Decline of the Empire

Web Name: Decline of the Empire






NYC mayor Bill DeBlasio s official Black Lives Matter mural, which he recently helped paint in front of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, was vandalized again on Saturday.It was vandalized according to news reports because it s OK to paint the street when that lying motherfucker DeBlasio the dictator of New York City says it is, but it s not OK to do it when it s not politically sanctioned by the tyrant.Two women defaced the muralbecause these phony BLM assholes and the politicians who protect them are liars! because in reality they don t care about black people!because all of us need to take [our] country back! And so on. The best part is that one the cops enforcing fascist policy fell down and hurt himself trying restrict this woman s right to protest. Way to go ladies!Abso-fucking-lutely.You can find the longer, complete version here. You can observe a lot by just watching. — Yogi BerraIn his video BLM Supporter Shoots Woman For Saying All Lives Matter And News Tries To Cover It Up, Tim Pool exclaims I don t know why the media wouldn t tell us the truth about the shooting (5:50 mark, watch the video up until then). I am going to answer Tim s anguished question in this post—why didn t the corporate-owned media report on this murder?The answer has profound consequences because if the corporate media silence (cover-up) is successful in this and so many other cases, millions of propagandized, ignorant Americans will maintain the delusional belief that the Black Lives Matter riots protests are morally legitimate and therefore nothing to be worry about. Perhaps they will then go ahead and mindlessly vote for Joe Biden, the literally demented and carefully hidden Manchurian Candidate the globalist/neoliberal elites have put up to represent their interests.If Creepy Joe wins, we will come to understand for real that Democracy Dies In Darkness, where darkness is the media silence in this Indiana murder and many other similar cases. This phrase is of course the motto of the thoroughly discredited Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post, which is merely another vehicle for elite/fascist disinformation (like CNN, The New York Times, The Atlantic, and on and on). I ve already told you we have a fascist infestation in the United States. People in the U.S. are likely unaware that this authoritarian resurgence is more advanced in the United Kingdom. As I listened to the UK channel spiked podcast today, called it s time to cancel cancel culture, I was reminded of Karl Popper s argument regarding the degree to which liberal (i.e., tolerant) societies should tolerate intolerance.I will quote Popper, and then give you my answer to this urgent question. You re almost certainly not going to like the answer. The crazies have been tearing down statues lately.They started with slaveholders, moved on to presidents, and now they re tearing down abolitionists who fought and sometimes died fighting slavery. Their next targets are Lincoln (freed the slaves) and Jesus (too white).All of this is being done in name of virtue and assumed moral superiority.Throughout human history, political evil always presents itself as virtuous and morally superior. If humans who are currently not so crazy could even understand this one simple thing, all would be made clear to them. These people, the ones who are willing to live and let live, would know what to do to prevent the great suffering to come. Unfortunately, humans generally have the awareness of a box of rocks. This is especially true of the crazies but applies to nearly everybody. Most humans can be hoodwinked by a moral tautology ( Black Lives Matter ). Even before indoor plumbing and cheap energy from fossil fuels, most human suffering was self-inflicted. That clearly hasn t changed and never will. It s not the virus, dummy. It s you, it s us. More specifically, it was recently those who exploited the pandemic for their own evil purposes. As always, harming you was framed as being for your own good.Evil is always entirely self-serving and wants only one thing for itself—great and arbitrary power. This allows it to carry out atrocities on a whim in order to constantly remind us of its power over us. There goes Lincoln. There goes Jesus. There goes your neighbor. There you go too.In 2020, the new evil says that human history, here the history of people with white skin, is full of evil people (Jefferson owned slaves).In reality, all humans at all times have been and are deeply flawed. That is Human Nature. So the new evil will never run out of targets. Thus the new evil can justify itself over and over again without limit.The new evil says Human Nature doesn t exist. All things are possible says the new evil. The new things will be good things according to the new evil.The new evil says that history will be fixed. We will be delivered from the old evil because for the first time in human history genuine virtue and moral superiority have truly appeared. The new evil assures us that we will enter a Promised Land where strife and suffering are abolished. The new evil promises a Utopia.But of course Utopia does not and can not exist outside the deluded minds of the new evil (the crazies).Cast from the same mold, the new evil merely replaces the old evil. Thus the horrible and pathetic historical cycle repeats.Human Nature is not changed. Human history is not changed. We just get a new chapter in a very, very old story. Only the meaningless details change. Once again humans are the cause of most of their own suffering. Only the scale of our self-defeat changes when the crazies take over.Same as it ever was. The fascists are still doing the things that fascists do. They will never stop until normal people stand up to them. These neo-fascists are like The Terminator.Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can t be reasoned with, it can t be bargained doesn t feel pity of remorse or fear...and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead.Tim knows this, but he doesn t think regular Americans will stand up to them (and neither do I). Because modern humans generally and Americans in particular are very well domesticated. Thus they are spineless, are abject cowards. Modern humans wouldn t have lasted 5 minutes in the paleolithic environment of 40,000 years ago. As an e-mail correspondent said to me about modern life, you could sleepwalk through it. And that s what people have done until very recently without penalty. Things have changed. Now there s going to be a big price to be paid.Tim has been warning people for many years now about the kind of evil fascist threat we re seeing everyday from the big globalist corporations, from the Democrats those corporations own, from the entertainment industry those corporations own, and from the mainstream media those corporations own. It s a class war against you.Tim is not filtering anything here. He knows what s coming.Listen to this. Start at about 17:30 for the short version. The part I want you to hear goes from there until almost the 24:00 mark. Most of the people I watch on YouTube spend a lot of time calling out moral hypocrisy in those they are criticizing. Let s first try to define moral hypocrisy and then talk about how it relates to the current, urgent political crisis in the United States (here and here). Moral Hypocrisy — saying or doing something in one context and then saying or doing something else in another context which contradicts what was said or done in the first; in both contexts the thing said or done expresses a moral preference, but the two preferences expressed are incompatible.I trust that definition is clear to you. In the definition above, clearly the contexts matter. In the cases I m interested in, the contexts are political (i.e., they are tribal) and the hypocrite in question is a member of one tribe and not another. This hypocrite expresses a moral preference undermining the opposing tribe in one context and subsequently expresses a moral preference supporting his own tribe in the other context. This is an extremely common behavior, as countless YouTube videos on the subject attest. ... a film in which 500 hundred years in the future America is run by low-grade morons, he got the timing all wrong. In reality, in 2006 that future was only 14 years away. Here s a follow-up to A Clear And Present Danger (June 10, 2020).In that post I included a Tucker Carlson video. Carlson, along with Tim Pool, are two mainstays opposing the fascist threat in the United States. Tim Pool has a report today talking about the escalating attempts to destroy Tucker Carlson (video below).This is a beautiful example of just the kind of threat I was talking about in yesterday s post. Disney, T-Mobile and others are pulling their advertising support for Tucker s nightly show, which is the most viewed show on TV cable news. As Tim notes, this is a blatant attempt to shut Tucker down again, and Tim even asserts his belief that Tucker Carlson is not long for this world. Maybe these corporate pricks will successfully shut Tucker down, but that is precisely the threat to civil liberties (free speech) I was talking about yesterday, isn t it? This is the danger we must try to avoid. Think of this post as me doing you Americans a favor. You re welcome.I don t know what you think you know or what you do not know, but I am confident that the vast, vast majority of you don t know much. Now, I could provide reams of observation and analysis to back up everything I m about to say, but there s no time or need for that.So let s cut to the chase. When I tell you things below, just take my word for it. I ll keep this short.There is a fascist infestation in America. When I say fascist I mean ruthless authoritarians who will stop at nothing to attain power over you and control your life in any way they see fit. Got it? These people might as well be Nazis, and if you allow them to take over this once great country, that fascism will be in your face and then it will be too late to do anything about it. This is a lightly edited e-mail reply to a former reader who told me about Michael Moore s new documentary dissing Green Energy.Hi ___,I don t care anymore about green energy . That was always bullshit anyway. The biosphere is still fucked, though it will be fucked a little more slowly due to the suicide of the United States and Europe in response to the pandemic. The economy here in America has basically collapsed. About 33.5 million people in the U.S. have filed for unemployment benefits in the last 7 weeks. That s much worse than what happened at the beginning of the Great Depression. And there will be far more damage. Just wait. Most small businesses are closed now and many of those will close permanently in the next few months.This was was totally unnecessary and all the science we need to tell us so is online for anyone to read. There is more such science everyday.I call humans self-defeating fuck-ups but this was the Biggest Fuck-Up in human history, a catastrophe that will badly affect countless millions of people for a decade or more. And basically, it was all for nothing because almost all of those who have died were 70 years old, or had pre-existing conditions (co-morbidities) which made them vulnerable to the virus. There was hardly any risk at all for anyone under 60 years old without pre-existing vulnerabilities. This was known well before the West destroyed the economy to curb the spread of the virus.What the fuck? Well, my expectations for civilization were very low already, but somehow, humans managed to exceed my expectations in the wrong direction — Homo sapiens fucked up much worse than even I thought they could.Finally, to be clear, this was entirely a human-created disaster. The virus either 1) came out of a Wuhan research lab (likely) or 2) came out of a Wuhan wet market (unlikely), and then the fucking Chinese leadership (CCP) — I really hate those Nazi assholes — covered it up, disappeared doctors who wanted to warn us, let infected people fly all over the world, covertly hoarded medical supplies all over the world, and have continued to lie over and over again right up to the present day. They deserve whatever they get. Fuck, this could lead to World War III.And then hysterical but self-important epidemiologists and politicians took the ball and ran with it. Those so-called health experts ran models predicated on hysterical assumptions based on no good data at all.And the rest will be,-- Dave

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