Due to COVID-19 all clients required to wear masks, wash hands, and cancel if they are feeling sick.Joy in Life, Joy in MotionSince we were little kids we have always been told to be thoughtful in life. Why don’t those same rules apply to your body and your workout? At Joie de Vivre Pilates we practice the Watson Method™ Pilates, which is Pilates that is thoughtful for your body. The Watson Method™ Pilates, incorporates the latest understanding in endocrinology, fitness, metabolic and conditioning progression (i.e. our workouts are hard!). We do it in a way in which the workouts are demanding, but they are thoughtful and purposeful to every body part. Our private lessons and classes are safe for the average person, including those who have injuries, but are intense and challenging for even elite athletes.Compared to "Dance" Pilates or “Pilates on Steroid" styles, the Watson Method™is completely safe for most people with current or previous back, neck, shoulder, and knee injuries while still giving them a high intensity burn. This attracts a population of clients that includes everyone from mothers-to-be to top athletes just wanting to get an intense workout without the risk of harm.How do we do it? The Watson Method™ Pilates uses intervals focused on weight bearing training and toning of large muscle groups to "turn on" fat burning hormones. Clients benefit from intervals which create longer leaner muscle mass without taxing the body in a way that causes injury and burn out (that go home and eat everything but the kitchen sink feeling). The Watson Method™ is comprehensive approach that allows people to sustain an exercise program for a lifetime.