Barnhardt | Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.

Web Name: Barnhardt | Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta.






(This came over the transom, cited as author unknown . I did not write this, but wish I did. There is no pandemic and never was. Restaurants are totally safe. Life is safe in the same sense as it always was. Everything about CovidReligion is a total, obvious lie, and belief in it is a species of witchcraft mentality. Restaurants should be supported and patronized. -AB)1. Arrive at restaurant, take mask off mirror (or out of glove compartment) where it hangs or lays every day when not in use.3. Proceed into restaurant, opening door with same handle grabbed by 200 people so far today.4. Hostess who touches her face and mask an average of three times per minute has immediate seating for your woke party of three. Walk past entire restaurant of unmasked people. It s ok, they re sitting.6. Safely within your anti-germ force field, remove mask. Browse menu while making relaxed inhales of the same recirculated AC air previously inside the lungs of the 200 people that also grabbed the door handle.7. Waitress, who touches her face and mask an average of three times per minute drops off drinks bare handed, which she touches her face and mask with three times per minute, on average.8. Grab drink with your bare hand. Sip leisurely, secure in knowing you re within your anti-germ force field of seated-ness .9. Too many drinks. Need to pee. Don the magical anti-germ barrier mask as you leave your anti-germ force field of seated-ness .10. Walk past 40 unmasked restaurant patrons. Open bathroom with same doorknob grabbed by 100 other people so far today.12. Remove mask. Once again safe in your anti-germ force field of seated-ness . Waitress takes your sweaty drink glass with her bare hand which she touches her face and mask with an average of three times per minute, refills, hands back to you. You accept with your bare hand. Grab some bread and eat it. Same hand. Yum Yum.13. Meal complete. Mask on. Walk past 40 unmasked patrons. Make full body contact with at least 4 people waiting at the hostess stand as you squeeze your way back to the door no matter, they re all also wearing their magical anti-germ barriers.14. Grab exit handle, which you are now the 220th person of the day to touch. Eating out successful.15. Breathe a sigh of relief knowing that even after leaving the protection of your home and venturing out into the scary world of the public, you are essentially sterile thanks to your state approved methods of magical germ mitigation, THE MASK![Direct link to the MP3 file]In this episode, Mark, Ann, and Dr. Mazza explore the recent statements from Archbishop Vigano, wherein he seems to infer a plurality of pontiffs. We also examine the various heresies of the latest encyclical and how current events are leading more and more people to question 2000 years of Church history rather than examine their base premise. Tutti Frutti and he promotion of Freemasonry, brotherhood, care of creation, abolition of private property, abolition of the death penalty. Finally, we revisit some of the major premises of the Mazza Thesis and further discuss the latest interview/biography of Pope Benedict from Peter Seewald, being published in English next month. We also laugh a lot.Rule of St. Francis on Friars among Muslims16. (Those who go among the Saracens and other unbelievers.)The Lord says: “Behold, I am sending you forth like sheep in the midst of wolves. Be therefore prudent like serpents and simple like doves” (Mt. 10:16).Hence, whoever of the brothers, by divine inspiration, wishes to go among the Saracens and other unbelievers, they (sic) may go with the permission of their minister and servant. The minister then should give them permission and not oppose them, if he sees that they are fit to be sent, for he will be held accountable to the Lord if in this or in other matters he has proceeded without discretion.The brothers who go can conduct themselves spiritually among (the unbelievers) in two ways. One way is not to quarrel or dispute, but “to be subject to every creature for God’s sake” (1 Pt. 2:13) and to acknowledge that they (themselves) are Christians. Another way is to proclaim the word of God when they see it pleases God in order that (the unbelievers) might believe in God the almighty Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Creator of all and in the redeeming and saving Son, so that they might be baptized and become Christians, for “he who is not born again of water and the Holy Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (Jn. 3:5). These and other things which will please the Lord they can speak to them and to others, for the Lord says in the gospel: “Everyone who acknowledges me before men I will also acknowledge him before my Father who is in heaven” (Mt. 10:32). And: “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in his majesty and that of the Father and the angels” (Lk. 9:26).And all the brothers, wherever they are, should remember that they have given themselves and have abandoned their bodies to the Lord Jesus Christ. And for his love they must expose it to enemies, whether visible or invisible, for the Lord says: “Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it (Mt.8:35) for eternal life. Blessed are those who suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 5:10). If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also (Jn 15:20). If they persecute you in one city, flee to another (Mt. 10:23). Blessed are you when men will hate you and persecute you and accuse you of evil and vomit your name as an evil thing and when they will falsely speak all manner of evil against you for my sake. Rejoice on that day and exult for your reward is great in heaven (Lk. 6:22; Mt. 5:11; Lk. 6:23). I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of these things. And do not fear those who kill the body and afterwards have nothing more they can do (Lk. 12:4; Mt. 10:28). See that you are not troubled (Mt. 24:6). By your suffering you will possess your souls (Lk. 21:19). He who will have persevered to the end will be saved” (Mt. 10:22).Links, Reading, and Video:Blessed Bartolo LongoArchbishop Vigano Those who hold the Papacy and wear its robes awkwardly. Trump: The Last Katechon (in theatres starting this Friday )Dr. Mazza Advent course on Coming of Christ vs Coming of AntichristFeedback: please send your questions, comments, and suggestions to [email protected] (or you can use the secure, encrypted email option via ProtonMail: [email protected] )Supernerd Media produces the Barnhardt Podcast; if you would like to support the technical maintenance of the podcast and the hosting of Ann s website you can send donations to Supernerd Media to 10940 Parallel Pkwy #K303, Kansas City, KS, 66109. Alternatively, you could email an gift certificate to [email protected] or you can visit for even more options.The Infant Jesus of Prague handles Ann s financial stuff. Click image for details. [If you have a recurring donation set up and need to cancel for whatever reason don t hesitate to do so!]In a strange way, one of the things that keeps me motivated is seeing all of the pain and suffering of people in the commboxes of Trad Inc. websites. I see people descending into indifference, acedia, resignation that their faith (and the faith of the entire Church for the past 2000 years) has been wrong , childish and papolatrous , and lately lots of talk of going to the Eastern Orthodox NOT the Byzantine Catholics, mind you, but specifically to the Eastern Orthodox in order to escape from any notion of the papacy at all, and even to actively embrace a rejection of the Petrine Office and Primacy.The main thing I can do to help folks, and I see it every day in my email box and in the kind little notes that come attached to donations, is just EXPLAIN things. I am eternally grateful for every donation that comes in, and sometimes people append lovely long notes with quite a bit of information. But I am also struck many times by the donation that comes in with the two-or-three-word note: KEEP WRITING. Or, DON T QUIT. Or, KEEP IT UP.In that vein, I thought it might help some folks to see how exactly the fifteen mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary apply to this current Antipapacy situation. The Rosary is such a powerful, powerful tool and gift. I have learned the lesson well over these past years that if a person has contempt for the Rosary, it is a sure sign that said person is well on the road to reprobation, and should be avoided like the plague.RUN, DO NOT WALK, IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. St. Louis de Montfort knew of what he spoke. What I find about the Rosary is that it is, especially when prayed before Our Lord reposed in the Tabernacle, the best thinking time even better that the thinking time in the shower, or while walking (or driving for those of you who still have cars). Much of what has been written here in this space on the Bergoglian Antipapacy has been fleshed out while praying the Rosary (the one notable exception being what will go down in lore as The Great Latin Potential Subjunctive Fracas of ARSH 2018 and fracas has to be pronounced in the posh English country style, fruh-KAH , not FRAY-kuss .)Now, you might be thinking, Ann! When praying the Rosary, one should be thinking about the Mysteries of the Rosary, not anything else! Ah, but you see, the Rosary is intended to be used as a means to apply the Gospel to our every day lives. In fact, I think that the Rosary should serve as a daily examination of conscience aid AND as a way to process the events of one s daily life. Pray all 15 decades of the Rosary every day, and use the Mysteries to reconcile, process and formulate a path forward EVERY DAY. Given that most of my work these days involves exposing and combatting the Bergoglian Antipapacy, you can imagine that I use the Rosary intensely to reconcile, process and formulate a path forward. So, this is a little run-down of how each Mystery applies specifically, but in no way exclusively, to the Bergoglian Antipapacy. These are just some of my thoughts. As always, I hope this helps.The Joyful MysteriesFirst Joyful Mystery: The AnnunciationFruit of the Mystery: HumilityHumility is first and foremost knowing who God IS, and what you yourself are NOT. Self-objectivity and self-awareness are key. Go to confession. Early and often. Don t flirt with evil thinking that you can handle it .Avoid bad company and seek out virtuous company. Admit past mistakes, and then marvel at how the Divine Providence has caused good to come even from your mistakes, and always provided a path forward back to the right track. So long as we are still drawing breath, there is ALWAYS a path forward towards God, and that path forward is always visible and knowable.Humility is also knowing what you ARE. What is your state in life? What are your strengths and abilities? Why are you where you are, when you are? Behold, I am the handmaiden of The Lord. Handmaidens WORK. Handmaidens SERVE. If The Master wants you to do something, do it. Refusing to answer the Master s call claiming unworthiness for the task at hand is FALSE HUMILITY. If the Master calls you, you answer, and you answer in the affirmative, and worry not about anything else because The Master is The Master, and you are the handmaiden. In this way, we are constantly reminded of Who God Is. He is INFINITE love, power, justice, mercy, logic, beauty, goodness, knowledge, rationality and truth. The Divine Providence is infinitely wise and thus unfailing, and God is omnipotent. He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, however He wants. Our Lord spoke these words to St. Catherine of Siena on humility: Do you know, child, who are you and Who I AM? If you know these two things, you will be blessed. You are she who is not; I, instead, am HE WHO IS. If you have such knowledge in your soul, the enemy will not be able to deceive you, and you will escape from all his perils; you will never consent to anything contrary to My commandments, and you will without difficulty acquire all grace, every truth and every light. Direct Application to the Bergoglian Antipapacy: God works in mysterious and surprising ways, and through people. The common trait of such people is HUMILITY, not any worldly status. The truly humble person, because he contemplates Who God Is, and what God s attributes are, and his own smallness and nothingness, cannot be tricked by the diabolical confusion and chaos of the Bergoglian Antipapacy.The Second Joyful Mystery: The VisitationFruit of the Mystery: Fraternal Charity, Love of Neighbor Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not my problem to fix. Above my pay grade. All I can do is focus on myself and my immediate household. If other people are scandalized, that s their problem and their own fault. I can t be arsed. This bores me. I m not interested. This is just a sample of things you hear every day that are not only contrary to the virtue of fraternal charity, but even trying to use its inverse, the vice of indifference and acedia, as a proof of sanctity. Everything must be rooted in charity. Every soul is infinitely precious to Our Lord who knit every man together in his mother s womb, and incarnated, suffered, died and rose again so that men might be with Him forever in the Beatific Vision. ANY blanket statement of indifference or acedia towards one s fellow man is massively disordered. Our Lady, in her first trimester, underwent a long and physically arduous journey (probably on muleback) to help her elderly cousin Elizabeth then in her third trimester. Say what Our Lady said: I have to go help. Even with God Incarnate residing inside her womb, the ultimate paradigm of recourse, Our Lady didn t merely pray for her cousin Elizabeth to the Infant Christ residing in her own womb, she PHYSICALLY WENT. For the love of Her Son, that is God Himself, she was filled with FRATERNAL CHARITY, that is, love for other human beings, and a desire to be of help and service at no small risk, inconvenience and discomfort (have you ever ridden a donkey?) to herself.A very wise priest told me years ago that the number one mode of oppression that satan and the demons use in Rome which is the root of all of the wickedness in Rome, including all of the various sins against the 6th Commandment, is the vice of ACEDIA. There is a demonic cloud of oppression parked over the city of Rome that rains down upon those living there every day and every night an acid rain of ACEDIA, pathological indifference and lovelessness and hardly anyone in Rome is carrying a proverbial umbrella. The Divine Office is barely prayed in Rome. The Rosary is held in eyerolling contempt. Adoration is sparse. And almost every church has been physically desecrated by sodomites whose presence is UBIQUITOUS.Acedia is the vice of indifference to just not care, but beyond that to NOT CARE THAT YOU DON T CARE. This makes perfect sense in light of our work on Diabolical Narcissism, which is the freely chosen self-purgation of charity (love) from the soul. Indifference is the opposite of love. This cancer of acedia is why such massive corruption and sexual perversion has been able to explode into near-ubiquitousness over the past century. Turning a blind eye. Declaring indifference. Not my problem. I can t be arsed. I don t care who X is having sex with. I just like being fawned over by rich, powerful people. When what you are turning a blind eye to is the attempted rape and murder of the Bride of Christ, and thus the loss of countless souls, every one the beloved of Christ, the gravity of the fault goes exponential.Beyond this, the new trend in Trad, Inc. is to declare indifference for Pope Benedict XVI, and rejection in the narcissistic formula, Even if he is the Pope, I don t WANT him back! Joseph Ratzinger matters. The fact that he is the Vicar of Christ on Earth only underscores this. The Blessed Virgin loved Peter even after he denied Our Lord and ran away from the foot of the Cross on Good Friday. And she WOULD have received Judas Iscariot too, if he had gone to her.Direct application to the Bergoglian Antipapacy: Other human beings matter. Barricading yourself in your house just me n Jesus washing your hands of the Bergoglian Antipapacy, and declaring that it isn t your problem is a lie and a cop-out. Publicly declaring and ginning up aggressive indifference to Pope Benedict XVI, and thus the Papacy itself is a species of acedia. It is our problem, because other human beings are being scandalized unto damnation by it. Our Lady didn t barricade herself in her house just her and Jesus. She prayed AND acted.The Third Joyful Mystery: The Birth of JesusFruit of the Mystery: The Spirit of PovertyWhat is the SPIRIT of Poverty? Simply put, it is DETACHMENT from wealth and any and all earthly treasures , including those of esteem and reputation. It is no sin to have wealth. The sin is to be ATTACHED to it such that it affects one s moral decisions. Are you ready to lose absolutely everything if that is what the Divine Providence is? Are you ready to have your donations dry up for taking an unpopular stand? Are you ready to lose your reputation? To be ridiculed? To be mocked? Even ruthlessly calumniated? Are you ready to lose social standing? Are you ready to be doxxed? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.One thing I started doing years ago as an exercise in detachment when I realized how truly tenuous my situation was, was to silently in my mind take leave of people, places and things every time left them, just in case it was the last time I ever saw them (or it). This conscious development of detachment has been a truly invaluable habit, as one church that I frequented has been physically lost, and I did, in fact, take leave of it the last time I saw it. I also do this with people, although never aloud, as to do it aloud might cause people needless worry. But when parting company with people, I think to myself, On the off chance that this is the end and I never see you again in this world, goodbye. This is detachment. A readiness to let go of earthly treasures and consolations, be they physical or human, in order to serve God. What the virtue of detachment does is make one impervious to coercion or threats, and more fully abandoned to the Divine Providence.Our Lady knew from the very beginning that she would have to let go of Our Lord, even unto His death. And so she cherished every moment, but when it was time, and He said to her at the Wedding at Cana, What is it to you and Me? which signaled to her that if He provided wine for the wedding that it would be the end of their quiet little life , and the beginning of His ministry which would lead to His torture and death, she was able to give her affirmation because she was detached from the earthly, and desired only that the Will of the Father be done, no matter what that meant for her earthly life. Can you imagine the strength of character turning that page in her life took? The intense daily pleasure of sharing and keeping a home for Jesus Himself? If she can do that, I can, at the very least, be detached from my Donate button, much less my earthly reputation, and even perhaps my liberty eventually.Direct application to the Bergoglian Antipapacy: If you are truly detached from wealth and earthly comforts, consolations and pleasures, and are willing at any time to lose it all for the love of God and His Holy Church, then standing up to the Bergoglian Antipapacy and its various and sundry henchmen, and speaking the truth, no matter how unpopular, is not only an irresistible duty, it s an authentic PLEASURE.The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation of Jesus at the TempleFruit of the Mystery: Obedience, LOVE OF THE LAWThe Papacy is an irreversible, immutable JURIDICAL Office established by Christ Himself as a monarchy, and thus the Law, and the love of the Law is a critical concept with regards to the events of February of ARSH 2013. The Divine Providence, which is always perfect, saw to it that the 1917 and then 1983 Code of Canon Law was promulgated. Canon Law speaks specifically and directly to Papal resignation, and provides what can only be described as a miraculous coherence and integrity in the face of a set of circumstances that could not have been explicitly foreseen the attempt by a reigning Pope to fundamentally transform the Papacy by attempting to expand the Papacy into a collegial, synodal ministry consisting of more than one man at a time, with a division of Petrine ministerial functions along the lines of prayer and contemplation vs. active governance of the Church. If the Law applied to God Almighty, who IS the existential source and foundation of the Law, such that He was circumcised at eight days of age, spilling His Most Precious Blood, AND to His Mother, conceived Immaculate, and EVER VIRGIN, such that she underwent the Rite of Purification forty days after Our Lord s birth even though she remained perfectly pure then to argue that Canon Law DOES NOT apply to the Pope, even inasmuch as a given Canon is simply a refined recapitulation of either the Natural or Divine Law, is a species of idolatry.But there is another set of laws that is under attack in this situation as well. It is nothing less than an attack on REALITY ITSELF, specifically the law of THE LINEAR FLOW OF TIME. In the created universe, all existence is in the PRESENT, the past is FIXED, and the future is unknown. The PAST being FIXED and not changeable in retrospect provides EXISTENTIAL STABILITY simply put, REALITY. Every man knows in his deepest being that events in the past are immutable, and thus the present itself REALITY ITSELF is reliable. To say that a given man is the Pope today and thus ontologically IS THE POPE TODAY, but could be at some point in the future declared to have been an antipope, and thus his ontological state is the PAST TIMELINE would change , for example, Bergoglio ontologically IS the Pope in ARSH 2019, but in ARSH 2178 he could be declared an antipope, and thus reality in the past in that moment of declaration CHANGES THE PAST RETROACTIVELY, is nothing less than a satanic attack on the very foundation of REALITY.Reality is stable. The past timeline cannot be changed , and ontological realities within the past timeline are fixed. God, the author and sustainer of reality is Himself the Guarantor of the stability of the timeline so that human existence can move through time with an intrinsic integrity and confidence in the REALNESS of the REAL.Human beings need not worry that the past will somehow be changed such that one might be snuffed out of existence and then perhaps reconstituted in existence again. We see this attack on the stability of the past timeline and REALITY in the realm of marriage wherein the vast majority of Catholics today who have been handed a cookie-cutter decree of nullity firmly believe that they WERE married, but that the Church has decreed that the ontological reality of the marriage has been CHANGED. I WAS married, but the Church has declared that I no longer am. We further see this is the sickening evil of so-called transgenderism . It is no longer Bruce Jenner who won the men s decathlon in ARSH 1976. As of ARSH 2014, the PAST TIMELINE, REALITY ITSELF, has been changed CAITLYN JENNER now retroactively REPLACES the past. It was Caitlyn , NOT Bruce, who not only won the gold medal, but EVER REALLY EXISTED.Thus we see the argument that The Pope is the Pope until the Pope says he isn t the Pope , or, Bergoglio is the Pope today, although he COULD be declared an antipope in the future, and only then would he cease to be the Pope and be an Antipope. Thus, within the timeline, depending on one s relative position, say ARSH 2019 versus ARSH 2178, Bergoglio could both BE AND NOT BE the Pope. In ARSH 2019 he is, in ARSH 2178 he is not and never was. Something can not both be and not be. This is an full-frontal attack on the Law of Non-contradiction, and a satanic attack on all of humanity by throwing into doubt in the mind of men the most basic laws of the universe: the realness of reality, and the linear flow of time. To attack something so fundamental as the reliability of linear time is the ultimate attempt at establishing a reign of total chaos.Application to the Bergoglian Antipapacy: Look to the Law, and love it, even the laws of physics, for God s Law sets us free. God s Law, including Canon Law, bring order and structure. Discarding them yields chaos, and even sets up a paradigm of idolatry wherein the Papacy is in one breath declared meaningless, and in the next breath declared to override Natural, Divine, Canon and even the Laws of the physical universe.The Fifth Joyful Mystery: Finding Jesus in the TempleFruit of the Mystery: Joy at Finding JesusWhat did YOU find?A social clique? Amusing luncheons with a coterie of fops and dilettantes, and cocktail parties with rich, powerful people ? An entree into a social caste that you were not born into, and covet, or at least into a pool of fellow social climbers? Tasteful art and architecture? Somewhere that Latin is used? Beautiful music? A Disneyland/Narnia to live in? A rich vein of donation revenue to tap, maybe even enough to live off of without working?Or did you find a Person, Divine, burning with infinite love for you and mankind, scourged, rejected, and crucified FOR YOUR SINS and the sins of the world, ready to forgive your every sin if only you love Him, and thus sincerely repent.Did you find a wildly corrupt and depraved institution and nothing more, and thus without hope? Is the Pope your daddy who ran off? Is Jesus your spouse or paramour who dumped you? Is the communion of saints just a bunch perverts and grifters who were smart enough to fool everyone and never get caught? Are angels and demons as real as the characters in Star Wars? Is the concept of grace as fictional as The Force ? Or did you find Infinite Goodness, Graciousness, Holiness, Immutability, Impeccability, Charity, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Righteousness, Sovereignty, Veracity, Beauty, Mercy and Justice, Unity in Trinity, Incarnate, and Personal? Simply put, did you find Jesus?Application to the Bergoglian Antipapacy: Christ is Real, His Church is Real, and He Himself established the Papacy. His promises are rock solid, and His Providence cannot be thwarted, nor His Holy Church destroyed. If ANYTHING about the state of the Church or the Papacy seems to demand that EVEN ONE of the Divine attributes be denied, then there is a problem is with the base premise being false, NOT with God, not with His Church, not with His Vicariate, the Papacy, which He Himself established and protects. In this case, the false base premise which seems to deny many of the Divine Attributes is the identity of the Pope (wrongly assigned to Bergoglio), NOT the identity of Christ.I hope this helps.I will be writing up the Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries as well. See if you can t anticipate how these Mysteries and their Fruits apply.I downloaded it. 43,000 words. A search found:Jesus Christ 2God the Father 0The Holy Spirit 2Church Fathers 0Pope 1Salvation 0Heaven 1Hell 0Sin 0Devil/Satan/Lucifer all 0Fraternity 47Liberty 4Equality -15 The Great Stalin (@stalin_great) October 6, 2020 This is a Novena that I am doing for an intention, but if anyone would like to join, here is the text. It is the same every day.St. Bernard of Clairvaux NovenaLet us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, andof the Holy Ghost. Amen.“Neither fear nor self-interest can convert the soul. They may change the appearance, perhaps even the conduct, but never the object of supreme desire… Fear is the motive which constrains the slave; greed binds the selfish man, by which he is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed (James 1:14). But neither fear nor self-interest is undefiled, nor can they convert the soul. Only charity can convert the soul, freeing it from unworthy motives.”St. Bernard you have given us this prayer and with you we pray:The Memorare PrayerREMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.Amen(Mention your request here…)St. Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for usSay 1: Our Father…Say 1: Hail Mary…Say 1: Glory Be…Amen.Apparition of The Virgin to St. Bernard, Filippino Lippi (ARSH 1485–1487). Badia Fiorentina, Florence, Italy.Pope Benedict Still Gives the Papal (“Apostolic”) Blessing. Tell Me More About How His Attempted Resignation Wasn’t Intended To Be Partial. I’m All Ears.Readers have asked me to revisit this compelling and yet overlooked piece of evidence, which might be the single most compelling in the whole set of “visible manifestations” of Pope Benedict’s conscious retention of the Petrine Office.  Pope Benedict XVI still gives the Apostolic Blessing, and folks, he does it IN WRITING, when there is absolutely ZERO situational pressure upon him to do so.Here is the closing of the ARSH 2017 letter from Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger to an unnamed German Cardinal that leaked last year.“Let us pray, as you did at the end of your letter, that the Lord comes to the rescue of His Church. I bless with my apostolic blessing,Yours,Benedict XVI”Folks, the Apostolic Blessing is the PAPAL BLESSING.“I bless with my apostolic blessing.”And then signed with his Papal name.But I’m the crazy one, and the Barnhardt Thesis is nothing more than the uneducated rantings of a “dippy” “convert”.Youbetcha.Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, whether he likes it or not, is the one and only living and reigning Pope, having invalidly attempted to “partially resign” the Papacy these seven years ago.  The Papacy can not be bifurcated nor fundamentally transformed into a “collegial, synodal office” by anyone, including the Pope himself, because the Papacy was established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Himself and is thus immutable.  For a Pope to attempt such in a resignation of only the administrative/governance component of the Petrine Office, but NOT the Office in toto would render such resignation invalid per the “substantial error” clause in Canon 188, forcefully affirmed by Canon 332.2 which demands that the Roman Pontiff, if he should resign, resign the OFFICE (muneri), not merely a ministerial component or components of said Office.I would, at this point, bless you all with my Apostolic Blessing, but I can’t, because I’M NOT THE POPE.So, I’ll just wish you a very good day, and assure one and all of my continued prayers.Pope Benedict AGAIN giving “MY Apostolic Blessing” – the PAPAL blessing. MY. First person singular possessive pronoun. MY.#BREAKING A senior Catholic cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu has been accused of using $1.14m of Vatican funds to bribe witnesses to secure a sex abuse conviction against rival Cardinal George Pell.— The Australian (@australian) October 4, 2020 Folks, these people are evil to a depth that most of us simply cannot understand. These are remorseless, murderous psychopaths. They don t believe in one iota of the Faith, as I have been screeching for years in this space.From August of ARSH 2018:Coercion, Fear, Wolves – Pray For Our One and Only Living Pope, Pope Benedict XVI RatzingerA substantially erroneous attempted partial resignation, totally invalid, made due to coercion by the ravenous sodomite wolves that infest every corner of the institutional Church.After learning what we have learned in just the past few short weeks, in reading theSipe letter and realizing the level of evil we are dealing with with these sodomite Cardinals and prelates, how can anyone deny that Pope Benedict XVI was coerced? Pope Benedict XVI saw it coming literally from the very, very beginning:“Pray for me, that I may not flee forfearof the wolves.”MASS, IMPOSITION OF THE PALLIUMAND CONFERRAL OF THE FISHERMAN’S RINGFOR THE BEGINNING OF THE PETRINE MINISTRYOF THE BISHOP OF ROMEHOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVISt. Peter’s SquareSunday, 24 April 2005FEAR.FLEE.WOLVES.A resignation made out of gravefearthat is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.-Canon 188Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger is the one and only living Pope, and has been all along. Only this truth will set us free. If Bergoglio dies or is otherwise removed while not acknowledging that he is not now and never, ever has been the pope, and that Pope Benedict XVI is still occupying the Petrine See, ANY SUBSEQUENT CONCLAVE WILL ALSO BE INVALID.No valid conclave is possible so long as the See is occupied. Period.PRAY FOR POPE BENEDICT XVI RATZINGER, THE PAPACY, and HOLY MOTHER CHURCH, the SPOTLESS and INDEFECTIBLE BRIDE of CHRIST.{Update 4 October, ARSH 2020. After YEARS of being called a sedevacantist for arguing that the Petrine See is OCCUPIED (yes, accusing someone who is jumping up and down screaming the See is occupied of being a sedevacantist is quite possibly the stupidest argument ever made) by Trad Inc. partisans, to absolutely no one s shock those same Trad Inc. partisans are now following the obvious logical progression of their false base premise that Bergoglio is or ever was the Pope and are now insinuating in light of the Froci Tutti document that the See is wait for it WAIT FOR IT vacant. It s called PROJECTION, folks. The piece below was originally penned and posted on Pentecost ARSH 2019.}Jonathan Byrd, a Francis is Pope partisan, recently announced that he has come to the false conclusion that the See of Peter is vacant due to Fauxp Francis losing the Office due to heresy, and then this error leads Byrd to fall even farther in declaring the See has been vacant since the death of Pius XII. Errors compound, folks.His base premise is false, of course, but this is a perfect example of sound logical corollaries that are built upon a false premise yielding false conclusions.Of COURSE Antipope Bergoglio is a heretic. He is an arch-heresiarch. He isn t even Catholic. There is a strong, serious, not-exaggerated possibility that he is literally THE False Prophet of the Antichrist. He ticks every single box. So, OF COURSE if one starts from the false base premise that Antipope Bergoglio was ever the Pope (which he wasn t), where that leads as the logical progression quickly unfolds is that the See is vacant because Francis has lost the Office. So, it is absolutely NO SURPRISE whatsoever that the Francis is Pope partisans have been engaging in not just obvious and transparent Alinsky Rule #13 tactics (Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it hence the name-calling,ban hammering,calumny crusades, etc.), but also classic PROJECTION in hurling the utterly irrational and laughable accusation of false sedevacantism. Deep down they know that holding the false premise that Pope Ratzinger s attempted partial faux-resignation was valid and that Antipope Bergoglio was validly elected Pope on 13 March ARSH 2013 leads and led almost instantly to the realization that Jorge Bergoglio is a heretic and thus the discussion of Bellarmine s, Suarez and John of St. Thomas writing on deposing a heretic Pope entered the conversation almost instantly. Given this false position, it is the Francis is Popers that arrive at the inevitable conclusion of false sedevacatism.To wit: Jonathan Byrd. First, from Byrd s on website:The Conclusion is very simpleIf you accept Francis is the pope then you must accept communion for adulterers, you must accept allowing communion for protestants, you must accept LGBT novelties, you must accept the novus ordo mass, the new rites, the “cult of man”, Ecumenism, that the Roman Catholic Church is just one of many that lead to heaven, That error has rights, and all of the other profanations you see around you because it is from the pope and the magisterium and Vatican II……If the above is abhorrent to you…If you would rather die a thousand deaths than to give your consent to such abominable practices…Then welcome to Sedevacantism….Byrd then reconfirmed his fall into the error of 1958 sedevacantism on the NovusOrdoWatch blog by posting this comment:We have also seen others do such things as openly question the infallible dogma declared at Vatican I which, of course, instantly leads to a questioning of EVERY ECUMENICAL COUNCIL for the past 2000 years, AND thus leads to the questioning of the Church as indefectible, the Papacy itself, and then, obviously, to the questioning of the inerrancy of scripture, and, of course, then to the questioning of Our Lord s very Divinity. Are the Gospels wrong, or did Our Lord break His promise?Hey guys here s something to think about: what if the entire Catholic Faith was, well, wrong?Pope Benedict XVI is the one and only living Pope, and has been since April ARSH 2005. This is the TRUTH, and we can see how any deviation from the truth leads to catastrophic false logical corollaries and error, with false sedevacantism being near the top of the list. And guys, this species of false sedevacantism has NOTHING to do with Holocaust denial or any of that other garbage that some 1958 sedevacantists are notorious for. NOTHING. That is a completely different dynamic. BUT, the Francis is Pope partisans have been DELIGHTED to try to smear again, completely irrationally those of us who acknowledge that the See of Peter is OCCUPIED by Pope Benedict XVI exclusively and has been for 14 years now as somehow connected to the Holocaust-denying flat earthers and other wackiness of the 1958 sedevacantists. I will never and would never do that to the false sedevacantists discussed above they are not Holocaust deniers, flat earthers or anything else like that, and folks, as this moves forward there will only be more of these people who fall into this error, all based on the false premise that Antipope Bergoglio was ever the Pope.It is so sad to watch.This is why we have to keep pushing to get this resolved ASAP. This is the diametrical opposite of boring . People are losing their faith, being scandalized, and some are falling into deeper error, such as false sedevacantism. The See isn t vacant folks, and hasn t been since the Interregnum of ARSH 2005.I hope this helps. God bless each and every one of you. Happy Pentecost!The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world, alleluia; and that, which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered: and let them that hate Him flee flee from before His face.Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.The certainty with which one suspects Antipope Bergoglio of being not merely a criminal usurper, but the actual False Prophet Forerunner of the Antichrist continues to leap higher. He is undeniably attempting to put himself OVER and ABOVE God and His Holy Church.Bergoglio is obviously an Antipope, and has been all along, and sits at the head of the ANTICHURCH. It s obvious. There is simply no way the Petrine Promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ to His Body and Bride, The Church, can be reconciled to Bergoglio as Pope without violating the Law of Non-contradiction, and thus denying the Divinity of Christ.Pray for Pope Benedict XVI Ratzinger, and the Holy Church of which he is the Supreme Pontiff, whether he likes it or not.Some helpful quotes on the death penalty:Avery Cardinal Dulles The reversal of a doctrine as well established as the legitimacy of capital punishment would raise serious problems regarding the credibility of the magisterium. Consistency with scripture and long-standing Catholic tradition is important for the grounding of many current teachings of the Catholic Church; for example, those regarding abortion, contraception, the permanence of marriage, and the ineligibility of women for priestly ordination. If the tradition on capital punishment had been reversed, serious questions would be raised regarding other doctrines. (2004, Avery Cardinal Dulles)St. AugustineThe same divine authority that forbids the killing of a human being establishes certain exceptions, as when God authorizes killing by a general law or when He gives an explicit commission to an individual for a limited time.The agent who executes the killing does not commit homicide; he is an instrument as is the sword with which he cuts. Therefore, it is in no way contrary to the commandment, Thou shalt not kill to wage war at God s bidding, or for the representatives of public authority to put criminals to death, according to the law, that is, the will of the most just reason.(The City of God, Book 1, chapter 21)St. Thomas AquinasIt is written: Wizards thou shalt not suffer to live (Ex. 22:18); and: In the morning I put to death all the wicked of the land (Ps. 100:8). …Every part is directed to the whole, as imperfect to perfect, wherefore every part exists naturally for the sake of the whole. For this reason we see that if the health of the whole human body demands the excision of a member, because it became putrid or infectious to the other members, it would be both praiseworthy and healthful to have it cut away. Now every individual person is related to the entire society as a part to the whole. Therefore if a man be dangerous and infectious to the community, on account of some sin, it is praiseworthy and healthful that he be killed in order to safeguard the common good, since a little leaven corrupteth the whole lump” (1 Cor. 5:6).(Summa Theologiae, II, II, q. 64, art. 2)The fact that the evil ones, as long as they live, can be corrected from their errors does not prohibit that they may be justly executed, for the danger which threatens from their way of life is greater and more certain than the good which may be expected from their improvement.They also have at that critical point of death the opportunity to be converted to God through repentance. And if they are so obstinate that even at the point of death their heart does not draw back from malice, it is possible to make a quite probable judgment that they would never come away from evil.”(Summa contra gentiles, Book III, chapter 146) a secondary measure of the love of God may be said to appear, for capital punishment provides the murderer with incentive to repentance which the ordinary man does not have, that is a definite date on which he is to meet his God. the law grants to the condemned an opportunity which he did not grant to his victim, the opportunity to prepare to meet his God. Even divine justice here may be said to be tempered with mercy. St. Alphonsus LiguoriIt is lawful to put a man to death by public authority: it is even a duty of princes and of judges to condemn to death criminals who deserve it; and it is the duty of the officers of justice to execute the sentence; God Himself wishes malefactors to be punished.John SeniorJustice is simply the social good, and it must therefore be done. It is defined as “giving each his due” – cuique sum, “to each his own.” A man is due his life because he is a living thing; it is his nature to have life; and, since it is also his nature to be moral, if a man commits a crime, he must be punished because punishment is retributive – punishment is the penalty due the criminal in justice to him. Proportioned punishment is due him, too, and you cannot deny him that right without yourself committing an injustice against him deserving punishment in turn. The judge who fails the criminal in punishment himself incurs a greater guilt.There is another justification for punishment besides retribution. Pain and deprivation are medicinal. They hurt so much that the criminal can learn that crime does not pay – or at least that the victims pay back. If you want to teach the prisoner a trade or put him to useful work, well and good; but those things are secondary and must never interfere with the first and proper use of punishment, which is the restoration of the equality of justice not only in society but in the person of the criminal. A person who commits a crime has indulged his will against reason; a disequilibrium has been established in his soul, as Plato says, which can only be righted by retributive exercise of reason against his will. The greatest evil in the world is to do wrong without being punished.They object to punishment itself; and that is because they deny the existence of justice; and that is because they deny that man is free, that man is responsible for his acts. Crime, they say, is sickness. It must be cured, or better, prevented by prophylaxis of the spirit, by the extermination of free will altogether so that men will react like Pavlov’s dogs to sensitivity training and even to psychosurgery and drugs . . . . They say crime is illness. Now if that were true, there could be no moral act whatsoever. If man is not free to choose evil, he is not free to choose good . . . . Everyone must remember the story of the murderer who said in court: “You can’t blame me, it was my heredity and environment that caused me to kill” and the judge who replied, “It is my heredity and environment that sentences you to hang by the neck until dead.”(The Death of Christian Culture, Chapter 7)

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