The International Jugger Blog

Web Name: The International Jugger Blog






The history of the sports of Jugger is quite interesting. It started in two areas of Germanyindependently around 1993, as far as we know. The two branches had their differences, which then fruitedthe first communal rulebook in 2007. Arund 1992, there has been an US LARP version, but that didn't seem to take hold.Lester, the founder of the Berlin branch,has done a nice poster about the Jugger timeline (see this IJB article). Uhu published interviews with "first Juggers" in his second Jugger book, albeit in German. Uhu also discusses the history of Jugger in this Uhus Jugger Tutorials(at 14:06).The Jugger Rulebooks Archive also sheds some light on the development of this sports. Maximilian did a nice timeline of Jugger books illustration there: A call to all Master Chain players in Jugger: Uhu is currently collecting takes of the best chain player moves, to assemble them in a chain masterclass video. Read the twitter post.We already have received a number of excellent clips, but it is still time for more—so if you are a master chain, grab your spar and send your favourite special moves! See Uhus Learn the Chain 101 Class for Beginners as an examplebelow (though the techniques there are repeated for training purposes).Anti-Chain techniques will also follow ... later!Tech details: 720p landscape, zoom in on player, each technique front and one side, around 10 seconds per take; mp4 link via Mediafire, Google Drive etc. is fine. The Uhu is inviting the Juggers for a Boot Camp in the Fränkische Schweiz this Autumn.Der Uhu lädt zum Traininglager UTL 2020 in der Fränkischen Schweiz ein.[Infos und Link zur Forendiskussion hier]Konkretes Interesse haben bereits bekundet:Rigor Mortis, Falco jugger (Berlin); NLG (Lauffen a. N.); Grimm Raccoons (Kassel); Lokomotive Black Ninja (Göttingen); Jugger Deggendorf Lester, founder of the Berlin Jugger branch, has assembled a fantastic, huge, colourful poster about the development of Jugger since it's beginnings. It is done from a German perspective but incorporates the international development as well.Read more about it at his "Jugger-News" blog post, including a link to the hi-res picture file (a whopping 22.8 MB) and enjoy! For those who seek inspiration and advice for their Jugger trainings, there are some new videos out on YouTube.What is Jugger [ver 1.0]After 12 years, and 30 years after the release of the movie "Blood of Heroes", the original What is Jugger introduction video (ver. 0.85a) has been completely redone and now went live as What is Jugger 1.0, on YouTube.A Complete TrainingIn Jugger Coach: Uhus Jugger Tutorials XI, a complete training session is presented as a quick walkthrough, featuring techniques from warm-up, individual skill training up to team training and team building.A Comprehensive Guide to the BasicsAlso, a new tutorial series has surfaced recently: "Der Königsweg" by Peter's Pawns features comprehensive and pointed, well-made focus tutorials on certain aspects, starting with the base stance for differnt spars types. Language is German, but it's absolutely worth to check it out!Addendum: Commented Finals at Deutsche Meisterschaft 2019 by Jugger MasterclassOkay, this is not a training tutorial by itself, but it is brilliantly done: A professional sports channel-looking recording, including SloMos and live comments, of the DM 2019 Finalsin Berlin. Ansolutely worth watching and a good way to learn by the techniques of these two top-level Jugger teams!Embedded videos in the Extended Entry view ... 继续阅读 "Some New Jugger Training Tutorials"大家好,我叫谭泉,生活在中国北方的一个城市,天津。2016年接触到扎格,点燃了我的英雄梦。我开始查询资料,制作武器,组织玩家,最终体验到了扎格的乐趣。与游戏不同,在游戏中屠龙打怪兽已经习以为常,然而第一次拿着武器站在一个只比你高半头的人面前,那种临场感不由得让人肾上腺素飙升,只能听见自己的心跳声。随着作战经验的增长,从一个新兵向老兵的转变,不再畏惧对手,更多的注意力转移到如何配合队友完成任务。无论是一次合作击杀还是保护球手上垒得分,都值得一个GIVE ME FIVE。(Note /Uhu: One of our players pointed out that the chinese term for Jugger is "扎格", which is pronounced quite similarly to the English term.)Read more, as well as the English translation, in the detailed article view. 继续阅读 "Jugger has surfaced in China" At the World Club Championships, now with 114 registered teams, the Uhu, together with the Jugger e. V.,wants to call representatives of all participating teams to a Jugger assembly -- the "World Jugger Confabulatio", so to speak.This offers be a unique chance to all of us to discuss topics with other teams all over the world, in the flesh.[Detailed information about the meeting]Call for papersFor this event, we would like to learn about the topics you want to discuss. If there are more topics than time (we calculate a total of 3 hours, with a tight moderation and time limit on each topic), we will do a quick ballot on which shouldbe discussed.Please submit: A very briefsummary of your topic, 1-2 sentences A link to the paper with any details about that topic (optinal, file type: PDF).Submission may either be done through a Comment at the Facebook event page, or by sending it through Uhu's contact form, or through e-mail to him directly.+++ Due to the Corona crisis, the WCC has been postponed and should happen next year. +++ We will post a message when details are known. +++Just a quick note here:In 2020, August 7-9, over 100 Jugger teams will join and compete,organized by Jugger e. V. in Berlin. Inside a day, teams from these nations have already registered: France, Ireland, Spain, USA, Australia, Lithuania, Sweden, Latvia, Colombia, Austria.There are 128 slots total and many slots reserved for international teams, plus even guaranteed participation for intercontinentals. Just keep in mind to meet the fee payment deadline to make your registration valid.We are planning a meeting of representatives of each team and nation present, to discuss Jugger "globally" at an evening after the matches. Read more about the World Jugger Confabulatio.[ Link to the WCC 2020 Team Registration site ] Did you know, that ... Spain started after 2005 with Jugger, but managed to shape over 100 teams in only some years? ... there is a tournament registration system which you can use to administer your tournaments? JTR Impressum Headerphotos:Uhu. Administration/V.i.S.d.P.*: Ein Uhu / Ruben Wickenhäuser-imprint//Impressum (via main domain is the first Weblog co-operation of international Juggers. The author of an entry is responsible for its content and for keeping an eye on the comments, removing inappropriate ones and contacting the moderators, if necessary. All work on this blog is done without payment. This is not a professional journalistic platform. Beiträge in diesem ersten Jugger-Weblog nach und von uhusnest geben nur die Meinung des jeweiligen Autors/der jeweiligen Autorin wieder. Ihre Inhalte macht sich das Blog-Team nicht zwingendermaßen zu Eigen. Gleiches gilt für Links. Die Rechte an Beiträgen und Bildern liegen bei deren Schöpfern. Die Verantwortung für die Moderation der Kommentare liegt bei dem Verfasser/der Verfasserin des jeweiligen Eintrags. Sie sind standardmäßig desaktiviert. Mit der Aktivierung übernehmen die verfasser/ Verfasserinnen/Verfassersternchen/Verfassenden die Verantwortung für die Verwaltung der Kommentare.Dieses Weblog ist eine nichtkommerzielle Präsenz, die von den Autoren/Administratoren in ihrer Freizeit unentgeldlich betrieben wird. Alle Beiträge geben die Meinung der jeweiligen Verfasser, nicht zwingend die der Weblogbetreiber wieder. Wir setzen Links nach bestem Wissen, können diese aber nicht regelmäßig prüfen und haften daher nicht für verlinkte Inhalte. *) Trotz V. i. S. d. P. stellt das Weblog keine journalistischen Ansprüche.Serendipity PHP Weblog

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The International Jugger Blog: International news, team presentations, rules and archives of the sport.

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