CJ DelVecchio, Ithaca Realtor, Warren Real Estate, Ithaca NY

Web Name: CJ DelVecchio, Ithaca Realtor, Warren Real Estate, Ithaca NY

WebSite: http://www.cjhomes.com





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Privacy in Belle Sherman! 331 Strawberry Hill Circle $350,000 Affordable with 4+ Acres -moz-transition:all .4s linear; -o-transition:all .4s linear; -ms-transition:all .4s linear; transition:all .4s linear}.eg-jimmy-carter-element-11 i:before{margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px}.eg-harding-element-17{letter-spacing:1px}.eg-harding-wrapper .esg-entry-media{overflow:hidden; box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px}.eg-harding-wrapper .esg-media-poster{overflow:hidden; border-radius:50%; -webkit-border-radius:50%; -moz-border-radius:50%}.eg-ulysses-s-grant-wrapper .esg-entry-media{overflow:hidden; box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px}.eg-ulysses-s-grant-wrapper .esg-media-poster{overflow:hidden; border-radius:50%; -webkit-border-radius:50%; -moz-border-radius:50%}.eg-richard-nixon-wrapper .esg-entry-media{overflow:hidden; box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; 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Total Transformation Downtown Ithaca! 311 First Street, Ithaca $350,000 Sale Pending: South Hill with Views! 3 Hudson Place, Ithaca $349,000 Sale Pending: Heart of the Finger Lakes! 3220 County Route 6 $339,900 Offer Accepted: Appealing Farmhouse! 1378 Elmira Road, Newfield $275,000 Offer Accepted! East Ithaca Duplex 1972 Slaterville Road, Ithaca $249,000 Offer Accepted! Wooded Privacy in Brooktondale 95 Burns Road, Brooktondale $235,000 Offer Accepted! Dryden Village Cape 92 W. Main Street $165,000 Offer Accepted! 5.72 Acres in Homer/Cortlandville Cosmos Hill Road, Homer $73,500

Recently Sold

SOLD in 2020: 301 Lansing Station Rd 301 Lansing Station Road, Lansing $585,000 SOLD in 2021: 1343 Mecklenburg Road 1343 Mecklenburg Road, Ithaca $560,000 SOLD in 2020: 'Council Oak on Kline' 131 Kline Road, Ithaca $555,000 SOLD in 2021: 1104-1106 Auburn Road 1106 Auburn Road $550,000 SOLD in 2021: Beautiful East Ithaca Colonial! 4 John Street, Ithaca $508,000 SOLD in 2020: 322 Lake Rd, Dryden Lake 322 Lake Road, Dryden Lake $490,000 SOLD in 2021: 11 Woodland Way, Lansing 11 Woodland Way, Lansing $470,000 SOLD in 2020: 145 Iradell Road, Ithaca 145 Iradell Road $450,000 SOLD in 2020: Lansing's Autumn Ridge Circle 54 Autumn Ridge Circle $450,000 SOLD in 2021: Spacious Fall Creek Duplex! 715 N Aurora Street $425,000 SOLD in 2021: 1615 W Danby in Newfield 1615 W. Danby Road, Newfield $425,000 SOLD in 2020: 20 Hunters Lane 20 Hunters Lane, Ithaca $350,000 SOLD in 2021: 5 Maple Drive, Lansing NY 5 Maple Drive, Lansing $327,500 SOLD in 2021: 31 Kimberly Drive, Dryden 31 Kimberly Drive, Dryden $325,000 SOLD in 2019: Belle Sherman Ranch 62 Woodcrest Avenue $324,742 SOLD in 2021: 1095 Spring St. Ext. 1095 Spring Street Ext $312,500 SOLD in 2019: Northeast Ithaca 211 Texas Lane $300,000 SOLD in 2020: 171 Whitetail Drive, Deer Run Ithaca 171 Whitetail Drive $300.000 SOLD in 2020: 1685 Poplar Ridge Road 1685 Poplar Ridge, Aurora $299,900 SOLD in 2021: 1870 East Shore Drive 1870 East Shore Drive, Ithaca $295,000 SOLD in 2020: 580 Buck Road, Lansing 580 Buck Road, Lansing $292,000 SOLD in 2020: 108 Hunt Hill Rd 108 Hunt Hill Road, Ithaca $285,000 SOLD in 2020: 503 W Dryden Rd 503 W. Dryden Road, Freeville $275,500 SOLD in 2020: 223 N Albany St. 223 N. Albany Street, Ithaca $259,900 SOLD in 2021: 4301 Jacksonville Road 4301 Jacksonville Road $249,900 SOLD in 2019: New Construction in Lansing 29 Seacord Lane $240,000 SOLD in 2021: 115 Haller Blvd, Ithaca 115 Haller Boulevard, Ithaca $233,000 SOLD in 2021: Lansing Duplex -moz-transition:all .4s linear; -o-transition:all .4s linear; -ms-transition:all .4s linear; transition:all .4s linear}.eg-jimmy-carter-element-11 i:before{margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px}.eg-harding-element-17{letter-spacing:1px}.eg-harding-wrapper .esg-entry-media{overflow:hidden; box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px}.eg-harding-wrapper .esg-media-poster{overflow:hidden; border-radius:50%; -webkit-border-radius:50%; -moz-border-radius:50%}.eg-ulysses-s-grant-wrapper .esg-entry-media{overflow:hidden; box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; padding:30px 30px 0px 30px}.eg-ulysses-s-grant-wrapper .esg-media-poster{overflow:hidden; 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background:-ms-linear-gradient(top,rgba(0,0,0,0) 50%,rgba(0,0,0,0.83) 99%,rgba(0,0,0,0.85) 100%); background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(0,0,0,0) 50%,rgba(0,0,0,0.83) 99%,rgba(0,0,0,0.85) 100%); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#00000000',endColorstr='#d9000000',GradientType=0 )}.esg-grid .mainul li.eg-washington-wrapper,.esg-grid .mainul li.eg-sold-homes-wrapper,.eg-sold-homes-content{background-color:transparent !important} SOLD in 2020: 301 Lansing Station Rd $585,000 SOLD in 2020: 'Council Oak on Kline' $555,000 SOLD in 2020: 322 Lake Rd, Dryden Lake $490,000 SOLD in 2020: 145 Iradell Road, Ithaca $450,000 SOLD in 2020: Lansing's Autumn Ridge Circle $450,000 SOLD in 2020: 20 Hunters Lane $350,000 SOLD in 2020: 171 Whitetail Drive, Deer Run Ithaca $300.000 SOLD in 2020: 1685 Poplar Ridge Road $299,900 SOLD in 2020: 580 Buck Road, Lansing $292,000 SOLD in 2020: 108 Hunt Hill Rd $285,000 SOLD in 2020: 503 W Dryden Rd $275,500 SOLD in 2020: 223 N Albany St. $259,900

Homes Sold in 2019

Sold in 2019: Near Lower Treman Ithaca $385,000 SOLD in 2019! $380,000 SOLD in 2019: Ellis Highlands $350,000 SOLD in 2019: Belle Sherman Ranch $324,742 SOLD in 2019: Northeast Ithaca $300,000 SOLD in 2019! $279,900 SOLD in 2019: Lansing Bi-Level $262,500 SOLD in 2019: New Construction in Lansing $240,000 SOLD in 2019! $229,900 SOLD in 2019: Farmette on 18 Acres $225,000 Sold in 2019: Lansing Ranch $222,000 SOLD in 2019: Private in Lansing $202,350

Homes Sold in 2018

SOLD in 2018: Dryden Lake Views $225000 Sold in 2018: Cape Cod near Lower Treman $214000 Sold in 2018: Fall Creek Multifamily $700,000 SOLD in 2018 - NE/Lansing Colonial $467,250 SOLD in 2018: Custom Lansing Contemporary $415,000 SOLD in 2018: 314 Farm Street $346,000 SOLD in 2018: Northeast Colonial $329,000 SOLD in 2018: Lansing Lake Views! $320,000 SOLD in 2018: South Hill Colonial in Deer Run $315,000 Sold in 2018: Historic Federal in Lansing $279,900 SOLD in 2018: Freeville Ranch with Solar $219,900 SOLD in 2018: Taughannock Boulevard $215,000

Homes Sold in 2017

402 Hanshaw Road $458,000 30 E Shore Circle $450,000 218 Fall Creek Drive $440,000 315 Elmwood Avenue $395,000 57 Nor Way $352,000 36 Dandyview Heights, Lansing $335,000 6513 Waterburg Road $231,500 10 Goodrich Way, Dryden $223,000 14 Dates Road, Lansing $214,000 4128 Podunk Road $201,400 3282 Dubois Road $175,000 111 Strawberry Hill Circle #3 $172,000

Homes Sold in 2016

11 Stonehaven Drive $270000 355 Saranac Way $190000 5 Pleasant Grove Road $485,000 131 Blair Street $400,000 4680 East Bates Rd $310,000 9 Observatory Circle $310,000 28 Eagles Head Rd $240,000 2303 S. Cortland Virgil $238,000 14 Redwood Lane $232,500 401 Linn Street $225,000 86 Peruville Road $195,000 92 Whitetail Drive $180,000

Homes Sold in 2015

53 Lansing Station Rd $410,000 110 Brook Drive $270,000 82 Asbury Road $215,000 37 South Street $179,500 58 Southworth Rd. $170,000 60 Gulf Hill Road $170,000 78 Lois Lane $169,000 30 Whitetail Drive $154,000 34 Yellow Barn Road $154,000 53 South Street $135,000 72 Liberty Street $108,900

Homes Sold in 2014:

1 School House Lane

7 Williams Street
$100,000Luce Road barn
$82,000385 Luce Road
$271,000285 Etna Road
$193,500156 Bundy Road
$180,000115 Benjamin Hill Rd
$139,900Lot 4 Wilson Road
$80,0004331 Cold Springs Rd
$240.000116 Lincoln Avenue
$125,00010 Asbury Road
$183,55077 South Street
$89,9004331 Cold Springs Rd
$238.0002745 N. Triphammer Rd
$367,0001492 Coddington Rd
$210,0001574 Great Gully Rd
$105,000298 Main Street Ext

$125,0001873 Danby Road

$167,000137 Hopkins Road
$244.800371 Shaffer Road
$165,300302 Sunnyview Lane
$270,00011 Millcroft Way
$580,00020 Ferguson Road
$195,000809 N. Aurora Street
$302,4303093 Mekeel Road

Homes Sold in 2013:

211 Sykes Street

115 Hamilton Square
$95,000Karn Road 20 Acres
$65,00075 Sheldon Road

Searsburg Road 28 acres

Sheldon Road 15 Acres

106 Northway Road
$353,500321 Wood Road
$75,000306 North Parkway

52 Besemer Hill Road
: $236,500

120 Pearl Street

118 Fayette Street
$256,000433 Peruville Road $186,000402 Harris Dates Drive

17 Bush Lane


6008 Searsburg Road

122 Christopher Circle
$198,500Lot 1 Wilson Road

8 Peaceful Drive

Ringwood Road

4875 Kinney Gulf Rd

118 Fayette Street
: $108,100

148 Neimi Road

310 Munson Road

306 Meadow Wood Terrace

30 Collins Road

1635 Trumansburg Road

30 Yellow Barn Road

Homes Sold in 2012:102 Terraceview Drive
$259,900218 Snyder Hill Road
$108,50018 Aurora Street
$69,0001447 Slaterville Road
$198,30059 Karn Road
$172,0003050 Frontenac Road
$240,000324 Siena Drive
$334,5001552 Slaterville Road
$168,500925 N. Tioga Street
$279,000521-2 Strawberry Hill Circle
$193,000325 Johnson Road
$114,00055 Besemer Road
$149,9003 Brookside Drive
$105,000171 Ridgecrest Road
$170,000115 Northview Road
$225,0007624 County Route 153
$594,50084 Pleasant Valley Rd
$120,000234 Van Etten Road
$57,5002094 Houghton Road
$120,000500 Auburn Road
$110,000188 Davis Road
$175,00014 Guiles Road
$99,000258 Dubois Road
$237,50023 Lieb Road
$170,00053 Karn Road
$120,000134 Hornbrook Road
$216,000305 Blackstone Avenue
$273,000441 Caswell Road
$108,000966 Indian Field Road

Home Sold in 2011:157 Cayuga Street
$173,0002167 Slaterville Road
$100,00011 Main Street
$145,000Lot 9 Scout Lane   $27,000 Lot $220,000
House being built by Carina Construction159 Nelson Road
$169,9002 Deer Run Road
$276,000714 Van Ostrand Road
$250,00023 Observatory Circle
$287,500109 Pasadena Avenue
$96,00021 Penny Lane
$120,000285 Etna Road
$168,800129 Sheldon Road
$188,000154 Pearsall Place
$184,000801 Five Mile Drive
$110,500 119 Westhaven Road
$203,00055 Midline Road
$150,0003 Sunset Drive
$260,500E6 Sevanna Park
$72,500809 Five Mile Drive
$407,00023 Hilton Road
$190,00016 Sundown Road
$170,000Yellow Barn Road
$17,000384 N. Applegate Road
$75,0002 Dart Drive
$17,000T2C Sevanna Park
$115,000Hanshaw Road
$24,50026 Asbury Road
Homes Sold in 2010: 

Did you know? CJ's average DAYS on MARKET for listing sold in 2010 = 128, compared to Ithaca Board of REALTORS MLS average = 147!

298 Midline Road

7 Greystone Drive
$150,000116 E. Seneca Road
$118,000277 Lake Road

$147,500118 Goodman Road
$142,000304 Muriel Street
$215,500288 Groton Road
$157,500Vera Circle
$27,00013 Penny Lane
$94,500 39 Penny Lane
$132,50066 Bank Street
$99,0001439 Trumansburg Road

213 Richard Place

99 Cayuga Street
co-listed with Steve Saggese105 Etna Road
$145,000113 Northview Road
$225,00040 Spring Run Road
$204,0007550 Willow Creek Road
$390,000990 Sovocool Hill Road

218 Van Buskirk Road

Homes Sold in 2009: 607 West Court Street, City of Ithaca8 Renwick Drive, City of Ithaca966 Indian Field Road, Town of Genoa75 Lewis Street, Dryden Village1010 Sovocool Hill Road, Town of Groton1762 Coddington Road, Town of Danby509 Midline Road, Town of Dryden102 Haller Boulevard, City of Ithaca19 Besemer Road, Town of Caroline216 Second Street, City of Ithaca408 Auburn Street, City of Ithaca305 Saranac Way, Town of Ithaca1083 Townline Road, Town of GenoaE5 Sevanna Park, Village of Lansing204 Tudor Road, Town of Ithaca129 Pinckney Road, Town of Dryden126 Goodman Road, Town of Lansing1176 Trumbulls Corners Road, Town of Newfield Homes Sold in 2008: 436 Scofield Road, Town of Lansing3509 West Avenue, Village of Interlaken197 Pleasant Valley Road, Town of Groton47 Hungerford Road, Town of Dryden2127 West Danby Road, Town of Newfield224 Pleasant Street, City of Ithaca61 Pleasant Valley Road, Town of Groton4220 Route 228, Town of Ulysses54 Mill Street, Village of Dryden361 Smith Road, Town of Groton3557 Colegrove Road, Town of Ulysses32 Asbury Road, Town of Lansing Homes Sold in 2007: 4 Le Grand Court, Town of Ithaca20 Pheasant Walk, Town of Caroline759 Van Ostrand Road, Town of LansingWilson Road Lots, Town of Lansing408 Buck Road, Town of Lansing36 Woodcrest Avenue, City of Ithaca160 Midline Road, Town of Caroline7B Vista Lane, Town of Ithaca1351 Slaterville Road, Town of Ithaca816 Cliff Street, City of Ithaca16 Lancashire Drive, Town of Enfield2735 Slaterville Road, Town of Caroline365 Troy Road, Town of Danby175 East King Road, Town of Ithaca205 East Marshall Street, City of Ithaca210 Campbell Avenue, City of Ithaca1266 Honoco Road, Town of Ledyard410 Buck Road, Town of Lansing88 Dublin Road, Town of Lansing106 Church Street, Village of Moravia

CJ has sold over 800 properties in the Greater Ithaca area since getting her real estate license in 1996. Because the sale prices become out-dated, these older sales are merely listed by address/date in a list format for easier reading on this website. For a complete list of all CJhomes sold, contact CJ directly.

Some Favorite CJ Homes SOLD:

Jewel of The Finger Lakes
16 Elm Street, Trumansburg

Former "Biggs" Estate, founding family in Trumansburg.

Over 5000 finished square feet
3+ acres inside the Village
Built in the Georgian style
Large main parlor 
Two sunporches 
Grand staircase highlighted by a Palladium window. 
A library with many built in cabinets and shelves.

Mr. Biggs was the owner of Biggs Co. Hardware in Trumansburg and Grandson of the other famous Trumansburg estate, Colonel Hermon Camp.

West Hill
318 Oakwood Lane, Ithaca

Architect-Designed City Contemporary

Open spaces throughoutFloor-to-ceiling windowsThree levels of living spaceSunken living room with fireplaceQuiet residential West Hill neighborhoodMuch-admired home

I've sold this house twice!

Forest Home
320 Forest Home Drive, Ithaca

Welcome to the Forest Home Neighborhood...a much desired location!

Close to Cornell campusBackyard is Fall CreekClassic lines and stylingsNatural woodwork throughoutFormal living and dining roomsWonderful front porch

The Cradit Moore House
Pleasant Grove Road, Ithaca

The House that Cornell Moved...

Historic home formerly located on Cornell's North CampusPlantings on the new site are accurate for the former home's locationExterior paint scheme even historically correctGreek Revival style with frieze windows and half-story designProbably the most well-known house in Ithaca at the time of saleAnother much-admired home near Cornell campus

This home was listed by Susan Lewis of Coldwell Banker Shaw R.E. I sold this home as a buyer's agent.

Lower Cayuga Heights
721 East Shore Drive, Ithaca

Across from Boynton/Ithaca High School

Great location near downtown but not in the CitySpacious center-split design with 2400 square feetWarm cherry kitchen with breakfast barVaulted ceilings add contemporary styleLarge downstairs family room with lots of storageCute manageable yard with small stream

Thinking of building a home this year? CJ can help!Step 1: Find Land to Build

If you don’t already own land to build your new dream home, the first step for most people is finding land in the location they want to live and within the budget they want to spend.

Here’s a selection of land currently available for sale:

3 Lots SOLD in 2021 on Midline Road! ~7 Acres on Midline Road $75,000 Offer Accepted! 5.72 Acres in Homer/Cortlandville Cosmos Hill Road, Homer $73,500 SOLD in 2020: 7.2 Acres in Groton Old Stage Road, Groton $37,000

Step 2: Already own land?

Great!  Now you can work on your building plans. CJ can work with you on the process of finding a builder to meet your needs/style/budget. If you’re interested in going modular, CJ works exclusively with Carina Construction on their new energy-efficient modular homes. You can learn about Carina online at their website at CarinaConstruction.com. View floor plans, current and past projects and read testimonials from satisfied new homeowners. If you want to set up a free, no-obligation meeting with the builder, Matt Haney, call or email CJ to get scheduled today!

More about Carina Construction:

One of the benefits of working with Carina is that EVERY HOME Carina builds is a Quality Custom Home and includes Professional Interior Design.Carina offers “TURNKEY PRICING” which means the price you’re quoted is the price you pay!Carina has been building homes in the Finger Lakes area since 2003…they have built over 100 quality homes and counting!QUICK TURNAROUND from time of order to the time you're moving in!LESS LANDFILL WASTE - with 90% of building materials recycled at the factory...GREEN!Factory-controlled environment means LESS DAMAGE to the house during construction!ENERGY EFFICIENCY - Carina is An Energy StarTM partner!

Videos on Carina Construction

Click here to see our video of a modular home being built in 1 day!

Click here to hear testimonials about Carina Construction

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Glen Manor Two-Story - view more details and floor plan here

4 bedrooms3 baths3080 sq ft$275,455 on your lot!

This spacious 2-story from Apex Homes of PA offers classic lines from the Colonial design era. With 1540 sq ft on each floor, there's room to grow your family into the spaces on each level!  Very large modern kitchen with open family room space for daily activities or get-together/entertaining. Formal living and dining rooms too. Upstairs there's a spacious master suite with double closets. 3 more bedrooms upstairs as well. All our homes come with full basements which add more expansion possibilities.

Every home we build is custom-designed...let us build your new dream home!

Considering a Condo?

Contact CJ DelVecchio - your Ithaca condo specialist!

***February 2018 update: CONDOS ARE SCARCE!!! Very few have been coming on the market and there is a high demand of buyers.***Buying? You will need a REALTOR® to help guide you through each neighborhood, helping you evaluate the recent sales and also the value for each unit that may be purchased. Choose a REALTOR® who has been in all the different units, has experience in selling condos and can offer advice on sale prices as well as benefits of each area. Selling? Contact me for a walk-through of your condo and an overview of the market, the steps to selling successfully in today's market and a review of my marketing plan.About Condos/Townhouses in the Ithaca Area...

There are a variety of condos/townhouses in the Ithaca area - this website will help you understand more about your condo options and recent pricing.

Be financially prepared (if you need a mortgage, go to the bank to get pre-qualified)Drive around each of the areas to see the different settings and styles available from the outside. You may decide one fits your needs best from the grounds and overall location.Learn about the different ownership types including Planned Unit Development (i.e. Commonland) vs condos vs townhouses - learn more:  helpful link on HUDReview the information detailed here on recent sales to help you get familiar with the range of pricing and square footage for each area.Association Dues - they are set by the HOA Board, the rates listed here may be slightly different if the board made recent changes. Each HOA has a set of rules and regulations which list what is covered exactly in the dues; you will have to check each HOA individually for the most up-to-date information. There is also a property manager for each HOA, along with the member-owners who sit on the board for the HOA.
Option #1: Welcome to Commonland Community

Close to Cornell University and on the TCAT busline on the East side of town, these units have 1-2-3 bedroom units with a variety of floor plans including a split-level design and a townhouse design. It is situated close to Six Mile Creek Preserve and was originally started in the 1980's as a green building design. There is a Community building, ballfields, a pond and common laundry areas.

Many owners have added their own on-site laundry in their units over time.  There is a community garden for use by residents.There is an email listserv for Commonland and there is an Association to manage the financial and social decisions of the community. Many people who come to Cornell or Ithaca College have lived here and enjoyed a more home-like atmosphere than renting. There are deed restrictions which prohibit long-term renting of the units so these are mainly owner-occupied. Some of the end units and lower units enjoy close proximity to the nature preserve and all that it brings - deer, birds, and more! Association dues are $235 per month. Not every unit has a carport, but if one does, there is an annual fee ($30).  The dues include water and sewer bills and garbage service, exterior maintenance, plowing and mowing. Heat/electricity and taxes are the owner's responsibility.

I know Commonland!  Here are properties I have sold:

62 Lois Lane - sold in 2006 (buyer's agent)43 Lois Lane - sold in 200613 Penny Lane  sold in 201039 Penny Lane  sold in 201078 Lois Lane - sold in 2011 (buyer's agent)21 Penny Lane - sold in 201143 Penny Lane - sold in 2011 (buyer's agent)41 Penny Lane - sold in 2013  (buyer's agent)78 Lois Lane - sold in 201552 Lois Lane - sold in 2016 (buyer's agent)43 Penny Lane - sold in 201655 Lois Lane - sale pending 2018 (buyer's agent)

Option #2: Welcome to Sevanna Park

Also close to Cornell University and on the TCAT busline, Sevanna Park condos are on the Northeast side of campus closer to Pyramid Mall and other shopping. These units have 1-2-3 bedroom units with a standard design and a few units with a 2-story townhouse design. Originally developed in the 1970's, these brick buildings are tucked back off North Triphammer Road and offer a convenient location for residents young and old. 

There are usually laundry facilities in each building in the basement, and there may also be storage lockers/areas for bikes and/or other personal items.  There is an association fee, which depends on each unit so you have to inquire individually. This fee include water and sewer costs, exterior maintenance, garbage removal and sometimes even heat. Taxes would be an additional cost to the owner. 

I know Sevanna Park!  Here are some properties I have sold:

E5 Sevanna Park - sold in 2009
E6 Sevanna Park - sold in 2009 (buyer's agent)
T2A Sevanna Park - sold in 2009 (buyer's agent)
D5 Sevanna Park -sold in 2004
E5 Sevanna Park - sold in 2004
E6 Sevanna Park - sold in 2011
T2C Sevanna Park - sold in 2011A11 Sevanna Park - sold in 2016 (buyer's agent)E12 Sevanna Park - sold in 2016 (buyer's agent)G7 Sevanna Park - sold in 2018 (buyer's agent)

These properties are in demand and when new units come on the market, they sell quickly!

Option #3: Welcome to Vista Lane

These condo/townhouse units are located just past the entrance to Ithaca College on South Hill, built in the 1980's with cathedral ceilings, south and southwest exposure and with a split level design. All units have a 1-car garage and deck and patio areas.  Only a few of these become available for sale. Location is convenient to Route 96B, South Hill, Ithaca College, Candor and Binghamton corridor. There are only a handful of condos built here...phase 2 of the development never happened so there is a lot of green space in this complex.

The association fee monthly is $180

I've sold one of these limited condos:

7B Vista Lane - sold in 2007
Option #4: Welcome to Eastwood Commons Sunnyview

Located on a walking trail just south and east of Cornell and Belle Sherman is Eastwood Commons. These are townhouse style units that are often hard to come by as sales are not as prevalent here. Which indicates that the owners are long-time residents and that properties that do come on the open market are bought up quickly. These units usually have a garage underneath although there are some main level living units that have a garage attached on the same level. There are two different homeowner's associations - Eastwood Commons and Sunnyhill. The ones in the 500 block of Strawberry Hill Circle are in Sunnyhill.

There is a Resident's Association here too, and there are committees like the Grounds Committee that do a fantastic job of keeping the areas beautiful year round.  Association fees are based on square footage.  It is close to the bus stop and the East Ithaca Recreation Way which takes you to Cornell through Belle Sherman.

I know Eastwood Commons! Here are some properties recently sold:

511 Strawberry Hill Circle #3 - sold in 2009
111 Strawberry Hill Circle #3 - sold in 2010
521 Strawberry Hill Circle #2 - Sold in 2012
321-2 Wildflower Drive - Sold in 2015111 Strawberry Hill Circle #3 - sold in 2017

In the past few years, these units have listed and sold quickly with brisk competition. If you want to get into this community, you will need to call me so I can let you know when something becomes available for purchase, otherwise it may sell before you see it advertised for sale!

Option #5: Welcome to Deer Run

South Hill offers a 1980's version of what I call the Philadelphia condo/townhouse...this is the style that most out-of-town buyers think about when they ask about whether there are any condos in Ithaca. These are newer in both style and amenities, with a couple of floor plans available including a sunken living room style which is quite appealing, or the soaring cathedral ceiling style, also popular.

Deer Run is aptly named - there are deer here! The landscaping is minimal, due to the deer that will visit your plants and consider them free food. Many owners here have found ways to garden with deer-resistant plantings. Whether you're a fan of the local deer population, it is an interesting sight to see  - natural deer moving around at dawn or dusk throughout the area.

There is an association fee which covers the exterior grounds, lawn mowing, landscaping, and street lights. Some of the townhouses have a monthly roof assessment, which is to cover the roof replacements done in 2007-2008, these run for 10 years so most will be paid by 2018. You will have to check the monthly fee for each unit to find out what their charges are currently.

Also in this area are single family homes, most of which were built in the late 1980's but mostly in the 1990's even into 2005. This location works great for those working at Ithaca College, as it is a short drive from the IC campus. There are also great views from many of the units here and there is a neighborhood park.

June 2016 Update - so far these units have sold quickly!

I know Deer Run!  Some recent units for sale/sold:

30 Whitetail Drive - Sold in 2015355 Saranac Way - Sold in 201692 Whitetail Drive -Sold in 2016
Other options exist in smaller numbers in and around the Ithaca area:OPTION #6: Stone Creek condos in the Village of Lansing

Located near Shannon Park, off Cayuga Heights Road behind the Ithaca Mall, these attached townhouses are available occasionally throughout the year. Two recent sales in 2016 were $449,000 and $460,000 - both 2507 sq ft. They include luxury amenities, open floor plans, attached garages and large master suites. Also full basements. Some basements have been finished to add more useable square footage.

The HOA is $185/month.

OPTION #7:  Nor Way townhouses -  Village of Lansing

These are higher-priced 2-story townhouses in a recently developed neighborhood in the NE area of Ithaca, across the street from the Main Ithaca Post Office. They have open floor plans with large kitchens, well-appointed living spaces, optional elevators and attached garages. Some have open air balconies, some have patios. All municipal services. Growing neighborhood. There is a monthly association fee and annual capital expense fee. 2017 fees are $185/month and $550 annual one time fee.

47 Nor Way - sold as a buyer's agent
57 Nor Way - Sold in 2017

OPTION #8:  Black Oak Road  - off Mitchell Street in East Ithaca

These close-to-Cornell located townhouses are rarely offered for sale. They are near the East Ithaca Recreation Way trail through the Belle Sherman neighborhood, also close to elementary schools and East Hill Plaza. Contemporary designs, full of amenities.

HOA fee is $300/month.

OPTION #9:  Holly Creek Townhouses - in South Hill

The newer Holly Creek neighborhood was built with federal tax credits by Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services. Note: they are only for 1st time buyers and there are income qualifications and a limit on profit from re-sale. A good option for the price point, typically ranging from $105,000 to $130,000. The end-units are particularly attractive so you have open space to enjoy.

147 Holly Creek - SOLD in 2015 for $118,900 (buyer's agent)

OPTION #10:  Downtown Ithaca on Hancock Street/Lake Avenue - First Time Buyers Townhouses

Located at the corner of Hancock Street and Lake Avenue, these new 2-story townhouses are offered through INHS for sale to qualified first time homebuyers. A few items of note: flood insurance is required, estimated @ $35/mo. There is also a land lease of $50/mo. And a 2% cap per year on appreciation, upon resale. There is no HOA fee otherwise.

Check INHS website for more info

OPTION #11:  Greek Peak condos in Virgil

If you love skiing, you may want to live near Greek Peak Ski Resort in one of the condos available here. There is also Hope Lodge, and indoor water park and lodge which is one of the Finger Lake's newest attractions.
Typically there are units available for purchase here so selection can be good for buyers.

Visit the Greek Peak Properties website to see what's available for sale.

CONDOS/TOWNHOUSES are in short supply in the Ithaca marketplace, but there are development projects in the planning stage, near Sevanna Park (called Sevanna Row Townhouses) in the NE area of Ithaca, and downtown called City Harbor Development (off Willow Avenue). There's a great local website to follow that tracks all Ithaca developments called Ithaca Builds.  Recent Posts SOLD in 2021: 1343 Mecklenburg Road Offer Accepted: Appealing Farmhouse! Offer Accepted! Wooded Privacy in Brooktondale Sale Pending! Total Transformation Downtown Ithaca! Offer Accepted! Dryden Village Cape No Widgets

"Secondary" needs some widgets.

Moving to Ithaca?

As both a Cornell and Ithaca College alum, CJ offers unmatched service to you as you transition to Ithaca. She has extensive knowledge and experience at both campuses which provides you with an easier move to the area.

» Learn More about Ithaca

Search MLS

Didn't find a match here? Search the MLS online to see what Ithaca and the surrounding areas currently have listed.

Mortgage Rates

Check Current Mortgage Rates at Local Ithaca Banks:

Tompkins TrustCFCUElmira Savings BankChemung Canal Trust
Client Testimonials

View more testimonials

"Your (market) snapshot is wonderful. You do great work, and go above and beyond. Thank you so much, it really helps me make decisions."

Hugh B., Lansing

We want to thank you for all your help with our house sale. We certainly couldn't have done it without you. Your advice during the whole process was invaluable.


Christine J. DelVecchio
NYS Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker

GRI: Graduate, Realtors Institute®
PSA: Pricing Strategy Advisor®
ITI: Instructor Training Institute®
CBR: Certified Buyer Representative®


Connect with CJ

607.227.3016 cell/text
607.330.5211 office direct

830 Hanshaw Road
Ithaca NY 14850

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Web Design by Flourish Design | Hosted by: SheerBrilliance Consulting

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