Philosophy over Science

Web Name: Philosophy over Science






We are creatures whohave acquired language; as a result our minds, our lives and our societies arecontrolled by linguistic formulae ideas and theories. Ideas matter; eitherwe control ideas or they control us. The most importantideas are those about fundamental issues: what exists, what we are, and how weshould live. They determine how we interpret reality.False ideasnecessarily cause us to harm ourselves, our children, each other and ourenvironment; no matter how good are our intentions. If we are to progressas a species, we must question all the ideas that we ve inherited fromour species ignorant past. We must replace allold, false ideas with working theories about what the Cosmos is, how it producedus, and what our consciousness is.This task requiresphilosophical cognition; so in order to reach our potential as a species wemust become philosophers.We who arealive now are members of the oldest and best-informed human society that hasever existed. We know more about the general nature of the Cosmos, itsevolution and ourselves than any humans before us. Our current best theoreticalreconstruction of our genesis is this:1. TheCosmos is immense: composed of hundreds of millions of galaxies. 2. TheCosmos is now expanding; it is most likely that it undergoesBang-Expansion-Contraction-Crunch-Bang cycles. 3. Afterthis last Bang, the Cosmos has evolved from a simplest state of space andvarious motions in/of space (energy) to produce ever higher levels ofhierarchical organization:a.Astrophysicochemicalevolution: subatomic particles,atoms, molecules (gas, dust, stars, planets)b.Biologicalevolution: cells, plants, animals (Here on Earth, with this and other formsof life throughout the Cosmos)c.Neuropsychologicalevolution: animals with nervous systems that gather and process information(sensation, emotion, consciousness, protoconcepts,etc.) d.Linguomythic evolution: animals with language who make tools and invent stories to explain theirexperiences (myths, religions, ideologies, etc.) (This is our current state.)e.Philosophicalevolution: humans learn to use language in a disciplined way to create andcriticize theories in order to understand the Cosmos and themselves (firstattempted in ancient Greece; mankind s only hope).I call this theory of reality Cosmism for it accepts that the Cosmos is all that exists. The Cosmos is an evolving being; it inherently seeks to become morecomplex, more self-aware and even self-directing. We are the Cosmos becomelinguistically self-aware. Thanks to Charles Darwin s philosophicalefforts, we can understand how we were produced through the evolution of lifeon this very special planet. Our species originated in Africa and spread fromthere to the rest of the planet. Our consciousness is similar to that of otherintelligent animals; it is the brain s virtual-reality representation ofour external and internal environments. Weare more intelligent than other animals, but what makes us wholly unique isthat our consciousness is enhanced by language. We are apes who can talk. We use words to represent objects, and thisvastly increased our information-processing power. Words allow us tounderstand and manipulate our environment. However, language can not onlyempower us but can also become a trap. Inasmuch as our word formulae fail tocorrespond to reality, language can mislead us. I made the decision as a young man to try to figure everything out. To questionsall old ideas and see if I could find or create better ideas. I was fortunateto have the ability and the time to do so. What I have slowly come to realizeis that our enlightened Western Civilization--all its ideas and institutions are not based uponCosmism, but upon spiritualism. Indeed the vast majority of human beingsbelieve that the Cosmos was created by a spirit-God and that our consciousnessis a spirit inhabiting our bodies. Spiritualism is simply an ancient magical theory of the Cosmos and ofhuman consciousness. Almost all of us are taught with some version ofspiritualism as children. Therefore we still cling to religions (the Judaicreligions, Hinduism, New Age Mysticism, etc.). If we reject one magic-theory wego looking for a better one. Intelligent persons often fall prey tointellectualize versions of spiritualism: Platonic idealism, mathematicalidealism, phenomenalism, positivism, etc.) Think about it. Spiritualism holds that our consciousness is not an emergentproduct of Cosmic evolution like everything else,including our bodies. Consciousness is magic; our minds participate in a mystical world that has no relationship to the Cosmosor Cosmic causality. The Cosmos is a mere creation of the magic-world; or possiblyjust an illusion. Spiritualism holds that our spirit-minds are not dependentupon our brains, and therefore can survive the death of our brains. Spiritualism is a belief in magic; and ifone believes in magic then one believes that anything is possible. However,if one really analyzes spiritualism, if one takes it seriously, one has toadmit that it is utterly inconsistent with everything we know about theevolution of the Cosmos, of life on Earth, and about neuropsychology. It isinconsistent with everything we experience every day in our daily lives. It isinconsistent with how we actually think and live every day of our lives. Spiritualism is just an ancientanthropocentric myth; the projection of our own mental life upon the Cosmositself. It is also simple wish-fulfillment: is satisfies our desire to liveforever. Spiritualism is just nonsense and therefore can only produce nonsense.Spiritualism gave rise to the religions. Thinking that our minds are spirits,we invented gods or a God and made Them/It the creator of the Cosmos. As longas we cling to spiritualism, we are forced to choose among varioussupposedly-God-inspired revelations to know how the spirit-world works, whatGod wants, and how we should live. While the Cosmos and truth are one,spiritualism, like all false beliefs, takes on innumerable forms. It is long-past time for us to finally grow out of spiritualism and all itsrelated falsehoods. We must give up the sentimental desire for life afterdeath. Spiritualism is not comprehensible;it is not acceptable; it is not good for us. Spiritualism cuts us off from Cosmic reality; it prevents us from understanding the truenature of the Cosmos and of ourselves. It produces a false epistemology, falsepsychology, false pedagogy, false sociology, false economics and falsepolitics. We cling to false beliefs; this is why our societies arepathological; marked by coercion, ignorance, suffering, waste and destruction.You think that I m being too hard on spiritualism? That it s atrivial conceit that we should indulge in ourselves and others? That itsreligions are necessary and good for us? That weshouldn t hurt others feelings by confronting their false beliefs?You think that mankind should tolerate spiritualism forever? Well, consider thefatal errors that spiritualismnecessarily produces in our minds and societies: 1.The doctrines offree will and innate evil Every person issupposedly born with a magical spirit that has free will to makemoral (religion-approved) choices. This spirit is unaffected by maturationalprocesses, by upbringing or by experience. In essence, spiritualism holds thatcausality and determinism have no role in human psychology. Children will bewho they are no matter what we do to them. Since these free spirits are selfishand make the wrong choices it proves that they are inherently flawed lazy, stupid andevil just as the Bible teaches. This false psychology prevents usfrom understanding human nature, children s maturational processes, andthe actual determinants of human behavior. Wemisidentify the child s immaturity and healthy willfulness asdisobedience. Adults too are clearly evil proven by the fact thatthey often do not obey God or authorities. All the stupidity and destructioncaused by this false belief system is taken as just more proof that humans are born evil.2.Universalcoercion-authoritarianism Since children andadults are innately evil, they need to be controlledby force or threat of force in order to be made into good persons.So we attempt to train the child s unruly spirit by coercion byverbal and physical abuse. Adults too must be controlled by authorities. Wefail to realize that all coercion, no matter how well-intentioned, rationalizedor legalized, is violence or the threat of violence. It is a crime against the child s or adult s body, mind and will. Coercion, legal or not, displace andprevents love, respect, cooperation and dialogue among persons. Coercion negates the use of the intellect,both of the controller and the one being controlled. The resort to force isstupidity and it produces stupidity. All laws that force people to do whatthey otherwise would not do, or prevent them from doing what they want to doare forms of coercion institutionalized violence. Violencecan never aid any person s psychosocial or intellectual maturation; itcan only produce mental disturbance and more violence. Our enlighteneddemocracies are thus stupid, criminal systems based uponviolence parents against children, teachers against students, lawyers-politiciansagainst citizens, and government-privileged bankers, corporations andprofessions against the masses. 3.Resignation tofate Since one s spirit lives foreverthis life has far less importance. Weare willing to submit to coercion, slavery and suffering in this life becausewe believe that we ll find happiness in the afterlife. ThusChristianity has always been a great religion for one s slaves.Spiritualism causes us to take this life for granted, even to take our friendand family for granted thinking that we will all exist for all eternity.If we were convinced instead that this is the only existence that we will everhave, we would dammed sure that it was the best world possible for ourselves,our children, all human beings, and our posterity.4.Disregard forNature Since the true reality is spiritual,the Cosmos, Earth, and all non-human life is of little importance, just apassing phase or even an illusion. We, God s chosen species, can dowhatever we want to the planet and its species without regard for any long-termconsequences. We can exploit, destroy,and pollute at will. God made the world for us and the Messiah is comingsoon to clean up the mess. 5.Theism TheCosmos is merely the creation of some all-powerful super-spirit (God). To knowwhat this God-Spirit is and what it wants we must chose some version of holynonsense, some religion. We must follow a set of ideas and commandmentssupposedly dictated to some humans in the past (holyscriptures). Since this is all nonsense, it requires us to deactivateour intellects and surrender our wills. Wemust believe in our own inferiority and stupidity and turn our minds and willsover to religious, academic and political authorities. Theism supportsauthoritarianism. Theism prevents usfrom understanding this world and creating a better life on this planet.6.Religionism/Racism/Nationalism/Classism Because spiritualist ideologies make no sense of theworld, we can never agree on which one is the right one. We all inherit orchoose our own version of the contradictory nonsense. The result is chaos:contradiction, confusion, controversy, and conflict. Religious/superstitiousthinking leaves mankind divided into groups, each infected by some irrationalideology. Each group sees their spirit as superior to the others(e.g. God s chosen people, the natural rulers, the best society, truedemocracy, etc.), and sees others as inferior, less human. Each group believes that they can exploit other groups and/or ignoretheir suffering. Since there is no possible rational agreement aboutreligious, racial or nationalistic myths, theinevitable result is conflict andwar. It is perfectly OK to kill the other because they are bad whether they be men, women or children.Spiritualism and the religions and the authoritarian political systems thatit has spawned keep us trapped in a delusional Matrix offalse concepts and interpretations. We try to fix the problems that our errorsare producing, but since we don t understand the causes, our solutionsjust make things worse. We pass more laws and we throw more money at problems,just to watch them grow worse. We routinely resort to violence, at home andabroad. Spiritualism-religion and authoritarianism keep us trapped in various kindsof destructive behaviors and institutions: 1.Routine neglect ofinfants and children s needs; coercive childrearing2.Compulsoryschooling (mind/will-destruction)3.Capitalism:Fractional-reservebanking (loan slavery) and Government taxation (tax-slavery), Government-createdmonopolies (patents, copyrights, professions, etc.), Corporations(government-created amoral profit machines) 4.StupidScience (incapable of philosophical cognition see below)5.PharmaceuticalMedicine (instead of natural scientific medicine)6.Governmentregulation of all aspects of life and behavior (the Nanny State, TherapeuticState, political correctness, War on Drugs, etc.)7.Statism the world divided into competing,antagonistic slave-states8.WelfareStatism Coercive government charity displacesvoluntary community charityIn Western civilization, Judeo-Christianity sfalse and destructive ideas have produced and sustained an authoritarianpolitical-economic system. However, most people don t actually believe inthese religions anymore including most of those who claim that they areJews or Christians. Therefore we exist in a state of inconsistency: Our society sand therefore our individual ideological structures are based upon Judeo-Christianspiritualism, yet we no longer believe in Judeo-Christianity. Most persons whoconsider themselves believers do not actually know the contents of their holyscriptures and certainly do not attempt to abide by every word found there. Peoplewho call themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims instead hold someinconsistent, personal version of the holy nonsense that they are comfortablewith. They combine those ideas with their own ideas about how to live. Theylive in a state of contradiction and confusion. Those who consider themselvesto be agnostics or even atheists are also infected with religiousideas because their society is based upon those ideas. Non-believers generally remainspiritualists.We will remain trapped inspiritualism/religion/authoritarianism until we replace this ideational complexwith one based upon Cosmism. That is the next challenge for humanity. Inorder to solve our problems and create the intelligent, creative, and peacefulglobal society that we all want, we mustproduce, and share, a working theory of what the Cosmos is, how it evolves,what we human beings are, and how we should live. We require a beliefsystem that is consistent with Cosmic reality. Thisprocess is underway as evidenced by the increased interest in Cosmology,the environment, natural medicine, etc. Howeverit cannot succeed without a revolution in thought.We require something that is like a religion but without the dogmatism anderror. We require working theory of reality that fits the facts and that growsand changes with the advance of knowledge. We must begin to become sentient byidentifying all contradictions between our word-formulae and reality. We mustreject old myths and anthropomorphic analogies. There is a name for such an open-ended, rational religion . Since its invention by Ionian Greeks in the 6th centuryBC it has been called philosophy .Philosophy is the most powerful use of ourlinguistic cognition; it is the full, uninhibited use of our intuition combinedwith our language-based intelligence to criticize and create theories of thenature and causes of all Cosmic phenomena.Philosophy allows our minds toreach beyond our consciousness, beyond our sensations and measurements and toexplain what exists and causes our experiences. Philosophy is the intellectualdiscipline by which we assure that our word-formulas correspond to Cosmic reality. Philosophy rejects ideasthat are not consistent with the evidence and/or do not sufficiently explainthe evidence.Philosophyis our only path to the truth; our only tool for integratingthe facts ofexperience andfor understanding the Cosmos and ourselves.Considerthat the first rule of philosophy isnon-contradiction because the Cosmosis a coherent, interacting whole. There is nothing incoherent in it; nothinglike a contradiction. Our linguistic representations must mirror the Cosmos. Ourlinguistic representation of the Cosmos must be evolutionary, hierarchical,etc. Logic and mathematics are tools of philosophy. All sciences are, and mustremain, branches of philosophy.Philosophyis what most people think/hope that Science is. Here they are mistaken.You would think that mankind would revel in an open-ended, rational,ever-improving, non-sectarian search for understanding. However, such has notbeen the case. In fact, philosophy has always been suppressed, reviled, belittled, and ignored; fromthe Byzantine emperor Justinian s closure of Plato s andAristotle s schools in Athens to the aggressiveanti-philosophy of today s governmental-banking-corporate-media-academicestablishment. Philosophy is slandered as mere unsupported belief, soft-headedmysticism, or a form of art. In our universities, it is reduced either to acanned history of ideas , useless speculation about the meaning ofwords, or a dialogue about morality. What our culture calls philosophy is a pale shadow of the real thing. Why is this so? Why is our mostprecious, most important intellectual capacity suppressed and ignored? It isquite simple: philosophy is the onlythreat to the religions that still dominate our minds, to the governments thatdominate our lives by force, and to the banking/corporate plutocracy thatdominates our governments. The status quo of belief, power and privilegerests upon old false ideas and is therefore highly vulnerable. The system cannot withstand intelligentcriticism and so must suppress our ability to think. It does so through thegovernment-mandatedschooling of children and by replacingphilosophy with merely-descriptive Science. The current intellectualconsensus is that there are only twopaths to truth: Religion and Science. Sciencegives us the what religion gives us the why . The price we have paid for exchanging philosophy for stupid Science isenormous. The Renaissance of Greek philosophical brilliance has once againfaded. The cultural revolution of the 1960s and 70s aborted. Religion, government,banks and corporations are again firmly in power. Our minds are constricted,our lives distorted, our art degraded, and our workunsatisfying. Weaccept all this as normal and we obediently pass on our slave-lives to ourchildren, ruining them too. We are trapped in a High-Tech Dark Age weare still in the Middle Ages. It is time for thelong-overdue awakening of human consciousness. It is time for us to fulfill our Cosmicdestiny, to become fully human. What is holding us back? What ispreventing us from producing a shared, rational theory of the Cosmos and ourselves? What canpossibly be wrong with Science? Isn t Science the way to solve all ourproblems? The truth will surprise you. I found the key to the nature of Sciencewhen I started looking for answers. I discovered that our revered theoreticalphysics Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are not theories aboutwhat exists and causes physical phenomena. They are merely models of the humanobservers conscious experience. They are products of spiritualism. Relativityand Quantum Theory are just observer-based accounting models, no differentthan the Ptolemaic system that modeled the motion of the stars in theEarth-observer s frame. Albert Einstein sought only to find quantitativelaws that could account for the observer s experiences and measurements.He did not attempt, at any point, to provide a theory of what exists and causesthe observer to measure what he does, let alone what causes the observer toexist. Why did he do this? Why did he succeed? This question led me to readNewton and most Enlightenment philosophy. What I found is that our Enlightenment thinkers were Christian men or at leastspiritualists. They wanted to restrict our knowledge to the mere description ofour experience because they did not want to, and did not know how to replaceChristianity and its spiritualism with Cosmic theory. Science was invented by Bishop Berkeley.He asserted that Newton s theory of matter, space and time was atheisticas it talked about Cosmic entities and processes thatdid not rely on God. He attempted to stop all such theorizing about the Cosmos.He claimed that we are spirits, and that all we can know is spiritual reality.He asserted that the Cosmos that we experience is just a spiritual Matrix,created and sustained by God. We should not therefore do anything but describethis spiritual Matrix and find the rules by which it operates. BishopBerkeley s ideology is called subjective idealism , and issimilar to Plato s idealism. Einstein inherited this ideology via DavidHume and Ernst Mach. He created his own version of mathematical idealism.Einstein merely sought the simplest rules that could generate our experiencesand measurements the rules of the Matrix. His form of spiritualism alsosubstituted human consciousness and its contents for Cosmictheory. Relativity and Quantum Mechanics assume that reality is observer-basedand observer-created, they don t imply it. Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are functioning exactly as BishopBerkeley intended when he created Science; they are protecting religion and authorityfrom the threat of philosophy. Their observer-based mathematical modelsexplain nothing and produce paradoxes, contradictions and absurdities(observer-created reality, time travel, parallel universes, wave-particleduality, etc.). There is no Cosmos in these models; they leave God or magic asthe cause of everything. You are certainly protesting louderthan ever at this point: Relativity and Quantum Mechanics have beenproven to be true, over and over again. Theoretical physics is just good Science! What has been proven is only that their mathematical models can describe andpredict our measurements. They do not begin to touch on the question of whatexists and causes us to measure what we do. Therefore we do not have a theoretical physics, and without a theory of the fundamental nature of the Cosmos and itsprocesses we cannot understand what the Cosmos is, how it produced us, what weare, and what our consciousness is. Without a working theoretical physics,we have no way to replace the God-Spirit theory. We are trapped, stuck withspiritualism, just as Bishop Berkeley intended. Not just modern physics, but Science itself is the problem. Science isintellectually inadequate; it is incompetent to deal with ideas. Like itsarchetypes, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, Science restricts our minds to counting and measuring things andfinding statistical correlations. Science isStupid. Science was created tocoexist with religion and authority, and it has doneso for hundreds of years. Allacademic specialties are now trying to imitate physics, to become hardsciences . This process is dumbing-downacademia and therefore our society. Science denigrates and suppresses philosophicalcognition; it makes us afraid to use our theoretic intelligence. Our experts are incompetent because their minds deformed by schooling andinhibited by Science. They do not have philosophical competence. They areincapable of questioning their assumptions. They simply accept the ideas thatthey inherited in their training. The outlines of a new philosophicalphysics and Cosmology are clear. As soon as one begins to think about thephenomena that Relativity and Quantum Mechanics describe, as soon as one triesto relate all phenomena to the Cosmos instead of to ourselves, one isimmediately struck by the fact that spacecannot be mere emptiness. To explain gravity, inertia, electromagnetism, etc.requires the hypothesis that space is something real, a substance. The Cosmosis this physical space and motions in/of space. Space spontaneouslyself-organizes itself into subatomic particles, which can combine to formatoms, molecules, life, consciousness and linguistic consciousness. Spacehas the qualities Newton ascribed to it. It is space that resistsmatter s acceleration. Space also has the qualities of Maxwell sand Lorentz s ether the electromagnetic medium in which light is awave that propagates at c. Spacetheory also allows us to understand Einstein s singular achievement: hisrealization that inertial acceleration and gravitational acceleration are thesame thing (the principle of equivalence of gravitational and inertialacceleration). This insight directly implies that Newtonian-Lorentzian, inertial-electromagneticspace is flowinginto the Earth. We and all matter are accelerated passively with space;Earth prevents us from accelerating with space and so we feel our weight. I realizedthat such a spatial flow must have a velocity at every distance from Earth, andthat it must be Newton s escape velocity. Indeed, this velocity (11.2km/son Earth s surface) explains the successes of General Relativity: theslowing of atomic clocks in gravitational fields, bending of light, etc. It isno coincidence that modern physics has one major taboo on must neverspeak of space (ether) theory. The taboo goes back to Bishop Berkeley sattack on Newton. The taboo has so far prevented academics from theorizingabout Cosmic space. Space theory is required in order to chase the God-of-the-gaps out ofhis last hiding place. Space is the source of all being. Space theory is the rational alternativeto mind-God spiritualism. Space is not sentient, but it has the potential tobecome sentient via its evolution into creatures like ourselves. Space, thisunknown, complex substance, inherently strives for greater complexity,self-knowledge and self-direction. We are space become self-conscious hereon Earth. No doubt there are millions of linguistic or otherwise self-consciousspecies in this Cosmos. Space theory provides us with an entirely differentview of the world and ourselves than ancient spiritualism.Space theory provides a rational foundation our actions and societies. We havea goal we must begin to live up to our evolutionary potential. We mustseek to improve the Cosmos by improving ourselves. We must add to theintelligence, self-knowledge and self-direction of the Cosmos. We should enjoyour lives and live them to the fullest for we have no existence afterbrain-death. When we laugh, the Cosmos is laughing through us. We must dedicateourselves to thinking and to learning. Tostart, we must stop schooling our children stop destroying their naturalintellectual and psychological development. Only then can we createhealthier-minded generations who can understand this world much better than wecan. We must all seek to become philosophers masters of ideas. We mustalways try to identify old inadequate ideas and replace them with bettertheories. We must seek to understand theCosmos and live in harmony with it, with ourselves, and with each other. Wemust abolish violence in all its forms, including all authoritarian systems andinstitutions. We must deconstructour authoritarian systems and build a new world-wide society based upon mutualrespect, concern and cooperation. Only then will we begin to obtain peaceand prosperity. Only then will we nurture our children s learning andcreativity and allow them to realize their potential. Only then we will beginto create human beings who do not need to be controlled. We can turn life on this planet into a celebration of existence. Witha working theoretical physics we will be able to develop clean and powerfultechnologies that will allow us to preserve our Earth and to travel among thestars. We can hope one day to contact other species in the Cosmos that haveattained this or a higher level of intellectual and technological evolution.What comes after that?Who knows!Philosophyis what we think Science should be; it is what we are taught to think thatScience is.Philosophyis the natural religion of all mankind our only hope for a peaceful andprosperous future together on Earth and among the stars.On Philosophy, Science, and the Cosmos On the Philosophical Inadequacy of Modern Physics and the Need for a Theory of Space My most recent publication in Cosmos and History. It is a the most complete presentation of the philosophical problem with Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Science in general, and an outline of a new Cosmology based upon space theory. Hierarchical Cosmism My first writing project that started me on my philosophical journey. The fact that I needed to do this indicates how fragmented and anti-theoretical Science is. I simply started to describehow Cosmic processes have been andcontinue to be organized in new ways, creating new levels of complexity. The result is a powerfultool for organizing our understanding. It is an unfinished outline of all current and potential knowledge! The major levels of Cosmic evolution are: Astrophysicochemical, Biological, Neuropsychological (animals) Linguomythic (ancient human), and Consciophilosophical (our potential). Philosophy over Science An expos of the origins and intellectual inadequacy of our Science which accepts contradictions in its ideas and doesn't form coherent theories of the causes of things. Science is anti-philosophy. From It to Bit: From the Observer s Information to Space Theory Brief essay summarizing the problem with physics and how to fix it Beyond Consciousness to Cosmos: Beyond Relativity and Quantum Theory to Cosmic Theory (printed) Text version The first paper that I published. An expos of the philosophical errors made by Einstein, and an argument for going beyond Relativity to a physical theory of the Cosmos. (Copyright Physics Essays Publication (PEP). Reproduced with permission of PEP) (Phys. Ess. 2002, 15, pp. 113-128) Beyond Newton and Einstein to Flowing Space The facts of physics require that space be a substance. It is the ground of all being. A detailed presentation of a new theory of space and motion that fits the facts. This simple modelexplains why Relativity s equations work. (Copyright Physics Essays Publication (PEP). Reproduced with permission of PEP) (Phys. Ess. 2012, 25, pp. 500-509) A QED-Based Wave Theory of Light, Electrons, and their Quantized Interactions Edited version of A QED-compatible Wave Theory of Light, Electrons, and their Interactions , published in The Nature of Light: What are Photons IV, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8121, 2011, p. 81210X-1. Feynman s approach to QED is discussed. I show how it requires a wave-theory of light. The evidence contradicts the idea that light is composed of particles. It is the false photon theory of light that leads to the quantum paradoxes and all the other quantum spookiness . Implications of Flowing Space Unpublished. An exploration of the new physics implied by the Flowing Space theory of gravity Etherism,Atomism, and the GodMyth Deals with the philosophical question of the nature of reality: whether the Cosmos is the product of four forces and four particles acting in a void as is currently taught in universities, or the product of motions in and of the substance that fills all empty space and which produces all fundamental physical phenomena. Etherism has a much greater explanatory power than the God theory andthe atomistic theory. Cosmism over Spiritualism, Philosophy over Science, Consensualism over Coercion PowerPoint presentation at BioCosmology Conference, Monmouth Univ., NJ, June 2014 Relativity and the Corruption of Natural Philosophy PowerPoint presentation given at the Natural Philosophy Alliance in Storrs, Connecticut on 5/25/2009 Beyond Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: Space Physics PowerPoint presentation given at the SPIE conference The Nature of Light: What are Photons , August 2011 A QED-Compatible Wave-Theory of Light, Electrons, and their Interactions PowerPoint presentation given at the SPIE conference, August 2011 On the Movie, The Matrix and its relevance to these pages. We too live in a Matrix of false ideas and delusions that distort our thinking, our lives, and our societies and which effectively enslaves us all. Our High-Tech Dark Age We are not an enlightened society, far from it. Western society is run by a banking-corporate elite who view the rest of us as beasts who must be controlled. Governments are their servants; schools their training camps; loans their slave-contracts. The Old Testament (Jewish Torah) is the Root of All Evil Have you ever actually read the Old Testament or thought seriously about its ideas? You should. You will see that the foundation of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is evil; the negation of every value that we profess to hold. We thus live with contradiction and remain confused. The Ninth Crusade An historical and moral analysis of the ongoing Zionist Ninth Crusade mounted by European/American Jews and Christians to control Palestine, the Middle East, and the World. Their delusional religion drives them to do it. Children and Childrearing -- We must grant children all the rights of any adult, in addition to meeting their need for protection, aid, and love. We must stop institutionalizing and infantilizing them. On Schooling (coerced learning) vs. Unschooling (self-motivated learning) -- we must separate school and state and integrate children into our society. The Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution outlaws involuntary servitude, except for crimes committed. Truancy law forces every child into school where he is punished if he does not follow orders. What crimes have children committed? The Modern Parenting Dilemma -- We are pouring new wine into old bottles. Consensualism over Coercionism Two incompatible moralities only one isfit for human beings. The Problem with Capitalism It is not freedom, but just another form of enslavement of themasses based upon fractional reserve banking and many other governmental distortions of natural human cooperation and fairness. On the Illegitimacy of Corporations They are not free market phenomena; they are not private. They are profit-making machines created by the government by specific abrogations of personal rights and responsibilities. The Debt/Tax Slave System and its Alternative Yes, we are slaves On Ted Kaczynski and the delusions of modern psychiatry our psychiatry merely diagnoses and drugs people, as the pharmaceutical model dictates. A valid psychiatry would find the causes of our mental ills in childhood trauma, abuse, and control. Against Spiritualism, Genetic Determinism, and Racism a simple theory of the mind and its disorders So You Want to be a Philosopher? A how-to essay. Hint: It has nothing to do with any degrees orcourses offered in any school. The purpose of schooling is to prevent you from being a philosopher or creator.ConsiderThat:We are all one species living on oneplanet. If we allow anyone person or group to commit violence against anyother person or group, we are destroying the moral basis of our peacefulcoexistence and we put everyone at risk. We must condemn the initiation andmaintenance of violence everywhere at all times, including the covert forms ofviolence like schooling, debt slavery, and taxation. We must employ every meansavailable to stop perpetrators of violence and coercion.Humans are not born evil, they'reborn immature; just like puppies, kittens, and all other animals.We mustsatisfy their needs and support their self-motivated development. We must notcoerce them but give them time to mature naturally. We should not force theminto our perverted forms of thought and behavior.About MeLetme know what you think.

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  Tiedättehän ne unet, joissa löydätte jonkun tosi harvinaisen ponin tai kasan poneja, ja ajattelette: Tämä on varmaan unta - mitä se sitten lopu


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