Solo Build It! (SBI!): Solopreneurs Build A Profitable Online Business

Web Name: Solo Build It! (SBI!): Solopreneurs Build A Profitable Online Business






Solo Build It! (SBI!) has been championing the benefits of working from home, and enjoying what you do, for decades.Now, for the first time in our history, we're offering SBI! at a heavily discounted price during these difficult times. We have slashed both the annual and monthly plans to help you get going.We’ve helped our community — people from around the world — take back control of their future. We can do the same for you.Click Here To Order and Start Today, Risk-FreeSolo Build It! was created for first-time web business builders who have a need or desire to create a profitable business of their own.Using a unique system of step-by-step process, software, guidance and support, tens of thousands of SBI! members understand the difference between putting up a website or blog and creating a solid long-term, income-generating business.We condense the overwhelming and ever-changing complexity into one all-you'll-ever-need, online business-building approach. The result is SBI!'s proven, unmatched, record of success.Build Your BusinessToday, anyone can put up a professional-looking website or blog. It's a commodity. You choose a design and click.Big companies like Wix spend tons on advertising to make you believe that there's something special about their templates, or their sitebuilder. The result?Most people make the mistake of believing that the site or blog is the business. It's not. Building a site or blog is the easy part.The harder, more important parts are... the research and planning stage the creation of high-value content for your site (and social media) connecting with your audience traffic-building, and monetization (converting visitors into income).SBI! enables you to excel at those. No "sitebuilder" does the hard parts. You do! No other product combines process, tools and guidance to deliver proven results.The unfortunate reality is that 99% of solopreneur-built businesses don't make it due to those critical "hard parts" being ignored. If you execute them well, your online business thrives and that is exactly what SBI! helps you to do.SBI! makes sure you get the basics right. You do things in the right order. You stay on track. You aren't misled by questionable advice from "experts."SBI! condenses overwhelming complexity into a system that works. It auto-updates, so you can focus on building your business instead of wasting your time "keeping up."It eliminates why most solopreneurs fail, enabling them to focus on the joy of business success...The human element of SBI! makes it a joy, both for us who work on developing SBI! every day, and for everyday people who use it to reach life-changing goals.Read about SBIers stories, told in their own words, on their own sites.See the human side of online business success.Exclusive modules, secure hosting, domain name, email, autoresponders, forms, on and on and on. All included...Step-by-step video, written and mobile versions of the Action Guide help you every step of the way, leading you through the most effective online business-building process available anywhere.All the tools you need to grow your increasingly profitable online business. From niche research to sitebuilding to monetization planning, SBI! has you covered.SBI! keeps you up-to-date (so you don't have to waste low-yield time doing it). Whether it's major new developments or the rare golden nugget from hundreds of e-business sources that we track, we have your back. Software updates and additions are free and automatic, too!24x7 Support is always at your fingertips.And get business-building assistance at the "help and be helped" SBI! Forums, an exclusive, private community of like-minded solopreneurs who care. A nice forum bonus no affiliate tries to sell you anything!No need for a designer. SBI! includes free templates to make your business beautiful. All site designs (and all items within them) can be customized easily using simple, familiar tools.from the beginning (evaluating, picking and refining your business concept) to the "end" (growing the largest and most stable income possible)and every single step in between.Solo Build It!'s Action Guide (AG) does that. The combination of core information and simple instructions empowers individuals (from novice to sophisticated) to grow long-term online businesses at unparalleled rates and levels of profitability.SBI!'s AG breaks the complex project of business-building into 10 (metaphorical) "DAYs." Each DAY is one major advance in the process.Everything that you need to know and do is in the AG. It's also all that you need you won't waste time following useless info, or make mistakes due to bad info.This approach works SBI! has an unmatched proven track record.Much More Than a MethodWhile the Action Guide is the core, there's much more to SBI!. You also require the right tools to optimally execute many of the non-sitebuilding steps (e.g., refining niche selection or maximizing passive social signals). With SBI!, there's no need to search for plugins or addons — they're built-in and ready to go.SBI! didn't start this way. SBIers taught us what they needed. For example, the firehose of articles related to SEO, AdSense, GDPR, etc. was unmanageable 10 years ago. Imagine keeping up with it all today. We do that for you! Also...Help and Advice When You Need ItMost people need a little help at some point. SBIers get as much as they want from a community that cares, in our private SBI! Forums. Everyone genuinely wants to help, and we all work off the same "playbook" (a big advantage). And oh yes... no one has a hidden agenda or tries to sell you a thing.It's all part of what make our guidance and community unmatched in the industry.The Most Popular Content Management System Meets the Unmatchable Business-Building SystemSolo Build It! is also available as a plugin for the WordPress platform. It includes the same business-building guidance, process and support, minus the hosting and sitebuilding modules.Learn more about Solo Build It! for WPEach SBI! member below has achieved life-changing goals. Click on anyone to understand how s/he did it, and how SBI! enables you to do the same, even if the idea of growing an online business is totally new to you.Gerhild's Story: A few years into her webmaster career, the SBI! lightbulb went off in her head. Once she switched her mindset from "building a website" to "building a business," profits started to soar.Read Gerhild's story.B's Story: "B" turned her "crazy idea" about a site covering the Australian Outback into an e-business that has allowed her to become happily self-employed.She writes about what she loves, and is free to roam the world with her laptop. In B's words..."Freedom is something that can't be paid for."Read B's story.Fiona's Story: How do two Scots, Fiona and Jim, end up in warm, sun-kissed Tuscany, hobnobbing with Hollywood producers and visiting Salvatore Ferragamo? SBI!. That's how. As this husband and wife team like to say..."Dreams do come true, if you dare them to. And if you work to turn them into reality."Read Fiona's and Jim's story.Crystal's Story: Crystal, a non-techie, turns her passion for cooking into a successful online business. It all started with some emails to friends about easy dinner ideas.Now this work-at-home mom with four teenage kids, all in sports, loves how she can work whenever and wherever she wants.Read Crystal's story.Richard's Story: An "offline entrepreneur," Richard is using his SBI! site to drive sales out of this world. Richard's product development went from the city dump in Ottawa, Canada to a licensing deal that will distribute his unique, patented fence post stabilizer for wooden decks in stores throughout the United States.His theme-based content site allowed him, as Richard says, to "seed the market, prove the concept and create incredible buzz among the public who now go into stores demanding the product."Read Richard's story.Ashley's Story: Ashley's passion for vintage comic books has made him the "superhero" for people trying to assess the value of their collection, or trying to sell it at a fair price.Only four years into his business, he turns over hundreds of thousands of dollars buying and reselling comic books, earns a sizable commission from eBay's partner network, and has just signed the contract for his first office space!Read Ashley's story.Patty's Story: Patty knew nothing about the online world except how to check emails and do Google searches when she started her website.Four years later, she had a growing coaching business and multiple secondary income streams, including her own e-books filled with various vegan cooking tips and techniques, and a weight-loss e-course.Two years further on, her husband Jeff joined her in running their service business, which is now their main source of income.The best part? It allows them to travel together while making money.Read Patty's story.Steve's Story: Steve and his friend had nothing to lose. They had both been laid off after the stock market crash. They had no capital, except their own time and sweat equity. So they rolled up their sleeves and started building their two SBI! businesses for cell tower landlords.In 2010 just two years later they were featured in the New York Times. A little later, as Steve puts it: "things just went gangbusters." Now they are on track to achieve their first 7-figure yearly income.Read Steve's story.What common thread connects these solopreneurs (aside from their success)? They came to SBI! with 3 simple qualities that we call "BAM!" ...Brain: knows a lot about a niche (no need to be "brainy")Attitude: is positive, optimistic, excitedMotivation: has a high level of determination.None expected it to be "easy"...The "It's Easy" MythWe've seen "quick and easy" techniques come and go. They always do go, to be replaced by new, false promises.Recently, campaigns by the largest hosting and sitebuilding companies are promoting how easy it is.Trust us when we say, "It's not easy." Like any other business, it takes work to achieve success.We can (and do) simplify it... yes.We make it doable... yes. How?We break it all down into best-practice, always up-to-date, optimally ordered steps. You follow those steps. It works.But can SBI! make business-building "easy?" No one can if it were easy, we'd all be rich. Offline, a place of business (e.g., an office, studio, store) is not "the business." Business only develops... if you have prepared well if you attract customers if you prove expertise and provide value (winning trust) if you establish relationships/likeability if you monetize effectively. We all know that's true for offline business. Even after 20 years, though, a funny thing happens "digitally"...Online, everyone seems to forget that a site or blog is not a business. It's just a site or blog, sitting there. Have you prepared well beforehand? Are you able to build traffic? Do you have a monetization plan?While SBI! does teach you the optimal structure for your site, the biggest reason for its unparalleled business success is way more than that...SBIers build businesses, not mere sites or blogs. There are hundreds of faster ways than SBI! to put up (yet another ineffective) site or blog. But there's no better way to build a winning e-business than SBI!.P.S. We talked earlier about an objective, scientific and verifiable study that proves how much more effective SBI! is than any other product. Here it is. No one has ever contested the results, which speaks for itself.We have cut the price of SBI! as much as possible. And you'll find a special bonus on the order page. The whole idea is to enable folks to regain control of their lives during these hard, stay-at-home times. This really works, but just in case... If SBI! is not for you, for any reason, you don't lose a thing.Just cancel and refund, no reason needed.Click Here to Order and Start Today, Risk-Free. Questions? Call us toll free 1-888-987-3669. Or click here to email.The statistics on solopreneur success are dismal. SBI! increases your chances of success by more than 100x!The biggest dilemma of the failing solopreneur is figuring out whether to give up or not. No one wants to quit too soon. And no one wants to spend good time after bad. It's a tough problem. Here is the perfect solution...Use SBI!. Start from the very beginning of the process. "Pretend" to start over. Follow our "Action Guide" and use the tools to the 5th of 10 steps. You will be sure of which road to take... 🚫 Flawless research with objective tools uncovers fundamental errors that are either not fixable, or not worth fixing. This is almost always due to inadequate upfront preparation and research. Start over, this time using SBI!. ✅ You find fixable problems with your online business. Work your way through the rest of the Action Guide, making changes as needed. Your fortunes will turn.Bottom Line: If your online business is failing, either close this window and keep reading about SBI!, or try SBI! now, risk-free (or, if you use WordPress, read more about SBI! for WP).The Internet changes fasssst. Most changes are not relevant to doing business online, but many bloggers are quick to comment and to recommend changes.The noise is intense and it can cost you a lot of misspent time, and not just by trying to read it all. You can lose a ton of time when you follow poor or premature recommendations (especially if they turn out to hurt your business).Major new developments? We are as proud of being followers (when watchful waiting is the wise course) as we are to be first-to-market when we are 100% sure that something new is both important and will "stick" (e.g., first to update our site-building software to automatically create sitemap files).We'll provide a few more examples when you close this message, but the bottom line is this...SBI!'s driving mission is to enable you to succeed. It starts with the perfect all-in-one process/tools/guidance/help business-building solution. Its effectiveness is multiplied by enabling you to focus 100% of your time on your business, period. In practical terms...Process: You don't have to read the ton of new information on search, social, mobile, etc. We do that. We incorporate both the big changes and the occasional golden nugget, when we know that it will "stick."For example, "Growth Hacking" is now integrated into the Action Guide. Use it to reduce risk when starting up and to accelerate your business growth.Tools: You never have to update a plugin. Software updates just "happen" and everything works. New tools are added, once again on an "as needed" basis, at no extra cost, nothing for you to do.Guidance: Forum answers are reviewed. Bad information is "red-inked" as being advice not to follow. We don't censor opinion, but we do let you know when we believe advice is counter-productive. We'll also provide the correct course of action if someone else does not.In short, auto-updating delivers 100% business-focused efficiency. SBI! saves you hundreds of hours per year, time that you put into your business!Doing it right and staying focused are why SBIers succeed way more often than other solopreneurs.The 90 Day "Confidence of Success" Guarantee:Try SBI! First, Make Your Final Decision LaterKen Evoy,CEO FounderSiteSell Inc.No product is perfect for everyone. I only want you to use SBI! if it's right for you. You likely feel the same.If you're like me, you tend to delay important decisions because you're not 100% sure. Have you noticed how you only truly become 100% sure after you purchase and use a product?At SiteSell, we not only recognize this, we encourage it! We want you to take full advantage of the 90 Day Guarantee!Use it as your free Confidence of Success trial. Purchase SBI! and make a final decision after putting it to the test... Try it. Simply follow the Video Action Guide. Pick the perfect niche and register your domain name. Build your business with the right process and tools. Enjoy the rewards... growing profits and equity. If you decide it's not for you, simply tell us.We Will Refund You Immediately! No strings. Better, actually...You can keep the domain name that you register at our expense. It's our thank you for permitting us to introduce SBI! to you. No time limits on the annual subscription!Ask for your money back anytime... SiteSell will refund you 100% within the first 90 days of purchase of your annual subscription, and on a pro-rata basis after that. What about the monthly subscription?Ask for your money back within the first 90 days of your initial monthly purchase... SiteSell will refund you 100% (up to 3 months!). No ifs, ands or buts. There is no "fine print." You can be 100% absolutely, positively sure that we will honor this guarantee.Since 1997, SiteSell has built a rock-solid reputation of honesty, quality and service. We work with individuals of all ages (over 30,000 customers!), institutes of higher learning, existing businesses of all sizes, and vendors who all know that we mean every word we say.This guarantee is no exception.If you ever feel that we haven't lived up to this promise and guarantee, report it to us on the Solo Build It! Facebook page in front of our hundreds of thousands of fans and happy customers.The Bottom Line?Try SBI! for 90 days. If it isn't right for you, let us know.We will immediately honor your refund request, no questions asked.A few years ago, we learned that the affiliates of a competing product were being paid for making sales by writing fake reviews of SBI!. They claimed that “Product X” was better.We doubted that, so we structured an objective study, comparing thousands of our sites vs thousands of theirs. The results surprised even us...SBI! members were 33 times more likely to achieve high levels of success!We found that so interesting that we repeated the study for other products...Wix – SBI! members were 133X more likely to succeed.Self-hosted WordPress – SBI! won again, 9X better.Go Daddy – SBI! outperformed by 10X.Squarespace – 32.5X!“Why should I believe that?” you’re asking. You can repeat the same studies, as we also published exactly how anyone could repeat those studies.If the above facts were not true, one of those companies would have been able to prove that and sue us, forcing us to take down those studies (and pay a substantial penalty!).No one ever has.We’ll link you to the study a bit later. Now, though, please close this window to continue reading how SBI! enables you to succeed, like no other product.


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Only Solo Build It! (SBI! and SBI! for WP) enable solopreneurs to build profitable online businesses, NOT just a site or blog.

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