Building Autism Inclusive Workplaces.

We are using eLearning and Virtual Reality to immerse employees in scenarios that educate them in how small things within their workplace can have a huge impact on employees who have Autism and other Neurodiversities.

Making your organization Arrange a Call Today

Lighting can be a huge barrier for people with Autism in the Workplace.
The layout of the office is another barrier for people with Autism.

Our Services

We provide services that offer a holistic approach to increasing accessibility and inclusion within your organisation.

What we do?

We use Research & Technology to make businesses more Accessible.

User-Centred Design

alvrCloud is designed using a User Centred Design approach.These elements are also required in a working environment.

Future of Learning

alvrCloud uses Virtual Reality& Animated Videos to educate the Workforce.

Speed & Security

alvrCloud is hosted on the Amazon Web Services. Providing a fast and secure platform to your employees.

It is fast and easy. Making your Organization more Accessible and Inclusive.

Future of the Workplace is Inclusion

Becoming an Inclusive Workplace gives an organization a competitive advantage with regards to Talent Acquisition and Retention.

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