
The Syros International Film Festival (SIFF) returns July 28-31, celebrating its 10th anniversary in the capital of Cyclades with an edition packed with film screenings, audiovisual performances, installations, workshops as well as an innovative audiovisual project to celebrate the occasion. The edition’s theme “Topos” focuses on the local identity of Syros as an integral part of the dynamic creative process of SIFF, experiencing artistic works in a context that is defined by the characteristic landscape of Syros, and collaborations that work across traditional geographical borders. The selected theme proposes an alternative perspective, beyond the confines of large urban centers, where islands and other so-called “peripheral” areas emerge as places of contemporary artistic creation.


Peripheral Vision 2022: Hybrid Workshop
01.10.20 - 31.07.2022, Online + On Site


Excavating Landscapes: Sara Jessica Rinland


The Same Light: James Bridle

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