Biblical End Time Discussions

Web Name: Biblical End Time Discussions






keywords:Bible, Bible Prophecy, Current Events, Federal Reserve, Economic Collapse, U.S. Economy, Stock Markets, New World Order, Illuminati, Religion
description:How Bible prophecy relates to current events and why a global economic collapse is imminent.
Biblical End Time Discussions Biblical End Time Prophecy font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">If you’re reading this because stock markets have crashed and the world’s economy is collapsing – it’s time for you to learn the truth.What is happening to our economy – and to us – is not random chance and it’s not because of the many reasons you are being told on your television and radio.Mainstream media and world (political financial) leaders are telling you many reasons why the global economy is crashing – and none of them are true.Hopefully, you are now asking yourself a very important question. What is the truth?The truth is that the global economy has been built on a foundation of sand – and there are motives at work here – motives that do not benefit you or me.Yes – there are many people who can describe the many pieces of the global economy – but there are very few people who truly understand how it works, why it was created and understand that it has always been unsustainable.You and I live in a system that has kept the world in financial bondage and is destined to fail – and fail it will. This isn’t opinion – it’s math. Some very simple math will tell you that the global debt based monetary system will fail.This is leading you to some obvious questions.If some relatively simple math will show that the world’s economy has always been destined to fail – why wasn’t this prevented? Why haven’t we been warned? Who has let this happen? Who is behind this? Why are government and financial leaders leading us astray? More importantly - why are they lying to us?Great questions – and you will not like the answers.In fact, you will find many answers on this blog that explain what is happening in our world. The answers will challenge your way of thinking.Many of the things that you have been told your entire life about religion (including Christianity), about the Lord’s prophecies, about the global financial system and about who governs the world – are simply not true.There is only one path to truth in this world – and I will explain it all here.The collapse of the global economy is just one piece of the puzzle.This mystery cannot be solved by only searching for things or solutions in this world.I’m sure there will be many who agree with my analysis of the global economy – but they will not want to bring God into the equation. They will see my references to Him and His prophecies – and will not want to believe what I’m telling you.Let me be clear from the beginning.He is the reason I understand many of His prophecies.He is the reason I have created this blog – to give to you.He is the reason I do not fear the people behind this economic collapse.He is the Alpha and the Omega – the beginning and the end – and He has told us what is coming. We haven’t been listening.Much of what is happening can be summed up by two important facts:1. We – as a nation – have walked away from God and His ways2. We have vastly underestimated our spiritual enemyMost Christian churches do not understand what is happening because they believe incorrect interpretations of Bible prophecy.Our enemy has created a wondrous fantasy out of the Lord’s prophecies – and most of the Christian world has taken the bait – hook, line and sinker.A classic case of bait and switch – on a global scale.Don’t believe it? You will.They will try to take everything from us – until we have nothing left.Who are ‘they’ you ask?While we fumble around trying to understand what is happening – the beasts of Revelation chapter 13 are gaining control of the world. They have controlled the world’s financial system for hundreds of years and have slowly infiltrated the world’s governments and the world’s religions.This coming stock market/economic collapse will be the ‘event’ they created to push the world to accept a new global financial system and world government. This world government is often referred to as the ‘New World Order’. Call it what you will – it’s all about control of the world’s population by an ‘elite’ few.The final push for world government began with the events of September 11, 2001 – and there have been many people working in the shadows over the past 10 years to bring about what we are experiencing today.The devil’s hands have indeed been busy. Over the past 5 years I have watched him work to move his plans forward - and deceive the world. In case you are wondering – he doesn’t fight fair. Never has – never will.For those of you involved with the New World Order – those of you who call yourselves the ‘elite’ - those of you who think you are ‘enlightened’, but swear allegiance to God’s adversary – those of you who walk in darkness and think that you have hidden your plans from God and His people - you are mere puppets on the grand stage. You are the blind leading the blind. I would advise you to get free of this abomination and make your peace with God before it’s too late. Pay attention to what I’m telling you. Though you don’t believe me – I have been given a message for you. The day draws near when you will be cast into the place prepared for those who follow God’s enemy. You stand against the Almighty – do you expect to win this battle? I have seen your end. You’ve already lost. You will gain authority in this fallen world for a short time – and then it will end – forever. Search for the truth now – or face the consequences for all eternity.As for everyone else – I will say again – it’s time for you to learn the truth about the world in which you live. A world of lies and deception - deception on a level that is almost unbelievable.If you feel that you’ve got God and this world all figured out and you don’t want your beliefs challenged – then there is no need for you to proceed.If you are squarely focused on yourself and what you can get in this world – and you don’t feel the need to change – then there is no need for you to proceed.If, however, you feel lost and want to believe that there must be something more for us – then you should continue.If you feel that there is something seriously wrong with the world and you feel that if there really is a God that loves us – He would certainly show us the way of truth – then you should continue.If you consider yourself a Christian and you need some guidance on what is happening and why from a Biblical perspective – you should continue.If you are simply tired of the lies and are ready for some hard truth – then you should continue.One of the many truths you will learn is that you have been asleep – and it’s time for all of us to wake up.You will learn – as I have learned – that the Lord will show you the door – it’s up to you to walk through it.In the near future, when the world (Mainstream media, Obama, Bernanke, Geithner, Greenspan, Bush, etc) tells you a million lies why global stock markets are crashing and the global economy is collapsing – ask yourself how I and some other informed people knew it was coming.If you’ve seen ‘The Matrix’ – then this is your opportunity to take the red pill and see just how far down the rabbit hole this thing goes – or take the blue pill – walk away – and believe whatever you want to believe.Remember – all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.If you want to begin to learn the truth about the world’s economic system and the motives behind it – the journey begins here: – February 6, 2011


How long can the party in stocks last?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011, 11:23 am, by cmartenson

by Chris Martenson

The headlines are screaming at the top of every financial media outlet tonight:The Dow Closes Above 12,000 For the First Time in Two Years!

Whats going on here? Is the recovery well and truly underway? And, if it is, why is the Fed dropping hints again that QE3 may get discussed at future Fed meetings,as Kansas City Fed President Thomas Hoenig said on Feb 1st?

Given the raft of good economic news lately, one might be forgiven for wondering what the Fed has in mind here. If everything is so economically rosy, why are they already dropping trial balloons about more Quantitative Easing? What aretheyseeing that we are not seeing,that justifies more than $100 billion in thin air money each month,and why wont they just tell us what it is?

Heres howChrisMartenson.commemberdbworldput it earlier today:

I thought I heard CNBC state the other day that there was seen an inflow into the US Equities market which hasnt been seen in a while. I didnt catch the details, but Im hoping that Chris has a read on this and an explanation on why the US stock market is so strong.

While its true that retail investors have only very recently begun moving more money into stock funds than they have been removing, reversing a 33-week-long outflow, this is focusing on the wrong element in the equation. Retail investors provide only a minor amount of the rocket fuel used to elevate the stock market over the past several months.

Look at the amounts here, and also pay attention to the timeframe:

Over a 36 week period spanning from May 2010 to the end of January 2011, there was only one instance of investors putting more money into stock mutual funds than they withdrew, and that one ,outlier was well under a billion dollars. Over that 36 week period, over $100 billion was removed from the markets by investors. Even when money started moving back in over the past two weeks, I want you to note the scale; the combined total is $6.7 billion. Keep that figure in mind.

Instead, we should first focus on the massive injections of raw, potent, thin-air money (a.k.a. credit easing) by the Fed into the financial system. Sometimes this is referred to as liquidity, which it is. But thats too narrow a definition, because it is much more; it also happens to be high-powered base money (a.k.a. Wall Street rocket fuel).

Heres the stock market story over the past eight months:

Note that QE II began in early November of 2010 and that the stock market is up 20% since the end of August.

As an aside, I used to track the Feds thin-air money programs very closely, and if you had told me as recently as three years ago that the Fed would have been running 11-figure POMO operations each and every month, I would have told you it was unthinkably impossible. But here we are, that is exactly what is happening, and I am largely numb to the process, which worries me somewhat, as it means that my baseline has shifted.

At any rate, the point here is that from those August lows to now, retail investors have taken out far more money from the stock market than theyve placed back in; a total of around minus $38 billion.

But over that same period, the Fed has placed nearly an entire order-of-magnitudemorethin-air money, some $350 billion dollars, into the hands of financial institutions, some of whom consider the stock market their personal playground.

Heres a chart of the cumulative POMOs by the Fed from the end of August 2010 to now:

Should we consider the injection of more than a third of a trillion dollars and a stock market that is up by 20% to be a coincidence? No, not in the least. The stock market has become, if anything, a liquidity gauge first and a discounting machine second. The fundamental that matters most is how much money is flowing into the machine.

So it is my view that the trillions of dollars of thin-air money and deficit spending are finally finding their mark (asset prices) and doing their work, just as I predicted they would. Where some called for deflation to be the irresistible force that would drag us all down, Ive consistently leaned towards the side of inflation. Although, to be fair, I have always hedged that view somewhat, with a 70/30 split held for nearly 5 years that was recently amended to 80/20 (in 2010 shortly after QE II was announced).

On a Tear

Unfortunately for the rest of the world its not simply the stock market that is the lucky beneficiary of all this Fed largess. Thin-air money, once released into the wild, tends to have a mind of its own.

Commodities are now setting new records almost daily. Where the stock markets still have some catching up to do, commodities are exploring virgin territory.

This is serious business, folks. The future is not going to arrive someday. For the billions of people who spend a huge portion of their income on food and fuel, it has already arrived.

Looking at the above chart of the past 12 months, what we see is that everything, from metals to stocks to bonds to grains to energy, has experienced profound price increases. That pretty much covers everything you need to live on and the bulk of the paper universe. Such a chart is a historical rarity for any one country, yet it currently happens to apply to the entire world. You are living in historic times, which certainly belabors the obvious.

Your Lying Eyes

On the flip side, the story we are being told almost daily is that inflation is very low -- too low, even -- in a worrisome sort of way. I am reminded here of an old Richard Prior skit where his wife walks in on him in bed with another woman. To her increasing agitation, he denies that he has been cheating on her, finally shouting, Who are you going to believe, woman? Me, or your lying eyes!?

Well, my lying eyes see something very different in that chart above from what I am being told; instead of worryingly low inflation, I see rapidly rising inflation that is very close to slipping out of control.

I spend as much time on this subject as I do because the decisions you make based on whether you are protecting yourself from inflation vs. deflation are as different as to whether you grab an anvil or a life raft on your way out the door when facing an emergency.

I do my best to let the data do the talking, and right now it is sayinginflation.

How long will it last?

The old saying is,Dont fight the Fed. Thats good advice. I have dutifully been following the developing story by watching what the Fed does, not what it says, and by letting prices tell me which way the wind is blowing. Its a regrettable position to be in, because its nearly impossible to make any long-range plans when you have no idea what the Fed is going to do next. But here we are.

How long the stock market rally will last is therefore unknowable, but stocks and bonds and commodities will remain elevated in price for as long as the Fed continues to dumphundreds of billions ofthin-air money into the markets. The only problem is that theres no clear exit strategy for the Fed.

Putting moneyintothe markets is a very easy thing for the Fed to do. Letting rope let out under full sail is easy; tugging it back in is difficult.

The Fed faces a similar asymmetry. Market participants are always eager to take fresh money hot off the press. An infinite number of things can be done with that money almost instantly. But coming up with money to givebackto the Fed for Treasury of MBS paper? All sorts of difficulties arise.

Wait, wed have to sell a lot of things to free up that kind money and what, exactly, are you proposing to hand us in return? Treasuries? Um, no thanks, not right now. Agency debt? Uh, no, that doesnt fit our portfolio needs right now either. Perhaps next week?

Further, when the Fed goes to get its money back from the marketplace, that action will drain liquidity, creating ripples throughout all sorts of markets, especially and including knocking the stock market down. Very few people complain about adding thin-air money; a crowd roars its disapproval for the reverse.

Too Late

The bottom line is that by the time the Fed becomes institutionally aware that inflation is raging across the globe - and I often wonder when theyll finally awake to the threat - it will be too late. Inflation will have the momentum, and it will take a vast overreaction on the part of the Fed to restrain it. Theyll have to drain enormous amounts of liquidity and tolerate vastly higher interest rates to be able to do that, and I doubt they have the courage for such bold action. I think they will hesitate, equivocate, and ultimately be late.

History suggests that inflation is best tamed early, but the Fed is already late and demonstrating a remarkable callousness by doing the exact opposite of fighting inflation. While we cannot know what it is that the Fed sees, or which demons it is fighting that provide the internal rationalization for risking a hyperinflationary outcome, we can only conclude that these threats are more spectacular than the alternatives.

Unfortunately, these events conform to the main themes that I have been writing and advising about for the past several years. Sadly, they are not a surprise at all; the only mystery to me so far is how they have managed to carry on as long as they have.

Events of the past few weeks - unrest in Tunisa/Egypt/Jordan, skyrocketing food prices, Dow cracking a 2-year high, dropping dollar with rising bond yields - make me even more confident in the conclusions of my recent report onHow This Will All End(published January 12) in which I derive a calculated estimate of when a final fiscal deterioration will overwhelm even the best of intentions.While the money-printing-induced high were currently on may feel fun today, the unavoidable inflationary smackdown well experience tomorrow most certainly will not.

Click hereto read the report onHow This Will All End(free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)

10/24/2010 A Nation Abandoned by God

What you will read on this website and in these blogs was added in the last months of 2005 and throughout 2006 - 2010. The articles are not listed in the order they were written since I have tried to keep subjects in order. The article below is a transcript of a sermon by John MacArthur. I have listed many of John’s books on the website because he is a man of God and truly speaks for the Lord. He is a man who is not afraid to say what needs to be said – regardless of the consequences. After finishing much of what is written on the website, I came across this sermon and knew, once again, that this wasn’t by chance.

I have read many authors and many articles on the subject of the Lord’s judgment, but none are as clear and concise as this sermon by John. There are many people who will be fearful and will begin to lose hope as events begin to unfold within our nation and the world. They will ask – Why? Why has God done this? How have we let this happen? Where do we go from here? The starting point is learning why. I believe that our nation is being given a choice. If we will truly, in our hearts, return to the Lord, we can become the greatest turnaround story in the history of the world (as John mentions below). It won’t be easy. The world and its spiritual ruler will do everything they can to prevent our turnaround. Our spiritual enemy has deceived us into believing that the world can offer us security and satisfy everything that we need. We are learning that the father of all lies has, not surprisingly, lied to us. If we will, as a nation, overcome this world and its deception, if we will seek God and his Truth…then we can be a source of God’s light in this dark world.

Everything here is based on God’s Holy Word – The Bible. As many things are revealed and explained to you on this website, always remember that all truth flows from one source – God Himself. You will also learn just how deceptive our enemy is and why he is called the father of lies. You will learn who the antichrist and the beasts of Revelation 13 really are. If you think that one evil world ruler is going to take control of the world in the near future, you will find that our spiritual enemy is much more deceptive than what you have been led to believe. The truth is that you see and hear from these beasts every day on the radio and television and read about them in your newspaper and on the internet. Sound unbelievable? It’s because you have eyes, but cannot see – you have ears, but cannot hear. Continue on and you will understand.

You will also learn what the ‘image’ of the beast will be. If you think the mark of the beast is simply going to be a microchip implanted into your right hand or your forehead, you’re in for a surprise. If you think that a secret rapture will take you away from here before things get really bad during a 7 year tribulation period, you’ve got some Bible study and praying to do. You will learn how to discern which leaders are trustworthy and those that are ‘ferocious wolves’. You will learn what it takes to attain true faith and what it takes to go from knowing about God, to actually knowing our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ personally. You will understand what the ‘narrow gate’ really is and why so many of us are on the broad road that leads to destruction. If you will invite God into your life, read His word and pray to Him – He will transform you into someone who isn’t afraid of what happens in this world – because you will be able to see and understand. Fear and death will no longer dominate you. If you read everything that is written here, read the Lord’s Word and seek Him, you will understand everything that I’m telling you.

My journey began in May of 2005. How did it start? As with anyone who has known the Lord, it began with humility. I finally acknowledged to my Creator that I did not know it all, did not understand it all and was certainly not walking in His ways. I prayed to Him that I truly believed in Him and His plan of salvation and would follow Him wherever He led me. He enabled me to overcome the world and communicate what I have learned to you. I will tell you, as any true Christian will, that all of my courage, strength, knowledge and wisdom – everything that is good in me – comes from God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Contrary to what you are told in this world, only God is worthy of our praise. Only He should be glorified.

Much of what is written here will be disturbing to many. Learning (and accepting) the truth can be very difficult – especially when we don’t like it. Many of us would much rather believe a lie than to accept a truth that causes us to examine everything about our lives and the world around us. Some things written here have been told to us in the Lord’s Word for centuries and therefore, will happen with 100% certainty. We will see a worldwide government and a worldwide church that are led by our spiritual enemy and will oppose the Lord. You will also read what I feel has been revealed to me about our nation’s future – here is where I believe we are being given a choice. Continue on our current path and we can expect our fall to continue unabated. If our nation chooses to turn from its evil ways and walk with the Lord, the Lord will heal us and strengthen us to stand in the face of overwhelming odds. I have not always understood all of the things I’ve been asked to do. My mind cannot grasp the enormity and complexity of God’s overall plan. I have simply been obedient. If the U.S. economy crashes at some point and this leads many to what I have written here, you can be sure that this is a sign that we are at a crossroads. Will this nation understand the magnitude of what is happening and ask for forgiveness? Will we humble ourselves, seek the Lord and give up our pursuit of worldly things and truly become a Christian nation – which will lead to our healing. Or will we continue to reject the Lord’s offer of salvation and continue on our own way – which will lead us to our destruction. You can be sure that the Lord will be watching for our decision. Always remember, He loves each and every one of us and His hope is that every one of us comes to repentance.

One final message before John’s sermon. Many professed teachers in the world today will tell you that you only need to ‘accept’ Jesus to be saved – ignoring many of Jesus’ warnings. I have learned, as any true Christian has learned, that the narrow path that leads to life is not an easy path to take in this world. You cannot simply attend church for an hour on Sunday and then lead a secular, worldly life and expect to enter the Lord’s kingdom. How do I know this? Because I used to live my life this way and I know that I was deceived. I knew about God, but I didn’t know Him. I now know the Truth – and the Truth will set you free. Let the Lord reveal the Truth to you and you will never be the same.

How did I know you would be led here to read what I have written? Well, that’s part of this story the Lord has given me to tell you. I will warn you again - the truth is going to be difficult to believe. Why? Because the ruler of this world has told us lies for a very long time. Many lies are now accepted as truth. To truly see and understand, you will need to pray. Even if you’ve never prayed before, even if you’ve never picked up a Bible in your life, the Lord is revealing the truth to us so that we will draw closer to Him. There is a reason why He is doing this now.

My hope and prayer is that your walk with God begins today.

A Nation Abandoned by God
Selected Scriptures
By John MacArthur

It is a real delight to be with you tonight. I want to thank Pastor Hurd and Pastor Al for the opportunity to be here. Thank you, men, so much, this is a...this is a privilege and a...and a joy and a delight to me. I always love the opportunity to teach and preach the Word of God, but especially to meet and greet people who have listened to me on the radio through the years and come to me with all kinds of strange comments about...(applause)...thank you...come to me with strange comments about what they thought I looked like. (Laughter) This is it, better that you had never known. (More laughter).

Its a joy tonight to have my dear wife, Patricia, here. Honey, stand up and let them welcome you. (Applause) This...this is the best earthly gift has given to me by far and I have to take advantage of every moment I have with her in this world because theres no marriage in heaven, so Ive got to take advantage of it while Im here. And Im delighted to be able to do that. God has blessed us with four children and by His grace theyre in Christ and serving with us in our church and they married four who love the Lord and we have 14 grandchildren who are being raised in the things of the Lord. And its exciting to see that happening. (Applause) We are very, very grateful to the Lord and His goodness in our family, and I say that only to say God has used Patricia in a remarkable way in the lives of our children, to nurture them in the things of Christ. What...what a great blessing to me.

Its not a small thing to have the opportunity such as I have tonight to try to put a little bit of perspective and focus on the issue of praying for our nation. There are so many things that could be said and probably should be said and I certainly dont intend to say them all, by any means. But trying to kind of funnel down our thinking a little bit so that our prayers can be direct is really helpful. I remember one of our kids, I used to go from room to room when the kids were little and pray with them. And one of my daughters, I got into the habit of just because she was sleepy, I think, saying, And God bless the whole wide world. Amen. And I thought that was a little unspecific, I guess you could say. Needed a little more targeting in her prayers. And if I can tonight, I want to try to target our prayers a little bit as to how we can direct our prayers in what, I believe, is the most needful way...not to the exclusion of any other things, but this, I think, has to be the primary focus. And it may take me a little while to get to that point, and you need to kind of stay with me and youll see how this unfolds and hopefully it will be helpful. That certainly is my prayer.

One of the most tragic scenes in the Bible and yet one of the most familiar to us is the scene of the strongest man who ever lived, a man by the name of Samson, finding out he had no strength. Judges chapter 16 records this. When Delilah saw that he had told her all that was in his heart, she sent and called the lords of the Philistines saying, Come up once more, for hes told me all that is in his heart. Then the lords of the Philistines came up to her and brought the money in their hands and she made him sleep on her knees, called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his hair. Then she began to afflict him and his strength left him. And she said, The Philistines are upon you, Samson, and he woke from his sleep and said, I will go out as at other times and shake myself free. And heres the telling line written by God the Holy Spirit. But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him. So the Philistines seized him, gouged out his eyes, brought him down to Gaza, bound him with bronze chains and he became a grinder in the prison. Sad. He didnt know that the Lord had departed from him. I cant imagine anything worse than being abandoned by God.

To the sons of Israel earlier in the book of Judges in chapter 10, God said this, You have forsaken me, you have served other gods, therefore I will deliver you no more. Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen. Let them deliver you in the time of your distress. This was God saying to Israel, Im done with you, abandoned by God.

Proverbs chapter 1 records a similar sentiment. Because I called and you refused, I stretched out My hands and no one paid attention. You neglected all my counsel, you did not want my reproof, I will even laugh at your calamity. I will mock when your dread comes, when your dread comes like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind. When distress and anguish come on you, then they will call on Me but I will not answer. They will seek Me diligently, they will not find Me because they hated knowledge, did not choose the fear of the Lord, they would not accept My counsel, they spurned all My reproof, so they will eat of the fruit of their own way and be satisfied with their own devices. Again being abandoned by God, turned over to the inevitable consequences of sinful choices.

A haunting line is found tucked away in the little prophecy of Hosea chapter 4 and verse 17, and it refers to Israel by the name Ephraim and it says this, Ephraim is joined to idols, so says God. The next line, Leave him alone. Sounds out of character for God, doesnt it? Ephraim is joined to idols, bring him back, might sound a little more like God. Let him alone?

People and nations, even the covenant nation Israel can come to a point where they are abandoned by God. Jesus reiterated this in Matthew 15 when He confronted the Pharisees and then described them to the disciples. He said this, Theyre blind leaders of the blind. Let them alone. When God lets you go, its serious. When Jesus pronounces over you abandonment, its serious.

Now Im going to say something, youre going to have to hold on to your seat a little bit. Im convinced beyond doubt that in this same sense, God has abandoned America. I know thats a strong thing to say and Im going to show you why I believe you can see that clearly in Scripture.

Open your Bibles to Romans 1...Romans 1. Dont be surprised, by the way, by that statement because while youre turning there, Acts 14:16 says this, this is from the Apostle Paul, In the generations gone by, thats past history, God permitted all the nations to go their own way. This is not the first nation God has abandoned, nor if Jesus tarries is it the last, or is it now the only. This is the cycle of history and it is this very cycle of history that Paul describes in Romans chapter 1. Here in Romans chapter 1, beginning in chapter 18 running to the end of the chapter, you have the most clear presentation of God abandoning a nation, what that looks like, what happens and why He does it. This is the most graphic and the most detailed and the most comprehensive discussion of what it means for a people, a society to be abandoned by God. And it perfectly describes the moral chaos in our own nation today.

It starts with very familiar words. Verse 18, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven. Now let me stop you there for just a moment. Were talking about the wrath of God and I need to just let you know that in the Scripture and in reality there are five different manifestations of Gods wrath. Okay? And you will recognize them. There is eternal wrath. That is that wrath which God unleashes on the unbelieving dead in hell...eternal wrath, suffering forever eternal punishment. Thats eternal wrath.

There is also in the Bible eschatological wrath, that is the unfolding of divine wrath at the end of the age described in detail, for example, in Revelation 6 through 19, the pouring out of Gods wrath in the breaking of seven seals, the blowing of seven trumpets, and the dumping of seven bowls of wrath...eschatological wrath, that wrath is yet to come as is eternal wrath for all society, yet right now there are many experiencing eternal wrath, all the unbelieving who have left this world are experiencing.

The third kind of wrath is what I guess you could call calamitous wrath. That is that wrath of God which produces calamity in the world and the most notable illustration of that is the Flood which drowned the entire world, only eight people were saved. Massive wrath on the part of God against sinful man.
Fourthly, there is consequential wrath, thats sowing and reaping wrath. Thats the natural end of patterns and choices of sin. Whatever a man sows, he...what?...he reaps...thats consequential wrath.

But theres one other kind of wrath that is usually overlooked. We all understand eternal wrath, eschatological wrath, calamitous wrath, we all understand the calamity of the Flood or God destroying Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum, etc., etc. Throughout history these calamities continue to even happen and they all fit in the category of Gods judgment of sin. But theres this other category of the wrath of abandonment, it is a form of Gods wrath in which He lets go of a society and lets it catapult full speed without restraint in the direction of its own sinful desires and devices and choices. Thats the wrath being described here. This is the cyclical reality of this wrath that has defined human history and will always until Jesus comes. As Paul said, in all the generations gone by, God permitted the nations to go their own way.

I dont believe were waiting for Gods wrath in this society. We havent had a massive calamity such as the destruction of an entire city, we certainly dont want that to happen, pray that does not happen, but it could happen and God would be just in any calamity that He brought upon us. We have not entered into eschatological wrath that comes in the end times, we are experiencing, all of us do, consequential wrath of sin. But this massive concept of the wrath of abandonment Im convinced is now at work in our society. Wed like to talk about the fact that America was founded on Christian principles and God was at the center of it, and all of that, whatever it might have been in our founding, its no longer the way it is and I want to show you how you know that has happened.

Go down to verse 24. You see in verse 24 the first word therefore, this means were now going to see a description that connects to what has been said. If you go back to verse 18, The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, and we could stop at that point. The wrath of God is revealed. And then it goes on to talk about the wrath of God and the reasons for the wrath of God. And then in verse 24 it then describes the wrath of God and heres the description. Therefore God gave them over, or God gave them up, in the lust of their hearts to impurity that their bodies might be dishonored among them, for they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever, amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions, for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural. In the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman, burned in their desire toward one another, men with men, committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind to do the things that are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, envy, full of...or evil full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossip, slander, haters of God, insolent arrogant boastful inventors of evil, disobedient to parents without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful. And although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, and not only do them, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

Now let me break that down for you a little bit. Three times the verb gave them over is used...three times. The wrath of abandonment is when God gives a nation over. This verb, paradidomi, can have a judicial sense. Its used often in Greek literature in terms of law courts and criminal courts. It comes down to handing a prisoner over for punishment. Its even used in the case of Jesus being handed over for a crucifixion. Each of these uses of the verb in this text express the fact that the wrath of God has acted to hand over a society to hand them over. As the historian Schiller(?) said, years ago, The history of the world is the judgment of the world. There comes a time in a nation when God has had enough and He literally lets go and turns them over to the sentence that they have passed upon themselves by their incessant sinful choices. To see it another way, they are deprived of restraining grace.

Now how do we know when this has happened? Note the progression. Verse 24, God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity that their bodies might be dishonored among them. Impurity speaks of sexual sin. The first thing that happens in a nation when it is abandoned by God is a sexual revolution. Moral, sexual perversion, pornographic desire describes the general character of the culture. You cant even count how many million pornographic web sites there are. When a society is abandoned by God, it operates out of its own perverse sexual passion without restraint. You can go back to the 60s and the sexual revolution of the flower children, or Hugh Hefner in the Playboy world and it has gone like a flood since then. It is characterized by, as you look at verse 24, lust coming from inside as Jesus said, What comes out of the heart of a man is what defiles him, leading to impurity, this means sexual impurity, and to the dishonoring of their bodies. The heart is wicked and the bodies demonstrate it. The body follows the heart. Lust conceives in the heart, James says, and brings forth sin and sin brings forth death.

The first thing you look for in a society youre trying to discern whether God has abandoned that society is whether or not that society has gone through a sexual revolution so that illicit sex, adultery, every form of immorality is accepted as normal in that society. And were there.

The second step in the progression, verse 26, God gave them over, not just to passions that are explicable because theyre men and women, but to inexplicable degrading passions for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural. You know a society has been abandoned by God when it celebrates lesbian sex. God has given them over...gross affections, unnatural, unthinkable.
So you follow a sexual revolution with a homosexual revolution, and homosexuality becomes normalized. Verse 27 adds the male part, In the same way the men abandon the natural function of the women burned in their desire toward one another.. And by the way, it is a burning that is just hard to comprehend. There was a man named Halpern(?) who was the coroner for the city of New York and he did, I think, 26 or 28 thousand autopsies in his day. He said we can look at a corpse that had been murdered and tell you whether a homosexual killed that person by the multiple wounds. Hes not a Christian, hes a Jewish guy and he just said, Theres something about the passions of that kind of involvement that are not explicable.

But interestingly enough, the Holy Spirit puts the women first here and the men after. Why? The Holy Spirit refers first to the degradation of women because theyre usually the last to be affected in the decay of morals because their hearts are so naturally inclined toward a husband and toward the responsibility of nurturing children. But when they lead the parade, God has removed His restraint. And the amazing thing of it is this, verse 27, The man abandoning the natural function of the women, burning in their desire toward one another, men with men, committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. Right into this wrath of abandonment comes the wrath, the consequential wrath and even though it generates venereal disease and AIDS, they keep doing it. This is what step two looks like and we know this has come like a flood. But its not the final step. The final step comes in verse 28, the middle of verse 28, God gave them over to a depraved mind.

Now the version of the Bible you have, Im reading the New American Standard, might have a different translation for depraved, so let me tell you what the word means...non-functional. It doesnt work, useless, cant think, cant reason, cant comprehend. And you look at this world and you say, Rampant sexual immorality, out of control, destroying people willy-nilly even in the church, even in the leadership of the church. Homosexuality, same thing, rampant, out of control, demanding to be accepted as normal and the society rushing to affirm that acceptance. Isnt there anybody in the system who would stand up and call this what it really is, a massive, moral disaster? Cant they see it? Cant they figure it out? First Corinthians 1 says, Man by wisdom knew not God. Human wisdom just on its own doesnt get there. Then you add that the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that do not believe and youve got a compounding blindness. And then you add the fact that they are blinded by virtue of the sweeping, dominating elements of their culture and youre just not going to get anybody to rise up and take that position and have people rally around it. Youre going to have more people in leadership in the country outing themselves as homosexuals. If you think youve seen a lot of that, you havent seen any of it yet as it becomes more and more accepted.

A depraved mind in the original language is one thats tested and found useless, therefore disqualified for its intended use. The reasoning faculty has been corrupted by the influences that surround it. MTV did a survey on morality. Boy, theres a...(laughter)...switch. And they took, you know, they took the Middle Ages idea of the seven deadly sins, you know, lust, greed, all those things, and they surveyed their audience about what they thought about that. And basically they thought all those things were virtues. Now they thought they were all virtues. Yeah. And when that happens and your entire sense of morality is warped, then your conscience is ill-informed and it doesnt function. So you have unconscionable behavior. And then you laugh at the Jerry Springer Show instead of falling on your face and weeping at the aberrations. A depraved mind, reasoning faculty so corrupt that it must be rejected as non-functioning. And as a result of that, what happens? God gave them over, verse 28, to a depraved mind. So as a result, they do the things that are not...what?...proper, fitting, sensible, reasonable.
What do they do? Theyre filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, envy, murder, deceit, malice. Whats that? Thats the nightly news. Its the local newspaper. Slanderers, haters of God, and on and on and on and on it goes. Theyre unconscionable. Conscience can only function...conscience is a sky light, okay? Conscience is a device that reacts to your moral code. If youre a Muslim, conscience tells you to blow up infidels because conscience is not a set of moral laws. Its not a set of moral rules. Its a mechanism, like pain. Pain is a mechanism God gave you that responds to your physical condition. It says to you something is wrong with your body. Pain is simply the device that tells you that. And its a good thing, isnt it? Its a good thing cause it tells youve got a problem with your body you need to deal with. Thats what conscience is, its a mechanism God gave you that accuses you or excuses you, Romans 2 says, but only functions if it is morally informed accurately. And if you have a culture that has developed an aberrant morality, then you have consciences that function off of that aberrant morality. And you get all the stuff, all the inexplicable behaviors. And thats why in verse 32 it says, Although they know the ordinance of God, all they know...all they know inherently in them, Romans 2, what is right and what is wrong, they who practice such things are worthy of death. They know that. They do them anyway and they give hearty approval to those who practice them.
You know what that reminds me of? Bill Clintons approval ratings went up in the middle of the Louenski(?) affair. Why? Because a culture like this approves of somebody like that, perfect fit. Thats our kind of guy.

So they are without reason, without conscience. This is what it means when God abandons a society.

Sexual revolution, down one more step; homosexual revolution, down one more step; you cant ever get your way out of it because the mind, the cultural mind is gone...its gone...its gone. And I would put it this way, maybe simply, theres no surer indicator of a corrupted, wicked and abandoned society under Gods wrath than when that society does not tolerate anger against sin. This society will not tolerate you standing up and displaying righteous indignation against sin. How long is it going to be before if you preach against it in your pulpit the government is going to come in and tell you, you cant do that? Theyve done it in Canada.

One night Larry King said to me, off the camera, he said...he said, You know, he said, I like you a lot but...he said...youre all...youre all caught up in the words of the Bible and you miss the message. So I said, Well, whats a message with no words? I dont think we miss the message.

It was C.S. Lewis who said, The last experience of the sinner is the horrible enslavement of the freedom he desired.

So, Paul is unfolding for us this picture of what a society looks like when its abandoned. Its not my description. Now you see why I said I think America is here going through the cycle of Romans 1.

Why does it happen? Lets go back to verse 18 and find out. Why does it happen? Im going to give you the short version. Heres why it happens. Verse 18, The wrath of God is revealed from heaven in this form of abandonment against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men that makes up this society. Verse 18, Who suppress...what? There it is, thats it...they suppress the truth...they suppress the truth. Thats why I wrote the book The Truth War, its always about truth, always about truth, always. From the Garden, it started out as a war of truth, right? God says you eat the fruit, youll die. Satan says, no you wont, you shall not surely die. There it is. Adam and Eve believed Satan. They thought God was lying to them. That started the truth war, its going on today. Its always about the truth. Simple, this happens when you suppress the truth.

What truth? Real truth. As Francis Schaeffer used to say, the true truth...biblical truth. You suppress this, thats where you go. Take the Word of God out of the place of its supremacy and you suppress the truth. Deny that its true, deny its veracity, deny its authenticity, deny its inerrancy, deny its inspiration, deny its sufficiency, deny its clarity...thats the latest one that nobody really knows what the Bible means anyway, its a wonderful book, we believe God gave it to us but we have no idea what it means. Thats convenient. I mean, you can divide my life, my life up into attacks on the Bible coming from every imaginable angle...the truth is always under assault. This nation has succumbed to that. There are even churches that have decentralized the truth cause they think it offends, its divisive. Its all weve got, folks. Its all we have. God saves through the truth. Youre begotten again, Peter says, by the Word of truth. Youre sanctified by the word of truth. Jesus said, Sanctify them by Thy truth, Thy word is truth, John 17:17. Thats all we have.

Of course its being assaulted by Satan. Of course the critics come along and say its not inspired, its not true, you cant believe it. Of course the mystics come along and say no, its fine, but we have more revelation over here and more over there, and more over there. And the cults all develop out of extrabiblical revelation. And then there are others who come along and say, Well, the Bibles fine, its just not sophisticated. You need to add philosophy and other kinds of things to the Bible to fill it out. And now there are those who come and say, Well, it lacks clarity. And thats an attack on the old perspicuity, the doctrine of perspicuity, that Scripture is clear, that God intended it to reveal not to hide. So the truth is diminished in its place, its denied, its rejected. Its amazing how people mock biblical truth today...amazing.

Oh, you can figure out a way to make it so smooth and soft, take out all the hard parts so it doesnt have the sting. But if you give the unadulterated, unexpurgated, pure Word of God, it will generate a negative reaction in many environments. You need to speak the truth in love, but all weve got is the truth. Suppress the truth.

Let me expand that a little bit. Give you four things to think about, four reasons for wrath that have to do with the suppressing of the truth. Number one, revelation. Weve been given the truth. Suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them for God made it evident to them for since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes, eternal power, divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made so that they are without excuse.

What is this? This is not even talking about the Scripture. This is talking about the fact that God has inlayed His truth into the fabric of mans being. He is not without a witness to the truth. Look at chapter 2 for a moment, drop down in to verse 14, The Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these not having the Law are a Law to themselves in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness. Part of being human like all the other parts of being human, be able to think and to make relationships, to speak and to act in the ways that humans act, those kinds of things are the familiar components of what it means to be human. But another one is, the Law of God written in the very fabric of mans nature so that he cannot plead ignorance. In fact, it says in verse 20 that he has enough of the Law in himself, enough of reason to be without excuse. You cannot plead ignorance, that which may be known of God. What is knowable regarding God. What man can know, what of the light that lights every man that comes into the world, John 1:9, is written in the heart. It is evident in them. Two ways, one, in reason. Where does reason inevitably take you? Reason inevitably takes you to an ultimate cause. Reason is simply a cause and effect device. Reason is simply thinking our way through patterns of cause and effect. This leads to this, this leads to this, this leads to this, and thats how reason works. And eventually you get back to the first cause of the massive universal effect of creation, so reason is a device given by God to all human beings that leads them directly back to Him...directly back to Him.

Any thinking person knows that. You cant have an effect without a cause, right? I mean, how simple do we have to be? You ask me where this watch came from, if I say, well theres a bunch of tin floating in a box and pulled it out and it started to tick and this is ridiculous. Well how can you explain the universe that way? Its an absurdity. Nobody times nothing equals everything? Thats totally irrationality.

Ill give you a little thing to think about. There was a scientist by the name of Van Noimen(?) And VanNoiman invented, or conceived of an invention called the ultimate machine...the ultimate machine. Okay? Called the VanNoiman Machine, all engineers and scientists know about. The VanNoiman Machine, he said, this is the ultimate machine, it is self-perpetuating. It has the capacity within itself to sustain itself. Wow! Secondly, it is self-repairing. Anything that ever goes wrong with it, it can fix. It has within itself the ability to fix itself, to generate whatever new parts it needs to reassemble them so that it functions. And then thirdly, it reproduces itself. It multiplies itself. This would be like having a car that generated its own fuel, fixed itself, and when you came out in the morning there were three little cars sitting next to it. (Laughter) Okay? This is a VanNoiman Machine. The complexity of this machine is staggering. And so it cant be built, its way too complex. It becomes exponential, almost...almost to infinity to put something together like this, it cant be done. And yet that is exactly what every single organic cell in existence in the biological world does. Its a factory of perfect self-generating, self-repairing, self-reproducing machinery. Dont tell me that one time there was a pile of protoplasm and it decided to become this. My reason tells me there has to be a Creator. And do you know the whole world believed that until Darwin came along? Jonah out on a boat, and the sailors, pagan sailors say to him, Why is this going on? He says, Its my God, Hes doing it cause Hes punishing me. And so its my God. And they say, Well whos your God? He didnt say, Well, lets see, Hes the Hebrew God, Hes the God of the Hebrew people, thats who He is. He didnt say that. He said this, he said, Well, Hes the God who made the earth and the sea. Oh, thats a natural assumption...natural assumption. Go to Mars Hill, Pauls up there, they have a deal there for the unknown god. Paul says, I want to tell you who this unknown God is. He doesnt say, This is...this is the Christian God of New Testament. He says, This is the God who created everything. This is the God in whom we live and move and have our being. Everybody got it. Only in the modern world do we not get it.
You go back to God, the massive first cause of everything. So thats in the fabric of being human. And you know, you have to work hard for a couple of hundred years to convince an entire society that thats nonsense and that what makes sense is nobody times nothing equals everything. And though it doesnt make sense, it works in a totally immoral culture because if theres no Creator, theres no judge. So reason is the first thing that shows you God. The second thing is morality which is built into the fabric of all of us and has again to be cultivated to the point where youve got a society of people whose reason doesnt need God, and whose sense of morality has been totally perverted.

Here we are. Here we are. Even though since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power, divine nature clearly seen, clearly understood so that were without excuse, this society has rejected God. Thats our second point. Point one, revelation, God has revealed Himself to every person. Second, rejection, men have turned away from the truth. Verse 21, interesting, Even though they knew God, that is humanity, that is society in any given period of time by Gods creative design have the knowledge of moral law and reason that leads them back to a moral law-giver and a judge and a Creator, even though they know that innately, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks, but instead of doing what was reasonable and moral, they became empty in their speculations and their foolish heart was darkened. And the bottom line is that they dont like the God their reason leads them to and they dont like the God that their innate sense of what is right and wrong leads them to and so they abandon that God and the lights go out. And then you come up with stuff like a rock is a rat is a dog is a boy. Life is random. Truth is relative. People are basically free to do whatever they want. Its all good. Everyone ought to be free to do whatever he wants. The goal of life is self-satisfaction. Live it up and dont let anybody tell you, you cant do anything.

So they didnt honor Him as God. They werent thankful to Him for what He had given. And the lights went out. They became empty in their speculations, their thinking, their patterns, their ideologies, their foolish heart went black. Empty human ideas, now you cant know God, cant know the truth.
But you think youre smart. Look at verse 22. Professing to be wise...professing to be wise, they became fools. Thats the third step. You go from revelation to rejection to rationalization. Men insist theyre doing fine, never did better. Were very advanced. Professing to be wise...reminds me of the guy lying in bed in the nut house, pounding his chest saying, Im Napoleon, Im Napoleon, Im Napoleon. And the guy in the next bed saying, Well, Im God, Im God, Im God. Just that kind of insanity. Or the lady who came to the psychiatrists office with a duck on a string and said, Youve got to help my husband, he thinks hes a duck. This is no perception of reality. In fact, it says, Professing to be wise, they became fools. The word is moraino from which we get moron, proud morons giving each other Ph,D.s. (Applause)

And finally, it comes down to...goes from revelation to rejection to rationalization to religion. Yeah, religion. Thats right. Verse 23, They exchanged the glory of an incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible men, birds, four-footed animals and crawling creatures. What religion is that? Oh how about environmentalism where you worship...what?...the creation, not the Creator. Wow. Yeah, this is man at say, Isnt this man at his highest? Hes worshiping? No, this is man at his lowest. False religion is man in the pit. Hes gone so far down, hes created the fantasy of false religion. Religion is not man at his highest, it is man at his lowest. The ultimate insanity is to worship any other than the true God, right?

And so we see what happens in a society when God turns them over and we see why He turns them over. And that was just a quick overview. So we look at our nation, our hearts are broken, the mind is depraved, they think theyre smart, theyre morons. They cant get to the truth, the mind is completely gone. They invent bizarre religions. They become religious. And today they like to talk about being spiritual, right? Im very religious, Im very spiritual.

What in the world does that mean? What does that mean? As if you can invent your own worship and your own religion. Thats man at his lowest. Thats all the way at the bottom, total complete rejection of the true God and the true faith. Thats where we are. Now the question do we pray?

Turn to Psalm 81...Psalm 81. And I want the Holy Spirit to give you direction here as we think about this. See if this doesnt sound familiar, verse 11, Psalm 81 verse 11, But My people did not listen to My voice or My word. Israel did not obey Me. So verse 12, I...what?...gave them up. Wow. If He would do that with Israel, a covenant people, what do you think is going on in America, were not a covenant people? So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their own heart to walk in their own devices. I let them go, I let them go to the consequences of their choices. This is God, Hes abandoned them. But look at verse 13, and heres the heart of God that I think we have to grasp in America in this hour, heres God, His words, O that My people would do...what?...?...yeah, there it is...that they would listen to Me, listen to Me. That Israel would walk in My ways. Right there, folks, is your mandate to pray.

What do you have to pray for? You have to pray for the Word of the living God to be proclaimed across this nation. And if its not being proclaimed in churches, its not going to be proclaimed anywhere else. This is not a time for weak men in weak ministries preaching weak messages. This is a time to call on God to raise up a generation of passionate faithful gracious loving preachers of the Word so that a nation can listen to God. Thats the answer. Think God might react? He said...I love this, verse 14...I would quickly.. you like that word? Isnt that a good word? I dont get the picture Gods dragging His heels here. I would quickly subdue their enemies, I would turn My hand against their adversaries and it would be so great that even the people who hate Me would pretend to obey Me. And then I love this, I love verse 16, And I would feed you with the finest of the wheat and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you. Thats metaphoric, I would just drown you in blessing.

God only wants one thing out of a nation. Listen and believe this book. I really get grieved even when I hear evangelical people in the media and the public eye kind of equivocating about the clarity of the gospel. Its all weve got. Or about the clarity of what Scripture says. Your prayer and mine has to be that God would raise up faithful preachers and people who would proclaim His Word across this land. Pray for this generation of young men that God will call and shape and send, pray for pastors everywhere. Pray for lay people, for Christians to be bold. Theres only one solution and thats the truth...the truth by which God saves, by which God sanctifies, and if this nation will respond and listen to His truth, God will open the flood gates. We might be the greatest recovery story in history. But theres no other way than that people listen to Me and walk in My ways. Its not going to happen if theres a famine of the hearing of the Word of God. Pray that the Word, as Paul said, would have free course and that it would run with all its power across this land. With all its beauty and magnificence, all its power and grace, that people would hear and believe and be saved and be obedient, all that to the glory of God. I dont know what Gods plan is, I just see here what His heart is. O, that My people would listen to Me, thats the heart of God.

Our Father, we thank You for simplifying things, as You always do even in the midst of what is so profound. It all comes down to the truth again, the truth...the truth...the truth...the truth. Make us people of the truth. May we trust the truth, unleashing it in all its power, knowing that we...we have other weapon but the sword and it is sharper than any other. So, Lord, we just plead with You that Your Word in all its saving and sanctifying and transforming power would explode across this nation, that the truth would replace the lies that abound everywhere, not for us but for Your own glory. This we ask in the name of our Christ. Amen.

Deception and the World

On this website you will read what I feel has been revealed to me about many of the Bible’s end time prophecies. I have spent a lot of time over the past 5 years studying and praying about these prophecies. As you read what is written here, you will find that I do not agree with many popular beliefs regarding many of the Lord’s prophecies. It has become clear to me that many of the popular interpretations of these prophecies are not correct. In fact, I will explain to you in later posts why I believe our spiritual enemy will use these popular prophecy beliefs against us.

There are many people in the world today who consider themselves well-informed Christians. They believe that they fully understand the prophecies and warnings given to us in Daniel, Revelation and other books in the Bible. They are now either sitting back waiting for these things to happen (a secret rapture, an evil world leader, 7 years of tribulation, a peace treaty between the antichrist and Israel, etc) or they are actively proclaiming to the world that they have all the answers – we all simply need to listen to them.

What if many popular prophecy scholars today have it completely wrong? What if they have let worldly pursuits cloud their judgment? What if they have become focused on the world instead of our Lord? What if our spiritual enemy has offered worldly wealth and glory to them as part of his plan to deceive the world and they have unknowingly accepted because they’re not as mature as they think they are? What if there isn’t going to be a secret rapture, one evil world leader (antichrist), or a 7 year period of tribulation when the judgments of Revelation will be poured out on the earth? What if I told you that none of these things are specifically mentioned in the Bible, but are simply interpretations – interpretations that I believe are not true. What if we’re not as smart as we think we are? Our self-righteousness has been used mightily by our enemy.

If things begin to rapidly deteriorate in the world and none of the popular interpretations of prophecy come true, what do you think will happen? There will be many people in the world who are going to feel very lost and alone. This is why I have been given this message. It’s time for all of us to change our focus from the world to the Lord’s kingdom. If you are someone who has been in the church for some time and have believed (as I did for many years) many of the popular interpretations of end time prophecy, you will need to open your mind to the truth and pray to the Lord for confirmation of what I’m going to tell you. If you are someone who has never been in church or read the Bible, now is the time to come home. You don’t need any biblical knowledge to start on your journey to know Jesus Christ and our Father. You only need a desire to know the Truth – a desire to know your Creator and His plan for you.

I fully expect that initially - many non-Christians and Christians alike will not want to believe what is written here. The reason is that the truth is initially going to be difficult to believe. You’ll understand as you read through this website. I want to make something clear from the beginning – there is no personal agenda here. I do not seek worldly power, glory or wealth. The world offers me nothing of real value. Everything in this world is temporary – the sooner we all realize this, the better. The Lord has changed me over the past 3 years and given me knowledge so that I understand what is happening and why. Everything I have is His. I am simply running the race placed before me. So, with that said, we’re going to begin with what the Bible has to say on the subject of deception and being deceived in our world.

Let’s start by looking at what Jesus had to say on the subject of being deceived in this world. I believe that many prophecy scholars are missing something very important that Jesus tells us about our current times.

Mathew Chapter 24 begins with the Disciples asking Jesus about the end times.

“As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. Tell us, they said, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?
Jesus answered: Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, I am the Christ, and will deceive many.” (Mathew 24:3-4)

Jesus responds by warning us against deception. There will be many who claim to know Him and lead ‘many’ astray. Remember – many throughout the world are deceived.

“At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” (Mathew 24:10-13)

These are very strong words and they speak very loudly to us today. Notice carefully – ‘many’ turn away from true faith (we’ll discuss this in more detail later) and ‘many’ false prophets will deceive ‘many’ people. When Jesus says ‘many’, he’s talking about billions of people – and this includes many professed Christians in the world. Who are these false prophets? These are people claiming to be God’s teachers and preachers who are, in fact, leading people away from the Truth. They are leading people away from true faith in Jesus Christ. They are people involved with false religions and they are people who claim to be Christians, but are not true Disciples. They do not follow Jesus, but follow our spiritual enemy. They have infiltrated God’s true church (more on this later).

“At that time if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or, There he is! do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.” (Mathew 24:23-25)

Once again, Jesus warns us of false prophets. He adds an additional piece of information here and I feel that it is one of the most important pieces of information given to us. In my years of attending church, I have never heard anyone discuss this – and I think I know why. In verse 24, Jesus tells us that these ‘false prophets’ will deceive ‘even the elect’. Who are the elect? These are God’s true children. They are His teachers, preachers and His true prophets. What Jesus is telling us here is that these false prophets are so deceptive, that they deceive even true believers. Why is this so important? Because it’s happening right now – to us. Our pride and our focus on the world has blinded us.

What we all must realize is that Jesus could obviously see into our future. He’s God – the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity. He could see exactly what would be happening in the world during our time – right now. Does He ever tell us that we would have it all figured out? No. What does He give us? Warnings. Time and again He warns us about deception. At a time when we should all be on guard against worldly and spiritual deception – we’ve allowed ourselves to be lulled to sleep. We are not heeding our Lord’s warnings. We have become self-righteous because we know it all – while the ‘beasts’ are taking control of the world.

What, in the world today, is Jesus warning us about? You will find, as you read through these posts, that Jesus is warning us about many things. He is warning us about the ‘beasts’ of Revelation 13. He is warning us about false religions and their leaders in the world today and most importantly, He is warning us about the condition of the Christian Church. Many of us in the Church today are not true Christians. Many of us go to church and read the Bible – but many have not truly repented. Many have not truly asked the Lord for forgiveness and therefore, have not been born again by God. They have been deceived into believing that living a secular, worldly life is A-OK and that they can ‘believe’ and be saved without really following Jesus. They have not overcome the world and therefore, cannot ‘see’ or ‘hear’ what is really happening in the world around them. Every one of us must take a very hard look at our lives and determine who we are really following. If you are like I was, you’ll find that you are not following Jesus Christ. You have allowed yourself to be blinded by our enemy. If you will ask God to come into your life, your life will begin an amazing transformation – and you will be able to see with a spiritual eye. You will begin to follow the One who is not seen by our physical eyes because you will be able to spiritually discern His will for you.

How exactly, are these ‘beasts’ of Revelation 13 deceiving even God’s true children? How is it possible that we cannot see what’s happening? The truth is that they are right in front of you everyday. They have even told us what they are planning to do – and very few are doing anything about it. Now that’s deception. This is what Jesus could see. This is why we received so many warnings. In addition to Jesus’ own words, the Book of Revelation is clear – these ‘beasts’ deceive the whole world – even the elect.

“And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth.” (Revelation 13:13-14)

“Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.” (Revelation 19:20)

You’ll learn specifics about how events in the world today relate to these prophecies as you continue to read through the posts on this website. You’ll begin to see how they have deceived you your entire life.

For now, let’s continue to learn about our true enemy and how he is deceiving the world.

Who does the Bible tell us is our true enemy? Who is really deceiving the world?

“So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world” (Revelation 12:9)

“We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19)

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

The Bible is clear on this subject – Satan is the ruler of the world and deceives the whole world. He is our true enemy. You will notice that specific nations are not mentioned – he deceives the entire world. The United States is not immune to this deception. What you will learn is that the U.S. is actually playing a vital role in deceiving the whole world.

Who overcomes this world and its ruler?

“for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” (1 John 5:4-5)

Only those who are spiritually regenerated (born again) by God through faith in Jesus Christ overcome this world and its deception.

In the movie ‘The Matrix’, the main character (Neo) discovers at one point that the world he has lived in his whole life is a fantasy created to blind him from the truth. The parallels between that movie and our world are very similar. You’ll understand after you read everything here. You’ll go through the same transformation that Neo went through in the movie. I know I did. At first, your mind will reject the truth outright. You will say it’s not possible, it’s crazy, this can’t possibly be true. There’s no way I could be that deceived. I’m intelligent. I could see this coming if it were real. As you begin to realize that it is true and that you have been deceived on a global scale – you might just feel physically sick – just like Neo. You will probably even think at some point that you’d rather go back to being completely ignorant of what is happening around you. It would be easier this way – simply ignore the truth. Unfortunately, ignorance is not bliss.

If you will humble yourself, realize that you don’t know everything and pray for knowledge, wisdom, faith, strength, courage – and begin a relationship with our Father and Jesus Christ - God will transform you into someone who isn’t afraid. You will be set free from this world. He is looking for those who will allow Him to turn them into spiritually mature warriors. When the rest of the world is running away in fear and telling you to do the same, you will turn and face your enemy. You will fight when others fall. When your day of evil comes, you will stand. Why? Because the Lord will be with you – always.

If you are in a Christian Church today, then you know that Satan is the bad guy. You know that he is deceptive and evil. You know that he rules over this world. Does it make more sense that his plans would be widely known or that they are being done in secret – very deceptively? Will there be one evil world leader who somehow gets the nations of the world to join together as depicted in the ‘Left Behind’ books? In this deceptive world, does this really make much sense given that the Bible never points to one person as being the antichrist? Will the mark of the beast simply be the act of accepting a microchip implant or will there be deception involved with the mark as well? If you re-read Revelation 19:20 again (above), you’ll notice that those who have received the mark are ‘deceived’. Would the world even allow these things to happen (one evil ruler, chip implant as the mark) given that these prophetic scenarios are so widely known? Or does it make more sense that there is something very secretive, very deceptive going on in the world that will one day take control? In the light of the Lord’s Word, the truth is that billions of people are deceived by our spiritual enemy and because they have rejected the one, true God - their continued deception will eventually result in their eternal death. This lines up with what the Bible tells us about Satan and end time deceptions. This is not a fantasy created by a writer of fiction. This is the truth.

These are the questions that kept me up at night for a long time. I felt that something very important was going on in the world – but I had no real knowledge of it and wasn’t part of it. I came to the realization that what I was lacking was a real faith in Jesus Christ. I realized that I was truly deceived. I came to the startling conclusion that I had allowed Satan to blind me from the Truth. I realized that as long as I relied on myself, I was going to go nowhere. I would continue on the broad path to its tragic conclusion. So, I began to pray and asked God to come into my life and help me overcome the world and its deception. I searched for the Lord – and He revealed Himself to me. I asked – and received. I knocked – and doors were opened.

What I found - what was revealed to me after much prayer – is that the world is truly deceived – just as the Bible tells us it is. Something deceptive is going on right before your eyes. The devil is scheming against us – very deceptively – just as the Bible tells us he will do. He is the father of lies and therefore, his children in this world are liars. They lie because deception is part of the plan - a plan that is told to us by the Lord. Even though Satan wants to keep his plans secret, he (and those he controls in this world) cannot hide their plans from God. Those justified by faith in Jesus Christ know the Truth – they have overcome the evil one. They see through his evil plans because they rely on the source of all truth to guide them – the Creator of the heavens and earth. They are light in a dark world – and the darkness will not overcome them. While the world will tell you that there are many in the world today, I’m here to tell you there are few true believers. There are few who have entered through the narrow gate – just as Jesus tells us. I also believe this is about to change in preparation for the end.

These things no longer keep me up at night. I sleep soundly. Why? Because the Lord watches over me – and the Lord never sleeps.

He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;” (Psalm 121:3)

Why is wealth being taken from the United States? When you begin to view the world from God’s perspective - and not the world’s – you begin to truly understand. It’s really very simple. We have allowed ourselves to be deceived. The result is that our lives are squarely focused on the world and we have left our Creator. He’s getting our attention.

Friend deceives friend,
and no one speaks the truth.
They have taught their tongues to lie;
they weary themselves with sinning.
You live in the midst of deception;
in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,
declares the LORD.
Therefore this is what the LORD Almighty says:
See, I will refine and test them,
for what else can I do
because of the sin of my people?
Their tongue is a deadly arrow;
it speaks with deceit.
With his mouth each speaks cordially to his neighbor,
but in his heart he sets a trap for him.
Should I not punish them for this?
declares the LORD.
Should I not avenge myself
on such a nation as this? (Jeremiah 9:5-9)

June 2006

Knoxville News-Sentinel Articles – November 2005

Hughs: The end is really near, local man contends
By INA HUGHS, hughs@
November 8, 2005

The Book of Revelation is not pleasant reading. It describes Armageddon, the Day of Judgment in which, after a series of catastrophes, God chooses those who will be taken up into glory and those to be left behind to burn in eternal fire.

The litmus test is whether or not a person has confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

It is as simple as that, says John Gilmore, general manager of Knology of Knoxville.

He and I met for a heart-attack-on-a-plate breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and as the waitress kept us plied with coffee long after we finished eating, Gilmore explained his theory that the End of Time is near. There is nothing we can do to stop it, and the only hope for anyone is that he or she confess his or her sins and acknowledge that salvation only comes through the blood of Jesus.

Theres a lot of eschatology going around these days, and if what some modern-day prophets are telling us is true, things dont look good. Signs of the end are all around: the threat of a world flu epidemic; the changing climate; the series of disastrous hurricanes; earthquakes and tidal waves; and war and carnage on every front.

For Gilmore, it is the threat of an Antichrist, the move toward globalization and a New World Order that woke him up to what is really happening and what he is supposed to do about it.

In two letters to the News Sentinel within the past month, Gilmore lists a glut of reasons that an ancient and powerful secret organization is, essentially, making all the calls as to what happens politically and militarily. So much so, they actually control who gets elected as world leaders. They are called the Illuminati, and their agenda is to secure from within their ranks power over politics, economics and the social order of the day.

Their agenda is the new world order referred to in the Book of Revelation.
Both of Gilmores letters can be read in full on the News Sentinel Web site,

Gilmore, 34, is well aware that people find his words and his beliefs threatening and are apt to dismiss them as being hokey.

I certainly dont have the answers and am no great theologian, but I am convinced that the Antichrist is walking the earth somewhere today, that we are in the End Times, that the Illuminati is gaining control and moving us toward globalization, and that our only hope of getting into heaven when the time comes, and that time is near, is to accept Jesus Christ.

The Illuminati, he explains, is a secret organization composed of rich, powerful individuals acting in tandem to gain control of the world. Every president, he says, with the exception of Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan (who were, by the way, all shot) was part of the Illuminati, and that is how and why they rose to such positions of power. The two Bush presidents, both members of Yale Universitys Skull Bones secret organization, are members of the Illuminati as well, he says.

He says the Illuminati find special significance in the number 11. He calls it their code number.

Here, Gilmore offers a bit of spooky new math.

It was on Sept. 11, 1990, that the senior George Bush mentioned before Congress the phrase A New World Order for the first time. Eleven years later to the day, the World Trade Center was destroyed. The Madrid bombings were on March 11, 2004 - 911 days after Sept. 11, 2001.

And, says Gilmore, something very big is going to happen on Nov. 11, 2005 - three days from today.

Look at that date: 11-11-2005. Add 1+1+1+1+2+0+0+5, and what do you get?

Theres no bravado about Gilmore, and hes at a loss as to why he was chosen, but he feels God is using him to spread a warning, to encourage people to wake up and see what is happening to our country, to recognize that God is withdrawing His protection as the Illuminati tightens its grip on history and the Antichrist waits in the wings.

I dont know why God revealed all these things to me, says Gilmore. I just know what I have to do about it.

Not only is Gilmore spreading the word through letters to newspapers and the business world, he also is preparing materially for the coming disaster on Friday. He is storing up materially for the continuing hard, testing times between now and the Rapture, when it will be only the true Christians who will be accepted into heaven, while everyone else will perish.

He has sold his stock. His house is on the market. He is stockpiling nonperishable food, water, gas and other necessities.

His research into the unexplained events of 9/11 convinces him of an inside conspiracy: the fact that there are no photos of the plane that hit the Pentagon (he says there wasnt one); the ultimate and complete destruction of both towers (it had to have been more than airplanes, he says); and the fact that Bush seemed, by his behavior when told, to have been expecting it.

In fact, says Gilmore, it was Illuminati involvement that got us into previous wars: the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonquin - there being at least some evidence that United States leaders knew ahead of time about them all.
I dont know whether the Illuminati orchestrated these events, but they knew how to use them to their favor, Gilmore argues.

The mess that the world, the United States in particular, bears witness to Gods displeasure: our national debt, the decline of our auto industry, and the push toward globalization - Revelations New World Order - as evidenced by organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations.

The Illuminati is trying to destroy national sovereignty, says Gilmore. They are moving us toward a time when power will only be at the top. Everything will be in their control.

Gilmore, who is a Methodist, says he grew up in the church and has always believed in God but that until recently, Jesus was not that high on my list.
Within the past year, however, things have changed, as he says God revealed to him that the end is near and compelled him to tell as many people as he can:
The main thing I have to say, and this is what God is saying through me, is that God does love us, that God is with us. We just need to repent, ask to be saved, ask that His will be done in our lives - and then we have nothing to worry about when the time comes.

I stayed behind a while after Gilmore left the Cracker Barrel. I looked around at the people nonchalantly eating biscuits and gravy, laughing. Kids played checkers on a nearby bench. A man and his wife across the way were bowing their heads in a blessing before their meal.

According to Gilmore, three days from now, everything is to change. Our world will be blown apart by another, more-serious terror attack. Should I say something to them? Tap them on the shoulder and tell them to get on their knees? To go home and start loading up on canned goods and getting their money out of everything except, maybe, gold?

I admire Gilmore for doing what hes doing, because if I believed what he believes, that would be the right thing to do.
Instead, I pay my bill and stop by the post office on the way to work to mail my granddaughter her birthday present.

She will be three on Friday. 11/11.

Ina Hughs may be reached at 865-342-6268 or hughs@

Opinions on end of days, Illuminati get man fired
Knoxville News-Sentinel

The Knoxville general manager of Knology Inc. was fired after he repeatedly appeared in local media espousing his belief in a coming apocalypse and a shadowy, all-powerful secret organization called the Illuminati.

John Gilmore, 34, has worked for the West Point, Ga.-based cable television and Internet access provider for the past five years.

In a column published Tuesday in The Knoxville News Sentinel and in subsequent interviews on local television stations, Gilmore said the number 11 holds significance: the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks occurred exactly 11 years after President George H.W. Bush said the words New World Order in a speech to Congress.
Gilmore said Friday was a big day: Add up the digits of Nov. 11, 2005, as 1+1+1+1+2+5, and it equals 11.

Knologys vice president of marketing, Mike Roddy, confirmed Friday that the company fired Gilmore for continuing to express his opinions without drawing a clear enough separation from the company.

The companys position is that everybody is entitled to their opinions and John is certainly among them, Roddy said. John was asked not to represent his opinions as the companys and he continued the appearance of doing that as general manager of Knology and we decided to let him go. They just werent the companys opinions.
Gilmore said he understood the companys decision, because Im kind of well known in Knoxville being associated with Knology.

There was no animosity, he said Were all still friends.

I was pretty much told that Id be leaving at some point. ... Our heavenly Father told me that. I didnt know a time or anything, but it just worked out this week, he said.
To be honest, Im waiting to see where my heavenly Father will lead me. Im really being called to do other things.

A Knoxville lawyer who specializes in First Amendment issues said any kind of punitive action against someone expressing their opinions has a chilling effect.
Anytime any action is taken adverse to an individual as a stated or implied consequence of that individuals expression or statement on a matter of public or general concern, there are First Amendment implications, Rick Hollow said

Prophecy, 9/11/2001 and the Illuminati – written in August 2005

Hello Everyone! First of all, let me say that this is John writing this letter, although Karen does agree with everything I have written. You are welcome to talk to either her or myself regarding what I’m about to present to you. Depending on your current knowledge of world affairs and your religious beliefs, what I am about to tell you will most likely change your current view of the world and quite possibly your relationship with God. How’s that for the beginning of a letter? It will certainly change your view of me. Because of this, I have a few disclaimers. I am personally writing this email, nothing is copied or forwarded from someone else. This is long, but very important, so please finish reading it today. Finally, I’m not going to pull any punches here, the message of this email will be disturbing to you (depending on your faith). Initially, you will be skeptical, doubtful and will not want to believe some or all of what I’m about to tell you. I assure you it’s only the truth. If you remain skeptical, I urge you to pray, research some (or all) of this on your own and write to me with any questions. Believe me, you will have many questions. Lastly, and this is probably the most important piece to remember as you read through this, I was as spiritually blind as most people until May of 2005. The Lord has called to me, asked me to give up my pursuit of worldly things and follow Him and His purpose for my life. I have answered His call. I am a well-rounded, stable individual (thanks to my parents!) who has never been one to believe in (or write about) conspiracy theories or proclaim my Christian faith openly. I’m going to do both in this letter. The final disclaimer is this: please do not read this and discard it without much thought or because you think I’ve somehow gone off the deep end. If there is one thing I have learned over the past year, it’s this: There are no coincidences in our lives. Each of you is reading this letter for a reason. It’s up to you to determine what the reason is. I am simply a messenger here. From my recent experiences, you will either know the reasons right away or you will need to pray for God’s assistance. Either way, you are starting on a path today that will lead you to greater knowledge and I believe, will ultimately strengthen your faith in God. If you do not currently believe in God or that He sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross so that each of us may have eternal life, I feel confident that you soon will. With that final message, let me begin.

When I was a teenager, my mother told me the story of the book of Revelation in the New Testament in the Bible. For those of you who haven’t read it, many believe that it describes the final 7, horrific years of this age [based on Scripture, I no longer believe this to be true]. It describes an evil one world government (imagine a world government worse than Nazi Germany). Many people either stop reading it or never read it because of the things that are described in the book….war, famine, disease, death, the Wrath of God. Some of it is very disturbing and good people like ourselves, inherently do not like reading about bad things, so many of us choose not to learn about it. I have read it, and being interested in prophesy and mysteries, I have always wondered how the one world government forms. Surely, with the knowledge God has given us in the Bible and the number of Christians in the world today, it can’t possibly form for years! The truth is that it is being formed today, right in front of us. The problem is that we accept what the media tells us and are not researching on our own to learn the truth. The ultimate reason is that many of us simply aren’t paying attention…we’re too preoccupied with the stuff going on in our lives and are ignoring the signs (I’ve been as guilty as anyone). The Bible tells us that many will be deceived during the end times. I’m here to tell you that the world is being deceived today in an effort to bring about the one world government.

Let me ask you a question. Have you researched the events of 9/11 on your own and formed your own opinions? If you’re like everyone else I’ve asked, the answer is no. You have accepted what you’ve been told and moved on as I did.

Like most people, I accepted the official account of the events of Sept 11, 2001. There were some things about the official story that bothered me, but I eventually accepted what I was told and carried on with my life. After all, as with most people in America, I’m a very busy person with many important things to do. I now know that what I thought was important (job status, wealth, house, car, etc) really isn’t important at all. 9/11 slowed America down for a few months, then it was back to business as usual. Fast forward to May 2005. I’m sitting in class at UT on a Saturday afternoon. Out of nowhere a thought pops into my head….I never saw the plane that hit the Pentagon in any photo or video, surely there is a photo/video on the internet after 3 ½ years. That simple thought has led me to not only research 9/11, but eventually the people who are working on creating a one world government and most importantly, my Christian faith. The fact is, you will not find a photo or video of the airliner (757) that hit the Pentagon, simply because a 757 did not hit the Pentagon. An amateur photographer snapped a few digital photos of the wall of the Pentagon immediately after it was hit (all other photos/videos were confiscated by the FBI)…there are fire trucks next to the wall, the wall was definitely hit by something due to the blown out windows and black smoke, but there is only a 8’-12’ hole in the wall. All subsequent photos in the media showed the wall AFTER it collapsed. The 9/11 commission’s official account said that the plane ‘vaporized’ (no mention of the wings or tail section) and strangely no aircraft parts remained (except for a small plane engine that was not large enough for a 757 and something that looked like a small piece of aluminum foil on the lawn). Yet, the bodies on board somehow survived this ‘vaporization’ and were identified. I’m not making this up…this is the ‘official’ account. In fact, you will not find any current or past investigation (photos, aircraft parts, serial numbers, etc) in the past 3 years regarding the planes used in the 9/11 attacks. When was the last time the NTSB did not attempt to rebuild a crashed plane from the crashed parts to determine the cause of the crash? The fact is….never. Even the majority of parts from TWA flight 800 were recovered from the Atlantic Ocean and reassembled. All of this begs the question….if Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon, what happened to the plane and the people on it? There are some very interesting theories out there. I will leave it to you to look into them and I would be glad to give you my opinion if you’re interested. After finding all of this regarding the Pentagon crash, I then moved on to research the World Trade Center buildings.

On 9/11, I was attending a meeting in Auburn, AL. After hearing of the attacks, we watched the drama unfold on CNN like everyone else. After the planes hit, a couple of co-workers started talking about whether or not they would collapse. Having a civil engineering background (part of the code of being an engineer is offering your opinion even when it’s not asked for), I told them that the tops of both buildings might ‘shear off’ and fall due to the impact and resulting cracks/stress caused by the impact, but the majority of the buildings should remain standing. The WTC buildings (as with most tall buildings) were designed to withstand a plane crash into them and are built with center ‘cores’ of extremely strong concrete and steel. To our amazement, 10 minutes later, the south tower collapsed. They not only collapsed, but collapsed in less than 10 seconds….basically a ‘free fall’ collapse. Do you know how many buildings have collapsed due to fire in this manner in world history?....exactly 3. WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC building 7. A Spanish firm was the first to question the ‘burning fuel’ theory (9/11 commission) since they had a tall building burn for 20 hours the previous year that never collapsed. The South tower collapsed first (after being hit last) in less than an hour. The North tower collapsed a few minutes later. Many experts initially said that it appeared that the towers were professionally demolished…..they then changed their story later on. There are pictures of survivors standing on the floors of the north tower where the plane impacted the building….if fires were raging out of control, they didn’t appear to affect these people.

Something that has never been reported in the mainstream media is that at 5:30pm on 9/11 (hours after the towers collapsed), WTC building 7 completely collapsed. Other WTC buildings closer to the towers did not collapse. Among other offices, it housed the New York offices of the CIA and FBI. Many people (as I now do) believe it was professionally demolished. There are many other problems with the official account of the attacks of 9/11 and many things never reported by our media. Many firefighters reported secondary explosions both below and in the towers prior to their collapse….never reported by the media. The families of the victims have submitted a list of over 20 unanswered questions to the Bush Administration. To date, they have received no response and this has never been discussed in the media. Even with the many unanswered questions concerning 9/11, it is still very difficult for us to believe our government could somehow be involved in this. For me, after waiting over 3 years to think about it, it’s the underlying logical flaws in the events of 9/11 that cause me to believe our government was involved. If you believe the official account of 9/11, then you believe that Arab men learned how to fly Cessna’s (and not well, all of them were poor pilots and one was not even allowed to rent a small plane during the summer of 2001 based on his poor piloting knowledge and skills) which allowed them to expertly pilot and navigate some of the most sophisticated commercial airliners in the world. You also then believe that the most powerful military in the world somehow allowed a commercial airliner to crash into its headquarters 40 minutes after the planes hit the WTC. Are these things logical? The most sophisticated anti-aircraft systems and radar in the world are positioned around Washington D.C. and the Pentagon….all failed on 9/11. Where were the fighters? Good question…..they were delayed for some unknown reason, did not fly at top speed to D.C. and were sent from an air force base miles away when there were bases just a few minutes from D.C. Basically, the entire U.S. military defense system failed completely on 9/11. How many people and departments have been reprimanded for this complete failure? Not one. Not one person or dept has been demoted or reprimanded. I will also point to something that has never been discussed in the mainstream media. George Bush was informed of the attacks and then remained at the Elementary School in Florida for over 25 minutes continuing to read to children and answer questions from reporters. When was the last time that a President was in imminent danger and a potential target and was not immediately removed by the Secret Service to safety? In a Sherlock Holmes novel, the detective was able to determine the killer in the story because a dog did not bark all night during a crime, leading him to believe that the perpetrator had to know the dog. Sometimes it’s what we don’t see or hear that helps us solve mysteries. Did our President and the Secret Service know that he was not in danger? I have obviously left out many details. I invite you to research 9/11 on your own. I have listed a couple of websites and books at the end of the email to get you started if you want to learn the details.

You’re thinking as I did……if many of these things are true, why aren’t they reviewed and talked about in the media? If 9/11 was caused (or allowed) to happen by our government, what is the reason for something this horrific? I simply could not accept the fact that Iraq and Afghanistan were the only reasons. Well, this is where things get interesting. By an odd coincidence (I no longer believe in coincidences…. which I will explain later), I believe that I know the reasons for what we’ve seen. I happen to work with a gentleman who has spent the last 10 years researching secret societies. He and I have had brief discussions over the past 3 years, but I never took his information very seriously….until now. As I began looking into some of the things he told me regarding the objectives of the secret societies active in our world today, one group in particular seems to control almost all other secret societies. The goals of this group are what caught my attention and led to my further research into what they’re doing. Their objectives are eerily similar to what is described in the book of Revelation. This group is commonly known as the Illuminati (other names associated with the Illuminati – Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Freemasons and Skull Bones).
You can search on Google for information on the Illuminati and you’ll find vast amounts of information. I have listed a book at the end of this email that describes their influence over society for the past two hundred years and their future goals. There are a few reasons why I believe they are related to end time events:

1. They are the wealthiest families in the world (that you will never hear about) with the means to accomplish their goals. From what I’ve seen, they are worth trillions and have great control of the world economy. They exert immense control over banking, world finance media. Some names are Rockefeller, Morgan, Onassis, and Rothschild. Very rich, powerful people.

2. Their #1 priority is bringing about a one world socialist government. It appears that they have been working on this goal for hundreds of years.

3. They appear to be involved with black/white magic and Satanism.

4. Evidence of their influence is everywhere. Our money (the most prominent symbols are on the $1 bill) and our architecture (search for Illuminati symbols U.S. buildings) are both good places to start researching. Ever wonder what the ‘all seeing’ eye, pyramid and the eagle with 13 stars above it on the $1 represent? Find the pagan owl on our $1 bill. Very interesting.

5. Another interesting fact is that from what I’ve researched, there are only a few American Presidents that were not associated with Secret Societies. Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan were not members of any secret society and all were shot. There are theories that say Lincoln and Kennedy could have been shot because their policies/views did not coincide with the Illuminati. It’s interesting to note that the Onassis family is one of the original 13 families of the Illuminati. Another interesting story is how George Bush Sr (Skull Bones) was selected as our VP by Reagan in 1980 after Reagan (on more than one occasion) said publicly that he would not select Bush based on his secret society background. If not for a fraction of an inch, Bush would have become President a couple of months later when Reagan was shot.

6. The U.S. Federal Reserve is a private corporation…..few people know this. From what I can see, families of the Illuminati own large amounts (if not all) of stock in the Fed. Look at the history of the Fed…very interesting. Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law in 1913 and then said, ‘I have unwittingly ruined my country’.

7. In 1995, a game designer with knowledge of the Illuminati created an Illuminati card game. One of the cards showed the WTC towers being destroyed…another card showed the Pentagon on fire. Subsequent cards show disease, famine, terrorist attacks, war….similar to the book of Revelation. By itself, I would view it as a coincidence. It’s very peculiar when added to everything else.

8. From what I’ve read and seen, the Illuminati use the numbers 11 and 13 extensively. It looks like they use the number 11 to communicate to members that they were involved in a particular incident. On Sept 11, 1990, George Bush Sr mentioned ‘A New World Order’ for the first time in a speech to Congress on the Gulf War. 11 years to the day, the WTC was destroyed. The number 11 is all over the WTC attacks (another good topic to research). The Madrid bombings happened on March 11, 2004….911 days after Sept 11, 2001. The Indian attacks in Mumbai were on July 11th of this year. There are other instances of the number 11 in major news events.

It’s interesting to note that both George Bush and John Kerry were members of Skull Bones. I, like most Americans, have not paid much attention to secret societies such as Skull Bones, Freemasons and others. From what I’ve read, it appears that the Illuminati now control most, if not all of these societies. If you think it matters whether you voted for Bush or Kerry (both Skull Bones), my research would tell you it doesn’t matter. We innocently debate among ourselves about conservative versus liberal politics, democrat versus republican, capitalism versus communism…..all the while, the Illuminati are moving their agenda forward with whoever is in power. There is a reason the Soviet Union was dismantled. Gorbachev was the first world leader to mention a ‘New World Order’ in a public speech. The Berlin wall came tumbling down soon thereafter. If the Illuminati are as powerful as some researchers indicate, I began to search for mention of them in the Bible. I reasoned that if they are the ones who bring about a one world government and the Antichrist, there is a good possibility that they are mentioned in the Bible. I began to read the Bible extensively (which is what I should have been doing my entire life). Late one night I came across 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2 Verse 7-8: ‘For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed (Antichrist), whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.’ Does it confirm the work of secret societies? I’m not sure, but I find it interesting that God chose the words ‘secret’ and ‘lawlessness’ in this verse while the Antichrist is referred to as the ‘man of lawlessness’ in the Bible.

I recently read a Christian author who said that God speaks to us through the circumstances of our life….if we would only listen. Before now, I had always incorrectly believed that God was in Heaven, we were on Earth and that God sometimes intervened in our life through prayer. I now know that God is with us always, is everywhere, loves us and is definitely communicating through the circumstances of our lives. I have had many examples of God answering my prayers over the past 2 months through many different circumstances. It really has been amazing. I began to pray regularly soon after researching 9/11 and the Illuminati due to the many obvious questions. Is this true? If it is true, why am I now discovering all of this? Why is this happening now? What should I do with this information? Initially, I was concerned with whether the Illuminati were as powerful as I was led to believe. I prayed for an answer to this question and received my answer a few days later. Through many different circumstances, I ended up in a building designed and built by the Illuminati. The fact that I ended up in this building was pure chance (or so I thought). As I began to realize the significance of what I was seeing, it dawned on me. God was providing my answer in a very dramatic way to finally get my attention. There is only one word to describe this experience: POWERFUL. At one point I re-entered the building after everyone else had left to take a second look at the images and writings in the building (because at the time I was having a hard time believing what I was seeing). There was no doubt that the building was built by the Illuminati and the future purpose of the building also became clear to me (the building was constructed in the 1920’s). As I stated before, this is one of many circumstances where God has shown me answers to my many questions. After 34 years of minimal prayer and worship, I can honestly say after the past 2 months that there is nothing in this world that cannot be accomplished by praying to our Heavenly Father.

So, after weeks of research and long nights, the final question became…what do I do with this information? What will other people think? I spoke to my pastor about this and received the exact same answer as I received from my prayers…Prepare. We can’t stop it, so we must be prepared spiritually first and foremost, and ensure that others are prepared. Jesus tells us that these things must happen, but not to worry. I just never thought that I would see them unfold during my lifetime. My student Bible makes an important statement that we all forget at times: ‘As Christians, we must never forget that there is an ongoing behind the scenes battle of good versus evil.’ We must always remember that Satan is at work in the world and through God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, it is our duty to fight against evil. I have sat on the sidelines over the course of my life and watched others become actively involved in working for Christ while I did very little. I believe that I (and now you) have been given this message as a way to get us in the game. God has shown me what is really important in this life and I am making changes because of it. If you haven’t already, my hope is that you will do the same.

The final piece of this is….. what does the future bring and how do I prepare for it? This is difficult to communicate, but I believe we are going to see another ‘Terrorist’ event later this year. Unfortunately, I believe it’s potentially going to involve multiple U.S. cities and make us forget 9/11. Why do I believe this? There are a couple of reasons, and I would be glad to share them with you, for now I will simply say that there are signs. The reason for these ‘events’ is simple….the powers controlling this will use fear to further reduce freedoms and liberties throughout the free world. Currently, the world is being kept in a constant state of fear…terror alerts, bombings, plane crashes….we are constantly bombarded with worry. This is referred to in the Bible. If you haven’t read the Patriot Act, I would encourage you to do so. Many ‘temporary’ provisions of the Act were made permanent by Congress…with little notice from our media. As for day to day preparation, Karen and I are moving everything out of the stock market. I’m still working on this, but precious metals do well during times of uncertainty, so we’re moving a significant % of our savings into gold. I realize these things may sound strange, but the time will come very soon when we cannot depend on past ‘trends’, stock market or otherwise. I continue to pray for guidance and ask that you do the same.

I have no doubt that some of us are ready and have been ready for whatever comes our way. I will tell you that after much soul-searching, I was not ready for any of this. By ready, I mean a true belief that Jesus Christ died for me and the commitment of my life to him. As my brother and I have discussed, simply believing Jesus Christ died on the Cross is not enough. We must live our lives according to His will and commit ourselves to Him for the glory of God and our own salvation. Like most people, I went to Church on Sunday when it was convenient for me (and I wasn’t too tired), rarely prayed and gave to the Church whatever I didn’t spend in a given month. I then wondered why I never had a close relationship with God. It seems so simple now. I will admit that all of the things I have recently discovered initially depressed me. It’s not easy for good people to accept that evil is very powerful and can affect world leaders and world events. The Bible tells us that we cannot defend ourselves against Satan without God on our side. Ephesians Chapter 6 Verses 10:20 ‘Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the Devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all of this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.’ Amen! Whether we choose to believe it or not, there is spiritual warfare being waged in our world. All of the things in this world that distract us from what’s important, who do you think is behind it? Without the armor of God, you are on the field of battle with nothing to protect yourself. A year ago I will admit that I was scared and fearful after learning these things. Now I fear nothing in this world….and you will feel the same through your relationship with God. As my pastor said while we were discussing this, ‘Bring it on! I’m ready.’

Why was I depressed about these things I have learned? …because I love this world, I love my family, I loved my life and because of the society that I live in, I forgot one of the most important things we must never forget as Christians, that this life is simply a brief stopover before our true life in eternity begins. As Christians, we must separate ourselves from the world and the things in it. Not easy to do. Why do Jesus and His Disciples warn us time and again about the many temptations that Satan will throw at us? Because Jesus knows that it is difficult for us. Matthew Chapter 13 Verses 13:14 ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.’ Jesus is telling us that we must believe in and follow Him to receive eternal life and God’s purpose for us in this life. I will say that although I know all of these things are coming to pass, I have never experienced the peace that I now enjoy. It’s amazing how wonderful life is when you are released from the worries of this world and are able to place your life in His hands. Jesus told us that He is the Truth and the Truth will set you free from this world. I won’t lie to you, when you’re looking out over the edge of the precipice, it takes true faith to step out and know that God is going to catch you. My reason for sending this to you is the sincere hope that you are prepared for what is to come if you are a Christian, or like myself, find the faith that will lead you to truly believe that Jesus Christ died and was resurrected by the grace of God, so that you can have eternal life. He is, after all, the savior of this world! We will go through some tough times ahead, but we have God and each other to help us through. Best of all, the good guys win!
You are wondering if what I’m telling you is true. I assure you that it is. Remember, I’m just the messenger.

A couple of books that I have read that provide thorough information on these topics. There are many others as well.

‘Rule by Secrecy’ – Jim Marrs
‘Inside Job - Unraveling the 9/11 conspiracies’ – Jim Marrs
Couple of websites relating to 9/11:

Philly Fed Misses - Markets Soar - Sept 15 2011

We are watching greed coupled with ignorance - blind the world.

Even though underlying economic data continues to deteriorate (unemployment, wages, manufacturing, inflation, local – state – federal deficits, etc.), stock markets rocket on the news that central banks are ‘helping’ the European dollar liquidity issues (albeit with more debt) and the hope of additional QE.

The world is placing its hope with the very people planning its demise.

Expect extreme volatility to continue throughout markets until the rug is pulled out from under us.

Remember – all of this ‘help’ is being done now so that the central bankers and world political leaders can tell you later that they did everything possible to save the system.

We know the truth.


September 15, 2011


Philly Fed Misses, Market Soars As Inflation Roars Back With Prices Paid Doubling

Submitted byTyler Durdenon 09/15/2011 10:10 -0400

Love bizarro day, Embrace bizarro day, Have its child. The Philly Fed missed consensus of -15.0, printing at -17.5, though better than last months abysmal -30.7 print... and stocks rip on expectations of more, more, more, intervention. As for how QE will work when the Philly Fed just announced its Prices Paid category doubled from 12.8 to 23.2... well, it dont matter to Jesus.

Fromthe report:

Responses to the Business Outlook Survey this month suggest that regional manufacturing activity is continuing to contract, but declines are less widespread than in August. The survey’s broad indicators for activity, shipments, and new orders all remained negative for the second consecutive month. Responding firms, however, indicated that employment was slightly higher this month. The broadest indicator of future activity remained positive and rebounded this month, suggesting that recent declines are not expected to continue over the next six months.

And on Inflation, which is back:

Increasing costs were somewhat more widespread this month compared to last month. Nearly 29 percent of firms reported paying higher prices for inputs this month. Only 6 percent reported lower prices. The prices paid diffusion index increased 10 points, its first one?month increase in seven months.

Full table:

And chart:

United States Monetary System and Descent into Fascism

June 24, 2011

Excellent article on our monetary system and the Constitution – and where we are headed as a nation.

Time to end the apathy.



Guest Post: The U.S. Monetary System And Descent Into Fascism An Interview With Dr. Edwin Vieira

Submitted byTyler Durdenon 06/23/2011 22:23 -0400

Submitted by David Galland ofThe Casey Report

The U.S. Monetary System And Descent Into Fascism An Interview With Dr. Edwin Vieira

The following interview with Dr. Vieira was conducted in early June of 2011 for the subscribers ofThe Casey Report– but after careful consideration, we decided that the content is so important; it needs to be shared with a wider audience. Feel free to pass it along.

David Galland
Managing Editor
The Casey Report

For more than thirty years, Edwin Vieira, Jr., has practiced law, with emphasis on constitutional issues. In the Supreme Court of the United States, he successfully argued or briefed the cases leading to the landmark decisions Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson, and Communications Workers of America v. Beck, which established constitutional and statutory limitations on the uses to which labor unions, in both the private and the public sectors, may apply fees extracted from nonunion workers as a condition of their employment.

He has written numerous monographs and articles in scholarly journals, and lectured throughout the county. His most recent work on money and banking is the two-volumePieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution(2002), the most comprehensive study in existence of American monetary law and history viewed from a constitutional perspective.

He is also the co-author (under a nom de plume) of the political novelCRA$HMAKER: A Federal Affaire(2000), a not-so-fictional story of an engineered crash of the Federal Reserve System, and the political upheaval it causes.

His latest book is:How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary... andConstitutional Homeland Security, Volume One, The Nation in Arms.

We first met Dr. Vieira at our Casey Research Boca Raton Summit and were sufficiently impressed to want to hear more, and to share more, of his work with readers of The Casey Report.

DAVID:Before kicking things off, I’d refer readers to Dr. Vieira’s in-depth and excellent paper, A Cross of Gold, as that provides a more detailed analysis on how the corrupt U.S. monetary system might transition into something more honest and effective.

Getting started, from a big-picture perspective, technically speaking, is the current U.S. monetary system actually constitutional?

EDWIN:Well, technically speaking, factually speaking, legally speaking, no. In a word, no.

DAVID:Why not?

EDWIN:There are two levels to consider. First, theres the straight currency level – what is supposed to be the official monetary unit. Then there is “other,” which I distinguish as different from the official monetary unit because the Constitution doesn’t prohibit private parties from creating media of exchange for their own uses, as long as those media of exchange are non-fraudulent and they’re operated in an otherwise honest commercial fashion.

But the official unit of currency is supposed to be the dollar, and Ill tell you exactly what a dollar is – its 371.25 grains of silver in the form of a coin. That was determined as a historical fact in 1792. Actually the dollar was adopted before the Constitution was even written. It was adopted by the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation, the so-called Spanish milled dollar, which was the actual unit that was circulating then, because there had been essentially no coinage under the various colonial regimes in colonial America. So thats the dollar unit.

Well, do we have that now? The answer is, Well, essentially, no. First, obviously they are not coining a true dollar, they coin a Liberty Silver Dollar, but thats 480 grains, not 371.25 grains. And you have various gold coinage with dollar denominations on it, but those dollar denominations have no real relationship in terms of market exchange ratio to a silver unit of 371.25 grains.

So the short answer is that within the coinage system we don’t have what were supposed to have. We have silver coins, we have gold coins, but they’re not properly weighted or regulated. And then, of course, we have these base metallic coins, which have no constitutional status at all – at least with respect to being legal tender for their face values. So on the coinage side, we have a mélange and a mess. At least there is some silver and gold coinage, but it doesn’t meet the constitutional requirements.

On the other side, the so-called official paper money side, the Constitution does not provide for official paper money. What it does address are two provisions; the first, dealing with the states, specifically says, No state shall emit bills of credit. As a word of explanation, bills of credit were the founding fathers terminology for paper currency.

This is interesting because the paper currency they actually used and emitted were bills of credit that promised to pay something, typically gold and silver coins, specified on the face of the bill. So even those types of paper currency, fully redeemable paper currency, were outlawed for the states because the states had emitted them in vast excess. That was the historical basis for the outlawry.

Now, turning our attention to Congress, you need to recall that Congress only has the powers that are granted to it. You don’t look in the Constitution for prohibitions on Congresss authority and assume that it can do everything that isnt prohibited. You look for delegations of authority, and you assume that anything that hasn’t been delegated is prohibited.

If you look at the original draft of the Constitution in the Constitutional Convention, the Federal Convention of 1787, it said, Congress shall have the power to borrow money and emit bills on the credit of the United States.

That language was taken from the Articles of Confederation. The Congress operating under those articles had the power to borrow money and emit bills – emit paper currency – and they did it. They emitted the so-called continental currency from which came the phrase not worth a continental because they emitted so much of it that it depreciated very close to worthlessness.

At the Constitutional Convention, you had people in attendance who had been members of the Continental Congress. They had been members of various state legislatures. These were the leading political figures in the country. They had to a large extent been the ones who had emitted continental currency or had emitted various state bills of credit. So this was a question that wasnt in some way alien to them as they had been involved in it only a few years earlier.

So the first draft of the Constitution was put forward with the same power that the Continental Congress had, and there was a debate. You look at Madisons notes, and it was a rather vociferous debate, and they threw out the words emit bills, so that now that provision of the Constitution says, Congress shall have the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. It says nothing about emitting bills.

Well, by hypothesis, if the power is proposed and then stricken from the final version, it doesn’t exist, right? You don’t need to be a Harvard law school graduate to understand that.

So we look at those two provisions of the Constitution: One explicitly prohibiting the states from emitting bills of credit, because otherwise the states would retain that power. And the other with respect to Congress, where they didn’t grant the power, even though the power was proposed to be granted and that proposal was overruled, and so it wasnt granted. Based on that it is clear, I would say, that there is no power in Congress or in the states to issue bills of credit.

What we have now is something I think goes almost beyond the bill of credit, though it’s not really fiat currency because the Federal Reserve note, according to the statute, is supposed to be redeemed in lawful money. So in principle one could go back to the Federal Reserve Bank or one could take it to the Treasury – both have the obligation of redemption – and you could exchange a Federal Reserve note for one of these base metallic coins now in circulation. So, I guess it still could be called a bill of credit in the sense that you can actually receive some coinage, but what is the coinage that you receive?

Interestingly, we had an example of this type of problem in the period around the Civil War. During the Civil War and just after, the Union Government issued “greenbacks” – legal tender U.S. Treasury notes – and that was the first time that the government had purported to issue any kind of paper currency under the Constitution.

They did it once again under a wartime emergency – and for a short time, those things were not redeemed because the government was not paying out gold except as interest on bonds. They had to suspend specie payments during the war, but the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of that issuance of those greenbacks, I think erroneously, but they upheld it specifically on the basis that the greenbacks were to be redeemed in the constitutional currency of gold and silver.

All right, so even the furthest extent of error that has been made by the judicial system, with respect to paper currency, was premised on that paper currency being a true bill of credit in that it would be redeemed in the constitutional coinage of the country.

Well, if you look at the Federal Reserve note, you have a number of problems with it: Number one, its not issued by the Treasury. Its issued by this banking cartel. No Federal Reserve note can come into existence unless one of the 12 regional banks, each of which is a private corporation, goes to the Board of Governors with certain assets defined in the statute and asks the Board of Governors to generate Federal Reserve notes.

The Board of Governors cant generate Federal Reserve notes on its own, neither can the Treasury. So these things are being generated by a private corporation, and they’re not redeemable as a matter of law in the official constitutional silver or gold currency of the country. So they probably have four or five constitutional strikes against them. Especially if you look at the difference between U.S. Treasury notes and Federal Reserve notes. Treasury notes were always the product of some specific statute enacted by Congress, where Congress would say that so many millions of dollars worth of these notes are to be emitted.

DAVID:Right, and emitting those notes obviously falls within their right to borrow money.

EDWIN:Well, assuming that thats what they’re doing – and that was the Supreme Courts decision in the legal tender cases after the Civil War – they said, well, that’s a form of borrowing money. It really isnt because its a form of generating money. You don’t borrow money when you generate money – the concept is nonsense – but even assuming that thats the case, Congress has the power to borrow money and they specify a certain amount of money.

Well, they haven’t specified a certain amount of money to come out of the Federal Reserve system ever. Theres absolutely no specification – thats all left to the whim of the Federal Reserve banks. So assuming that Congress had the power to generate Treasury notes, they would do it in a controlled fashion by telling us exactly how much is supposed to come out with each emission. Here they have purported to delegate this power to a consortium of private bankers, so this is like six or seven strikes. This is worse than baseball.

DAVID:And at this point, you really cannot redeem your Federal Reserve notes for anything anywhere. I mean, you can trade them with other people for other goods, and then you can take them to the bank and redeem them in base metal coins worth a fraction of their face value.

EDWIN:Well, initially Federal Reserve notes were required to be redeemed in gold, and then that was removed in 33 and 34 with the gold seizure. So now we have notes that, as John Exter used to say, are an IOU-Nothing Currency – because with respect to the banks and with respect to the Treasury, they owe you nothing, and if you go into the marketplace, you may be able to get whatever someone will give you for them, but you have no legal right to demand any particular amount of anything.

A redeemable currency, by law, is a currency that has a requirement that the issuer redeem it in something that is specified, a certain weight of gold, a certain weight of silver, whatever. So at one time, Federal Reserve notes were redeemable currency.

Now, I suppose, as I said, they’re not a fiat currency because you can get this base metallic stuff for them, but the constitutional requirement, assuming that you could have a bill of credit at all, would be that it had to be paid in the constitutional coinage unit. So this is the problem. Constitutionally, the thing is a first-class mess.

DAVID:So you’ve got eight strikes or so against this currency, constitutionally speaking, and yet the situation persists. Why hasn’t there been a successful challenge to the system in the courts?

EDWIN:Looking at challenges that have come up over the years, I would start by looking back to the 30s, because in the 30s you had two events. The first was a gold seizure followed by the second, the prohibition of gold clauses in contracts.

You had one set of cases that came up to the Supreme Court dealing with the prohibition of gold clause contracts, and one can only look at those and shake one’s head and say, Well, this is just, you know, fraud, complete double talk, nonsense. And interestingly enough, they never took on the gold seizure. They never decided a case on the gold seizure, even though cases were brought to them. They refused to hear them, and I think the reason was even they knew they couldnt figure out how to justify that one, how to rationalize that.

Subsequently, you’ve had attempts by people to challenge the Federal Open Market Committee in particular, because the Federal Open Market Committee of course is composed not only of the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Now, arguably, because they’re appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate, you could say they’re officials of the government, although thats an open question thats never really been decided. But the other members of that committee are representatives of the private Federal Reserve regional banks, about which there have been a number of challenges brought on the ground that you cant allow private parties to participate in that kind of a committee – a committee that is essentially making governmental monetary policy.

Every one of those challenges has been thrown out without reaching the merits. They’ve been thrown out on some kind of standing ground – either the courts have refused to hear them at all, or they’ve thrown them out on what I would call tangential grounds, really not getting to the merits. I think the ultimate reason for that is probably out of fear or prudence, depending on how you want to characterize it.

I mean, if Im a judge and somebody comes to me with one of these cases and says, I want you to overturn this entire monetary structure by knocking out this important provision or that important provision, I say to myself, Well, yes, I guess I could do that, legally speaking. I can write an opinion saying that this provision of the law is unconstitutional and its no longer effective.

But then what happens?

I cant write, in my opinion, an order to Congress to pass a particular statute to correct that situation, so although I can throw a judicial monkey wrench into the gears, I cant do anything to prevent the disaster that will then occur as a result of blowing up that mechanism. Ergo, wearing the hat of a judge, Im going to stand back and not get involved but rather leave it to Congress to solve, if possible.

DAVID:But once you start down that path where you have, lets say, a certain amount of elasticity on when you follow the Constitution and when you just look the other way, doesn’t that set the stage for all sorts of gyrations and further miscarriages of justice and even fraud? As Doug Casey has commented on numerous occasions, at this point the country is being operated on a very corrupt basis.

EDWIN:Well, I agree with him 100%. After the Civil War, in theKnox v. Leelegal tender case, the Supreme Court could have said, Yes, we understand this was done during the Civil War, but it’s unconstitutional, and you cant continue with this. And so any contracts that were made in this illegal money will be revalued in constitutional money. If they had taken that position back then, they could have worked it all out because they did just that for the confederate states.

The confederate states were considered to be an illegal operation entirely, a criminal rebellion. The confederate states generated a huge amount of paper currency, and a number of cases came to the Supreme Court after the Civil War dealing with the enforcement of contracts in the confederate states that had been made implicitly or explicitly in confederate money. What were we going to do with these contracts?

And the Supreme Court said, Well, to the extent the contracts were for an illegal purpose, such as supplying arms to the Confederate Army, then they were void, but if it was a contract to buy wood or something from a farmer or whatever, these people were forced into using that currency because thats where they were, they had no choice, and we will simply revalue those contracts and enforce them for their fair worth, thats just simple equity.

They could have done the exact same thing with respect to the greenbacks of the Civil War – saying that the greenbacks were unconstitutional and lets never do this again. But they didn’t, and as a result set a precedent, and one precedent leads to another, and thats precisely why were here.

The same thing during the 1930s with the gold clause cases: They could have declared that statute unconstitutional right then and there because nothing had yet happened, but they played this game in the Supreme Court.

DAVID:So, the Supreme Court ducked crucial issues and allowed precedents to be set for the creation of a monetary system that is clearly unconstitutional and, importantly, unsound. So here we are today, with everything totally screwed up. Do you think the monetary system now operating in the U.S. – and around the world, for that matter – can survive as is? Or is it going to have to change, and relatively soon?

EDWIN:Well, it’s going to have to change, raising the questions, “In what direction and under whose control?” Historically, the United States has seen each one of these faulty systems go into self-destruction mode, followed by the government ratcheting things up to the next-higher level.

Thus the First Bank of the United States was followed by the Second Bank of the United States, neither of which was really a central bank. They were just private banks that operated as fiscal agents for the government. And there were a lot of state banks, and these all went into some kind of failure mode.

Along comes the Civil War, and they come up with the National Banking System, which was a cartelization of banks tied into the U.S. Treasury, so they moved it from the level of individual banks – that might have been state chartered or chartered by Congress but were nevertheless essentially separate private entities – into a cartel structure that had a direct connection to the Treasury.

Now that direct connection to the Treasury was that those banks had to buy U.S. Treasury bonds, and then they would deposit those with the Treasury, and theyd get 90% of the value of the bonds back in currency, which they could then use for their own private purposes. That system didn’t work because at that point in time, people were not interested in amassing ever greater federal debt, and the expansion of that banking system depended upon amassing ever greater amounts of federal debt.

Well, that system goes into crisis and what do they do? Do they correct it? No, they go to the next level and give us the national lender of last resort, the Federal Reserve System. Essentially improving the cartel structure. That thing lasts only from 1914 to 1932, about 20 years, before it collapses. Does Roosevelt solve this problem by dealing strictly with fractional reserve? No, he raises it to another level by expanding the powers of the Federal Reserve System and taking gold away from the American people.

That lasts until after World War II, at Bretton Woods, when the United States Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve note become the World Central Bank and the World Central Reserve Currency, as a matter of fact, and how long does that last? Until 1971, right? By then, so much gold has left the country because of the profligate policies of Congress, especially the war in Vietnam and Johnsons War on Poverty, that Nixon finally has to stop gold redemption in 1971.

Which brings us to the present, and we are again back in crisis mode, and what are they telling us? Oh, weve got to go to the next level. Weve got to create a New World Central Bank. Maybe this will be the IMF or whatever, but we are going to expand the thing to the next level until we have the final blowout. Because this is what they’ve always done.

DAVID:It seems to me that once the U.S. government starts talking about a global currency that Americans will finally say, No, enough, were just not going there.” For a lot of reasons, nationalism and because of the negative examples being provided by the failing experiment with the euro?

While I have long been shocked at the depth of the apathy of the American people, I have a hard time believing they would turn our currency over to the IMF or any international body. If you agree, doesn’t that mean that we could be at the point now – in this crisis – where its not going to go any further? That the madness stops here?

EDWIN:Yes, I was not saying that their plan will work, rather I was just restating what their plan is. I don’t think its going to be successful. The euro gives us a good example of why its not going to be successful. Also, they have another difficulty; to set up a system of this kind, they’re going to have to pass some serious legislation to tie us into some kind of world currency system.

DAVID:Which will never happen.

EDWIN:Thats right. Can you imagine what the deadlock would be in Congress over that? So actually we have an opportunity here. The door has finally opened for some serious monetary reform because the other side has come essentially to a dead end.

DAVID:Because they cant keep amassing ever-increasing amounts of national debt. Were reaching the limit on that.

EDWIN:Thats right. So here we are, and now the question really comes back to whether there are enough people in America who understand this and are willing to take the appropriate steps to start putting in some alternative?

I don’t think this can be done from the top down. I don’t think Congress is going to solve this problem, and certainly the bankers are not going to give them the right legislation to solve this problem. It has to be solved from the bottom up.

DAVID:Bottom up?

EDWIN:The beauty of the constitutional system is, we have these intermediate political bodies called the state governments that have certain reserved constitutional authority. They haven’t been exercising it for a long time, but its there, and part of that is monetary, and interestingly enough this has already been decided by the Supreme Court. Its not as if Im inventing this idea.

After the Civil War, we had a similar situation. Before they went back to gold redemption, you had depreciating legal tender Treasury notes circulating, and there was gold and silver circulating as well. That had not been withdrawn from circulation, so in the first case of this kind, the State of Oregon had a law that required that its taxes be paid in gold and silver coin and someone tried to pay in legal-tender Treasury notes on the theory that Congress has made these legal tender for all debts and therefore that overrides the laws of the State of Oregon requiring payment of taxes in gold and silver.

Well, the case gets all the way to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court says No, wrong. The states have residual sovereignty.” They are sovereign governments, except to the extent that they’ve surrendered certain powers to the national government, and one of the powers they have not surrendered is the power of taxation – one of the basic governmental powers. I guess you could include borrowing and spending, so forth and so on, but they have the right to perform basic governmental functions, taxation being one of them.

If a state determines for its own purposes it needs to tax in gold coin and silver coin or bullion, then the state can do it and Congress has nothing to say about it. From which it would follow that step number one would be for a state to start saying, We’re going to tax or spend or borrow, or whatever, in gold coin, silver coin, gold bullion, silver bullion.

DAVID:Recently there was legislation in Utah defining gold as being legal for settling debts and so forth. Correct?

EDWIN:Well, theres a statute that just came out in Utah, which I would call more of a “making a statement” statute than a substantive statute, because they recognize the United States gold and silver coin as legal tender. Well, they have no choice – it is, thats constitutional. The statute merely recognizes that people can make contracts, enforceable contracts using gold and silver coin, and thats also their right. But its the first time that a state has actually stood up and said something about monetary policy. Even so, a journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step, right?

DAVID:Looking at the descent of the dollar and its steep downtrend since 2002 – against other currencies and, of course, gold – one can’t but wonder, how much further can it fall before you get a real crisis? One that the government won’t be able to deal with?

Based on the historical precedent you mentioned, it just continues to go down until it reaches the point they have to come up with something else. Given the strong probability that, in time, the Fed is going to have to step back in with another round of quantitative easing, do you think that could be the trigger for the bottom falling out from under the dollar?

EDWIN:I think so, because of the large percentage of debt required to finance the government at this point – I think it is now running around 46%. Victor Sperandeo has done some work on hyperinflations and found that apparently once that number gets over around 40-41%, thats the end.

According to his work, in every big example of hyperinflation since the French Revolution, that number is apparently the tipping point on the rollercoaster. You’ve gone over the top, and now gravity takes over and down you go to the bottom. They cant stop the thing. So were nowat46%, at least it was on the 12th of May, 46%, and it doesn’t seem to me theres any will or intelligence in Congress to correct this, and its not going to be the Federal Reserve that corrects this, its going to have to be done legislatively.

Of course, the government could do something radical to correct the situation – there is always the “if-then” type analysis, but assuming that they don’t take radical steps to correct it, which seems a safe assumption, that’s the direction we’re heading in.

DAVID:So we could already be over the top on this, as far as this is concerned.

EDWIN:Yes, that’s the fear – and once were over the top, thats the end of the game. The rollercoaster goes to the bottom. Theres no stopping it.

DAVID:Interesting in this whole discussion is that the U.S. has been the driver in the global adoption of the monetary system we now have, starting with Bretton Woods and then when Nixon stopped gold redeemability. At that point, everybody just sort of went along, continuing to use the U.S. dollar as a de facto reserve currency. But all of a sudden, today, you look around and can’t help realizing the problem is global in scale, leaving none of the paper currencies as a viable alternative. Are there any conceivable solutions to a crisis of this scale?

EDWIN:If you want to go back to a sound currency system and a sound political system – and by sound political system, I mean one in which the political powers cant manipulate money – then it has to be tied to some free-market commodity, right? Historically the two that have worked have been gold and silver, and that actually is the constitutional standard, so unless we want to change the Constitution, we have to work with that.

Fortunately it will work, so we can do that. The mechanism for doing it is the question, and as I say, its got to come through the states. Looking at this from the investors point of view, I don’t know if there are good investments in the collapse of Western civilization. Which is what were facing.

DAVID:A lot of people think that if you own gold, enough gold, that youll come out of this okay. What is your general view on that?

EDWIN:In the hyperinflationary event, if you held something like 15% or 20% of your total portfolio in gold and the rest of it goes to zero, you wont gain anything but you will not lose anything. That said, my interest has never really been in this from an investment point of view, except investment in a political sense.

Looking down the road in an attempt to see what this country will look like if we go through a hyperinflationary event – and if out of that doesn’t come a sound currency and restrictions on the governments power to manipulate money and credit – it appears to me that what could emerge is a first-class fascist police state.

DAVID:Because restricting the government’s ability to manipulate the money also restricts their ability to do everything that they are currently? Putting in those restrictions would then limit them from being involved in so many parts of the economy, as they now are. Obviously, in a monetary system built around sound money, they couldn’t keep spending money at this level.

EDWIN:Thats right. If you have a system based on real money, we would not have this elephantiasis of government. So that was the great failure of the Supreme Court not asking, Wait a minute, if we let them have this, where will that lead? They didn’t look down the road. Maybe they did. Maybe thats what they wanted. Maybe they were extreme nationalists of the Hamiltonian view of The more power the better, but an intelligent person will look and say, Wait a minute, we cant put these powers into the hands of mere politicians.

DAVID:So do you really think a collapse of the Western civilization is avoidable at this point?

EDWIN:No. Thats what Im worried about.

DAVID:It seems avoidable if the politicians acknowledged the reality of the situation and dealt with it accordingly, but do you see any hope that its politically likely?

EDWIN:Well, Im going to give it a year or two to see what the states start doing here. Were seeing more and more resistance, at least verbally, coming out of state legislatures and even out of some state governors to various encroachments by the people in Washington. We’ve seen some push-back in the healthcare area, TSA, and then theres this business with illegal immigration, and now some states are beginning to talk about monetary reform.

Theres not too much the states can do about TSA. Theres probably not too much they can do about healthcare, because that would have to be decided in the courts, and god knows thats a wasteland. Immigration is kind of back and forth/up and down, but on monetary reform, if a state passed the right statute, they could potentially bring that about within 30, 60, or 90 days. Especially if they put in one of these electronic gold/electronic silver type systems, which is off-the-shelf technology.

DAVID:How could it work?

EDWIN:Within 90 days of the passage of the statute, you could have everybody in that state with electronic gold debit cards dialed into the price structure in all of the supermarkets and so forth. People could essentially opt out of the Federal Reserve System if they wanted to.

DAVID:So watching the states for a hopeful plan is something we can do.

EDWIN:Thats right, and if they don’t do it within the next year or 18 months, then I would begin to become very pessimistic.

DAVID:Since we’re talking about being pessimistic, let’s talk a bit about the real dark side of all of this – namely that it appears to many that the U.S. is in the early stages of becoming a police state. Supporting that view, there are things I thought I’d never see in my lifetime, institutionally sanctioned renditions and torture, Guantanamo, the recent Supreme Court ruling that police can kick down your door based upon hearing what they consider to be a suspicious noise – the list of things the government is doing these days goes on and on, including the current blatant attempt to assassinate Gaddafi. So where do you think we are on the scale from 1-10, 1 being perfect liberty and 10 being full-on police state?

EDWIN:About 6-1/2 to 7, because they’ve set up the principles for it. You don’t have to have the police breaking in every day to have a police state, you simply have to have the judiciary saying, If they break in, well let them do it. Its the principle of the thing. The NKVD didn’t arrest everybody in Stalins Russia, but the principle was in place so they could arrest anybody, and thats the problem.

If you type “police brutality” into Google or some other search engine, how many YouTube hits do you think youll get? Huge number, right? And they become more grotesque every day. If I were a Supreme Court justice, I might look at this and say, This is the real problem in the country, but of course those people live in an ivory tower, so they don’t know or perhaps care about reality. If they did, they would know enough to know this is becoming a real problem.

So, as a Supreme Court justice, would I want to give them a principle that allows the police to solidify and expand that kind of oppressive behavior? And the answer would have to be, No, I don’t. The Constitution could never have foreseen this or allowed for this, right?


EDWIN:And yet they allow for it. Now, either this is the biggest bunch of idiots that has ever been assembled in judicial robes in the history of humanity, or theres some other agenda going on here.

DAVID:Assuming that they are not complete idiots, what could that other agenda be?

EDWIN:In my view, and Ive written about this for years, the people at the top levels of government understand that their monetary system is inherently flawed. That were on the Titanic, in a sense, and they know that this ship is going to sink. They don’t know when, but they know when it sinks, they’re going to have a huge amount of economic dislocation, social crisis and civil unrest to the level of revolt.

So they started developing this police state mechanism in the hopes of keeping the lid on the garbage can when the monetary system breaks down. The upper echelons of the judiciary have been going right along with this because they know what the program is. This is obvious. No one in his right mind would stand by and allow the sort of excesses we’ve seen.

Just the other day, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment doesn’t apply at all because you can sue the police after they’ve mistakenly broken into your home. But when they break into your home and they kill you, then what?

DAVID:Not a lot of recourse then.

EDWIN:Right, like that poor ex-marine that was shot 60 times in Arizona, and hes dead – now what, can he bring a lawsuit? Have we lost our minds? I mean, you don’t have to be a Harvard-educated lawyer to know that this is insanity. This does not rise to the level of just mere error. No one in his right mind can write these kinds of opinions, which means that either they’re insane, which I don’t believe, or they have another agenda, and the judicial opinions are simply camouflage – they’re propaganda to convince us that Oh well, this is all right because Judge Flapdoddle told us that its all right.

DAVID:Likewise, when you look at whats been going on with the government’s spending, which is clearly insane, I mean, who would have thought they could even conceive of running a $1.5 trillion annual deficit?

EDWIN:And going up.

DAVID:And going up, and planning on this continuing well into the future. In your paper A Cross of Gold, you mentioned that all told, the U.S. government’s total outstanding obligations at this point add up to something like 200 trillion dollars?

EDWIN:Yes, thats Professor Kotlikoffs, at Boston University, figure, not mine.

DAVID:So it’s hard to draw any other conclusion than that the government is operating in a complete fantasy. That everything is completely off the rails. Then you look at the judiciary and some of the things they have approved and looked the other way on, and it sure begins to look like fascism to me.

You and I see it, a lot of our readers look at it, but most people are so passive about it. Everybody is so quiet, and there is nobody making any waves – is that because its too late? Before you answer, Ill give you just a quick anecdote that I think makes the point.

I was at a party not too long ago with a bunch of young people, and we were talking about some topic that was mildly controversial, and one of them said, I’d love to look up more about that online, but I don’t want it to be part of my permanent search record.” So, the youth of America already have it in their heads that anything they do online is being monitored and will be in their search records forever and accessible to the government.

Back to my question, have we reached that stage where people are quietly huddling behind the doors of their houses, trying to keep a low profile so the government will leave them alone?

EDWIN:Given the current state of things, Im sure there are a lot of people deliberately deciding to adopt a low profile, politically or socially. A lot of this has to do not so much with politics but what your neighbors or your coworkers will say about you, right? If you tell them something that is actually happening in the world, you will be labeled a conspiracy theorist; they’ll look at you as if youre crazy.

But what about the activists? At a certain stage, the great mass of people will look around for leadership figures. When the economic crisis comes, they’re going to want someone to tell them how to get out of it. They’re not going to know the answers themselves. The question is, will there be activists, leadership figures, proposing the right solutions – and how soon will they come along?

Thats why I look at this Tea Party Movement, using that in a generic sense, an indication of the ground swell of discontent thats out there. Theres a huge amount of that, but at this point its not particularly directed. Of course the establishment is trying to co-opt it, with Gingrich and others trying to claim that they’re leadership figures in this movement, and that deflects it from the direction in which it ought to go.

By contrast, you do have the Ron Paul-type movement. I mean, look at Ron Paul as an example. This is not a charismatic figure. Hes a very diffident individual, a very shy individual, not someone that you could possibly imagine as a man on a white horse in a political sense. He certainly has had very little real effect in Congress. Hes been the gadfly, hes been the critic, but he hasn’t put in any legislation of consequence that has been passed. Hes made a lot of noise about the Federal Reserve, but hes constantly being blocked by the real power structure in Congress in terms of getting anything done there. Yet nevertheless a whole political movement has essentially crystallized around him.

I look at him as the surfer on the wave. The surfer is not the important thing, the wave is the important thing. The surfer would be nowhere without the wave. That wave is out there, and its just waiting for the right surfer. Hes the first one thats come along, but there will be others, perhaps some state governor who is actually competent, and he looks at this monetary system and he says, To hell with this. Heres what we have to do, and they put in that alternative currency statute, the proper one, not the kind of statement that was made in Utah, but a proper functioning one. In which case he will become the next president of the United States, and then we will see what will happen.

DAVID:Any time the states try to go their own way on issues that the federal government doesn’t like, the federal government starts to threaten them with losing their highway funds or education funds, or whatever. Isnt that part of the problem?

EDWIN:Well, it certainly is part of the problem, and thats why youre going to have to have some real leader in the state who is going to say, We have priorities, and our first priority is correcting the monetary problem, the currency problem, and well worry about those federal education funds later. In fact, what we may do is stop paying some money to the federal government.

Unfortunately, once you allow the federal government to have the kind of influence they now have over the states, the states have essentially rolled over. So, at some stage, they have to say no.

Thats why I say that at some point down the line, if we see nothing happening on the state level – if we see these bills being put in and being constantly defeated, and no one comes forward to take leadership on these issues – well, Ill throw up my hands and say, We just don’t have the leadership group, we don’t have the Patrick Henrys, we don’t have the Thomas Jeffersons, we don’t have the Sam Adams, we just don’t have those people anymore, and thats the end.”

But I don’t believe it will come to that. We have over 300 million people in this country, we cant find a few hundred?

DAVID:Well, we will certainly keep an eye on the states for somebody to show up one of these days. Governor Christie in New Jersey seems like a pretty sound guy.

EDWIN:I want to see just two things, because there are two things of real consequence right now in terms of the major powers of government historically and in terms of political philosophy. Those two things are the power of the purse and the power of the sword. In order to continue spending at the levels it now is, the government has to maintain control over the monetary system, and it has to have some kind of control over military and police force.

Under our Constitution, those two powers are supposed to be ultimately in the hands of the people. Were supposed to have a free-market-oriented and -controlled monetary system based on gold and silver, so the politicians really do not have control over the purse. They have to come to us and ask for taxes. They cant manipulate the money and use inflation as a hidden tax. Weve lost that. We failed to assert it – lets put it that way.

On the other side, we see this police state developing, with a centralized Department of Homeland Security in Washington that has tentacles reaching down into every local and state police force. This is completely contrary to the Constitution because the Constitution tells us that the thing thats necessary for the security of a free state is what? A well-regulated militia. And what is a well-regulated militia? Its composed, as the Virginia Declaration of Rights in 1776 said even before the U.S. Constitution, of the body of the people – the people organized in a certain way. Think of Switzerland.

Well, weve lost control over those two key elements, and until we get them back, we can only continue down this road to the full-blown police state. So in sizing up any politician, Id start by asking them these two things: “What are you going to do in the state to return us to a system of constitutional currency with an alternative system in this state because we cant do it in Congress?” And, number two, “What are you going to do to revitalize some kind of state militia structure, perhaps using Switzerland as the model because they’ve been very successful over the years, so that we are no longer under the control or answerable to Janet Napolitano?”

If the states can’t regain control over those two things, the rest of it is a waste of time. If you don’t have control over the high ground, as the military people would say, then you’ve lost the battle. Education funds, transportation funds, all the rest of this stuff is not even icing on the cake if you let the federal government continue to have those two powers.

They took power over the money a long time ago, and they have been systemically organizing this police state since well before 9/11; in fact, the plans for the Patriot Act were drawn up before 9/11. They understand where the high ground is, and thats why if you are a state politician and you cant answer those two questions – if you don’t tell me that those are your number one and number two priorities – forget it, well look to somebody else for leadership.

DAVID:It seems to me that unless and until there is some sort of a push-back on the state level, the situation is going to grow increasingly dangerous, looking for a trigger, so to speak. Much in the way the Arab Spring blew up almost overnight. People looked at that and said, how did that ever happen? These are some of the most oppressed people in the world, ignorant and backwards and everything else, and all of a sudden they are in the streets, risking their lives for more freedom. So, it would seem that its just a matter of time before we see something akin to an American Spring here.

EDWIN:Oh, I think so, yes. Its just terrible to think that we have to take second seat to the Egyptians in the promotion of liberty. Not to criticize the Egyptians, but Egypt has never been considered to be a country that philosophically was in the forefront of that area.

DAVID:Speaking of Egypt, I think the jury is still out on whether the military will allow the freedom movement there to take power. The Saudis are falling all over themselves to give the Egyptian military money, as is the U.S. government, so it would appear that were now trying to solidify their power.

EDWIN:Please don’t say “we” when referring to the people in Washington. Don’t include me in that list.

DAVID:(laughs) Doug Casey often says the same thing. And on that note, I’ll sign off by thanking you very much for your time. Let’s do it again some time.

For those of you who wish to hear more from Dr. Vieira, James Turk ofthe GoldMoney Foundation recently posted a video interview that you may find of interest.Heres the link.

How to Fake an Economic Recovery - February 16, 2011

This is one of the best articles I’ve seen that describes the deception surrounding our current ‘recovery’.

No comments needed.

jg – February 16, 2011


Guest Post: How To Fake An Economic Recovery

Submitted byTyler Durdenon 02/16/2011 07:44 -0500

Submitted by Giordano Bruno ofNeithercorp Press

How To Fake An Economic Recovery

This may be a highly distasteful proposition, but just for a moment, I want you to sit back, and imagine that you are a member of the corporate banking elite. You are a walking talking disease ridden power mad pustule who naively believes himself intellectually superior to the vast majority of humanity and above the inherent laws of conscience, honor, and general good taste. You are a villain in the purest sense, in that you not only do great harm to the world, you actually SEEK to do great harm to the world, if only to benefit yourself and your exclusive circle of “friends”; a clan of degenerate blood thirsty sociopaths with delusions of omnipotence that stalk the night like Armani wearing Chupacabra exsanguinating the joy from poor unsuspecting cultures. You are capable of anything, and sadly, you take “pride” in this fact…

You aren’t “rich” in the traditional sense. You aren’t a “Bill Gates” or a “Donald Trump” (I’m beginning to wonder if Donald Trump is even solvent, or if his entire fortune is a special-effect courtesy of NBC). No, you don’t “make” money, you MAKE the money. You are a global financier. You are a central banker. You create the fiat that the rest of the country uses to sustain its fantasy economy. You dominate trade through monopoly and corporate fraud. You control the flow of currency through an economic system using fractional reserve banking, artificially pegged interest rates, and your ever trusty printing press. You put your substantial monetary clout behind BOTH major political parties, and groom presidential candidates to your globalist standards. Any politician who desires to climb the ladder of power turns to you for assistance, not the voting public. You have a tremendous financial stake in every corporate news provider in the country, if not own them outright. You invite their top reporters to posh banquets, give them unlimited access to prominent social figures and high rollers, and fly them to private alcohol addled orgies in the middle of the California Redwoods (I wish this was all made up). Forget responsible journalism, they love hanging out with you, and would probably write whatever you tell them to.

Now that you have placed yourself in the tight fitting shoes of the “enlightened few”, I want you to imagine that you have engineered an implosion in national credit sectors using ultra-low interest rates to fuel mortgage and derivatives bubbles that would contract at an unprecedented pace once it is revealed to the wider investment world that those equities which they prized only days before are now “toxic”, essentially worthless, due to mass debt defaults on loans which never should have been made in the first place. Yeah, you’re a real dirtbag.

Of course, you aren’t finished yet! Your ultimate goal is centralization, and the key to centralization is to remove all options available to the masses but one; the option which garners you the greatest amount of dominance. A global economic system based on a single world currency and a single unaccountable governing body would be ideal. What would you call this world currency? I don’t know, how about something innocuous sounding like….Special Drawing Rights (SDR’s), which you can then label as a mere “basket of currencies” when it is really a parasitic financial instrument meant to absorb currencies until it replaces them completely:

In order to begin instituting this world currency, you would first need to remove the standing world reserve currency from its exalted position, that currency being the U.S. dollar. This seems rather impossible to many mainstream analysts who cannot fathom the possibility of a breakdown in the mighty Greenback, but you have already set the stage. You have created a progressive debt singularity so immense that no amount of fiat, no amount of taxation, no amount of austerity could ever satiate its hunger. You now have the perfect excuse to print the dollar with wild abandon until its withered, corpsified remains are six feet underground, leaving the door wide open for the tap dancing fast-talking SDR to take its place.

The issue is, how do you convince the general public that all is well until you are ready to unleash hyperinflation and fiscal Armageddon? How do you make them believe with all their hearts that they are not in the midst of a debt meltdown and the end of their financial sovereignty, but basking in a full-on economic recovery?!

You can’t stop wealth destruction now that the avalanche has been set in motion. You can’t stop inflation and dollar devaluation (nor would you want to. Hey, you’re evil incarnate, remember?). The effects on mainstreet are beyond your ability to hide, but, what you CAN manipulate, are the statistics and indices that Americans rely on for psychological comfort. You give everyone a blindfold and a cigarette and you do what you do best; lie!

Here is a step by step guide to fabricating an economic recovery out of thin air….

Don’t Count The Unemployed, Discount Them:Jobless people are a real downer and a pesky nuisance because they represent living breathing proof that a recovery is not taking place. By most standards, a recovery in jobs markets can be claimed if meaningful evidence shows a return to unemployment standards (normal unemployment) set before the recession / depression was triggered. If you are a global banker today, however, this will not due. Instead, you simply change the definition of “normal unemployment”. Thus, the debilitating jobless rate which was originally thought of as “bad”, is now thought of as “natural”. You must then publish long-winded white papers using more subjective statistics devoid of common sense while feigning a logical pretense:

This only satisfies a small portion of the populace, though. Next, you must rig the manner in which unemployment is calculated to always overlook certain subsections of jobless. Never count those people who have been unemployed so long that they no longer receive benefits. Always count people who are underemployed as fully employed, even if they are only able to scrape together ten hours a week through part time McSlavery. After this, change the manner in which raw data on unemployment is actually collected.

First, the Labor Department derives most of its raw data on unemployment not through any traditional mathematical means, but through two separate surveys which are open to wide interpretation; an establishment survey, and a household survey. The establishment survey is what we hear about at the beginning of every month, while the household survey tends to float under the mainstream radar. In 2009 and 2010, the Labor Department deemed the household survey data (a phone driven survey of 60,000 households) “more reliable” for indicating job growth, because it was accurate in counting small business hiring and self-employment. So, you have two separate surveys (unscientific indicators of employment) combined together to produce a job growth rate number, and an unemployment percentage, both of which represent, at the most, a GUESS on the current state of jobs in this country.

While the establishment survey showed only 36,000 jobs created, the household survey somehow showed around 600,000 new jobs created!?:

Basically, the BLS is asking you to believe that over 600,000 people either started their own businesses, or were hired by home based businesses in the month of January alone. I’m curious as to where all the capital inflows are coming from to launch such a revolution in home entrepreneurship in the middle of the greatest credit crisis in history. Oh well, if the Labor Department says it’s true, it must be…

The juxtaposition of odd data collection methods is the reason why the government was able to claim a drop from 9.4% to 9% in the jobless rate while announcing only 36,000 jobs created! The household survey has become an incredibly useful tool for generating arbitrary employment data which can be molded to say whatever government officials and central bankers want it to say. Anyone who controls the source data for a calculation controls the outcome of that calculation. It’s that simple.

What I wouldn’t want, if I was the Labor Department, is for some outside independent citizens group to monitor my survey methods while in progress. That would make life for a statistical huckster very difficult indeed.

As Long As Stocks Are Green, The World Is Golden:Near zero interest rates can be very useful if a central bank wishes to throw a tidal wave of fiat into a particular index in order to make it appear healthy. Certainly, the Fed has avoided admitting to any manipulation of the stock market. QE measures are all “above the board”, and all is well in Bernanke’s Mayberry. A question arises here though that desperately begs to be answered; if the stock market’s meteoric rise from near destruction to the 12,000 point mark is “real”, and completely in tune with a legitimate recovery, then why is the Fed still keeping interest rates at near zero after almost three years, and why are they continuing quantitative easing measures? Could it be that without constant liquidity injections from the Fed, the stock market would once again collapse like a wet paper sack? We know that in 2009, it was revealed that bailout funds which were supposed to go towards muting the effects of toxic bank assets were actually being pumped into the equities of healthy banks instead, meaning,the money has not been allocated to the areas promised:

We also know that top hedge fund managers have openly stated that stocks will remain bullish because QE funds are propping up the market:

And, frankly, if you are a global banking cartel intent on keeping the American people in the dark, it makes perfect sense to prop up stocks. A Dow in the green is like a mass dose of fiscal lithium; it calms investors into a stupor. Even people who are otherwise unconcerned about economics will keep track of the Dow as if it is a solid indicator of their personal financial safety. A great test would be to observe market reactions to a Federal Reserve interest rate hike and a freezing of QE in order to counter inflation. Will the Dow stand on its own two feet then? I seriously doubt it, but then again, I don’t know that the Fed will ever raise interest rates again…

Inflation? What Inflation?:Unmitigated inflation spells doom for any society. It’s like some monetary based animal instinct deep down in our collective unconscious. The moment we hear the word “inflation” or see prices rise dramatically, we revert to survival mode and begin honing our mammoth bone battle mallets. Governments and central banks throughout history have made it their top priority to hide the effects of inflation from the citizenry at all costs.

To mask inflation is nearly impossible, especially where commodities and base goods are concerned. That’s why our government and private central bank calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI) without counting food or energy. Most grains and crude oil have doubled in price over the past year alone, and this does not reflect well on the safety of the dollar, or the effectiveness of liquidity measures by the Fed. China, whose inflation is but a prequel to our own, is also distancing food and energy price surges from its CPI numbers, giving the false impression of leveling markets:

Corporate retail chains have a tendency to absorb rising prices of base goods to avoid alienating their customer foundation, hoping that the increases are temporary. When retailers realize that prices are not going to drop back down, they eventually relent, and shelf costs skyrocket. The bottom line is clear; overall worldwide food averages were up over 28% in 2010:

Crude oil prices continue to hover near the $90 mark even though inventories are at a 20 year high:

The World Bank is now warning of possible disasters (which they helped create) in the wake of “dangerous price levels”:

Our government’s response? Complete denial that there is any significant threat of inflation. Denial that overprinting of the dollar and its subsequent devaluation has anything to do with rising prices. Scapegoating everything from weather, to speculators, to the fake “recovery” itself for price spikes. The longer they keep the terminology of inflation out of the mainstream, the less Americans are likely to prepare for an onslaught of the dollar.

Create Debt To Pay Off Debt:This is pretty self explanatory. If foreign investors want nothing to do with you, your explosive national debt, or your depreciating currency, where is your government going to get the money to continue spending like a drunken trophy wife at Macy’s? If you default, the jig is up, and no one will buy your recovery yarns. Instead, print even more fiat and use it to purchase your own Treasury bonds! This serves two purposes; first, it props up the federal bureaucracy which gives the impression of stability (at least for a time), and, it furthers your goal of squeezing the dollar like a grape.

Remove All Checks And Balances:If you plan on decimating an economy, you can’t very well have people pointing fingers at you while you do it. That would be inconvenient. It’s funny, but for years, ratings agencies like Moodys helped global banks facilitate the mortgage and derivatives crisis by categorizing worthless assets as AAA securities. Without them, no one would have invested in such garbage in the first place, and the banking fraud would have been immediately exposed. Now that ratings agencies are finally doing their job and downgrading the creditworthiness of banks and countries that possess extreme liabilities, the SEC is moving to marginalize them:

Interesting that as the U.S. nears a possible credit downgrade, we suddenly no longer care what ratings agencies have to say.

The SEC in itself is one enormous joke, and in no way a practical overseer of banking activity. The organization has shown itself to be either fantastically incompetent, or deliberately indifferent to ongoing financial fraud. I never thought I would find myself agreeing with a cretin like Bernie Madoff, but according to the middle-weight Ponzi artist, global banks he dealt with, like JP Morgan and HSBC, had to be perfectly aware of the scam he was undertaking, otherwise, it could not have been possible:

Likewise, the SEC’s complete lack of proper investigation into such activities turned Wall Street into a globalist playground where much bigger conmen than Madoff have nested and bred like fleas. It’s not that the system needs more regulation, or more legal wrangling; this would accomplish nothing, because the system is regulated by the criminals! Therefore, new laws can be enacted in concert, and the government can deem the system reformed and recovered, all while the underlying corruption remains untouched. If the poison that instigated the fall of the markets is not uprooted, treachery will continue to reign supreme, and healthy markets a childish illusion.

The Creeping Terror

Two years ago I was in my local Borders bookstore and noticed that they had downsized their stock selection by what looked to be nearly a third. I made a point to ask if this was a chain wide phenomenon. Most employees I talked with said yes. I then asked if they had begun cutting employee hours by significant margins and specifically laying off longtime workers that had built up substantial pay increases. Again, the consensus was yes. Finally, and most importantly, did Borders discuss these changes with their staff in a manner that was informative and open, or, was there a lot of confusion amongst employees as to what exactly was going on? The response was that they were overwhelmingly bewildered by Borders’ lack of clear communication as to the direction of the corporation.

My suggestion to them was to start looking for another job, because their company was about to declare bankruptcy. They, of course, denied this was remotely likely:

It may sound like a stretch, but the reason I bring up Borders’ impending chapter 11 is because, to me, it represents a microcosm of the creeping nature of economic collapse, especially when that collapse is being wielded and delegated.[TD: Bordersfiled for Chapter 11this morning]

Borders has been on the verge of default for quite a while. Did they refuse to relay this information openly to their employees because they selfishly wanted to maintain profit margins just a little longer until they were ready to pull the plug? Of course! Do global bankers with aspirations of a centralized currency keep the true destabilization of the market spectrum and the coming international dollar dump to themselves because in the end they will benefit from our shock and awe? Of course!

Whether a person loses everything all at once, or a piece at a time, the end result is the same, however, there is something especially cruel in the idea of fiscal theater; the act of inspiring false hope that a financial environment is sound when it has, in truth, already suffocated. Why would our modern day robber barons put so much energy into constructing a fake recovery? There are many reasons, but first and foremost, to create apathy. To lure us towards inaction. To swindle us into assuming the storm will blow over, and all will return as it was. Unfortunately, recovery without intense restructuring of our economic system is impossible. The fundamentals do not support the suggestion in the slightest. The question is, who will be at the helm when the dust settles and this restructuring does eventually occur? Will the American people take the lead, as they should, and commit to a concrete free market rejuvenation of our financial environment? Or, will we sit back yet again, and let the banksters set us up for the next grand disaster?

The Illuminati and the  Dollar bill

I was in Borders bookstore the other day studying the Bible and doing some writing when I began thinking about the symbols on the dollar again. I briefly looked at some of the symbols in the past, but I began to feel that there was more to it. I found a book The secret symbols of the Dollar Bill and read it that night. The author talks about the history of the symbols, numerology, etc, but only mentions freemasonry a few times. He gives a very good discussion on how the symbols appeared, but he repeats the government’s reasons why they were placed on the dollar. Regardless, based on what I have learned previously, I now believe that this country was founded by freemasons (secret societies) for the main purpose of leading the world into a new world order (one world government). It’s one thing to believe that our country has been corrupted by secret societies over time, but very different to believe that this may have been our #1 purpose all along. Why do I believe this? To start,many of the original 56 people who signed the Declaration of Independence were known to be freemasons. Washington’s inauguration was basically a Masonic ritual. I also believe that this plan is shown to us on the back of the dollar for everyone to see…which includes that their plan started in 1776. If theres one thing Ive learned, the illuminati doesnt do anything without telling all of us un-illuminated people whats about to happen in some subtle way....but the symbols on the back of the dollar and what they explain to us are absolutely amazing to me. Here we go.....

The plan is listed on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. This is the roundel on the left side of the back of the dollar (the front of the great seal is on the right side of the back of the dollar). Start at the top of the roundel with the Latin words Annuit Coeptis. This is translated as he favors our undertaking and implies that the undertaking is a daring one. This leads to three questions....who is he?, what is the undertaking and who are the people doing the undertaking? The answers are found in the other symbols on the same roundel. I believe the undertaking is listed at the bottom of the roundel - Novus Ordo Seclorum. This can be translated as A new order for the ages or A new world order (We must ask ourselves why these words are in Latin - what is being hidden? In God we trust is in English - why use Latin for the other phrases?). Who is undertaking the task of bringing about a new world order? The illuminati use the pyramid to symbolize their command and control structure (you see this symbol everywhere - governments, currency, corporations, etc). The pyramid has 13 courses (or levels) representing the 13 illuminati bloodline families. The base of the pyramid includes the date 1776 in Latin numbers and the top of the pyramid is unfinished. So, the undertaking begins in 1776, but when does it end? When is the undertaking complete? The all seeing eye is the answer to who he is and also when the undertaking is complete. In the occult, the all seeing eye surrounded by light represents ‘the eye of Horus’ (from a spiritual standpoint - this would represent Satan - who was an angel of light)....where the illuminati believe they receive their supernatural power to rule over the world. So, the undertaking (task) is complete when the new world order is complete and the Illuminati gain absolute power over the natural world. It also explains who sits atop the illuminati hierarchy.

The obvious argument is that all of these symbols have a logical explanation by our government. People will say that ‘he favors our undertaking’ is simply referring to God’s favor in establishing our nation. I would agree if this was the only phrase or symbol presented on the roundel. We’re also told that ‘A new order for the ages’ is simply a reference to our country. Why would we use ‘order’? Why not nation or republic? When has any public figure referred to a nation as an order? It doesn’t make sense. If you have any knowledge of secret societies, you know that each ‘society’ is referred to as an ‘order’….an example would be the Order of Skull Bones. So, it is much more logical, given the facts, that a new secret society ‘order’ is referenced here (and obviously one that consolidates all the others). People will also point to 1776 at the bottom of the pyramid to say that it definitely refers to the establishment of our nation. As with all illuminati symbols or information, there is a meaning for the general population and then there is the true meaning that only the ‘illuminated’ ones understand. Something else was also founded in 1776. In early 1776, Adam Weishaupt formed the ‘Order of Perfectibilists’, which was later known as the modern day Illuminati. Its mission was the establishment of a ‘New World Order’ that would abolish national boundaries, religions, private property and marriage. He was later initiated into a Freemasonry lodge in Europe. He began incorporating his system of Illuminism into that of Masonry. Apparently, he succeeded. There are always two stories with these people, the lie that everyone is led to believe and the truth that only they know.

Probably the worst ‘official’ explanation is that of the ‘all seeing eye’. We’re told that it represents God. If you believe that our nation was founded by Christian men, then these Christian men directly disobeyed the second commandment with this image. ‘You shall not make for yourself an idol (‘graven image” in the King James translation) in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.’ – New International translation. Many people simply assume that this commandment is referring to idols such as statues or that it refers to immoral or degrading representations of God. God forbids ANY image of himself because there is absolutely no way for us to adequately represent Him. How can we correctly represent His Holiness, Power, Love, Justice and Glory in an image? There are no images on earth that can represent Him, so He makes it clear that we are not to do so. In addition, this ‘all seeing eye’ is commonly known in the occult as representing Lucifer. It would take someone approximately 30 seconds of research to see this. Why would Christian men create an image representing Lucifer on the Great Seal of the United States? The answer is that they were either spiritually immature, uneducated Christians or they were not Christians. Based on everything else they accomplished during this time period, I think we can all assume that these were very intelligent men who knew exactly what they were doing. Most of us have seen the Alexander Tytler (sometimes spelled Tyler) email. He supposedly wrote in the late 1700s, after studying the fall of the Athenian Republic, that ‘democracy’ is always temporary in nature. What does he say the final result is – dictatorship and bondage. Whether or not he did, in fact, write this is open to debate. What is interesting, is that it does appear that America has passed through the various stages that has ultimately led to other democracies downfall. I have attached a copy.

What is interesting is that the reverse side of the great seal was rejected from our currency until 1935 when Roosevelt (some say he was a 33rd degree mason, others say that he was a member of other secret societies) approved it. The truth is that millions of Americans are carrying around in their purses and wallets the answers to some of the Bibles most intriguing does the one world government come into being? Who is behind the formation of this government and how does the beast...out of the earth come to power? The Bible tells us that deception will continue to get worse during this age…….and God never lies. In America, we have simply refused to believe that it could happen here during our lifetime. 2nd Timothy 3:13 ‘evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.’

I now believe that anytime the New World Order has been threatened, America has brought it back in line.....WWI, WWII, etc. George H. Bush even mentioned on Sept 11, 1990 that Saddam Husseins aggression threatened a New World Order....and must be stopped.

There is always a hidden message not known by the general population. We all believe that the Statue of Liberty represents just that....Liberty. The truth is that it was given to the U.S. by French freemasons as a symbol that the Illuminati control our country....just as they control France. The lighted torch (or eternal flame) is one of their most prominent symbols. It is always used to communicate to their members that they were behind a particular event that will further their cause. The flame on JFK’s grave is another example. (Why do I mention Kennedy? The following was taken from the JFK Library official website: Executive Order 11110: On June 4, 1963 President Kennedy signed this virtually unknown Presidential decree, which had the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest, essentially putting the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank out of business. The order returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Johnson reversed the order shortly after taking office in November, 1963. Some conspiracy theorists believe this executive order was the cause of President Kennedys assassination.) I’ve even heard talk of an ‘eternal flame’ at ground zero. Their use of numbers in the media and elsewhere is unbelievable once you know they use 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33, 39 extensively to communicate...among other things. Simply seeing the flight numbers on 9/11 should tell those with some knowledge that the illuminati was involved. Flight 11, Flight 175 (1+7+5=13), Flight 77 Flight 93. The dates of terrorist events should tell everyone they are involved - 9/11/01, 3/11/04 (Madrid – 911 days after 9/11/2001), 7/7/2005 or 777 (London), 7/11/06 (Mumbai, India). National ID cards have been approved by Congress starting in 2008. The date the law was passed in Congress?....5/11/05. The date it will become law? ….5/11/2008. When did WWI end?....11/11/1918 at 11am. The list goes on and on and on.....

Isnt it ironic that the nation most associated with freedom in the world will be a major contributor to the worlds bondage? The problem is that most of us have allowed ourselves to be deceived into believing that evil will never overtake us in this country....when it already has. Now that’s deception. We are currently the lone superpower in the world simply because they believe it’s their plan. Ultimately, this is all part of God’s plan, but they obviously can’t see this. They are simply being deceived by those they serve. When it’s time to shift power back to Europe, we’re going to be devastated in some manner that will cause us to lose our military and economic power while at the same time strike unbelievable fear in the world. They’ll tell us that it’s another catastrophic ‘terrorist’ event. In reality, it will be God’s judgment on our nation. The illuminati will have then escalated the ‘terrorist’ problem to a new level calling for a more drastic solution. How will the world protect itself against this perceived threat? We’ll need to band together. Who will lead us in this endeavor? I think we know the answer.

The obvious problem with being deceived is you don’t know it while it’s happening. We’ve all got blinders on. The quote We have met the Enemy and he is us certainly applies. Only the Lord can open our eyes to the truth, and since we havent heeded His warnings as a nation, Hes going to open them in a very big way...and soon.

One last thing that looks ominous. Many conspiracy theorists mention that these global societies are using TV and movies to communicate their plans to us. Before 9/11, there were plenty of cases of this…a miniseries in early 2001 depicting a terrorist attack on the WTC, the movie A Long Kiss Goodnight in 1996 (Geena Davis Samuel Jackson) depicting an attack on the WTC. Other examples are listed at What is ominous is that I believe they’re doing it again. There is a miniseries on Fox called Vanished (Friday nights at 9:00 pm) that started a few weeks ago (I think you can watch past episodes online). I’ve watched it since it started. The plot is based on the kidnapping of an American Senator’s wife. What is interesting is that they continue to hint at a ‘shadow government’ of powerful people who control our government. Believe it or not, they actually mention freemasonry and use Masonic symbols and codes throughout the show. So far, anyone in the show who begins to uncover these things gets shot, stabbed or killed. Watch it if you get the chance. You’ve probably seen the trailers for “Jericho” on Wednesday nights. After two episodes, it’s apparent that many major American cities have been hit with nuclear weapons…no explanation yet as to who has done this or why. I watched the movie ‘Signs’ again a few weeks ago and one of the scenes caught my eye. It’s Mel Gibson’s character talking to Jacquin Phoenix’s character after they discover that aliens have appeared over numerous cities. I found a copy of the dialog and copied it below. I believe that God is also getting a message across, we simply need to listen.

Take Care.


“People break down into two groups when they experience something lucky. Group number one sees it as more than luck, more than coincidence. They see it as a sign-evidence that there is someone up there watching out for them. Group number two sees it as just pure luck, a happy turn of chance. Im sure the people in group number two are looking at those 14 lights in a very suspicious way. For them, the situation isnt 50-50. Could be bad, could be good. But deep down, they feel that whatever happens, theyre on their own. And that fills them with fear. Yeah, there are those people. But theres a whole lot of people in the group number one. When they see those 14 lights, theyre looking at a miracle. And deep down, they feel that whatevers going to happen, therell be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope. See, what you have to ask yourself is, what kind of person are you? Are you the kind who sees signs, sees miracles? Or do you believe that people just get lucky? Or look at the question this way-is it possible that there are no coincidences?”

- Signs (2002) - 00:40:07-00:41:50

Titus3:3At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.

James 1:16
Dont be deceived, my dear brothers.

Matthew 24:4
Jesus answered: Watch out that no one deceives you.

Romans 16:18
I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.

1 Corinthians 3:18-19
Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a fool so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in Gods sight. As it is written: He catches the wise in their craftiness

Today is January 21, 2009. I wrote the post above on the Illuminati and our dollar bill at the end of 2005. It was my first blog post after writing the two letters that were reviewed by the Knoxville News-Sentinel. At the end of the post, I mentioned how the media is manipulated by the Illuminati to convey hidden messages – through movies, etc. Ever since I woke up and started paying attention to what the global elite are doing – occasionally I’ll see something that I find interesting in this regard.

I was watching one of the NFL Conference Championships this past weekend and noticed a trailer for an upcoming movie – The International. The basic premise of the movie is that there is a very powerful private bank that is involved in murder, conspiracy, corruption, extortion, drugs, weapons, etc. – on a global scale. We’re told in the preview that this bank ‘controls everything’, sends messages by assassinating political leaders, is involved with buying and selling military weapons and ‘everyone’ is involved. Anyone who ‘moves against this bank either ends up dead or disappears’. We are led to believe that this is a very large private bank – central banks are never mentioned. This, in itself, is enough to interest me since the international bankers behind the Central Banking System are apparently engaged in many of the things mentioned in the preview for this movie. Although I find this movie interesting – it’s not why I’m adding this to the original blog post.

As the trailer was nearing its end – a couple of messages appeared that got my attention. Toward the end of the trailer the following was displayed – ‘Follow Your Money. Find the Truth.’ I have seen the trailer before – but the trailers I’d seen never displayed this message. What caught my attention was that in between the first message – Follow Your Money – and the second message – Find the Truth – the logo for The International rotated vertically. I noticed that there was something shown in black on the back of the logo – but it spun so fast I couldn’t tell what it was. I have a DVR – so I reversed the trailer and paused it – and could see that it was the United States Federal Reserve emblem. As I mentioned earlier – there’s no mention of the Fed or Central Banks anywhere else throughout the trailer. Why was someone showing the Federal Reserve emblem and associating it with – follow your money and find the truth? What really got my attention was this – if you really do follow your money (how it is created and managed by the Federal Reserve) – you will find the truth. It appears that either someone involved with this movie is attempting to send a message – or someone is once again telling everyone what is going on – and laughing at our inability to understand. I suppose that it could be a coincidence – but I believe it’s too close to the truth to be a mere coincidence. Anyway – something interesting to note. I have copied a link below to a shorter online trailer that shows the Fed’s emblem (shown at the 27 second mark). I have not been able to find an online trailer that shows the message – follow your money, find the truth.

If you are confused (or interested) about my comments regarding the Federal Reserve System, I suggest you skip ahead in the blog and read the post entitled ‘Our Monetary System – How Central Banks Control the World’s Economy’.

The International Trailer

World Bank President Robert Zoellick Calls For 'New International System of Commerce' and a Return to Gold Standard

And here we see another world leader proposing a ‘new international system of commerce’ and a return to a gold standard.

Do you think they know something is coming? No doubt about it. They know that the current system is inherently unstable and will collapse.

Time for a new system that is stable for the long term. This new system will eventually utilize one currency – most likely backed by gold.

Watch as the central banks pull the rug out from under everyone.

Get ready – the game is about to begin.

jg – November 8, 2010


World Bank President Robert Zoellick Calls For Return To Old Money Gold Standard

Submitted byTyler Durdenon 11/07/2010 20:26 -0500

One of the most serious condemnations of the race to the currency bottom to date comes not come from some peripheral media, but from the head of the World Bank itself, who in a just released Op-Ed in the Financial Times says that since the system of floating currencies established by the 1971 Bretton Woods II system, has broken down, it is time to look to a new international system of commerce, one which should also consider employing gold as an international reference point of market expectations about inflation, deflation and future currency values. In other words, welcome back gold standard 2. Of course, this proposal will never attain more than a casual academic reference, as even a partial gold standard will immediately establish a lower bound on how much any given monetary authority can debase its (and, by retaliation, others) currencies. What, however, if very curious, is why this proposal is being floated precisely 3 short days after the Fed has launched its most ambitious attempt to reflate global asset prices and devalue fiat paper. And as is well-known, the IMF has also been quietly proposing a return to an ven more powerful version of the SDR.... Just what will take for the scales to tip, and for the dollar to remain a reserve currency just in retrospect.

From theFT:

Writing in the Financial Times, Robert Zoellick, the banks president since 2007, says a successor is needed to what he calls the Bretton Woods II system of floating currencies that has held since the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate regime broke down in 1971.

Mr Zoellick, a former US Treasury official, calls for a system that is likely to need to involve the dollar, the euro, the yen, the pound and a renminbi that moves towards internationalisation and then an open capital account. He adds: The system should also consider employing gold as an international reference point of market expectations about inflation, deflation and future currency values.

His views reflect disquiet with the international system, where persistent Chinese intervention to hold down the renminbi is blamed by the US and others for contributing to global current account imbalances and creating capital markets distortions.

Of course, with a market primed to discount every inflationary possibility, it would not be surprising to see precious metals to continue their near parabolic move higher over the past few days. Silver is already flirting with the $27 in the spot market tonight.

Fullcomments by Zoellick:

With talk of currency wars and disagreements over the US Federal Reserve’s policy of quantitative easing, the summit of the Group of 20 leading economies in Seoul this week is shaping up as the latest test of international co-operation. So we should ask: co-operation to what end?

When the G7 experimented with economic co-ordination in the 1980s, the Plaza and Louvre Accords focused attention on exchange rates. Yet the policy underpinnings ran deeper. The Reagan administration, guided by James Baker, the then Treasury secretary, wanted to resist a protectionist upsurge from Congress, like the one we see today. It therefore combined currency co-ordination with the launch of the Uruguay Round that created the World Trade Organisation and a push for free trade that led to agreements with Canada and Mexico. International leadership worked with domestic policies to boost competitiveness.

As part of this “package approach”, G7 countries were supposed to address the fundamentals of growth – today’s structural reform agenda. For example, the 1986 Tax Reform Act broadened the revenue base while slashing marginal income tax rates. Mr Baker worked with his G7 colleagues and central bankers to orchestrate international co-operation to build private-sector confidence.

History moved on after the huge changes of 1989 and the experience of the 1980s is still being debated, but this package approach was significant for its combination of pro-growth reforms, open trade and exchange rate co-ordination.

What might such an approach look like today? First, to focus on fundamentals, a key group of G20 countries should agree on parallel agendas of structural reforms, not just to rebalance demand but to spur growth. For example, China’s next five-year plan is supposed to transfer attention from export industries to new domestic businesses, and the service sector, provide more social services and shift financing from oligopolistic state-owned enterprises to ventures that will boost productivity and domestic demand.

With a new Congress, the US will need to address structural spending and ballooning debt that will tax future growth. President Barack Obama has also spoken of plans to boost competitiveness and revive free-trade agreements.

The US and China could agree on specific, mutually reinforcing steps to boost growth. Based on this, the two might also agree on a course for renminbi appreciation, or a move to wide bands for exchange rates. The US, in turn, could commit to resist tit-for-tat trade actions; or better, to advance agreements to open markets.

Second, other major economies, starting with the G7, should agree to forego currency intervention, except in rare circumstances agreed to by others. Other G7 countries may wish to boost confidence by committing to structural growth plans as well.

Third, these steps would assist emerging economies to adjust to asymmetries in recoveries by relying on flexible exchange rates and independent monetary policies. Some may need tools to cope with short-term hot money flows. The G20 could develop norms to guide these measures.

Fourth, the G20 should support growth by focusing on supply-side bottlenecks in developing countries. These economies are already contributing to half of global growth, and their import demand is rising twice as fast as that of advanced economies. The G20 should give special support to infrastructure, agriculture and developing healthy, skilled labour forces. The World Bank Group and the regional development banks could be the instruments of building multiple poles of future growth based on private sector development.

Fifth, the G20 should complement this growth recovery programme with a plan to build a co-operative monetary system that reflects emerging economic conditions. This new system is likely to need to involve the dollar, the euro, the yen, the pound and a renminbi that moves towards internationalisation and then an open capital account.

The system should also consider employing gold as an international reference point of market expectations about inflation, deflation and future currency values. Although textbooks may view gold as the old money, markets are using gold as an alternative monetary asset today.

The development of a monetary system to succeed “Bretton Woods II”, launched in 1971, will take time.But we need to begin. The scope of the changes since 1971 certainly matches those between 1945 and 1971 that prompted the shift from Bretton Woods I to II. Serious work should include possible changes in International Monetary Fund rules to review capital as well as current account policies, and connect IMF monetary assessments with WTO obligations not to use currency policies to remove trade concessions.

This package approach to economic co-operation reaches beyond the recent G20 dialogue, but the ideas are practical and feasible, not radical. And it has clear advantages. It supplies a growth and monetary agenda that parallels the G20 financial sector reforms. It could be built upon prompt incremental actions, combined with credible steps to be pursued over time, allowing for political dialogue at home. And it could help rebuild public and market confidence, which will remain under stress in 2011. Perhaps most importantly, this package could get governments ahead of problems instead of reacting to economic, political and social storms.

Drive or drift? How the G20 decides could determine whether multilateral co-operation can achieve a strong economic recovery.

Little can be added here except for one recent popular quote, which explains why we eagerly welcome more and more high level individuals condemning the fiat system, and petitioning to a reversion the system that actually worked without creating quadrillions in imaginary debt-money (and the inevitable fiat devaluation that always follows): What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain its almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere.

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