because it is necessary to maintain a circulation to service monetary obligations which exceed the circulation, and because in practical cases, because the monetary system itself cannot consume the entire production of commerce plus interest across the lifespan of the system, debt increases perpetually as much as the subjects of the system are thus compelled to re-borrow payments against principal and interest obligations, as subsequent sums of debt, increased so much as periodic interest on debt.insoluble debt  :  a dynamically ever more damaging disposition of indebtedness characterized by interest-bearing monetary systems, in which from their beginnings monetary obligations exceed the circulation, and it is impractical/impossible to maintain a circulation as is necessary to service debt without inherent multiplication of debt by interest. The insoluble nature of debt in interest-bearing monetary systems ultimately engenders collapse under a terminal sum of debt.interest  :  converse to the usual/equitable commercial practice of charging one-time, relational fees for ostensible services performed or product delivered, “interest” imposes perpetual fees which multiply for the lifespan of a usually coercive circumstance. In an interest-bearing monetary system, the coercive circumstances are imposed by usurping the monetary system and demanding interest for issuing the paper obligations between debtors and creditors (producers) at purported risk, while no such risk exists because the usurping creditor issues the token of wealth at virtually no cost whatsoever. Interest therefore can only be imposed where the subjects of a monetary system are denied a form of money which strictly represents their obligations to pay *each other*.interest-bearing debt  :  debt subject to interest.interest-bearing monetary system  :  a monetary system where the circulation is subject to interest, and thus where the subjects of the system are compelled to maintain a circulation to service debt; and where, in maintaining a circulation, the sum of debt perpetually increases in proportion to the circulation as much so as it is necessary to re-borrow payments against principal and interest obligations as subsequent sums of debt, increased above the previous sum of debt so much as periodic interest.interest-free circulatory introduction  :  introduction of interest-free money to the circulation.interest-free debt  :  debt not subject to interest.interest-free monetary system  :  a monetary system where the circulation is not subject to interest, and where it is always possible to finance further industry by interest-free circulatory introduction.interest-free notes  :  interest free promises to pay. In mathematically perfected economy™, mathematically perfected currency™ comprises interest free promises to pay at the rate of consumption or depreciation, which are to be understood to be equivalent.interest obligation  :  the sum of interest which debtors are obligated to repay in regard to interest-bearing debt.introductory phase [of circulation]  :  initial phase of the lifespan of a monetary unit, in which the monetary unit is introduced to circulation. The lifespan of a unit of circulation is terminated by a corresponding retirement phase. The nature of the particular form of money predicates the resultant monetary obligation, and thus how the particular form of money is retired from circulation.linear depreciation  :  original cost divided by lifespan, reflecting the overall periodic cost of property under mathematically perfected economy™ (without interest). A $100,000 home with a 100-year lifespan prescribes a linear rate of depreciation of $1,000 per year or $83.33 per month.Also see de-escalated depreciation.mathematically perfected currency™  : (MPC™) the interest-free currency of mathematically perfected economy™, which is introduced to circulation as interest-free notes, the monetary obligationof which is repaid at the rate of depreciation or consumption (which are to be understood to be equivalent).DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS FROM SO CALLED ASSET BACKED CURRENCIES, AS DISCUSSED WITH LARRY LARKINTypical understandings or intended connotations of the expression “asset backed currency” refer to a quite different idea actually, that should the conventional imperfect monetary system fail, even as we should have no confidence at all in its proposition but for the false virtue of purported redeemability, ostensibly nonetheless, at failure, the currency of unsustainable systems of exploitation can be redeemed in an alternate, usually specific asset or range of assets (whatever good that does us, amidst whole failure). In other words, the gold standard is an asset backed currency, redeemable (by virtue of misnomer) in either gold or silver under the United States Constitution.

The only reason for such alternate standards which comprise asset backed currencies, is the faults of the system (inflation/deflation, and/or multiplication of debt by interest, which further may manifest by any combination, in systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property). That is, these systems therefore, if their unsustainable principles are honored, promise a currency can be redeemed in something else of value when the curtain drops.

MPC™ differs from this principle. It is not actually “backed” by a separate group of assets for the specific event of failure. On the contrary, it is directly and incontrovertibly linked in every case of every unit to the very property the existence of the unit represents. Owing to eradication of interest and the obligatory [minimal] rate of payment of all resultant obligations, every unit remaining in circulation only represents a promise to pay remaining debt comprised of units of remaining value equivalent exactly to the units of remaining currency, by virtue of the implemented rate of depreciation, which necessarily represents the republic’s concept of relative remaining value. In other words, the implemented rate of depreciation ensures at all times that we pay for property at least as we consume of it, which in turn maintains a circulation which is equivalent to the remaining value of all represented wealth. This integral and inseparable set of principles makes mathematically perfected economy™ perpetually sustainable, and the currency of mathematically perfected economy™ always redeemable in the very wealth it was intended, from the introduction of every unit, to represent.

So the concept of “asset backed” is quite different, and the term is not appropriate to the currency of mathematically perfected economy™, even as, effectively, mathematically perfected economy™ makes the very wealth the currency is to represent, the effective volume of assets/wealth which back the currency. In mathematically perfected economy™ however, this direct predication of the value of the currency being derived from representation of the units of remaining value of the volume of represented assets, gives the currency direct redeemability and perpetual, persistent value, rather than only in the case of failure, and by dependence on social regulation, as in the case of British Banker Capitalism (the present implementation of usury).

By calling our currency, mathematically perfected currency™, we further indicate its obligatory embodiment of mathematically perfected economy™.mathematically perfected economy™  :  the singular integral solution for:inflation and deflation;systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property;inherent multiplication of debt by interest.

In mathematically perfected economy™, a populace finances all the industry or production it is capable of by issuing interest-free notes, the original value of which is equivalent to the industry or production. Systemic price inflation is eradicated by elimination of interest and inherent multiplication of debt by interest. Circulatory inflation and deflation are automatically eliminated by a schedule of payment in which the promiser repays the monetary obligation at the rate of consumption or depreciation, which are to be understood to be equivalent. Because the cost or value of money or property are manipulated only by various combinations of circulatory inflation, deflation, and interest — all of which are eliminated by mathematically perfected economy™ — systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property is impossible, production is paid for with no more than an equal measure of production, and the value of mathematically perfected currency™ is sustained across the lifespan of every unit of the circulation.maximum possible lifespan  :  last possible legitimate moment of existence of an interest-bearing monetary system, at which the costs of servicing a terminal, perpetually multiplying sum of debt equal or exceed the entire circulation. It is impractical to reach the maximum possible lifespan of any purported economy subject to interest, because commerce can only be sustained if its vital costs are affordable. The maximum possible lifespan nonetheless can be determined accurately by calculating periodic interest for prescribed interest policies and accumulating the periodic interest to subsequent sums of debt. From the maximum possible lifespan determined in this way, and which cannot legitimately be exceeded, we can estimate a maximum practical lifespan (for which no sufficient body of data exists, to calculate as accurately).maximum practical lifespan  :  moment when the costs of servicing a perpetually multiplying sum of debt in an interest-bearing monetary system infringe so preclusively on the potential to sustain the commerce which is required to service the debt, that the commerce begins to fail to a degree from which it cannot recover, and systemic failure is engendered.monetary obligation [or obligation]  :  the obligation resulting from the nature of the currency. Where the currency is interest-bearing debt, the monetary obligation is the sum of principal and interest obligated by the debt. Where the currency is interest-free debt, the monetary obligation is comprised only of principal; and thus it is possible to maintain the balanced circulatory flux which solves inflation and deflation, and maintains the value of the circulation throughout the lifespan of every unit of the circulation (money).monetary sustainability [or sustainability]  :  capacity of a monetary system to perpetually sustain:all the industry we are naturally capable of;the value of money.

Only mathematically perfected economy™ achieves monetary sustainability, because unlimited interest free financing is available; and because its schedule of payment sustains the redeemability and value of money in the very wealth mathematically perfected economy™’s currency represents across the lifespan of the system.nature of money  :  the disposition of money (if any), as may affect an intended strict purpose of representing interest-bearing monetary system inherently and irreversibly multiplies debt in proportion to a circulation. Thus ever more of the circulation is inherently dedicated to servicing debt versus sustaining the commerce which is obliged to service the debt; and so an interest-bearing monetary system ultimately collapses at a maximum practical lifespan, under a terminal sum of debt.only the mathematically perfected currency™ of mathematically perfected economy™ preserves the value of money across the lifespan of every unit of the circulation in the very terms of the value of the wealth the currency is intended to represent.

For the subjects of a monetary system which is to serve them therefore, the usual and only representative, intended purpose of money is to serve strictly and perpetually as unvarying tokens of wealth.note  :  promise to pay or redeem, upon which any philosophy/science of monetization inherently depends.obligatory maintenance of a circulation  :  in any monetary system subject to interest, the subjects of the system are obligated to maintain a circulation to continue to service the debt they are obligated to service. Thus they are compelled to re-borrow what they pay out of the general circulation in the way of principal and interest as subsequent sums of debt, increased so much as periodic interest.periodic interest  :  sum of interest paid against a debt or sum of debt in a respective period.price inflation  :  systemically caused increases in prices.In an interest-bearing monetary system, the systemic cause of price inflation is inherent multiplication of debt by interest.There is no systemic cause of price inflation in mathematically perfected economy™, because mathematically perfected economy™ is an interest-free monetary system, wherein the eradication of interest solves/eliminates inherent multiplication of debt by interest.principal obligation  :  the obligation to repay the principal of a debt.schedule of payment  :  rate at which monetary obligations are paid:in an interest-bearing monetary system, the schedule of payment involves a monetary obligation exceeding the related circulation to the degree of interest, and payment of this exceeding obligation (principal plus interest) over the lifespan of the loan (versus the lifespan of the related property). In the initial phases of this cycle, practically all of the payment may be dedicated to interest, which predicates a high rate of inherent multiplication of debt by mathematically perfected economy™, interest-free notes are paid off at the rate of consumption or depreciation of the related property, making circulatory inflation, deflation, and inherent multiplication of debt by interest impossible.reflation  :  to necessarily replenish the circulation of interest and principal paid out of the general circulation so as it is possible or so long as it is possible to so continue to service a consequential, escalating sum of debt. In a monetary system subject to interest, necessarily re-borrowing principal and interest paid out of the general circulation (in servicing debt), as much and as long as possible, to maintain a circulation sufficient to continue servicing debt. Once the costs of servicing debt exceed the finite capacity to sustain the industry and commerce which are obligated to service the escalating sum of debt, credit-worthiness is destroyed, in which the inability to service further debt makes it impossible for the subjects to qualify for assuming the further debt of replenishing the circulation. Thereafter the circulation inherently deflates to utter failure.replenish [the circulation]  :  in a monetary system subject to interest, necessarily re-borrowing principal and interest paid out of the general circulation (in servicing debt), as much and as long as possible, to maintain a circulation sufficient to continue servicing debt. Once the costs of servicing debt exceed the finite capacity to sustain the industry and commerce which are obligated to service the escalating sum of debt, credit-worthiness is destroyed, in which the inability to service further debt makes it impossible for the subjects to qualify for assuming the further debt of replenishing the circulation. Thereafter the circulation inherently deflates to utter failure.retirement phase [of circulation]  :  termination of the lifespan of monetary units by retirement from the circulation. The lifespan of monetary units is initiated by a corresponding introductory phase. The nature of the particular form of money predicates the resultant monetary obligation, and thus how the particular form of money is retired from circulation.sufficient circulation  :  a circulation which is sufficient to represent the whole of related wealth, repay respective monetary obligations, and/or sustain all practical cases of the industry necessary to do so. Because the monetary obligations of a monetary system subject to interest exceed the circulation, it is impossible to maintain a sufficient circulation in any monetary system subject to interest. Thus the only practical case of a sufficient circulation is an interest free circulation which at all times is equal to the whole of related wealth, the whole of monetary obligations, and which is sufficient therefore at all times even to support a simultaneous trade of all wealth, as in mathematically perfected economy™.sustention  :  maintenance of a circulation subject to interest by perpetually re-borrowing principal and interest paid out of the general circulation, thus perpetually increasing the subsequent sum of debt so much as periodic interest, with the consequence of sustention being that debt multiplies at an ever escalating rate of ever greater increments of periodic interest on an ever greater sum of debt.terminal sum of debt  :  a sum of debt so great that the costs of servicing the sum of debt preclude sustaining the commerce which is compelled to service the debt.true free enterprise  :  the ability to engage in responsible industry to the full degree made possible by available resources and our willingness and capacity to incorporate resources into production, unencumbered by the extrinsic, redundant costs and limitations imposed by interest/usury.true industry  :  true production of wealth as opposed to unearned taking from the pool of wealth.unearned taking, unearned profit  :  parasitic plunder; taking profit without truly contributing (necessarily) to the production of wealth. Commodities trading and usury are examples of unearned taking or unearned profit, because they transpire only at the cost of producer and market alike, as opposed to producers and markets operating freely from the unnecessary costs imposed by these redundant, parasitic activities.usarchy  :  (usury|usurp|us + archy [rule]) usurpation of intended rule by usury, characteristically initiated by imposing a currency subject to interest, with interest inherently multiplying an artificial sum of indebtedness as the subjects of the system are duped into an obligation to maintain a vital circulation by re-borrowing principal and interest paid out of the general circulation. The perpetual obligation to replenish the inherently deflating circulation therefore, perpetually increases the artificial sum of debt in proportion to the vital circulation as re-borrowed principal perpetually re-constitutes new debt equal to former debt, and as the furtherance of debt in re-borrowed interest inherently increases the sum of debt at an inherently escalating rate of ever greater periodic interest on an ever greater sum of artificial debt. Thus across the finite lifespan of every such intended system of exploitation, irreversible escalation of maldistribution or dispossession of wealth (usury) reinforces the objects, scope, and entrenchment of the usurpation, however covert, deceptive, or ambiguous.usury  :  interest. Because the consequence of an interest-bearing monetary system is inherent multiplication of debt by interest, every interest-bearing monetary system imposes ever more usurious sums of debt and suffers a maximum practical lifespan at which a terminal sum of debt destroys the credit-worthiness of the subjects of the system, and over which debt and the costs of servicing debt perpetually escalate to the ever greater detriment of commerce.

ACR Grupo deEstudio

Posted by spain4emp in MPE Grupo de Estudio

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When perpetual political betrayal sustains terminal monetary injustice across an entire world, every truly self-determined country immediately eradicates both treasons. There is no justifiable neutrality against terminal monetary impropriety; and there is no division amidst deserving people, because a singular pattern sustains the monetary arrangements of a just society.

it is their right, it is their duty

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CONTACT INFORMATIONCONTENT“Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away or to destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people — who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.”John LockeWRITTEN













TESTIMONIALSHELP“No deserving society hopes to endure a terminal obfuscation of its currency forever.”mike montagneDOCUMENTATION

WELCOME TO PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy™.


If, in order to escape the responsibility of moral judgment, a person closes their eyes and mind; if we evade fact, hoping to evade moral responsibility, we are never simply neutral, because moral indifference is as evil as every transgression it ultimately permits.


Only lay down true principles, and adhere to them inflexibly. Never be frightened into their surrender by the alarms of the timid, or the croakings of the wealthy against the ascendancy of the people.


Whenever legislators endeavor to take away or to destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people — who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.


It is a common observation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own.


It is the extreme absurdity to suppose men might legitimately renounce either the essential rights of other men, or any vital means for preserving rights, when we design and willingly engage in civil government only to sustain life, liberty, and property. Therefore wherever weak, fearful, inept, or inimical people pretend the implausible authority to renounce rightful life, liberty, or property, the eternal laws of reason will inevitably vacate their every fraudulent transgression. Freedom and self determination are eternal and undeniable to all just people. Thus there is no legitimate power to alienate either rights, or any vital means for sustaining them — for the only purpose and consequence of either, no more than enables enemies to pretend denial properly condemns us to iniquity.


When perpetual political betrayal sustains terminal monetary injustice across an entire world, every truly self-determined country immediately eradicates both treasons. There is no justifiable neutrality against terminal monetary impropriety; and there is no division amidst deserving people, because a singular pattern sustains the monetary arrangements of a just society.

Nearly 50 years ago, our present financial quandary was projected by proof of a singular mathematically perfected economy™ — a singularity which holds that what we call “banking systems” are themselves terminal — that it is altogether rationally, ethically, and legally impossible to borrow money into existence from purported banking systems, firstly because, 1) legitimate debts can never precipitate to anyone who never grants the subject property from their legitimate prior possession; secondly then, because, 2) it is impossible in the pretended creation of money by purported banking systems, that banks could have established prior possession of money as a representation of entitlement, by giving up property for money which did not even exist before; and thirdly then, because likewise, 3) neither in the whole life cycle of banking’s treasonous obfuscation of our currency, does banking give up prior commensurable consideration to these mal-presumed debts — which banking only falsifies to itself by pretending it loans money into existence from its prior legitimate possession.

On the contrary then, we are the only actual issuers of money, because if money is necessarily to guarantee redeemability, therefore money can only exist as enforceable promissory obligations, because only so does money comprise necessarily immutable representations of entitlement. Thus the falsified debts of purported banking are instead our own obligations to each other.

The intentional falsifications of purported banking systems are therefore rational, ethical, and legal violations of our every principle of trade and contractual law; for in the whole of banking’s intentional obfuscation of money, no debt of the principal can legitimately precipitate to purported banking systems which therefore no more than publish further representations of our promissory obligations to each other.

Yet the fate of the present and future world hinges upon our immediate understanding of this fact we do not and cannot borrow money into existence, for the laundering of such monumental sums of principal into the unwarrantable possession of banking systems is only the first and remarkably least of the ancient money changer’s principal crimes against us.

The present global monetary calamity is the inevitable culmination of a perpetual and irreversible escalation of dispossession and debilitation, by perpetual multiplication of this falsified indebtedness to the obfuscators and faux creditors we ineptly call “banking systems”; and the agent of this irreversible escalation is the unwarranted imposition of interest:

The lie “we borrow money into existence” paves the way for the further lie that interest is justified by ostensible risk of possession, whereas in fact the purported banking system has only published further representations of our promissory obligations to each other. On the contrary, it is impossible for any such risk to exist, because never in the whole life cycle of banking’s intentional obfuscation of our currency does banking give up commensurable consideration to debts it therefore only falsifies to itself. Yet thus we are forced involuntarily to sustain a vital circulation of falsified debt subjected iniquitously to interest, by perpetually borrowing principal and interest back into our general possession, with re-borrowed principal sustaining every prior sum of falsified debt; and with unwarranted interest perpetually increasing every prior sum of falsified debt by so much as periodic interest on an ever greater sum of falsified debt; and with this dedicating ever more of any given circulation to servicing the escalating sum of falsified debt, until even at an inherently escalating rate, we suffer the present, terminal debilitation under falsified conditions which only escalate the terminal condition all the further.

The arguments and fact of a singular monetary justice or mathematically perfected economy™ therefore establish, 4) that it is impossible that banking systems are legitimate creditors then, because across the whole life cycle of their obfuscations of our currency, the resultant systems of exploitation give up no commensurable property to ostensibly “provide credit”; 5) that the only real creditors (who do give up property for representations of our promissory obligations) are paid in full from the outset of every such arrangement; 6) that a resultant obligation to sustain the value and redeemability of money therefore exists to the actual creditor; 7) that under “banking,” it is mathematically impossible to sustain the combined circulatory volume and disposition of money which would accomplish this purpose, because banking’s obfuscation of our promissory obligations dedicates ever more of a circulation to servicing its irreversible and inevitably terminal escalation of falsified debt; 8) that the inherent disposition and life cycle of our promissory obligations to each other is instead to retire principal upon payment, because the prior representation of entitlement stems from the obligation to pay the principal, which obligation is fulfilled upon payment; 9) that as no actual, commensurable risk of the principle to the banking system exists, neither can a fact of lending or risk of the principal exist, as ostensibly justifies interest; and thus, 10) that not only are the people the only actual issuers of money, promissory obligations, or redeemable representations of entitlement; but 11) that no legitimate means whatever exists to launder either the principal or interest into the unwarranted possession of purported banking systems or faux creditors who merely publish further representations of our issuance of promissory obligations; and thus 12) that the lie of banking is not only wholly unjustifiable, but inherently terminal; as 13) banking’s unwarranted imposition of interest forces us to maintain a vital circulation by perpetually re-borrowing interest and principal, to return the both to the general possession of surviving industry and commerce as a perpetually escalating and inevitably terminal sum of falsified debt.

Thus a multitude of improprieties comprises a fatal and purposed breach of trust, perpetrated and intentionally sustained not only by purported banking, but by the vast political corruption which banking unduly makes itself both capable and compelled to purchase. Given every such potential for betrayal then, the only resolution of all such political corruption is the inherent means and objects of an absolute consensual representation™, in which, by indispensable authorities of self-determination, competent societies may immediately raise every conducive means to ensure universal justice and integrity, that WE The People may finally eradicate every subversion of our vital political purposes.

In proving a singular solution for the volumetric and dispositional improprieties of today’s pretended economies therefore, this proposition of mathematically perfected economy and absolute consensual representation™ is the only reasonable impetus for an ascendant humanity to secure inevitable justice; and of necessity then, we hold it is the duty of every apprehending citizen to ratify these authorities; that mathematically perfected economy and absolute consensual representation™ are inherent rights of every just person; that by our signatures, we and we alone rightly ratify these indispensable rights; that our ratification rightly prevails immediately over the every affair of every signatory; that to eradicate political betrayal, we must deny every seated or future government any authority whatever but to comply; and that necessarily therefore, our signatures immediately establish omnipotent personal authorities not only to fully protect ourselves from every transgression of these facts, but to prosecute every deviate for every related crime against us — each and every which deviate government, entity, and person therefore, from the moment of our signature forth, is guilty of the gravest treasons against us.



Section 0. resolves intended meaning to original U.S. English expressions, except as otherwise amended. Necessarily, § 0. likewise compels faithful observation of underlying principles, regardless of potentially or temporarily disparate government structures.

Unless otherwise resolved by annotation or amendment, original (US-English) expressions are to prevail in critical interpretations of meaning.Where related objects may not exist within an adopting domain, a prevailing interpretation and its implementation shall best secure the intended goals of this instrument by faithfully replicating intended patterns.



By establishing the necessary requisite of absolute consensual representation™, Section 1 establishes a perpetual, indispensable authority of the people to establish this mandate as prevailing law — necessarily denying every seated or future government any authority whatever but to comply. Thus any authority to amend or to supersede this inevitable mandate is likewise restricted to the people as sovereign engineers of government, with government in turn being the incontestable property and domain of a just consensual society.

As much as the concept or fact of representation may be subverted; and as much as just people are the only possible arbiters of justice; every just person therefore inherits omnipotent authorities to rescind, to repair, and to prosecute every offense against us; and to declare the absolute bounds to which we may be subject:No power or authority shall exist therefore, to deny, to obstruct, to delay, or to deter our perpetual perfection of the means and standards of just government;every reasonable conduit shall be provided to avert injustice immediately;and beyond a restrictive authority of the people to amend this mandate therefore;no power or authority shall exist in any seated or future government, but to comply immediately, without debate, without contest, and even without reservation against this, our essential prescription for mathematically perfected economy and absolute consensual representation™;which inherent, essential, and intrinsic authority of every just person is itself compelled to sustain a singular fact of individual sovereignty;the indispensable rights, liberties, and responsibilities of which inherently descend strictly from such comprehensive, conclusive and just resolution as engenders the most comprehensive and utterly consistent refinement of these objects;which itself, and itself alone sustains the only common, impervious, and accountable justice which indeed can serve us.



Section 2., in turn provides exhaustive protections against abuse of authority.

To secure absolute consensual representation:no activity of government shall exist without final public assent to its every potential manifestation;no consequence of government shall exist without perpetual re-affirmation of public consent, nor without provision for immediate refinement, invalidation, ceasure, impeachment, reparation, and prosecution for breach of justice or authority by the conclusive arguments of any capable person;and therefore any deterrence, obstruction, or evasion of a perpetual responsibility to resolve injustice shall be treason against means of representation which are indispensable to sovereign people.No public campaign, proposition, or standing act therefore;shall subvert representation by deploying spurious, deficient, divisive, compromising, or inaccurate appeals;shall fail to sufficiently prove that without unaccounted aberration, its means most effectively and justly accomplish the common objects of sovereign people;neither shall any public act or proposition fail to yield immediately to proof it can be resolved to fewer, more perfect, or more universal principles;and every unrepaired subversion of representation shall be treason against means of representation which are indispensable to a sovereign public.§ 2.2.

The form and public conduits of this document therefore intend to set standards for compliance with these requisites.



Section 3. recognizes a breadth of justice which must prevail in a perpetual perfection of representation.

As much as any rightful claim derives only from irrefutable proof of an enduring conclusion; therefore to determine any matter on any other basis not only compromises inevitable and necessary achievements; it may furthermore deny a general right to justice by potential non-discovery, by lacking or false accountability, by evasion, or by unwarranted dismissal of bearing fact:Proof of justice shall therefore prevail in the determination of every matter;no majority therefore shall ever be presumed from a disparity of disposing reasons;no duplistic standard shall exist;and no conducive attempt to submit or to honor veritable proof of justice shall be deterred.No right to prevail in injustice shall exist;and in no wise therefore shall the capacities of perpetrators to produce full reparation be limited.And every refinement of justice shall prevail immediately upon the adoption of every assenting sovereign — the prevalence of which shall be assumed to be sustained in continuum, until their formal renunciation.



Section 4. declares the self-evident object of true free enterprise as a basis for proving true and just economy in Section 5.

To secure the only actual free enterprise, exploitation is criminalized by §; and to further secure every process of representation which is indispensable not only to sustaining truly free enterprise, but every further object of a just, self-determined society, therefore § necessarily criminalizes disinformation in public matters.

A principal object, and the deserved consequence of all truly free, just, and responsible enterprise is commensurable prosperity.Thus the only disposition and consequence of money or monetization of our production shall be to sustain commensurable prosperity by immutable representation of entitlement:Thus an obligation to preserve immutable representation of entitlement exists;and therefore to take or to receive from the overall pool of wealth more than is contributed to it shall be a crime against a remainder of otherwise free and just people unless the disproportion is willingly and knowingly born by the actual creditor who gives up property for the respective representation of entitlement, because otherwise, disproportionate award to any inherently denies immutable representation of entitlement to the remainder.§

Without this indispensable protection, the purposes of free enterprise are readily subverted by diverse potential exploitations; and therefore producers and markets are hereby empowered to police adherence to the only reasonable object and fact of true free enterprise, and the only possible fact of immutable representation of entitlement.

In no affair therefore shall cost be imposed without conclusive justification and knowledgeable assent of the burdened; and in no instance ever, shall assent be presumed from disinformation or incompetence of bearing matters.Being therefore as consensual representation hinges always upon a fact of comprehensive disclosure; therefore disinformation in any quarter of public affairs, however misleading, shall be treason:“disinformation” shall be understood as to mislead public opinion either by inaccuracy or omission;“public affairs” shall be understood to be any matter upon which actual representation hinges;and therefore it is our perpetual duty to recognize not only that we have rights to free development of opinion, but that a perpetual obligation exists likewise to ensure our opinions indeed serve the common good;for everything else is not only destructive to representation;but may therefore impose damages for which our indifference is indeed responsible.



In its one intrinsic and fundamental duty to represent entitlement, in every case and at every juncture, a monetary system must naturally sustain a representative volume and disposition of currency. To provide for entitled redemption, the volume of money must always be equal to what it intrinsically represents; and to accomplish that purpose, the volume must also be fully disposable to that purpose. In this fundamental, obligatory, and dynamic duty of immutable representation then, a veritable monetary system represents every legitimate and justifiable processes of a purported economy; and, as every object of true free enterprise is thus conveyed by monetary process, no purported economy therefore can be either just or economic, if it fails at any time to sustain either the immutable representation of entitlement or the freedom from redundant cost or exploitation which the inherently singular purpose of immutable representation indeed imposes upon it.

A just economy is thus inherently self sustaining, because it is saddled with this responsibility by the fact that if it is ever to serve the indispensable and inherently immutable purpose of representing entitlement in such a way as will sustain the only consistent volume and disposition of money throughout the entire life cycle of every unit, money therefore comes into existence to fulfill a lack of representation in a resultant promissory obligation, which is thus fulfilled and redeemable in the fact it binds the obligor to eventually furnish the principal. The only reasonable vehicle or substance of money therefore is unexploited promissory obligations, because unexploited promissory obligations — paid and retiring principal at the rate of consumption of represented property — equate exactly to the only predicating facts, which equation in turn therefore, perfectly sustains the necessary volume, disposition, and life cycle of the only legitimate form and claims of “money.”

A purported economy therefore is indeed comprised of contractual obligations between its subjects, to which no extrinsic entity [such as a purported banking system] may rightly lay claim. Nor can any extrinsic agency even rightly involve itself in permutation of the one essential life cycle and disposition of legitimate money, for the right to issue unexploited promissory obligations is not only inherently universal (because we in fact are the real creators of “money” under “banking” as well); the ultimate fact that we are the only possible, actual, and legitimate issuers of money, ever, likewise negates any possible need to purportedly rely upon the obfuscations of “banking,” but by purposed and shallow denial of the fact we remain the actual issuers of promissory obligations, in which it merely pretends to loan us further representations of our promissory obligations to each other. Thus in this essential and reasonably undeniable dependence upon promissory obligations, a monetary system is charged with sustaining the original and intrinsic intents to pay and to redeem [only] the principal — or the system is either designed or complicit in an object of denying us not only the rights endowed by our contracts with each other, but even the opportunity to fulfill our contracts with each other.

Such is the present calamity.

As the only conducive form of “money” therefore is comprised of two dimensions — volume, and disposition; and as these two only intrinsic dimensions predicate its natural life cycle and distribution, Section 5. therefore comprehensively and conclusively proves a fact of one and one only potentially just and self-sustaining economy, by proving a singular integral monetary solution for a total of only two potential categoric faults, which inherently corrupt either the volume (1), disposition (3), or combined volume and disposition of money (2, below) of an inherently ever-dynamic circulation, in which each and every unit serves the only intrinsic purposes of money though its entire natural life-cycle:

1) the potential faults of circulatory inflation and deflation are thus positive or negative volumetric corruptions of a necessarily perpetual equivalence between unresolved original entitlement and the dependent volume of circulation;

2) any potential combination of volumetric and dispositional impropriety therefore precludes sustaining the cost or value of money or property;

3) and under purported banking, maldisposition (or corruption of the disposition of money) makes immutable representation of entitlement impossible by inherent, irreversible, and therefore terminal multiplication of falsified indebtedness in proportion to a circulation or remaining capacity to service an irreversible and therefore terminal escalation of falsified debt — which inherently disposes ever more of a circulation to servicing falsified debt — thus precluding fulfillment of the original obligation to represent entitlement.


An integral combination of the elementary solutions for two potential categoric faults (1 and 3 above) therefore solves every possible monetary aberration:

i) because circulatory inflation and deflation are solved by nothing but a perpetual 1:1 relationship between unresolved entitlement and the respective circulation;

ii) because, being caused by a combination of the two potential categoric faults (1 and 3 above), systemic corruption of the cost or value of money or property is inherently solved by a combination of the two fundamental solutions, (1 and 3 respectively);

iii) and because, in contemporary purported banking systems, maldisposition is solved strictly by eradicating interest, because, a) the imposition of interest by a mere publisher of further representations of our promissory obligations is wholly unjustifiable; b) because interest is the only prospectively causative monetary process; and, c) because, unless “banking” directly and justifiably absorbs all principal and interest for no more than publishing further representations of our promissory obligations to each other (the dispossession of which cannot be justified by the mere deception “banking” unnecessarily “lends” our own promissory obligations to us), interest therefore inherently and irreversibly multiplies falsified indebtedness into terminal monetary failure, as unwitting and unassenting subjects of every such obfuscation are forced to maintain a vital circulation by perpetually borrowing interest and principal back into the general possession of industry and commerce as an ever-escalating sum of falsified debt; d) with re-borrowed principal therefore sustaining every prior sum of falsified debt (and to that extent making it mathematically impossible to pay down every prior sum of falsified debt); e) with interest having counted none against every prior sum of falsified debt; and f) with re-borrowed interest therefore perpetually increasing every prior sum of falsified debt by inherently ever greater sums of periodic interest, related to the perpetually increasing sum of falsified debt.

iv) Particularly then, as it is both rationally and legally impossible that we borrow money into existence from mere publishers of further representations of our promissory obligations to each other, all potential monetary impropriety therefore is solved conclusively by no more than a) an obligatory eradication of interest; and b) an obligatory schedule of payment — solving all volumetric monetary impropriety by retiring principal at the rate of consumption of related property; and, c) likewise sustaining the only actual and just economy; d) by eliminating the unwarrantable laundering of principal into unwarranted possession of mere publishers of further representations of our promissory obligations to each other; and e) by eradicating the vast, inevitably terminal, and unjustifiable monetary exploitation of purported interest.

Thus owing to faithful observation of a singular mathematically perfected economy™, the overall cost of a $100,000 home with a 100-year lifespan is $1,000.00 per year, or $83.33 per month.

v) Finally therefore, a mathematically perfected economy™ is the only actual fact of economy — the both of which are inherently no more than the universal and therefore individual right to issue legitimate, enforceable promissory obligations, free of exploitation, and necessarily monetizing entitlement by an obligatory schedule of payment which must retire principal as obligors pay for represented property as they consume of it; for this incumbent pattern alone not only solves all possible volumetric and dispositional monetary improprieties, but owing to no more than an obligatory schedule of payment therefore, a singular fact of mathematically perfected economy™ naturally accomplishes all these vital purposes even without manual regulation.

SINGULAR MEANS FOR SUSTAINING NECESSARILY IMMUTABLE REPRESENTATIONS OF ENTITLEMENTBecause money comes into existence for a lack thereof, in which, to be faithful to its essential disposition of representation, an obligation to redeem it in a virtually equal volume of production exists; and because any; the only conducive and faithful purpose a consenting public can have for money is immutable representation of entitlement;and therefore the only natural, incumbent, and available means for rightly sustaining immutable representation of both the disposition and volume of entitlement is a perpetual 1:1:1 relationship:between the remaining value of represented property and unresolved entitlement;between the volume of what therefore is the only volumetrically representative circulation;and between the disposition of what therefore is the only representative circulation — actually and necessarily, fully disposed to its only intrinsic purposes;with any failure to sustain immutable representation of entitlement therefore being an offense against every actual creditor — each and every one of whom have given up property for presumably and necessarily immutable entitlement;with both the obligations to pay and to redeem therefore being indispensable to the fact of entitlement;and thus with every duty of a circulation being dependent upon promissory obligations;with every resultant promissory obligation representing value and redeemability which inherently ceases in a fact that payment of the principal fulfills the original obligation as inherently terminates the prior representation of value;with the principal of every promissory obligation therefore being inherently retired by payment;with payment rightly being fulfilled by making a like volume of desirable production purchasable;with the resultant circulatory volume always making it possible to pay for represented property;and in all of which purposes therefore, exploitation inherently precludes the only natural and necessary designs of an acceptable currency;and thus a singular mathematically perfected economy™ rightly sustains every volumetric and dispositional requisite of immutable representation by no more than an eradication of exploitation and an obligatory schedule of payment retiring principal at the rate of consumption of represented property;in which vital singularity therefore:equity is necessarily convertible, interchangeable, and equivalent to a whole effective circulation;and thus, coupled with retention of a universal right to issue unexploited promissory obligations, neither is it possible to deny us necessary representation;and in all of which facts then:not only is the purported proposition of “borrowing” money into existence both rationally and legally impossible where in fact a purported banking system never gives up commensurable consideration to debts which “banking” therefore only falsifies to itself;but where we retain the universal right to issue unexploited promissory obligations, purportedly “borrowing money” into existence is likewise wholly unnecessary;likewise, not only is banking’s imposition of interest upon falsified debt wholly unjustifiable;it is wholly preclusive to every vital requisite of immutable representation, because in perpetually multiplying falsified debt, the dispositional impropriety of purported interest likewise denies the only object and means of volumetric rectitude.INHERENT ROLES OF CREDITOR AND ISSUERAccording to the warranted disposition of any circulation comprised of promissory obligations therefore:obligors are the only actual issuers of money, because only obligors monetize property by assuming fiduciary commitments to redeem promissory obligations which in turn are contractual representations of entitlement;the redeemability of which therefore owes to each eventual possessor of the resultant money;the value and disposability of which therefore hinges upon a circulatory volume which is always equal and fully disposed to existing entitlement;in which indispensable arrangement, we then are likewise the only actual creditors, because only the subjects of a justifiable monetary system accept promissory obligations for legitimately acquired property;all of which thus establishes a necessarily immutable, contractual representation of entitlement, which being the fundamental and indispensable purpose of money, thus must be sustained without possible aberration by the very designs of any justifiable monetary system.INHERENT DEFINITION OF MATHEMATICALLY PERFECTED ECONOMY™Inherently then, mathematically perfected economy™ is a preservation of the inherently universal and individual right to issue enforceable, unexploited promissory obligations, subject to obligatory schedules of payment which necessarily retire principal at the rate of consumption of related property — which in turn sustains a resultant monetary obligation to every creditor, to maintain immutable value in the resultant circulation by preserving a perpetual 1:1:1 relationship between remaining circulation, remaining value of represented property, and remaining obligation to pay the remaining circulation for the remaining value of represented property.



Section 6. sequentially raises self-evident facts, 1) proving a purposed obfuscation of our promissory obligations by purported banking systems, which obfuscation inherently, irreversibly, and therefore inevitably multiplies falsified indebtednesss into the present global monetary failure; 2) the whole of which intentional aberrations comprise an unwarrantable and inevitably terminal means of exploitation; 3) the consequences of which are repaired, and the processes of which are rectified, only by adoption of mathematically perfected economy™ — the only warrantable transformation for which is in turn prescribed in Section 7.

FALSIFICATION OF INDEBTEDNESS TO PURPORTED BANKING SYSTEMS WHICH MERELY PUBLISH FURTHER REPRESENTATIONS OF OUR PROMISSORY OBLIGATIONS TO EACH OTHERIt is both rationally and legally impossible in the creation of purported money, for debt to precipitate to purported creditors who only insert themselves into our monetary processes for the subversive and unjustifiable purpose of pretending to lend representations of our entitlement and owings to each other, from a prior legitimate possession of the creditor which never existed; and without ever giving up the necessarily commensurable consideration which must exist, if ever indebtedness is indeed to precipitate to the faux creditor, who thus only publishes further representations of our promissory obligations to each other:Given that our only reasonable purpose for money is a necessarily immutable representation of entitlement therefore, it is rationally and legally impossible to lend, to borrow, or even to justifiably purchase money into existence:because prior entitlement can only be established by giving up commensurable property for already existent money;which itself therefore, can never result in legitimate creation.Therefore purported banking systems no more than publish further representations of our promissory obligations to each other:the principal of which can absolutely never be the rightful property of a purported banking system which never gives up commensurable property in the beforehand;§

If the purported banking system does not give up prior legitimate possession of commensurable property for example, it may merely launder so much property into its unrightful possession, claiming falsely afterward that an unwarranted and unjustifiable license to launder legitimized the original transgression by pledging the necessary property from so much further dispossesion.

whereupon a further fact that no risk of legitimately acquired property can ever be at stake, further nullifies the wrongfully presumed legitimacy of a claim to purported interest.Thus the only facts and disposition of money descend entirely from our very own promissory obligations; to the actions and existence of which faux creditors are entirely foreign, adverse, and inimical parties; and the commitments of which are inherently, entirely to each other:which natural commitments to each other are therefore intentionally obfuscated into falsified debts to the faux creditor, for no more than publishing further representations of our promissory obligations to each other;whereas on the contrary, the only actual and necessary duty of each obligor to a legitimate monetary system is inherently no more than to pay and to retire principal as the obligor consumes of the related property, particularly because:the only actual creditor — who indeed gives up property for representations of the promissory obligation — is paid in full from the very outset of every such arrangement;which thus precipitates in a systemic obligation to sustain the contractual value and redeemability of money by a perpetually representative volume and disposition of circulation;which is preserved therefore solely by a perpetual 1:1:1 relationship between remaining circulation, remaining value of represented property, and remaining obligation to pay the circulation for the remaining value of represented property;in all of which facts the fundamental object of immutable representation of entitlement rightly derives strictly from the obligation to redeem:which therefore ceases in payment of the principal:the very ceasing of which representation and fulfillment of prior redeemability therefore inherently retires the principal;for which further fact, paid principal can neither comprise nor represent the rightful property or further entitlement of anyone;and therefore, because no legitimate property of the faux creditor is ever at stake, neither can any justifiable claim to interest ever exist;all of which thus precipitates in the further fact, that neither is it possible we could ever legitimately borrow such sums of money from the faux creditor ever afterward, because no legitimate means exists to launder either the principal or interest into banking’s unwarranted possession.RESOLUTION OF FALSIFIED INDEBTEDNESS TO PURPORTED BANKINGThus it is impossible we borrow money from faux creditors — either into existence or ever afterward;neither can either the principal or interest of falsified indebtedness rightly precipitate to the faux creditor;and on the further hand, if it were a legitimate object of purportedly representative government to license only certain private entities to falsify indebtedness (for which in fact we have never granted our explicit assent); therefore uniformity predicates that it is the equal right of every obligor to issue irredeemable promissory obligations in equally invalid repayment for every such falsified debt;whereas neither can this solve related issues, because the breach of principle denies us both the means and fact of sustaining immutable entitlement by way of a perpetually representative circulation.VITAL REPARATION OF FALSIFIED INDEBTEDNESS TO FAUX CREDITORSThus the only reparation meeting every feasible requisite of reparation:shall count all prior payments of interest instead toward principal;shall resume payment against remaining balances (if any) at the rate of consumption of related properties;and, being as reparation of further damages would vastly exceed a representative circulation (thus precluding immutable representation of entitlement), which shall restore a representative circulation by crediting the accounts of the people:with the general pattern for accomplishing this object (§ 6.3.3.) being decided by the people;with the means of the decided pattern justly disbursing reparations across the damaged populace;and with the general pattern of such means therefore being to award working and retired ages according to a natural pattern of saving and spending during working and retired ages respectively, as would appropriately sustain us in retired life so much as the purposed obfuscations of banking have denied us the opportunity to do so.VITAL IMPETUS FOR IMMEDIATE RESOLUTION OF THE SELF-EVIDENT CRIMES OF BANKINGThus the people, as obligors, are the only actual and fiduciary issuers of money:we are likewise the only actual creditors, because we alone give up property for a currency which is inevitably comprised of our promissory obligations to each other;it is impossible we borrow money from faux creditors;and moreover, only a denial of our right to issue and to sustain unexploited promissory obligations could coerce us to do so.Thus in their entirety, contemporary purported banking systems comprise a preposterous and exceedingly corrupt breach of faith:in which banking’s falsification of indebtedness launders all the principal of eternity into the unwarranted possession of faux creditors who no more than publish further representations of our promissory obligations to each other;in which banking’s unwarranted imposition of interest perpetually multiplies falsified indebtedness into the present wholly artificial and terminal global monetary failure:in the processes of which inevitably terminal failure:a falsified obligation to pay interest and principal from a circulation comprised only of however much remaining principal, forces us to maintain a vital circulation by perpetually borrowing principal and interest back into the general possession of industry and commerce;the otherwise unnecessary re-borrowing of which principal therefore, perpetually sustains any prior sum of falsified debt;and the otherwise unnecessary re-borrowing of which interest therefore, perpetually increases every prior sum of falsified debt;until, even at an inherently escalating rate of ever greater sums of periodic interest engendered by the escalation of falsified debt itself, ultimately this artificial obligation merely to sustain a vital circulation inevitably manifests in a terminal sum of falsified debt;the costs of which, to which so much of the circulation is unnecessarily dedicated that it is impossible to sustain sufficient industry to service the escalation, thus exceed further credit-worthiness to assume further falsified indebtedness as yet remains indispensable to the further maintenance of a vital circulation;with sudden catastrophic failure thus precipitating altogether in escalating circulatory deflation amidst sustained price inflation (caused and sustained itself by the escalation of falsified debt), and resultantly irreversible escalations of debilitation and dispossession;with the brink of terminal failure only partially forestalled by effectively pouring money into circulation — largely by federal overspending which is never serviced; and which therefore only accumulates further falsified indebtedness, in ever greater excess of already terminal sums of falsified debt;and with every imposition of this infamous obfuscation therefore incurring a finite lifespan, which we can even accurately calculate from any moment of time, for any imposed rates of interest;§

Ultimately, it is impossible for so much principal and interest to re-enter the circulation otherwise, because even if the banking system immediately purchased all the production we monetize (which we know not to be the case), not only would such a laundering of property to the faux creditor be equally unjustifiable, the further injustice could only account for the principal, because that’s nearly all there is to purportedly purchase.

Nonetheless, no proof that it is possible to any extent (but the full extent) to negate all re-borrowing of interest provides to avert perpetual escalation of the sum of falsified debt; and likewise, nothing short of complete re-absorption of all principal establishes a possibility to pay off all the principal.

Not only is such reabsorption impossible as previously noted; furthermore, because the interest we typically pay across the circulation vastly exceeds the principal, thus it is impossible to avoid escalation of falsified indebtedness because it is generally impossible to replenish even the interest — much less the principal; which thus sustains every prior sum of debt, with re-borrowed interest perpetually increasing the sum of prior falsified debt.

in all of which, yet a third desolating crime is that in order to perpetrate this terminal obfuscation, purported banking systems must so exhaustively subvert representation.Thus as the crime of purported banking is imposed at least by intolerable political ineptitude, intentional and belligerent political betrayal, or the both, it is the sovereign right of every just individual to immediately exercise a wholly rightful authority to deploy the reparations we hereby stipulate, for absolutely nothing less is faithful representation of the vital objects of the people.



Section 7. requires standing governments to meet a December 21, 2013 deadline for compliance with a singular prescription for transforming contemporary pretended economies into mathematically perfected economy™. Failure to meet this deadline makes every unresigned officer of the failing government guilty of treason; renders the failing government null and void; and requires the arrest of every remaining officer of the nullified government for treason.

Without potential debate, revision, or deterrence of any kind, standing governments shall meet a December 21, 2013 deadline for complete compliance with the every measure of this amendment for mathematically perfected economy and absolute consensual representation™, in which a transformation of contemporary pretended economies into mathematically perfected economy™:shall entail counting all prior payments beyond principal instead toward principal;which thus shall likewise entail re-financing all private debts to actual creditors, having given up real property for promissory obligations, by issuing remaining balances of principal to the creditor and thereafter counting all prior payments toward principal, as thus shall determine every remaining balance;shall further entail re-scheduling further payments (if any) to retire remaining principal at rates of consumption or depreciation over the remaining proprietary determinate lifespan of related property; in all of which:further payments against outstanding balances (if any) shall cease until further payments would become due in the proprietary determinate lifespan of each represented property;with each obligor appealing for a reasonable initial determination of a remaining proprietary determinate lifespan (PDL);with every appeal being subject to eventual scrutiny and revision as will bring the PDL into accord with standards eventually set by the public;§ 7.1.1., § 7.1.2.UNJUSTIFIABLE BANKRUPTCY, FORECLOSURE, TERMINAL INDEBTEDNESS, UNWARRANTED PENALIZATION, CONFISCATION, (ETC.) ARE IMMEDIATELY RESOLVED BY MATHEMATICALLY PERFECTED ECONOMY™

Because obligors rightly pay only the principal over the proprietary determinate lifespan of represented property under mathematically perfected economy™, a $100,000 home with a 100-year lifespan imposes an overall cost of $1,000 per year or $83.33 per month under MPE™, whereas for example, the monthly cost of the same home under contemporary systems of exploitation might be 10 times this, or $833.30 per month.

Such a ten-fold disparity in periodic cost thus precipitates a further overall fact that payments against prior falsified debts reach ten times into the future under mathematically perfected economy™.

For example, if an obligor had serviced the falsified debt for 5 years before falling 1 year into arrears, with the arrears precipitating in unwarranted foreclosure under the terminal exploitation of purported banking, the 5 years of vastly excessive payment under the obfuscations of “banking” would instead translate into 50 years of payment under mathematically perfected economy™.

Thus, instead of being a year in arrears, at linear rates of consumption, no further payments would be due for another 44 years. Moreover, when further payments become due after a full 44 years, the further payments are $83.33 per month, as opposed to $833.30 per month under the terminal obfuscations of banking. Thus, faithful observation of the singular principles of mathematically perfected economy™ not only immediately resolves bankruptcy, foreclosure, and so forth, but provides a substantial period of non-payment over which to publicly affirm uniform standards for certifying credit-worthiness, for determining proprietary determinate lifespans for classes of property, for approving applicable patterns of consumption or depreciation, and so forth.

and with standard applicable rates of consumption or depreciation being decided by the public;until such time of which, a default pattern of de-escalated depreciation shall apply (as in proposed process 4 below), in which:a linear rate of depreciation shall have paid 36% of the principal over the first 12.5% of the PDL;a subsequent linear rate of depreciation shall have paid 58% of the principal at 25% of the PDL;a subsequent linear rate of depreciation shall have paid 83% of the principal at 50% of the PDL;a subsequent linear rate of depreciation shall have paid 96% of the principal at 75% of the PDL;a subsequent linear rate of depreciation shall have paid 99% of the principal at 87.5% of the PDL;and a subsequent linear rate of depreciation shall have paid 100% of the principal at conclusion of the PDL;after which, for the purpose of further monetization of a property having further usefulness, should publicly determined processes acknowledge that further PDL remains, equity may be refinanced by applying this pattern over the whole PDL, inclusive of the extension, with the existent point in the revised PDL determining remaining value;


Stipulation of a reasonable default pattern for calculating consumption or depreciation provides for immediate calculation and transition for reasonable proprietary determinate lifespans; which, together with the relatively vast extension of fulfilled payment into the future, likewise provides substantial leeway for determining publicly approved PDLs according to already-existent engineering standards.

which transformation shall further entail returning properties confiscated by the banking system in the condition in which they were taken;with former obligors of sold properties being reimbursed the lesser of either whatever had been paid against the property or whatever equity would have existed under mathematically perfected economy™ at that point in the PDL;with this coming from liquidation of the assets of the purported banking system and/or its former and present ranking directors or their heirs, however determined by the people;which transformation shall further entail restoration of a representative circulation equal to the remaining value of represented property;which shall be accomplished by crediting the remaining deficiency to the accounts of every person of working age and beyond, according to a linear pattern of saving during working years and spending during retired years, as would thus sustain a consistent standard of living;and which transformation shall further entail immediate temporary nationalization of the purported financial system:ensuring preservation of the property of the people until all such property held and purportedly secured by the financial system can be transferred to a Common Monetary Infrastructure™ (CMI™);which CMI™ shall replace the existence and functions of the purported financial system so as to sustain a mathematically perfected economy™ ever afterward;after which, all such assets of the purported financial system which are not useful to the CMI™ shall be liquidated by offered sale or auction to the public;to which sales or auctions no one having committed or participated in exploitation shall be eligible;for which unauthorized participation, properties so disbursed shall be returned, together with expired equity and profit, each of the latter of which shall be applied toward overall taxation;remaining monies possessed by the purported banking system shall count against resolving public debt;and any further monies possessed by the purported banking system after these purposes are accomplished shall be retired from circulation.INHERENT CRIMINALITY AND PENAL PROVISIONSShall a majority of affected people ultimately adopt this amendment (regardless of age or any other presumed restriction), failure of standing governments to meet the aforesaid December 21, 2013 deadline in respect to any of these requisites shall make every unresigned officer of the failing government guilty of treason:shall render the failing government null and void;shall precipitate in the immediate arrest and prosecution of every remaining officer of the nullified government for treason;and shall precipitate in immediate elections, by which every candidate and ensuing government shall be immediately bound to a subsequent deadline no greater than 1 year from the election;every which subsequent deadline shall impose the same criminality and penal provisions.Any attempt by the purported banking system or media to subvert this initiative; any failure of the media to duly represent this initiative in every relevant occasion and respect; any disinformation issued contesting the precepts, objects, or means of this initiative without truly valid disproof; any attempt to obstruct or to deter ratification of this amendment; and any conflicting proposal which cannot accomplish every object set forth herein, shall be treason.IMMEDIATE APPLICABILITY OF THESE PROVISIONS ACROSS THE AFFAIRS OF EVERY SIGNATORYSignatories shall effectively ratify this amendment across all of their affairs from moment of their signature;by which each signatory will establish their immediate and undeniable right to exercise every provision of this amendment, including immediate ceasure of payment not only against exploited falsified debt, but against all non-compliant government taxation which has redundantly inflated the costs of government;every attempted, suggested, or participation in the denial of which shall be treason.FURTHER OBLIGATORY REPARATIONS BY NON-SIGNATORIESEvery person either refusing or failing to ratify this amendment by the end of December 21, 2013, shall be fully responsible for reparations to signatories, including multiplied costs of government to that moment; artificially or unnecessarily inflated property costs; unwarranted penalties and punitive measures; related financial and political improprieties; irreparable loss or denial of opportunity; unrepaired loss of property or prospective earnings; and every related debilitation:in the purposes of which, persons incapable of determining justice may be signed by persons responsible for such incapable persons;and for the purposes of which, no restriction shall bear upon ratification but an ability to understand the basic principles of this amendment.§ 7.5.

At AD 2000, we calculated that the total general impact of improprieties such as derivatives scandals, unjustifiable imposition of federal debt, raided social security funds, and further acknowledged exacerbations of financial condition, imposed damages upon future generations for which culpability ran as much as $17 million per capita for each person of age 80 in the United States, if that generation refused in its entirety to ratify this initiative. If half that generation refused ratification, per capita culpability would run twice that, or $34 million per person of the approximate age of 80.

Nonetheless, the injuries of political irresponsibility have only increased since then; and no greater crime could be committed upon our progeny than to impose the monumental debts of our own generations upon all future generations, subject to wholly unjustifiable processes which can only multiply the present escalation of falsified indebtedness upon all further generations.

UNWARRANTED DIVISIONHaving proven a singular integral solution to volumetric and dispositional improprieties, promotion of any permutation claiming to be monetary solution therefore shall be treason.



Section 8. prescribes the vital infrastructure for maintaining a mathematically perfected economy™ according to the unimpeachable dictates of its constituents.

In order to ensure these purposes, a singular Common Monetary Infrastructure™ (CMI™) shall thus replace every non-compliant monetary system, the responsibilities of which CMI™ shall be to sustain mathematically perfected economy™:by certifying and enforcing credit-worthiness as provides for the monetization not only of equity, but future production:according to public standards for establishing proprietary determinate lifespans;according to public standards for calculating consumption or depreciation over PDLs;and thus by uniformly affirming the rightful issuance of the promissory obligations of the people at the behest of qualifying obligors;by maintaining the accounts of the people;by ensuring immutable representation of the entitlement of every actual creditor, by retiring principal as sustains a perpetual 1:1:1 relationship between remaining circulation, remaining value of represented property, and remaining obligation to pay the circulation for the remaining value of represented property;by extending every useful infrastructure as serves the intrinsic objects of prosperity and economy, including provision of fair and accessible public reviews, product costs and profit margins, and information infrastructures for connecting consumers, producers, and means of distribution;and by automating its every necessary process in every feasible manner, as shall perpetually sustain the people’s approval by meeting every standard developed without denial of their conducive participation.All prior, conflicting monetary precepts shall therefore be rescinded.§ 8.2.

As is implicit in the principles raised in Section 5., it is inherently mathematically impossible for precious metal monetary standards for example to sustain immutable representation of entitlement, because a finite and relatively static circulation limited to the binding of such a standard neither retires nor increases in direct accord with the need to represent both further and fulfilled entitlement, the vacillations of which correspond always to a volume of property which is virtually always disparate.



Section 9. retroactively establishes the legal means and objects of taxation — effectively outlawing contemporary income tax, property tax, inheritance tax (and so forth), as well as taxation for any purpose of deterrence or regulation. Accordingly, and without restriction, Section 9.3.2. retroactively forgives every alleged breach or outstanding balance to every prior, non-compliant, means of taxation.

The sole purpose and authority of taxation shall be to impose no more than minimal, commensurable payment for willful consumption of actual and necessary assets, services, or collective functions or infrastructures, conforming to existing, explicit consent of the people:all of which shall be monetized strictly by the principles of mathematically perfected economy™;the means of which shall streamline payment to every conducive extent;and the principle of which shall be to associate the means of taxation with consumption of vital related properties, that a uniform rate of tax on the related properties shall distribute costs strictly as they are proportionate to consumption, unless for whatever justifiable reasons, the people have approved an alternate distribution of the burden (as in public insurances for example, which may normalize costs for risk for instance.No authority to tax or to impose any other cost for any other purposes shall exist.Any breach of this pattern, however retroactive, is therefore non-enforceable;all prior taxations are hereby repealed;and every alleged breach or outstanding balance to every prior taxation is hereby forgiven.



Section 10. imposes vital restrictions and criminalizations upon potential political betrayal. Inserted comments summarize how these provisions are designed to prevent every political impropriety which might precipitate for example in the unwarranted passage of the so-called Federal Reserve Act.

ERADICATION OF POLITICAL BETRAYALAs vital protections against political betrayal:
POLITICAL EXHORTATIONS ARE INVIOLABLE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS TO THE PUBLICThe exhortations of government and official candidates, however made, shall be inviolable contractual obligations to the public;the intentional violation, deceit, or impropriety of which, to every extent of participation, shall be treason.§ 10.1.1. — POLITICAL EXHORTATIONS ARE INVIOLABLE CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS TO THE PUBLIC

As the Democrat Party Platform of 1912 explicitly promised not to create a central bank, these provisions would make mere formative consideration of the so-called Federal Reserve Act treason; would have automatically impeached the Wilson Administration; and would have precipitated in automatic conviction of every perpetrator for treason. These provisions would also have encouraged every responsible officer or employee of the Wilson Administration to report such formative activities at the earliest occasion in order to avoid suffering these consequences themselves.

OBLIGATORY PROOF OF IDEALS AND MEANSNo political objective shall be advocated without proof both a) that it serves universal, just, and enduring ideals; and b) that proposed means most efficiently and faithfully accomplish its every object, and account for its every consequence, without injury or aberration.§ 10.1.2. — OBLIGATORY PROOF OF IDEALS AND MEANS

Across the whole of its intended deceptions, it would have been impossible for the so-called Federal Reserve Act to meet this stricture, because it promised to solve issues which in fact the obfuscations it proposed could only cause. The so-called Federal Reserve Banks were neither federal nor a reserve of anything. Nor were they real creditors, for in giving up no commensurable property for debts which the purported Federal Reserve therefore falsified to itself, the purported Federal Reserve only published further representations of the people’s promissory obligations to each other. As no legitimate possession of the purported Federal Reserve was at stake, neither could interest ever be justified; neither in the Federal Reserve’s purported creation of money, nor ever afterward (as no legitimate means laundered either the principal or interest into the unwarranted possession of the purported banking system). Moreover, as the obfuscation could only multiply initial falsified debts into terminal sums of falsified indebtedness so long as hapless subjects could persist in maintaining a vital circulation by perpetually borrowing principal and interest back into the public possession as ever greater sums of falsified debt; it would have been impossible to prove either that no injury would have been imposed; for only the worst imaginable sum of injuries could precipitate from these purposed obfuscations. Thus as it was readily possible for any non-perpetrator to disprove the felonious act could have met the strictures of Section 10.1.2. (after all, in just 15 years, the purported Federal Reserve Act precipitated the first global depression), the only proposition which could have survived these strictures would have inevitably, instead advocated mathematically perfected economy™.

COMPULSORY REPARATION OF GOVERNMENT, CAMPAIGN, AND INITIATIVE IMPROPRIETIESInvalidations of ideals, objectives, or means, indicated by the sufficiently diligent work of any person or quarter;in the case of standing acts and existent government:shall result in immediate nullification of every pursuant act;whereafter, if any pursuant act is to stand as purportedly rectified, sufficient revisions must survive public affirmation that they indeed fully satisfy every concern raised by legitimate outstanding invalidations;the breach of which shall be treason — immediately and permanently impeaching every responsible officer and/or branch of government;or in the case of political campaigns or initiatives;in which case no competing proposition already accounts for concerns raised by legitimate invalidations:shall precipitate either in immediate withdrawal of the campaign or initiative;or shall precipitate in immediate revision of the campaign or initiative fully resolving raised imperfections;or in which case a competing proposition already resolves concerns raised by legitimate invalidation of the subject propositions:which shall precipitate in immediate withdrawal of the campaign or initiative;the breach of which shall be treason — immediately and permanently disqualifying the campaign or initiative from further interference and consideration.§ 10.1.3. — COMPULSORY REPARATION OF GOVERNMENT, CAMPAIGN, AND INITIATIVE IMPROPRIETIES

Thus had Wilson instead overtly campaigned for the purported Federal Reserve Act, without a party platform promising not to create a central bank, grounds of protest proven by the sufficiently diligent submissions of a single person would have disqualified Wilson from the 1912 presidential race.

Similarly, the 1979-80 Reagan Campaign proposed that by cutting federal tax rates 10% per year for 3 years, it would balance the federal budget and eliminate price inflation. Reagan received extensive papers proving instead that price inflation was caused by interest; and therefore that reducing federal tax rates 10% per year could not even offset price inflation exceeding 10% for all things (of which federal expenditures were a fraction), much less solve the cause of price inflation. Not only then would these strictures have (rightly) disqualified Reagan from 1980 presidential race; they would otherwise have forced Reagan to advocate mathematically perfected economy™, which the same papers demonstrated was the only conceivable way to balance a federal budget, itself stressed not only by unwarranted price inflation, but by escalating inability of the private sector to pay. Thus as these papers projected, owing to perpetual escalation of falsified indebtedness by the obfuscations of the Federal Reserve System, and owing to a mathematic impossibility that his propositions could even offset the inevitable escalations of the purported Federal Reserve System, Reagan inevitably accumulated far more indebtedness than any president before him — all of which further suffering would have been prevented by the strictures of Section 10.1.3..

COMPULSORY PROVISION OF CONDUCIVE CONDUITS FOR PUBLIC PERFECTION OF GOVERNMENTGovernment shall therefore both provide and comprise every reasonable conduit for perpetual public scrutiny and refinement of processes and infrastructures;the abuse or failure of which shall be treason.§ 10.1.4. — COMPULSORY PROVISION OF CONDUCIVE CONDUITS FOR PUBLIC PERFECTION OF GOVERNMENT

Reasonable public participation would have precluded submission of the Federal Reserve Act, because every one of its pretended principles only subverts the only reasonable purpose of immutable representation of entitlement in the resultant currency.

Yet without absolute consensual representation™, breach of power is possible; and so, all conceivable means of absolute consensual representation™ are in fact indispensable. Thus the public abuse of such infrastructures (by the people) shall likewise be treason, because public abuse likewise precludes legitimate and vital refinement of government.

CONTINUAL REDUCTION OF PUBLIC REGULATIONS TO GOVERNING PRINCIPLESContinual processes shall reduce the body of public regulations to the fewest governing principles; to the conformation of which all regulations shall be subject, however sustained by official, publicly affirmed interpretation;the obstruction, irresponsiveness, deterrence, or refusal of which shall be treason.§ 10.1.5. — CONTINUAL REDUCTION OF PUBLIC REGULATIONS TO GOVERNING PRINCIPLES

Being an intended deception, the redundant largesse of the purported Federal Reserve Act is intended only to obscure the underlying betrayals. Compulsory compliance with Section 10.1.5. thus would have forced the proposed central banking system to allege governing principles which, if they were purported to serve the people, would have been readily invalidated by inconsistencies with pretended means.

DISINFORMATION, OMISSION, SPURIOUS TITLES OR NOMENCLATURE, OR INSUFFICIENTLY ACCURATE TERMINOLOGY OUTLAWED IN POLITICAL AFFAIRSNo public act shall be either advocated, repudiated, or sustained — by the people, by the government, by candidates, or by the media — by disinformation, by omission, by spurious titles or nomenclature, or by insufficiently accurate terminology;the breach of which shall either nullify existing pursuant provisions, or shall withdraw pursuant propositions until they are rectified;the intentional delay, obstruction, deterrence, or breach of which shall be treason.§ 10.1.6. — DISINFORMATION, OMISSION, SPURIOUS TITLES OR NOMENCLATURE, OR INSUFFICIENTLY ACCURATE TERMINOLOGY OUTLAWED IN POLITICAL AFFAIRS

Thus the Federal Reserve Act would never have duly survived the requisites of truthful and complete information — either in its ostensible formative stages, or ever afterward — in the least, because the banks it consolidated into a private central bank were neither federal nor reserves of anything (actually provided to the public, or sustaining the rightful affairs of the public).

OFFICIAL PUBLIC CONSENSUS REQUIRED IN ALL PUBLIC AFFAIRSAbsolutely no public act shall be performed without public affirmation of its official state; without public affirmation of its every revision; or without periodic re-affirmation of its applied state at intervals no greater than ten years;the obstruction, deterrence, or breach of which shall be treason.§ 10.1.7. — OFFICIAL PUBLIC CONSENSUS REQUIRED IN ALL PUBLIC AFFAIRS

Thus because the betrayals of the Federal Reserve Act were never submitted to public affirmation, Section 10.1.7. would have voided any possibility of legitimately imposing the Federal Reserve Act upon the people; and likewise the requirement for periodic re-affirmation makes it possible for more responsible or vigilant generations to reject prior inimical acts, perpetrated by swaying gullible, indifferent, or co-conspiratorial generations.

LIMITED RELEVANCE AND AUTHORITY OF PURPORTED MAJORITIES; INCUMBENT RESPONSIBILITIES OF PREVAILING FACTIONSAs much as justice descends strictly from comprehensive, conclusive, and enduring resolution:no majority shall be presumed, and no matter shall be decided by an ostensible majority, divided itself in its purposes or means;the validity of any public decision shall descend strictly from enduring rectitude;any faction may abstain from compliance so long as that faction imposes no injustice upon anyone;and every prevailing vote shall be responsible for every damage thereof to the remainder.§ 10.1.8. — LIMITED RELEVANCE AND AUTHORITY OF PURPORTED MAJORITIES; INCUMBENT RESPONSIBILITIES OF PREVAILING FACTIONS

Essentially, Section 10.1.8. predicates more comprehensive means for voting and determining electoral matters, rightfully imposing responsibility for damages upon the prevailing vote.

If it were possible an incompetent populace might be swayed (even without deception, disinformation, or omission) to somehow vote for such a proposition as the purported Federal Reserve Act, then rightful responsibility for every damage of such irresponsible behavior would compel careful consideration of potentially grievous errors. Similarly, if a given generation or generations sought to leave their own public debts to future generations simply by indifference to the present proposition for mathematically perfected economy and absolute consensual representation; then if that indifference prevailed (even by failing to sustain this initiative) in a continuation of the present transgressions, that “vote” (or failure to vote) is responsible for its damages to the remainder.

RETROACTIVE APPLICATIONALL public acts shall be retroactively subject to these standards.§ 10.1.8. — RETROACTIVE APPLICATION

Thus it is virtually impossible for established betrayals to further survive a public worthy of just self-government.

LEGITIMATE ELECTIONS, POLITICAL DIALOG, AND COMPULSORY PURPOSES OF VOTINGIn order to secure legitimate elections:Public elections shall be reasonably confirmable by every participant;the every willful subversion or deterrence of which shall be treason.A lawful majority shall be at least half of eligible voters;no restriction of eligibility shall exist but a reasonable ability to understand, and a disposition to uphold concurring objects, means, and rectitude;every non-vote shall count against every respective proposition;no office shall be filled, nor shall any proposition be enacted by less than a lawful majority;except in the case of declarations of sovereign rights:which shall be ratified in each case by the signature of each claimant, so much as respective claims impose no injury;and which shall be ratified across the subject society otherwise by a lawful majority;the lack of which shall in no way infringe upon sovereign claims imposing no injury.It shall be recognized that although it is indeed a right to freely form our “opinions,” a responsibility likewise exists that our opinions sustain universal justice and representation:thus, voting for personal interests at the cost of indispensable principles shall be treason against the very concept of just and universal representation.No public debate shall deny any candidate or representative of a proposition reasonable opportunity to conclusively prove or disprove proposed means or objects;any election proven to have prevailed owing to any denial of such opportunities therefore, must immediately be recalled upon irrefutable appeal of no more than a single person;government must therefore provide every reasonable conduit for submitting and validating every such legitimate appeal;the deterrence or denial of any of which shall be treason.ABSOLUTE CONSENSUAL REPRESENTATION™The principal object and binding responsibility of government shall be the ongoing, expedient, and participatory development of an inevitably complete, universal, and reasonably unanimous assented justice, sustaining every reasonable object of a free and voluntary society by every conducive restraint and means — to which no unassenting person shall be bound, so much as their dissent imposes no injustice upon anyone:every conducive means to ensure representation and justice shall therefore be provided;no conducive means shall be denied;the political processes of the deciding public shall likewise be bound to every necessary and conducive standard:and therefore disinformation or unwarranted division affecting any political matter shall be treason.



Section 11. denies any sitting or future government any power or authority whatever but to comply; nullifies any breaching or delinquent government; and compels peace-keeping authorities or the military to charge, to arrest, and to prosecute every delinquent official for treason upon a deadline of midnight, December 21, 2013 UTC.

As much as we hereby prove our sovereign rights to mathematically perfected economy and absolute consensual representation™, any breach of these strictures shall be treason against means of representation which are indispensable to every rightfully free and sovereign people:No authority to impede, to deter, or even to debate this amendment shall be assumed by any sitting or incoming government; and no power or authority but to immediately comply shall exist.Therefore any sitting or incoming government failing to officially adopt these strictures as an official amendment of our national constitution by a deadline of midnight December 21, 2013 UTC shall be null, void, and bereft of authority.Immediately thereupon, it shall be incumbent upon peace-keeping authorities or the military to charge, to arrest, and to prosecute every delinquent official for treason;with the only possible immunity being to have signed this amendment by said deadline;with it being incumbent upon peace-keeping authorities, the military, or the people themselves to fill vacancies by holding elections no later than six months thereafter;in which elections, no opposition shall be eligible.Rights to claim these authorities shall be recognized in the every affair of every signatory from the moment of their signature;and every entity, person, and assumed authority, however participating in denial or evasion of these rights, shall be fully responsible for reparation of every damage inflicted;the every fact of which shall likewise be treason.



Because it would be entirely inappropriate to allow betraying governments or partisan public sectors benefitting from injustice, to decide punitive measures for political betrayals, Section 12. formally restricts this authority to the victims of injustice.

In order to enforce political integrity, criminal penalties for transgressions shall be determined by the affected public, consistent with damages.Public sectors inflicting injustice shall likewise be responsible for damages, however much the crime is enabled by no more than indifference; and however much the crime might be presumed to be sanctioned by political processes, however much the presumed processes may be subverted, or however much such processes merely fail to recognize the crime.§ 12.2. RAMIFICATIONS

Thus no era or faction shall be insulated from responsibility for its injustices. If by no more than indifference to the crimes of banking for example, should a condemning generation impose its own unresolved sums of falsified debt upon its own progeny, then their progeny, however few or poorly represented, must rightly be enabled to enforce their right to arrest and recoup every resultant injustice, for the condemning generation’s indifference is no less than terminal.



mathematically perfected economy™ (MPE™) [definition] :  1  :  proof of a singular integral solution to the purposed obfuscations of purported banking and economy, in which a conclusive sum of potential categoric faults comprising a) circulatory inflation and deflation, b) systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property, and c) inherent, irreversible, and therefore terminal multiplication of falsified indebtedness by interest… are necessarily eradicated by acknowledging a universal right to issue certified, enforceable promissory obligations, free of exploitation, and subject to an obligatory schedule of payment retiring principal at the rate of consumption of related property;  2  :  every person’s right to issue legitimate, enforceable promissory obligations, free not only from exploitation of natural commitments, but from artificial denial of the natural opportunity to make good on them;  3  :  an inherent and universal right to monetize production as perpetually sustains desirable industry and trade for no more and no less than what we determine to be sufficiently equal measures of our production.No deserving society could be complicit in its own terminal oppression.Actual economy and free enterprise are only practiced by at least substantially diligent people, first because mediocrity chooses to dismiss the minutiae of bearing principle; secondly, because every potential compromise of a mere handful of natural monetary laws, makes massive dispossession of the whole society both the temptation and reward for all the subversion mediocrity has already refused to apprehend; and finally, because the only omnipotent justice and unity inhere in a fact we only join in government to sustain our rightful affairs — in the whole of which then, our only conceivable monetary purpose is immutable representation of entitlement — the totality of which thus derives likewise, from nothing but our own commitments to each other. Thus the only consistent role of mutually consented government in an actual economy, is uniform enforcement of the entitlement we pledge to each other.A competent people therefore join in government to sustain their very objects, integrity, and natural right to issue their promissory obligations; and this is never in turn to deny, to obstruct, to impede, to corrupt, or to infringe upon our very universal right and need to redeem the representations of entitlement we grant, with no more and no less likewise than what the mechanisms of the society itself determine to be sufficiently equivalent measures of its own production. Thus as our own commitments to redeem entitlement are inherently the only occasion and disposition of natural promissory contracts and money, WE THE PEOPLE therefore are absolutely the only actual creditors of an actual economy, for we and we alone give up property for promissory obligations… and for what therefore are only immutable and genuine representations of entitlement, if we and we alone faithfully sustain society’s commitment to itself by rendering so much of our production to whichever members of our society we indeed owe it.Money therefore is strictly to sustain this singular purpose; and thus a further fact of this singularity is that the people are likewise the only actual and rightful issuers of money, altogether because the inception, value, and redeemability of our promissory obligations too ordinarily hinge singularly, and therefore strictly, upon our own integrity, powers, and fact of fulfillment.As much then as any ethical invention of “money” only proposes to sustain public entitlement deriving from public obligation, no deserving society therefore would ever subject itself to exploitation, for exploitation is not only destructive to its every useful affair, but wholly redundant to its every reasonable purpose. Much less could any intelligent society in history ever have granted knowledgeable assent to processes which could only escalate its terminal dispossession, for that country would so make a mockery of intelligence as to forfeit its every indispensable principle for nought.

Only undeserving societies therefore abandon a fact that real economy is neither more nor less than an accounting system, inflexibly obligated to sustain the entitlement which is certainly inherent in a fact we alone give up our production for whatever we deem likewise to be its sufficient equivalent. After all, this is the very purpose for which we engage in specialization — the very monetization of which then is inherently a public obligation to sustain immutable representation of all warrantable entitlement, likewise descending strictly therefore from our own enforceable, voluntary, just, and therefore equivalent commitments.

Thus the only life cycle, volume, and disposition of a currency which serves our indispensable purposes, inherently retires promissory obligations at the rate of consumption of related property, firstly because, as wholly rightful and legitimate representations of value, promissory obligations only represent value and redeemability until they are fulfilled by payment of the principal — in every which case then, paid principal can never represent any legitimate or rightful property of anyone. Paid and thus nullified principal therefore is strictly to be retired from circulation. Secondly then, because promissory obligations and promissory obligations alone suffice perpetually, both in volume and the necessary patterns of representation and payment for consumption; thirdly then, because the only case in which new money must come into necessary existence is to represent an ability to render a like volume of production to the resultant entitlement — the need for which exists only in a lacking possession of sufficient earnings; and the only justification for which exists in at least an ability to render a like volume of production to the only real creditors, who are thus the holders of money; and finally then, because it is impossible otherwise to preserve immutable redeemability in the resultant representations, except by an obligatory schedule of payment retiring principal at the rate of consumption of related property, for this and this alone sustains redeemability in a perpetual 1:1:1 relationship between remaining circulation, remaining value of represented property, and remaining obligation to pay just that much for that represented property.

As much then as there is absolutely one and one only integral solution for the certain volumetric or dispositional improprieties of every differing monetary proposition, the only justifiable and actual economy therefore is no more and no less than our universal right to issue unexploited promissory obligations, retiring principal at the rate of consumption. Every deserving people therefore will inevitably prevail in the vital singularity of a mathematically perfected economy™, first because mathematically perfected economy™ is the only pattern which sustains their vital affairs, and secondly because its omnipotent objects are the only civil purposes for which just societies engage in government at all.

The worst enemies of humanity therefore not only deny prosperity’s dependence upon immutable redemption. The treason of monetary corruption must so disengage us from vital principles of representation that every unwitting populace itself becomes indispensable to terminal dispossession of the very world, for no true enterprise can survive in the world, lest real prosperity prove the crime of changing money.

Because this contemporary oppression depends wholly upon the errors of our own ways, we therefore are the only hope of the world, for it is rationally impossible to justify the preposterous proposition free and ostensibly self-determined people must “borrow” their own promissory obligations into existence from pretended banking systems which never in eternity give up consideration commensurable to purported debts — which the perpetrators so precariously falsify to themselves, for the most obvious purposes. Thus only the undeserving society would ever presume that same preposterous lack of consideration could possibly justify purported interest. Therefore in the whole lie of purported banking, there is neither any legitimate claim nor rightful way to dispossess us of either principal or interest.

In a fact banking systems never give up commensurable consideration to acquire the purported money a banking system only pretends therefore to lend to us as legitimate representations of its own prior entitlement, thus purported banking systems no more than publish further representations of our very own commitments to each other. In no rational sense whatever do we borrow money into existence from purported banks then; and thus no deserving people in eternity would simply suffer a preposterous obfuscation of our promissory obligations which inherently imposes an otherwise wholly redundant obligation to sustain vital circulations by perpetually re-borrowing principal and interest as ever greater and inevitably terminal sums of falsified debt — because only for nought then, the obfuscation can only precipitate in wholly artificial, global monetary failure. Yet so it is that for no good or justifiable reason whatever, an irreversible escalation of unwarrantable dispossession, perpetuated by an indispensably attendant destruction of representation… explains how the very events before us are the ruin of every undeserving nation.

Regulation can only temper an inherently terminal process. And so of course, in the last days of banking’s irreversible and inevitably terminal escalation of our ever-unwarranted and unassented dispossession, certainly the perpetrators will pour further falsified debt into banking’s black hole of justice. And the perpetrators will even do this of course, wholly without real protest even from banking itself, that exceeding our ever-finite credit-worthiness violates even the false principles and purported risks or costs of banking itself. But even all this… is only because banking’s purposed obfuscation flows still always back to purported banking itself. Thus as purported banking continues to pour money into its own pockets amidst the terminal failure each life cycle of banking can only impose yet again and again upon undeserving nations… for wont of justice then, generations will in turn condemn their very progeny to irreversible escalations of insoluble debt which they collected yesterday likewise, for wont of justice; and thus even by tomorrow morning, their children might save the world from political irresponsibility.

Occupying governments do not dissolve the crimes they are instead installed to perpetuate; and yet every rational person knows the betrayers with certainty, because no good government would ever prevent its people from paying to each other, no more than whatever they agree and need to pay only to each other. Exploitation of the genre to which we bow daily therefore is never tolerated by just and deserving societies, because the minutiae mediocrity indeed abandons are the very license to take insufferable excess, until mediocrity is itself forced to arrest just such an intolerable breadth of crime as we have everywhere around us, without the vital half of what across eternity will remain an inherently singular solution.

Therefore we are never victims, when only our own irresponsibility preserves monetary and political crimes which not even the indifferent have any right to impose upon anyone else.

Our ability to sustain the infrastructures and administration of this initiative depends direly upon voluntary financial support. A $5 sustaining membership accrues 5 years’ posting privileges to PFMPE Discussion Forums™, and ensures this initiative has a vital home. To accrue privileges, please log into your membership account before making your contribution. THANK YOU for ratifying the only monetary solution, and for sustaining its vital infrastructures. We greatly appreciate your indispensable fellowship.


ALL ORIGINAL MATERIAL, including resolution of the only justifiable purposes and states of money; intrinsic determinations of disparity and cause; original proof that any rate of interest which requires re-borrowing interest is inherently terminal; determinate rationale of solution; original demonstrations of categoric faults; resultant proof of singular solution; invalidations of all deviating theses; and original explanations of the present obfuscation of our promissory obligations to each other… are COPYRIGHT 1968 to present by mike montagne, founder of PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy™ and original 1968 architect of mathematically perfected economy™. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED.

TRADEMARKS: PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy™; PFMPE™; PFMPE+ACR™; PEOPLE For Perfected Economy™; [COUNTRY/LOCALE] For Mathematically Perfected Economy™; [COUNTRY/LOCALE] For Perfected Economy™; Mathematically Perfected Economy™; MPE™; absolute consensual representation™; ACR™; mathematically perfected economy and absolute consensual representation™; MPE+ACR™; MPE+ACR Perpetuation Trust™, [its IBC] PFMPE+ACR In Perpetuation Society Anonyme™, Mathematically Perfected Currency™; MPC™; OBFUSCATION OF THE CURRENCY™; OBFUSCATION OF THE PROMISSORY OBLIGATION™; mathematic perfection of economy™; perfect economy™; perfected economy™; names, logos, and distinguishably original, intrinsic terms; the various slogans of these pages; and the unique meanings of terms and expressions as established by this work… are trademarks of mike montagne for the common purpose of establishing mathematically perfected economy™ without division or compromisation of vital principles by eleventh hour impostors.

Animación MPE

Posted by spain4emp in Animación MPE

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Sin animo delucro

Posted by spain4emp in MPE es sin ánimo de lucro

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MPE es sin ánimo de lucro pero sólo en su forma original si no, no es una solución. La marca es por lo tanto la única finalidad de evitar que otros se fugó con el objetivo de hacer una tabla de lucro como el autor original, y para evitar que se implementa incorrectamente y / o explicado.

MPE es orgullosamente sin ánimo de lucro y libre de innovar en su nombre sin compromiso.


Posted by spain4emp in Sobre

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Este sitio web es una iniciativa conjunta de la Sociedad Española. El objetivo es poner en práctica matemáticamente Economía ¨ ¨ Perfeccionado para la sostenibilidad efectiva de la economía que el hombre no debe ambiente y la cartera agotador. Hay más radical y son necesarios cambios fundamentales que lo que está en la agenda social.

¨ No es ningún misterio que el patrón de interferencia en la economía causada por la proyección de los intereses. Si la deuda interés irreversible y continuamente se multiplican en proporción a la circulación y aumentando cada euro dedicado a estas deudas, entonces cada vez menos de cada euro en circulación se utilizará para la economía. Reglamento sólo puede ralentizar el proceso terminal. ¨

Nuestro Objetivo

Posted by spain4emp in Nuestro Objetivo

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No es fácil resumir Matemáticamente Economía Perfeccionada, porque tiene muchas ramificaciones.  Por lo tanto, le pido  previamente que  no se moleste por la amplitud de este mensaje.

MPE es básicamente un conjunto de principios matemáticos probados que identifican y aclaran la verdadera naturaleza de la moneda, y es el ciclo de la vida. Es una prueba larga (un teorema matemático probado, en lugar de simplemente una teoría) de solución singular a las grietas de cualquier economía prospectiva. Al final es una plataforma para la restauración de los derechos y la rectificación de los sistemas monetarios en todo el mundo. Una receta completa para la transformación de los sistemas actuales de explotación en un sistema justo.

Refutan categóricamente también propuestas de toda  reforma monetaria, mostrando cómo y por qué sólo pueden resultar  irregularidades económicas y eventualmente  terminar en fracaso económico. MPE fue introducido por primera vez en 1968, por Mike Montagne, pero fue en los años 70 cuando trataron de llegar a los políticos, con la esperanza de advertirles sobre los problemas más perjudiciales que  nos encontramos debido a la forma absurda en que se configura el sistema monetario. Desde Gerald Ford  y a todos los presidentes estadounidenses y fueron enviadas muchas cartas con estas pruebas de Mike.

La campaña de Reagan fue la primera que le respondió. En 1983/84, el autor de MPE creó un modelo informático y se lo proporcionó a la administración  Reagan . Este modelo podía avisar de cuando  llegaría el fracaso terminal del sistema monetario actual . Como entendieron que Mike tenía razón sobre sus premisas, sólo quisieron saber cuando la economía entraría en su etapa terminal, en lugar de ocuparse de la injusticia inherente de este sistema, que sólo sabe explotar a sus súbditos. El programa informático de ordenador, debido a los datos que proporcionó, calculó que el fracaso  global llegaría en 2010 aproximadamente.

MPE demuestra cómo los bancos cometen los crímenes más graves contra el pueblo,  en su posesión injustificada y multiplicada de  esas sumas iniciales de deuda falsificada – a través de la imposición injustificada del de interés/usura en  sumas de deudas falsas e invisibles.

Ahora en 2013, los sistemas actuales sólo pueden continuar debido a lo que llamamos sustentación artificial, que es la introducción artificial de grandes cantidades de moneda en circulación, tratando de evitar un colapso general de todas las industrias. El nuevo dinero introducido por los bancos centrales en maniobras criminales como alivio cuantitativo no respeta ningún verdadero principio.

Los bancos son meros editores de la evidencia de las pueblos que se crean obligaciones entre sí. Para entender lo que esto significa, creo que es necesario entender primero los orígenes del dinero:

Desde la concepción del dinero, hace casi 5 mil años, en la región de Sumeria, el sistema de crédito fue introducido para facilitar los intercambios entre personas, y el vehículo que ha permitido que ocurra, era lo que ahora llamamos obligaciones de promesa.

Desde entonces, el dinero existía mediante la anotación de la promesa u obligación. Sin embargo, este hecho ha sido manipulado y distorsionado a través de los siglos. En la antigüedad, el dinero utilizado, en acuerdos comerciales, era tablillas de arcilla,  un intento de registrar las obligaciones entre los productores. Esto significa en opinión de supuestos economistas e historiadores, que el oro y las piedras preciosas fueron el primer tipo de dinero que los hombres usaron para  sustituir el trueque.

Una obligación de promesa representa el compromiso de un emisor de dinero, para redimir esa nota con su propia producción. Así, a una persona solvente, cuando le faltan notas para adquirir la producción de otra persona productiva, emite una obligación de promesa para pagar con su propia mano de obra/producción, en medidas iguales a lo que ha adquirido.

Se trata de cómo el dinero fue utilizado en la antigüedad, pongamos un ejemplo: si un productor de pollos quería aumentar su producción necesitaba alimentos para alcanzar esa meta, tenía que ir en busca de un productor de granos y emitir  un pagaré, prometiendo redimirlo con tantos pollos, como kilos de granos necesitase. El productor de grano le daba crédito y aceptaba las notas de ese deudor. Eso significaba que él, el productor de grano,era el acreedor, y ese pedazo de papel o arcilla tableta era dinero; o la evidencia de su derecho; un símbolo de valor; moneda.

Esa nota entonces podía circular, porque el acreedor podría utilizarlo para adquirir la producción de otros, que también aceptaban ese tipo de nota, creyendo como lo hicieron, que se se pueden canjear por los pollos del emisor original. Una vez redimido, naturalmente fue retirado el pagaré, porque y esto es crucial, había cumplida esa promesa.

A pesar de las mentiras que tenemos hoy, las promesas cumplidas pasan a ser propiedad de nadie. Es decir se anulan una vez cumplidas, si no estamos ante un fraude.

El dinero que tenemos hoy en día todavía nace de la obligación de cumplir las promesas de las personas. Cuando vamos a un banco a pedir un préstamo para comprar una casa, por ejemplo, la suma que  nos prestan, se crea sólo después de firmar los pagarés y el sistema bancario después nos cobra intereses, cuando ni siquiera tenían ese dinero en primer lugar. Simplemente publican representaciones secundarias de obligaciones de promesa del emisor real,  reclamando la propiedad previa de las fichas de valor, que recibe el verdadero acreedor (el constructor en este caso). Y luego, cobra el  emisor del interés del dinero – correctamente llamada usura –

Pero el hecho es, que en los préstamos o hipotecas al banco No se presta nada.  Los bancos simplemente no poseen, por lo tanto, no se presta. Ningún banco  firma estos documentos, confirmando además que la producción de dinero es un compromiso unilateral a pagar, no un contrato bilateral a devolver. El  trabajo llamado Mecánica del Dinero Moderno, producido por la Reserva Federal de Chicago, es un reconocimiento de esta realidad.

Es fundamental entender, que los bancos no crean  dinero de la nada como afirman muchos reformistas monetarios, porque es la gente la que crea dinero, ningún banco  nace de la habilidad y capacidad para producir y redimir esa obligación , aunque la posterior imposición de interés agota esta facultad y genera valores predeterminados de la gente.

El Banco no es el verdadero acreedor , porque es el dueño o el constructor del hogar hipotecado. Este es el crimen más monumental perpetrado contra la humanidad, es aberrante,  una subversión de la realidad, un delito contra  las personas honestas del mundo que tienen que sufrirlo.

En realidad, la banca no toma ningún riesgo en absoluto.  Nunca, presta su dinero,  ni el de sus propios fondos, sino  el de sus depositantes. Todo el dinero, aparte de quizás el aproximadamente un 3% que es acuñado e impreso en existencia por el gobierno, se crea únicamente por las firmas de los prestamistas.

Incluso la expansión de la base monetaria, reclamada por los llamados economistas, es totalmente absurda. Es un intento de crear dinero, para supuestamente pagar proyectos del gobierno a través de bonos, pedazos de papel, que generalmente son comprados por los mismos bancos que roban a la gente en intereses.  Otra enorme injusticia que se lleva a cabo: el pueblo está obligado a trabajar y tributar como siervos para  pagar las sumas cada vez más crecientes de deudas artificiales. Pero incluso estos bonos son sólo obligaciones de promesa, firmadas  por aquellos que sólo pretenden representar la voluntad del pueblo.

Yo tampoco  había escuchado  nada de MPE antes de 2012. A pesar de tanto personal  de investigación en reforma monetaria y en calidad de informantes del sistema monetario y bancario central etc.. Pero, una vez que conocí los conceptos básicos y  la lógica matemática de MPE y después de estudiarlo diligentemente, llegué a la conclusión inevitable de que es, sin duda, la única solución en que todos debemos unirnos, si estamos juntos y unidos prevalecerá contra la injusticia, y  se restaurará la rectitud monetaria.

Hay algunos principios básicos e inequívocos necesarios para una correcta reforma monetaria que tenemos que identificar y tratar:

1. Nosotros, como individuos, creamos dinero, porque el dinero es una representación de nuestro trabajo y producción; y nosotros somos los verdaderos acreedores,  sólo  podemos producir e intercambiar nuestra producción para obligaciones de promesas, también conocidas como dinero.

El dinero, en su forma más pura, es simplemente una representación de derecho. Permite a un partido solvente, o individuo emitir una promesa de pagar para la producción que abandona un verdadero acreedor (no Banco).

Se trata de la verdadera naturaleza del dinero: una obligación de pagar el pool de la riqueza (bienes y servicios), en igual medida, a la que el emisor ha tomado de ella. En otras palabras, es una obligación para redimir los pagarés, con una producción equivalente a la que fue adquirida del acreedor real.

Sé que en un primer momento, estos principios fundamentales puedan parecer un poco complejos pero es por el hecho de que las personas se han entregado y  han derogado su responsabilidad para entender el dinero, lo que ha conducido al ardid de la banca.

En este punto, creo que sería provechoso mencionar una discusión que  se llevó a cabo cuando Mike Montagne tenía 16 años y él asistía a una conferencia de economía.

Antes de llegar allí, él  ya era considerado por los avanzados conocimientos de matemáticas para su edad.

Su maestro fue explicando la teoría generalizada de la inflación monetaria y sus efectos.

El profesor utilizó la explicación aceptada e impartida por casi todo el mundo, que habla de la expansión de los resultados de la oferta monetaria en el aumento de los precios de los productos.

Pero en primer lugar, el maestro dijo que todo el dinero fue creado a través de una deuda, objeto de interés. Después de eso, Mike tenía todos los datos necesarios para identificar la inviabilidad de estos conceptos erróneos.

Porque si todo el dinero se crea como una deuda, objeto de interés – y dado que la inflación y la deflación son comúnmente definidos, respectivamente, como aumentos o disminuciones de dinero en circulación por bienes y servicios (riqueza representada) – es imposible aun habiendo dinero en circulación, que sea real.

La primera pregunta a su maestro, en 1968, fue: si todo el dinero que está en circulación es prestado (como la deuda) y las deudas sufren el interés y nosotros no podemos pedir más que el valor de lo que pedimos  prestado, es confuso saber  cómo es posible superar lainflación”.

En otras palabras, si nosotros no podemos pedir prestado $50.000 para comprar una casa de $35.000 o $50 para comprar una llanta de $20, entonces ¿cómo  es posible  que nunca suframos inflación?

Y entonces él,  desentrañó los mecanismos subyacentes del sistema monetario actual:

Tenemos una multiplicación de la deuda [de interés], que en última instancia genera colapso, y que, a lo largo de la ruta irreversible a ese colapso, impone cada vez mayores costes de deuda.  Estos costes se manifiestan en precios cada vez más elevados y la industria tiene que explicar su erosión de los márgenes de beneficio.  La circulación de capital no  puede dedicarse al comercio, como antaño sino  a la deuda”.

Los primeros pasos de MPE,  en 1968, ya desmantelaron las mentiras comunes de economía que todavía llevan a cabo en 2013.

En los años siguientes, Mike desarrolló la teoría en su conjunto, el Teorema, las respuestas y  la solución a los problemas inherentes de este modelo de economía que tenemos todos.

Como explicaré, la solución es muy sencilla, y no es necesario demasiado esfuerzo para comprenderla.

Siempre hay una solución para cualquier acertijo matemático y  para los errores de cualquier economía prospectiva:

Inflación y deflación; sistémica manipulación del costo o valor del dinero o propiedad; intrínsecamente irreversible multiplicación de deuda falsificada por interés.

1)  La inflación y la deflación se definen como el aumento o disminución del dinero en circulación en relación con la riqueza representada,  sólo una circulación real puede erradicar ambos problemas.

2) Manipulación sistémica, que es una combinación de  los errores 1 y 3, culmina en el deshaucio de la propiedad y el pago o deuda de enormes cantidades de dinero .

3) La solución para la inevitable subida de deudas falsas e interés, es la erradicación completa del interés/usura.


EL –MPE de la ecuación será erradicar las errores potenciales y que la industria pueda prosperar  mediante el establecimiento de un perpetuo 1:1:1 relación (ratio) entre:

Restante de dinero en circulación;

restante el valor de todos los bienes representados;

restante obligación de pagar a tanto el valor de la propiedad.

El dinero se crea y entra en circulación para representar el valor de la propiedad; el valor de la propiedad irá en función de la demanda de la propiedad  según las tasas de consumo, por tanto las propiedades se depreciarán al mismo ritmo.


– Con MPE, sólo pagamos por lo que consumimos.

Solamente bajo MPE la gente tendrá inmutables fichas de valor. En otras palabras, el dinero ganado tendrá el mismo poder adquisitivo a través del tiempo. La unidad de valor no sufrirá las consecuencias injustificadas de la inflación o  la deflación. Por lo tanto, la gente no verá sus derechos minados  en manos de criminales.

Es fácil de entender,  bajo el actual sistema de usura, estamos explotados en nuestro trabajo bajo mecanismos hábilmente ocultos. El dinero que ganamos hoy no puede comprar las mismas cosas a través del tiempo. Es un equivalente moderno de servidumbre o esclavitud, perpetrado contra el pueblo.

MPE logrará sus objetivos para restaurar el derecho universal de los individuos a emitir sus propias promesas de deuda sin explotar a los acreedores reales, libres de manipulación extrínseca o adulteración. Y adoptando el programa obligatorio de pago para extinguir los pagarés de la circulación en la tasa de consumo o en la depreciación de las propiedades relacionadas.

Utilizamos el ejemplo de las viviendas para explicar mejor cómo funcionará el MPE. Bajo una economía rectificada,  una vivienda por $100.000  con una tasa de consumo o depreciación de 100 años, le costará al emisor/deudor sólo $1.000 por año, o $83.33 por mes (teniendo en cuenta una tasa lineal).

En ese ejemplo, una persona que quiere comprar esa casa, monetizará la propiedad a través de lo que se llamará la infraestructura monetaria común (CMI), que será un cuerpo transparente del gobierno, totalmente controlado por y para el pueblo.

Entonces, el anterior propietario/acreedor del hogar, se acreditará en su cuenta a pagar desde el principio ($ 100 K). Y, el emisor/deudor, se comprometerá a pagar por la vivienda  su tasa de depreciación.


Bajo MPE, en lugar de pagar como si  compraras 2, 3 ó 4 casas pagas realmente por 1, la que compras, certificado por simples matemáticas, se pagará sólo por el precio real de 1 casa.

Al final, el error máximo permitido es el equivalente a un monetario sistema de trueque, con las mejoras de un sistema de crédito justo y responsable añadido; uno que, por su propio diseño, simplemente no puede infligir cualquier injusticia a la sociedad, esa es la única razón de la existencia del dinero.

Con  MPE se tendrán en cuenta  todos pagos previos. Por ejemplo, si alguien  ha pagado por su vivienda de $100 K, $50 K de entrada y $50 K en intereses,  se considerará que esa persona habrá pagado en su totalidad la propiedad, sin ser necesarios por tanto mas pagos.

Representación consensuada absoluta (ACR) es  otra crucial segunda parte del trabajo que hacemos en apoyo de la labor de Mike Montagne.  ACR es una reforma política del sistema electoral, que permite que la transformación de MPE se realice. Es un conjunto de principios  que evita la corrupción y establece la soberanía del pueblo.

Las enmiendas pueden encontrarse en:, no dudes en preguntarme cualquier duda.  Es una cuestión absolutamente vital,  será para el beneficio de las futuras generaciones. El poder de poner fin a este crimen milenario perpetrado contra la humanidad está en nuestras manos.

MPE Modelo

Posted by spain4emp in MPE modelo

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Mike Montagne explains inherent monetary failure under the world’s central banking systems… versus mathematically perfected economy.

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