International Telematic University UNINETTUNO: Online Degree

Web Name: International Telematic University UNINETTUNO: Online Degree






By clicking on the user profile you own you will be redirected to the password reset procedure STUDENTOTHER With our model, resulting from 25 years of research, it is you, the student, who are at the center of the teaching and learning process. A multimedia and multilingual learning environment in which to interact with students coming from 167 different countries across the world. University for Refugees In order to continue your university studies and acquire professional skills join the University for refugees: recognition of study titles and of previously acquired skills, language courses. The three-year and second-cycle degree courses for all online faculties, study programs and educational aims, study paths and teaching staff. Discover UNINETTUNO master s courses, enrolments open all year round, aims, educational activities and distance tutoring. Learn more about it. Discover Massive Online Open Courses, enroll in UNINETTUNO-OpenUpEd courses, the first M.O.O.C. in a European University. Discover The best courses, the best teachers, the best university, the best method from today just a click away! Buy a single course and videolessons. Discover Who we are The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, established on the 15th April 2005, delivers online first-cycle (bachelor) degrees, specialization degrees, research doctorates and university master’s degrees acknowledged in Italy, Europe and worldwide. With UNINETTUNO you can attend university at distance from anywhere following its courses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thanks to its technological poles which are located in the whole national and international territory we support your educational and learning activities in each one of our faculties always assuring an excellent training standard. Ask our staff for further information or consult our educational offer. The UNINETTUNO University launches the initiative L Italia che legge (The Italy that reads) jointly with the publishing houses, Piemme, Sperling Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli Illustrati Book presentations just a click away to support the publishing industry and promote reading in this emergency times: this is how the idea of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and of the publishing houses, Piemme, Sperling Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli Illustrati, named as L Italia che legge (The Italy that reads) was born. From novels to essays, from cartoons to illustrated books: a parade of literary genres and authors that, thanks to a video of a few minutes, present, at distance their own book to keep alive their relationship with the readers. The video presentations will be broadcast based on a weekly schedule and will be accessible also on demand on the University s and involved publishing houses social networks and on the portal,, and on UNINETTUNO.TV on the following link The Magic Memory of Federico Fellini 1920-2020 On Thursday, June the 18th , at 5 pm, streamed liveon UNINETTUNO’s website and Facebook page we will hold on line the Digital Talk entitled The Magic Memory of Federico Fellini 1920-2020 , coordinated by the Dean of UNINETTUNO s Communication Sciences Faculty, Prof. Dario Edoardo Viganò, which will see the participation of some of the protagonists of Rimini s museum project devoted to Federico Fellini. Among the participants: Prof.AnnaVillari,professor at UNINETTUNO, museologist and among the managers of the permanent project of the Federico Fellini International Museum Prof. Marco Bertozzi,professor at IUAV, documentarist, historian of cinema, among the managers of the Museum and author of a volume on Fellini, to be published soon; Prof. Leonardo Sangiorgi,among the founders of Studio Azzurro and designer of the multimedia staging and of narrative dimension characterizing the Museum; the people in charge of the project on behalf of the Municipality of Rimini and of the Fellini Archive, Dr. Marco LeonettiandDr. Nicola Bassano. From TV to the Internet, from the Consorzio NETTUNO of 1992 to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO The First Italian Distance University that changed the Way to spread Knowledge in Italy and across the World The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO tells about itself in the Digital Talk entitled: From TV to the Internet, from the Consorzio NETTUNO of 1992 to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO that will be held online, at 5 pm, in live streaming on the University s website and FB page . This event is aimed at highlighting the founding values of UNINETTUNO s teaching and learning methodology passion, research, innovation, internationalization and inclusion together with the origins of the University. The Digital Talk will be introduced by the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, and it will see the participation of its founders: Prof. Patrizio Bianchi,Prof. Luciano De Menna, Prof. Francesco Profumo, Prof. Giovanni Puglisi. UNINETTUNO Digital Talk Public Investments: The Role of the state and the Public-Privata Finance On Tuesday, the 19th May, at 5 pm, the Digital Talk, organized by UNINETTUNO during the Covid-19 emergency, entitled Public Investments: The Role of the state and Public-Private Finance will take place online. Being introduced and moderated by Prof. Fabio G. Angelini, contract professor of Administrative Law at UNINETTUNO University, the event will host contributions by Ing.Andrea Fanelli(Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Infrastrutture, PA e Territorio), by the Cons.Renato Loiero(Senate of the Republic) and Lawyer Simone Egidiof the Herbert Smith Freehills legal office. This will be an occasion to analyze and get a deeper insight into the actions envisaged by the Recovery Decree (Decreto Rilancio) and into the role of public investments as an instrument to give a response to the recession events resulting from the Covid-19 emergency. UNINETTUNO Digital Talk Law to the test of Covid-19 : The Law Faculty reflects on the emergency What is the impact of the Covid-19 emergency on the various juridical profiles? From constitutionally guaranteed rights to the rules pertaining to the regulation of security in the workplace, from the organization of the PA, to the access to the Internet and to an issue of high topicality such as the protection of privacy. The Law Faculty of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNOinvites to attend the next debate of the next Digital Talk, entitled The Law to the Test of Covid-19 , that will be held online on Thursday the 14th May, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. UNINETTUNO, the only Italian University among the Top 10 best European Online Universities by the ranking UNINETTUNO was included among the ten best European online Universities and is the only Italian University in the ranking compiled by, the most influential European portal of distance higher education, point of reference for recruiting and guidance for international students: Doing Journalism Today: Languages and Tools : The Signatures of Today s Italian Journalism at your home in UNINETTUNO s free online course Some of the signatures of today s Italian journalism become the protagonists of the video lessons realized by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, in the free online courses whose title is: Doing journalism today: languages and tools , which can be accessed by students, teachers of schools and universities of all levels and degrees and by all Italian citizens thanks to the portal of #IOSTUDIOACASACONUNINETTUNO Our commitment aimed at democratizing the access to knowledge by means of the new technologies for a quality-level distance education which, now more than ever, becomes a virtual embracing for the students and citizen of the entire World. Go to, and discover our initiative. Discussing Graduation Theses online through UNINETTUNO s Interactive Classrooms: this way the spreading of coronavirus in Italy does not stop the achievement of a dream for many Italian students On the 12th and 13th March 2020, twenty-two candidates of the Psychology Faculty of the UNINETTUNO University had the possibility of discussing their graduation theses online through Interactive Classrooms, implemented for this purpose by the University for this new discussion mode in this period of nation-wide emergency: A new model of distance interaction of UNINETTUNO, born from the coronavirus crisis, will give all students the possibility of discussing their graduation thesis also allowing their relatives and friends to attend in live streaming on the University s e-Learning portal. Studying at the time of coronavirus UNINETTUNO s e-Learning platform available to all Italian schools and universities. The TV report of Italia 1 (Studio Aperto), with an interview given by the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito. UNINETTUNO s model in facing the coronavirus emergency UNINETTUNO faces the coronavirus emergency by enhancing its distance teaching and learning model and by assuring its solidarity and support to the Italian schools and universities that need it. Interview with the Rector, Prof. Maria Amata Garito, in the report that TGCOM24 devoted to UNINETTUNO. MIUR withdraws Min. Decree n 1171: Yes to UNINETTUNO Psychology Courses and Yes to the Right to Study for All The rules currently in force regarding the establishment and validity of the Degree Courses in Psychology, delivered by UNINETTUNO remain unchanged. On the 24/02/2020, the Ministerial Decree of the 23rd December 2019, n 1171, related to the validity of the Degree Courses in Psychology delivered in the distance mode by means of the new technologies, was officially withdrawn by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). The Communication Sciences Faculty of UNINETTUNO organizes the The Holy See between the War and Post-War Period. The Renewal of Communication In the framework of initiatives aimed at a more-in-depth study and debate on academic and general culture issues, the Communication Sciences Faculty of UNINETTUNO organizes a Study Seminar on The Holy See between the War and Post-War Period. The Renewal of Communication , on Tuesday February the 11th , at 4:30 pm, at UNINETTUNO Multimedia Hall (Piazza Grazioli n. 17) and streamed live on the portal the speakers: Prof. Dario Edoardo Vigan ,Dean of the Communication Sciences Faculty (UNINETTUNO);Prof. Rosanna Scatamacchia, Professor of Modern History and Contemporary History (UNINETTUNO);Prof. Gianluca Della Maggiore, Professor of Visual Storytelling(UNINETTUNO). UNINETTUNO hosts a top-notch representative of the Sports Medicine: Moira O Brien for the M.Sc. in Applied Sport Performace . In the framework of the project Soccer Education Culture kicked off jointly with S.S.Lazio Youth Sector and Female Team , theInternational Telematic University UNINETTUNO, hosts today a top-notch representative of the Sports Medicine: Professor Emeritus in Anatomy at the Trinity College in Dublin,Moira O Brien. She was the first woman being awarded with the Sir Roger Bannister prize, due to her contribution to the sports in medicine, and the first female doctor in Europe in charge of an Olympic team (Ireland, in the Olympic Games of Moscow 1980, Los Angeles 1984, and Seoul 1988). The story of RAI told by some of its protagonists. On the21stt November, on the occasion of 2019 World Television Day, theInternational Telematic University UNINETTUNOpresents the television program entitled: Era la Rai. Alle Origini del Servizio Pubblico (It was RAI. At the Origins of the Public Service) , designed and supervised byLilli Fabianiand realized by theUNINETTUNO University. UNINETTUNO bring students of from all over the world in Rome to find out the value and soul of Made in Italy with the MA in Fashion Retail and Luxury Management UNINETTUNO hosts international students, coming from Greece, India, Azerbaijan and Pakistan, enrolled in the Master s course inFashion Retail and Luxury Management in Rome. For the first time, the University offers this team of talented young people a truly full immersion into the culture, art and history of the Italian fashion to let them develop and sharpen their skills in the sector of fashion and luxury, discovering the value and soul of the Made in Italy . Training the body, nurturing the mind to jointly create the future of football young talents. UNINETTUNO and S.S.LAZIO present their new project Football Education Culture pool together thank to UNINETTUNO s teaching and learning model, that, due to its high degree of flexibility, allows the young promises of football, to be able to acquire professional skills and built the post-career future, by enhancing the talents they developed also along their agonistic path. Making them excel also in their future employment world is the commitment shared by Maria Amata Garito, Rector of UNINETTUNO and Claudio Lolito, President of S.S. Lazio, actually made a concrete fact thanks to the signing of an important agreement during this conference. The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO among the founders of the global consortium for the quality of online distance university education During the opening ceremony of the Innovation Arabia Conference, organized in Dubai by the HBMSU Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University - the first International Consortium aimed at establishing specific criteria, allowing to identify, in scientific terms, the quality benchmarks on which the structures and systems for the evaluation distance universities on the Internet at a global level must be based, is born. UNINETTUNO is among the founding members. REBUILD: Artificial Intelligence to Support the Refugees Inclusion UNINETTUNO hosted the first kick-off meeting of REBUILD , a European project in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Program, of which UNINETTUNO is the leading partner. Its main objective is the inclusion of immigrants and refugees in Europe thanks to the development of TIC solutions and technologies. etting ready for the social society challenges UNINETTUNO, the University of the XXI Century, creates digital skills for the new labor markets From Big Data to Cybersecurity, from the Neurosciences to Cyberpsycology: kick-off for the new Degree and Master s Courses of 2019/2020 Acad. Year to develop the professional skills of the future.The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO has been developing withing a more and more globalized world, making of the use of the new technologies and of the outcomes of the related psycho-pedagogic research work, the tools on which to found an excellence-level distance teaching model, acknowledged by the international scientific community. UNINETTUNO joins the Network of Italian Universities for the Horn of Africa UNINETTUNO joins the Network of the Italian Universities for the Horn of Africa , wished by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Emanuela Del Re. The network s objective is to promote research and education in this area of the African Continent. UNINETTUNO joins the Universities #jointogether network of the United Nations Because of the commitment shown in the achievement of the UN 2030 sustainable development goals, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is the only Italian university becoming a member the United Nations global network. UNINETTUNO presents the video collection, WE #Withoutboundaries together for a Better World On December, the 18th at 6 pm at the University s head office, a big event for a preview of the video collection designed by the Rector, Maria Amata Garito, and realized by UNINETTUNO telling the success stories of refugees and second-generation immigrates in Italy. New UNINETTUNO Technological Pole Inaugurated in Todi From now on UNINETTUNO is present also in Umbria: a new Technological Pole was inaugurated thanks to an agreement signed with the Istituto Tecnico Agrario Ciuffelli . Launching of the Project FIEST - International training for TV Series Writing Eight partners, six European countries and one objective: train the new generations of students in the Mediterranean Area, in TV series writing in order to include talents and professional capable of innovating and diversifying the creative products of this evolving industry into labor market. UNINETTUNO mentioned by UNESCO among the universities engaged in achieving the goals for global sustainable development The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO was acknowledged by UNESCO as one of the universities working and orienting its action towards the achievement of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) The university in the XXI century: between tradition and innovation This book is not only the arrival point of the long scientific research activity realised by Maria Amata Garito, but it identifies a new way to evolve the traditional Universities in order to link them to the real needs of our globalised and interconnected society. The UNINETTUNO s e-book catalogue eBookStore UNINETTUNO s eBookStore Platform, realised in cooperation with McGraw-Hill publisher, offers a catalogue of electronic books (e-books) that can be displayed on whatever equipment: tablet, smart phone, eReader or PC. LUISA MARINELLI,mother, full-time employee, ambitious, recent graduate of UNINETTUNO I thank Uninettuno for its structure, its teachers, its tutors and its community. Uninettuno is really the forefront of knowledge. With my family responsibilities for me UNINETTUNO was the opportunity to realise a dream. WATCH VIDEO MANUEL HOAGEN,resident of Peru, traveller, and now a Computer Engineer with UNINETTUNO A couple of years ago I had to move to Peru for work reasons, and, unfortunately, I was not able to complete my study. The University Uninettuno gave me the opportunity to enrol in and conclude my academic career in a little over a year. WATCH VIDEO PAOLA PERELLI,professional, innovator, graduated in Communications, Media, and Advertising at UNINETTUNO My experience is very positive. I believe that the UNINETTUNO s method is really innovative one, in step with our times. I would recommend this formula to anyone who works, but also to today s young people, because it allows them to have the available time to deepen subjects of their interest without having to move in academic campuses. WATCH VIDEO DANIELA GIULIETTI, mother, employee of Telecom Italia, UNINETTUNO s degree for passion I ve always heard like the song of the Sirens something that links me to the university studies, and, finally, in December 2010, Telecom Italia and the UNINETTUNO gave me this opportunity thanks to the project #IOVIVOCONNESSO A DEGREE JUST FOR PASSION. WATCH VIDEO MARCO SEGHEZZI, leaved his studies many years ago, employee of Telecom Italia, UNINETTUNO s degree for personal satisfaction For me Uninettuno was a comprehensive learning experience, not only from the educational point of view but as well as personal growth. I had to quit my studies many years ago, and UNINETTUNO gave me the opportunity to repair this personal dissatisfaction and transform it into a worthwhile experience. WATCH VIDEO CARLO TANZINI ex student of the classic universities, employee of Telecom Italia, graduated at UNINETTUNO studying at certain time of day The UNINETTUNO gave me the chance to recommence and finally complete study that I had started many years ago. The possibility of being followed online continuously at any time and in the week ends is definitely a point in favour of the online universities. For me it was a very positive experience that I recommend to people like me who have limited time to devote to studies or who can study only at certain hours. WATCH VIDEO FLAVIA BIAGGI, mother, full time worker, admirer of computer tools My experience in the UNINETTUNO was a totally positive experience. It was a well-rounded educational experience, both from the personal point of view and educational and social ones. I recommend it to people who have particular problems with time management and manageability of own life. WATCH VIDEO ROBERTO LINZALONE, family man, employee of Telecom Italia, UNINETTUNO s degree as a growth project The UNINETTUNO is an experience that puts the student at the centre of her/his growth projects. The student is no longer marginal to the university life, but it is central. I would recommend this experience to the new generations, that, surely, will find in the online University a more attractive and engaging force. WATCH VIDEO

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