As-Sunnah Foundation of America — Unity, Knowledge and Understanding for the Muslim Community

Web Name: As-Sunnah Foundation of America — Unity, Knowledge and Understanding for the Muslim Community






Mawlid an-Nabi (s)The Benefit of the Name Muhammad (s)June 24, 2020 By Admin Leave a CommentShaykh Yusuf an-Nabahani وههنا لطيفة وهي أن اسم محمد الميم الأولى منه إذا قلت ميم كانت ثلاثة أحرف والحاء حرفان حاء وألف والهمزة لا تعد لأنها الألف والميمان المضعَّفان ستة أحرف والدال ثلاثة دال وألف ولام فإذا عددت حروف اسمه كلها ظاهرها وباطنها حصل لك من العدد ثلاثمائة وأربعة عشر الثلاثمائة وثلاثة عشر على عدد [ ]The Birth of the Prophet Muhammed (s) and InfancyDecember 5, 2018 By Admin Leave a CommentWhen the time came close to the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him), his mother saw a dream that she gave birth to a boy and with this boy a magnificent emergence of light spread out and enveloped the earth until it reached Busra in al-Sham. Mawlid an-Nabi (s)Shaykh Qardawi Approves of Celebrating MawlidCelebrating Mawlidu n-Nabi (s)More Posts from this Category Light of Prophet Muhammad (s)The One for Whose Sake Rain Is Sent (s) أبيضَ يُستسقى الغَمَام بوجههDecember 5, 2018 By Admin Leave a Commentأخرج ابن عساكر عن جَلْهُمَة بن عُرْفُطَة قال‏:‏ قدمت مكة وهم في قحط، فقالت قريش‏:‏ يا أبا طالب، أقحط الوادي، وأجدب العيال، فهَلُمَّ فاستسق، فخرج أبو طالب ومعه غلام، كأنه شمس دُجُنَّة، تجلت عنه سحابة قَتْمَاء، حوله أُغَيْلمة، فأخذه أبو طالب، فألصق ظهره بالكعبة،ولاذ بأضبعه الغلام، وما في السماء قَزَعَة، فأقبل السحاب من هاهنا وهاهنا [ ]The Superlative Eloquence of the ProphetMarch 4, 2019 By Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani Leave a CommentAllāh swears by the setting star that His Prophet does not stray in the least from what Allāh commands him. Nor does the Prophet speak from his own whims or desires, whether good or bad. Every utterance, every movement, every breath of the Prophet was, in fact, revelation from Allāh and consequently of utmost value in the quest to understand and follow the Qur’ān and the religion of Islam. Life of the Prophet (s)Abdulloh Bin Salam رضي الله عنهAwwalul Muslimin yang seorang ini memang tidak “sepopuler” Waroqoh bin Naufal. Tetapi banyak pelajaran yang bisa di- ambil dari kisah bagaimana dia masuk Islam, seperti hadits panjang yang diriwayatkan oleh Anas R.A. berikut ini:Aisyah Shidiq رضي الله عنهاSeorang gadis kecil periang berumur sembilan tahun sedang gembira bermain-main dengan teman-temannya .Evidence of Acceptability of MawlidShaykh Qardawi Approves of Celebrating Mawlid"Actually, celebrating the Prophet's birthday means celebrating the birth of Islam..."  -- Shaykh Yusuf Al-QardawiSheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, likely the most renowned Salafi scholar of the 20th century, in replying to the question on whether Mawlid should be celebrated replied: We all know that the Companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, did not celebrate the Prophet's [Read More...]Celebrating Mawlidu n-Nabi (s)In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most MercifulPRAISE BE TO ALLAH AND PEACE BE UPON HIS CHOSEN SERVANTSThe question under consideration is what is the verdict of the Shari`ah on celebrating the Holy Birthday of the Noble Prophet (s) in the month of Rabi`-ul-Awwal. From the point of view of the Shari`ah, is this a praiseworthy action or a blameworthy one? And do those who arrange such a [Read More...] What is Sunnah? The Arabic word Sunnah lexically means "road" or "practice." In the language of the Prophet {saw} and the Companions it denotes the whole of lawful practices followed in the Religion, particularly the pristine path of Prophets, whether pertaining to belief, religious and social practice, or ethics generally speaking.Shaykh Dr. Samer al-Nass on Quranic Expertiseكلمة توجيهية د محمد سامر النصPosted by ‎المدرسة القرآنية في الديار الشامية‎ on Saturday, October 12, 2019SHAYKH DR. SAMER AL-NASS: QURANIC EXPERTISE USED TO BE MIXED WITH THEIR FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT NOW IT IS A TITLE Ibn al-Jazari in Ghayat al-Nihaya cites a Qur an master who had three teachers, with the third of whom he read 90 khatmas of Qur an (complete readings under examination) in the different canonical readings. Let me be frank with you: I only read a total of three khatmas with two different shaykhs. The one that read 90 khatmas, for sure knows more than the one who read 60, and the latter for sure knows more than the one who read 30. Their taste, their sense, their understanding of the discipline has become their flesh and blood. Now, I am sorry to say, we have covetous title-seekers. Reading with ijaza ? What is that? I never heard of that. Since when does every student who finishes a book automatically become qualified to teach it?? We will not give you ijaza just because you did a reading and just to make you pleased but we will pound you like kebbeh in the old-style stone mortar until you are truly ready! It is the same, I am sorry to say, with some fatwas we hear nowadays. Such as that for the Baccalaureate exams it is OK not to fast [in Ramadan] . I went to the examination center and saw the fast-breakers, not two or three or a few, but the whole lot sitting and smoking openly. Of course these are criminals, but do you not think that the one who gave them that fatwa is their partner in crime? We have something the other communities do not have. We have the HERITAGE OF THE PROPHET (upon him blessings and peace) and if we do not keep that jealously then we are completely worthless.

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