"Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway" Blog - Saint Therese of Lisieux

Web Name: "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway" Blog - Saint Therese of Lisieux

WebSite: http://www.thereseoflisieux.org





Guillem Ramos-Poqu , St. Th r se of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face , 2009. Photo Credit: Sophia DeboickOn the vigil of the feast of St. Therese, I am delighted to promote for the first time a groundbreaking doctoral thesis that delves deeply into how she was made known to the world: "Image, Authenticity, and the Cult of Saint Therese of Lisieux, 1897-1959" by Sophia Deboick. I can't contain my inexhaustible enthusiasm for this work, so I invite you to look at it for yourself by clicking on the title above. No matter how much you know about St. Therese, you'll know her better after reading this. Plan to do so in chapters! For the feast, I try in particular to promote only the best, so that I'm publicizing this thesis on September 30 will tell you how highly I think of it. The Carmelite Institute of North America invites you to participate in a novena led by Fr. Christopher LaRocca, O.C.D., "a pilgrimage along the 'Little Way' that leads to heaven." To hear this audio novena, click the image below.Please visit the Web site of the Carmelite Institute of North America. The Carmelite Institute of North America invites you to participate in a novena led by Fr. Christopher LaRocca, O.C.D., "a pilgrimage along the 'Little Way' that leads to heaven." To hear this audio novena, click the image below.Please visit the Web site of the Carmelite Institute of North America. The Carmelite Institute of North America invites you to participate in a novena led by Fr. Christopher LaRocca, O.C.D., "a pilgrimage along the 'Little Way' that leads to heaven." To hear this audio novena, click the image below.Please visit the Web site of the Carmelite Institute of North America.

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