Live Life to the Fullest & Explore the World by Mountain Bike

By MTBers & For MTBers

From the adven­ture spe­cial­ist on your first phone call or web chat to the van dri­ver and guide, you will encounter folks that are as excit­ed about moun­tain bik­ing as youare.

Positive Impact

We sup­port the local com­mu­ni­ties we vis­it by fre­quent­ing local­ly owned accom­mo­da­tions and restau­rants, employ­ing local guides, and sup­port­ing local com­mu­ni­ty projects and MTBclubs.

Meaningful Adventure

Our rides take you off the beat­en path to pro­vide a deep­er, more inti­mate expe­ri­ence with the
des­ti­na­tions we vis­it. Great trails + locals + unique expe­ri­ences =bliss!

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Five dif­fer­ent ride styles, thir­ty-one des­ti­na­tions, some­thing for everyone

Moun­tainGrav­ele‑MTBBring Your PartnerWom­en’s
Chris Eich 2022-03-08 Ver­i­fied Rus­selGreer 2021-12-24 Ver­i­fied Top qual­i­ty adven­ture com­pa­ny!! Very impressed. I did a buck­et list trip to Nepal with my father and it was fun, adven­tur­ous, scenic, and com­fort­able. The guides were very pro­fes­sion­al and made the expe­ri­ence that much bet­ter. I would def­i­nite­ly ride with them again. Jamie Coop­er 2021-09-27 Ver­i­fied We went to Spain Sept 2021 and it was amaz­ing! High­ly rec­om­mend! Wendy Bert 2021-09-13 Ver­i­fied Been home one week now from a fan­tas­tic trip with Sacred Rides. This time it was the Wilder­ness and Water­falls (wom­en’s only) trip in Que­bec. Well orga­nized with won­der­ful guides and great accom­mo­da­tion. Our lead guide Marc was able to accom­mo­date all rid­ing lev­els so there were chal­lenges for both inter­me­di­ate and more expe­ri­enced rid­ers. I also tried stand up pad­dle board­ing for the first time and loved it. Cheers to every­one involved in orga­niz­ing the trip, all of the guides and the great ladies I met. Julian Andres 2021-08-14 Ver­i­fied Diana Gilmore 2021-06-22 Ver­i­fied Great les­son. Infor­ma­tion, advice and cri­tiques for each par­tic­i­pant. Erin Post 2021-05-05 Ver­i­fied I had a fan­tas­tic expe­ri­ence with Sacred Rides in Neva­da and Utah! The trip was well-orga­nized yet flex­i­ble enough to accom­mo­date the wish­es of our (small) group. The food…I can’t say enough about the food. Every restau­rant was dif­fer­ent and fab­u­lous. We had snacks with us every­where we went — nuts, fruit, cook­ies, cheese and crack­ers, all of the options we could ever want. Brit­ta, our guide, was fun and an excel­lent coach. I learned so much and felt like I pro­gressed in my rid­ing. High­ly rec­om­mend! Michael Gard­ner 2019-06-27 Ver­i­fied Pre­cur­sor: The fol­low­ing review was writ­ten and revised over a cou­ple of days… Sacred Rides did try very hard to make my sit­u­a­tion right.The guides did try very hard, but I will say the trip was a dis­ap­point­ment on more than a few fronts. I would not rec­om­mend rid­ing the “Mag­nif­i­cent Mesas” trip if you are above a high mid­dle lev­el moun­tain bik­er. The meals were also pret­ty bad­ly over­sold. The break­fasts were very light con­ti­nen­tal type served by the hotel, and the lunch­es were most­ly the “pack your own sand­wich” vari­ety. The one includ­ed din­ner was 2.5 medi­um take out piz­zas and sal­ad split between 6 peo­ple. Last­ly, I was charged more than what I was told by the com­pa­ny oper­a­tor, and then told “Oops, I made a math mis­take.” No cor­rec­tion was offered. I’m sure after read­ing oth­er reviews that the more exot­ic loca­tions they do this would be of much greater val­ue, and if I was want­i­ng to go to one of those loca­tions I think they would offer a bet­ter val­ue propo­si­tion. For Saint George, Utah… not so much.As a fol­lowup, I am revis­ing this review because the own­er reached out to me by phone, and it was clear that they take these types of con­cerns seri­ous­ly. I did not per­son­al­ly take him up on his offers, because that is not why I wrote the review. I will, how­ev­er, say that the way he han­dled the sit­u­a­tion was stel­lar, and makes up for a lot of the way I had been feel­ing about the expe­ri­ence. Thanks Nate.Revi­sion 2: Nate sent me an email remind­ing me that “if there’s any chance you would con­sid­er join­ing us on anoth­er sacred ride, we would be hap­py to offer you a cred­it for the full amount of your Mag­nif­i­cent Mesas trip (essen­tial­ly a $2500 cred­it).” I don’t think I will take him up on it, but it does speak vol­umes to how seri­ous­ly they take crit­i­cism.I may not have had a fan­tas­tic, off the charts, amaz­ing time… but it’s pret­ty clear to me that they real­ly strive for this. I can’t quite give them 5 stars for my expe­ri­ence, but I sure have to give them that for try­ing to make it such. Keep up the good work, I’m sure I’m an out­lier. Ket­tle Riv­er Timberworks 2018-04-14 Ver­i­fied Rode with them in the Sacred Val­ley in Peru. Incred­i­ble trip. Amaz­ing guide. High­ly rec­om­mend it. Artur 2017-05-04 Ver­i­fied Every sin­gle time I take a Sacred Rides trip it has been won­der­ful: well orga­nized, great val­ue, always pro­fes­sion­al guides and great peo­ple.


Colum­bia Gorge Grav­el – the ulti­mate grav­eltour 8 days to dis­cov­er heav­en on earth, how do youpas While our sched­uled book­ings are front and center, The Sacred Val­ley of Peru — it’s where our brandw It’s Friyay!!! Where do you plan to ride thiswe Morn­ing cof­fee with views of the Pyre­nees mountain We’re com­ing to you live from @snowshoemtn fort How do you pre­pare for your every­day moun­tainbike Ready to check explor­ing Slove­nia and Croa­t­iaoff Have you heard about the moun­tain bik­ing mec­caon Did you know we offer cus­tom and pri­vatetours? Today we are kick­ing off the start of our GreatQu The moun­tains of British Colum­bia are one of ourf With over 400 miles of trails that are surrounded Inca Trail Bring-Your-Part­ner guests are allsmile 8‑days of rid­ing the mag­nif­i­cent Koote­nays ofBrit There is still time to book your trip to ridewith Cof­fee, relax­ation, and beau­ti­ful views of theCan Load More Fol­low on Instagram