What we do

Enhance diver safety

We collect dive profiles, medical datas and other parameters. We analize them, to provide you an immediate feedback on every dive you upload.

Moreover, we organize data-collection laboratory on the field, where our researchers perform advanced clinical tests and collect dive profiles

What you can do

Join DAN Europe in the dive research


Signup in to the DSG, it only takes few seconds

Complete your profile

Fill the required information such as you birthdate, height and weight

Upload your dive profile

Choose the dive type, drag&dop the dive profile

Complete the dive form

Fill your dive information, such as gear used, location and gases breathed

Get your DRA

Once all the information have been collected, you will get the Dive Risk Analisys for each dive

View your statistics

View the statistics of your dive, including DRA

The revolutionary logbook that allows you to
analyse your dive profiles


Inside the DSG

a look of the future