Latest news Today 18 November, #LGBTSTEMDay/#LGBTQSTEMday, we join our friends and colleagues around the world to celebrate the presence and important contributions of LGBTQ+ people across all STEM disciplines! 

Find out more about  #LGBTQinSTEM on this link.

Introducing 25 by '25

We are proud to announce the Enlarged Directorate’s strong endorsement of CERN’s first ever targets-based strategy to boost the nationality and gender diversity within the Staff and Fellows population over the next five years!

The overall gender distribution across the Staff and Fellows population has hovered around 20% women for the past decade. A targets-based, leadership-led strategy, will accelerate the process of increasing the proportion of women from 21.4 % (as of 31 December 2020) to 25% by the end of 2025, with a particular focus on STEM.

For nationality, the overall aim is to improve the ratio of Member States’ budget contribution to hiring rate. In this context, 25% serves as an indicator. Where the concentration of one (or more) nationalities exceeds 25% in any Department or Group, measures will be put into place to turn the trend around going forward.

25 by ’25 is a CERN-wide endeavour. The commitment and efforts of each Department, in close collaboration with the DI Programme will contribute to the overall progress. Just as collaboration is key to CERN’s scientific success, so it will be in this domain as well.

Read more about the 25 by '25 journey on our dedicated page.


CERN participates in GENERA, the Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area. 
Find out more about the Horizon2020 funded project, here.

CERN and the International Gender Champion

CERN Director-General Fabiola Gianotti signed a pledge to be a Gender Champion, committing to promote gender equality. Find out what that means here.