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Rabu, 06 Juni 2012 Tantra: Sex Magic
Sex MagicReality Creation Process
Iwant to share something I call the SexMagic Reality Creation Process (SMRCP). It is a powerful tool that isappropriate for deliberate reality creation. As many of you know, I've beenpractising Tantra/Sacred Sexuality for many years and have enjoyed wonderfulbenefits from it. One of my favourite areas of study is Sex Magic. I'vesuccessfully incorporated the SMRCP in my reality creation toolbox. It is withmuch joy that I share it with you, have some fun with it.
Sexis one of the most (some say THE most) powerful energies on the planet. Tograsp its awesome and often overlooked power, take a look at the starvingSomalis. Take away their food, take away their dignity, humiliate and torturethem and THEY STILL MAKE BABIES.
Withinour loins lies an energy that has the potential to create ANY reality we want.Unfortunately, most humans have a love/hate relationship with sex that isreflected in many ways (i.e., unsafe promiscuity, self-destructive perversions,denial, shutdown, religious intolerance, rape, abuse, etc.). Religion has donemuch to suppress our divine sexual nature and has kept the masses ignorant ofthe potential uses of sexual energy.
Whenwe accept and embrace our sexual nature we are free to use its awesome powerfor our benefit. We no longer worship it or deny it. We come into balance andview our sexuality as part of our divinity. It becomes joyful, light andloving. We learn to use sex for more than procreation or sensual gratification.
Iwant to make a comment about celibacy. Many people, including so-calledenlightened teachers and religious figures, misunderstand celibacy. Truecelibacy is not a denial or suppression of sexual energy. True celibacy is whenone chooses to focus/channel their sexual energy, in non-sexual ways, intoother areas of their being. There are many ways to do this but Sex Magic is notone of them since it involves sexual stimulation. Tantra embraces both thesexual path and the celibate path.
Sexis creative energy. Magic is the art of creating reality.
Truemagic is simply the art of creating what you want. We can liken all theprocesses given to us by masters and teachers (Seth, Alexander, Abraham,Avatar, etc.), as tools in our magician's or Shaman's bag. People whoconsciously and deliberately create their reality are the ultimate magicians onthe planet.
Sex Magic:
Sex Magic is basedon the belief that the most powerful moment of human existence is the orgasm.Sex Magic is the art of utilizing sexual orgasm to create a reality and/orexpand consciousness. All senses and psychic powers are heightened duringorgasm. It is a moment when a window opens to the unlimited abundance of theunlimited universe.
Now, some mayargue that they fantasize about some person or event during sex and it nevermaterializes into a reality. This is because most of us, at the moment oforgasm, lose our focus and get lost in the physical response. That's okay,there's nothing wrong with using sex for pure pleasure. That intention is alsoa created reality. The SMRCP isabout maintaining one's focus during orgasm and channelling the energy intocreating a reality. Any reality, whether it's creating a new job, car,experience, relationship, etc.
The Process:
Relax and breathedeeply. Breathing deeply is key to the success of Sex Magic. Take your time andrelax your body, especially your jaw and belly.
Identify what youwant to create. It's important to choose something that really excites you.Make it specific. You can write it down or say it out loud as a mantra oraffirmation. Make it in the present tense or as if it's a reality already(i.e., "I earn $85,000 per year.")
Focus on thecreation. See, hear, taste, smell and feel the creation as if it's real.Visualize yourself in the creation. For example, what is your life like whenyou earn that $85,000? What does it FEEL like? Make it big, in Technicolour,with all your focus and intention. Breathe into it. Now, when you've identifiedthe feeling and/or picture that best captures what you want to create, FILE ITAWAY in your mind and relax. (You may want to practice a bit with this stepbefore proceeding.)
Do whatever bringsyou almost to orgasm. This can be masturbation or sexual activity with asupportive partner. Remember to relax and breathe into your orgasmic state.Take your time. Bring yourself almost to orgasm, backing off just before thepoint-of- no-return, several or more times. What you're doing here is chargingup the sexual battery.
I'll digresshere for a moment. It's easier for women to do this process because orgasm isusually not an energy drain for them (as long as they're not engaging in wild,aerobic and physically exhausting sex). Women are able to climax multiple times("Riding the Bliss-Wave" in Tantra) gaining tremendous energy fromit. So, to my sisters, I encourage youto relax, breathe, and have fun. It's also very helpful to strengthen yourPC/vaginal muscle and get in touch with your G/Sacred Spot. There are many good books which cover this. My favourite is"The Art of Sexual Ecstasy" by Margo Anand. I'll do a follow-up postabout the "Yoni Massage" that you can use with a supportive partnerin conjunction with the SMRCP.
The men areanother story because their orgasmic energy is usually expelled out of theirpelvis, in their semen, and out of their body. Fortunately this can be handled!Unfortunately I won't be able to teach you within the limits of USENET ande-mail. I encourage my brothers to learn and practice the art of ejaculatorycontrol (I prefer the term Ejaculatory Mastery) and create an INjaculation. There are several good books about this. Margo Anand's bookcovers this. For the timebeing, just relax, breathe and come CLOSE to ejaculation SIX times before yourelease your semen. I'll follow-up with the "LingamMassage" that you can usewith a supportive partner in conjunction with the SMRCP.
When you havealmost reached orgasm, after coming close several times and you're ready to letgo, recall from your mind the reality you want to create and energize it withfocused intention. Make it vivid, exciting, big and beautiful.
When you orgasm,keep focused on the picture/creation and deliberately channel the orgasm intoit. Just let it flow into the reality you want to create. Remember to keepbreathing during the orgasm and breathe your orgasmic energy into yourcreation/ goal/dream/reality. Stay focused and hold the picture. Your body willdo the rest (this is why a partner is very helpful -- they can do the physicalwork for you :-).
You can repeat theprocess if you want to come to another orgasm.
The reality willcreate itself immediately or will be buffered by time. It may also manifest asan opportunity, insight, healing, etc. The power of the SMRCP will blow yourmind as you master it! Have fun with your creations.

Tidak ada komentar: The G Spot FAQ

Version 1.1
(c) Gnostalgia 1995
This is a semi-comprehensive guide composed of excerpts from women's health and
sexuality books designed to answer:
What is the G-Spot?
What is Female Ejaculation?
How do I find the G-Spot?
Does everyone have a G-Spot?
How does one stimulate the G-Spot?

The Grafenberg spot is an area on the anterior or front wall of the vagina,
between the opening and the cervix, which is often found to be extremely
sensitive to stimulation. It is hypothesized that the G-spot is either 1) a
bundle of nerves coming from the clitoris, or 2) a gland or series of glands
that produces lubrication. It is thought to be perhaps analagous to the
prostate gland in men.
Female ejaculation is the expelling of fluid from or around the urethra. This
fluid is not urine, and is often accompanied by a powerful orgasm. Stimulation
of the G-Spot is thought to potentially cause this.
Insert one or two fingers in the vagina with the palm facing the pubic bone.
Gently bend your fingers 'forward' so that they stroke the anterior wall of
the vagina. You may feel a raised spot or series of ridges, or you may feel
nothing in particular. The woman may find this extremely pleasurable, or have
an urge to urinate, or both. Stroking this spot with varying degrees of
pressure will tell you if you've got it or not.
No. Your mileage may vary. Just as some woman find clitoral stimulation more
or less pleasurable than others, G-spot response varies from woman to woman,
and some may find it unpleasant or simply not special.
Silly, that's a technique question. The factual stuff is above; anything else
goes to Kama Sutra.

Ms. Magazine (November/December 1995)
One of the more hotly contested debates concerns whether women can ejaculate.
Reports have generally dismissed as tales told by women trying to cover up the
fact that they'd "wet the bed." Many sexologists and physicians continue to
label it "urine" (despite the fact that there is no telltale ammonia smell),
"vaginal secretions," or even "leftover bathwater" (a la Masters and Johnson).
Beverly Whipple is one of the several sex researchers who have conducted studies
on female ejaculation, and her findings, while not definitive, are intriguing.
Whipple and others have analyzed women's "ejaculate" and found that it is
chemically similar to men's ejaculate. They've also idenitified tiny glands
embedded in the dense tissues surrounding the urethra that may be the source of
this fluid.
So, if all women have these glands, why don't we all ejaculate when we climax,
just like men do? Researchers speculate that the amount of fluid varies, as it
does in men, and may at times be so small as to not be noticed; may be confused
with other vaginal secretions that occur during arousal; or, during heterosexual
sex, may be mistaken for a man's ejaculate.
Does any of this matter? Some people find it preposterous the idea that women
have have Prostate glands. But as Whipple says, "Women who experience this have
reported secretly suppressing orgasms out of fear of wetting the bed." She notes
that some women have had unnecessary surgery to cure "incontinence." Knowing
that ejaculation maybe perfectly normal is an important step in owning and
accepting our sexuality.
The New Our Bodies, Ourselves by the Boston Women's Health Book Collective:
"Two researches have recently identified what they call the Grafenberg spot
(G-spot), a sensitive area just behind the front wall of the vagina between the
back of the pubic bone and the cervix. They say that when this spot is
stimulated during sex through vaginal penetration of some kind, some women
orgasm with a gush of fluid FROM THE URETHRA, which is NOT URINE. [emphasis
This is at present a controversial theory among sex researchers. It's a relief
for those women who feel a urethral gushing of liquid during orgasm to find an
explanation for this apparent ejaculation, and for some others to find what may
be another source of pleasure"--pg. 211
The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, Cathy Winks and Anne Semans:
"Continuous stimulation of the urethral sponge can cause the paraurethral glands
to fill up with a clear, odorless fluid which is sometimes expelled frm the body
THROUGH THE URETHRA. This ejaculation can accompany orgasm or simply be part of
arousal. Ejaculation and orgasm are two distinct physiological phenomena in both
women and men. Female ejaculation has been around as long as females have been
around. Until recently, however, medical literature dismissed anecdotal
evidence, suggesting that instead ejaculation was urinary incontinence...
In recent years, female ejaculate has been chemically analyzed and determined to
be DISTINCT FROM URINE [emphasis mine] in its composition...
If you've never experienced ejaculation and would like to, try incorporating
G-spot stimulation into your usual masturbation techniques. As your urethral
sponge grows more swollen and sensitive, bear down with your pelvic muscles.
Women's experiences of ejaculation can range from simply feeling more wet than
usual to shooting jets of fluid... We are pleased that female ejaculation is now
acknowledged as a genuine sexual response, but we don't like to see it promoted
as a new goal that every woman should stive to achieve."--pgs. 27-8
Lesbian Sex, by JoAnn Loulan:
"The urethra also carries ejaculate from the Graftenberg spot to the outside...
The paraurethral sponge is a dense concentration of blood vessels wrapped around
the urethra with the largest portion under the urethra next to the outer wall of
the vagina. Within the sponge is the paraurethral gland. This gland produces a
watery fluid which is sometimes called ejaculate." Little is known about the
paraurethral gland while much research has been done on the corresponing
prostate gland in the male. Big surprise.
The commonly heard term, Grafenberg, or "G" spot, refers to the place in the
vagine where one can stimulate the sponge. It is about two inches up from the
entrance to the vagina towards to front of the body. To find it, put your
fingers inside your vagina with the finger tips towards your front and move the
fingers up and down. The sponge swells when stimulated, and you may feel like
you have to pee, or it may give you a pleasurable sensation. With continued
stimulation, a fluid (ejaculate) is produced in the gland and through its ducts
in the sponge is sometimes sprayed out of the body via the urethra. It may feel
like a lot of liquid, but it usually is a few teaspoonfuls to half a cup...
Ejaculation usually happens at a different time than orgasm. Some women who
ejaculate don't have orgasms at all. Others do both, but ejaculation and orgasm
are different processes and are not tied to one another. Some women in fact
don't even feel it when they do ejaculate."--pgs. 34-5.

Tidak ada komentar: Sexual Dictionary
AACAROPHILIA: Affinity for itching ACHLUOPHILIA: Love of darkness ACMEGENESIS: Orgasm ACOMOCLITIC: Preference for hairless genitals ACOUSTICOPHILIA: Arousal from sounds ACROPHILIA: Arousal from heights or highaltitudes ACROTOMOPHILIA: Arousal from amputees ACTIRASTY: To become aroused from exposure tosun's rays ACUCULLOPHALIA: Circumcision ACYESIS: Female sterility ADAMITISM: Going naked for God ADOLESCENTILISM: Cross-dressing or playing therole of an adolescent AELUROPHILIA: Deriving gratification from cats AGALMATOPHILIA: Attractions to statues ormannequins AGAMIC: Asexual; parthenogenic AGENOBIOSIS: Married couple who consent to livetogether without sex AGONOPHILIA: Person who is aroused by a partnerpretending to struggle AGORAPHILIA: Arousal from open spaces or havingsex in public places AGREXOPHILIA: Arousal from others knowing youare having sex AICHMOPHILIA: Love of needles and other pointedobjects AISCHROLATREIA: Worship of filth, smut;obscenity cult ALBUTOPHILIA: Arousal from water ALGOLAGNIA: Sexual satisfaction resulting fromgiving or receiving pain; sadism or masochism ALIPHINEUR: Person using lotion to arouse apartner ALLOERASTY: Use of nudity of another person toarouse a partner ALLOPELLIA: Having orgasm from watching othersengaging in sex ALLORGASMIA: Arousal from fantasizing aboutsomeone other than one's partner ALLOTRIORASTY: Arousal from partners of othernations or races ALPHAMEGAMIA: Attraction to partners of anotherage group ALTOCALCIPHILIA: High heel fetish ALVINOLAGNIA: Stomach fetish AMATRIPSIS: Masturbation by rubbing labiatogether AMAUROPHILIA: Preference for a blind orblindfolded sex partner AMAXOPHILIA: Attraction to riding in cars andmotor vehicles AMBISEXTROUS: Pertaining to a bisexual person AMELOTASIS: Attraction to absence of limb AMOKOSCISIA: Arousal or sexual frenzy withdesire to slash or mutilate women AMOMAXIA: Sex in a parked car AMPHIEROTISM: Capacity of erotic reaction towardeither sex AMPHIGENTIC INVERT: An individual who regularlyengages in sexual activity with persons of both genders AMPHISEXUAL: Bisexual AMULIEROSIS: Result of sexual privacy AMYCHESIS: Act of scratching partner duringsexual passion AMYCHOPHILIA: Deriving sexual pleasure frombeing scratched ANACLITISM: Arousal from items used as infant ANACREONTIC: Erotic ANALINCTUS: Licking the anus ANALINGUS: Rimming or penetration of anus withtongue ANASTEEMAPHILIA: Attraction to a person becauseof a difference in height ANAXIPHILIA: Act of falling in love with a loserby someone who should know better ANDROGYNY: Having both male and femalecharacteristics ANDROGYNOPHILIA: Bisexual ANDROIDISM: Arousal from robots with humanfeatures ANDROMANIA: Nymphomania ANDROMINETOPHILIA: Arousal from female partnerwho dresses like male ANDROSODOMY: Anal sex with a male partner ANILILAGNIA: Sexual desire for older women ANISONOGAMIST: Attraction to either older oryounger partners ANOCRATISM: Anal sex ANOMEATIA: Anal sex with a female partner ANOPHELORASTIA: Arousal from defiling orravaging a partner ANOPHILEMIA: Kissing anus ANORAPTUS: Rapist who only attacks elderly womenANTHOLAGNIA: Arousal from smelling flowers ANTHROPOPHAGOLAGNIA: Rape with cannibalism ANTHROPOPHAGY: Pleasure derived from theingestion of human flesh ANTIPUDIC: Covering ones genitals ANTIOPHILIA: Fondness for floods APELLOUS: Circumcision APHALLATIA: Celibacy APHEPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from being touchedAPHILOPHRENIA: A feeling that one is unloved orunwanted APISTIA: Adultery APODYSOPHILIA: Feverish desire to undress APOTEMNOPHILIA: Person who has sexual fantasiesabout losing a limb ARACHNEPHILIA: Attraction to spiders ARPAGEE: A raped woman ARRHENOTHIGMOPHILOUS: Nymphomania ARSOMETRY: Anal sex ASCETICISM: Religious self-denial oftenincluding celibacy ASPHYXIAPHILIA: Arousal from lack of oxygen ASTHENOLAGNIA: Arousal from weakness or beinghumiliated ASTYPHIA: Impotence ASYNODIA: Celibacy particularly due to impotenceAULOPHILIA: Love of flutes AUTAGONISTOPHILIA: Exhibitionism; arousal fromexposing naked body or genitals to strangers while on stage or while beingphotographed AUTASSASSINOPHILIA: Arousal from orchestratingone's own death by the hands of another AUTOEROTIC ASPHYXIA: Arousal from oxygendeprivation and sometimes risk of dying AUTOGYNEPHILIA: Arousal from crossdressing AUTOMASOCHISM: Arousal from inflicting intensesensations of pain on one's own body AUTONEPIOPHILIA: Sexual attraction from dressingor being treated like an infant AUTOPEDERASTY: The insertion of one's own penisinto their anus AVERING: A boys begging in the nude to arousesympathy AVISODOMY: Breaking the neck of a bird whilepenetrating it for sex AXILLISM: The use of the armpit for sex B BATHYCOLPIAN: Possessing a large bosom BATRACHOPHILIA: Attraction to frogs BELONEPHILIA: Arousal from pins or needles BIASTOPHILIA: Pleasure from forcible rape of aterrified stranger BLISSOM: To copulate with an ewe BOLLOCKS: Testicles BOTULINONIA: Sex with a sausage BROMIDROPHILIA: Arousal from bodily smells BRONTOPHILIA: Love of thunderstorms C CALLIPYGIAN: Having shapely buttocks CANOPHILIA: Turned on by dogs CAPNOLAGNIA: Arousal from watching others smoke CAPONIZE: To castrate a chicken CATAGELOPHILIA: Love of being ridiculed CATAMENIA: Menstruation CATAMITE: A boy used in homosexual relations CHASMOPHILIA: Attraction to nooks, crannies,crevices, and chasms CHEIMAPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from cold orwinter CHIONOPHILIA: Love of snow CHREMATISTOPHILIA: Arousal from being chargedfor sex or robbed CHRYSOPHILIA: Arousal from gold or goldenobjects CLAUSTROPHILIA: Love of being confined in smallplaces CLIMACOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure by falling downstairs COMMASCULATION: Homosexuality between men CONCUPISCENCE: Excessive sexual desire CONTRECTATION: The love play preceding sexualintercourse CONVERTITE: A reformed prostitute COPROLOGY: The study of pornography COPROPHEMIA: Obscene language COPROPHILIA: A fancier of feces CRATOLAGNIA: Arousal from strength CRUROPHILIA: Sexual arousal from legs CYPRIAN: Lecherous CYPRIDOPHOBIA: Fear of getting venereal disease CYPRIPAREUNIA: Sexual intercourse with aprostitute D DACRYPHILIA: Arousal from seeing tears in theeyes of a partner DASYPYGAL: Having hairy buttocks DENDROPHILIA: Attraction to trees DEOSCULATE: To kiss affectionately DEPUSCELATE: To lose ones virginity DIGENESIS: Alternately sexual and asexualreproduction DIGENOUS: Bisexual DIOESTRUM: The time when a female animal is notin heat DORAPHILIA: Love of animal skins DOWCET: A deers testicle DYSTYCHIPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from accidentsE ECDEMOLAGNIA: Arousal from traveling or beingaway from home ECDYSIAST: A stripper EDEA: The external genitals ELUMBATED: Weak in the loins EMETOPHILIA: Arousal from vomit or vomiting EMMENOLOGY: The study of menstruation ENCEINTE: Pregnant ENCRATY: Abstinence EONISM: Transvestitism EPHEBOPHILIA: Compelling need for an olderperson to seek adolescent partners for sexual gratification EPICENE: Pertaining to both sexes EPIGAMIC: Tending to attract the opposite sexduring mating season EPISTEMOPHILIA: Abnormal preoccupation withacquiring knowledge (This best describes me) EREMOPHILIA: Maniacal desire to be left alone ERGOPHILIA: Love of work and labor EROTOPHOBIA: Fear of sexual love EROTOPHONPHILIA: Attaining sexual satisfactionfrom murdering complete strangers ERYTHROPHILIA: Becoming aroused by blushing EUNUCHATE: To make a eunuch EVIRATION: Emasculation, castration F FAM: To grope a woman FEMORAL COITUS: Penis-thigh sex FESCENNINE: Vulgar FISSIPARISM: Reproduction by fissioning FORMICOPHILIA: Enjoyment of the use of insectsfor sexual purposes FRICATRICE: A whore FROTTEUR: A person aroused by brushing upagainst clothed people in public places FURTLING: The use of fingers underneath cut-outsin genital areas of photos for arousal G GAMIC: Sexual GAMOPHOBIA: Fear of marriage GENICON: A sexual partner imagined by one who isdissatisfied with her actual partner GENOPHOBIA: Fear of sex GERONOSEXUALITY: An attraction where the objectof desire is 30 years older or more GERONTOPHILIA: Arousal from an older partner GODEMICHE: A dildo GOMPHIPOTHIC: Arousal by the sight of teeth GRAPHOLAGNIA: Maniacal interest in obscenepictures GRIVOISERIE: Lewd and lascivious behavior GUNZEL: A passive, orally oriented, malehomosexual GYMNOPHOBIA: Fear of nudity GYNANDER: A female pseudo-hermaphrodite GYNANDRY: Hermaphroditism GYNOPHOBIA: Fear of women GYNOTIKOLOBOMASSOPHILIA: Deriving sexualpleasure by nibbling on a womans earlobe H HAMARTOPHILIA: Love of committing sinful acts HAPTEPHILIA: Arousal by being touched HARPAXOPHILIA: Getting pleasure by robbery orbeing robbed HEAUTONTIMORUMENOS: Masochist HEBETIC: Happening at puberty HEDONOPHOBIA: Fear of pleasure HEMATOLAGNIA: Sexual stimulation from blood HEMIPENIS: One of the paired sex organs of manyreptiles HETAERISM: Extramarital sex; communal marriage HOMILOPHILIA: Arousal from hearing or givingsermons HYMENORRHEXIS: Defloration of the hymen HYPNOPHILIA: Turned on by the thought ofsleeping I ICOLAGNIA: Arousal from contemplation of, orcontact with sculptures or pictures INCUBUS: A male demon who has intercourse with awoman while she is sleeping INFANTILISM: Attraction to childhood items IPSISM: Masturbation IRRUMATION: Fellatio ISOPHILIC: Relating to same gender affectionsans sex ITHYPHALLIC: Pertaining to the phallus carriedin Bacchanalian festivals; lewd J JOCKER: A male homosexual K KAINOTOPHILIA: Getting pleasure from change KAKORRHAPHIOPHILIA: Arousal from failure KALOPSIA: Condition where things appear morebeautiful than they really are (e.g. when youre drunk) KENOPHILIA: Attraction to empty or open spaces KERAUNOPHILIA: Turned on by thunder andlightning KINESOPHILIA: Arousal from movement and exerciseKLISMAPHILIA: Sexual pleasure from enemas KNISSOPHILIA: Attraction to incense-burning KOPOPHILIA: Arousal from physical or mentalexhaustion L LAGNOSIS: Satyriasis LALIOPHILIA: Arousal from public speaking LALOCHEZIA: Talking dirty to relieve tension LAPAROHYSTEROSALPINGOOOPHORECTOMY: Surgicalremoval of the female reproductive organs LEMAN: A mistress or lover LENOCINANT: Lewd LIGYROPHILIA: Turned on by loud noises LILAPSOPHILIA: Arousal from tornadoes LOBCOCK: A large, relaxed penis LITHOPHILIA: Attraction to stones, gravel, ormud LOVERTINE: Addicted to love-making LUPANARIAN: Lubricious, lascivious, lewd LYGOPHILIA: Love of darkness LYSSOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from becoming angryor upset M MACHLAENOMANIA: Masochism in women MACROMASTIC: Pertaining to large breasts MACROPHILIA: Attraction to giants or giantcreatures MAIESIOPHILIA: Arousal from childbirth orpregnant women MAMMILLATED: Having nipples MANIAPHILIA: Attraction to insane people MANUSTUPRATION: Masturbation MASTIGOPHILIA: Sexual gratification frompunishment or being whipped; masochism MATUTOLAGNIA: Antemerdian sexual desire MAZOPHILIA: Compulsion for breasts MECHANOPHILIA: Turned on by machines MEGALOPHILIA: Arousal from large objects (notnecessarily fat) MELISSOPHILIA: Attraction to bees MENACME: The menstruating part of a womans lifeMENOPHANIA: The onset of menstruation; falsemenstruation MENTULATE: Possessing a large penis; well-hung MERKIN: A pubic hair wig METOPOPHILIA: Turned on by a persons face METROPHILIA: Arousal from poetry MISAPODYSIS: Hatred of undressing in front ofsomeone MISEROTIA: Aversion to sex MIXOSCOPIA: Orgasm achieved by watching onesbeloved have sex with someone else; voyeurism MOLYSMOPHILIA: Attraction to dirt, filth, orcontamination (see MYSOPHILIA) MONOECIOUS: Hermaphroditic MONORCHID: Having one testicle MULIEBRITY: Assumption of female characteristicsby a male MULTIGRAVIDA: A woman who has been pregnant morethan once MUSOPHILIA: Attraction to mice MYSOPHILIA: Love of dirt or becoming dirty N NANOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to a short partnerNARRATOPHILIA: Arousal from erotic conversationsNASOPHILIA: Arousal from the sight, touch,licking, or sucking of a partner's nose. NEANILAGNIA: A yen for nymphets NEBULOPHILIA: Arousal from fog NECROPHILIA: Sexual gratification only by havingsex with the dead NEMOPHILIA: Love of forests NEOLAGNIUM: Puberty NEOPHILIA: Arousal from anything new NOSOPHILIA: Love of becoming ill NOTHOSONOMIA: Calling someone a bastard NOVERCAMANIA: Sexual attraction to onesstepmother NYCTOPHILIA: Love of night NYMPHOLEPSY: Trance incurred by erotic daydreamsO OBSOLAGNIUM: Waning sexual desire due to age OCHLOPHILIA: Attraction to crowds OCNOPHILE: Someone chronically dependent ontheir lover OCULOLINCTUS: The act of licking a partner'seyeball ODYNOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from pain;masochism OIKOPHILIA: Attraction to ones home OLFACTOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from smells OMBROPHILIA: Turned on by rain or being rainedupon ONANISM: Masturbation OPHELIMITY: The ability to please sexually OPHIDIOPHILIA: Arousal from snakes ORNITHOPHILIA: Love of birds OSMOLAGNIA: Arousal caused by bodily odors, suchas sweat or menses OSPHRESIOPHILIA: An inordinate love of smells OZOLAGNIA: Arousal from odors P PANTOPHILIA: Arousal from just about everythingimaginable PAPHIAN: Erotic; pertaining to illicit love PAPILLA: A nipple PARACOITA: A female sexual partner PARACOITUS: A male sexual partner PAREUNIA: Sexual intercourse PARTHENOLATRY: Virgin worship PARTHENOPHILIA: Attraction only to virgins PECCATOPHILIA: Arousal from sinning or havingcommitted an imaginary crime PEDIOPHILIA: Attraction to dolls PEDOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to children PENIAPHILIA: Erotic fascination with poverty PENTHERAPHILIA: Sexual attraction to onesmother-in-law PEODEIKTOPHILIA: Sexual arousal fromexhibitionism PEOTOMY: Surgical amputation of the penis PESSARY: A vaginal suppository PHALLATION: Movement of the penis in sexualintercourse PHILOPHOBIA: Fear of falling in love or of beingloved PHILOPORNIST: A lover of prostitutes PHRONEMOPHILIA: Turned on by the act of thinkingPHTHIRIOPHILIA: Attraction to lice PHYGEPHILIA: Arousal from being a fugitive PICTOPHILIA: Arousal only from looking at eroticpictures PIZZLE: A whip made of an animals penis PLACOPHILIA: Arousal from tombstones PLANISTETHIC: Flat-chested PLUVIOPHILIA: Sexual stimulation from rain orbeing rained upon PNIGOPHILIA: Aroused from people choking POINEPHILIA: Turned on by punishment; masochism PONOPHILIA: Attraction to overwork PORNERASTIC: Licentious, lewd, and horny PORNOCRACY: A government by prostitutes PORNOLAGNIA: Desire for prostitutes POTAMOPHILIA: Arousal from streams and rivers PREMENACMIUM: Life before menstruation begins PRESBYTOREAN: An erotic poem PRIAPISM: Persistent and painful erection,usually the result of a disease PRONOVALENCE: Ability to have sexual intercoursein a prone position only PSELLISMOPHILIA: Becoming aroused by stuttering PTERIDOMANIA: An intense desire for ferns PTERONOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from beingtickled by feathers PUCELAGE: Virginity PUNQUETTO: A prostitute PUTANISM: Prostitution PYGMALIIONISM: Falling in love with onescreation (a la "My Fair Lady") PYGOPHILIA: Aroused from buttocks PYROLAGNIA: Sexual stimulation from watchingfires Q QUADOSHKA: American Indian form of tantric sex QUEENING: Sitting on the side of a person's faceas a form of bondage QUIM: The vagina R RAMMISH: Lustful and horny RANTALLION: One whose scrotum is longer than hispenis RENIFLEUR: One who gets sexual pleasure frombody smells RÉTIFISM: Foot and shoe fetishism, includingusing the shoe for masturbation RETROCOPULATION: Fornicating from behind("Doggie position") RHABDOPHILIA: Finding pleasure in being severelycriticized RHYTIPHILIA: Arousal from facial wrinkles RUTTISH: Horny; in heat S SACOFRICOSIS: The practice of cutting a hole inthe bottom of a front pant pocket in order to masturbate in public with lessrisk of detection SAPPHISM: Lesbianism SCELEROPHILIA: Attraction to bad guys orunsavory characters SCOPTOPHILIA: Voyeurism SCOTOPHILIA: Turned on by darkness SDRUCCIOLA: Copulate SEPTOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to decayingmatter SIDERODROMOPHILIA: Arousal from riding in trainsSITOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from eating SOCERAPHILIA: Excitement from onesparents-in-law SOPHOPHILIA: Sexual gratification from learning SOROPHILIA: Attraction to ones sister SPADONISM: Eunuchry SPECTROPHILIA: Arousal from looking at oneselfin a mirror SPERMATOPHOBIA: Fear of semen SPINTRY: A male whore STASIVALENCE: Ability to have sexual intercourseonly while standing STAUROPHILIA: Arousal from the cross or crucifixSTHENOLAGNIA: Arousal from displaying strengthor muscles STUPRATION: Rape STYGIOPHILIA: Deriving pleasure from thoughts ofhell SUBAGITATION: Copulation SUCCUBUS: A female demon who seduces men intheir sleep SUPINOVALENT: Able to fornicate only while lyingon the back SYMPHOROPHILIA: Arousal by accidents orcatastrophes SYNGENESOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to onesrelatives T TAPHEPHILIA: Arousal from being buried alive TAPHOPHILIA: Love of funerals TELEOPHILIA: Affinity for religious ceremonies TENTIGINOUS: Lascivious TERATOPHILIA: Arousal from deformed or monstrouspeople THALASSOPHILIA: Love of the sea THASSOPHILIA: Attraction to sitting THREPTEROPHILIA: A fondness for female nurses THYGATRILAGNIA: A fathers sexual love for hisdaughter TIMOPHILIA: Arousal from gold or wealth TOCOPHILIA: Fondness for pregnancy andchildbirth TONITROPHILIA: Love of thunder TOXIPHILIA: Attraction to poisons TOXOPHILIA: Love of archery TRAGALISM: Lust; lechery; obscenity TRANSFEMINATE: To change from woman to man TRAUMATOPHILIA: An unconscious desire to beinjured TRIBADISM: Mutual genital-fondling betweenlesbians TRICHOPATHOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to hair TRIPSOLAGNIA: Arousal from having hair shampooedU UNDINISM: The association of water with eroticthoughts URANISM: Homosexuality URANOPHILIA: Sexual arousal by heavenly thoughtsUROLAGNIA: Sexual pleasure from urinating URTICATION: The use of nettles to create extrasensation UXORAVALENT: Only able to attain sexextramaritally (applied to men) UXOROVALENT: Able to score only with ones wife V VACCINOPHILIA: Turned on by becoming vaccinated VAMPIRISM: Consuming blood of a partner forarousal VICARPHILIA: Arousal from other people'sexciting experiences VINCILAGNIA: Arousal from bondage VIRAGINITY: Masculinity in a woman VIRGIN: You really need to ask? VIRIMIMISM: Adoption of masculinity VIRIPOTENT: Sexually mature VITRICOPHILIA: Sexual attraction to onesstepfather W WETHER: A castrated ram WHELP: To bear offspring WHIRLYGIGS: Testicles WITTOL: A husband who tolerates his wifesinfidelity X XENODYNAMIC: Person who is only potent withstrangers XENOPHILIA: An attraction to foreign customs,traditions, and foreigners XERONISUS: Inability to reach orgasm XYLOPHILIA: Turned on by wooden objects Y YELD: Not old enough to procreate YLOPHILIA: Affinity for forests YONI WORSHIP: Worship of the female genitals Z ZELOPHILIA: Sexual arousal from jealousy ZOOERASTIA: Sexual intercourse with an animal ZOOPHILIA: One who is strongly attracted toanimals in a spiritual, sexual, or emotional sense ZWISCHENSTUFE: Arousal from a person of the samesex
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