Beautiful emails, made easy

Use drag-and-drop to create emails in minutes. No coding or design skills needed.

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Forever FREE • No credit card required

Two options to fit your needs

Are you a freelance designer or email marketing specialist? Are you looking for an HTML template editor to create beautiful emails or an editor as such to integrate into your app?
We've got you covered.



Embed Plugin into your platform and save development time and costs. TOPOL no-code email template editor will allow creating email templates for your users.

More about TOPOL Plugin TOPOL Plugin Unlimited Pay one fixed price no matter how many users are using the Plugin. Get everything unlimited!
Take a look!



Best fit for teamwork. Create, save, edit, organize and collaborate with your teammates. Get unlimited access to predefined templates and an extensive library of free images to use.

More about TOPOL PRO

Advanced features

Re‑usable custom blocks

Save custom blocks from your templates, then drag-and-drop them later.

Personalize your emails

Use merge tags to personalize your emails with the subscriber’s first name and other dynamic info.

Promote your products

Drag & drop your online store products directly into your emails.

Custom HTML code

Enhance and customize your emails even more with your own HTML code.

Re‑usable custom blocks

Create and save custom design blocks from your templates, then drag & drop them later.

Looking for more than editor? Looking for more than editor?

Create & Send your templates with Ecomail

Ecomail is email and omnichannel marketing platform for effective communication with your customers.

Create email templates using integrated TOPOL editor, send emails, collect new contacts and create automations.

With Ecomail, you can do this simply and automatically. Check out Ecomail Start 30 day free trial

150+ beautiful, easy‑to‑use templates

Use our responsive templates to create professional‑looking emails in minutes, no coding skills required.

Browse template gallery Begin now for free Begin now for free Browse template gallery