Sherlock BBC Prompting Meme — LiveJournal

Web Name: Sherlock BBC Prompting Meme — LiveJournal






description:"we get all sorts around here."
? Log in No account? Create an account Facebook Twitter Google RAMBLERwe get all sorts around here.
STICKY POSTsherlockbbc_ficOctober 1st, 2012Interested in new prompts and fic?
The meme has migrated!

Welcome to the BBC Sherlock kink meme! We are pleased to have you here. If this is your first visit, please check out our FAQ. Before you start browsing and prompting, please take a moment to read this post; it was written to help you have an optimal experience here.
For any and all questions, comments, or concerns regarding any part of the meme, use the Page-A-Mod post after checking to see whether your question is answered in the FAQ.

General guidelines:
Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance--whatever. Go wild! :D
Dont reprompt until TWO parts after the last posting of the prompt.
RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.
Concrit is welcome, but kinkshaming, hijacking, and flaming are not tolerated.

Current Prompt Post: Where all the new prompts should go. Check the top of the post to see whether theres a freeze going on.
Spoiler-free prompting post:This is the prompting areafor people who are avoiding spoilers for the second series.
Overflow post part II:This post is for fillingprompts from prompt posts that have more than 9500 comments.
Filled Prompts Post (Parts 1-23):This is an archive created to make it simple for people to browse through both filled and unfilled prompts. When you fill something, you have to use it to archive your fill.
Filled Prompts Post (Parts 24+): Same as above, but for prompting parts 24 and up.
Filled Prompts Post (Spoiler-free): Same as above, but for the spoiler-free prompting post.
The memes Pinboard archive, the memes Delicious archive (and the guide that explains how the archive works).
Links to previous prompting parts:
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V
Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X
Part XI - Part XII - Part XIII - Part XIV - Part XV
Part XVI - Part XVII - Part XVIII - Part XIX - Part XX
Part XXI - Part XXII - Part XXIII - Part XXIV - Part XXV
Part XXVI - Part XXVII - Part XXVIII - Part XXIX - Part XXX
Part XXXI - Part XXXII - Part XXXIII - Part XXXIV - Part XXXV
Part XXXVI - Overflow post part I

Our other posts:
Chatter post:This is a place for all sorts of off-topic discussion. You can also use itto find a beta, or ask a brit-pick-ish question.
Love post:To complement the rant post, share the love!
Searching post:This is the place where you can request help finding something: recs, fics, prompts, etc.
Concrit post:This is an entirely optional and opt-in constructive criticism post.
Story Announcement post:This post is specifically for announcing your new stories and linking to them off-meme.
Orphan post:This is a place where you can post your WIPs that you dont plan to finish, with the hopes that someone will pick up where you left off.
Friending Meme: Meet new people and make some friends.
Affiliates / Other links:
sherlock_rants: A place to rant about or discuss anything with few to no restrictions.
sherlock_rpf: This is a kinkmeme for RPF about the show.
sherlockcrit: A multi-fandom betaing/concrit community, with a focus on BBC Sherlock.
sherlockbbc: A community dedicated to the BBC adaptation of Sherlock Holmes.
Useful resources for Sherlock and LiveJournal.
Sherlock screencaps.
Prompting Part XXXVIsherlockbbc_ficFebruary 7th, 2015Having CAPTCHA issues?
Interested in new prompts and fic? The meme has migrated!

Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance whatever. Go wild! :D
Please do not re-post prompts unless the last time they were prompted was on an older part. Simply put: ONE posting of each prompt per part.
RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.
Concrit is welcome, but kinkshaming, hijacking, and flaming are not tolerated.
(Read more...Collapse)

Update to prompting guidelines.

The meme has migrated! This is no longer an active Prompting Part. Please continue to prompt on Dreamwidth.More information here.Tags: prompt posts, prompting: 36 896 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
Prompting Part XXXVsherlockbbc_ficMarch 30th, 2014Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.
Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance whatever. Go wild! :D
Please do not re-post prompts unless the last time they were prompted was on an older part. Simply put: ONE posting of each prompt per part.
RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.
Concrit is welcome, but kinkshaming, hijacking, and flaming are not tolerated.
(Read more...Collapse)

Update to prompting guidelines.Tags: prompt posts, prompting: 35 7375 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
Spoiler-Friendly Post - Series 3sherlockbbc_ficDecember 14th, 2013GUIDELINES
Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
Flaming is not tolerated.
This is the only discussion post where unwarned spoilers are tolerated. Unwarned spoilers anywhere else should be reported to the mods.
Your mods for this meme are ellie_hell, charname, anonspock and anonbach. If you have any questions, concerns, comments about anything at all on the meme feel free to send a PM or contact us via the Page-A-Mod post.

Pinboard Archive - Delicious Archive - Guide to the Archive
Filled Prompts Posts: Parts 1-23 - Parts 24+ - Spoiler Free
The Glorious FAQ - Page-A-Mod

Flat View of This Page - Newest Page in Flatview - Newest Page of the post

Love Post - Chatter Post - Searching Post
Concrit Post - Story Announcement Post - Orphan Post
Spoiler Free Prompt Post - Overflow Post

Links to previous prompting parts

sherlock_rant: A place to rant about or discuss anything with few to no restrictions.
sherlock_rpf: This is a kinkmeme for RPF about the show.
sherlockcrit: A multi-fandom betaing/concrit community, with a focus on BBC Sherlock.
sherlockbbc: A community dedicated to the BBC adaptation of Sherlock Holmes.
Useful resources for Sherlock and LiveJournal.
Sherlock screencaps.Tags: off topic by nature 56 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
Prompting Part XXXIVsherlockbbc_ficOctober 29th, 2013Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance whatever. Go wild! :D
Dont reprompt until TWO parts after the last posting of the prompt.
RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.
Concrit is welcome, but kinkshaming, hijacking, and flaming are not tolerated.
(Read more...Collapse)Tags: prompt posts, prompting: 34 7545 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
Prompting Part XXXIIIsherlockbbc_ficMarch 9th, 2013Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.
Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance whatever. Go wild! :D
Dont reprompt until TWO parts after the last posting of the prompt.
RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.
Concrit is welcome, but kinkshaming, hijacking, and flaming are not tolerated.
(Read more...Collapse)Tags: prompt posts, prompting: 33 7518 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
Overflow Post IIsherlockbbc_ficFebruary 10th, 2013This post is for responding to prompts from prompt posts that are full, or continuing WIPs that were started on prompt posts that have since filled up or are close to full.

(Read more...Collapse)Tags: prompt posts, prompting: overflow 124 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
Prompting Part XXXIIsherlockbbc_ficNovember 2nd, 2012Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

GUIDELINESAnon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance whatever. Go wild! :DDont reprompt until TWO parts after the last posting of the prompt.RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.Concrit is welcome, but kinkshaming, hijacking, and flaming are not tolerated.(Read more...Collapse)Tags: prompt posts, prompting: 32 7663 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
FAQsherlockbbc_ficOctober 1st, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a kink meme?
What is a prompt freeze (and when do they occur)?
Whats the memes policy on underage prompts and fills?
Is RPF allowed?
Things that we appreciate.
Nesting your fills
Titling your fills
Using subject lines
What are RTYIs and when are they appropriate?
What is the memes policy on spoilers?
What is hijacking?
What is kinkshaming?
What is flaming?
Is there a backup of the community in case of LJ apocalypse?

Why cant I see my post? or Why was my post deleted?
What happened to my formatting?

How do I post a prompt?
How often can I prompt?
Why are people claiming prompts?

How do I post a fill?
Im interested in filling a prompt, but its from one of the older/full parts.
What happens if a prompting post reaches 9500 comments and Im not done posting my WIP?
I filled a prompt, but it has not been added to the FPP yet. What do I do?
Can I fill my own prompt?
A fill seems to have been abandoned. Can I take over and fill it instead?
Where can I find a beta?

CLARIFYING ASPECTS OF FANDOM (I keep seeing ______. What is _______?):
What is Omegaverse?
People often write Mycroft says X in their posts. What does it mean?
Whats with Anderson and the dinosaurs?
Whats with John and Jam?
What is the Wotsits theory?
Whats with Sherlocks shirt-buttons?
Whats the origin of Johns red pants?
Who is Hamish?
Why does everyone keep implying that Mycroft has a carnal relationship with cake?
What is this otter thing?
What is this hedgehog thing?

Useful acronyms
Useful HTML
Spoiler cuts
Inserting an image
Typeface formatting
There are so many good prompts! How can I keep track of them?
Im looking for a specific fill and I cant find it. Can I prompt it?
My question has not been answered here, what should I do?

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Prompting Part XXXIsherlockbbc_ficAugust 15th, 2012Please check the Sticky Post to find the newest active part and post your prompts there.

Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, keep it to yourself and dont out them. IP tracking is off, and will remain that way.Multiple fills are encouraged, and all kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance whatever. Go wild! :DDont reprompt until TWO parts after the last posting of the prompt.RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.Concrit is welcome, but kinkshaming, hijacking, and flaming are not tolerated.(Read more...Collapse)
Tags: prompt posts, prompting: 31 7952 commentsLeave a commentShareFlag
Previous 10 Comments rushhelen6 Sep 2021, 19:18Prompting Part XXXIIThank you for this wonderful work. May I translate them into Russian, so my friends can read them too?devilburns13 Jun 2021, 20:01Prompting Part XXXIIHey.

I have attempted this prompt

Only on chapter one, but if anyone has any suggestions of injuries let me know :)(Anonymous)31 May 2021, 19:15Prompting Part XXXVIOne day, Sherlock finds himself unable to control his bowel movements; constantly shitting or pissing himself without a warning. He tries to keep it quiet but can't do so for long; eventually, John…saitama_lover87 Apr 2021, 04:48Prompting Part XXVFourthed after such a longtimesaitama_lover87 Apr 2021, 04:25Prompting Part XXVI see it has been a while! I was wondering if u ever ended up writing the fill? Powered by LiveJournal.comDesigned by igor_safonov

TAGS:BBC Sherlock Prompting LiveJournal Meme 

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