World Predictions by Eric Leigh-Pink World Predictions

Web Name: World Predictions by Eric Leigh-Pink World Predictions






We have arrived at the date we predicted the Coronavirus would fall. Is it accurate? This is their prediction for this date right now. They said this would last a “fat year” 14 to 15 months. “May.. 22..15”I had a visual I was standing in my house looking out a window. Outside was a massive storm, the sky black, the rain pouring. Then Spirit said.“From the beginning.. in 6 hours (months)” Then I opened the front door. The ground was wet but now the sun was beaming through the clouds that was now breaking up. There were tree parts in the streets. I looked up and the sun shined down. It felt good. I felt a breath of fresh air. A wonderful fan asked: When you do readings for different people do different spirits show up and do these same ones show up or are they always different for each personal reading? When I do a reading I enter my perch with my Guides waiting for me. This group of Spirits works specifically to communicate information to me. These guides of mine have been with me well beyond Eric. So our bond, our connection is very close. Now about 30 minutes before the reading your guides show up. Greetings of joy are made followed by everyone having a conversation about what will take place. Your guide will talk to my guide and set a stage. When it’s time to contact you, your Spirits will communicate with mine. My guides will communicate with me, and I will then give you that information. It’s a process that has been improved over the decades. Sometimes we communicate just to your guide but there are some readings where every deceased relative under the sun shows up making it one epic party atmosphere. The Spirits make an effort to make it fun and informative. It doesn’t have the same dark hunting the enemy mentality that our World Predictions have.So to answer your question, there are always two groups. It’s like my guides are inviting your guides over for a gathering, with the purpose of sharing information. As always if would like a reading Contact Bea at  Share this:TumblrEmailLinkedInPocketRedditTwitterFacebookPinterestPrintLike this:Like Loading... Throughout my life people have asked “How do you know the Spirits your talking to are divine?”To which I want to burst out laughing. Seriously you have no idea. I totally understand, just look at our world predictions gritty, dark, intense, doom and gloom. There are so many stories I could share with you showing the absurdity of this question but nothing explains my position better than Tide.Bea and I were leaving the grocery store. We had a mountain of groceries. Feeding foster children is daunting. As we loaded the groceries in the car, stuffing them in, we realized that we did not pay for the Tide laundry soap that was sitting at the lower level of our cart. Bea was questioning whether we should go back in and pay for it but out of sheer laziness over being exhausted. I said no. So home we went.It was later that night when I began meditating for World Predictions that our debate began. As I meditated the message from them was clear.“Return it. Return it.” Then a sudden visual of me staring at the ocean from the beach, watching the waves come in. Return what? What are the Spirits talking about? Something to do with the Ocean? Then it hit me. Are they bothering me over the laundry soap? OMG, they are! Throughout the day I would hear these words, return it. It was constant, like Stewie from Family Guy saying; Mom, Mom Mommy, Ma again and again. Even during the readings, Spirit would oddly float by the washer and dryer. But I didn’t return it. It just didn’t seem that big of deal to me. I mean seriously they are bothering me over soap while I predicted the most vial human activity. It just seemed a bit over the top.The next day arrived, still haven’t returned it. The nightly work had arrived. I sat in my perch, lit my candles and began to meditate for World Predictions as Myrrh burned in the background. But instead of receiving the next major event I had, Silence. Nothing. They literally left the room over soap. There would be no information today and their position was made very clear. In the waking morning, I heard a voice say: “The boss is coming.. he wants to talk to you.. oh your in trouble.”they said like pestering siblings. There was a twinge of fear there. Macabe is a powerful being, not one to cross, even if it is just Tide.It didn’t take but two days for Spirit to break me. In hindsight I clearly had a twinge of arrogance, in my refusal to return what could have been something simple. But I am human flawed like the rest of you. By this time someone in the household already had the Tide in use. So I went to the store bought another Tide, took it outside the store, waved and shook it annoyingly at the sky, just in case Spirit wasn’t paying attention, then walked back in and put it on the shelf. However none of that would stop my boss from arriving that night.Macabe, the conductor of our great symphony. The leader of everything you read here. For those of you who would argue these world predictions are my work, I would argue it’s his. Within the great orchestra I am the one hitting the big drum in the back. Macabe is the Conductor who masterfully does the world predictions and readings. Side note: If you were ever curious over how many Spirits are involved in our work with creating these world predictions and the Readings, an orchestra size sums it up.It is said that Macabe is older than our solar system. He is a being that shifts forms at will, from black panther, to dragon, to human, his most common image is Fudo Myo-o, a warrior of righteousness, or the lion known as a foo dog. Both of which fit his personality to a tee. A warrior against everything evil and dark. It’s always a spectacle of art, for him to transform into different shapes and sizes. Like fire molding into something artistic.When Macabe comes into the room everyone steps back out of respect. That includes myself, our journey together has ensured my unwavering loyalty to his cause. That journey is a story for another day and one of the greatest stories of my life.That night, I was asleep when I got up to use the rest room. As I crossed the dining room back to my bed, I became startled as Macabe sat at the end of the table in the twilight of this moment. He was in human form. An older man, well fit, dressed in a fine black suit, very much like Marcus, lacking the tie. He waved for me to sit. I did. “Let me show you something” Then with a flash of light I was in front of our Sun, literally floating in the middle of space. Earth looked like a small marble. It was a sight to remember. I could now see flames race across the night sky. “Be the Sun. Be the mirror image of our Creator. Provide nourishment to all. Bring warm light to the cold darkness. Allow everyone to see what the light provides. Be Godly. Be good. Then his eyes glared at me like Superman’s red eyes. “Someone who takes what is not theirs.. well that’s the opposite of the light you swore to represent. You exist to serve everything and everyone around you, all humans do.” Then I returned home. The message made loud and clear. Be the Sun. It’s a message for all of us. We should all work to be more like the God that gave us life. That’s my message to you. That’s the message from the heavens. Be the Sun. Be Godly. Be good. Share this:TumblrEmailLinkedInPocketRedditTwitterFacebookPinterestPrintLike this:Like Loading... This prediction has started. Will we reach herd immunity? Unless the majority of people around the world get the vaccine we are stuck with Covid19. This prediction below describes Covid19 after the vaccine has hit everyone’s willing arm. A description of a much weaker, smaller, fragile, Coronavirus. In short Spirit is predicting Covid19 will be around much longer but in a much weaker form, because of those choosing against the Vaccine. As of May we have also reached the “Fat year” prediction. Many people asked how long we would live in this lockdown era, they predicted a 13-14 month span and then it would plummet. Unfortunately this prediction lacks accuracy, it depends on where you are at. But the light seems there now. Where is Eric? Still here. I have unfortunately been distracted. This era we live in has struck me as it has everyone else. This WTF era we all live in. What a dark moment. I know the sun will shine again but it could not come fast enough. Covid has taken some friends and family away from me just as I thought we escaped it’s threat. I am ok, Bea is good, and so is my boys. Yes! My boys. It’s not complete yet, but the courts have denied any and all further disputes to our adopting the two boys. The road is now clear. We are expecting the final say to come down in September. Though I have stepped away from the world predictions I am still very much working, readings are still going. To set up a reading with Eric Leigh-Pink contact Bea at  . To see testimonials of my work go to and Personal Readings A Look Behind The ScenesHere is the description of the new Covid19 along with the original Covid-19 prediction made in October of 2019: World Prediction: CoronavirusBack in November I had this strange symbolic message. In the visual multiple destroyers (from Star Wars) had arrived on the outskirts of planet earth. Their weapons were being loaded and I heard Spirit say “December”I never posted the message because part of me questioned whether it was a message for me?Was I becoming sick again? The message was clear “The destroyer arrives in December” it made no sense? A destroyer for the whole planet? Yet here we are. This oddly symbolic message did not happen in December but it is happening now.Yesterday’s visual: I had this vision that the destroyers were hovering in earths atmosphere. Then suddenly they were attacked by a massive offensive all at once. Spaceships including X wing fighters quickly flew up from the ground. The ships begin shooting at the destroyers on all fronts. There was this beautiful part where the sun gleamed on the X wing fighters going to battle. The unified front was an awesome visual of unity. At first they missed their specific target but they continued to try. Even though the ships attacking were very small when compared to the destroyer it was the huge swarm and this united front begin to turn the tide. The vision ended in the middle of battle.My interpretation: It sounds like science pushes back, makes head way, comes up with a specific strategy against Coronavirus that shifts the tide of this nightmare. A medical insurgence is coming and going to battle. This might explain their sudden shift towards the positive in June. The sunny days are starting to return.I had a visual of multiple people leaving cities to live in rural or more distant locations. The days of everyone clustered in one location was changing.I had a visual of multiple nations turning against China, shifting back to a self sufficient system of making and producing their own products. Then China begin to shrink in power.Spirit also implied difficulties starting the economy back up again. It was messy and disheveled.The take away here is clear. Back in November they talked about the arrival of the “destroyer”. A few months later that destroyer arrived. Now they are predicting a counter strike, the beginning of its end. If we follow their trend this also will unfold in a few months. The fact that they are shifting towards a light at the end of the tunnel is breathtaking.World Prediction: CoronavirusUpdatePosted 9/2020I had a visual that a red missile was shot from the ground. The missile flew through the sky for a good while before reaching its target, then it hit the destroyer damaging it’s side. There was smoke bellowing from the Destroyer.The fighters now had a weapon that worked.Spirit would also predict that as this nightmare is closing, there will be one epic shift in the medical community. Huge massive leaps forward. Knowledge is power and right now the medical community is gathering swaths of knowledge. New treatments, new cures, new solutions all coming.I had a visual of a destroyer, but this time it was made of Legos. No longer black, it was a mixture of different legos colors; red, black, brown, and lots of grey. There was a close up of the bow, showing it in great detail, as if to express the bows importance.I am unclear of its meaning? On one end it might be a ‘stacked’ problem, but the most likely meaning is this virus will start becoming weak. It went from an ominous form to a silly breakable toy. My hope is they clarify the matter.Why communicate so symbolically? There are two parts to that answer, the first is to protect me, if I actually saw the horrors in real time, I would go insane with horror. On another note, they don’t have lips or a tongue. They communicate through ones thoughts, ones mind.PREDICTIONS 8-8-17I had a visual of Spirit marking multiple locations all across Europe. “An Epidemic unfolds in Europe.. one of the worst in decades..”WORLD PREDICTIONS 10-6-19I had a visual of China, in the eastern coastal region semi close to Taiwan, that was marked. On the map was the number 2“An epidemic is coming that will move with such fury.” Then it shifted to show people in tents coughing.I had a visual of a map showing an area between France and Spain in the more northern region. Then the area turned red, the red are grew outward, getting larger and larger.WORLD PREDICTIONS 11-19-19“The two walls.” I had a visual of these massive metal doors/gates shutting.World Predictions 1-4-21  I had a visual of two groups desperately trying to achieve a marvel with their ‘Remote’ vehicle. Both sides tried to fulfill their parts. Then someone excited said “Did we do it?” Then a roaring cheer, yes they did.I thought I would take a moment to talk about my other Spiritual work, reading your future. There have been some consistent questions that I thought I would share with all of you. If you would like to set up a reading always contact the fabulous, Bea to set up an appointment at mailto:worldwidepredictions@yahoo.comQ and AIt has been 27 years doing personal readings and almost a decade doing World Predictions. I can honestly say I am still learning how to properly do these predictions, personal readings on the other hand have become a well oiled machine. Without a doubt the biggest misconception everyone has is that the World Predictions are like personal readings. They are not. With world predictions we are predators seeking out all that is wrong with this world. Like lions hunting a prey that has not arrived yet, our eyes are always looking for the next nightmare in the world. Personal readings are more in line with having tea with the most ancient grandparents as they unload every piece of advice they have for you in the most pleasant but nagging way. They want to warn, advise, help, and present solutions to your concerns while they explain your Spiritual path. These are your guides conversing with you through us. Guides that have been with you prior to your first breath of life on earth. That is really all your doing, having a conversation with your caretaker, your spiritual teacher. Here is some basic information for all that might be interested: A normal reading with Eric runs for one hour and cost $100. You could also do half hour or 45 minutes. The first half of the reading is reserved for Spirit to tell you what they feel you need to know. If your getting half hour readings odds are you will not be getting many questions in. They can be chatter boxes. I need your full name, dob, time zone, and contact information. I need you full name, dob, and time of birth so I have a focal point for Spirit to look. Group Readings: Did you know it is very common for small groups to get together and contact me via Skype or phone and do group like readings. For instance a large family might take turns talking to me over the phone one by one, giving mini readings to everyone. In this case the cost is based on the length of time. When setting up your reading this way please include everyone’s name and information. I am unfortunately not doing in person readings right now. Until all of our household, including all foster children, receive the vaccine, in person readings are on hold. Sorry everyone. So if your in San Diego California, we need to wait just a bit longer. I will return to my travels to Mexico and LA after my household is safe. Phone, zoom, Skype, readings are available to anyone around the entire world. Make a payment for the readings can be done here. Use the Orange “Buy Now” button on the right side of this site. However you could also use Venmo under Eric Leigh-PinkBea oversees all appointments now. There was a time when all of this work was small. Where it was just a handful of fans. When you could text me for a reading and I would do it the next day. Unfortunately that is no longer possible. The fastest way to book an appointment is through Bea, most of the time I am on my perch doing readings. So getting a hold of me can unfortunately be very difficult. Who ever I read for has my undivided attention. Even if you somehow did get a hold of me, I will have to hand your request to Bea, so I don’t step on her toes. A reminder of those recent events predicted but also a reminder of predictions set to unfold soon. It’s Ireland that holds the weight of this post. It was always a confusing prediction. Now unfortunately it makes sense. We plan to revisit these predictions with the hopes of more details. The World Predictions: World Predictions 3-16-20Oh Philip.. we welcome you. 8..7 later they would write 4.The numbers could be April 8th, or a countdown. If it’s a countdown it’s coming very soon, because the message was a few days ago.To welcome someone implies they will pass away, since Spirit is saying it.World Prediction: Coronavirus Update I had a visual of a number beginning with 37 million “The number as it ends” I believe they mean this is the number right before the Star Wars prediction below unfolds? As the one who predicted the doom of what is now the coronavirus, I am so pleased to announce the beginning of the end for Corona. Don’t let the door kick you on the way out, you have been nothing but horror, that revealed and exposed more horrors in our world, revealing ugly truths under all the lies. It’s just a start of more predictions, where light is back. Before we get to that we still have news of now. WORLD PREDICTIONS 10-6-19 I had a visual of China, in the eastern coastal region semi close to Taiwan, that was marked. On the map was the number 2“An epidemic is coming that will move with such fury.” Then it shifted to show people in tents coughing.  I had a visual of a map showing an area between France and Spain in the more northern region. Then the area turned red, the red are grew outward, getting larger and larger.  WORLD PREDICTIONS 11-19-19 “The two walls.” I had a visual of these massive metal doors/gates shutting. The number they attached to the Coronavirus was 37 million. Are they talking about the US? We are expecting the tensions in the Ukraine to rise. They predicted Putin was not finished. World Predictions: 9-18-20 I had a visual someone stumbled on a golden city, like El Dorado, the entire place was both ancient and oddly new. It had a glow. The ground was old thick bricks. On one end this might be about me, sudden success all at once? Or it’s a world prediction about archeology. This prediction continues to unfold as Egypt has discovered the ancient golden city. There is actually a much bigger archeological prediction that will be found by one of our polar regions that will change history as we know it: Truth 10World Predictions 2-13-21 In the congressional room, where green was a dominant color. There was massive infighting, chaos, unity began to unravel quickly. Everything was starting to fall.World Predictions 11-11-20  Sorry Ireland that sounds horrible. I am unclear if all of these messages are related to Ireland or separate events. I had a visual I was looking down at a port or dock. There were multiple police cars there. In the visual it was night.I had a visual of multiple people in coats laying on the ground. Something horrible happened. There was blood everywhere. There was a slashing or spray to all that was red.I had a visual I was standing on what looked like Ireland or Scotland. I was staring out at the ocean and one huge storm was coming. The wind raged.I then had a visual of a pub. In the window was a green clover. The door opened. I saw no faces. I only saw the feet of someone step down on the short steps of the pub, but they weren’t feet but hooves. Large bull like hooves. Then I flew up quickly into the deep night sky, knowing what that meant. I could hear this beast roar from above. When I looked again below it was a massive lush deep forest? Did I move and not know it?(Spiders represent terrorist like acts, wolves are cold and calculating like the mob or certain governments, but nothing comes close to hooves, that’s evil incarnate. The roar implies this person is planning to make a name for themselves. We actually have a predicted hooves leader living and thriving now, his name is Al Assad.In Ireland I had a visual of one massive spider crawling, it was twice the size of an average vehicle. The spider crawled down a rural street with houses in the background.  Then I saw a dark figure consuming all light around him. There was a table behind him with Dublin cookies on a plate being presented. This prediction was always confusing to me, but as the leaders of both the UK and Ireland fail to resolve the issues, and tensions rise, the prediction clarifies that a monster of a human will rise out of this disheveled moment. Ireland brace yourself.Where are my new predictions? We seem to be having issues flipping this new process on its head. We still have plans to focus on timeframes instead of events. To many small hiccups to sort through. But I assure you we are working on new predictions. I can say the focus from Spirit is all about natural disasters. The new tone talks about having a tide x 5. Flooding on a massive scale. Now I need to gather details. Just for a reference Hurricane tides in the gulf for 2020 were marked with tides x 2. I would remind you of the flooding in Mexico and Central America. Share this:TumblrEmailLinkedInPocketRedditTwitterFacebookPinterestPrintLike this:Like Loading... This prediction continues to unfold. The gold part is now clarified. It s very exciting to see our past in a more accurate light and to take a break from being Mr Doom. Happy News for once. World Predictions: 9-18-20 I had a visual someone stumbled on a golden city, like El Dorado, the entire place was both ancient and oddly new. It had a glow. The ground was old thick bricks. On one end this might be about me, sudden success all at once? Or it’s a world prediction about archeology. Wow I was absent. I am very sorry about that. We are back and with our new step, we return with a crazy idea. The idea is a simple one but is expected to have many obstacles for us to figure out. World Predictions: For year s now we have predicted events, locations, but what if we flipped this entire process on it s head. With the cycles of the moon guiding us what would happen if we predicted time itself and I reported back to you? Would that work? We have done it before. World Predictions: November 3rd So it does work. But does it work better than our current work? We are about to find out. Be patient with me as we test a different way of predicting the future. However the Spirits and I have very high hopes for the idea. Personal Readings: There was a time when you could just shoot me a text, send a FB or Twitter message asking for a reading to see your future. Then I of course would say yes. Because of our massive growth those days have passed. Now every time you make a request I in turn hand it to my secretary Bea so she can add it to the list. So unfortunately you are falling in the back of the line, of her already multiple email appointments. So please use and make your reading request through my wonderful Secretary who can get you a scheduled reading much faster than Eric. I in turn will continue to sit in my perch reading all of your futures. This tragic prediction has happened very close to the date. My prayers are with you all in the United Kingdom. 8..7 later they would write 4. The numbers could be April 8th, or a countdown. If it’s a countdown it’s coming very soon, because the message was a few days ago. To welcome someone implies they will pass away, since Spirit is saying it.This prediction is starting to unfold. Parts have not yet unfolded. Stay safe Ireland, prayers to you and civility. I want to apologize for my extended absence. It s been a while, but thankfully I am back. New predictions will roll out tomorrow. Thank you all for your support. The predictions: World Predictions 2-13-21 In the congressional room, where green was a dominant color. There was massive infighting, chaos, unity began to unravel quickly. Everything was starting to fall.World Predictions 11-11-20 Sorry Ireland that sounds horrible. I am unclear if all of these messages are related to Ireland or separate events. I had a visual I was looking down at a port or dock. There were multiple police cars there. In the visual it was night.I had a visual of multiple people in coats laying on the ground. Something horrible happened. There was blood everywhere. There was a slashing or spray to all that was red.I had a visual I was standing on what looked like Ireland or Scotland. I was staring out at the ocean and one huge storm was coming. The wind raged.I then had a visual of a pub. In the window was a green clover. The door opened. I saw no faces. I only saw the feet of someone step down on the short steps of the pub, but they weren’t feet but hooves. Large bull like hooves. Then I flew up quickly into the deep night sky, knowing what that meant. I could hear this beast roar from above. When I looked again below it was a massive lush deep forest? Did I move and not know it?(Spiders represent terrorist like acts, wolves are cold and calculating like the mob or certain governments, but nothing comes close to hooves, that’s evil incarnate. The roar implies this person is planning to make a name for themselves. We actually have a predicted hooves leader living and thriving now, his name is Al Assad.In Ireland I had a visual of one massive spider crawling, it was twice the size of an average vehicle. The spider crawled down a rural street with houses in the background.Then I saw a dark figure consuming all light around him. There was a table behind him with Dublin cookies on a plate being presented.Al-Baghdadi , Dylan Roof, and Harold Shipman where all seen as spiders. The range from serial killer to terrorist is an issue in narrowing down this message, however the spider is a sinister person or group committing the absolute worse acts of violence. World Predictions 3-8-21 I had a visual of a large ship. Then a large explosion. Smoke bellowed from the side. Sounds like an attack. We are expecting both these short messages very soon. World Predictions 1-6-20 What will Iran retaliate with? I asked Spirit.  I had a visual of a clock running down 1:24, 1:23. This places their revenge right before or right after March. World Predictions 1-3-20 USA.. Iran.. a bombing.. an attack.. back and forth.. the two nations poke each other.. the path to war being set. Now comes the details of this ongoing saga between Iran and the US. On WORLD PREDICTIONS 1-6-20 they showed a clock ticking down. Someone pointed out that the clock might not be a countdown but a date. I had a visual of a TV screen split into four, there were four separate attacks coming. I had a visual of a battleship in the ocean, then another visual of other commercial ships, then it shifted to show another visual of ships at a distance, Smoke was bellowing from them (or one) as if attacked. “Hezbollah campaign… attack.. assassinate.. maim… ambassador.” “Pull him (or them) out right now.” This tragic prediction has happened. World Predictions 7-18-20 I had a visual I was in a desert, there was one epic fire, huge smoke stacks. I believe it was a factory or oil refinery. The smoke was so thick it was hard to see. The implication was an area in or around Saudi Arabia. It was unclear if it was an attack or one tragic event. I had a visual of a large ship. Then a large explosion. Smoke bellowed from the side. Sounds like an attack. “China” I had a visual of a large flash of light, then one epic explosion that reached far and wide destroying everything in its path. We are expecting both these short messages very soon. Share this:TumblrEmailLinkedInPocketRedditTwitterFacebookPinterestPrintLike this:Like Loading... I want to present an alternative to this prediction. Aung San Suu Kyi leader of Myanmar is also known as the ‘Lady’ The coup against the Lady took place around February 1sr. I will let you decide on who the prediction was referring too. What We Predicted in 2020 The Lady will be attacked, Lady protect yourself!” – The ‘Lady’ is a specific person. For instance Lady Bird or Lady Gaga. This prediction has happened. Stay safe everyone. The number 3 is most likely March. They seem to be predicting two major earthquakes.“California.” I had a visual of the middle of the ocean.Then a visual of a large 3.Spirit pointed to a book I write predictions in implying this is an old prediction. Spirit kept grabbing their wrist, time is short.They ended by showing a large crack move across the west coastline but in the visual it was North California, San Jose? I have to conclude that we are talking about multiple earthquakes back to back. An Ocean quake seems to be also coming. I kept having visuals of the Ocean during this connection.I am sorry but we are expecting destruction and damage.PREDICTIONS ON 11-8-15 SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKEThose numbers in the prediction mirror what’s above. We expected this prediction around Thanksgiving. It’s in an old book. This one points to New Zealand as well.“NOW.. New Zealand.. Australia.. Plymouth.. A large earthquake.. in 3.” — Spirits VoiceI had a visual of one large scroll, what you see at the bottom of the news report It read: 7.3 .. New Guinea.. Australia .  The prediction from a year ago continues. Prayers for the safety of all. Protect our troops. World Predictions 1-6-20What will Iran retaliate with? I asked Spirit.I had a visual of a clock running down 1:24, 1:23. This places their revenge right before or right after March.World Predictions 1-3-20USA.. Iran.. a bombing.. an attack.. back and forth.. the two nations poke each other.. the path to war being set.Now comes the details of this ongoing saga between Iran and the US. OnWORLD PREDICTIONS 1-6-20they showed a clock ticking down. Someone pointed out that the clock might not be a countdown but a date.I had a visual of a TV screen split into four, there were four separate attacks coming.I had a visual of a battleship in the ocean, then another visual of other commercial ships, then it shifted to show another visual of ships at a distance, Smoke was bellowing from them (or one) as if attacked.“Hezbollah campaign… attack.. assassinate.. maim… ambassador.” “Pull him (or them) out right now.”Like some checklist to war this is literally happening from a prediction made a year ago. We need this to desperately go into a new direction. The 23rd, 24th might have passed but everything is unfolding and March is a day away. World Predictions 1-6-20What will Iran retaliate with? I asked Spirit.I had a visual of a clock running down 1:24, 1:23. This places their revenge right before or right after March.World Predictions 1-3-20USA.. Iran.. a bombing.. an attack.. back and forth.. the two nations poke each other.. the path to war being set.Now comes the details of this ongoing saga between Iran and the US. OnWORLD PREDICTIONS 1-6-20they showed a clock ticking down. Someone pointed out that the clock might not be a countdown but a date. I had a visual of a TV screen split into four, there were four separate attacks coming.I had a visual of a battleship in the ocean, then another visual of other commercial ships, then it shifted to show another visual of ships at a distance, Smoke was bellowing from them (or one) as if attacked. “Hezbollah campaign… attack.. assassinate.. maim… ambassador.” “Pull him (or them) out right now.”I had a visual of a man coming up to another man and then assassinate him. I had a visual of a man lob a grenade or explosive device into a place. This message could have ties to a previous prediction where a grenade was thrown into a military base. The drums of war begin to beat loud again.. but will it lead to all war? This tragic prediction has happened. Stay safe Lady Gaga. Our prayers are with you. What We Predicted in 2020 The Lady will be attacked, Lady protect yourself!” – The ‘Lady’ is a specific person. For instance Lady Bird or Lady Gaga. The prediction made a year ago has arrived around the date predicted. Please pray this battle ends. My interpretation of time is incorrect, these are dates 1-24-21World Predictions 1-6-20 What will Iran retaliate with? I asked Spirit. I had a visual of a clock running down 1:24, 1:23. ( The hour would be a month and minutes would be days.) This places their revenge right before or right after March. World Predictions 1-3-20 USA.. Iran.. a bombing.. an attack.. back and forth.. the two nations poke each other.. the path to war being set. Predictions 3-28-16  “World wide panic.. airplane attack.. bombings.. 1 and then 2”. PREDICTIONS: 7-23-18 I had a visual of a plane crash. The inside of the plane was hollowed out. The debris was everywhere. Then it shifted to show a visual of the old plane crash the one in Ukraine. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. Spirit is comparing a new plane crash with the Malaysia plane crash, either the plane crash coming is attacked or shot down, or perhaps it has ties to Russia? Or Malaysia? In minutesThe old prediction: World Predictions 10-11-20 I had a visual of Poseidon throwing his trident at the world. This prediction has already started, from the horrible cold freeze reaching south to the long lists of floods across the globe. In April we are expecting even larger flooding. Kansas, Mississippi River, India, multiple island nations. This year flooding is rampant. The visuals were very heavy handed with vehicles under water. My hope is to gather more specific locations as the moments approach. As the man who predicted the rise of this Pandemic in October of 2019, I happily predict Covid-19s departure even if it’s just a start. The numbers are dropping! Unfortunately we do have new predictions rolling out soon, prepare for more really bad weather. Let’s just put a damper on the good news. The Prediction:World Predictions 11-20-20 Coronavirus: I had a visual of a graph showing rising numbers, again and again, then at one moment like a roller coaster hitting its plateau. it just dropped. Then it shifted to show a rollercoaster ride just fall. Then a voice from behind me on the coaster said “Science prevails.” WORLD PREDICTIONS 10-6-19 I had a visual of China, in the eastern coastal region semi close to Taiwan, that was marked. On the map was the number 2“An epidemic is coming that will move with such fury.” Then it shifted to show people in tents coughing.  I had a visual of a map showing an area between France and Spain in the more northern region. Then the area turned red, the red are grew outward, getting larger and larger.  WORLD PREDICTIONS 11-19-19 “The two walls.” I had a visual of these massive metal doors/gates shutting.  PREDICTIONS 8-8-17 I had a visual of Spirit marking multiple locations all across Europe. “An Epidemic unfolds in Europe.. one of the worst in decades..”. This prediction has happened, Perseverance has landed. Happy news for once. That’s refreshing. World Predictions 1-4-21 I had a visual of two groups desperately trying to achieve a marvel with their ‘Remote’ vehicle. Both sides tried to fulfill their parts. Then someone excited said “Did we do it?” Then a roaring cheer, yes they did.WHO is claiming that COVID-19 was spreading as early as October and the main prediction about this pandemic was made October 6th 2019. WORLD PREDICTIONS 10-6-19I had a visual of China, in the eastern coastal region semi close to Taiwan, that was marked. On the map was the number 2“An epidemic is coming that will move with such fury.” Then it shifted to show people in tents coughing. I had a visual of a map showing an area between France and Spain in the more northern region. Then the area turned red, the red are grew outward, getting larger and larger. WORLD PREDICTIONS 11-19-19“The two walls.” I had a visual of these massive metal doors/gates shutting. PREDICTIONS 8-8-17I had a visual of Spirit marking multiple locations all across Europe. “An Epidemic unfolds in Europe.. one of the worst in decades..”. WORLD PREDICTIONS 2-3-20Ihad a visual of the map of the world. Spirit showed China, then small dots lit up the map. Then it shifted to show stage two, a map of Europe, several dots lit up. This makes it clear that the epidemic spreads wildly in Europe. Notes on 5-18-13It’s starting.. Vietnam is closed.. walls and barriers..I had a visual of a small bathroom with two doors next to each other on the right. The doors closed. Right of Vietnam is China, my guess is that Vietnam closes its borders to China. The bathroom could be a symbolic message of the reason, perhaps an epidemic. WORLD PREDICTIONS 9-19-19I had a visual of both Europe and the US. “The economy will slide, down, down, down.This tragic prediction is beginning. Prayers please. The northern snow has brought tornadoes with it. However North Carolina isn’t new to Tornadoes. World Predictions 2-13-21 From the shifting snow to the north a great change is about to take place. Tornadoes once set in specific locations will move wildly against the norm into places that it’s never been before. This prediction has happened. It’s flawed, as it has its wires crossed, the violent protest isn’t in Texas, Texas is the power outage. Please pray for the safety of all those in Texas. Stay safe. World Predictions 1-20-21 I had a visual I was looking at the television, violence, protests that turned very ugly, but the view looked more like Texas or western location. I had a visual of people lighting candles in the dark. Perhaps a power outage. I need to go back and find a location. Though this prediction has not happened yet when I say the news, I immediately thought of dusting off this very old prediction as a strong possibility especially with Democrats now in charge. Notes on 5-3-13 They showed a large US flag waving in the wind, and said, 50..coming 51. Wow that sounds like they are predicting 51 states. That’s a bold prediction.I also want to make a special shout out to one of my fans. So many of you have been so loyal to my unique cause and have been with us so long. Star48 is one of those fans. It takes a lot to amaze me, seriously I talk with Spirits, but this person seems to always know when my predictions happen before I do and I am always watching the news. Every time Star48 sends a comment I pay close attention, It s always, me thinking, how does Star48 do that? My hats off to you and all the rest of you, I can t wait for all of us to alter tomorrow s tragedies. We have new plans coming, new ideas, that we have high hopes for. Previous accurate Predictions of Puerto Rico: “When the Hurricanes arrive.. Puerto Rico will be demolished.”  The prediction was made in March Predictions 3-20-17 and Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico in September of 2017. This prediction has happened “Impeachment Tried Twice” predicted in 2018. I know it’s the 13th but wow one day off, as they marked 12, this is now over. I truly hope the only thing Spirit has left to say is “The end” because I am kind of done with this political mess. World Prediction: Impeachment Trial The second time like the first will not pass. I had a visual of multiple people pointing their thumbs down.PREDICTIONS 4-11-18“Huge scandal coming.. White house.. tit for tat.. what’s in it for me.. I did you a favor now you owe me a favor.. flush for cash.. this is the scandal that will eventually be his undoing.. impeachment tried twice.. mockery..”. Spirit implied that the house of cards would fall apart in July for Trump. Spirit showed a picture of Trump and then tore it. Could the message mean something else? They also showed 12 as when all things would come to a head.PREDICTIONS 3-7-18No evidence of direct collusion with Donald Trump.. vindication! . But then the scandal is unearthed and this time it will not pass. Through the lense of multiple shady deals; What’s in it for me, what can you offer me. It will cripple his leadership.World Predictions 4-5-19I had a visual of a calendar with the 6th blackened out. The Spirits pointed out I am missing parts: I had a visual of the US flag wrapped around its poll upside down.“Liberty.. which was held sacred at one time.. will be under attack.. trampled”WORLD PREDICTIONS 2-3-20. Protest.. civil disobedience.. civil war.. fever pitch words.. Trump.. hold onto power.. in 20.. A disastrous moment.. bloody.. short.. a nation torn.. the leadership begins to fall and fall quickly.From cruel words.. from cruel verbiage back and forth.. violence becomes the new way.Prediction 31: TheStormPrediction 31: TheStorm A dark storm is coming over the Capitol, over the White House, andthe United States as a whole.From the shifting snow to the north a great change is about to take place. Tornadoes once set in specific locations will move wildly against the norm into places that it’s never been before. On the 12th. This bombshell of Trumps phone call was leaked on the 12th, putting the impeachment on hold. I would remind everyone the purpose of political predictions isn’t to attack Trump, it is to solidifying accuracy with you, so that decades from now when I warn you about one of the most horrifying leaders to come, you will pause to listen. Share this with others to help alter that future and prevent a horrible monster, we haven’t seen, rise to power. No matter what side your on it would be hard to debate that we predicted “Impeachment tried twice” or that the 6th would be blacked out as when Liberty was trampled. The prediction: PREDICTIONS 4-11-18“Huge scandal coming.. White house.. tit for tat.. what’s in it for me.. I did you a favor now you owe me a favor.. flush for cash.. this is the scandal that will eventually be his undoing.. impeachment tried twice.. mockery..”. Spirit implied that the house of cards would fall apart in July for Trump. Spirit showed a picture of Trump and then tore it. Could the message mean something else? They also showed 12 as when all things would come to a head.World Predictions 4-5-19I had a visual of a calendar with the 6th blackened out. The Spirits pointed out I am missing parts: I had a visual of the US flag wrapped around its poll upside down.“Liberty.. which was held sacred at one time.. will be under attack.. trampled”WORLD PREDICTIONS 2-3-20. Protest.. civil disobedience.. civil war.. fever pitch words.. Trump.. hold onto power.. in 20.. A disastrous moment.. bloody.. short.. a nation torn.. the leadership begins to fall and fall quickly.From cruel words.. from cruel verbiage back and forth.. violence becomes the new way.Prediction 31: TheStormPrediction 31: TheStorm A dark storm is coming over the Capitol, over the White House, andthe United States as a whole.World Predictions 1-4-21 I had a visual of multiple people holding mini American flags outside the view of a window. Then with horror the view showed inside the building a man loading a rifle or large gun. There was a loud click, he was preparing. The old predictions and a very short new one. PREDICTIONS 4-11-18 “Huge scandal coming.. White house.. tit for tat.. what’s in it for me.. I did you a favor now you owe me a favor.. flush for cash.. this is the scandal that will eventually be his undoing.. impeachment tried twice.. mockery..”. Spirit implied that the house of cards would fall apart in July for Trump. Spirit showed a picture of Trump and then tore it. Could the message mean something else? They also showed 12 as when all things would come to a head.PREDICTIONS 3-7-18 No evidence of direct collusion with Donald Trump.. vindication!  . But then the scandal is unearthed and this time it will not pass. Through the lense of multiple shady deals; What’s in it for me, what can you offer me. It will cripple his leadership.World Predictions 4-5-19I had a visual of a calendar with the 6th blackened out. The Spirits pointed out I am missing parts: I had a visual of the US flag wrapped around its poll upside down.“Liberty.. which was held sacred at one time.. will be under attack.. trampled”WORLD PREDICTIONS 2-3-20. Protest.. civil disobedience.. civil war.. fever pitch words.. Trump.. hold onto power.. in 20.. A disastrous moment.. bloody.. short.. a nation torn.. the leadership begins to fall and fall quickly.From cruel words.. from cruel verbiage back and forth.. violence becomes the new way.Prediction 31: TheStormPrediction 31: TheStorm A dark storm is coming over the Capitol, over the White House, andthe United States as a whole.World Predictions 1-4-21 I had a visual of multiple people holding mini American flags outside the view of a window. Then with horror the view showed inside the building a man loading a rifle or large gun. There was a loud click, he was preparing. This tragic prediction has happened. Prayers for India please. World Predictions 9-2-20 I had a visual of a jolting collapse, sudden loud cracking noise. Then I could see what looked like a large whole or crack on the ground. Earthquake? The scope of the size seemed extensive. Originally the message was for Australia or around Australia. Oddly they attached India, however it could be two back to back incidents. This prediction unfolds. Prayers please for Africa and a quicker end to Covid. World Predictions 5-15-20I had a vision of Africa, then Spirit marked multiple locations, all of them were on the southern half of Africa. Most of them were coastal, South Africa and its neighbors were hit hard. World Predictions 5-29-20 Lately we have been “painting black” , the north location by the lakes, Turkey, Southern Africa, and the most concerning location Southern Florida. I initially assumed it was tied to Covid19 hotspots.As someone who lives in a spiritual bubble I have absolutely know idea what these people are talking about and yet several of you have pointed this prediction out as happening now. So I leave it up to you to decide. Nothing criminal was mentioned? Wall Street though is definitely the den of greed. Makes me feel a bit sheepish I don t get it. The old prediction: Prediction 35: 21st Century Robin Hood They will hack into accounts and steal from the filthy rich, who have reputations for greed and self-serving attitudes and give the money to the un-entitled, and those desperately in need of help. Though criminals of the 21st century, they will be seen as heroes dubbed under the banner of “Robin Hood”.I had a visual of a map of Spain. Areas from the north to south turned black, from the east it swept west to Portugal. Then I had a visual of historical medicines, Laudanum of the 1800s, Phen-Fen of the 90s, and finally the epidemic of pain killers today. They seem to be pointing to a drug that is widely acceptable at first, then turns on us. becoming dangerous and deadly on one massive scale. I sat on this prediction for a few days to check if it is related to Covid19. Everything points to no. This is something very different and Spain seems to be an epicenter or perhaps where it begins. It could be a street drug. I had a visual of an old worn newspaper, when I opened it, there was a picture of John F. Kennedy. The old newspaper is most likely a reference to an old prediction coming, I can only think of one: Prediction: Assassination ComingWorld Predictions: 10-7-20 I had a visual of Brazil, the land was barren torn down, then it switched and everything became flooded. I flew across a very large portion of land all of it flooded. This message is concerning. The amount of water and scope of the flood was massive. This would have to be a historic flood. However perhaps they are predicting overtime this land being destroyed now does not bare its fruit, perhaps it turns into a marshland? The three Major Predictions of 2020. Help share our work. Now more than ever I work to alter tomorrows tragedies. I need your help to accomplish that, awareness is set to make change possible. Tonight we get back to work. WORLD PREDICTIONS 10-6-19I had a visual of China, in the eastern coastal region semi close to Taiwan, that was marked. On the map was the number 2.“An epidemic is coming that will move with such fury.” Then it shifted to show people in tents coughing. I had a visual of a map showing an area between France and Spain in the more northern region. Then the area turned red, the red are grew outward, getting larger and larger. WORLD PREDICTIONS 11-19-19“The two walls.” I had a visual of these massive metal doors/gates shutting.WORLD PREDICTIONS 2-3-20I had a visual of the map of the world. Spirit showed China, then small dots lit up the map. Then it shifted to show stage two, a map of Europe, several dots lit up. This makes it clear that the epidemic spreads wildly in EuropePREDICTIONS 8-8-17 “An Epidemic unfolds in Europe.. one of the worst in decades..”  World Predictions 4-5-19I had a visual of a calendar with the 6th blackened out. The Spirits pointed out I am missing parts: I had a visual of the US flag wrapped around its poll upside down.“Liberty.. which was held sacred at one time.. will be under attack.. trampled”WORLD PREDICTIONS 2-3-20. Protest.. civil disobedience.. civil war.. fever pitch words.. Trump.. hold onto power.. in 20.. A disastrous moment.. bloody.. short.. a nation torn.. the leadership begins to fall and fall quickly.From cruel words.. from cruel verbiage back and forth.. violence becomes the new way.Prediction 31: TheStormPrediction 31: TheStorm A dark storm is coming over the Capitol, over the White House, andthe United States as a whole.World Predictions 1-4-21 I had a visual of multiple people holding mini American flags outside the view of a window. Then with horror the view showed inside the building a man loading a rifle or large gun. There was a loud click, he was preparing. PREDICTIONS 4-11-18 “Huge scandal coming.. White house.. tit for tat.. what’s in it for me.. I did you a favor now you owe me a favor.. flush for cash.. this is the scandal that will eventually be his undoing.. impeachment tried twice.. mockery..”. Spirit implied that the house of cards would fall apart in July for Trump. Spirit showed a picture of Trump and then tore it. Could the message mean something else? They also showed 12 as when all things would come to a head.Predictions 3-28-16 “World wide panic.. airplane attack.. bombings.. 1 and then 2” Here is a list of our most accurate predictions. Share it with everyone. It’s through a combined awareness and action that we can alter the tragedies of tomorrow. Help me change tomorrow so we can all make a difference. It is amazing to see the difference between when we first started and now. Thank you all for continuing to follow my World Predictions. Link: one message that is very odd. In reading this we begin with the old prediction. If your familiar with the message skip to the bottom of the post that is in bold letters, if your not familiar with it please read the entire post to understand this prediction. Older Message: World Prediction: Coronavirus The Tide Shifts Posted 4/2020 (Already happened with the arrival of the vaccine) Back in November I had this strange symbolic message. In the visual multiple destroyers (from Star Wars) had arrived on the outskirts of planet earth. Their weapons were being loaded and I heard Spirit say “December”I never posted the message because part of me questioned whether it was a message for me?Was I becoming sick again? The message was clear “The destroyer arrives in December” it made no sense? A destroyer for the whole planet? Yet here we are. This oddly symbolic message did not happen in December but it is happening now. Yesterday’s visual: I had this vision that the destroyers were hovering in earths atmosphere. Then suddenly they were attacked by a massive offensive all at once. Spaceships including X wing fighters quickly flew up from the ground. The ships begin shooting at the destroyers on all fronts. There was this beautiful part where the sun gleamed on the X wing fighters going to battle. The unified front was an awesome visual of unity. At first they missed their specific target but they continued to try. Even though the ships attacking were very small when compared to the destroyer it was the huge swarm and this united front begin to turn the tide. The vision ended in the middle of battle. My interpretation: It sounds like science pushes back, makes head way, comes up with a specific strategy against Coronavirus that shifts the tide of this nightmare. A medical insurgence is coming and going to battle. This might explain their sudden shift towards the positive in June. The sunny days are starting to return.I had a visual of multiple people leaving cities to live in rural or more distant locations. The days of everyone clustered in one location was changing.I had a visual of multiple nations turning against China, shifting back to a self sufficient system of making and producing their own products. Then China begin to shrink in power.Spirit also implied difficulties starting the economy back up again. It was messy and disheveled.The take away here is clear. Back in November they talked about the arrival of the “destroyer”. A few months later that destroyer arrived. Now they are predicting a counter strike, the beginning of its end. If we follow their trend this also will unfold in a few months. The fact that they are shifting towards a light at the end of the tunnel is breathtaking. World Prediction: Coronavirus Update Posted 9/2020I had a visual that a red missile was shot from the ground. The missile flew through the sky for a good while before reaching its target, then it hit the destroyer damaging it’s side. There was smoke bellowing from the Destroyer. The fighters now had a weapon that worked.  Spirit would also predict that as this nightmare is closing, there will be one epic shift in the medical community. Huge massive leaps forward. Knowledge is power and right now the medical community is gathering swaths of knowledge. New treatments, new cures, new solutions all coming.I had a visual of a destroyer, but this time it was made of Legos. No longer black, it was a mixture of different legos colors; red, black, brown, and lots of grey. There was a close up of the bow, showing it in great detail, as if to express the bows importance. I am unclear of its meaning? On one end it might be a ‘stacked’ problem, but the most likely meaning is this virus will start becoming weak. It went from an ominous form to a silly breakable toy. My hope is they clarify the matter. Why communicate so symbolically? There are two parts to that answer, the first is to protect me, if I actually saw the horrors in real time, I would go insane with horror. On another note, they don’t have lips or a tongue. They communicate through ones thoughts, ones mind. PREDICTIONS 8-8-17 I had a visual of Spirit marking multiple locations all across Europe. “An Epidemic unfolds in Europe.. one of the worst in decades..”WORLD PREDICTIONS 10-6-19 I had a visual of China, in the eastern coastal region semi close to Taiwan, that was marked. On the map was the number 2“An epidemic is coming that will move with such fury.” Then it shifted to show people in tents coughing.I had a visual of a map showing an area between France and Spain in the more northern region. Then the area turned red, the red are grew outward, getting larger and larger.“Jim will pass, his service to the world solid.” Then Spirit tipped their hats to him. I had a visual I was looking at the television, violence, protests that turned very ugly, but the view looked more like Texas or western location. I had a visual of people lighting candles in the dark. Perhaps a power outage. I need to go back and find a location. I was expecting them to continue their conversation about the ‘20’ in the prediction below. However they are shifting towards Europe. Germany specifically is a new focus. Which implies the prediction below has peaked. Perhaps 20 was always symbolic, When they predicted Joe Biden’s win on November 3rd they also showed a 20 (WORLD PREDICTIONS: NOVEMBER 3RD ) They still hold to the rise of extremists in America. WORLD PREDICTIONS 2-3-20. Protest.. civil disobedience.. civil war.. fever pitch words.. Trump.. hold onto power.. in 20.. A disastrous moment.. bloody.. short.. a nation torn.. the leadership begins to fall and fall quickly. From cruel words.. from cruel verbiage back and forth.. violence becomes the new way.World Predictions 8-20-19 “As the new elections close.. the US spirals out of control .. things go down hill fast and furious on multiple fronts.”World Predictions 4-5-19 I had a visual of a calendar with the 6th blackened out. The Spirits pointed out I am missing parts:  I had a visual of the US flag wrapped around its poll upside down. “Liberty.. which was held sacred at one time.. will be under attack.. trampled”Predictions 3-12-18 “Hate rises.. racism flourishes.. violent attacks.. terror attacks committed from within.. all sides implode from the Neo Nazis.. to the extreme left.. never before has there been this level of upheaval and violence since the Jim Crow days. 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