Contrail Science The Science and Pseudoscience of Contrails and Chemtrails

Web Name: Contrail Science The Science and Pseudoscience of Contrails and Chemtrails






References: Geoengineering covers lots of different things, not just spraying things from planes KSLA Report, debunked and retracted Chaff is a real thing and shows up on the weather But that s a video of an aerodynamic contrail: Contrails can persist and spread: Levels... Continue reading This news report is from 1980. It s based on this research paper: EFFECT OF CONTRAIL CIRRUS ON SURFACE WEATHER CONDITIONS IN THE MIDWEST (Searchable/Copyable OCR version here) It s interesting because it shows that back in 1980 people were noticing contrails persisting and spreading to cover the whole sky. At... Continue reading UK resident UnionJack1967 recently posted some photos on of five very unusual looking trails. He took several photos, and I ve combined two of them here to show all five trails together. Continue reading Sometimes planes leave contrails, and sometimes they don t.  It depends on the weather, and specifically, it depends on the weather at altitude.  It s also very localized.  A plane might leave a trail in one region, and another plane a mile away might not leave a trail. NASA have... Continue reading One very popular photo amongst the chemtrail theorists is this one from NASA: The image is quite striking, showing a very large number of contrails over an area five hundred miles wide. It s an infrared image which has been enhanced specifically to bring out the contrails. This image has been... Continue reading This must be the least missile-like mystery-missile ever. Taken Sunday, Jan 2nd, 2011, at about three in the afternoon. The video shows a jet contrail barely moving relative to the clouds. It s just a jet that happened to fly directly overhead, so the approaching contrail looks vertical.... Continue reading No. In all likelihood, the birds death had a quite normal explanation. The weather. See my full article here: and another of the media coverage, with links to some more examples of mass bird deaths. But if you really want to go down the chemtrail route.... Continue reading CASE CLOSED:  It was Red Bull Air Force! Update:  Here s the google earth file I was forwarded an interesting video on TMZ a few days ago: It shows Manu Ginobili of the San Antonio Spurs as he observes some kind of UFO in the sky behind him.... Continue reading I think the one thing that prevented most people from seeing the supposed missile trail as what it was (a jet contrail, almost certainly from flight UPS902 from Hawaii), was the illusion that it looked like it was going straight up. Compare one photo of the 902 trail... Continue reading UPDATE After getting a new photo of the trail, Liam Bahneman told me he was now siding with it being his second choice, UPS902.  Having reviewed the evidence, I fully agree that UPS902 is a much better fit than AWE808, especially when viewed against the composite photo. Continue reading Update: If you are looking for a debunking of Why In The World Are They Spraying, first check out this post, as the second film really depends on the first being true, then have a look at the various errors in Why In The World Are They Spraying, detailed... Continue reading Most of the supposed chemtrail videos out there are simply videos of persistent contrails that the video maker somehow has decided are part of a giant world-wide conspiracy involving spraying something for some purpose. But some videos are actually deliberate hoaxes, either by pranksters poking fun at the... Continue reading Most of the traffic to this site comes via Google and other search engines. It s interesting to look at what people typed in to that ended up here. Quite often it s just a few words like chemtrail aircraft pictures or contrails engine , but sometimes it s a question. I... Continue reading The cloud of volcanic ash from Eyjafjallajökull has prompted the most significant air-traffic shutdown in European history.  This will provide a unique opportunity to study the effects of a contrail-less sky.  But we must be careful how quickly we draw conclusions from the immediate data. Take the two images above,  the... Continue reading Some planes in the sky leave trails that persist and spread, and other planes, in the same sky, leave short-lived trails, or no trails at all. These trails are actually called contrails, short for condensation trails .  They are not smoke from the engines, they are formed when the... Continue reading Popular Science, March 1943. Page 55. While this applies to 1943 planes, it should also be noted that the exact same mechanisms are responsible for contrails from modern jet aircraft. Jet engines burn fuel that is essentially the same kind of chemical as used by old prop planes.... Continue reading I took this photo this morning: It s an interesting contrail as most trails you see are straight lines, planes generally fly directly from one place to another. This plane was flying in a south east direction. After making this left turn it made a right turn to continue... Continue reading For a contrail enthusiast, I picked the wrong place to live. We hardly ever get persistent contrails here in the summer, but things have been picking up a bit as we go into fall, and today we had this: A very nice triple set of contrails of three... Continue reading (The following was written as a comment by boenoid , but I thought it was interesting enough to deserve its own post. I (Mick) have added the assembly line image) For what it is worth, I am a Boeing engineer with 20 years of experience in the aerospace industry.... Continue reading Not a contrail, but a nice image: A U.S. Air Force AC-130 Gunship aircraft executes an evasive maneuver and drops chaff and flares during a firepower demonstration at the Nevada Test and Training Range in Nevada on Sept. 14, 2007. I don t know if you can actually... Continue reading Okay, it s not actually a contrail.   But it s a related phenomenon a plume of hot humid air is rising from a volcano, and where it hits the cold upper air, the water vapor it contains condenses out.  Possibly into ice, but it s hard to tell. The brown... Continue reading This photo is from January 29th 2009, at approximately 3-4PM over Corvallis, Oregon. It shows a contrail from a plane that has made a 540 degree turn (one and half full turns) to fly back the way it came.  This photo was probably taken an hour after the... Continue reading Contrails form when the water in engine exhaust mixes with cold moist air and freezes. Normally you see this at 30,000 feet with jet engine exhaust. But in some parts of the world, these conditions can be found at ground level. Here s a car leaving a contrail in... Continue reading [UPDATE: Some of these photos are now available again with a personal non-commercial use licence via Google. The following images were all found on the Life Magazine web site. Originally they linked to the page on Life where the photo could be ordered, but Life has since... Continue reading I took these photos around 8AM this morning, Feb 4th 2009, in Los Angeles. They show Cirrus Uncinus clouds, with a contrail running through them. Cirrus uncinus clouds (or Mares Tails ), according to wikipedia: Cirrus uncinus is a type of cirrus cloud. The name cirrus uncinus is derived from Latin, meaning curly hooks .... Continue reading I was watching the first episode of The Twilight Zone, Where is Everybody, made in 1959, and I noticed that the movie poster had a nice depiction of some persistent contrails forming a grid: I don t think it s a real poster, but it s a real movie (Battle Hymn,... Continue reading This is an actual photo, not photoshopped. The stork is not at the same altitude as the contrail, it s actually quite a bit lower.   It s the same thing when you see two planes, one making a contrail, and one not they are just at different altitudes. Continue reading I was walking along this morning at around 10AM, when I noticed a huge semi circular contrail, somewhere to the south of LAX.  This is something I ve never seen before.  The weather was very well suited for contrails, and there were quite a few criss-crossing the sky. Then... Continue reading I find clouds fascinating.   If I see a lenticular cloud while driving I might nearly crash the car while straining for a better view.   I ve only seen mammatus clouds once in my life, and stopped to try to take a photo.  I m quite fascinated by contrails... Continue reading This is an excerpt from the 1944 film The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress . The full original film is public domain, and can be found here: The film shows contrail formation, including showing broken contrails. Make sure you listent to the audio, as... Continue reading Contrails are a common sight now, but prior to the advent of commercial jet travel in the late 50s, there was little reason for planes to fly high enough to form contrails.  However, during the Second World War, high altitude aerial dogfights over the UK were quite common.... Continue reading You occasionally see very pretty photos of contrails, like this one: Very pretty.  But what is it?  It s clearly not a regular exhaust contrail, as the trail seems to start actually ON the wing, and it has a weird rainbow effect you don t often find in exhaust contrails.... Continue reading The book Cloud Studies was published in 1905, over a hundred years ago.  It was written by Arthur W. Clayden, M.A., Former principal of University College, Exeter, UK. The book is available in PDF form since it s out of copyright: But the images are rather low quality,... Continue reading There are lots of photos of contrails from World War II. I ve collected a few of them here: The collection shows all types of contrail formation from the very short ones, to long persistent trails that spread out like cloud cover. Why so many photos of... Continue reading There s a great new series on the BBC in the UK: Britain From Above, that shows how various things look from a high perspective, using very interesting visualization techniques. One of the most interesting (for me) was an episode that showed all the air traffic in UK airspace... Continue reading   Contrails are long thin clouds of ice crystals that form behind planes that fly through freezing cold air. Usually, you see them behind jets at around 30,000 feet.  If the air they fly though has enough moisture in it already, then these contrail clouds can last for... Continue reading I m very interested in contrails, but when you look for information about them on the internet, half the sites that turn up are about a conspiracy theory which claims that any trail that last more than a few minutes is actually a chemtrail , comprised of dangerous chemicals, particularly... Continue reading This photo has the largest number of contrails I ve seen in a single photo: There seem to be at least 30, possibly more (click the photo for a larger verision).  What is even more remarkable is that it was taken sometime before 1967.  That s over forty years ago.... Continue reading Another bit of Chemtrail mythology was born with this YouTube video: This video has been seized upon by the Chemtrail community as evidence that chemtrails are real, and that the German government has admitted they are spraying chemtrails . Unfortunately the entire video is a very bad translation... Continue reading Q) How long do contrails last? A) According to all the books on clouds in the last 70 years, contrails last anywhere from less than a second, up to several hours. If depends on the atmospheric conditions at the altitude the plane is flying. It s unrelated to the... Continue reading I took this photo on December 16, 2007, at around noon. It s facing south from Los Angeles, California. It was a particularly good day for contrails. You can see about seven in this photo. There s also a nice contrail shadow, and a halo around the sun. I was... Continue reading Here s a contrail you don t see every day: the racetrack contrail (or, as I like to call this one, the paperclip contrail) This photo was taken near Portland, Oregon on December 11th, 2005, at around 11AM. So why would a plane be flying in this unusual pattern? Well,... Continue reading The Wright Brother s first achieved powered flight in 1903. They only got a few feet off the ground, so of course did not leave a contrail. However it was barely more than a decade before planes inched into colder air, and the first reports began. The earliest known... Continue reading It s been interesting weather here in Los Angeles, as a couple of storm systems have rolled through we ve had some days of nice looking clouds, and some days with lots of contrails. I snapped this one this morning: It shows a contrail from the lower left that then... Continue reading Either by day or a little after sunset, in fine weather, a little, light, long-drawn cloud is seen, like a long very straight line. Aristotle, Meteorologica, 340BC Not every long straight line in the sky is a contrail. Here Aristotle suggests it s a sort of wave-mark in... Continue reading Brief Summary: Samples of water were collected in August 2007, in Stamps Arkansas, by leaving some bowls outside for a month The resultant dirty water was tested by KSLA and was found to have the same amount of barium in it as most municipal tap water. The reporter... Continue reading Some people think that persistent spreading contrails are somehow unusual, and are actually something dangerous being deliberately sprayed on the US people by the government, or perhaps for weather control purposes. They call these persistent contrails chemtrails . Some of them are very insistent that this is a practically... Continue reading I ve talked about distrails and hole punch clouds before, but I ve actually never seen one myself until this morning, when I saw two side by side. It s quite rare to have this kind of weather condition in Los Angeles. I took a couple of photos at around 7:30AM... Continue reading There was an interesting post over on the New York SkyWatch blog, which raised many of the common questions that people have about various contrail anomalies. I ve attempted to answer all of the questions here: Question #1, why [do] jet contrails appear as if the jet engine is... Continue reading Contrails are clouds made from water vapor that condenses then freezes behind a plane engine. Since the engines are on constantly, it seems a bit odd when you see contrails with gaps in them, or even contrails that stop and start. If the engine is pumping out a... Continue reading People who think persistent contrails indicate some kind of conspiracy (which they call chemtrails ), sometimes point to the dark lines that sometimes accompany contrails. Since they can t immediately think of why these dark lines should be there, they assume it s part of the conspiracy. Either there is some... Continue reading How high are those contrails? That s a very important issue if you are investigating the science of contrail formation. I ve been thinking for a while that a good method might be to take photos at a plane at a known focal length on a digital camera, and then... Continue reading I ve collected together a few photos of persistent spreading contrails from the past from 1991 back to 1940, just to show that this is nothing new, and that skies exactly like those shown on the chemtrails conspiracy web sites have been happening for the past 60 years. Mostly... Continue reading Several planes look a little odd, or have attachments that look odd, and so some people feel they must be part of a decades long conspiracy to spray stuff into the atmosphere to alter the weather or reduce the population. That s obviously nonsense, but what are these strange... Continue reading I like these contrails from the movie Cars: They look a little odd at first, but if you look closely (click on the image to expand it) you can see they are actually tire tracks. Here s some more pics, from a site that thinks the government had these... Continue reading Some people believe that the government is spraying something into the air, and this creates unsual looking contrails. They call these chemtrails . Now, there is no real evidence that chemtrails are real, but there are several myths on the internet about chemtrails . All these myths can very easily... Continue reading What is a contrail made of? Mostly ice, since one of the primary exhaust emissions of a jet aircraft is water vapour, which freezes within a couple of seconds, and forms the visible part of the contrail. If the air is fairly humid, then the contrail can persist... Continue reading There are a lot of planes in the air, several thousand at any given time over the US. This animation shows all the tracked air traffic in the air at once. Each dot is a jet. Click on the image to see a 24 hour animation The animation... Continue reading Chemtrails are supposedly long lasting contrails that are being deliberately created by the government for some sinister purpose. In reality, these contrails just look like normal contrails. It s a fringe conspiracy theory that spread over the internet, mutating as it goes for survivability. But where did it begin?... Continue reading The opposite of a contrail is a distrail . When a jet flies through a high cloud then various factors to do with the passage of the jet are sufficient to trigger precipitation in the cloud, leaving holes or trails. The precipitation can spread outwards quite a distance. This is a... Continue reading Some people think that persistent contrails (high altitude aircraft vapor trails) are unusual, and are evidence of some secret government plot to modify the weather, or spread some population controlling drug or toxin. This is based on a misunderstanding of how contrails form, persist and spread. It is... Continue reading Some people believe that persistent contrails are actually evidence of a secret government spraying program called chemtrails , which was begun in the 1990s, for some purpose such as weather control, population control or more exotic purposes. A common claim made by those believers is that it is only... Continue reading Do contrails sometimes persist and spread out? Yes, see the Encyclopædia Britannica article on vapour trails (contrails): Contrail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear, cold, humid air. It forms upon condensation of the water vapour produced by the combustion of fuel in the... Continue reading

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