LADPC - Dogs Magazine

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As any dog owner will tell you it would be much better if our furry family members could talk. Unfortunately, that is not possible, so we as their owner are expected to be able to figure out what is wrong with them. One of the most difficult things to deal with is temperature and that is due in large part because of dogs normal body temperature is between 101°F and 102.5°F.So, with a temperature that reaches 103°, F is it important that you get your dog to the vet so that they can determine the cause. Since a dog cannot tell you that they are not feeling well, you need to be able to look for the more obvious signs of fever in a dog. Be able to tell if your dog has a fever is not as simple as feeling his head to see if it is hot.At the same time, just because of your dogs head feels hot does not necessarily mean that they have a high temperature. Like in humans, you should be on the lookout for other actual symptoms of high fever in your dog.While there are a number of different causes of high fever in a dog, it is very important to be able to recognize the symptoms that often accompany high fever in dogs. Below is a list of the most common symptoms that are frequently associated with a high temperature in dogs.A warm and or dry noseCoughingLack of energy or lethargyLoss of or diminished appetiteRed, bloodshot eyesShivering and shakingVomitingWarm EarsThere are a number of reasons why your dogs head or other parts of their body may feel hot to the touch. Some of the causes are easier to determine than others and in some extreme cases, even your dog s vet may not be able to definitively determine the actual cause. However, there are many different reasons for an elevated temperature in a dog. Some of the major causes include; illness, diseases, and infections.Below is a list of the most common causes for your dog head may feel hot to the touch:InfectionExposure to a toxinRecent vaccinationsUnknown originCommon causes of high temperature (explained)Infection An infection is the most common cause of high temperature in dogs. Infections can be caused by a number of different illnesses including bacterial, fungus and viral. A dog can get an infection in any part of their body and sometimes infections can affect multiple locations. Depending on where and how the area became infected will often determine how the vet treats your dog. Any suspected infection should be treated as a reason to take your dog to the vet, any infection left untreated can lead to much more serious problems.Exposure to a toxin Exposure to toxins can come in a number of different ways including chemicals used in traps and baits for insects and rodents. These types of toxins care severely raise your dog s temperature. Your dog can also be exposed to toxins such as human foods that are actually toxic to dogs in certain amounts like chocolate and some nuts.While many different types of human medications are given to animals to treat certain types of illnesses and conditions, this should only be prescribed by your vet. Many human medications contain compounds that are highly toxic to dogs and should never be given under any circumstances.Recent vaccinations Vaccinations are an important part of taking care of your dog, however, sometimes after receiving a vaccination a dog can have a number of different reactions to the shot. A low-grade fever is a common side effect to an inject, but it should clear up in one to two days. If it persists for longer you should take them back to the vet.There are several other much more serious side effects that should immediately be looked at by the vet. These include prolonged swelling of the injection site or if it continues to get larger. If your dog is vomiting or has diarrhea after getting a vaccination you should take immediately back to the vet.Unknown origin It is possible for your dog to have a fever and the vet may not be able to determine the cause. At that point, the vet will usually label the case unknown origin and treat the symptoms the best that they can in order to help make your dog feel better. This is not exactly rare, but if you are not sure what happened to your dog that led up to the reason why you took them to the vet in the first place. It can be a bit difficult for the vet and their staff to always be able to come up with a cause for high fever in your dog.While not all of the causes for your dogs head to be hot to the touch or any other part of their body are serious, if you suspect that they may have come in contact with poison or other toxins, they have recently had a vaccination or they could have an infection of any kind, you should immediately contact your vet.The person on the phone will be able to access the situation over the phone and generally can tell you whether or not it would be necessary for you to bring your dog to be seen. However, you should always err on the side of caution and take them into the vet if you are even the slightest bit worried about it being something serious. A vet will never criticize a dog owner for bringing them in if it turns out to be nothing to worry about.Dogs are often attracted to hard surfaces, such as metal, for reasons that are difficult to determine. They like to chew on wooden sticks, leather shoes, fabric couch cushions and maybe lick some metal. They may develop a fondness for the texture and/or flavor for metal and begin an obsessive habit of licking any metal surface they are around.Their cage a metal watch band, drawer pulls, furniture legs, zippers, and jewelry may become the target of a licking frenzy for your dog. If your dog has developed a habit of licking metal, place all small metal objects out of reach to prevent a choking hazard, then read this to help discover the underlying issue your dog may have that drives him to lick metal.Dogs are unable to sweat and cool themselves through panting. Metal surfaces are cool and may help dogs cool themselves, or at least cool their tongues, when they are hot.Adding a few ice cubes to your dog’s water bowl will cool their togue and can re-direct the desire for cool metal on the tongue.Dogs can suffer from boredom or separation anxiety if left alone all day while their owner goes to work. To alleviate their boredom or sooth their anxiety, they may begin unusual behaviors, like licking metal.This self-soothing can lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder in dogs, so it’s advisable to find some way to provide companionship for your dog while you’re away from him. Inter-active chew toys or a mid-day walk can help to relieve boredom and prevent separation anxiety.Some metal surfaces have marks of lead in them and reportedly have a taste that is comparable to strawberries, so pups may like the taste.The metal may also have traces of food on it, like the metal on bar stool legs or similar furniture pieces. Metal jewelry will have the scent and taste of the dog’s owner, making it taste good to the dog also.A dog has a much keener sense of smell than we do, so it’s possible certain metal objects smell good to him and he want to taste them.Our nose can’t detect faint scents on metal that a dog’s nose can detect and he may just want to see if the metal tastes as good as it smells.A condition known as pica can drive animals (and humans) to crave the oddest things. Sometimes pica presents as an urge to lick metal objects, and can sometimes be traced to a mineral deficiency. In other instances, pica is related to obsessive/compulsive behavior.A vet exam will determine if your dog is deficient in ant minerals which may be the cause of the metal licking.Dogs can develop anemia (low red blood cells) and will eat or lick strange objects because they are trying to increase their iron levels.If metal licking is accompanied by extreme fatigue, pale gums, loss of appetite, and/or difficulty in moving, it’s time to take your dog to the vet. Don’t attempt to rectify this condition yourself by giving your dog iron pills, this could lead to other health issues for the dog.It s essential to end the metal-licking behavior of it becomes obsessive. If the dog can be diverted from the licking and isn t overdone, it might be most comfortable to tolerate it. If the behavior is excessive, your veterinarian may be capable of supporting the design a behavioral adjustment schedule and healing treatment to stop the metal licking.Any underlying issue may not cause the behavior, it could be he just likes to do it. If that’s the case, removing all metal objects from reach or providing your dog with one safe metal surface to lick should should make the issue manageable.All small metal objects pose a serious threat of being swallowed or choked on and should never be left out in a location that your dog can access.Dogs get to know their surrounding by smell and taste. Consider they do not have hands and can’t pick up objects to examine them more closely as we do. Part of their examination process takes place through smell and tasting an object.As long as there are no toxic substances on the metal, examining it by licking will not cause a problem. Be aware of objects in the garage if your dog is partial to licking metal. Many hard surface objects are stored in the garage alongside of toxic chemicals, including sweet-tasting anti-freeze which is deadly for a pet if ingested.With so many brands and formulas of dog food, it can be hard to determine which is best for you dog. Especially when it comes to puppy food, as it does tend to be cheaper than the full-grown formula for dogs. In the following article, we will answer the question: Can adult dogs eat puppy food ? As well as go over some additional information and helpful tips. Through the following sections, we will also address if it is safe for puppies to eat adult dog food, as this is also an important point to make.The simple answer the question raised is that the adult and puppy versions of dog food are formulated for a specific time in your dog s life, and as a result puppy food may be too rich for your adult dog because it contains more calories due to the rate at which puppies grow. As a result, if your grown dog consumes too much puppy formula food, it may cause rapid weight gain as well as an upset stomach. The reason for the upset stomach is because this food tends to be richer, as it is formulated for puppies who require more calories to grow and mature. That being said, feeding your dog puppy formula dog food will not make them deathly ill, or cause them to behave completely different. It is always a good idea to check the ingredients that are in the food your dog is consuming.Although the formula for puppy food is high in calories and protein, there are no concrete reasons why it would harm your pooch to consume it. Other than the fact that it can cause a stomach ache, or lead to weight gain. For instance, if you have mostly puppies but one mature dog it may be beneficial from a cost standpoint to buy the puppy food, instead of two types of dog food. If this is the case, it is recommended to monitor the adult dog to ensure there are no major changes to their mood or weight. (Unless your dog is underweight, then this can be a way to help them to a healthier weight).Normally, in most cases you can gauge how your dog is reacting to the food they are being given. If they tend to shy away from feeding time, or don’t seem to enjoy their food like they used to it may be time to make a change in their dietary lifestyle. Especially if your situation has changed, such as going from a house to apartment, their physical activity will also undoubtedly change. If this were to happen, it is important to adjust the type of food you are giving them, as well as the frequency and amount they are getting fed. That being said, you also may want to adjust the amount of physical activity they are receiving as relates to their food. You may want to decrease the amount of food they are consuming if they now have more of a sedentary lifestyle, as this will help for them to maintain a healthy weight. The flip side of this is also if they are now primarily outside during the day, they will exert their energy running around and may need an increase in food to repair their muscles and intake enough calories during the day.There are many different opinions from various sources regarding on whether or not it is healthy to give your adult dog puppy food. The one recognized fact is that puppy formula dog food does contain more protein and calories than the adult formula. If your dog is underweight or has a protein deficiency, feeding them the puppy formula may be ideal. There is also speculation surrounding the theory that puppy formula is actually better for grown dogs, because of the nutrients and supplements found in the formula. This has not been confirmed, and each brand of dog food is different. These reports are inconclusive, and the consensus seems to be that you as the dog owner probably know what is best as relates to your faithful companion.As with any brand of dog food you buy or give your friend, make sure to read the list of ingredients to ensure it is of good quality. As previous stated, there is no concrete evidence to support that puppy food has more nutrients and minerals than the adult formula, but that again is up to your discretion when deciding which formula and brand of food is best suited for the needs of your pup or dog. When looking for food to feed your dog, you may want to shy away from the cheaper, bargain brands and look for all-natural, or organic dry dog food. The ingredients in these types of food is generally higher quality and will help you dog with digestion and aging overall.We’ve gone over if adult dogs can eat puppy food, but this also raises and interesting question on if the same principle can be applied as relates to puppies eating adult dog food. The simple answer is that they probably can; although as stated above, the puppy formula of food does have more calories and protein, which is important for a growing puppy s system. Additionally, puppies will require more food if consuming the adult formula, as it has less calories and protein. The reason behind this is that puppies are basically just bundles of fur and energy. When they are playing and exerting energy, their growing bodies need to replenish and build muscle. However, if you notice that your puppy seems to be lethargic or laying around most days, feeding the adult formula may be beneficial for them as they are exerting less energy. This may be indicating that there is something in the current brand of food that does not agree with your specific puppy, as well. In some cases, it is recommended that instead of switching to adult food prematurely, simply trying another brand of puppy food.Knowing when to switch from giving your dog puppy food and start giving them the adult formula is also important, however if you feel like your puppy is not ready it is recommended to give it some time and patience. Dogs are very perceptive and in tune with their instincts and what their bodies are needing to be healthy and strong. I highly recommend paying attention to your dog’s signs and signals as relates to feeding and health in general. If something seems off or not right to them, then chances are that it probably is. Generally speaking, once your puppy is six to twelve months old is when their dietary needs change, and thus their food should reflect this need as well. This time frame can vary from breed to breed, for instance smaller breeds of dogs tend to mature faster than medium sized and larger breeds.It is also important to keep in mind that when switching you dog from puppy food to adult, the amount of food and frequency they are fed needs to be adjusted as well. For normal growing puppies, it is recommended to feed them 3 small meals a day; for grown dogs you should reduce that down to twice a day. Normally, right when you wake up with them in the morning and around mid-day, or when you come home from work. Just like human bodies, it is not recommended feeding them too soon before bed, as this can cause weight gain and an upset stomach. Consistency is key here, and after a while you dog will know from their internal clock when it is time for dinner and breakfast, and will do everything they can to remind you of that fact. For reference, here is a general rule of thumb:Toy breeds can mature in as early as seven to nine monthsMedium size breeds generally take around twelve to sixteen monthsLarge breeds are anywhere from twelve to fourteen monthsGiant breeds, such as a mastiff, can take up to two years to reach full maturityIt all depends on your dog, as well. Knowing when to switch them to adult formula dog food is more about recognizing if they are continuing to grow, or if their energy levels are decreasing. Both are a sign of maturity, and as such it may be time to switch them over. It is also recommended to listen to your dog; if they do not like their new food or are refusing to eat, it may be their way of telling you that their body is just simply not ready for this change in food. Make sure when switching your dog’s food that you are transitioning very slowly. This will help to ensure their body is assimilating the new food without upsetting their stomach or affecting their bodies’ natural chemistry. One helpful way to do this is to add a little of the new food to their old food every time you feed them. Do this for a few days at a time, and then gradually start to increase the amount of new food and decrease the old formula.As with any relating to your dog, it is important to pay attention to their actions and demeanor to gauge if and when you should switch to either puppy dog food, or adult. The bottom line is that neither will be detrimental to their health, and it is up to your discretion as their owner and parent. I hope this article was helpful and you will be able to walk away with the information obtained to ensure your best friend has a very happy and healthy life with you by their side.I hope this article was helpful and you are able to determine which type of food is best for your dog at that particular stage in their life.

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