Skyscript: Deborah Houlding's Astrology Pages

Web Name: Skyscript: Deborah Houlding's Astrology Pages






Sanguine: The Jupiterian Temperament Melancholic: The Saturnian Temperament What we know, and what we don't know about Vettius Valens; and why attempts to fill in the blanks with speculation may be obscuring our understanding of when and where he lived and compiled his work. width="147" height="59" border="0" id="book" onMouseOut="id='book'" onMouseDown="id='bookroll'"> In a slender volume containing the first English translation in print of Elsbeth Ebertin's 1922 booklet. In this article, astrologer and researcher Wade Caves takes us on a fascinating journey through the many charts and cycles triggered by the Great American Eclipse of August 2017. Judith Hill presents astrological signatures of depression with a blend of modern and traditional approaches. Ben Dykes explains the difference between a mean conjunction and a true conjunction of planets Why Morin's own report of his time of birth might appear flawed but is actually correct; and why we can believe the report that he predicted when his life would end Deborah Houlding introduces the terms and techniques referred to in the third book of Dorotheus, and explores in detail the judgement of the book's two example charts. [PDF: 2MB] Pictures of Lilly Kirk Little's review of three recently-published texts focusing on the life and work of William Lilly Time magazine exposes NASA's LIES and Washington Post explains how climate change made the zodiac fall away from its stars!!

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Astrology pages of UK astrologer, Deborah Houlding. Astrological services, articles, tips and tools. Free Horary Astrology Course, Beginners' course and calendar of events.

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