Odum School of Ecology
University of Georgia

Posts Amy and Anyas study of the spatial scale of algal effects on coral microbiomes is out in RSOS! Congratulations to Knauss Fellow, Rebecca Atkins! New positions for Mike, Phil and Mike (CU, CDC, and FAU) Congratulations! Gregs paper on spatiotemporal distribution of chinook salmon redds is in TAFS! Elizabeth and Anya each have new jobs on opposite coasts! Presenting Dr. Jacobs (and what did the fish say when it bumped into a wall?) Anyas paper on extended phenotypes! Early view in Ecology Shima et al Moonlight fish growth is out in ProcRoySoc B Chaos paper on non-independence in meta-analysis is out in Ecology! Paulas paper on meta-analysis methods is out in MEE! Jings paper on mobility and consumer-resource patterns is out in Royal Society Open Science Team Thalassoma, Take Two! Welcome our newest lab members Elizabeths paper on coral damage and healing came out (a while ago oops) in Oecologia! Dr. Shirk and the Karma Chameleon Amys research testing settlement shadows in mosquitoes was published! KBS ELME 2019 course on meta-analysis was a success! Our CAFI (aka Settlement Shadow) grant was funded! Our muricid-vermetid paper is out in MEPS! Odum Bake-Off: The octopus takes the cake! Laurics paper on the Moorea MPA is online in Ecosphere! Anyas coral microbiome paper is out in Coral Reefs! Jings paper on differential movement MPAs is out in Ecology! New Postdoctoral Program at the Odum School A weekend to celebrate! Congrats to Mike Heather and Gary Elizabeths paper on snail aggregations and coralivory is out in Coral Reefs! Dr. Brown just snailed it! Presenting Dr. Jacobson! Congratulations Lianne. Congratulations to Rebecca and Kat! Natasjas paper on soil C and warming is out in Nature! UGA forms a SEEDS (ESA) Chapter Anyas Oecologia paper on veremetid-algae-coral interactions is available online IMAGINATION squared has launched! Team Thalassomas Born at the right time paper is published in Ecology! Elizabeths paper on propagule redirection /settlement shadows is available online Welcome! Dan Hawkins joins the lab. KJs paper is out in GCB: faster turnover of soil C based on isotopic labeling studies. Its official: Dr. Jiao and Dr. Hamman! Rebeccas ARTicle on Science-and-Art is featured on the cover of Fisheries! Cecilia and Anyas Working Life piece is published in Science go WiSci! Julie and Mikes paper on multiple stressors was published in Biology Letters! Congratulations Dr. Elizabeth Hamman! Congratulations to Dr. Jing Jiao! Mike, Julie and JMs landscape of fear paper is out too (early online)! Adrians beta-diversity paper is available in Ecosphere! Our Progressive-Change BACIPS paper is published at MEE Mikes paper with our CRIOBE colleagues was published! Jings paper in Ecosphere is out! Anyas paper on vermetid die-off published in Coral Reefs Mass mortality of C. maximum in French Polynesia Update