Reducing the Diseases of Human Aging with GHK-Cu: Why Copper Peptides Are Vital for Health | Home Pa

Web Name: Reducing the Diseases of Human Aging with GHK-Cu: Why Copper Peptides Are Vital for Health | Home Pa






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description:Scientifically proven copper peptides developed by biochemist Dr. Loren Pickart are essential to tightening loose and sagging skin, reversing the effects of aging, and repairing nail damage | Discover the science behind copper peptides - Call 1-800-405-1912.
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Search Skin Biology
Hydrogels for Osteochondral
Tissue Engineering
Journal of Biomedical

(March 2020) NEW RELEASE:
Anti-Wrinkle Activity
Transdermal Delivery
of GHK Peptide
Journal of Peptide Science
(March 2020) Pulsed Glow Discharge
to GHK-Cu Determination
International Journal
of Mass Spectrometry

(March 2020) Protective Effects of GHK-Cu
in Pulmonary Fibrosis
Life Sciences
(January 2020) Anti-Wrinkle Benefits
of GHK-Cu Stimulating
Skin Basement Membrane
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
(January 2020) Structural Analysis
Molecular Dynamics of
Skin Protective
TriPeptide GHK
Journal of Molecular Structure
(January 2020) In Vitro / In Vivo Studies
pH-sensitive GHK-Cu in
Superabsorbent Polymer
(2019) GHK Enhances
Stem Cells Osteogenesis
Acta Biomaterialia
(2019) Self-Assembled
Antibacterial GHK-Cu
Nanoparticles for
Wound Healing
Particle Particle (2019) Effect of GHK-Cu
on Stem Cells and
Relevant Genes
OBM Geriatrics
(2018) GHK Alleviates
Neuronal Apoptosis Due
to Brain Hemorrhage
Frontiers in Neuroscience
(2018) GHK-Cu:
Endogenous Antioxidant
International Journal of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (2018) Regenerative and
Protective Actions of
GHK-Cu Peptide
International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
(2018) Skin Regenerative and
Anti-Cancer Actions
of Copper Peptides
(2018) GHK-Cu Accelerates
Scald Wound Healing
Promoting Angiogenesis
Wound Repair and
GHK Peptide Inhibits
Pulmonary Fibrosis
by Suppressing TGF-β1
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Skin Cancer Therapy
with Copper Peptides
(2017) The Effect of Human
Peptide GHK Relevant to
Nervous System Function
and Cognitive Decline
Brain Sciences (2017) Effects of Tripeptide
GHK in Pain-Induced
Aggressive Behavior
Bulletin of Experimental
Biology Medicine
(2017) GHK-Cu Elicits
In Vitro Alterations
in Extracellular Matrix
Am Journal of Respiratory
and Critical Care Medicine

(2017) Selected Biomarkers
Copper Compounds
Scientific Reports

(2016) GHK-Cu on Collagen,
Elastin, and Facial Wrinkles
Journal of Aging Science
(2016) Tri-Peptide GHK-Cu
and Acute Lung Injury
Effect of GHK Peptide
on Pain Sensitivity
Experimental Pharmacology
New Data of the
Cosmeceutical and
TriPeptide GHK
SOFW Journal
(2015) GHK Peptide as a
Natural Modulator of
Multiple Cellular Pathways
in Skin Regeneration
BioMed Research (2015) Resetting Skin Genome
Back to Health
Naturally with GHK
Textbook of Aging Skin
(2015) GHK-Cu May Prevent
Oxidative Stress in Skin
by Regulating Copper and
Modifying Expression of
Numerous Antioxidant Genes Cosmetics (2015) GHK Increases
TGF-β1 in
Human Fibroblasts
Acta Poloniae

(2014) GHK:
The Human Skin Remodeling Peptide Induces Anti-Cancer
Expression and DNA Repair Analytical Oncology
(2014) GHK DNA:
Resetting the
Human Genome to Health
BioMed Research
(2014) Enhanced Tropic Factor Secretion of Mesenchymal
Stem Cells with GHK
Acta Biomater
(2014) Anxiolytic (Anti-Anxiety)
Effects of GHK Peptide
Bulletin of Experimental
Biology Medicine
(2014) Emphysema-Related
Lung Destruction and
its Reversal by GHK
Genome Medicine
(2012) TriPeptide GHK Induces
Programmed Cell Death
of Neuroblastoma
Journal of Biotechnology
(2012) Stem Cell
Recovering Effect
of GHK in Skin
Peptide Science
(2012) Skin Penetration of
Copper Tripeptide in Vitro
Journal of International
Inflammation Research
(2010) Possible Therapeutics
for Colorectal Cancer
Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Metastasis
Methods of Controlling
Differentiation and
Proliferation of Stem Cells
(2005) Effects of
Copper Tripeptide
on Irradiated Fibroblasts
American Medical Association
(2005) --- CLICK TO VIEW ALL --- --- CLICK TO VIEW ALL --- The Skin Care Solution That Works

Do you feel tired? Frustrated? Desperate?

Do you keep spending money on skin care solutions that do not work? Indeed, with so many cosmetic products promising to ban wrinkles, lines and creases, eradicate cellulite and eliminate acne, why do we still have all those skin problems?

Why is it that everywhere we look, we still see wrinkles and lines and sagging skin? Well, maybe with the exception of glamorous beauties of Hollywood, but who knows how many surgeries it took to achieve that look. Why is it that after applying a skin care product you may notice your wrinkles instantly disappearing just to see them pop up again the next morning? In fact, an even better question may be: Why is it that some creams seem to make your skin appear even worse?

So if you are wondering if it is even possible to repair wrinkles and to restore the skin's youthful glow, the short answer is “Yes”. However, the quest for younger skin is often a perilous journey. Too many so called anti-wrinkle treatments or quick-fixes can damage your skin and greatly accelerate its aging.

Say “Yes” to Younger Skin

Starting on a path leading to younger and healthier skin is easier than you may think. All you need is:

1. Say “no” to products and treatments that are alien to your skin and that can damage it 2. Know your skin and its unique needs. 3. Say “yes” to Mother Nature that has its own unique means to repair and restore your skin.

This last point may seem a bit confusing. Isn’t it Mother Nature that causes us to age? Yes and no. In reality, our skin is equipped with unique self-repair and self-renewal mechanisms that can be activated at any age. Skin aging research by noted biochemist Dr. Loren Pickart has led to the best skincare for harnessing your skin's natural power: copper peptides. Copper peptides are tiny biochemical gems that are proven to be the best answer to a majority of skin care problems from acne and scars to wrinkles and age spots.

As you explore this website, you will learn how these molecules work and how they can be used to achieve a wrinkle-free, smooth and youthful look.


• What Are Copper Peptides?
• The Real Science of Younger Skin
• Renew Skin with Copper Peptides
• How to Rejuvenate Your Skin
• Skin Research and Technology
• Anti-Aging Facial Skin Care
• Best Products to Get the Skin of a Babe
• Beyond Retinoic Acid
• Skin Remodeling: What to Expect
• Not All Copper Peptides Remodel Skin
• Aminopeptides and Pentapeptides
• The Skin Renewal Cycle
• Questions or Advice

What Are Copper Peptides?

Copper peptides are small protein fragments that have a high affinity (liking) for copper ions. The best known copper-peptide is GHK-Cu – the first copper-peptide discovered by Dr. Pickart.

According to studies this small molecule can rebuild the skin, repair wrinkles, restore your skin’s youthful glow, reduce skin’s laxity, mottled pigmentation, fade appearance of scars when used with exfoliating acids and even reset your skin’s DNA to its youthful state.

Explore our extensive collection of articles explaining how you can benefit from these scientific discoveries.


The Biology of Our Skin
Skin Firmness and How to Maintain It
Your Skin's pH and Acid Mantle
The Effects of Aging on Our Skin
The Secrets of Youthful Skin
How to Care for Your Skin: Best Skincare Tips
How to Moisturize Dry, Aging Skin
How to Control Oily Skin, Blackheads and Acne
Coping with Skin Conditions: When Your Skin Rebels
What Is Buried Skin Damage?
Changes in Skin and Hair During Menopause
Male Skin Aging and Hormonal Shifts
Nail Growth: Restore Health for Strong Nails

Topical products designed by Dr. Loren Pickart (the discoverer of Skin Rejuvenating Copper Peptides) have been found in published studies to produce the following effects:

Tighten and thicken loose, older skin
Repair skin barrier proteins
Improve skin firmness
Reduce fine lines depth of wrinkles
Smooth rough skin
Increase hair growth hair size
Reduce sun spots hyperpigmentation
Improve overall appearance
Act as anti-inflammatories
Block UV damage to skin cells
Repair damaged DNA at cellular level
Cause differentiation of stem cells
Stem cells make more growth factors
Affect about 32% of human genes
Suppress cancer metastasis genes
Restore COPD cells to health
Heal many organs Tissues

The Real Science of Younger Skin - Copper Peptides

Quick, short advice based on many scientific studies...

These are general starting instructions for rebuilding skin. But everyone's skin is different, so it may take some experimenting to find what works best for yourself. Also, start copper peptide products lightly. The biggest mistake is overusing products when starting. The process of rebuilding skin with is slow, but not irritating. Reducing the appearance of wrinkles and skin lesions is much slower. But even very strong Retin-A takes about 2 years to reduce major wrinkles at the price of chronic redness and irritation. Also, most people have buried skin damage under relatively good-looking skin. This will slowly emerge and your skin many look worse for a time. Usually other blemishes such as moles, skin tags, sun damage spots, etc become less visible with time.

For your face..... Copper Peptides supply nutritional copper to the skin. Without adequate copper, the skin cannot repair skin damage. Numerous studies from the USDA Nutrition Laboratories indicate that most of the persons ingest too little copper.

Copper Peptide serums work best on oily skin areas like the T-Zone and the Copper Peptide creams are best for drier skin areas. The fastest actions are on general skin tone and glow. The best results to improve the appearance of wrinkles, pores, and loose skin are:

1. Use a very mild cleanser. Do not over cleanse your skin. Use biological oils such as squalane or emu oil (very similar to human skin oil) to remove make up.

2. Copper Peptide Serums are best on sensitive skin or oily outbreak-prone skin. Copper Peptide creams work best of dryer skin areas.

3. If using Copper Peptide Serum follow it by applying a very light amount of Emu Oil. Start with 2 drops of each daily for your face and increase the amount slowly. If your skin feels oily, blot off the excess oil with a tissue. Later you might change to a higher amount of the copper peptide serum.

4. For your eyes, use very mild Copper Peptide Creams. This is a difficult area but it can be greatly improved.

5. At night, you might alternate a mild Hydroxy Acid and a Copper Peptide Cream. If you have problems with acne, then use Retinol-free creams.

6. Many people move to stronger Copper Peptide products after making gradual transitions from products containing less copper peptides.

7. Copper peptides and retinoic acid applied together often work very well.

8. Daily supplements of 1 gram Vitamin C, 1 gram MSM and 5 grams of Flaxseed Oil, which contains high levels of gamma linolenic acid, also help.

9. Stress inhibits skin renewal and skin repair by increasing blood cortisol. Stress shortens your life. Taking 15 mgs daily of DHEA for a few months may help block the cortisol effect and stimulate skin repair.

10. Regular aerobic exercise floods more blood into the skin and speeds skin repair and scar reduction. Vigorous exercise improves the quality of proteins produced by your genes which in turn helps your skin health.

11. Microdermabrasion cloths (cost about $10) often help remove older skin.

12. Skin needle rollers also can help skin remodeling. But do not use them more than every 1 or 2 weeks. Be certain to effectively wash the rollers after use and sterilize it before further use.

13. For very resistant skin areas, an esthetician can use deep peels with strong acids and/or needling to break up hard skin tissue and scar tissue. This can get thing going in the right direction.

Copper Peptides are designed as the perfect skin renewal booster by using the skin's natural molecules and actions to bring skin to a biologically younger condition and decade of aging.

In children, complex systems to renew skin synergize to keep skin beautiful. But as we age, our building blocks remain but are rarely activated.

Wrinkles and skin damage accumulate because of a lack of adequate skin remodeling and regeneration as we age, not because of cell and DNA damage due to free radicals and sun exposure. (Scientific American, Oct. 2008, pages 30-33).

Copper Peptides products for anti aging facial skin care work well on mature skin to improve the skin's appearance, glow, texture and complexion while working to renew skin.

They help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines while tightening and thickening skin by increasing collagen and elastin. They also increase natural skin moisturization by tightening the skin barrier and increasing the skin's water holding proteins and sugars.

On damaged skin, the products help remove scars, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, skin tags, stretch marks, skin bumps, moles, and skin lesions.

Various products are formulated for all skin regions such as the oily T-Zone and dryer outer facial skin, tender breast skin, and foot care making these patented copper-peptides not only the best face products, but the best body products.

Healthy Beauty: Renew Skin with Copper Peptides

Copper peptide products are based on hard science on skin renewal that is published in scientific journals. Our goal is Healthy Beauty.

Virtually all other skin products are based quick fix methods, the gimmick of the year, and very dubious science. Most damage skin in the long term. In reality, the skin products industry consists of advertising agencies that sell skin products.

Questions or Advice?

Email Dr. Loren Pickart at

Call us at 1-800-405-1912 Monday Through Friday(8 am to 6 pm) PST

How to Rejuvenate Your Skin: Copper Peptides

We would recommend Copper Peptides (CPs) to rejuvenate the skin, which seems to be gentle, safe, and based upon the skin's systems for renewal.

Copper Peptides help your body to remove the effects of time and skin damage.

Your skin is a powerhouse of building blocks that remodel and beautify your complexion. It is a complex system (imagine delicately carved bricks and mortar) that works to chisel away damage, elasticize skin, diminish wrinkles producing a smoother, soft and more vibrant tone... much the same as building a majestic sculpture.

Skin aging research by noted biochemist Dr. Loren Pickart has led to the best skincare ideas for harnessing your skin's natural power: Copper Peptides (CPs).

Skin Research Technology

Dr. Pickart's discoveries on CPs have been verified by published articles at over 50 laboratories in leading universities and research institutes.

Anti Aging Facial Skin Care: Gentle, Mild and Safe

Copper peptides have been proven gentle, safe and effective in numerous clinical studies published in international dermatology journals.

There is no other cosmetic skin renewal product that can demonstrate this level of independent published evidence to prove its effectiveness. For those concerned about copper absorption, very little copper from cosmetic products containing copper peptides penetrate the skin.

However, tissue copper is not harmful. In fact, numerous studies are finding that higher tissue copper protects against many diseases of aging.

Doctor Loren Pickart discovered Copper Peptides.

How Copper Peptides Improve Reverse Skin Aging: Healthful Actions acts by: Effect on Skin:

Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant Boosts the skin's anti-oxidant defenses by increasing copper into superoxide dismutase Decreases production of TGF-beta, the scar forming protein Blocks dermal damage by interleukin-1 and TNF-alpha

Calmer skin Less irritation Reduced scarring

Removes damaged skin and proteins Activate metalloproteinases

Clear radiant complexion free of blemishes and bumps

Rebuilds skin Supports the synthesis of new collagen and elastin Helps fibroblasts contract collagen strands for a tighter epidermis Increases keratinocyte production Helps increase water-holding proteoglycans

Firmer skin with increased elasticity Reduced wrinkles Smoother complexion Enhanced moisturization

Revs up the blood's microcirculation

Vital nutrients provide a youthful glow

Repairs, thickens, and tightens skin barrier

Less skin evaporation keeps skin dewy and moist Healthy barrier that resists viruses and bacteria

Enlarges size of small (nearly invisible) vellus hair follicles that produce stem cells for skin

Increased stem cells nourish the skin

Effect of Higher Tissue Copper Levels Higher Tissue Copper Levels 1. Reduce oxidative damage in tissues 2. Diminish protein crosslinking and glycation 3. Raise pain reducing enkephalins or "happiness hormones" 4. Improve immune system function 5. Raise DHEA levels, metabolism, and sex hormones 6. Increase neurohormones that raise mental alertness 6. Increase neurohormones that raise mental alertness Best Face Products to Get the Skin of a Babe

Have you ever wondered why babies have such beautiful skin? When we are children, our skin naturally remodels and renews itself unveiling a youthful glow.

Remodeling plays the most crucial role of skincare, the Sine Non Qua (that which cannot be done without). Remodeling is the cycle of renewal that removes older skin, scars, blemishes, and damaged proteins while replacing them with a new, younger complexion.

However, as we age, this process slows down and produces a dry, wrinkled, inelastic skin populated by unsightly lesions.

Remodeling offers a mechanism of repair that removes damaged materials from the skin and creates new, tight, blemish-free skin.

Beyond Retinoic Acid

Retinoic acid (retin-A), the first widely used product to remodel skin, reduces fine lines – but at a price. This highly acidic product unleashes some unpleasant side effects such as chronic irritation and redness.

When Dr. Loren Pickart discovered Copper Peptides (CPs), he found that these natural molecules signal the skin to reduce wrinkles without irritation. They increase the skin's internal water-holding proteins which moisturize skin.

Clinical studies have found CPs more effective in restoring the skin's collagen than Vitamin C or retin-A. Collagen and elastin are rebuilt, giving you a firmer, more elastic skin. The advantage of these peptides over retin-A is that they are non-irritating and possess strong anti-inflammatory properties.

In every comparative clinical study, skin remodeling copper peptides have proved superior to Retin-A(R), Vitamin C creams, and Kinerase(R) in terms of reducing wrinkles, blotchiness and improving firmness.

CPs also help activate your skin's system to remove damaged collagen, elastin and reduce the skin's production of the scar-producing factor, TGF-beta.

What To Expect

Watch copper peptides turn back the clock on skin aging!

In a week – Skin color and "glow" improves as the blood capillary network is rebuilt. Lifeless and graying skin regains the rosy glow of youth.

In a month – Skin becomes better moisturized as the skin barrier tightens and the water-holding proteins (proteoglycans) increase. Many individuals have reported that when using copper peptides consistently they no longer need moisturizers. Skin firms and tightens as new collagen and elastin replaces old damaged proteins. The skin slowly thickens and appears much younger and more resilient.

Over several months – Skin lesions and scars slowly vanish while wrinkles are reduced. The result is a younger-looking, smoother, blemish-free skin. This process can be hastened by applying hydroxy acids to speed exfoliation. Clear, blemish-free skin is the number one factor in interpersonal attraction based on psychological studies of 170 human cultures.

Caution - Not All Copper-Peptides Remodel Skin

Although you may find other companies selling Copper-Peptide products, our tests reveal they provide little or at best marginal activity.

In fact, there are peptide cosmetics that actually inhibit skin repair. Some contain peptides derived from yeast or bacteria that can cause skin allergies and asthma.

Many companies marketing harmful forms of copper peptides have been fined repeatedly by the US Federal Trade Commission for false advertising.

"Clinically proven" is a meaningless advertising slogan that can imply virtually anything.

Distinguishing Between Copper-Peptides, Aminopeptides, Pentapeptides

Many peptide products claim to improve skin by increasing the production of collagen, elastin, and proteoglycans.

Manufacturers state these peptides act much like Transforming Factor Beta-1 (TGF-beta 1). TGF-beta 1 and peptides with similar actions were intensively tested in wound healing studies about ten years ago.

Such peptides failed because, while they rapidly healed wounds, they also produced heavy and unacceptable scarring. If you use these new peptides, be cautious. We have received several reports indicating hard spots on the skin or lumps under the skin after a month of using these products.

With TGF beta, there were further concerns over potential side effects. TGF-beta-1 can make normal cells grow like cancer cells and may speed the growth of breast cancer. It also may play a role in the development of kidney failure.

Remodeling Copper Peptides vs Aminopeptides and Pentapeptides Skin Remodeling Copper Peptides Aminopeptides and Pentapeptides Increase collagen, elastin, proteoglycans - Yes Yes Effect on TGF-beta (scar forming and skin hardening hormone): Suppresses formation of TGF beta Said to similar in action to TGF beta Effect on Interleukin-1 (skin damaging cytokine): Blocks Interleukin-1 damage on cells No effect Powerful antioxidant actions against oxygen radicals No antioxidant actions Naturally present in the human body - Yes; present in human blood at 200 micrograms per liter No, not normally present Cell Protectant: Aids the growth and survival of many types of mammalian cells in culture No Activate removal of damaged proteins and older skin - Yes No Proposed Biochemical Mechanism of Skin Remodeling, Scar Reduction, and Hair Follicle Enlargement

The following diagram is based on GHK-copper(II) actions. Newer copper peptides act similarly but are composed of less fragile peptides that also have a better adherence to the skin.


1994 - 2021

No Reproduction Without Explicit Permission By Loren Pickart, PhD


TAGS:with Aging Cu GHK Human the Reducing of soapdamageskin whatisskinpH acidmantlesk

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Scientifically proven copper peptides developed by biochemist Dr. Loren Pickart are essential to tightening loose and sagging skin, reversing the effects of aging, and repairing nail damage | Discover the science behind copper peptides - Call 1-800-405-1912.

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