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The Alliance for Just Money is now a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with its own active web site and presence on Facebook and Twitter. If you like to keep informed about the Alliances activities, please sign up for their news letter. And most of its activities like coffee house gatherings, newsletters and special announcements, are curated on the AFJM Archive page.

The first serious campaign the Alliance is involved in is the How We Pay for a Better World campaign. See here the introductory video.  And here you can purchase the accompanying book.

The second serious campaign is centered around AFJM Resolution #1 adopted by The Alliance For Just Money calling for a National Commission, which should investigate the current dysfunctional monetary system and explore the benefits of implementing a fully publicly owned and operated national monetary system, per the Constitution, originating all money to exchange goods and services for the general welfare of the people of the nation. If you agree that such a National Commission should be established you are invited to sign the AFJM Petition to that end. To keep track of all relevant documents and articles regarding the resolution and Petition, check here.

The Alliance also has stepped into the publishing business by releasing a Spanish anthology of a dozen translations of high quality articles on the latest findings in monetary theory and on ongoing improved reasons for real monetary reform.

The title is Democratizar el Dinero. Una introducción a la Reforma del Dinero Soberano (Democratizing Money: An introduction to Sovereign Monetary Reform) and is available in print, as a downloadable pdf, and as an audiobook (forthcoming).

Meanwhile, please, sample the latest posts on monetary matters:

Allies Neighbors: Collection of US web sites and organizations endorsing a) the Credit Creation Theory of Current Banking and/or b) full Just Money Reform

Monetary Reform: Simple Spiel. By Govert Schuller. Alliance for Just Money, August 2021.

Requesting Evidence for a Crucial MMT Claim. By Govert Schuller. Alliance for Just Money, May 2021.

Central Bank Digital Currency: Friend or Foe? By Benjamin Rininger. Alliance for Just Money, May 2021.

How Monetary Reform Solves Climate Change and Environmental Contamination. By Mark Pash. Alliance for Just Money, April 2021.

Making Money: The Philosophy of Crisis Capitalism by Ole Bjerg—A Review and Recommendation. By Benjamin Rininger. Alliance for Just Money, March 2021.

Public and Safe Money . . . in Spanish. By Miguel A. Fernández Ordóñez. Alliance for Just Money, February 2021.

Launch Announcement of Democratizar el Dinero. Alliance for Just Money, October 2020.

Talk about Borders. By Govert Schuller. Alliance for Just Money, May 2020.

Money and Banking: Assessing overlaps and differences between SMR and MMT. Alliance for Just Money, May 2020.


Monetary Bibliography: Sources for First Orientation

Monetary Bibliography: Sources for Advancing Readers

Monetary Bibliography: Sources for Researchers

Educational and Promotional Videos

Formulations of the Three-Point Policy Proposal for Monetary Reform


Under the questionable leadership of President Donald Trump the US administration is becoming increasingly dysfunctional and in the case of the EPA, literally toxic. Fortunately the framework of ponerology, i.e. the scholarly investigation of psychopathology at a societal scale, can bring some necessary insights into current political developments. A few posts were dedicated to the subject:

President Trump should be submitted for a Psychiatric Evaluation. Alpheus,

On Trump: The Ruling Pathocrat. Alpheus, April 2018.

On Trump: The Tasaroff Doctrine Trumps the Goldwater Rule.  Alpheus, October 2017.

On Trump: The Aspiring Pathocrat.  Alpheus, February 2017.

Philosophy, psychology and religion

The Possibility Conditions of Narrative Identity. Alpheus, July 2020.

Dissertation submitted for a Degree of Masters by Research in European Philosophy. The focus of this dissertation is narrative identity theory, i.e. the proposition that our sense of self is structured like a story. The imputed advantage of narrative identity is that it enables great coherence and guidance to our complex lives composed of multiple and often conflicting inner impulses and social demands.

Nietzsche’s Reluctant Acceptance of Liberal Democracy (and later Rejection). Alpheus, July 2020.

The questions to be addressed in this essay are 1) whether we can extract from Nietzsche’s book Human, All Too Human, which was written in his more moderate science-oriented middle period, something of a political view; 2) whether this view can be construed, with some hedging here and there, as supporting modern liberal democracy; and 3) whether Nietzsche’s qualified endorsement, or maybe better formulated, reluctant acceptance of liberal democracy can be found in his other works.

Darwinian Conservatism and the Liberal Welfare State. Alpheus, July 2020.

The political scientist Larry Arnhart makes the case that traditional conservatism is the right political philosophy for humanity to follow because “it rests on a view of human nature that is supported by Darwinian biology”. This essay attempts to refute Arnharts Darwinian conservatism by arguing that his Darwinian premises do not necessarily lead to conservative conclusions and can, for equally valid reasons, be interpreted to support liberalism.

Krishnamurti Bibliography. Alpheus,

Bibliography focused on academic, usually philosophical, papers on Krishnamurti with a list of philosophical background studies to deepen the philosophical assessment of Krishnamurtis teachings.

Foucault’s Concept Discipline: A Systematic Analysis. Alpheus, July 2020.

In this essay I will primarily focus on the pivotal Foucauldian concept of discipline as developed in his influential 1975 study Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. The plan of the paper is to first connect the concept with its immediate neighboring terms, especially punishment and surveillance. Then I will address how Foucault sets the practice within a four-fold categorization of space, time, movement and tactics, to be followed by his thoughts on the practice of examination, which term will be framed as a manifestation of the Foucauldian concept of power/knowledge.

The Mechanics of Epistemic Contextualism. Alpheus, July 2020.

This paper is an attempt to contribute to the analysis of the standard definition of knowledge as ‘justified true belief’ (JTB) in its relationship to the standard ‘skeptical argument’ (SA) that humans do not know much for sure, if anything at all. The specific route taken is to combine two complex sets of ideas, which in their combination constitute a model with which certain skeptical cases can be analyzed. The result is that such cases can be, if not solved, at least be contained to the extent that scientific and quotidian notions of knowledge are preserved.

The Dialectical Gyrations in and between Hegel and Marx. Alpheus, July 2020.

This paper initially intended to address discussions regarding the importance and scope of an alleged break between the early, philosophical articles of Marx and his later, mature historical-materialist socioeconomic investigations. But, because Marx in his early years dealt predominantly with Hegel the investigation of this ‘break’ morphed into a search for the proper locus of an idealism-naturalism transition within the field of the larger and more complex subject matter of the ‘Hegel-Marx transition’, which should also include Feuerbach and Engels.

Review Nitya: A Tale of Two Brothers. Alpheus, April 2020.

Review of a sympathetic study of the lives of the brothers Nityananda and Krishnamurti, who grew up as close friends and were adopted by leaders of the Theosophical Society. Nityas premature death had a profound impact on Krishnamurti, who later claimed that his brothers consciousness had melded with his own.

Theosophy and Krishnamurti: Harmonies and Tensions. Alpheus, November 2019.

The leading questions of this presentation are: How do Theosophy and Krishnamurti perceive each other? How are their teachings related? Based on primary sources and notes from discussions, I will present a wide spectrum of possible answers as a contribution to an ongoing discussion.

Two Theosophical Views on Krishnamurti: One Sympathetic, One Critical . Alpheus, September 2019.

This article addresses two contrary Theosophical views of Krishnamurti. One view embraces him as the successful embodiment of the World Teacher, the other sees him as having failed.

The Jaynesian Paradigm and Beyond. Alpheus, January 2014.

This article explores the highly original and fruitful definition of consciousness by Julian Jaynes as the emotionally charged inner mind space. The article addresses its historical origin and its possible overcoming which might have happened in individuals like Gautama Buddha and Jiddu Krishnamurti. I consider his work foundational for future philosophical and psychological investigations.